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The field of androgen deposition in avian eggs and its consequencesfor offspring development has received a lot of attention inrecent research. However, although variation within clutchesin yolk androgens is relatively well understood, the adaptivesignificance of patterns of variation between clutches remainsrather unclear. Furthermore, it has been hypothesized that yolkandrogens act as a means of an adaptive maternal effect to adjustoffspring to a given posthatching environment. Thus, the consequencesof maternal yolk androgens for offspring development are likelyto depend on the specific environment of a given brood. We experimentallymanipulated yolk androgen concentrations in spotless starlingeggs, using a between-brood design in which full broods weremanipulated applying either an androgen or sham treatment, inorder to test the effects of between-brood variation in yolkandrogen levels. We also included in the analysis several femalecharacters that have been shown to affect androgen deposition.Androgen-chicks tended to gain more mass, a similar effect tothat shown in previous studies where direct competition betweenchicks belonging to different treatments was allowed, but didnot gain a survival benefit. Androgen-chicks had wider beakflanges, an effect that has not been described previously andcould play an important role in food acquisition. In addition,androgen-chicks had higher endogenous plasma levels of androgens,which could induce higher begging intensity. We hypothesizethat these effects are an important mechanistic link for ourunderstanding of how yolk androgens exert their effects on offspringdevelopment after hatching. Contrary to our predictions, wefound no evidence that the observed effects depended on theenvironment under which it was investigated. Because high yolkandrogen levels seem to be beneficial for nestlings in thisspecies, we hypothesize that yolk hormone deposition could becostly for females or alternatively that potential negativeeffects later in adulthood may constrain maternal hormone allocation.  相似文献   

Avian eggs contain maternal androgens that may adjust offspringdevelopment to environmental conditions. We review evidenceand functional explanations for the relationship between androgenconcentrations in avian eggs and male attractiveness. Experimentalstudies in captive birds show generally positive relationships,but results from correlational and experimental field studiesare less consistent, perhaps because they lack a within-femaledesign to control for confounding between-female variation.We analyzed the effect of male attractiveness on yolk levelsof maternal androgens in a wild bird, using a correlationaland experimental approach with a within-female design. We manipulatedthe sexually selected UV coloration of the crown feathers ofmale blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) after their female hadlaid the second egg and measured the subsequent effect on androgenconcentrations (testosterone and androstenedione) in the fifth,seventh, and ninth eggs relative to that in the second egg.Levels of testosterone, but not androstenedione, in eggs 5 and7 were higher for control (attractive) than for UV-reduced (unattractive)males. This effect disappeared in the ninth egg, coincidingwith the recovery of UV coloration after manipulation. Thissuggests that females are capable of rapid adjustments of testosteronedeposition in response to changes in their mate's ornamentalplumage. However, androgen concentrations in the second eggand pretreatment male crown coloration were not correlated.Possibly, the combination of relatively small variation in UVcoloration before treatment and the influence of unknown confoundingvariables in the correlative approach resulted in insufficientstatistical power to detect such a correlation.  相似文献   

In oviparous vertebrates, maternal steroid allocation to eggs can have important fitness consequences for the offspring. However, elevated testosterone levels are not only associated with beneficial postnatal effects, such as enhanced growth and high social status, but may also entail costs by suppressing the immune system. In this study, testosterone levels in eggs of Chinese painted quail (Coturnix chinensis) were experimentally manipulated to evaluate its effects on growth and immunocompetence. Testosterone did not affect embryonic development, body size or growth during the first 20 days. However, elevated testosterone levels during embryonic development were immunosuppressive for chicks with inherently higher growth rate. Adaptive scenarios where only beneficial effects of increased testosterone levels are considered may therefore need to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

Although it is well documented that testosterone (T) is an important mediator in the regulation of behaviour in male vertebrates, its functional significance in females is less understood. Experimentally increased T in adult female birds has been found to have both advantageous and detrimental effects on behaviour and fitness. In addition, T may also mediate maternal effects when it is deposited into the egg yolk, and variations in androgen concentration between eggs contribute to differences in offspring phenotype and fitness. In this study we examined the effects of experimentally elevated female T on reproductive success and yolk androgen deposition in the spotless starling. The administration of exogenous T in female spotless starlings before egg laying caused negative effects on reproductive performance: when compared to control females T-females laid fewer eggs and raised fewer chicks. We also found an effect of elevated female T on yolk androgen deposition: T-females laid eggs with greater amounts of yolk T than control females, whereas yolk androstenedione levels were not affected. Although some of these effects likely involved a direct interference of female T with female reproductive function, some of them could be due to effects operating in eggs through maladaptive high T levels.  相似文献   

Female birds may adjust their offspring phenotype to the specific requirements of the environment by differential allocation of physiologically active substances into yolks, such as androgens. Yolk androgens have been shown to accelerate embryonic development, growth rate and competitive ability of nestlings, but they can also entail immunological costs. The balance between costs and benefits of androgen allocation is expected to depend on nestling environment. We tested this hypothesis in a multibrooded passerine, the spotless starling, Sturnus unicolor. We experimentally manipulated yolk androgen levels using a between‐brood design and evaluated its effects on nestling development, survival and immune function. Both in first and replacement broods, the embryonic development period was shorter for androgen‐treated chicks than controls, but there were no differences in second broods. In replacement broods, androgen‐treated chicks were heavier and larger than those hatched from control eggs, but this effect was not observed in the other breeding attempts. Androgen exposure reduced survival with respect to controls only in second broods. Regarding immune function, we detected nonsignificant trends for androgen treatment to activate two important components of innate and adaptive immunity (IL‐6 and Ig‐A levels, respectively). Similarly, androgen‐treated chicks showed greater lymphocyte proliferation than controls in the first brood and an opposite trend in the second brood. Our results indicate that yolk androgen effects on nestling development and immunity depend on the environmental conditions of each breeding attempt. Variation in maternal androgen allocation to eggs could be explained as the result of context‐dependent optimal strategies to maximize offspring fitness.  相似文献   

How much effort to expend in any one bout of reproduction is among the most important decisions made by an individual that breeds more than once. According to life-history theory, reproduction is costly, and individuals that invest too much in a given reproductive bout pay with reduced reproductive output in the future. Likewise, investing too little does not maximize reproductive potential. Because reproductive effort relative to output can vary with predictable and unpredictable challenges and opportunities, no single level of reproductive effort maximizes fitness. This leads to the prediction that individuals possessing behavioural mechanisms to buffer challenges and take advantage of opportunities would incur fitness benefits. Here, we review evidence in birds, primarily of altricial species, for the presence of at least two such mechanisms and evidence for and against the seasonal coordination of these mechanisms through seasonal changes in plasma concentrations of the pituitary hormone prolactin. First, the seasonal decline in clutch size of most bird species may partially offset a predictable seasonal decline in the reproductive value of offspring. Second, establishing a developmental sibling-hierarchy among offspring may hedge against unpredictable changes in resource availability and offspring viability or quality, and minimize energy expenditure in raising a brood. The hierarchy may be a product, in part, of the timing of incubation onset relative to clutch completion and the rate of yolk androgen deposition during the laying cycle. Because clutch size should influence the effects of both these traits on the developmental hierarchy, we predicted and describe evidence in some species that females adjust the timing of incubation onset and rate of yolk androgen deposition to match clutch size. Studies on domesticated precocial species reveal an inhibitory effect of the pituitary hormone prolactin on egg laying, suggesting a possible hormonal basis for the regulation of clutch size. Studies on the American kestrel (Falco sparverius) and other species suggest that the seasonal increase in plasma concentrations of prolactin may regulate both a seasonal advance in the timing of incubation onset and a seasonal increase in the rate of yolk androgen deposition. These observations, together with strong conceptual arguments published previously, raise the possibility that a single hormone, prolactin, functions as the basis of a common mechanism for the seasonal adjustment of reproductive effort. However, a role for prolactin in regulating clutch size in any species is not firmly established, and evidence from some species indicates that clutch size may not be coupled to the timing of incubation onset and rate of yolk androgen deposition. A dissociation between the regulation of clutch size and the regulation of incubation onset and yolk androgen deposition may enable an independent response to the predictable and unpredictable challenges and opportunities faced during reproduction.  相似文献   

The allocation of resources to young that will ultimately beleft to die appears counterintuitive. Yet obligate brood reductionhas evolved in a number of species, despite the waste of reproductiveinvestment this may incur. Here we test whether brood parasitismcould be one factor leading to the evolution of obligate broodreduction because surplus eggs in the nest during incubationoffer some protection from the costs of parasitism. Surpluseggs could benefit females in two ways. First, additional eggsmay protect against the direct costs of parasitism by facilitatingrecognition and removal of parasitic eggs with greater accuracy.Second, additional eggs may protect against the indirect costsof parasitism as parasites often damage or remove host eggswhen entering the host nest; surplus eggs may be an essentialinsurance strategy against this damage. We test these possibilitiesin the Montezuma Oropendola (Psarocolius Montezuma), a speciesexperiencing high levels of parasitism by Giant Cowbirds (Scaphiduraoryzivora) throughout their range. Overall rejection rates ofcowbird eggs were high (72%), and experimental addition of parasiticeggs to empty, one-, and two-egg nests demonstrated that recognitionsuccess was unaffected by the presence of additional host eggsfor comparison. However, the value of surplus eggs when oneegg was removed or damaged by a parasite was high; 31.6% ofsuccessful two-egg clutches lost a single egg during incubationand would have failed to produce a chick without a second egg.This was directly attributable to parasitism in at least 33%of all cases. Therefore, despite highly developed host defensesagainst direct costs of parasitism (recognition and removalof parasitic eggs), the associated indirect costs (egg damageand removal) could play an important role in selection for aclutch size that results in more chicks than can be raised.  相似文献   

Trans-generational antibody transfer constitutes an important mechanism by which mothers may enhance offspring resistance to pathogens. Thus, differential antibody deposition may potentially allow a female to differentiate offspring performance. Here, we examined whether maternal immunization with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) prior to egg laying affects sex-specific yolk antibody transfer and sex-specific offspring performance in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). We showed that immunized mothers deposit anti-SRBC antibodies into the eggs depending on embryo sex and laying order, and that maternal exposure to SRBC positively affects the body size of female, but not male offspring. This is the first study reporting sex-specific consequences of maternal immunization on offspring performance, and suggests that antibody transfer may constitute an adaptive mechanism of maternal favouritism.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that organisms living in heterogeneous environmentswill exhibit phenotypic plasticity. One trait that may be particularlyimportant in this context is the clutch or brood size becauseit is simultaneously a maternal and offspring characteristic.In this paper, I test the hypothesis that the burying beetle,Nicrophorus orbicollis, adjusts brood size, in part, in anticipationof the reproductive environment of its adult offspring. N. orbicollisuse a small vertebrate carcass as a food resource for theiryoung. Both parents provide parental care and actively regulatebrood size through filial cannibalism. The result is a positivecorrelation between brood size and carcass size. Adult bodysize is an important determinant of reproductive success forboth sexes, but only at higher population densities. I testthree predictions generated by the hypothesis that beetles adjustbrood size in response to population density. First, averageadult body size should vary positively with population density.Second, brood size on a given-sized carcass should be larger(producing more but smaller young) in low-density populationsthan in high-density populations. Third, females should respondadaptively to changes in local population density by producinglarger broods when population density is low and small broodswhen population density is high. All three predictions weresupported using a combination of field and laboratory experiments.These results (1) show that brood size is a phenotypically plastictrait and (2) support the idea that brood size decisions arean intergenerational phenomenon that varies with the anticipatedcompetitive environment of the offspring.  相似文献   

Understanding the trade-off between current reproductive effort, future survival and future breeding attempts is crucial for demographic analyses and life history studies. We investigated this trade-off in a population of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) marked individually with transponders using multistate capture-recapture models. This colonial seabird species has a low annual proportion of non-breeders (13%), despite a breeding cycle which lasts over 1 year. To draw inferences about the consequences of non-breeding, we tested for an effect of reproductive activity on survival and on the probability of subsequent breeding. We found that birds non-breeding in year t show the same survival rate as breeders (two-states analysis: breeding and non-breeding). However, breeders had a lower probability of breeding again the following year. This negative phenotypic correlation suggests the existence of reproductive costs affecting future breeding probability, but it might also be strengthened by late arrival for courtship in year t. A three-state analysis including breeding success revealed that failed breeders in year t have a lower probability to reproduce successfully in year t + 1 than non-breeders in year t, providing some evidence for the existence of reproductive costs. Moreover, successful breeders showed higher survival probability. This positive phenotypic correlation between current reproduction and subsequent survival supports the hypothesis of an heterogeneity in individual quality. Males breeding in year t had a lower probability to breed again in year t + 1 than females, suggesting higher reproductive costs for this sex. Such additional costs might be due to higher male parental investment in the final phase of chick-rearing, which also delays the arrival of males in year t + 1, and decreases their breeding probability. Our study is the first to explore the breeding biology and the demography of penguins without the disturbance of flipper-bands.  相似文献   

Maternal and environmental factors are important sources of phenotypic variation because both factors influence offspring traits in ways that impact offspring and maternal fitness. The present study explored the effects of maternal factors (maternal body size, egg size, yolk‐steroid allocation, and oviposition‐site choice) and seasonally‐variable environmental factors on offspring phenotypes and sex ratios in a multi‐clutching lizard with environmental sex determination (Amphibolurus muricatus). Maternal identity had strong effects on offspring morphology, but the nature of maternal effects differed among successive clutches produced by females throughout the reproductive season (i.e. maternal identity by environment interactions). The among‐female and among‐clutch variation in offspring traits (including sex ratios) was not mediated through maternal body size, egg size, or variation in yolk steroid hormones. This lack of nongenetic maternal effects suggests that phenotypic variation may be generated by gene by environment interactions. These results demonstrate a significant genetic component to variation in offspring phenotypes, including sex ratios, even in species with environmental sex determination. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 256–266.  相似文献   

In oviparous species like birds, eggs provide the direct environment in which embryos are developing. Mothers may adjust different egg components in different ways in reaction to environmental cues either to adjust offspring development or because of constraints. In this study, we investigated the effects of food quality and quantity before and during egg laying on three different aspects of egg quality: macro‐nutrients (egg and yolk mass), androgens (testosterone and androstenedione), and thyroid hormones (3,5,3′‐triiodothyronine, T3 and l ‐thyroxine, T4), using the rock pigeon (Columba livia). As expected, egg and yolk mass were significantly reduced for the eggs laid under the poor‐food condition, indicating a maternal trade‐off between offspring and self in allocating important resources. We did not find any significant change in yolk testosterone or their within‐clutch pattern over the laying sequence. This is consistent with the fact that, in contrast with nutrients, these hormones are not costly to produce, but does not support the hypothesis that they play a role in adjusting brood size to food conditions. In contrast, we found that T3 levels were higher in the egg yolks under the poor‐food condition whereas the total T4 content was lower. This change could be related to the fact that iodine, the critical constituent of thyroid hormones, might be a limiting factor in the production of this hormone. Given the knowledge that food restriction usually lead to reduction of circulating T3 levels, our results suggested that avian mothers can independently regulate its concentrations in their eggs from their own circulation. The study demonstrates that environmentally induced maternal effects via the egg can be a result of a combination of constrained resources and unconstrained signals and that thyroid hormones might be an interesting case of both. Therefore, this hormone and the interplay of different maternal effects on the offspring phenotype deserve much more attention.  相似文献   

Offspring from matings between near neighbors may exhibit lower fitness relative to offspring from more distant matings due to spatial structuring of populations resulting from limited dispersal of pollen and seed. This response, which can be interpreted as inbreeding depression, is studied in the rare species, Eupatorium resinosum, and a closely related congener, E. perfoliatum, through the use of hand pollinations representing three distance classes (near-within a population, far-within a population, and between populations) and an assay of the offspring in an experimental plot. Early traits such as seed mass and first-year stem length were not significantly affected by the cross type, although they were affected by maternal parentage. Size and reproduction in the second field season increased with increased pollen donor distance from the maternal plant. Cross type was significant for many traits in the second field season, indicating inbreeding depression in crosses of neighbors (for E. resinosum) and hybrid vigor between populations (both species). This suggests that the rare species, E. resinosum, had a more spatially structured population than E. perfoliatum. The implications of these results for conservation of rare species indicate that protection of habitats sufficient for large populations is necessary to maintain genetic diversity since each population likely consists of many smaller subpopulations.  相似文献   

Changes in adult body mass during breeding can reveal how parents prepare energetically for care, the stress of care, and the need to terminate care in a state conducive for future reproduction. Interpreting changes in parent mass can be difficult, however, because temporal variation in body mass may reflect a constraint imposed by the stress of care, revealing conflict within the family, or a shift to a new body mass optimum adaptive for a different stage of the breeding cycle. Here, we examined the effect of food deprivation and parenting on variation in female body mass of Nicrophorus orbicollis, an insect in which parents and offspring share a common food resource (a prepared carrion ball). Female parents demonstrated a remarkable degree of regulation of body mass: Despite varied periods of food deprivation (0–8 d) prior to discovery of a carcass, females attained a similar body mass (108.3–109.2% of pre‐deprivation mass) at the time of larval hatching. Females attained a greater body mass in anticipation of rearing a greater number of young. Mothers lost mass during active parental care, and mass at the end of caregiving was less in mothers that reared more and heavier young. Body mass at the end of care was less than the preferred mass for females searching for a carcass, indicating that the mothers sacrificed self‐maintenance and future reproductive potential for their current brood. Contrary to prediction, pre‐breeding food deprivation had no effect on offspring size or on female condition at the end of care. We conclude that there is a limited degree of conflict over the sharing of food among N. orbicollis parents and offspring, but that this conflict is not exacerbated by food deprivation prior to breeding.  相似文献   

Prescribed fire is an important management tool for reducing the dominance of non‐native species in annual grasslands; both annual and perennial native species show strong vegetative responses in the subsequent growing season. However, although the post‐fire contribution of native species to the seed bank is assumed to be larger than in pretreatment years, the effects on seed quality, particularly viability and longevity, are not well understood. In this study, I germinated Nassella pulchra (purple needlegrass) seed that had been stored for 10 years after collection from target plants receiving treatment combinations of summer burning and grazing by sheep. Seeds from burned plants were larger and had higher germinability than seed from unburned plants. Seeds from plants that were both burned and grazed had the highest germination. The strong relationship between long‐term viability and seed size suggests greater maternal provisioning and increased seed quality subsequent to burning and grazing. I conclude that managing for seed quality may be a useful approach for conservation of native species in California's critically endangered grassland habitats.  相似文献   

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