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Two new species of oribatid mites of the genus Pergalumna (Oribatida, Galumnidae), P. elongatiporosa sp. n. and P. striatiprodorsum sp. n., are described from leaf litter of a secondary forest in Costa Rica. Pergalumna elongatiporosa sp. n. is most similar morphologically to P. horvathorum P. Balogh, 1997 and P. sura P. Balogh, 1997, however, it differs from both by the body size, body surface ornamentation and morphology of notogastral porose areas A1 and A3. Pergalumna striatiprodorsum sp. n. is most similar morphologically to P. hawaiiensis hawaiiensis (Jacot, 1934) and P. strigulata Mahunka, 1978, however, it differs from P. hawaiiensis by the length of interlamellar setae and surface ornamentation of the prodorsum; from P. strigulata by the surface of ornamentation of the notogaster, length of interlamellar setae and morphology of bothridial setae. An identification key to known species of Pergalumna from the Neotropical region is given.  相似文献   

The semi-aquatic freshwater earthworm genus Glyphidrilus Horst, 1889 from Thailand was investigated based on extensive recent collecting. The species in this genus were characterized by their external and internal morphological characters of the location of wings, genital openings, genital organ structures and their locations, as well as the dimensions of body length and number of segments. Several type specimens were compared with both previous and newly collected materials. Ten new species are described from several river systems in Thailand; as Glyphidrilus borealis sp. n., Glyphidrilus chaophraya sp. n., Glyphidrilus chiensis sp. n., Glyphidrilus huailuangensis sp. n., Glyphidrilus kratuensis sp. n., Glyphidrilus quadratus sp. n., Glyphidrilus trangensis sp. n., Glyphidrilus wararamensis sp. n., Glyphidrilus vangthongensis sp. n. and Glyphidrilus vesper sp. n. Each species is endemic to a single river system. All 26 previously described species are re-described, and eight lectotypes have been designated. An identification key and a morphological comparison summary are provided.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne camelliae n.sp. on camellia (Camellia japonica) from Japan and M. querciana n.sp. on pin oak (Quercus palustris) from Virginia, USA, are described and illustrated. M. camelliae n.sp. is distingnishable from other species of the genus especially by its striking perineal pattern having heavy ropelike striae forming a squarish to rectangular outline with shoulders or projections, appearing sometimes ahnost starlike. M. querciana differs from other species by its characteristic perineal pattern round to oval in outline, sometimes with a low arch, and sunken vulva surrounded by a prominent obovate area devoid of striae. M. querciana shows some relationship to M. ovalis, but differs further fxom the latter by longer larvae, absence of annules on head of larvae, and rarity of males. Examination of specimens of M. camelliae n.sp. and M. querciana n.sp. with the scanning electron microscope confirmed observations made by optical microscopy and revealed diagnostic and other structures in greater detail. In greenhouse host tests, M. camelliae infected camellia heavily, showed moderate infection on oxalis, only a trace infection on tomato, and no infection on five other plants tested; and M. querciana attacked pin oak, red oak, and American chestnut heavily, but did not infect nine other test plants. In another test, pin oak seedlings did not become infected when heavily inoculated with and grown in the presence of two populations of M. incognita incognita and one of M. incognita acrita. The common names "camellia root-knot nematode" and "oak root-knot nematode" are respectively proposed for M. camelliae and M. querciana.  相似文献   

Chitwoodius brasiliensis n.sp. is described from soil around plant roots in Vicosa, MG State, Brazil. It has a body 1.9 mm (1.6-2.5) long, odontostyle and odontophore 33 μm (31-37) and 34 μm (31-36) long, respectively, and males with spicules 59-61 μm long. Chitwoodius rusticulus n.sp. from Colombian rain forest differs from other species of the genus in having a weakly muscular anterior part of the oesophagus, a pore-like vulva, and an unsclerotized vagina. Vanderlindia venata n.sp. from lucerne soil in South Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, differs from the type and only other known species of its genus in having a smaller and less slender body (L = 3.34 mm [3.15-3.71], a = 50 [46-53]), odontostyle 2.3-2.5 times lip region width long, and stylet guiding ring located at 1.2-1.4 times lip region width from anterior end.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Polycopetta Chavtur, 1981, Polycopetta quadrispinata sp. n. is described from the interstitial environment of Mihomasaki Beach in Japan. These observations showed some morphological peculiarities of Polycopetta quadrispinata sp. n. compared with its congeners; Polycopetta monneroni Chavtur, 1979, Polycopetta curva Chavtur, 1979, Polycopetta bransfieldensis (Hartmann, 1987), and Polycopetta pax Kornicker and Harrison-Nelson, 2005. Three characteristics are described for the first time: (1) a seta with serrated tip on the male antennula, (2) the endopodite of the fifth limb consisting of two podomeres, (3) the long spermatozoa in the male posterior body. More detailed observations of the type species are needed in order to update the generic diagnosis.  相似文献   

The free-living nematodes Eumonhystera borealis n. sp., Sphaerolaimus occidentalis n. sp., and S. gracilis de Man 1876 from Bothnian Bay in the northern Baltic Sea are described and illustrated. Eumonhystera borealis n. sp. differs from other species by its small body size (314-393 μm), narrow body (a = 37-49), and large anterior amphids. In Sphaerolaimus occidentalis n. sp. the amphids are posterior to the buccal cavity, and it differs from other similar species by having two sclerotized rings in the posterior part of the buccal cavity. An intersex is reported for S. gracilis. Sphaerolaimus gracilis is cannibalistic or a predator of other species, with a preference for E. borealis n. sp. Sphaerolaimus occidentalis n. sp. coexists with S. gracilis at depths of 80 m but not at 12 m.  相似文献   

Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis sp. n., is described from Henan Province, the eastern-central part of China. This species is separated from its allied species by a combination of the following morphological characters: head broad in female, inner hind tibial spur of female with 7–8 slender teeth, T1 basolaterally with appressed hair tuft in both sexes, and genitalia with long and large lower gonostylus in male. Important taxonomic characters are illustrated with photographs, scanning electron micrographs, and line drawings.  相似文献   

Bakernema dauniense n. sp., a bisexual species from the rhizosphere of Pinus halepensis Mill. in Italy, is described and illustrated. Primary differentiating characteristics of the female are body annules bearing short, membranous projections 1.4-2.2 μm long, an anterior vulval lip slightly overlapping the posterior, and a linearly arcuate vagina. The juvenile differs markedly from adults by having annules with a beaded margin, which lack membranous projections. Generic and specific relationships of B. dauniense n. sp. are discussed. This occurrence is the first for a species of Bakernema in Europe.  相似文献   

Three new Longidorus species, L. alaskaensis n. sp., L. paralaskaensis n. sp., and L. bernardi n. sp., are described from specimens collected near Fairbanks, Alaska. Longidorus alaskaensis differs from all species of Longidorus by the presence of a caecum-like structure situated at the reflex of the oviduct. Longidorus paralaskaensis most closely resembles L. alaskaensis n. sp., L. crassus Thorne, L. picenus Roca, Lamberti &Agostinelli, and L. silvae Roca, differing from the last three of these species by having a parallel vs. a tapered lip region, and from all four by having a more narrowly rounded tail tip. Longidorus paralaskaensis differs from L. alaskaensis by having a longer odontostyle (119-128 vs. 110-118 μm) and by lacking the caecum-like structure found at the reflex of the oviduct. Longidorus bernardi n. sp. most closely resembles L. mirus Khan, Chawla &Seshadri, from which it differs by having a longer tail with a more acutely rounded tip, a longer body length (3.5-4.6 vs. 3.0-3.6 μm), and a larger c'' value (1.6-1.8 vs. 1.3-1.6). Longidorus bernardi differs from L. sylphus Thorne, L. africanus Merny, L. auratus Jacobs &Heyns, and L. conicaudatus Khan by having a slightly expanded lip region vs. a lip region with parallel body walls and a more finely rounded tail tip.  相似文献   

Two new species of plant parasitic nematodes (Tylenchorhynchus quaidi n. sp. and T. tritici n. sp.) from Pakistan are described and illustrated. Tylenchorhynchus quaidi n. sp., from soil around roots of potato (Solanum tuberosum) from an experimental field of NNRC, Karachi, Pakistan, is distinguishable from other species by its peculiar sunken dome-shaped head. Although similar to T. goffarti, it differs by head shape, areolation of lateral field, ratios a (23-28 vs. 29-37) and c (11-14 vs. 13-20), and a vagina that is half sclerotized and half unsclerotized. Tylenchorhynchus tritici n. sp., from soil around roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum) from Campbellpur, Pakistan, is similar to T. ventrosignatus and T. nordiensis. It differs from T. ventrosignatus by a continuous lip region, number of head annules (2-3 vs. 4), coarse body annulation, absence of a wave-like structure near the vulva, and by tail shape and number of tail annules (15-23 vs. 28-32). It differs from T. nordiensis by stylet length (12.4-14.6 vs. 11-13 μm), shape of stylet knobs, number of head annules (2-3 vs. 4), non-areolated lateral field in region of phasmids, and not fusing in posterior third of tail. Morphometrics of Tylenchorhynchus claytoni from soil around stunted maize (Zea mays L.), in Muscatine County, Iowa, and several other populations are given. Detailed morphometric data on T. claytoni based on topotypes collected from type locality and several other populations revealed that this species shows variations in the shape of tail in females, number of tail annules (and sometimes annules extending further back on the terminus, almost being an annulated terminus), position of phasmid, and shape of lip region. The subgenus Bitylenchus is proposed as a new synonym of Tylenchorhynchus and its species referred to the latter genus.  相似文献   

Heterodera raskii n. sp. is described and illustrated from specimens collected from roots of bulb grass, Cyperus bulbosus, in Hyderabad, India. The new species belongs to the ''goettingiana'' group and differs from closely related H. cyperi by the elongate ovoid shaped cysts and females, greater fenestral length, width, vulval slit, and absence of egg sac. The stylet knob shape was round in second-stage juveniles and posteriorly sloping in females and males of H. raskii n. sp., while it was anteriorly directed in second-stage juveniles and spherical in females and males of H. cyperi.  相似文献   

A new species of Hirschmanniella was found in bulrush roots; LM and SEM morphological studies revealed that it is distinct from other species in the genus. Therefore, it is designated Hirschmanniella pomponiensis n. sp. Six lips are fused to form a hexagonal labial plate, six inner sensilla encircle the stoma opening, and four cephalic sensilla open in the corners of subdorsal and subventral lips. Cephalic lip region consists of six or seven annuli. The female has incomplete areolation in the lateral field, the intestine overlaps the rectum, the tail tip is pointed and without annulation.  相似文献   

The cryptic ground-dwelling castianeirine genus Copa Simon, 1885 (Araneae: Corinnidae) is revised in the continental Afrotropical Region. The type species of the genus, Copa flavoplumosa Simon, 1885, is redescribed and considered a senior synonym of Copa benina Strand, 1916 syn. n. and Copa benina nigra Lessert, 1933 syn. n. It is widespread throughout the Afrotropical Region but has not been introduced to any of the associated regional islands. A new species, Copa kei sp. n., is described from South Africa. Copa agelenina Simon, 1910, originally described from a subadult female from southern Botswana, is considered a nomen dubium. Copa flavoplumosa is a characteristic species of leaf litter spider assemblages and is particularly prevalent in savanna habitats on the continent, but also occurs in various forest types, grasslands, fynbos and semi-arid Nama Karoo habitats. In contrast, Copa kei sp. n. has only been recorded from Afromontane and coastal forests in south-eastern South Africa.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne grahami n. sp. is described and illustrated from specimens on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) originally from Florence, South Carolina. Considered for several years to be only a race of M. ineognita, this new species readily attacks NC-95 tobacco, a variety with resistance to the M. incognita group that is common in the major U.S. tobacco-producing areas. M. grahami n. sp. is related most closely to the three subspecies of the M. incognita group but differs from all of them, especially in its distinctive perineal pattern and larger larvae (av. 421 μm, vs. 385 μm or less). Also, the dorsal esophageal gland orifice of females of M. grahami n. sp. is further from the base of the styler (5 μm) than in M. i. incognita and M. i. acrita. Comments are given on the distribution of this new species.  相似文献   

A new species of the centipede genus Newportia, Newportia stoevi sp. n., is described from Rio Encantado Cave, Puerto Rico. It differs from all congeners by having sternites distinctly margined laterally and ultimate legs bearing 4 spinous processes on both prefemur and femur, and 2 on tibia. The value of some terms used in the taxonomy of the genus have been analyzed and an amended identification key to the species of Newportia is provided.  相似文献   

Unixenus carnarvonensis sp. n., Unixenus corringlensis sp. n., Unixenus barrabaensis sp. n. and Unixenus myallensis sp. n. are described from Australia. A revised diagnosis of Unixenus karajinensis and new details on the distribution of the species are given. A key is presented to 10 of all 11 currently known species of the genus.  相似文献   

Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. from Bothnian Bay, northern Baltic Sea, is described and illustrated. Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. has a strongly sclerotized luminal lining of the terminal esophageal bulb and esophagus. The most characteristic feature is a lateral series of large concentric, sclerotized rings with a fine, internal longitudinal oval sclerotization. In addition, E. hailuotoensis n. sp. is distinguished from other Ethmolaimus species by its smaller body size, fewer number of precloacal supplements (7-8), conical tail, and the position of amphid posterior to the buccal cavity. Females of E. hailuotoensis n. sp. studied were hermaphroditic. Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis n. sp. coexisted with E. pratensis. Ethmolaimus pratensis from Bothnian Bay has a characteristic row of sublateral hypodermal glands, a character not before seen in Ethmolaimidae.  相似文献   

Seven new species of the genus Lobrathium Mulsant & Rey from China are described and illustrated: Lobrathium anatinum Li & Li, sp. n. (Guangxi), Lobrathium diaoluoense Li & Li, sp. n. (Hainan), Lobrathium dufui Li & Li, sp. n. (Hubei), Lobrathium lirunyui Li & Li, sp. n. (Guizhou), Lobrathium pengi Li & Li, sp. n. (Guangxi), Lobrathium quyuani Li & Li, sp. n. (Hubei) and Lobrathium uncinatum Li & Li, sp. n. (Qinghai). A recent key to the species of mainland China is modified to accommodate the new species. New locality data are provided for eleven species.  相似文献   

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