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To investigate potential mechanisms for sex differences in the physiologic response to androgens, the present study compared the hormonal regulation of intracellular androgen receptor partitioning and the distribution of androgen receptor immunoreactivity in select brain regions from male and female hamsters. Androgen receptors were visualized on coronal brain sections. Two weeks after castration, androgen receptor immunoreactivity filled the neuronal nuclei and cytoplasm in males and females. In gonad‐intact males and females, androgen receptor immunoreactivity was limited to the cell nucleus. Whereas exogenous dihydrotestosterone prevented cytoplasmic immunoreactivity, estrogen at physiologic levels did not. These results suggest that nuclear androgen receptor immunoreactivity in gonad‐intact females is maintained by endogenous androgens, and that androgens have the potential to influence neuronal activity in either sex. However, sex differences in the number and staining intensity of androgen‐responsive neurons were apparent in select brain regions. In the ventral premammillary nucleus, ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, and medial amygdaloid nucleus, androgen receptor staining was similar in gonadectomized males and females. In the lateral septum, posteromedial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNSTpm), and medial preoptic nucleus, the number of androgen receptor–immunoreactive neurons was significantly lower in females (p < .05). Moreover, the integrated optical density/cell in BNSTpm was significantly less in females (1.28 ± 0.3 units) than in males (2.21 ± 0.2 units; p < .05). These sex differences in the number and staining intensity of androgen‐responsive neurons may contribute to sex differences in the behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to androgens. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 39: 359–370, 1999  相似文献   

Investigations of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of physiology and behaviour have generally avoided attempts to explain individual differences. The goal has rather been to discover general processes. However, understanding the causes of individual variation in many phenomena of interest to avian eco-physiologists will require a consideration of such mechanisms. For example, in birds, changes in plasma concentrations of steroid hormones are important in the activation of social behaviours related to reproduction and aggression. Attempts to explain individual variation in these behaviours as a function of variation in plasma hormone concentrations have generally failed. Cellular variables related to the effectiveness of steroid hormone have been useful in some cases. Steroid hormone target sensitivity can be affected by variables such as metabolizing enzyme activity, hormone receptor expression as well as receptor cofactor expression. At present, no general theory has emerged that might provide a clear guidance when trying to explain individual variability in birds or in any other group of vertebrates. One strategy is to learn from studies of large units of intraspecific variation such as population or sex differences to provide ideas about variables that might be important in explaining individual variation. This approach along with the use of newly developed molecular genetic tools represents a promising avenue for avian eco-physiologists to pursue.  相似文献   

Oestrogen is important for the development of neuroendocrine centres and other neural networks including limbic and motor systems. Later in adulthood, oestrogen regulates the functional performance of different neural systems and is presumably implicated in the modulation of cognitive efficiency. Although still a matter of controversial discussion, clinical and experimental studies point at a potential neuroprotective role of oestrogen. Concerning the concept of cellular oestrogen action, it is undisputed that it comprises the binding and activation of nuclear receptors. The last decades have, however, immensely broadened the spectrum of steroid signalling within a cell. Novel steroid-activated intracellular signalling mechanisms were described which are usually termed 'non-classical' or 'non-genomic'. The brain appears to be a rich source of this new mode of oestrogen action. Studies from the past years have pinpointed non-classical oestrogen effects in many CNS regions. All available data support the view that non-classical oestrogen action requires interactions with putative membrane binding sites/receptors. In this article, we aim at compiling the most recent findings on the nature and identity of membrane oestrogen receptors with respect to the brain. We also attempt to turn readers attention to the coupling of these 'novel' receptors to distinct intracellular signalling pathways.  相似文献   

Female–female aggression often functions in competition over reproductive or social benefits, but the proximate mechanisms of this apparently adaptive behaviour are not well understood. The sex steroid hormone testosterone (T) and its metabolites are well-established mediators of male–male aggression, and several lines of evidence suggest that T-mediated mechanisms may apply to females as well. However, a key question is whether mechanisms of female aggression primarily reflect correlated evolutionary responses to selection acting on males, or whether direct selection acting on females has made modifications to these mechanisms that are adaptive in light of female life history. Here, I examine the degree to which female aggression is mediated at the level of T production, target tissue sensitivity to T, or downstream genomic responses in order to test the hypothesis that selection favours mechanisms that facilitate female aggression while minimizing the costs of systemically elevated T. I draw heavily from avian systems, including the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), as well as other organisms in which these mechanisms have been well studied from an evolutionary/ecological perspective in both sexes. Findings reveal that the sexes share many behavioural and hormonal mechanisms, though several patterns also suggest sex-specific adaptation. I argue that greater attention to multiple levels of analysis—from hormone to receptor to gene network, including analyses of individual variation that represents the raw material of evolutionary change—will be a fruitful path for understanding mechanisms of behavioural regulation and intersexual coevolution.  相似文献   

Competition for limiting resources and stress can magnify variance in fitness and therefore selection. But even in a common environment, the strength of selection can differ across the sexes, as their fitness is often limited by different factors. Indeed, most taxa show stronger selection in males, a bias often ascribed to intense competition for access to mating partners. This sex bias could reverberate on many aspects of evolution, from speed of adaptation to genome evolution. It is unclear, however, whether stronger opportunity for selection in males is a pattern robust to sex-specific stress or resource limitation. We test this in the model species Callosobruchus maculatus by comparing female and male opportunity for selection (i) with and without limitation of quality oviposition sites, and (ii) under delayed age at oviposition. Decreasing the abundance of the resource key to females or increasing their reproductive age was challenging, as shown by a reduction in mean fitness, but opportunity for selection remained stronger in males across all treatments, and even more so when oviposition sites were limiting. This suggests that males remain the more variable sex independent of context, and that the opportunity for selection through males is indirectly affected by female-specific resource limitation.  相似文献   

Gene expression of all known subtypes of oestrogen receptor (ER) and oestrogen‐related receptor (ERR) in multiple organs and both sexes of the Japanese medaka Oryzias latipes was profiled and systematically analysed. As revealed by statistical analyses and low‐dimensional projections, the expressions of ERRs proved to be organ and sex dependent, which is in contrast with the ubiquitous nature of ERs. Moreover, expressions of specific ERR isoforms (ERRγ1, ERRγ2) were strongly correlated with that of all ERs (ERα, ERβ1 and ERβ2), suggesting the existence of potential interactions. Findings of this study shed light on the co‐regulatory role of particular ERRs in oestrogen‐ERs signalling and highlight the potential importance of ERRs in determining organ and sex‐specific oestrogen responses. Using O. latipes as an alternative vertebrate model, this study provides new directions that call for collective efforts from the scientific community to unravel the mechanistic action of ER‐ERR cross‐talks, and their intertwining functions, in a cell and sex‐specific manner in vivo.  相似文献   

Mechanisms for fish social behaviours involve a social brain network (SBN) which is evolutionarily conserved among vertebrates. However, considerable diversity is observed in the actual behaviour patterns amongst nearly 30000 fish species. The huge variation found in socio-sexual behaviours and strategies is likely generated by a morphologically and genetically well-conserved small forebrain system. Hence, teleost fish provide a useful model to study the fundamental mechanisms underlying social brain functions. Herein we review the foundations underlying fish social behaviours including sensory, hormonal, molecular and neuroanatomical features. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons clearly play important roles, but the participation of vasotocin and isotocin is also highlighted. Genetic investigations of developing fish brain have revealed the molecular complexity of neural development of the SBN. In addition to straightforward social behaviours such as sex and aggression, new experiments have revealed higher order and unique phenomena such as social eavesdropping and social buffering in fish. Finally, observations interpreted as ‘collective cognition’ in fish can likely be explained by careful observation of sensory determinants and analyses using the dynamics of quantitative scaling. Understanding of the functions of the SBN in fish provide clues for understanding the origin and evolution of higher social functions in vertebrates.  相似文献   

To purify the androgen receptor (AR) efficiently from baculovirus expression system, we fused 6 histidine residues with the N-terminal domain of AR as a tag to specifically bind to Ni+2-affinity column. Our data indicated that adding androgen can increase the binding capacity of his-tag AR to the Ni+2-affinity column, and this increased binding capacity of AR could be due to the exposure of histidine residues of N-terminal domain induced by androgen. The androgen-enhanced binding to Ni+2-column also correlated with the increasing solubility of AR. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay further indicated that only purified AR could interact with androgen response element. Together, our data suggest that the binding of androgen to the hormone binding domain of AR may result in the conformational change of the N-terminal domain of AR and increase the hydrophilic property of AR.  相似文献   

雄激素和雌激素受体药物筛选方法的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牟凌云  王明伟 《生命科学》2004,16(5):305-311
雄激素和雌激素受体通过与相应激素特异性结合促进细胞分化和组织生长,发挥重要的生理功能,其功能失调可诱发多种疾病。雄激素和雌激素受体的选择性调节剂是治疗相关疾病的重要药物。基于基因组学、分子生物学、细胞生物学和生物信息学等最新研究成果而发展形成的实验技术或方法被用于新型雄激素和雌激素受体调节剂的筛选,显著加快了新药开发的进程。  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(12):1689-1705
The gross morphology of the brain of Rineloricaria heteroptera and its relation to the sensory/behavioural ecology of the species is described and discussed. The sexual and ontogenetic intraspecific variation in the whole brain length and mass, as well as within/between the eight different brain subdivisions volumes, is also examined and discussed. Negative allometry for the whole brain length/mass and relative growth of the telencephalon and optic tecta was observed. Positive allometry was observed for the relative growth of the olfactory bulbs and medulla oblongata . Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses did not reveal significant differences in the brain subdivision growth rates among sexes and/or developmental stages, except for the optic tectum and some portions of the medulla oblongata , with juveniles and males showing more developed optic tecta and medullary subdivisions, respectively. The growth rates for each brain subdivision were relatively constant, and the slopes of the growth equations were almost parallel, except for those of the olfactory bulbs and medulla oblongata subdivisions, suggesting some degree of tachyauxesis of subdivisions against the entire brain. The corpus cerebelli was the more voluminous brain subdivision in most specimens (principally adults), followed by the optic tectum (the more voluminous subdivision in juveniles), hypothalamus, and telencephalon, in that order. Differences in the number of lamellae and relative size of the olfactory organ were also detected among developmental stages, which were more numerous and larger in adults. Based on these results, it is possible to infer an ontogenetic shift in the habitat/resource use and behaviour of R. heteroptera . Vision, primarily routed through the optic tectum, could be fundamental in early stages, whereas in adults, olfaction and taste, primarily routed through the olfactory bulbs and medulla oblongata , play more important roles.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphisms vary widely among species. This variation must arise through sex-specific evolutionary modifications to developmental processes. Anolis lizards vary extensively in their expression of cranial dimorphism. Compared with other Anolis species, members of the carolinensis clade have evolved relatively high levels of cranial dimorphism; males of this clade have exceptionally long faces relative to conspecific females. Developmentally, this facial length dimorphism arises through an evolutionarily novel, clade-specific strategy. Our analyses herein reveal that sex-specific regulation of the oestrogen pathway underlies evolution of this exaggerated male phenotype, rather than the androgen or insulin growth factor pathways that have long been considered the primary regulators of male-biased dimorphism among vertebrates. Our results suggest greater intricacy in the genetic mechanisms that underlie sexual dimorphisms than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Cryptotanshinone (CPT) has been demonstrated to inhibit proliferation and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway in MCF‐7 breast cancer cells. However, the same results are unable to be repeated in MDA‐MB‐231 cells. Given the main difference of oestrogen receptor α (ERα) between two types of breast cancer cells, It is possibly suggested that CPT inhibits mTOR pathway dependent on ERα in breast cancer. CPT could significantly inhibit cell proliferation of ERα‐positive cancer cells, whereas ERα‐negative cancer cells are insensitive to CPT. The molecular docking results indicated that CPT has a high affinity with ERα, and the oestrogen receptor element luciferase reporter verified CPT distinct anti‐oestrogen effect. Furthermore, CPT inhibits mTOR signalling in MCF‐7 cells, but not in MDA‐MB‐231 cells, which is independent on binding to the FKBP12 and disrupting the mTOR complex. Meanwhile, increased expression of phosphorylation AKT and insulin receptor substrate (IRS1) induced by insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF‐1) was antagonized by CPT, but other molecules of IGF‐1/AKT/mTOR signalling pathway such as phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) and phosphatidylinositol‐4,5‐bisphosphate 3‐kinase (PI3K) were negatively affected. Finally, the MCF‐7 cells transfected with shERα for silencing ERα show resistant to CPT, and p‐AKT, phosphorylation of p70 S6 kinase 1 (p‐S6K1) and eukaryotic initiation factor 4E binding protein 1 (4E‐BP1) were partially recovered, suggesting ERα is required for CPT inhibition of mTOR signalling. Overall, CPT inhibition of mTOR is dependent on ERα in breast cancer and should be a potential anti‐oestrogen agent and a natural adjuvant for application in endocrine resistance therapy.  相似文献   

In most bird species males compete over access to females and have elevated circulating androgen levels when they establish and defend a breeding territory or guard a mate. Testosterone is involved in the regulation of territorial aggression and sexual display in males. In few bird species the traditional sex-roles are reversed and females are highly aggressive and compete over access to males. Such species represent excellent models to study the hormonal modulation of aggressive behavior in females. Plasma sex steroid concentrations in sex-role reversed species follow the patterns of birds with "traditional" sex-roles. The neural mechanisms modulating endocrine secretion and hormone-behavior interactions in sex-role reversed birds are currently unknown. We investigated the sex differences in the mRNA expression of androgen receptors, estrogen receptor alpha, and aromatase in two brain nuclei involved in reproductive and aggressive behavior in the black coucal, the nucleus taeniae and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. In the bed nucleus there were no sex differences in the receptor or aromatase expression. In the nucleus taeniae, however, we show for the first time, that females have a higher mRNA expression of androgen receptors than males. These results suggest that the expression of agonistic and courtship behavior in females does not depend on elevated blood hormone levels, but may be regulated via increased steroid hormone sensitivity in particular target areas in the brain. Hence, aggression in females and males may indeed be modulated by the same hormones, but regulated at different levels of the neuroendocrine cascade.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer has a propensity to metastasize to the bone. Currently the only effective systemic treatment for these patients is androgen ablation therapy. However, the tumor will invariably progress to an androgen-independent stage and the patient will succumb to his disease within approximately 2 years. The earliest indication of hormonal progression is the rising titer of serum prostate specific antigen. Current evidence implicates the androgen receptor (AR) as a key factor in maintaining the growth of prostate cancer cells in an androgen-depleted state. Under normal conditions, binding of ligand activates the receptor, allowing it to effectively bind to its respective DNA element. However, AR is also transformed in the absence of androgen (ligand-independent activation) in prostate cells via multiple protein kinase pathways and the interleukin-6 (IL-6) pathway that converge upon the N-terminal domain of the AR. This domain is the main region for phosphorylation and is also critical for normal coregulator recruitment. Here we discuss evidence supporting the role of the AR, IL-6 and other protein kinase pathways in the hormonal progression of prostate cancer to androgen independence and the mechanisms involved in activation of the AR by these pathways. Receptor-targeted therapy, especially potential drugs targeting the N-terminal domain, may effectively prevent or delay the hormonal progression of AR-dependent prostate cancer.  相似文献   

In seasonally breeding songbirds, the brain regions that control song behavior undergo dramatic structural changes at the onset of each annual breeding season. As spring approaches and days get longer, gonadal testosterone (T) secretion increases and triggers the growth of several song control nuclei. T can be converted to androgenic and estrogenic metabolites by enzymes expressed in the brain. This opens the possibility that the effects of T may be mediated via the androgen receptor, the estrogen receptor, or both. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effects of two bioactive T metabolites on song nucleus growth and song behavior in adult male white‐crowned sparrows. Castrated sparrows with regressed song control nuclei were implanted with silastic capsules containing either crystalline T, 5α‐dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estradiol (E2), or a combination of DHT+E2. Control animals received empty implants. Song production was highly variable within treatment groups. Only one of seven birds treated with E2 alone was observed singing, whereas a majority of birds with T or DHT sang. After 37 days of exposure to sex steroids, we measured the volumes of the forebrain song nucleus HVc, the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA), and a basal ganglia homolog (area X). All three steroid treatments increased the volumes of these three song nuclei when compared to blank‐implanted controls. These data demonstrate that androgen and estrogen receptor binding are sufficient to trigger seasonal song nucleus growth. These data also suggest that T's effects on seasonal song nucleus growth may depend, in part, upon enzymatic conversion of T to bioactive metabolites. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 57:130–140, 2003  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) regulates many traits related to fitness, including aggression. However, individual variation in aggressiveness does not always relate to circulating T, suggesting that behavioural variation may be more closely related to neural sensitivity to steroids, though this issue remains unresolved. To assess the relative importance of circulating T and neural steroid sensitivity in predicting behaviour, we measured aggressiveness during staged intrusions in free-living male and female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). We compared aggressiveness to plasma T levels and to the abundance of androgen receptor (AR), aromatase (AROM) and oestrogen receptor alpha (ORα) mRNA in behaviourally relevant brain areas (avian medial amygdala, hypothalamus and song control regions). We also asked whether patterns of covariation among behaviour and endocrine parameters differed in males and females, anticipating that circulating T may be a better predictor of behaviour in males than in females. We found that circulating T related to aggressiveness only in males, but that gene expression for ORα, AR and AROM covaried with individual differences in aggressiveness in both sexes. These findings are among the first to show that individual variation in neural gene expression for three major sex steroid-processing molecules predicts individual variation in aggressiveness in both sexes in nature. The results have broad implications for our understanding of the mechanisms by which aggressive behaviour may evolve.  相似文献   

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