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We have previously provided functional evidence for a role of carboxyl group(s) in the mechanism of coupling of Na+ and D-glucose fluxes by the small-intestinal cotransporter(s) (Kessler, M. and Semenza, G. (1983) J. Membrane Biol. 76, 27-56). We present here a study on the inactivation of the Na+-dependent transport systems, but not of the Na+-independent ones, in the small-intestinal brush-border membrane, by hydrophobic carbodiimides. Although marginal or insignificant protection by the substrates or by Na+ was observed, the parallelism between Na+-dependence and inactivation by these carbodiimides strongly indicates the role of carboxyl group(s) previously indicated. Contrary to the carboxyl group identified by Turner [1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 1041-1047) in the sugar binding site of the renal Na+/D-glucose cotransporter, the carboxyl group(s) studied here probably occur elsewhere in the cotransporter molecule.  相似文献   

The Na+-dependent d-glucose transport reaction in rabbit jejunal brush-border vesicles was studied. Initial rate data were obtained by fitting a polynomial equation to progress curves at different d-glucose concentrations and extracting the slope of the tangent at zero-time. Kinetic replots of the initial rate values produced biphasic Hofstee patterns indicative of two pathways for transport distinguished by their Km values for glucose. Neither was dependent on the presence of a membrane potential. Both were dependent on Na+ and both were inhibited by phlorizin. Increasing external sodium was found to elevate the apparent Vmax for both pathways. Internal sodium was inhibitory. Pulsed progress curve analysis indicated that the effect of internal sodium was best characterized as carrier sequestration by a sodium-carrier binary complex. Inhibition by internal sodium was completely reversed by the presence, internally, of d-glucose. The presence of two pathways and the kinetic constants for these pathways do not agree with the conclusions of Hopfer and Groseclose (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 4453–4462). Experiments are presented which bear on the reason for the disagreement.  相似文献   

The characteristics of carnosine (β-alanyl-l-histidine) transport have been studied using purified brush-border membrane vesicles from mouse small intestine. Uptake curves did not exhibit any overshoot phenomena, and were similar under Na+, K+ or choline+ gradient conditions (extravesicular > intravesicular). However, uptake of histidine showed an overshoot phenomenon in the presence of a Na+-gradient. There was no detectable hydrolysis of carnosine during 15 min of incubation with membrane vesicles under conditions used for transport experiments. Analysis of intravesicular contents further showed the complete absence of the constituent free amino acids of carnosine, and indicates that intact carnosine is transported. Studies on the effect of concentration on peptide uptake revealed that transport occurred by a saturable process conforming to Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km of 9.6 ± 1.4 mM and a Vmax of 2.9 ± 0.2 nmol / mg protein per 0.4 min. Uptake of carnosine was inhibited by both di- and tripeptides with a maximum inhibition of 68% by glycyl-l-leucyltyrosine. These results clearly demonstrate that carnosine is transported intact by a carrier-mediated, Na+-independent process.  相似文献   

Intestinal brush border vesicles of a Mediterranean sea fish (Dicentrarchus labrax) were prepared using the Ca2+-sedimentation method. The transport of glucose, glycine and 2-aminoisobutyric acid is energized by an Na+ gradient (out > in). In addition, amino acid uptake requires Cl? in the extravesicular medium (2-aminoisobutyric acid more than glycine). This Na+- and Cl?-dependent uptake is electrogenic, since it can be stimulated by negative charges inside the vesicles. The specific Cl? requirement of glycine and 2-aminoisobutyric acid transport is markedly influenced by pH, a change from 6.5 to 8.4 reducing the role played by Cl?. In the presence of Cl?, the Km of 2-aminoisobutyric acid uptake is reduced and its Vmax is enhanced. Cl? affects also a non-saturable Na+-dependent component of this amino acid uptake. Amino acid transport is also increased by intravesicular Cl? (2-aminoisobutyric acid less than glycine). This effect is more concerned with glucose uptake, which can be then multiplied by 2.3. A concentration gradient (in > out) as well as the presence of Na+ in the incubation medium seems to enter into this requirement. This intravesicular Cl? effect is not influenced by pH between 6.5 and 8.4.  相似文献   

The sodium dependent transport system for L-glutamate and L-aspartate localized in the apical part of rat enterocytes has previously been kinetically characterized (Prezioso, G., and Scalera, V. (1996). Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1279, 144–148). In this paper the mechanism by which the potassium cation specifically activates the L-glutamate–sodium cotransport process is investigated. Potassium has been found to act as an activator when it is present inside the membrane vesicles, while its presence outside is ineffective, and the effect is saturable. The kinetic parameters with respect to sodium and glutamate have been compared in the presence and in the absence of the activator. The results indicate that the ordered sodium–sodium glutamate mechanism is not altered by potassium, and that the activation is probably exerted on both the rate determining steps of the transport process. It is proposed that (1) a specific binding site for potassium is present on the inside hydrophilic part of the membrane carrier, (2) the binding of the effector accelerates the intramembrane rearrangement steps of both the disodium glutamate–carrier complex and the free carrier, (3) the affinity of the carrier is lowered with respect to sodium whereas it is increased for glutamate, and (4) K+ antiport is not performed by this carrier.  相似文献   

Using mouse small intestine brush-border membrane vesicles virtually free of xanthine oxidase (EC and free of uricase (EC the uptake of the purines uric acid, xanthine and hypoxanthine have been studied. The sodium-dependent overshoot phenomenon shown to exist for the uptake into the vesicles for d-glucose and l-phenylalanine was not observed with the purines. However, the uptake of the three purines in the presence of NaCl or KCl was greater than the uptake in the presence of either NaSCN or mannitol. Although 12.9% of the xanthine uptake and 17.6% of the hypoxanthine uptake was attributed to binding to the membranes, almost all the uric acid uptake was due to transport into an osmotically active space. The apparent intravesicular volume, calculated after 60 min incubation, for the three purines was consistently greater than the values obtained with d-glucose, l-phenylalanine equilibration, suggesting slow continuing penetration of purines associated with swelling or an apparent accumulation of purines within the vesicles associated with normal vesicle volume.  相似文献   

At least six hydrolases of the human intestinal brush-border membrane bear ABH blood group antigenic determinants related to the erythrocyte phenotype: the intestinal glycoproteins of blood group A and B subjects express A or B determinants, respectively, while blood group O subjects express the H determinant identified with Ulex europaeus lectin I. These expressions are under the control of the secretor gene: ABH antigens were not detected in the hydrolases of non-secretor subjects.  相似文献   

The effect of bile salts and other surfactants on the rate of incorporation of cholesterol into isolated brush-border membranes was tested. At constant cholesterol concentration, a stimulatory effect of taurocholate was noticed which increased as the bile salt concentration was raised to 20 mM. Taurodeoxycholate was as effective as taurocholate at concentrations of up to 5 mM and inhibited at higher concentrations. Glycocholate was only moderately stimulatory whereas cholate was nearly as effective as taurocholate at concentrations above 5 mM. Other surfactants such as sodium lauryl sulfate and Triton X-100 were very inhibitory at all concentrations tried whereas cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride was stimulatory only at a very low range of concentrations. These micellizing agents all caused some disruption of the membranes and the greater effectiveness of taurocholate in stimulating sterol uptake was partly relatable to the weaker membrane solubilizing action of this bile salt. Preincubation of membranes with 20 mM taurocholate followed by washing and exposure to cholesterol-containing lipid suspensions lacking bile salt, did not enhance the incorporation of the sterol. In the absence of bile salt the incorporation of cholesterol was unaffected by stirring of the incubation mixtures. Increasing the cholesterol concentration in the mixed micelle while keeping the concentration of bile salt constant caused an increase in rate of sterol incorporation. This increased rate was seen whether the cholesterol suspension was turbid, i.e., contained non-micellized cholesterol, or whether it was optically-clear and contained only monomers and micelles. When the concentration of taurocholate and cholesterol were increased simultaneously such that the concentration ratio of these two components was kept constant, there resulted a corresponding increase in rate of cholesterol uptake. The initial rates of cholesterol incorporation from suspensions containing micellar and monomer forms of cholesterol were much larger than from solutions containing only monomers of the same concentration. The rates of incorporation of cholesterol and phosphatidylethanolamine from mixed micelles containing these lipids in equimolar concentrations were very different. The results as a whole suggest at least for those experimental conditions specified in this study, that uptake of cholesterol by isolated brush-border membranes involves both the monomer and micellar phases of the bulk lipid and that the interaction of the micelles with membrane does not likely involve a fusion process.  相似文献   

The uptake of iron (III) mediated by lactotransferrin to human biopsies from upper intestine has suggested the presence of specific receptors for human lactotransferrin at the brush border (Cox, T., Mazurier, J., Spik, G., Montreuil, J. and Peters, T.J. (1979) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 588, 120–128). In the present data, using 125I-radiolabeled transferrins, we have demonstrated that a preparation of microvillous membrane vesicles, from rabbit jejunal brush-border specifically binds human lactotransferrin. This binding is specific, saturable and calcium dependent. Scatchard plots analysis of lactotransferrin binding indicates 1.5 · 1013 sites per mg of membrane proteins with an equilibrium constant of 1.2 · 106 M−1. Sodium dodecyl sulfate solubilization of the brush-border proteins allows the lactotransferrin receptor to retain its binding activity. Moreover, the ligand blotting of the detergent solubilized membrane proteins on nitrocellulose sheet and after incubation with 125I-labeled lactotransferrin, has shown that the receptor is a protein of about 100 kDa. In the same experimental conditions, the rabbit microvillous membrane vesicles do not specifically bind rabbit serotransferrin indicating the absence of serotransferrin receptors at the brush border.  相似文献   

The uptake of d-glucose, 2-aminoisobutyric acid and glycine was studied with intestinal brush border membrane vesicles of a marine herbivorous fish: Boops salpa. The uptake of these three substances is stimulated by an Na+ electrochemical gradient (CoutCin). For glucose, an increase of the electrical membrane potential generated by a concentration gradient of the liposoluble anion, SCN?, increases the Na+-dependent transport. This responsiveness to the membrane potential was confirmed by valinomycin. Differently from glucose, uptake of glycine and 2-aminoisobutyric acid requires, besides the Na+ gradient, the presence of Cl? on the external side of the vesicles. In the absence of Cl?, amino acid uptake is not stimulated by the Na+ gradient and is not influenced by an electrical membrane potential generated by SCN? gradient (Cout>Cin) or by a K+ diffusion potential (Cin>Cout). This Cl? requirement differs from the Na+ requirement, since a Cl? gradient (Cout>Cin) does not result in an accumulation of glycine or 2-aminoisobutyric acid similar to that produced by an Na+ gradient.  相似文献   

We had previously proposed that organic cations are transported across the brush-border membrane in the canine kidney by a H+ exchange (or antiport) system (Holohan, P.D. and Ross, C.R. (1981) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 216, 294–298). In the present report, we demonstrate that in brush-border membrane vesicles the transport of organic cations is chemically coupled to the countertransport of protons, by showing that the uphill or concentrative transport of a prototypic organic cation, N1-methylnicotinamide (NMN), is chemically coupled to the flow of protons down their chemical gradient. In a reciprocal manner, the concentrative transport of protons is coupled to the counterflow of organic cations down their concentration gradient. The transport of organic cations is monitored by measuring [3H]NMN while the transport of protons is monitored by measuring changes in acridine orange absorbance. The functional significance of the coupling is that a proton gradient lowers the Km and increases the Vmax for NMN transport.  相似文献   

When incubated for 14 h at 37°C in the absence of energy supply, brush-border membrane vesicles from rabbit kidney cortex maintain, as judged by the use of sphingomyelinase and trinitrobenzene sulfonate as membrane probes, their highly asymmetrical phospholipid distribution. In particular, sphingomyelin still accounts for 75% of the phospholipids present on the outer membrane leaflet. Pretreatment of the vesicles with 5 mM diamide resulted in extensive crosslinking of membranous and cytoskeletal proteins. Although it had no immediate effect on the topology of phospholipids, this crosslinking resulted in a limited but significant increase in the amount of aminophospholipids present on the outer membrane leaflet after 14-h incubations. Degradation of aminophospholipids, upon incubation with hog pancreas and bee venom phospholipases A2, was also enhanced by diamide. However, this enhanced hydrolysis was observed immediately after the diamide treatment. A similar increase in degradation of aminophospholipids was obtained when vesicles were incubated with dihydrocytochalasin B. Our results strongly suggest that cytoskeletal proteins, via interactions with aminophospholipids, stabilize the lipid bilayer of the brush-border membrane. It is also suggested that, due to a low transbilayer migration rate, sphingomyelin may play an important role in the maintenance of the lipid asymmetry in these membranes.  相似文献   

Summary The Na-dependent transport of a number of organic molecules (d-glucose,l-proline,l-alanine,l-phenylalanine) in brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from the intestine of the eel (Anguilla anguilla) was monitored by recording the fluorescence quenching of the voltage-sensitive cyanine dye 3,3-diethylthiacarbocyanine iodide (DiS-C2(5)). The experimental approach consisted of: a) generating an inside-negative membrane potential mimicking in vivo conditions: b) measuring the rate of membrane potential decay (i.e., the rate of fluorescence quenching decay) due to Na-neutral substrate cotransport. Rates of membrane potential decay showed saturation on substrate concentration andK app values (the substrate concentration giving 50% of the maximal rate) were estimated for Na-dependent transport ofd-glucose (0,099mm),l-alanine (0.516mm),l-proline (0.118mm) andl-phenylalanine (2.04mm). The influence of an inside-negative membrane potential on the affinity of the transporter for glucose and for sodium is discussed.  相似文献   

Some amino group reagents inactivate the small-intestinal Na+/d-glucose cotransporter, as measured either as a catalyst of Na+-dependent d-glucose transport or as a Na+-dependent phlorizin ligand. The amino group(s) studied in this paper are not identical with those investigated previously (Biber, J., Weber, J. and Semenza, G. (1983) Biochim. Biochim. Acta 728, 429–437): these are protected from inactivation by the simultaneous presence of Na+ plus sugar substrates. They are thus likely to be located within the substrate-binding site.  相似文献   

Rabbit kidney brush-border membrane vesicles were exposed to bacterial protease which cleaves off a large number of externally oriented proteins. Na+-dependent d-glucose transport is left intact in the protease-treated vesicles. The protease-treated membrane was solubilized with deoxycholate and the deoxycholate-extracted proteins were further resolved by passage through Con A-Sepharose columns. Sodium-dependent d-glucose activity was found to reside in a fraction containing a single protein band of Mr ? 165000 which is apparently a dimer of Mr ? 85 000. When reconstituted and tested for transport, this protein showed Na+-dependent, stereo-specific and phlorizin-inhibitable glucose transport. Transport activity is completely recovered and is 20-fold increased in specific activity. A similar isolate was obtained from rabbit small intestinal brush-border membranes and kidneys from several other species of animals.  相似文献   

Summary The transport of sugars and amino acids across the brush-border membrane of the distal rabbit ileum has been studied. The kinetics of the transport of glucose demonstrated that the data obtained with the present technique are less distorted by unstirred layers than those obtained with the same technique adapted to the use of magnetic stirring. The role of depolarization of the electrical potential difference across the brush-border membrane in mutual inhibition between different classes of amino acids was estimated by measurements of the effects of high concentrations of alanine and lysine on the transport of galactose. It was found that this role would be insignificant in the present study. By measurements of the transport of alanine, leucine and lysine and the inhibitory interactions between these amino acids the function of three transport systems has been delineated. The transport of lysine is resolved in a high- and a low-affinity contribution. At 140mm sodium these transport systems may also function as respectively high- and low-affinity contributors to the transport of neutral amino acids. At 0mm sodium the high-affinity system remains a high-affinity system for cationic and neutral amino acids with reduced capacity especially for the neutral amino acids. At 0mm sodium the low-affinity system's affinity for lysine is reduced and it is inaccessible to neutral amino acids. In addition to the two systems for lysine transport the existence of a lysine-resistant, sodium-dependent, high-affinity system for the transport of neutral amino acids has been confirmed. It seems unlikely that the distal ileum is equipped with a low-affinity, sodium-independent system for the transport of neutral amino acids.  相似文献   

In the presence of a Na+-gradient (out > in), l-glutamic acid and l-and d-aspartic acids were equally well concentrated inside the vesicles, while no transport above simple diffusion levels was seen by replacement of Na+ by K+. Equilibrium uptake values were found inversely proportional to the medium osmolarity, thus demonstrating uptake into an osmotically sensitive intravesicular space. The extrapolation of these lines to infinite medium osmolarity (zero space) showed only a small binding component in acidic amino-acid transport. When the same experiment was performed at saturating substrate concentrations, linear relationships extrapolating through the origin but showing smaller slope values were recorded, thus indicating that the binding component could be more important than suspected above. However, binding to the membrane was neglected in our studies as it was absent from initial rate measurements. Na+-dependent uphill transport of l-glutamic acid was stimulated by K+ present on the intravesicular side only but maximal stimulation was recorded under conditions of an outward K+-gradient (in > out). Quantitative and qualitative differences in the K+ effect were noted between pH 6.0 and 8.0. Initial uptake rates showed pH dependency in Na+-(out > in) + K+-(in > out) gradient conditions only with a physiological pH optimum between 7.0 and 7.5. It was also found that a pH-gradient (acidic outside) could stimulate both the Na+-gradient and the Na+ + K+-gradient-dependent transport of l-glutamic acid. However, pH- or K+-gradient alone were ineffective in stimulating uptake above simple diffusion level. Finally, it was found that increased rates of efflux were always observed with an acidic pH outside, whatever the conditions inside the vesicles. From these results, we propose a channel-type mechanism of l-glutamic acid transport in which Na+ and K+ effects are modulated by the surrounding pH. The model proposes a carrier with high or low affinity for Na+ in the protonated or unprotonated forms, respectively. We also propose that K+ binding occurs only to the unprotonated carrier and allows its fast recycling as compared to the free form of the carrier. Such a model would be maximally active and effective in the intestine in the in vivo physiological situations.  相似文献   

Summary l-proline uptake via the intestinal brush-borderIMINO carrier was tested for inhibition by 41 compounds which included sugars, N-methylated, -,-, - and -amino and imino acids, and heterocyclic analogs of pyrrolidine, piperidine and pyridine. Based on competitive inhibitor constants (apparentK/'s) we find that theIMINO carrier binding site interacts with molecules which possess a well-defined set of structural prerequisites. The ideal inhibitor must 1) be a heterocyclic nitrogen ring, 2) have a hydrophobic region, 3) be thel-stereoisomer of 4) an electronegative carbonyl group which is 5) separated by a one-carbon atom spacer from 6) an electropositive tetrahedral imino nitrogen with two H atoms. Finally, 7) the inhibitor conformation determined by dynamic ring puckering must position all these features within a critical domain. The two best inhibitors arel-pipecolate (apparentK/0.2mm) andl-proline (apparentK/0.3mm).  相似文献   

The effect of exogenous hypercortisolism and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 on small-intestinal calcium and glucose transport in the rat was studied at the level of brush-border membrane vesicles generated from isolated villous cells by a freeze-thaw procedure. At 5 · 10?5 M extravesicular calcium, initial uptake rates in vesicles prepared from triamcinolone-treated adult rats were decreased by 30% after 5 days. Since calcium ionophore A23187 virtually abolished the difference in calcium uptake, triamcinolone appeared to affect calcium channel density or activity rather than intravesicular binding capacity. Kinetic analysis showed that a decrease in Vmax of a saturable calcium transport system could entirely account for the diminished rate of vesicular calcium uptake. Calcium transport rates could be partially restored by in vivo administration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 at a dosage which did not affect vesicular calcium uptake in control animals. Conversely, sodium-driven glucose accumulation in brush-border vesicles from triamcinolone-treated rats was stimulated by 50–70% after 36 h and appeared insensitive to vitamin D. A specific triamcinolone action on the glucose carrier itself rather than on the driving force of the sodium gradient was indicated by (i) a similar stimulation of glucose transport under equilibrium exchange conditions and (ii) an opposite effect of triamcinolone on sodium-driven alanine transport. The triamcinolone-induced changes in calcium and glucose uptake were not accompanied by a gross alteration of membrane integrity in vitro or by major alterations in vesicular protein composition, intravesicular glucose space and sucrase or alkaline phosphatase activity. The modification of vesicular transport properties is discussed in relation to the vitamin D-antagonized inhibition of intestinal calcium uptake and the stimulation of glucose absorption in response to supraphysiologic amounts of glucocorticoids observed in intact epithelium.  相似文献   

The Na+/l-glutamate (l-aspartate) cotransport system present at the level of rat intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles is specifically activated by the ions K+ and Cl?. The presence of 100 mM K+ inside the vesicles drastically enhances the uptake rate and the transient intravesicular accumulation (overshoot) of the two acidic amino acids. It has been demonstrated that the activation of the transport system depended only in the intravesicular K+ concentration and that in the absence of any sodium gradient, an outward K+ gradient was unable to influence the Na+/acidic amino acid transport system. It was also found that Cl? could specifically activate the Na+-dependent l-glutamate (l-aspartate) uptake either in the presence or in the absence of K+. Also the effect of Cl? was observed only in the presence of an inward Na+ gradient and it was noted to be higher when chloride ion was present on both sides of the membrane vesicles. No influence (activation or accumulation) was observed in the absence of the Na+ gradient and in the presence of chloride gradient. l-Glutamate uptake measured in the presence of an imposed diffusion potential and in the presence of K+ or Cl? did not show any translocation of net charge.  相似文献   

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