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In a correlated thin sectioning and freeze-fracturing study, we have examined species belonging to the orders of the ascidian class: Stolidobranchiata (Botryllus schlosseri, Botrylloides leachi, Molgula socialis, Styela plicata), Phlebobranchiata (Ascidiella aspersa, Phallusia ingeria, Ciona intestinalis) and Aplousobranchiata (Clavelina lepadiformis). Though the branchial basket varies in the complexity and filtration efficiency in the three orders, the ciliated epithelia aroand the stigmata contain a common pattern of organization; seven rows of flattened cells, each bearing a single row of long cilia flanked by a single row of microvilli. All the species examined possess ciliary specializations represented by: (a) bridges connecting doublets number 5 and 6 as well as 9.1 and 2; (b) dense material lying between the above mentioned axonemal doublets (5-6 and 1-2) and the ciliary membrane, sometimes in the shape of longitudinal strands or often as lines of dots; (c) a fuzzy coat protruding from the ciliary membrane, consisting of tufts or scattered filaments; (d) intramembrane particles (IMPs) associated with the P-face of the membrane, often arranged in clusters and orderly alignments related to the anderlying axonemal doublets; these IMPs decorate the opposite sides of each cilium facing the adjacent cilia forming the ciliary rows of adjacent cells and are absent on the lateral sides. The stigmatal cilia propel water through the stigmata and their effective strokes follow a line at right angles to the row of cilia in each cell. The usual direction of the effective stroke is toward doublets 5-6. It is possible, therefore, to refer to structure in relation to the ciliary beat cycle. The importance of these specializations is unknown, but the structures appear to vary in the different species. A correlation between the richness of the specializations and the complexity of the branchial basket was not evidenced. It was suggested that the ciliary specializations relate to the peculiar organization of the stigmatal margin and that all are involved in the regulation of the ciliary activity.  相似文献   

Previous analyses ofAsteropeia andPhysena have not compared the wood anatomy of these genera to those of Caryophyllales s.l. Molecular evidence shows that the two genera from a clade that is a sister group of the core Caryophyllales. Synapomorphies of theAsteropeia-Physena clade include small circular alternate pits on vessels, presence of vasicentric tracheids plus fiber-tracheids, presence of abaxial-confluent plus diffuse axial parenchyma, and presence of predominantly uniseriate rays. These features are analyzed with respect to habit and ecology of the two genera. Solitary vessels, present in both genera, are related to the presence of vasicentric tracheids. Autapomorphies in the two genera seem related to adaptations byPhysena as a shrub of moderately dry habitats (e.g., narrower vessel elements, abundant vasicentric tracheids, square to erect cells in rays) as compared to alternate character expressions that seem related to the arboreal habit and humid forest ecology ofAsteropeia. The functional significance of vasicentric tracheids and fiber-tracheids in dicotyledons is briefly reviewed in the light of wood anatomy of the two genera.  相似文献   

Two different host-vector expression systems, designed for cell surface display of heterologous receptors on Staphylococcus xylosus and Staphylococcus carnosus, respectively, were compared for the surface display of four variants of a 101 amino acid region derived from the G glycoprotein of human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Surface localization of the different chimeric receptors was evaluated by a colorimetric assay and by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. It was concluded that the S. carnosus system was better both in the ability to translocate inefficiently secreted peptides and in the number of exposed hybrid receptors. The potential use of the described staphylococci as live bacterial vaccine vehicles or alternatives to filamentous phages for surface display of protein libraries is discussed.  相似文献   

东北鳞毛蕨科植物叶比较解剖的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
王秀华 《植物研究》2001,21(2):202-205,T001,T002
对东北鳞毛蕨科(Dryopteridaceae)鳞毛蕨属(Dryopteris)6种,耳蕨属(Polystichum)3种植物的叶片及叶柄解剖构造进行了观察和比较研究,结果表明:某些叶片及叶柄的结构特征是鳞毛蕨科植物较稳定的 遗传性状,可以做为鉴定植物种及属的依据。  相似文献   

The food niches of four species of triclads and three species of non-parasitic leeches living in the littoral zone of British lakes of different trophic status were investigated, over one year, using a serological technique. Antisera against ten potential prey groups were employed. The basic data were adjusted to compensate for differences in predator size and seasonal changes in field temperatures. Data on two of the leech species have been presented elsewhere, but comparisons of the diet of all seven predator species are made in this paper. Much overlap in diet between the various predator species occurs, but, with one exception, each of the genera has a major food resource. The Polycelis spp. feed extensively on oligochaetes, Dugesia polychroa on molluscs, Dendrocoelum lacteum on Asellus, Erpobdella octoculata on chironomids and Glossiphonia complanata on molluscs. Helobdella stagnalis is a generalist feeder. Problems of coexistence of the leech species, and of the leech and triclad species are discussed.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1986,16(1):11-16
The metabolism of ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone has been investigated in various animal species, including representatives of arthropods, molluscs, annelids and mammals. Some of the major metabolites have been isolated and characterized by mass spectrometry and two-dimensional proton NMR.It appears that metabolic pathways differ strongly between species and that each class has evolved specific reactions.  相似文献   

Craniometric studies on the hylobatids using external metrics (Creel and Preuschoft, 1976 , 1984 ) sorted hylobatid populations into primary species groupings which are in accordance with the four currently recognized generic‐level groupings. The goal of the current study was to assess the relative orientations of the orbits, palate, and basioccipital clivus among the hylobatid genera in an effort to further clarify whether the lesser apes differ significantly in these internal cranial features and how that variation patterns across the groups. Nine angular variables quantifying orbital, palatal, and basioccipital clivus orientations were measured on lateral view radiographs of adults representing three of the four hylobatid genera: Hylobates; Nomascus; and, Symphalangus. The interspecific adult hylobatid means for the angular variables were analyzed using t‐test contrasts. The total sample was further subjected to discriminant function analysis (DFA) to test for the ability of craniofacial angular variables to distinguish the hylobatid genera from one another. The three hylobatid genera displayed significant morphological differentiation in orbital, palatal, and posterior skull base orientations. Normal, jackknifed, and cross‐validation DFA procedures correctly identified the hylobatids 50–100% of the time. The observed morphological patterns generally mapped onto the findings of earlier external craniometric hylobatid studies and suggest concordance between specific internal and external cranial features. This article is the first comprehensive study of variation in internal cranial anatomy of the Hylobatidae and includes the first published craniofacial angular data for Nomascus. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:250–265, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean basin has a long and multifaceted cultural history and harbors a high biodiversity. Epidemiological studies have drawn attention to certain traditional Mediterranean diets. However, wild gathered food species, which are an important, but fast disappearing element of these diets, so far have been largely neglected in scientific studies. In this study we compare ethnobotanical data obtained from field studies conducted in Southern Italy, Southern Spain, mainland Greece, and Crete resulting in the identification of a core group of 18 culinary used wild gathered plant species. This group comprises species likePapaver rhoeas L.,Sonchus asper L.,S. oleraceus L., andSilene vulgaris L. We argue that the culinary use of wild gathered weedy greens evolved together with the neolithization process, since this offered the necessary ecological niches for them to thrive, thereby enriching and securing the diets of European agriculturalists. Especially wild gathered Asteraceae species seem to form a sort of proto-nutraceutical, which accounts for a significant input of biologically active compounds in the diet.  相似文献   

Avicularia are polymorphic zooids characteristic of cheilostome bryozoans. Avicularia are assumed to have a defensive role yet ascertaining the presence of sensory structures to support this theory has been overlooked. We examine palatal morphology of the avicularia from five species of cheilostome bryozoans and compare the ultrastructural anatomy of the avicularia from two bugulid species from different habitats. SEM analysis revealed an array of palatal morphologies. Small tufts of cilia emerge from the orifice in the palate of the avicularia of Tricellaria catalinensis, Arachnopusia unicornis and Catenicella pseudoelegans. A ciliated vestigial polypide emerges from the orifice in the palate of Rhynchozoon zealandicum and comprises eleven papillae, or vestigial tentacles, seven of which are covered in microvilli. The vestigial polypide of the bird’s head avicularium of the cosmopolitan Bugula flabellata consists of a mass of ciliated and unciliated cells containing numerous granular vesicles. The avicularium of B. flabellata is capable of detecting tactile stimulation by virtue of the tuft of sensory cilia and is proactive in the capture of invertebrate epibionts. In contrast, in the deep-sea Nordgaardia cornucopioides, the vestigial polypide consists of a ciliated vestigial tentacle encased by glandular secretory cells. Avicularia possess structures derived from a feeding autozooid, and we show how the homologous structures have evolved and suggest that avicularia have been modified to carry out a variety of specific functions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Domatia are small organs usually found in the axils of major veins on the underside of leaves and, although they have received wide attention from ecologists, few detailed reports exist on their anatomy or development. This study is focused on the domatia of Cinnamomum camphora (Lauraceae) and is the first comparative study on the anatomy and development of the different shapes of domatia within a single plant. METHODS: Four types of domatia in C. camphora leaves were observed on paraffin sections under a microscope. KEY RESULTS: The domatia consisted of six histological parts: the upper epidermis, the upper mesophyll tissue, spongy tissue, the lower mesophyll tissue, the tissue filling the rim opening, and the lower epidermis. They differed from the non-domatial lamina mainly in the cell structure of the upper and lower mesophyll tissue and the rim tissue. Differences in domatium shapes were mainly associated with differences in the structure of the upper mesophyll and in the number and size of the rim tissue cells. Differences in the development of domatium types were observed in terms of initiation timing, differentiation of the upper mesophyll cells and degree of rim tissue development. CONCLUSIONS: In domatia, active anticlinal division in the lower mesophyll cells, as compared with the upper mesophyll cells, was coordinated with dynamic growth of rim tissue cells and resulted in cavity formation. The anatomical or developmental differences among the four types of domatia were related to the positions of the domatia within a leaf. In terms of the ecological implications, the major anatomical difference between the domatia used by herbivorous and carnivorous mites was in the development of the rim tissue.  相似文献   

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