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N. W. Pankhurst 《Polar Biology》1990,10(5):387-391
Summary Growth and reproductive parameters were recorded from Pagothenia borchgrevinki captured from beneath the sea ice in McMurdo Sound during October and November 1987. Fish were aged on the basis of unvalidated check rings in otoliths. Fish were estimated to be 2–7 years old. There was good correlation of estimated ages with length-frequency modes for a number of year classes. Growth was linear, and did not approach an asymptote with increasing age. Most females were in the early stages of vitellogenesis, however, 2 fish showed evidence of imminent or recent spawning activity. Males were all in the early stages of spermatogenesis. Relative fecundity was low, and this was associated with large egg size. Ovarian development was group synchronous, and it appears that spawning mainly occurs during winter. 相似文献
The sensory basis of rheotaxis was investigated in Pagothenia borchgrevinki utilising a laminar flow chamber. The threshold for P. borchgrevinki to exhibit an unconditioned rheotactic response lay between 1 and 2 cm s−1. Disabling the entire lateral line or the superficial neuromast receptors increased the rheotactic threshold to greater than 5 cm s−1. Pharmacological blocking of the lateral line canal system alone had no effect. This study provides a direct demonstration that the superficial lateral line system is involved in mediating rheotaxis. These results, coupled with previous work on Antarctic fishes, suggest a division of labour exists between the two submodalities of the lateral line system. Superficial neuromasts are more responsive to unmodulated flows (DC) and mediate behaviour such as rheotaxis, whereas canal neuromasts detect acceleration components of modulated flows (AC) and are more concerned with behaviour such as feeding. Accepted: 27 October 1998 相似文献
Pagothenia borchgrevinki ranging in size from 63 to 245 mm were captured from beneath sea ice in McMurdo Sound by fishing and diver collection. Changes in ocular morphology with increasing body size were measured, and assessed in relation to ingested prey. Relative eye size was highest among smaller fish (<100mm total length), and declined with increasing fish size. This was accompanied by a decrease in cone density in the retina from a maximum of 14,200 mm–2 in the smallest fish examined (63 mm), to 1000 mm–2 in a 220 mm long fish. Theoretical acuity was lowest among fish at either end of the size range examined (minimum separable angle 40–50) but approximately constant over the remainder of the size range (25–40). Rod density also decreased with increasing body size but rod numbers per unit visual arc were relatively constant, except in the smallest fish, where angular rod density was low. The same prey taxa occurred in fish of all sizes; however, prey items smaller than about 1.5 mm were not taken by fish of any body size. 相似文献
William Davison Malcolm E. Forster Craig E. Franklin Harry H. Taylor 《Polar Biology》1988,8(3):167-171
Pagothenia borchgrevinki, an Antarctic teleost fish was swum to exhaustion and changes in lactic acid levels and blood haematocrit were monitored during recovery. The fish did not perform well at high swimming speeds due to an inability of the white myotomal muscle to produce ATP by anaerobic glycolysis. Consequently, low levels of lactic acid were produced which were fairly rapidly broken down. Haematocrit values were low in non-exercised fish, and these increased by over 100% during exercise, falling back to control levels over many hours. This is probably related to the increased oxygen demand during exercise. 相似文献
Pagothenia borchgrevinki , has a higher haemoglobin concentration than other Antarctic notothenioids and the high oxygen capacity may correlate with the relatively active mode of life of this fish. The fish has five haemoglobins (Hb C, Hb 0, Hb 1, Hb 2 and Hb 3) with Hb 1 accounting for 70–80% of the total, and Hb C being present in trace amounts. Hb 1 and Hb 2 are functionally similar in terms of Bohr and Root effects. Hb 3 has a weaker Bohr effect than Hb 1 and Hb 2, and the Root effect is similar to that of Hb 1. Hb 0 has a strong Bohr effect and the Root effect is enhanced to a larger extent by the physiological effectors chlorides and phosphates than that of the other components with the exception of Hb C. The heats of oxygenation are lower than those of temperate fish haemoglobins. Temperature variations may have a different effect on the functional properties of each haemoglobin, and chloride and phosphates may play an important role in the conformational change between the oxy and deoxy structures. The complete amino acid sequences of Hb 1 and Hb 0, as well as partial N-terminal or internal sequences of the other haemoglobins, have been established. The high multiplicity of functionally distinct haemoglobins indicates that P. borchgrevinki , has a specialized haemoglobin system. 相似文献
Previous studies on metabolic responses to feeding (i.e. the specific dynamic action, SDA) in Antarctic fishes living at temperatures below zero have reported long-lasting increases and small peak responses. We therefore hypothesized that the postprandial hyperemia also would be limited in the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki. The proportion of cardiac output directed to the splanchnic circulation in unfed fish was 18%, which is similar to temperate fish species. Contrary to our prediction, however, gastrointestinal blood flow had increased by 88% at twenty four hours after feeding due to a significant increase in cardiac output and a significant decrease in gastrointestinal vascular resistance. While gastric evacuation time appeared to be longer than in comparable temperate species, digestion had clearly commenced twenty four hours after feeding as judged by a reduction in mass of the administered feed. Even so, oxygen consumption did not increase suggesting an unusually slowly developing SDA. Adrenaline and angiotensin II was injected into unfed fish to investigate neuro-humoral control mechanisms of gastrointestinal blood flow. Both agonists increased gastrointestinal vascular resistance and arterial blood pressure, while systemic vascular resistance was largely unaffected. The hypertension was mainly due to increased cardiac output revealing that the heart and the gastrointestinal vasculature, but not the somatic vasculature, are important targets for these agonists. It is suggested that the apparently reduced SDA in P. borchgrevinki is due to a depressant effect of the low temperature on protein assimilation processes occurring outside of the gastrointestinal tract, while the gastrointestinal blood flow responses to feeding and vasoactive substances resemble those previously observed in temperate species. 相似文献
The thermal sensitivity of scope for activity was studied in the Antarctic nototheniid fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki. The scope for activity of P. borchgrevinki at 0°C was 189 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 (factorial scope 6.8) which is similar to that of temperate and tropical species at their environmental temperatures, providing no evidence for metabolic cold adaptation of maximum activity. The scope for activity increased to a maximum value of 266 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 (factorial scope 8.3) at 3°C and then decreased from 3 to 6°C. The thermal sensitivity of critical swimming speed was also investigated and followed a similar pattern to aerobic scope for activity, suggesting oxygen limitation of aerobic performance. Oxygen consumption rates and ventilation frequencies were monitored for 24 h after the swimming challenge and the recovery of both parameters to resting levels was rapid and independent of temperature. 相似文献
X-cell tumours have been described previously from teleost fish of the Northern Hemisphere, in which they occurred as lesions of the skin, pseudobranchs or gills. The present study describes X-cell tumours from the gills of an Antarctic teleost, Pagothenia borchgrevinki , thus extending the range to the Antarctic and also the Southern Hemisphere. Gills of affected fish were distinctly swollen and white in appearance, indicating that the gills were not functional as gas exchange organs. The affected gill tissue contained large numbers of X-cells, large spherical cells with a distinct extracellular coat and many densely staining membrane-bound granules. The possible origin of the cells is discussed. 相似文献
Summary The cryopelagic circumantarctic notothenioid fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki lives near the undersurface of the sea ice in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. When compared to closely related benthic species (especially Trematomus bernacchii), Pagothenia exhibited substantial morphological differences in a variety of organ systems. The values of the fineness ratio and the indices of trunk shape and flatness suggested streamlining and drag reduction, adaptations to life in the water column. Pagothenia also lacked substrate contact adaptations in the pelvic and anal fins. Silvery reflective layers (strata argentea) beneath the skin and in the iris and choroid of the eye provided camouflage when Pagothenia were viewed against a background of platelet ice. The retina had many cones indicating the eye was adapted to both diurnal and nocturnal vision. During the austral spring Pagothenia fed exclusively on nektonic organisms near the ice-water interface. Dietary diversity was low; copepods and amphipods were the most frequently occurring and amphipods were the most frequently occurring taxa. In conclusion, Pagothenia appear specialized for life in the water column. 相似文献
Sandblom E Axelsson M Davison W 《Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology》2008,178(7):845-851
The venous haemodynamic response to enforced exercise and acute temperature increase was examined in the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki (borch) to enable comparisons with the existing literature for temperate species, and investigate if the unusual cardiovascular response to temperature changes previously observed in the borch can be linked to an inability to regulate the venous vasculature. Routine central venous blood pressure (P (cv)) was 0.08 kPa and the mean circulatory filling pressure (P (mcf); an index of venous capacitance) was 0.14 kPa. Acute warming from 0 to 2.5 and 5 degrees C increased heart rate (f (H)), while dorsal aortic blood pressure (P (da)) decreased. P (mcf) did not change, while P (cv) decreased significantly at 5 degrees C. This contrasts with the venoconstriction previously observed in rainbow trout in response to increased temperature. Exercise resulted in small increases in P (mcf) and P (cv), a response that was abolished by alpha-adrenoceptor blockade. This study demonstrates that the heart of P. borchgrevinki normally operates at positive filling pressures (i.e. P (cv)) and that venous capacitance can be actively regulated by an alpha-adrenergic mechanism. The lack of decrease in venous capacitance during warming may suggest that a small increase in venous tone is offset by a passive temperature-mediated increase in compliance. 相似文献
Summary The antarctic teleost, Pagothenia borchgrevinki inhabits the Antarctic Ocean where the water temperature remains around -1.9° C throughout the year. Dermal melanophores of this fish respond within minutes to epinephrine and theophylline with melanosome aggregation and dispersion, respectively. Numerous cytoplasmic microtubules are present in these cells despite the low environmental temperature. In longitudinal profiles, many microtubules are twisted, beaded and sometimes even branched. In cross sections, C-, U-, S-, 6- and other irregularly shaped tubules are observed. Nocodazole partially disrupts microtubules and inhibits epinephrine-induced pigment aggregation. Pigment movements are also prevented by erythro-9-[3-(2-hydroxynonyl)] adenine. Although the participation of these incomplete microtubules in cell motility remains uncertain, the results indicate that this fish has a cold-resistant microtubule system on which melanosome movements depend. Unlike those in melanophores, microtubules in the axons of spinal nerves are of uniform thickness and often contain an electron-dense core in the center. 相似文献
In spite of the unique conditions they have to operate under, the pineal organs of Antarctic fishes have not previously been examined. We determined immunohistochemically that in the end-vesicles and the pineal stalks of Pagothenia borchgrevinki (a species found directly beneath the sea-ice) as well as Trematomus bernacchii (a species preferring somewhat deeper water than the former) at least two populations of physiologically-different cells occurred that displayed reactions indicative of typical vertebrate photoreceptors. Comparisons with immunocytochemically treated retinal sections from the eyes of the same two species showed that anti-opsin reactivity, characteristic of rods, was particularly strong in the lumina of the pineal stalks of both species. Anti-visinin reactions stained cones in the retinal sections of both fishes and occurred throughout the pineal organs, but in particular in the end vesicles of the pineals of both species. The difference in preferred habitat depth between the two species appears to have had very little influence on both retinal and pineal immunocytochemistry. It is concluded that the pineal organs of both species, at least during the austral summer, exhibit signs of being directly photo-sensitive. 相似文献
Summary Resting weight-specific oxygen consumption of the cryopelagic Antarctic nototheniid Pagothenia borchgrevinki at 0°C was 39.6 ml kg-1 · h-1 for a 50 g fish, with oxygen consumption being described by the regression equation: log10 VO2(ml/h)=–1.104+0.825 log10 Mb (g). These values are considerably below those raported by Wohlschlag (1964a,b). VO2 max. in forced swimming was described by the regression equation: log10 VO2 max = –0.507+0.823 log10 Mb. Despite low basal metabolism, factorial aerobic scope is similar to that reported for most other teleost fish, as is the cost of net transport. Myotomal muscles were used only at the highest swimming speeds and once they were recruited the fish fatigued rapidly. After swimming, oxygen debt was repaid rapidly, with a half-time of 20 min. 相似文献
J. Hattingh 《Journal of fish biology》1977,10(5):453-455
The effects of the anaesthetic, MS-222, on the microhaematocrit value of freshwater fish have been examined. Blood containing MS-222 showed a higher haematocrit value than blood without the anaesthetic and haemolysis occurred in the former after a variable time depending on the concentration. The results are discussed in relation to previous findings. 相似文献
The notothenioid fishes Trematomus pennellii, T. newnesi, and T. bernacchii had 5–15% skeletal lipid, as percent dry weight, and this comprised 6–8% of the total body lipid. Trematomus hansoni and Pagothenia borchgrevinki had 2–4% skeletal lipid, which comprised 1% of total body lipid. Triacylglycerol was the major lipid class present in all
tissues of all fish analyzed (up to 89% of total lipid), with minor components including sterol, phospholipid and wax esters.
Monounsaturated fatty acids comprised 38.3–58.0% of the total fatty acids, and included primarily oleic [18 : 1(n-9)] and palmitoleic [16 : 1(n-7)] acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids comprised 19.1–40.0% of the total fatty acids and included primarily eicosapentaenoic
acid [20 : 5(n-3)] and docosahexaenoic acid [22 : 6(n-3)]. These five notothenioid fishes, which include benthic, benthopelagic, and cryopelagic species, are lower in lipid than
other important Southern Ocean fishes (such as the Patagonian toothfish) and are estimated to be negatively buoyant. These
data will be of use to research groups presently using signature lipid methodology.
Accepted: 5 April 1999 相似文献
M. Maffia R. Acierno G. Deceglie S. Vilella C. Storelli 《Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology》1993,163(4):265-270
The enzymatic activity (expressed as milliunits per milligram total proteins) of three intestinal brush-border membrane enzymes, leucine aminopeptidase, alkaline phosphatase and maltase, measured over a range of temperatures between 1.5 and 37 °C, has been found to be much higher in the Antarctic fish Pagothenia bernacchii than in the temperate fish Anguilla anguilla. To explain this experimental observation the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant, the maximal velocity, the activation energy values and the thermal stability of these three enzymes were measured. The apparent Michaelis-Menten constant values of leucine amino peptidase and alkaline phosphatase were different in the intestine mucosal homogenate of the two fish at each measured temperature (from a minimum of 2.5 to a maximum of 37 °C). However, the values found at 2.5 °C for the Antarctic species and 15 °C for the eel where comparable. Furthermore, its value was unchanged in eel intestine apical membranes, both in the presence and without enzyme lipid microenvironment. While the maximal enzymatic activities of the leucine aminopeptidase and maltase did not decrease without their enzyme lipid microenvironment, produced by treatment with Triton X-100, the impairment of alkaline phosphatase maximal activity cannot be significantly differentiated from a non-specific inhibitory effect of the detergent. The activation energy values of leucine amino peptidase, alkaline phosphatase and maltase were lower in the Antarctic fish (11.7, 5.6 and 11.8 kcal·mol-1, respectively) than in the eel (13.6, 7.6 and 13.1 kcal·mol-1, respectively). The thermal stability of alkaline phosphatase and maltase is different in Pagothenia bernacchii and Anguilla anguilla intestinal homogenate.Abbreviations BBM
brush border membrane
activation energy
ethyleneglycol-bis-(-amino ethylether)N, N-tetraacetic acid
2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]-ethane sulphonic acid
apparent Michaelis-Menten constant
phenylmethyl-sulphonyl fluoride
TRIS (hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane 相似文献
在水温26.5℃±0.2℃条件下,研究了麻醉剂MS-222对布氏鲷Tilapia buttikoferi幼鱼(13.5 g±1.2 g)的麻醉效果。试验表明:低浓度(10 mg/L)MS-222可使鱼体兴奋并出现剧烈打斗行为,随着麻醉剂浓度的升高(30110 mg/L),鱼体依次达到1110 mg/L),鱼体依次达到16期最终麻醉状态;1106期最终麻醉状态;110190 mg/L为MS-222对布氏鲷幼鱼的有效麻醉浓度范围,试验鱼能在3 min之内达到第4期麻醉状态,并能在3 min内复苏,且麻醉15 min成活率为100%;多重比较结果显示,130190 mg/L为MS-222对布氏鲷幼鱼的有效麻醉浓度范围,试验鱼能在3 min之内达到第4期麻醉状态,并能在3 min内复苏,且麻醉15 min成活率为100%;多重比较结果显示,130190 mg/L药物浓度下,布氏鲷幼鱼进入第4期麻醉所需时间、复苏时间无显著差异(P>0.05);150 mg/L药物浓度麻醉5 min,随着空气暴露时间的增加(0190 mg/L药物浓度下,布氏鲷幼鱼进入第4期麻醉所需时间、复苏时间无显著差异(P>0.05);150 mg/L药物浓度麻醉5 min,随着空气暴露时间的增加(025 min),试验鱼复苏时间逐渐减少,暴露25 min之后复苏时间快速增加。本研究结果可为MS-222在布氏鲷的生产、研究等领域的应用提供参考。 相似文献
N. Topic Popovic I. Strunjak‐Perovic R. Coz‐Rakovac J. Barisic M. Jadan A. Persin Berakovic R. Sauerborn Klobucar 《Zeitschrift fur angewandte Ichthyologie》2012,28(4):553-564
Tricaine methane‐sulfonate (MS‐222) is one of the most widely used anaesthetics for poikilotherms worldwide. This paper outlines its anaesthetic efficacy and dosage in fish and legislation for its use, fish stress responses to MS‐222 anaesthesia and its effect on fish physiology and blood properties, pharmacokinetics, genotoxicity, immune response, potential interference with fish hepatic cytochrome P450 spectra, and its impact on nerve sensitivity. Key questions arising from the available data are analysed, such as regulatory constraints on its use, the need for the standardization of buffering protocols, and interdependencies of the factors impacting the specific applicative efficacy of MS‐222. Current research has provided an abundance of data on MS‐222 use in fish, although the applications within these studies are often impractical at the farming level. Specific emphasis is therefore placed on highlighting application strategies on a practical basis, presenting potential future research on topics that require in‐depth analysis (preparation and storage of anaesthetic solutions, pre‐anaesthetic sedation and stress reduction, cortisol response in aquarium fish, toxicity of MS‐222 metabolites, and possible immunodepressive properties). Additionally, both from a scientific and practical perspective, it is necessary to have a better understanding of safety margins, induction, immersion and recovery times for many (marine and freshwater, farmed and ornamental) fish species in order to achieve optimal utilization. 相似文献
Sandblom E Axelsson M Davison W 《Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology》2009,179(2):165-173
Catecholamines increase arterial pressure by increasing cardiac output (Q) and stroke volume (V
s), while angiotensin II (ang II) also increases vascular resistance (R
sys) in the Antarctic fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki. Adrenaline, phenylephrine and ang II (Asn1, Val5) were injected into P. borchgrevinki. Cardiovascular variables, including central venous pressure (P
cv) and mean circulatory filling pressure (P
mcf; an index of venous capacitance), were recorded to investigate if venous vasoconstriction can explain the increased V
s and Q and the arterial pressor response in this species. Routine P
cv and P
mcf were 0.11 ± 0.01 and 0.18 ± 0.02 kPa, respectively. All of the drugs caused moderate increases in P
cv and P
mcf and the responses were attenuated after α-adrenergic blockade with prazosin. Although dorsal aortic pressure (P
da) also increased in response to all agonists, the mechanisms differed. Adrenaline caused sustained increases in V
s and Q, while R
sys only rose transiently. Ang II had a slower effect than adrenaline and increased both R
sys and Q, while phenylephrine only increased R
sys. This study demonstrates that P
cv is positive and controlled by an α-adrenergic mechanism in P. borchgrevinki. However, given the relatively small venous response to adrenaline it seems more likely that the increases in V
s and Q from this agonist are due to direct effects on the heart. 相似文献
Summary Melanophores, xanthophores, and iridophores from the skins of the two Antarctic fish speciesPagothenia borchgrevinki andTrematomus bernacchii were tested immunocytochemically for the presence of a variety of muscle proteins. Actin, myosin, and calmodulin, not surprisingly, were confirmed for all three chromatophore types of the two fishes, but the presence of caldesmon and calponin, both characteristic proteins of smooth muscle fibers, represents a new discovery. It is not known at this stage whether these proteins occur also in the chromatophores of other fishes and are not restricted to Antarctic species. Since, however, motility control of particles in fish chromatophores and the regulation of smooth muscle tension both involve the sympathetic nervous system, the presence of similar target proteins should not come as a surprise. The fact that none of the chromatophores tested positive for troponin shows that there is no close relationship between pigment cells and striated muscle. The lack of alpha-actinin in iridophores, but its presence in melanophores and xanthophores, is thought to be a reflection of the considerably greater pigment translocations within the latter two types of chromatophore cells. 相似文献