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We develop a structured metapopulation model for vertically transmitted symbionts in natural host populations. We focus primarily on two questions: Are mutualism and high transmission probability prerequisites for the survival of symbionts in structured host metapopulations? What are the ecological conditions under which coexistence of infected and uninfected hosts is possible? We start with studying in depth the case of qualitatively identical patches and derive conditions for invasion and coexistence of uninfected and infected hosts. Our model predicts that, in a qualitatively uniform environment, coexistence is possible only if the symbionts increase the fitness of their host, so the mutualism is indeed needed for coexistence. We also prove that evolution selects for 100% infection frequency in the metapopulation. Then we generalize the model for different patch qualities and get conditions for invasion in a virgin environment.  相似文献   

Associations between environmentally transmitted symbionts and their hosts provide a unique opportunity to study the evolution of specificity and subsequent radiation of tightly coupled host-symbiont assemblages [3, 8, 24]. The evidence provided here from the environmentally transmitted bacterial symbiont Vibrio fischeri and its sepiolid squid host (Sepiolidae: Euprymna) demonstrates how host-symbiont specificity can still evolve without vertical transmission of the symbiont [1]. Infection by intraspecific V. fischeri symbionts exhibited preferential colonization over interspecific V. fischeri symbionts, indicating a high degree of specificity for the native symbiotic strains. Inoculation with symbiotic bacteria from other taxa (monocentrid fish and loliginid squids) produced little or no colonization in two species of Euprymna, despite their presence in the same or similar habitats as these squids. These findings of host specificity between native Vibrios and sepiolid squids provides evidence that the presence of multiple strains of symbionts does not dictate the composition of bacterial symbionts in the host.  相似文献   

The costs and benefits of symbiotic interactions may vary with host and symbiont ontogeny. Effects of symbionts at different stages of host development or on different host demographic rates do not contribute equally to fitness. Although rarely applied, a population dynamics approach that integrates over the host life cycle is therefore necessary for capturing the net costs or benefits and, thus, the mutualistic or parasitic nature of symbioses. Using the native, disturbance‐specialist grass Agrostis hyemalis, we asked how a symbiotic endophyte affected the population dynamics of its host and how imperfect vertical transmission influenced symbiont frequency in a late successional environment. A size‐structured integral projection model (IPM) parameterized with experimental field data showed that greater rates of individual growth and reproduction for endophyte‐symbiotic (E+) hosts outweighed their lower rates of survival, leading to a net positive effect of symbiosis on equilibrium plant population growth (slower rate of extinction). Given that populations under going successional transitions are unlikely to be at an equilibrium size structure, we also conducted transient analysis that showed an initial short‐term cost to endophyte symbiosis. We used a megamatrix approach to link E? and E+ IPMs via imperfect vertical transmission and found that this parameter strongly influenced the frequency of symbiosis via complex interactions with host demographic rates. Overall, our population dynamics approach improves the ability to characterize the outcome of symbiotic interactions, and results suggest that particular attention should be paid to interactions between the rate of vertical transmission and host demography.  相似文献   

It is increasingly evident that for a number of high-profile pathogens, transmission involves both direct and environmental pathways. Much of the distinguished evolutionary theory has, however, focused on each of transmission component separately. Herein, we use the framework of adaptive dynamics to study the evolutionary consequences of mixed transmission. We find that environmental transmission can select for increased virulence when direct transmission is low. Increasing the efficiency of direct transmission gives rise to an evolutionary bi-stability, with coexistence of different levels of virulence. We conclude that the overlooked contribution of environmental transmission may explain the curious appearance of high virulence in pathogens that are typically only moderately pathogenic, as observed for avian influenza viruses and cholera.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop and analyze several populaion-dynamic models of an environmentally transmitted symbiotic parasite infecting an isolated population of susceptible hosts. In our most basic model infection acts only to decrease the average lifetime of the infected host, parasites are only transmitted to uninfected hosts, there is no recovery from infection, and the rate of parasite transmission is an increasing function of the level of parasite virulence. It is shown that invasion of the parasite-free equilibrium cannot occur for virulence levels that are either too high or too low. We then incorporate a number of modifications to the model, among them the possibility that host fertility is reduced by infection, and that transmission rate depends additionally on susceptible host density. It is shown that the essential nature of the conditions for invasion are preserved. Thus, natural selection for intermediate virulence is a generic property of a broad class of population models.  相似文献   

Squids from the genus Euprymna (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) and their symbiotic bacteria Vibrio fischeri form a mutualism in which vibrios inhabit a complex light organ within the squid host. A host-mediated daily expulsion event seeds surrounding seawater with symbiotically capable V. fischeri that environmentally colonize newly hatched axenic Euprymna juveniles. Competition experiments using native and non-native Vibrio have shown that this expulsion/re-colonization phenomenon has led to cospeciation in this system in the Pacific Ocean; however, the genetic architecture of these symbiotic populations has not been determined. Using genetic diversity and nested clade analyses we have examined the variation and history of three allopatric Euprymna squid species (E. scolopes of Hawaii, E. hyllebergi of Thailand, and E. tasmanica from Australia) and their respective Vibrio symbionts. Euprymna populations appear to be very genetically distinct from each other, exhibiting little or no migration over large geographical distances. In contrast, Vibrio symbiont populations contain more diverse haplotypes, suggesting both host presence and unidentified factors facilitating long-distance migration structure in Pacific Vibrio populations. Findings from this study highlight the importance of how interactions between symbiotic organisms can unexpectedly shape population structure in phylogeographical studies.  相似文献   

Virtually all higher organisms form holobionts with associated microbiota. To understand the biology of holobionts we need to know how species assemble and interact. Controlled experiments are suited to study interactions between particular symbionts, but they only accommodate a tiny portion of the diversity within each species. Alternatively, interactions can be inferred by testing if associations among symbionts in the field are more or less frequent than expected under random assortment. However, random assortment may not be a valid null hypothesis for maternally transmitted symbionts since drift alone can result in associations. Here, we analyse a European field survey of endosymbionts in pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum), confirming that symbiont associations are pervasive. To interpret them, we develop a model simulating the effect of drift on symbiont associations. We show that drift induces apparently nonrandom assortment, even though horizontal transmissions and maternal transmission failures tend to randomise symbiont associations. We also use this model in the approximate Bayesian computation framework to revisit the association between Spiroplasma and Wolbachia in Drosophila neotestacea. New field data reported here reveal that this association has disappeared in the investigated location, yet a significant interaction between Spiroplasma and Wolbachia can still be inferred. Our study confirms that negative and positive associations are pervasive and often induced by symbiont‐symbiont interactions. Nevertheless, some associations are also likely to be driven by drift. This possibility needs to be considered when performing such analyses, and our model is helpful for this purpose.  相似文献   

Pathological changes in Vitis vinifera cv. Caveccia phloem from leaves showing symptoms of a flavescence doreé-like disease consisted of obliteration, necrosis and collapse of the sieve elements and associated companion cells, and excessive callose accumulation in lateral sieve areas and sieve plates of apparently normal mature sieve elements. Unusual structures, also found in degenerate sieve elements of diseased leaf vein specimens, were strongly electron-dense and bounded by a unit membrane or an electron-transparent border, and considered to be senescent forms of mycoplasma-like organisms. The significance of these findings in relation to possible host responses to the yellows pathogen is discussed.  相似文献   

Host-specificity of folivorous insects in a moist tropical forest   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. To assess the degree of herbivore host-specificity in the moist tropical forest on Barro Colourado Island, Panama, I conducted an extensive series of feeding trials on the common insect herbivores from 10 tree species.
2. The herbivores were offered leaves from both congeneric and confamilial plant species to their known host species, as well as leaves from the most abundant tree species in the forest.
3. The amount of damage caused by these herbivores to young, expanding leaves was also measured on nine of the tree species.
4. Of 46 herbivores species (seven Coleoptera, one Orthoptera, 38 Lepidoptera), 26% were specialized to a single plant species, 22% were limited to feeding on a single genus and 37% were able to feed on several genera within a single family. The remaining 15% were generalists, able to feed from several different plant families.
5. The causes of leaf damage varied extensively across the tree species. On average, specialist herbivores caused 58% of the damage to young leaves, generalists herbivores 8% and fungal pathogens 34%. For four of the tree species, pathogens were the most important cause of leaf damage.
6. In this forest, most chewing herbivores appear to have fairly narrow diets, and these specialists are responsible for most of the insect herbivory.  相似文献   

Pathological changes in Vitis vinifera cv. Caveccia phloem from leaves showing symptoms of a flavescence doreé-like disease consisted of obliteration, necrosis and collapse of the sieve elements and associated companion cells, and excessive callose accumulation in lateral sieve areas and sieve plates of apparently normal mature sieve elements. Unusual structures, also found in degenerate sieve elements of diseased leaf vein specimens, were strongly electron-dense and bounded by a unit membrane or an electron-transparent border, and considered to be senescent forms of mycoplasma-like organisms. The significance of these findings in relation to possible host responses to the yellows pathogen is discussed.  相似文献   

Using transmission electron and fluorescent microscopes, Mycoplasma-like organisms (MLOs) were found in phloem cells of stems and leaves of Ammobium alatum. The diameter of these organisms ranged from 0.12–0.73 μm and averaged 0.4 μm. Symptoms induced by MLOs included chlorosis and reddening of leaves and winged stems, plant stunting and flower phyllody. This is the first report of MLOs associated with disease symptoms in A. alatum.  相似文献   

Open-field tests may be used for the host-specificity determination of insects used in the biological control of weeds. Such tests allow insects to exercise free choice of plants without constraints associated with the use of cages. Therefore, this testing method can generate host data on candidate biocontrol agents under more natural conditions than those obtained via cage tests. The literature contains 24 studies of open-field testing, involving 13 target weed species, more than 34 species of insects and one eriophyid mite. Field-test data were used to support the release of 20 of these candidate agents into new countries. Most field tests have been conducted in concert with laboratory host-specificity tests or in response to the results of laboratory tests. This review also provides information on experimental designs, locations, categories of test plants included and the constraints of open-field testing.  相似文献   

Periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (PATAg) reaction for poiysaccharide localization was performed on ultrathin sections of Spurr resin-embedded tissues of Physostegia virginina and Catharanthus roseusknown to be infected by mycoplasma-like organisms (MLO). Electron microscopy of PATAg-treated sections revealed heavy silver deposition on hmiting membranes of all MLO. It was not possible to detect differences m silver deposition within the multi stratified membrane structure because of masking by silver-grain deposition. Silver deposition was not found in the cytoplasmic region of the MLO. The results indicate the presence of glucide determinants only in the limiting membrane of the MLO. The significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

共生菌普遍存在于昆虫体内,它们能够为宿主昆虫提供生长发育所必需的氨基酸、固醇类等营养物质,还能提高昆虫适应高温、寄生虫、病毒等不利环境因素的能力,昆虫则为共生菌提供稳定的生存环境和营养物质,昆虫与共生菌相互依存。多数情况下,共生菌通过垂直传播在宿主代次间进行传播,即共生菌由母代传递给子代。结合最近几年相关研究,本文综述了不同昆虫共生菌的垂直传播模式。除极少数肠道共生菌通过污染卵壳被宿主幼虫取食得以垂直传播外,垂直传播的共生菌多为经卵传播。根据侵染时期的不同,共生菌经卵传播模式多数可分为以下4种:侵染宿主昆虫幼虫中的生殖干细胞、侵染宿主昆虫年轻雌成虫中的生殖干细胞、侵染宿主昆虫雌成虫中的成熟卵母细胞以及侵染宿主昆虫囊胚期胚胎。其中,有些共生菌是以共生菌菌胞整体侵染的方式进入到宿主卵巢。另外,少数肠道共生菌也通过卵巢进行垂直传播,此类共生菌先侵染卵巢侧输卵管并在侧输卵管聚集,待卵排放至侧输卵管时再进入到卵中。在文中,我们也探讨了昆虫共生菌垂直传播过程中的细胞机制和免疫机制,包括共生菌避开宿主免疫反应、共生菌通过内吞作用进入卵巢以及不同共生菌间的协同作用等。  相似文献   

Populus alba plantlet micropropagation has been used for maintaining MLOs more than three years in samples collected from infected trees in Paris. Symptoms were observed on plantlets obtained from subcultures of the apical, middle and basal parts of the stems, and from the roots. Fluorescent microscopy failed to detect MLOs in the apical part of the plantlets and showed that they increased near the roots. Electron microscopy confirmed their presence. Some root sieve tubes were completely packed with MLOs. The sensitivity of the two methods used, subculturing and microscopy, for detection of MLOs is discussed. The symptoms remained for one year in plants regenerated from diseased plantlets and grown in the greenhouse. Then they started to disappear.  相似文献   

By using electron microscopy pleomorphic mycoplasma-like bodies were observed only in the phloem cells of the field infected potato plants showing purple top roll symptoms. The bodies surrounded by unit membranes were 50–300 nm in diameter.  相似文献   

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