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The eyes of the sandlance, Limnichthyes fasciatus (Creediidae, Teleostei) move independently and possess a refractive cornea, a convexiclivate fovea and a non-spherical lens giving rise to a wide separation of the nodal point from the axis of rotation of the eye much like that of a chameleon. To investigate this apparent convergence of the visual optics in these phylogenetically disparate species, we examine feeding behaviour and accommodation in the sandlance with special reference to the possibility that sandlances use accommodation as a depth cue to judge strike length. Frame-by-frame analysis of over 2000 strikes show a 100% success rate. Explosive strikes are completed in 50 ms over prey distances of four body lengths. Close-up video confirms that successful strikes can be initiated monocularly (both normally and after monocular occlusion) showing that binocular cues are not necessary to judge the length of a strike. Additional means of judging prey distance may also be derived from parallax information generated by rotation of the eye as suggested for chameleons. Using photorefraction on anaesthetised sandlances, accommodative changes were induced with acetylcholine and found to range between 120 D and 180 D at a speed of 600–720 D s−1. The large range of accommodation (25% of the total power) is also thought to be mediated by corneal accommodation where the contraction of a unique cornealis muscle acts to change the corneal curvatures. Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   

Chameleons have a number of unusual, highly specialised visual features, including telescopic visual optics with a reduced lens power, wide separation of the eye's nodal point from the axis of rotation, a deep-pit fovea, rapid pre-calculated strikes for prey based on monocular depth judgements (including focus), and a complex pattern of partially independent alternating eye movements. The same set of features has been acquired independently by a teleost, the sandlance Limnichthyes fasciatus. Despite its underwater lifestyle, this fish displays visual behaviour and rapid strikes for prey that are remarkably similar to those of the chameleon [1]. In a direct comparison of the two species, we have revealed other, previously unsuspected, similarities, such as corneal accommodation, which was unknown in teleosts, as well as bringing together, for the first time, data collected from both species. The sandlance is the only teleost, among thousands studied, that has corneal refraction, corneal accommodation and reduced lens power, as well as sharing the other specialised optical features seen in chameleons. The independent eye movement pattern in the sandlance is also unusual and similar to that of the chameleon. The selection pressures that have produced this remarkable example of convergence may relate to common visual constraints in the life styles of these two phylogenetically disparate species.  相似文献   

This review describes how the morphology and distribution of the mitochondria of the epithelium and the superficial fibre layers of the lens were studied using confocal scanning laser microscopy. This research was correlated with an effort to use the optical properties of the intact lens in culture as a proxy for the cornea in measuring ocular toxicity. In turn, this work led to the confocal study of the in vitro and then the in vivo cornea and their possible use in using confocal microscopy to evaluate the effect of various treatments on the integrity of the surface of the eye. Finally, confocal examination of the mitochondria of the lens has provided an avenue to the study of mitochondrial dynamics.  相似文献   

Synopsis Low intensity colored light is very often used to observe or manipulate fish during the scotophase. According to data on fish vision, most species can perceive these wavelengths of light since their cone pigments have maximum absorption peaks around 455, 530 and 625 nm. To test whetherHoplosternum littorale can detect low intensity red or blue light, we attempted to entrain feeding activity, known to be nocturnal and synchronized by the circadian light/dark alternation, to such light. Feeding activity was entrained with either red or blue light, indicating that these fish can perceive these lights. In all cases, the fish fed during the darker phase of the light cycle.  相似文献   



All thirteen known mammalian aquaporins have been detected in the eye. Moreover, aquaporins have been identified as playing essential roles in ocular functions ranging from maintenance of lens and corneal transparency to production of aqueous humor to maintenance of cellular homeostasis and regulation of signal transduction in the retina.

Scope of review

This review summarizes the expression and known functions of ocular aquaporins and discusses their known and potential roles in ocular diseases.

Major conclusions

Aquaporins play essential roles in all ocular tissues. Remarkably, not all aquaporin function as a water permeable channel and the functions of many aquaporins in ocular tissues remain unknown. Given their vital roles in maintaining ocular function and their roles in disease, aquaporins represent potential targets for future therapeutic development.

General significance

Since aquaporins play key roles in ocular physiology, an understanding of these functions is important to improving ocular health and treating diseases of the eye. It is likely that future therapies for ocular diseases will rely on modulation of aquaporin expression and/or function. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Aquaporins.  相似文献   

There are an estimated 285 million people with visual impairment worldwide, of whom 39 million are blind. The pathogenesis of many eye diseases remains poorly understood. The human eye is currently an emerging proteome that may provide key insight into the biological pathways of disease. We review proteomic investigations of the human eye and present a catalogue of 4842 nonredundant proteins identified in human eye tissues and biofluids to date. We highlight the need to identify new biomarkers for eye diseases using proteomics. Recent advances in proteomics do now allow the identification of hundreds to thousands of proteins in tissues and fluids, characterization of various PTMs and simultaneous quantification of multiple proteins. To facilitate proteomic studies of the eye, the Human Eye Proteome Project (HEPP) was organized in September 2012. The HEPP is one of the most recent components of the Biology/Disease‐driven Human Proteome Project (B/D‐HPP) whose overarching goal is to support the broad application of state‐of‐the‐art measurements of proteins and proteomes by life scientists studying the molecular mechanisms of biological processes and human disease. The large repertoire of investigative proteomic tools has great potential to transform vision science and enhance understanding of physiology and disease processes that affect sight.  相似文献   

The early morphogenesis of the lens and the expression of the γs-crystallin gene was studied in epigean Astyanax fasciatus and its cave-dwelling derivative. At early stages, the lens of the cave fish develops in a way that is similar to the epigean form. Later, the developmental timing is delayed and growth ceases in the cave-fish lens. With the beginning of cytodifferentiation, the development of the lens breaks down. Crystallin lens fibres are not produced at any time and the γs-crystallin gene, which is transcribed during a limited period in the lens of epigean fishes, is not active in cave specimens. This study confirms earlier immunofluorescence observations that demonstrated the lack of crystallin proteins in the cave-fish lens, but is in contrast to results on the blind mole rat, which showed a persistence of functioning crystallins in the degenerated lens of this species. The significance of developmental constraints in regressive evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

The lens and cornea combine to form a single optical element in which transparency and refraction are the fundamental biophysical characteristics required for a functional visual system. Although lens and cornea have different cellular and extracellular specializations that contribute to transparency and refraction, their development is closely related. In the embryonic mouse, the developing cornea and lens separate early. In contrast, zebra fish lens and cornea remain connected during early development and the optical properties of the cornea and lens observed by slit lamp and quasielastic laser light scattering spectroscopy (QLS) are more similar in the zebra fish eye than in the mouse eye. Optical similarities between cornea and lens of zebra fish may be the result of similarities in the cellular development of the cornea and lens.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic data have provided important clues that the Astyanax fasciatus populations from the Upper Paraná River basin could be a part of a more diverse fish group, usually included on the same taxa. Samples collected in Cachoeira de Emas, SP, in Mogi-Guaçu River basin, show two major cytotypes presenting 2 n = 46 and 2 n = 48 chromosomes, with distinct karyotypic formula, despite the fact that the molecular data suggested some degree of gene flow between these cytotypes. Cytogenetic and morphometric analyses were performed in this species, aiming to contribute to the understanding of the natural history from such fish group. Two allopatric populations with distinct standard cytotypes were analysed, and the data obtained suggest the separation into two groups.  相似文献   

In the present study spermiogenesis was investigated in Cetopsis coecutiens (Cetopsidae), and Bunocephalus amazonicus (Aspredinidae), while spermatozoa ultrastructure was investigated in C. coecutiens, B. amazonicus, and Nematogenys inermis (Nematogenyidae). Aspredinidae and Cetopsidae share a spermatogenesis of the semicystic type, and a particular type of spermiogenesis process not reported in any fish group. In the three species analyzed, spermatozoa are biflagellate with flagella having the classical axoneme formulae (9 + 2). The analysis of thirteen characters showed the presence of eight characters shared by Cetopsidae and Aspredinidae, and six characters shared by Cetopsidae and Nematogenyidae, which may suggest that these three families may be more related than actually hypothesized, comprising a very primitive siluriform lineage originated after Diplomystidae.  相似文献   

The cryopreservation of spermatozoa of a teleost fish, the burbot, Lota lota (Gadidae) was investigated. Cryopreserved semen had the highest motility rate (46.6+/-8.0%, fresh semen control 86.5+/-8.2%) and fertility (78.1+/-2.7% embryo survival in hatching stage, fresh semen control 82.2+/-2.9%) when 10% methanol, 1.5% glucose and 7% hen egg yolk were used as cryoprotectants. Freezing was performed in 0.5-ml straws in the vapour of liquid nitrogen at 1cm above the level of liquid nitrogen and thawing in water at 25 degrees C for 20s. For optimal fertilization cryopreserved semen was first mixed with the eggs and then 25 or 50 mmol/L NaCl solution (pH 8.5) was added at a ratio of 1:24 (semen:saline solution). Under these conditions fertilization ratios in the range of fresh semen control were obtained at minimal sperm to egg ratios of 1.7 x 10(6):1. Fertilization with cryopreserved semen had no influence on the embryonic development, as the ratio of embryos which stopped development and the ratio of embryonic malformations were similar to fresh semen.  相似文献   

Summary InNotodromas monachus, the three cups of the nauplius eye are formed by four pigment cells. The insides of the cups are lined with tapetal cells, which produce several layers of reflecting crystals. The reflecting crystals form a concave mirror in each cup upon which the retinular cells rest. The two-celled rhabdoms are few and perpendicular to the tapetal layer. The axons from the tripartite eye leave the retinular cells distally in three separate groups. The eye is thus of the inverse type. Large lens cells, with a low refractive index, are present in the open part of each cup. Distal to the lens cells, highly refractive lenses are formed in the cuticle. These lenses serve to decrease the effective curvature of the mirrors, thus enabling the reflectors to produce a focused image on the retina. The ventral cup differs by the lack of a cuticular lens and has degenerated-appearing cellular elements. The investigated nauplius eye is the only one known with both a mirror and a highly refractive lens in the dioptric apparatus.This investigation has been supported by grants from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council (grant no. 2760-009) and the Royal Physiographic Society of Lund.  相似文献   

Mudskipping gobies (Periophthalminae) are among the most terrestrial of amphibious fishes. Specializations associated with terrestrial prey capture and deglutition have been studied in Periophthalmus koelreuteri by light and X-ray cinematography which permits direct visualization of pharyngeal jaw movement during deglutition. Anatomical specializations of the pharyngeal jaws are described and include depressible teeth, a large ventral process on ceratobranchial five, and muscular modifications.
Multiple terrestrial feedings occur by Periophthalmus without a return to the water, and cineradiography reveals that the buccal cavity is often filled with air during terrestrial excursions in contrast to some previous hypotheses. Transport of the prey into the oesophagus occurs primarily by anteroposterior movement of the upper pharyngeal jaw. The lower pharyngeal jaw plays a limited role in food transport and may serve primarily to hold and position prey. The bite between upper and lower pharyngeal jaws occurs between the anterior teeth, and both jaws are protracted together during raking of food into the oesophagus. Functional specializations correlated with terrestrial feeding include obligatory use of pharyngeal jaws for swallowing even small prey items and positioning of the prey in the pharynx by pharyngeal jaw and hyoid movements alone.
This analysis of terrestrial feeding allows hypotheses of design constraints imposed by the aquatic medium on fishes to be raised and tested.  相似文献   

Synopsis InChaetodon trifasciatus, the large eye has the form of a thick disk rather than that of a globe. A deep cutaneous groove surrounds the eyeball, probably allowing rapid eye movements. The form and innervation of the three pairs of extraocular muscles are described. Each muscle is made of two types of fascicles of fibres, thick and thin. There is neither an anterior nor posterior myodome. The skull attachment of the obliques and of the inferior rectus is made on the thin sagittal ethmoidal membranous septum while that of the other recti occurs on osseous pieces of the skull. The attachment on the eyeball is made on the cartilaginous sclera. The ratio of the lengths of the antagonist muscles, superior vs. inferior oblique, superior vs. inferior rectus and medial vs. lateral rectus, is about 1.43:1. The three oculomotor nerves (III: common oculomotor, IV: trochlear and VI: abducens) as well as the ciliary system are described. For the following reasons, an analogy between the lateral rectus ofChaetodon trifasciatus and the lateral rectus + retractor bulbi of other vertebrates is indicated: (1) the nucleus of nerve III (which innervates four muscles) has four sectors, while that of IV (which innervates only the superior oblique) is made of one sector; (2) nerve VI consists of two roots corresponding to two groups of nerve cells of its motor nucleus and (3) in other vertebrates, nerve VI innervates both the lateral rectus and the retractor bulbi.  相似文献   

The first set of eight polymorphic microsatellites markers was successfully optimized from a partial genomic library enriched for an AC motif of the killifish Aphanius fasciatus Nardo, 1827 (Teleostei, Cyprinodontidae), a brackish‐water fish widely distributed along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. The developed loci proved to be polymorphic, displaying from two to six alleles per locus with expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.277 to 0.752. All loci were under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, except Af8 that showed significant heterozygotes deficiency, and there was no evidence of linkage associations between any pair of loci. Markers reported here will be potentially useful in monitoring of genetic population structure in this species.  相似文献   

Synopsis The size of seven neural structures was compared in 51 species of Notropis, Pteronotropis, Cyprinella, Luxilus, Lythrurus, and Hybopsis, and related to the turbidity of the species& habitat. This last parameter was assessed for each species by personal communication with 42 ichthyologists. To control for size differences among species, all analyses were performed on the residuals from a regression of each character on standard length. Principal components analysis (PCA) of the residuals produced four significant PC-axes that together explained 65% of the total variation represented in the original variables. The size of brain structures concerned with vision, olfaction, and gustation was correlated with habitat turbidity. Two-way Analyses of Covariance (ANCOVAs) revealed significant differences between species in the size of all structures. Sexual dimorphism was found in the size of the olfactory bulb and the cerebellum, and significant two-way interactions (species vs. sex) were detected for the telencephalon, optic lobes, cerebellum, vagal lobe, and the eye. Cluster analysis indicated that neither similar turbidity preference nor shared phylogeny is alone sufficient to explain the observed differences in brain morphology.  相似文献   

The amount of osteological variation among 11 Italian killifish Aphanius fasciatus populations was examined by the univariate and multivariate analysis of 40 morphometric and meristic variables of the skull and vertebral column. Populations were sampled in three geographically distinct areas (the Adriatic, Sardinia and Sicily). The statistical analysis confirmed that several populations were well differentiated. In particular, discriminant analysis revealed a strong discriminating power of the morphometric variables. Morphometrics of the vertebrae, bony elements of the pharyngeal jaws, supraoccipital and parasphenoid were the most important in discriminating populations. The dendrogram obtained by UPGMA cluster analysis shows the separation of the south-eastern Sicilian populations, that of the Sardinian populations and that of the central-northern Sicilian plus Adriatic populations, as well as the isolation of the Sicilian population from Pantano Viruca and of the Sardinian populations from Pauli Figu from all the others. The significance of the observed differentiation pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

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