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翅果能够依靠风力进行传播, 可能是被子植物快速散布和物种分化的一个重要因素。狭义的翅果是指果皮延伸成翅且不开裂的干果; 广义的翅果则包括果皮、花被片或苞片形成果翅的所有果实。根据果翅形态及其生长方式的不同, 广义的翅果可分为单侧翅果、周位翅果(圆翅果与蝶翅果)、棱翅果、披针翅果、翼状萼翅果、叶状苞翅果6种类型, 其空中运动方式有自旋式(单侧翅果、翼状萼翅果)、波浪式(周位翅果、叶状苞翅果)、翻滚自旋式(周位翅果)、直升机式(披针翅果、翼状萼翅果)和滚筒式(棱翅果)。棱翅果与圆翅果在被子植物基部类群樟目就有发生, 并同时出现在单子叶植物和双子叶植物中, 可能是最早出现的翅果类型。翅果的演化过程呈现出果翅数量增加、果翅偏向单侧和果翅负荷(果实质量与果翅面积之比)降低的趋势, 以利于适应较小的风并增加传播距离。果翅除了促进果实与种子的风力传播外, 还具有物理防御、调节种子萌发和促进二次传播等作用。泛热带分布的金虎尾科有着极其丰富的翅果类型, 与其多次跨洋长距离扩散密切相关, 可以作为研究翅果适应与演化的一个模式类群。结合生态和演化-发育生物学方法, 研究不同类型翅果在适应风力传播方面的差异、萼片或苞片发育成翅的分子与遗传机制、翅果不同类型的演化历史及其对被子植物物种多样性的影响等是今后值得探讨的重要问题。  相似文献   

翅果能够依靠风力进行传播, 可能是被子植物快速散布和物种分化的一个重要因素。狭义的翅果是指果皮延伸成翅且不开裂的干果; 广义的翅果则包括果皮、花被片或苞片形成果翅的所有果实。根据果翅形态及其生长方式的不同, 广义的翅果可分为单侧翅果、周位翅果(圆翅果与蝶翅果)、棱翅果、披针翅果、翼状萼翅果、叶状苞翅果6种类型, 其空中运动方式有自旋式(单侧翅果、翼状萼翅果)、波浪式(周位翅果、叶状苞翅果)、翻滚自旋式(周位翅果)、直升机式(披针翅果、翼状萼翅果)和滚筒式(棱翅果)。棱翅果与圆翅果在被子植物基部类群樟目就有发生, 并同时出现在单子叶植物和双子叶植物中, 可能是最早出现的翅果类型。翅果的演化过程呈现出果翅数量增加、果翅偏向单侧和果翅负荷(果实质量与果翅面积之比)降低的趋势, 以利于适应较小的风并增加传播距离。果翅除了促进果实与种子的风力传播外, 还具有物理防御、调节种子萌发和促进二次传播等作用。泛热带分布的金虎尾科有着极其丰富的翅果类型, 与其多次跨洋长距离扩散密切相关, 可以作为研究翅果适应与演化的一个模式类群。结合生态和演化-发育生物学方法, 研究不同类型翅果在适应风力传播方面的差异、萼片或苞片发育成翅的分子与遗传机制、翅果不同类型的演化历史及其对被子植物物种多样性的影响等是今后值得探讨的重要问题。  相似文献   

Canrightiopsis with three species (C. intermedia, C. crassitesta, C. dinisii) is described from the Early Cretaceous of Portugal based on small, one-seeded berries. The fruits are derived from bisexual flowers with three stamens borne on one side of the ovary. There are no traces of a perianth. Pollen is of the Clavatipollenites-type, monocolpate, semitectate, reticulate-columellate with heterobrochate reticulum and muri with beaded supratectal ornamentation. The ovary is unilocular with a single pendant, orthotropous and bitegmic ovule. The seed is endotestal. The endotesta consists of one layer of palisade-shaped crystal cells with fibrous infillings. The fruit wall has resin bodies or cavities from presumed ethereal oil cells sometimes seen as stomata-like structures on the fruit surface. A phylogenetic analysis resolves Canrightiopsis as a close relative of extant Chloranthaceae, particularly close to extant Chloranthus and Sarcandra. All three taxa share the one-sided position of the stamens on the ovary. An evolutionary sequence from fossil Canrightia to fossil Canrightiopsis and extant Chloranthus and Sarcandra is suggested by loss of perianth, reduction in number of ovules and stamens and displacement of stamens to one side of the ovary. Canrightiopsis also shares several critical features with extant Ascarina including monoaperturate pollen and beaded supratectal ornamentation of the pollen wall.  相似文献   

The key selective pressure shaping the morphology of samaras is seen as enhancing primary wind-borne dispersal from the parent plant to the ground. However, the consequences of the samara wing of primarily wind-dispersed tree species for post-dispersal processes has not been well studied. We explored whether the presence of this wing in Acer pseudoplatanus either deters or promotes predation after dispersal, either by increasing the time and energy required to predate the seed or by increasing the seed's visibility to predators. We found that wing-removed fruits were preferred, suggesting that the presence of samaras makes seed handling more expensive for granivores. Further, we found that fewer seeds were consumed from treatments that contained the most winged seeds, thus there was no evidence of the samaras making seed finding easier for granivores. We conclude that the presence of the wing may offer an anti-predatory benefit as well as aiding primary dispersal.  相似文献   

PALSER, B. F., PHILIPSON, W. R. & PHILIPSON, M. N., 1991. Characteristics of ovary, ovule and mature megagametophyte in Rhododendron L. (Ericaceae) and their taxonomic significance. The ovary, ovule and megagametophyte at the time the latter is mature are described for 177 species representing all subgenera, sections and most subsections recognized in Rhododendron. All three, but particularly the ovary, vary considerably. The ovary is compared among species as to size; shape of apex–tapered vs. depressed; relative dimensions; indumentum–five basic hair types; wall structure including crystal distribution and frequency, stomata, cuticular ornamentation; locule number, shape and size relative to radius; wall thickness relative to radius; placenta size, shape, depth of cleft, level of cleft junction, presence or not of a decurrent placental stalk ridge; number of ovules, their arrangement and orientation on placenta; and presence and distribution of internal stomata and hairs. The nectary which girdles the base of the ovary also varies in size, shape, indumentum, stomata and some internal features. The ovule is anatropous, unitegmic and tenuinucellate with the lateral and micropylar nucellus disappearing completely and the megagametophyte elongating into the micropyle in all species. Also common to almost all are an endothelium, hypostase, differentiated epidermis–most often tanniniferous, and starch in integument around egg apparatus and micropyle. There are differences in size, shape, proportion occupied by gametophyte and micropyle, thickness of integument, degree of differentiation of some features, amount and area of starch and occurrence of chalazal and micropylar tails or of incipient micropylar and/or chalazal appendages. The megagametophyte, which develops according to the Polygonum pattern, has two distinct portions, the chalazal bounded by the endothelium with small antipodal cells at its end and the usually broader micropylar part within the micropyle containing a rather large egg apparatus with distinctive synergids; starch is present in the central cell and the polar nuclei are most often fused. Differences occur in proportions of the parts to one another, amount of starch, etc. Sixty-three characters were entered onto a computer, clustered by two different techniques and dendrograms constructed. Personal analysis and both dendrograms show section Vireya to be characterized by a syndrome of distinctive features and clearly separated from the rest of the genus. Subgenus Hymenanthes also has its particular syndrome but is somewhat less distinct from the remainder of the genus. Even less distinct but still grouped together are species of section Choniasirum and of section Sciadorhodion. Many species of section Rhododendron and of subgenus Tsutsusi tend to cluster together but section Rhododendron and most sections of the azalea complex are more generalized and moderate in the ovary, ovule and megagametophyte characters and do not separate sharply from one another.  相似文献   

Fossil spinicaudatan taxonomy heavily relies on carapace features (size, shape, ornamentation) and palaeontologists have greatly refined methods to study and describe carapace variability. Whether carapace features alone are sufficient for distinguishing between species of a single genus has remained untested. In our study, we tested common palaeontological methods on 481 individuals of the extant Australian genus Ozestheria that have been previously assigned to ten species based on genetic analysis. All species are morphologically distinct based on geometric morphometrics (p ≤ 0.001), but they occupy overlapping regions in Ozestheria morphospace. Linear discriminant analysis of Fourier shape coefficients reaches a mean model performance of 93.8% correctly classified individuals over all possible 45 pairwise species comparisons. This can be further increased by combining the size and shape datasets. Nine of the ten examined species are clearly sexually dimorphic but male and female morphologies strongly overlap within species with little influence on model performance. Ornamentation is commonly species-diagnostic; seven ornamentation types are distinguished of which six are species-specific while one is shared by four species. A transformation of main ornamental features (e.g. from punctate to smooth) can occur among closely related species suggesting short evolutionary timescales. Our overall results support the taxonomic value of carapace features, which should also receive greater attention in the taxonomy of extant species. The extensive variation in carapace shape and ornamentation is noteworthy and several species would probably have been assigned to different genera or families if these had been fossils, bearing implications for the systematics of fossil Spinicaudata.  相似文献   

应用蔡司荧光倒置显微镜观察17种(包含7栽培种)李属(广义)植物的果实表皮微形态特征。结果显示,果实表皮微形态多样,气孔复合体类型、气孔器形状、气孔大小、气孔密度及气孔周围纹饰等在李属(广义)植物不同类群中表现出各自独立的特点;一些性状如表皮细胞垂周壁式样、角质层纹饰和气孔复合体类型在属内各类群中出现分化规律,在各亚属之间表现出过渡性和连续性。研究表明,果实表皮微形态特征部分性状可作为李属(广义)植物识别的依据。果实表皮微形态特征在各类群之间变化,反映了不同类群对生态环境的适应。  相似文献   

The application of sieving techniques to bulk samples from the Ashizawa Formation, Futaba Group (Lower Coniacian) of northeastern Honshu, Japan, has yielded well-preserved mesofossil assemblages comparable with those recently described from eastern North America, Europe, and central Asia. Among the most abundant and distinctive components of these assemblages are fusiform fruits that are assigned here to a new genus and species, Hironoia fusiformis gen. et sp. nov. The fruits developed from an epigynous ovary with three to four locules. Each locule bears one seed and has a distinctive dorsal germination valve. These features of the fruit, along with the adnate calyx, indicate an affinity to extant Cornales and specifically the Cornaceae sensu lato. The recognition of an unequivocal cornalean fruit in the Early Coniacian–Early Santonian of Japan provides the earliest record of this group in the fossil record. It also establishes a minimum age for the early divergence of the asterid clade, a major group of living angiosperms comprising more than a third of all species of extant flowering plants. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The ultrastructural features of oospore wall ornamentation patterns revealed by scanning electron microscopy are important taxonomic characters of the Charales. The present study shows inter-and intrapecific variations in 19 species of the genera Chara, Lamprohamnium, Nitella and Tolypella. This is the first time that the oospore wall ornamentation of Swedish Charales has been documented in detail. In the studied Chara species the ornamentation within species was variable, and partly overlapping between species, but only between closely related species. In contrast, the Nitella species showed distinct differences in ornamentation patterns between species, although the same patterns can be found in different species. This study presents for the first time SEM images of the species Chara rudis (pustular ornamentation), Nitella opaca (pitted ornamentation) and Nitella wahlbergiana (anastomosing network ornamentation). The ornamentation pattern in the Nordic species TV. wahlbergiana , supports its separation from Nitella mucronata which has a reticulate ornamentation. The relationship between length and width of the oospores is also of taxonomic significance. Nitella and Tolypella oospores are roundish, whereas those of Chara and Lamprothamnium are elongate. The extent to which environmental and genetic factors can affect oospore size and shape within a species are still unknown, but in the present study both ornamentation pattern and size provided evidence for the distinction between Chara globularis and Chara aspera. Some further taxonomic problems in the Charales are discussed in the light of the results of this study.  相似文献   

水鳖科9属15种植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对水鳖科Hydrocharitaceae 9属15种植物的花粉形态进行 了观察。水鳖科植物花粉为圆球形至近椭球形,无萌发孔或偶为单沟萌发孔,外壁纹饰通常为小刺状纹 饰,刺密集或稀疏,花粉表面具瘤状、疣状、颗粒状、皱波状突起或光滑。外壁由覆盖层、柱状层和基层组 成。覆盖层厚或较薄,柱状层小柱发育不明显,基层薄。水鳖科植物在花粉大小、纹饰类型、刺的长短、 密度、形态、萌发孔的有无以及花粉壁的结构等方面表现出了较为明显的差异,这些特征对探讨类群间 关系具有较重要意义。由于黑藻属Hydrilla和Stratiotes属花粉较为特殊,支持将它们各自作为一个独立 的族处理。水鳖科植物花粉外壁纹饰和结构特点表明该科与水雍科Aponogetonaceae、泽泻科Alismataceae 和花蔺科Butomaceae等近缘,而该科植物花粉大多无萌发孔等则反应了该科与茨藻目Najadales植物有密切联系。  相似文献   

曹董玲  张学杰  刘玫 《植物研究》2019,39(5):673-682
采用GMA(Glycol methacrylate,乙二醇甲基丙烯酸酯)半薄切片法,利用比较解剖学对独行菜族中代表植物8属25种果实及种子微形态结构进行观察分析。同时,以菥蓂属菥蓂为例详细介绍了假隔膜的形成过程。结果显示独行菜族果实及种子微形态特征明显,果实均为短角果,除厚壁荠属和沙芥属果实为背腹压扁外,其他属种均为两侧压扁;果实边缘有翅为独行菜族的典型特征,可分为周翅、微翅、宽翅及披针形翅;部分果皮细胞有纤维层,偶有木化,除菘蓝属、厚壁荠属、沙芥属无假隔膜结构外,其他属种均具有明显的假隔膜。种子大小为(0.8~10)mm×(0.5~2.8)mm,种皮纹饰丰富,遇水或潮湿环境可形成粘液种子。种皮通常由薄壁细胞构成,偶有木化,具内含物;除高河菜属和菥蓂属子叶与胚根的排列方式为子叶缘倚,其他属种均为子叶背倚。假隔膜为内果皮细胞向内延伸连接而成。本文完善了独行菜族果实及种子微形态结构信息,为分子系统学等其他相关研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Fossil remains of Curtisia Aiton (Cornales) are recognized for the first time from the Tertiary of Europe, based on early Eocene anatomically preserved fruits from the London Clay and Poole Formations of southern England. The modern distribution of this monotypic genus is limited to the cape of South Africa. Curtisia quadrilocularis (Reid & Chandler) comb. nov. fruits have globose tetralocular endocarps composed of isodiametric sclereids with a single seed per locule, a prominent axial vascular canal, apical placentation, and four germination valves. All of these characters, as well as size, correspond to extant Curtisia . Although many fossil taxa from the Eocene of Europe have been shown to have their closest extant relatives in Asia, this occurrence of Curtisia highlights Tertiary floristic exchange between Europe and Africa. The newly recognized fossil occurrences suggest a Laurasian origin for Curtisia , in conformity with the fossil record for several other genera of the Cornales. In addition, our rejection of the former assignment of this species to Leucopogon causes us to question whether Epacridaceae were present in the Tertiary of Europe.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 127–134.  相似文献   

中国紫金牛属圆齿组果实微形态特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对国产紫金牛科紫金牛属圆齿组(Ardisia Sect. Crispardisia)16种植物的果实表面进行了扫描电镜观察。经观察果实为球形,表面多无毛,稀有柔毛。多数种具腺点,极少数无腺点或不明显,腺点疣状、粒状或横棒状,腺点常与果实表面突起具对应关系。果实表面纹饰大致可分为3种:基本平滑、多皱、波状网纹。某些种不同部位的纹饰差异较为明显。本研究结果对种间鉴别具有重要意义,并且不支持将珍珠伞A. maculosa归并入钮子果A. polysticta中。  相似文献   

Sexual signalling is predicted to shape the evolution of sex‐specific ornamentation, and establishing the costs and benefits of ornamentation and the information that ornamentation provides to receivers is necessary to evaluating this adaptive function. Here, we assessed the adaptive function of a common colour ornament in insects, melanin wing ornamentation, using the dragonfly Pachydiplax longipennis. We hypothesized that greater ornamentation would improve territory‐holding success by decreasing aggression that males receive from territorial rivals, but that more ornamented males may have shorter lifespans. Using mark–recapture field observations, we found that more ornamented males had greater territory‐holding success and that viability selection did not act on wing melanization. We then compared the aggression of territorial rivals to decoy males before and after experimentally augmenting wing melanization, finding that males significantly reduced aggression following the manipulation. We next hypothesized that wing melanization would signal fighting ability to territorial rivals by reflecting condition via investment in the costly melanin synthesis pathway. We observed a positive relationship between ornamentation and the likelihood of winning territorial disputes, suggesting that wing melanization provides information about fighting ability to rivals. We also found a positive relationship between melanin‐based immune defence and ornamentation, supporting a link between the signal and condition. We conclude that wing melanization is a condition‐related signal of fighting ability and suggest that this may be a common mechanism promoting the evolution of melanin ornamentation.  相似文献   

Because of the sedentary lifestyle of freshwater mussels, studies examining their movement capabilities are scarce. However, the ability to burrow into the substrate and the ability to remain stationary are likely crucial components of their behavioural repertoire. The performance of these different tasks is likely to be affected by the presence of the shell ornamentation characteristic of many mussel species. Previous studies have suggested that shell ornamentation results in a trade‐off between burrowing ability and remaining stationary when an extrinsic force attempts to dislodge it from the substrate once buried. We examined the effect of morphology and shell ornamentation on burrowing performance and anchoring ability by artificially creating shell ornamentation on a relatively smooth‐shelled species (Potamilus alatus). Burrowing behaviours and performance and the force required to dislodge mussels (anchoring ability) were quantified with and without ornamentation. Interestingly, we found that the artificial shell ornamentation had no significant effect on burrowing behaviours and performance or dislodgement force. Burrowing and dislodgement, however, were both highly influenced by shell size and shape. All of the available information suggests that shell size, shape, and sculpture influence burrowing and anchoring in complex ways that needs further examination. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 136–144.  相似文献   

Hatadani LM  Klaczko LB 《Genetica》2008,133(3):335-342
The second chromosome of Drosophila mediopunctata is highly polymorphic for inversions. Previous work reported a significant interaction between these inversions and collecting date on wing size, suggesting the presence of genotype-environment interaction. We performed experiments in the laboratory to test for the joint effects of temperature and chromosome inversions on size and shape of the wing in D. mediopunctata. Size was measured as the centroid size, and shape was analyzed using the generalized least squares Procrustes superimposition followed by discriminant analysis and canonical variates analysis of partial warps and uniform components scores. Our findings show that wing size and shape are influenced by temperature, sex, and karyotype. We also found evidence suggestive of an interaction between the effects of karyotype and temperature on wing shape, indicating the existence of genotype-environment interaction for this trait in D. mediopunctata. In addition, the association between wing size and chromosome inversions is in agreement with previous results indicating that these inversions might be accumulating alleles adapted to different temperatures. However, no significant interaction between temperature and karyotype for size was found--in spite of the significant presence of temperature-genotype (cross) interaction. We suggest that other ecological factors--such as larval crowding--or seasonal variation of genetic content within inversions may explain the previous results.  相似文献   

In order to determine if red maple dispersal potential or seed size change during secondary succession, samaras were collected from five populations located in early successional environments and five populations located in late successional environments. Wing loading ratios (samara mass—mg/samara area—cm2), which are inversely proportional to dispersal ability, were computed for all samaras, and seeds were excised from each samara and weighed. Samaras from the early successional red maples showed slightly but significantly lower wing loading ratios than those from the late successional environments. This result corresponds with the conclusions reached by several theoretical investigations of seed dispersal evolution that predict that recently founded populations will show greater dispersal abilities than more established populations. The earlier successional populations had slightly heavier seeds than the later successional populations, which suggests that the changes in community composition and dynamics that occur during this successional sequence do not select for heavier seeds in older red maple populations. Coefficients of variation for wing loading and seed size showed no consistent trends with successional stage, which indicates that variation in these characters does not decrease as succession proceeds.  相似文献   

云南金钱槭果实、种子形态分化研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
对5个云南金钱槭(Dipteronia dyeriana Henry)天然居群的果实、种子形态进行研究.测量了果实和种子的长度、宽度、重量等12个表型性状指标.数据统计结果显示5个云南金钱槭居群按果实、种子大小进行排序为蒙自(MZ)>屏边(PB)>文山1(WSh1)>文山3(WSh3)>文山2(WSh2).表型性状在居群内和居群间均存在着一定程度的变异,其中居群间变异系数的平均值从0.064(果实整体形态,PL/PB)到0.197(种子重量,SW),相比之下果实整体形态最为稳定.居群间形态总体差异显著性配对t检验结果说明,多数居群间已产生较明显的形态分化.Ward聚类和相关分析结果都表明表型性状与生态因子、海拔高度之间存在着一定程度的相关性,多种生态因子的共同作用是导致果实、种子形态特征产生差异的主要原因.  相似文献   

Seed and fruit morphology of four genera of Orobanchaceae: Cistanche, Diphelypaea, Orobanche and Phelipanche, native to Turkey, were studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. In this study, 100 accessions belonging to 39 species were investigated. The examined fruits had loculicidal capsules, generally dehiscing with 2 slits, and the seeds were small and with reticulate ornamentation. The basic shape of the seeds in most of the studied taxa was oblong, ellipsoid to ovoid, globose or subglobose. The results indicate that characters such as seed size, shape and color are useless for identification of the taxa at the species level. However, the anticlinal wall pattern and periclinal wall ornamentation proved useful for identifying the different genera. Four morphological types could be distinguished: smooth, perforate, microfibrillar and granulate. Type I corresponds to the genus Cistanche and Orobanche anatolica, whereas types II, III and IV were found in Diphelypaea, Orobanche and Phelipanche, respectively. The utility of seed characteristics is discussed in terms of inter‐ and intra‐generic taxonomy.  相似文献   

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