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Smooth Operator     
<正>新一代Eppendorf TransferMan 4r显微操作系统操作界面友好的TransferMan 4r,操作合理、理念领先,非常适用于进行如胚胎或干细胞的操作。独特的DualSpeed~(TM)双速操作杆,可以选用两种不同的速度调控模式。预设的应用程序(如细胞移植、DNA注射等等)让这些特定应用的使用者操作过程更加简单,自设的应用程序My app及软键,应用更加广泛。可直接控制Eppendorf的压电破膜仪与电动显微注射仪。同所有显微镜品牌兼容。  相似文献   

Voit EO 《Systems biology》2005,152(4):207-213
S-systems have been used as models of biochemical systems for over 30 years. One of their hallmarks is that, although they are highly non-linear, their steady states are characterised by linear equations. This allows streamlined analyses of stability, sensitivities and gains as well as objective, mathematically controlled comparisons of similar model designs. Regular S-systems have a unique steady state at which none of the system variables is zero. This makes it difficult to represent switching phenomena, as they occur, for instance, in the expression of genes, cell cycle phenomena and signal transduction. Previously, two strategies were proposed to account for switches. One was based on a technique called recasting, which permits the modelling of any differentiable non-linearities, including bistability, but typically does not allow steady-state analyses based on linear equations. The second strategy formulated the switching system in a piece-wise fashion, where each piece consisted of a regular S-system. A representation gleaned from a simplified form of recasting is proposed and it is possible to divide the characterisation of the steady states into two phases, the first of which is linear, whereas the other is non-linear, but easy to execute. The article discusses a representative pathway with two stable states and one unstable state. The pathway model exhibits strong separation between the stable states as well as hysteresis.  相似文献   

We developed a method for extracting raft-like, liquid-ordered membranes from the particulate fraction prepared from porcine trachealis smooth muscle. This fraction, which contains most of the plasma membrane in this tissue, was homogenized in the presence of cold 0.5% Triton X-100. After centrifugation, membranes containing high contents of sphingomyelin (SM) and cholesterol and low phosphatidylcholine (PC) contents remained in the pellet. Thirty-five millimolar octyl glucoside (OG) extracted 75% of these membranes from the Triton X-100-resistant pellet. These membranes had low buoyant densities and accounted for 28% of the particulate fraction lipid. Their lipid composition, 22% SM, 60% cholesterol, 11% phosphatidylethanolamine, 8% PC, <1% phosphatidylinositol, and coisolation with 5'-nucleotidase and caveolin-1 suggest that they are liquid-ordered membranes. We compared characteristics of OG and Triton X-100 extractions of the particulate fraction. In contrast to Triton X-100 extractions, membranes released from the particulate fraction by OG were mainly collected in low buoyant fractions at densities ranging from 1.05 to 1.11 g/ml and had phospholipid and cholesterol contents consistent with a mixture of liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered membranes. Thus, OG extraction of apparent liquid-ordered membranes from Triton X-100-resistant pellets was not due to selective extraction of these membranes. Low buoyant density appears not to be unique for liquid-ordered membranes.  相似文献   

Surface Antigens of Smooth Brucellae   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
Surface antigens of smooth brucellae were extracted by ether-water, phenol-water, trichloroacetic acid, and saline and examined by immunoelectrophoresis and gel diffusion with antisera from infected and immunized rabbits. Ether-water extracts of Brucella melitensis contained a lipopolysaccharide protein component, which was specific for the surface of smooth brucellae and was correlated with the M agglutinogen of Wilson and Miles, a polysaccharide protein component devoid of lipid which was not restricted to the surface of smooth brucellae and was not correlated with the smooth agglutinogen (component 1), and several protein components which were associated with internal antigens of rough and smooth brucellae. Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of ether-water extracts of B. abortus revealed only two components, a lipopolysaccharide protein component, which was correlated with the A agglutinogen, and component 1. Component 1 from B. melitensis and B. abortus showed identity in gel diffusion tests, whereas component M from B. melitensis and component A from B. abortus showed partial identity with unabsorbed antisera and no cross-reactions with monospecific sera. Attempts to prepare monospecific sera directly by immunization of rabbits with cell walls or ether-water extracts were unsuccessful. Absorption of antisera with heavy fraction of ether-water extracts did not always result in monospecific sera. It was concluded (as has been described before) that the A and M antigens are present on a single antigenic complex, in different proportions depending upon the species and biotype, and that this component is a lipopolysaccharide protein complex of high molecular weight that diffuses poorly through agar gel. Components 1, A, and M were also demonstrated in trichloroacetic acid and phenol-water extracts. With all extracts, B. melitensis antigen showed greater diffusibility in agar than B. abortus antigens. After mild acid hydrolysis, B. abortus ether-water extract was able to diffuse more readily.  相似文献   

This brief review serves as a refresher on smooth muscle physiology for those educators who teach in medical and graduate courses of physiology. Additionally, those professionals who are in need of an update on smooth muscle physiology may find this review to be useful. Smooth muscle lacks the striations characteristic of cardiac and skeletal muscle. Layers of smooth muscle cells line the walls of various organs and tubes in the body, and the contractile function of smooth muscle is not under voluntary control. Contractile activity in smooth muscle is initiated by a Ca(2+)-calmodulin interaction to stimulate phosphorylation of the light chain of myosin. Ca(2+) sensitization of the contractile proteins is signaled by the RhoA/Rho kinase pathway to inhibit the dephosphorylation of the light chain by myosin phosphatase, thereby maintaining force generation. Removal of Ca(2+) from the cytosol and stimulation of myosin phosphatase initiate the process of smooth muscle relaxation.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle antibodies (S.M.A.) were found in the sera of 81% of 126 patients over 10 years old with seropositive infectious mononucleosis tested within one month of onset. In 27 patients presenting clinically with infectious mononucleosis but having negative Paul-Bunnell tests the incidence of S.M.A. was 44%. In children 10 years of age or less in these two categories S.M.A. were present in 75% and 25% respectively, while in children of similar age not suspected of having infectious mononucleosis the incidence of S.M.A. was 10%. Among 45 adults with past histories of seropositive infectious mononucleosis more than one year before the incidence of S.M.A. was 33%, in contrast to 14% in 98 subjects with a negative history for infectious mononucleosis.  相似文献   

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum and Axonal Transport   总被引:4,自引:9,他引:4  

Actin-myosin II filament-based contractile structures in striated muscle, smooth muscle, and nonmuscle cells also contain the actin filament-crosslinking protein alpha-actinin. In striated muscle sarcomeres, interactions between the myosin-binding protein titin and alpha-actinin in the Z-line provide an important structural linkage. We previously discovered a titin-like protein, smitin, associated with the contractile apparatus of smooth muscle cells. Purified native smooth muscle alpha-actinin binds with nanomolar affinity to smitin in smitin-myosin coassemblies in vitro. Smooth muscle alpha-actinin also interacts with striated muscle titin. In contrast to striated muscle alpha-actinin interaction with titin and smitin, which is significantly enhanced by PIP2, smooth muscle alpha-actinin interacts with smitin and titin equally well in the presence and absence of PIP2. Using expressed regions of smooth muscle alpha-actinin, we have demonstrated smitin-binding sites in the smooth muscle alpha-actinin R2-R3 spectrin-like repeat rod domain and a C-terminal domain formed by cryptic EF-hand structures. These smitin-binding sites are highly homologous to the titin-binding sites of striated muscle alpha-actinin. Our results suggest that direct interaction between alpha-actinin and titin or titin-like proteins is a common feature of actin-myosin II contractile structures in striated muscle and smooth muscle cells and that the molecular bases for alpha-actinin interaction with these proteins are similar, although regulation of these interactions may differ according to tissue.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle antibody at titres of 1/10 or more was found in 54 (67·5%) out of 80 patients with malignant disease and in 9 (20%) out of 46 controls. The incidence of S.M. antibody ranged from 18/30 (60%) in malignant melanoma to 7/8 (83%) in carcinoma of the ovary. The presence of this antibody is possibly related to changes in the malignant cell membrane.A new antibody directed at an antigen presumed to be located in bile canaliculi among other sites is described.  相似文献   

Smooth optimum kernel estimators near endpoints   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
MULLER  HANS-GEORG 《Biometrika》1991,78(3):521-530

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