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Spread monolayers of the fibril protein collagen were studied at the air-water interface in the presence of denaturants, urea and thiourea. The most prominent feature of spread collagen monolayers at the air-water interface is the ability to form supramolecular structures (fibrils), which themselves can form monolayers with collapse points of their own. The surface pressure isotherms of collagen monolayers have two “quasi-linear” centers, which are separated by a plateau and correspond to liquid-expanded and liquid-condensed states; this unique capability makes collagen different from other proteins. When in monolayer, collagen acquires the same level of structural organization as in the bulk. In the presence of denaturants, subphase characteristics of collagen monolayers change rapidly and irreversibly. Thiourea exerts more pronounced denaturing action on collagen monolayers than urea; this effect increases with exposure time and denaturant concentration. A hypothetical mechanism of thiourea-induced denaturation of fibril proteins is proposed according to which interactions between hydrophobic C=S groups of thiourea and nonpolar surface groups of the protein lead to reorientation of carbonyl groups to formation of intrinsic hydrogen bonds with NH2-groups of thiourea eventually resulting in the rupture of intrinsic hydrogen bonds and denaturation of the protein.  相似文献   

The miscibility and phase behavior of two components of phospholipids and perfluorocarboxylic acids [FCn; perfluorododecanoic acid (FC12), perfluorotetradecanoic acid (FC14), perfluorohexadecanoic acid (FC16), and perfluorooctadecanoic acid (FC18)] have been systematically investigated using Langmuir monolayer technique. Dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) is utilized as a phospholipid component in biomembranes. Surface pressure (π)-molecular area (A) and surface potential (ΔV)-A isotherms have been measured for the DPPG/FCn systems on 0.15 M NaCl (pH 2.0) at 298.2 K. From the isotherm results, two-dimensional phase diagrams are constructed and classified into miscible and immiscible patterns. Furthermore, the phase behavior of the DPPG/FCn systems has been morphologically examined using fluorescence microscopy (FM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). These images indicate different phases among the four systems. In particular, specific phase morphology is observed in the middle molar fraction range for the DPPG/FC14 system; FC14 is selectively excluded from mixed DPPG-FC14 monolayers to be concentrated in the phase boundary as surface pressure increases. Then DPPG is refined as a patched film. Moreover, the data obtained here are compared to those in the previous systems in which different kinds of phospholipids were treated. Through a series of the miscibility investigations, it is proposed that combinations of hydrophobic chain lengths and of polar headgroups contribute to the monolayer miscibility between phospholipids and perfluorocarboxylic acids.  相似文献   

Spread binary monolayers of surfactant-associated proteins SP-B and SP-C were formed at the air-water interface. Surface pressure measurements showed no interactions between the hydrophobic proteins. The effects of a mixture of SP-B plus SP-C (2:1, w/w) on the properties of monolayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG), and DPPC:DPPG (7:3, mol:mol) were studied. During compression of ternary and quaternary films, containing less than 0.4 mol% or 5 weight% total protein, the proteins were not squeezed out and appeared to remain associated with the film until collapse at surface pressures of about 65-70 mN.m-1. At initial concentrations of total protein of about 0.9 mol% or 10 weight%, exclusion of protein-lipid complexes was observed at 40-50 mN.m-1. Larger amounts of phospholipid were removed by proteins from (SP-B:SP-C)/DPPG films than from (SP-B:SP-C)/DPPC ones. Separate squeeze-out of SP-B (or SP-B plus DPPC) at about 40 mN.m-1, followed by exclusion of SP-C (or SP-C plus DPPC) at about 50 mN.m-1, was observed in (SP-B:SP-C)/DPPC films. This led to a conclusion that there was independent behavior of SP-B and SP-C in (SP-B:SP-C)/DPPC monolayers. The quaternary (SP-B:SP-C)/(DPPC:DPPG) films showed qualitatively similar process of squeeze-out of the proteins. In the ternary mixtures of SP-B plus SP-C with DPPG separate exclusion of SP-B was not detected; rather, the data was consistent with exclusion of a (SP-B:SP-C)/DPPG complex at about 50 mN.m-1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Solubilized band 3 protein from human erythrocyte membranes (the anion transport protein) interacts strongly and specifically with monolayers of cholesterol spread at the air-water interface whereas, at pH 7–10, it shows only moderate interactions with phospholipid monolayers (Klappauf, E. and Schubert, D. (1979) Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem. 360, 1225–1235). When band 3 protein, at pH 7 and an ionic strength of approx. 100 mM, is added to the subphase of mixed cholesterol-glycerophospholipid monolayers, the changes Δπ in monolayer surface pressure induced by the protein depend on the mole fraction X of sterol in the mixture. However, Δπ(X) only increases with increasing X towards the high values of Δπ that are characteristic of cholesterol monolayers if X>0.67±0.04; at lower cholesterol content, Δπ(X) is practically identical to the value obtained with the pure glycerophospholipid. With mixtures of coprostanol and glycerophospholipids, the break in the Δπ(X) curves occurs when X=0.33±0.03. Cholesterol-sphingomyelin and epicoprostanol-phosphatidylethanolamine mixtures show an increase of Δπ(X) when X>0. The data seem to support earlier claims that cholesterol can form stoichiometric complexes with glycerophospholipids, the stoichiometries revealed by the band 3-monolayer interactions being 2:1 and 1:2. They also show that cholesterol-sphingomyelin complexes, if they should exist, must be structurally different from the cholesterol-glycerophospholipid complexes.  相似文献   

Pectins are anionic polysaccharides that are sensitive to cations, a property that is widely used in food science. The interactions of a cationic lipid film (dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide, DODAB) with a set of pectins bearing the same charge, which was either distributed randomly or pseudorandomly or blockwise, are investigated. The combination of Brewster angle microscopy BAM and infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy IRRAS at the air-water interface reveals that pectin strongly binds to the cationic lipid film in forming a stacked layer underneath the lipid film. The detailed vibrational study of this stable mixed film indicates furthermore that pectin induces a disorder in the internal structure of the cationic film. The strong binding induces a splitting of the carboxylate stretching mode of pectin that is pressure and charge distribution dependent. The occurrence of an intermediate plateau below the collapse of the mixed film originates probably from a change in conformation of the pectin structure underneath the film.  相似文献   

Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to examine lateral diffusion in dipalmitoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dimyristoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) monolayers at the air-water interface, by studying the fluorescence quenching of a pyrene-labeled phospholipid (pyrene-DPPE) by two amphiphilic quenchers. Steady-state fluorescence measurements revealed pyrene-DPPE to be homogeneously distributed in the DMPC lipid matrix for all measured surface pressures and only in the liquid-expanded (LE) phase of the DPPC monolayer. Time-resolved fluorescence decays for pyrene-DPPE in DMPC and DPPC (LE phase) in the absence of quencher were best described by a single-exponential function, also suggesting a homogeneous distribution of pyrene-DPPE within the monolayer films. Addition of quencher to the monolayer film produced nonexponential decay behavior, which is adequately described by the continuum theory of diffusion-controlled quenching in a two-dimensional environment. Steady-state fluorescence measurements yielded lateral diffusion coefficients significantly larger than those obtained from time-resolved data. The difference in these values was ascribed to the influence of static quenching in the case of the steady-state measurements. The lateral diffusion coefficients obtained in the DMPC monolayers were found to decrease with increasing surface pressure, reflecting a decrease in monolayer fluidity with compression.  相似文献   

The interactions of carbonmonoxyhemoglobin (HbCO), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), and polyhistidine with phospholipid monolayers at the air-water interface were studied at physiological pH and ionic strength. HbCO and GAPDH both interact more strongly with monolayers containing negatively charged lipids. The interaction of HbCO and GAPDH with lipid monolayers decreases with increasing pH. Both the HbCO-monolayer and the GAPDH-monolayer interactions can be modeled as diffusion-limited processes, with kinetic data fit to a stretched exponential equation. The significance of these kinetics are discussed. Polyhistidine interacts only with monolayers containing lipids with negatively charged headgroups. In total, the results presented are consistent with an HbCO-lipid interaction with a large electrostatic component, a GAPDH-lipid interaction with comparable electrostatic and hydrophobic components, and a polyhistidine-lipid interaction that is solely electrostatic.  相似文献   

The interaction between alkaline phosphatase (AP), a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein (AP-GPI), and phospholipids was monitored using Langmuir isotherms and PM-IRRAS spectroscopy. AP-GPI was injected under C16 phospholipid monolayers with either a neutral polar head (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine monohydrate (DPPC)) or an anionic polar head (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (DPPS)). The increase in molecular area due to the injection of protein depended on the surface pressure and the type of phospholipid. At all surface pressures, it was highest in the case of DPPS monolayers. The surface elasticity coefficient E, determined from the pi-A diagrams, allowed to deduct that the AP-GPI-phospholipid mixtures presented a molecular arrangement less condensed than the corresponding pure phospholipid films. PM-IRRAS spectra suggested different protein-lipid interactions as a function of the nature of the lipids. AP-GPI modified the organization of the DPPS deuterated chains whereas AP-GPI affected only the polar group of DPPC at low surface pressure (8 mN/m). Different protein hydration layers between the DPPC and DPPS monolayers were suggested to explain these results. PM-IRRAS spectra of AP-GPI in the presence of lipids showed a shape similar to those collected for pure AP-GPI, indicating a similar orientation of AP-GPI in the presence or absence of phospholipids, where the active sites of the enzyme are turned outside of the membrane.  相似文献   

The properties of cholesteryl oleate and triolein in mixed monolayers at the air-water interface have been measured between 24 and 37 degrees C. Analysis of force-area curves obtained as a function of the mol fraction of cholesteryl oleate indicates that at relatively low surface pressures these compounds are miscible in two dimensions up to a limit of about 0.5 mol fraction. At higher pressures either cholesteryl oleate or both lipids are expelled from the monolayer to form a bulk phase which is in rapid equilibrium with the surface phase. In the monolayer phase, orientation of the ester function of cholesteryl oleate is toward the aqueous phase, interaction with triolein is minimal, and packing is uniform over the solubility range. This together with the susceptibility of the cholesteryl oleate to enzymatic hydrolysis, suggests the applicability of monolayer systems to the study of cholesterol esterase activity. Comparison of our results with the bulk properties of these lipids suggests that the expelled cholesteryl oleate exists as a smectic mesophase and thus the system may provide a model for studying the transfer of molecules between the interior and surface of lipid deposits of the type found in atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

A novel method for the acquisition of surface enhanced Raman (SER) spectra of model membranes of dipalmitoylphosphatidic acid (DPPA) in Langmuir layers at the air-water interface is reported. The approach is based on the electrochemical formation of a buoyant thin layer of coalesced silver colloids in the vicinity of the phosphatidic acid head groups at the interface. This Ag layer is an excellent platform for SER scattering, which shows the spectral features from all parts of the molecule and water between the Ag surface and the DPPA layer. The observation of the spectral response from the phosphatidic acid head groups is of particular significance, allowing insight into their chemical state and orientation at the air-water interface.  相似文献   

Monolayers of oleanolic acid (OLA) mixed with stearic acid (SA) were studied at the air-water interface. The surface pressure-area (pi-A) isotherms, measured over the whole composition range, and BAM observations were used to investigate the phase behaviour and self-organization of these components in a two-dimensional structure. Pure OLA forms a very compressible monolayer, and BAM observation revealed the coexistence of large and irregular solid domains of different thickness dispersed in a gas matrix, compatible with the two most probable orientations of the OLA molecule at the interface. Mixtures of OLA/SA form condensed monolayers from low surface pressures and the thermodynamic analysis indicates that OLA molecules, in the presence of the long-chain SA, orient with the major axis almost perpendicular to the interface. Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) monolayers of pure SA and mixtures were further characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). AFM images of LB mixed monolayers evidenced microphase separation, not observable by BAM. The SA rich domains are 4-6A thicker than those rich in OLA. The FTIR spectra of mixed LB films on CaF2 substrates showed that OLA does not perturb the all-trans conformation of the SA long alkyl chains, up to a mole fraction of 0.4. The carbonyl-stretching band of OLA suggests that the carboxylic groups of neighbour OLA molecules are involved in hydrogen bonds, forming dimers, as in pure solid phase OLA. These interactions seem to prevail over the OLA-water hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

Lavoie H  Desbat B  Vaknin D  Salesse C 《Biochemistry》2002,41(45):13424-13434
Monomolecular films of the membrane protein rhodopsin have been investigated in situ at the air-water interface by polarization modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) and X-ray reflectivity in order to find conditions that retain the protein secondary structure. The spreading of rhodopsin at 0 or 5 mN m(-1) followed by a 30 min incubation time at 21 degrees C resulted in the unfolding of rhodopsin, as evidenced from the large increase of its molecular area, its small monolayer thickness, and the extensive formation of beta-sheets at the expense of the alpha-helices originally present in rhodopsin. In contrast, when spreading is performed at 5 or 10 mN m(-1) followed by an immediate compression at, respectively, 4 or 21 degrees C, the secondary structure of rhodopsin is retained, and the thickness of these films is in good agreement with the size of rhodopsin determined from its crystal structure. The amide I/amide II ratio also allowed to determine that the orientation of rhodopsin only slightly changes with surface pressure and it remains almost unchanged when the film is maintained at 20 mN m(-1) for 120 min at 4 degrees C. In addition, the PM-IRRAS spectra of rod outer segment disk membranes in monolayers suggest that rhodopsin also retained its secondary structure in these films.  相似文献   

Puroindolines, cationic and cystine-rich low molecular weight lipid binding proteins from wheat seeds, display unique foaming properties and antimicrobial activity. To unravel the mechanism involved in these properties, the interaction of puroindoline-a (PIN-a) with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) monolayers was studied by coupling Langmuir-Blodgett and imaging techniques. Compression isotherms of PIN-a/phospholipid monolayers and adsorption of PIN-a to lipid monolayers showed that the protein interacted strongly with phospholipids, especially with the anionic DPPG. The electrostatic contribution led to the formation of a highly stable lipoprotein monolayer. Confocal laser scanning microscopy and atomic force microscopy showed that PIN-a was mainly inserted in the liquid-expanded phase of the DPPC, where it formed an aggregated protein network and induced the fusion of liquid-condensed domains. For DPPG, the protein partitioned in both the liquid-expanded and liquid-condensed phases, where it was aggregated. The extent of protein aggregation was related both to the physical state of phospholipids, i.e., condensed or expanded, and to the electrostatic interactions between lipids and PIN-a. Aggregation of PIN-a at air-liquid and lipid interfaces could account for the biological and technological properties of this wheat lipid binding protein.  相似文献   

Monomolecular layers of whole myelin membrane can be formed at the air-water interface from vesicles or from solvent solution of myelin. The films appear microheterogeneous as seen by epifluorescence and Brewster angle microscopy. The pattern consists mainly of two coexisting liquid phases over the whole compression isotherm. The liquid nature of the phases is apparent from the fluorescent probe behavior, domain mobility, deformability and boundary relaxation due to the line tension of the surface domains. The monolayers were transferred to alkylated glass and fluorescently labeled against myelin components. The immunolabeling of two major proteins of myelin (myelin basic protein, proteolipid-DM20) and of 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphodiesterase shows colocalization with probes partitioning preferentially in liquid-expanded lipid domains also containing ganglioside GM1. A different phase showing an enrichment in cholesterol, galactocerebroside and phosphatidylserine markers is also found. The distribution of components is qualitatively independent of the lateral surface pressure and is generally constituted by one phase enriched in charged components in an expanded state coexisting with another phase enriched in non-charged constituents of lower compressibility. The domain immiscibility provides a physical basis for the microheterogeneity found in this membrane model system.  相似文献   

Monomolecular layers of whole myelin membrane can be formed at the air-water interface from vesicles or from solvent solution of myelin. The films appear microheterogeneous as seen by epifluorescence and Brewster angle microscopy. The pattern consists mainly of two coexisting liquid phases over the whole compression isotherm. The liquid nature of the phases is apparent from the fluorescent probe behavior, domain mobility, deformability and boundary relaxation due to the line tension of the surface domains. The monolayers were transferred to alkylated glass and fluorescently labeled against myelin components. The immunolabeling of two major proteins of myelin (myelin basic protein, proteolipid-DM20) and of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase shows colocalization with probes partitioning preferentially in liquid-expanded lipid domains also containing ganglioside G(M1). A different phase showing an enrichment in cholesterol, galactocerebroside and phosphatidylserine markers is also found. The distribution of components is qualitatively independent of the lateral surface pressure and is generally constituted by one phase enriched in charged components in an expanded state coexisting with another phase enriched in non-charged constituents of lower compressibility. The domain immiscibility provides a physical basis for the microheterogeneity found in this membrane model system.  相似文献   

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