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With reference to microwave localized hyperthermia, a non-linear model of the thermal behavior of living tissues, where local thermoregulating convective and conducting effects due to blood flow are taken into account, has been assumed. The non-linear operator equation for the space and time temperature distribution, which describes local energy balance (bio-heat equation), has been linearized and solved by using a variant of the Newton iterative method. Numerical calculations for plane stratified structures simulating living bodies, irradiated by plane electromagnetic waves, have been carried out.  相似文献   

Temperature monitoring is extremely important during thermotherapy. Fiber‐optic temperature sensors are preferred because of their flexibility and immunity to electromagnetic interference. Although many types of fiber‐optic sensors have been developed, clinically adopting them remains challenging. Here, we report a silica fiber‐based radiometric thermometer using a low‐cost extended InGaAs detector to detect black body radiation between 1.7 and 2.4 μm. For the first time, this silica fiber‐based thermometer is capable of measuring temperatures down to 35°C, making it suitable for monitoring hyperthermia during surgery. In particular, the thermometer has potential for seamless integration with current silica fiber catheters, which are widely used in laser interstitial thermotherapy. The feasibility, capability and sensitivity of tracking tissue temperature variation were proved through ex vivo tissue studies. After further improvement, the technology has the potential to be translated into clinics for monitoring tissue temperature.  相似文献   

The potential use of multiple-frequency-band radiometry as a means of noninvasive sensing of one-dimensional temperature profiles is presented in this communication. The radiative energy transfer equation is solved numerically. Ideal-condition thermal noise spectra and distributions of received energy, associated with specific temperature-depth profiles, are presented. Performance characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   



Ultrasound induced hyperthermia is a useful adjuvant to radiation therapy in the treatment of prostate cancer. A uniform thermal dose (43°C for 30 minutes) is required within the targeted cancerous volume for effective therapy. This requires specific ultrasound phased array design and appropriate thermometry method. Inhomogeneous, acoustical, three-dimensional (3D) prostate models and economical computational methods provide necessary tools to predict the appropriate shape of hyperthermia phased arrays for better focusing. This research utilizes the k-space computational method and a 3D human prostate model to design an intracavitary ultrasound probe for hyperthermia treatment of prostate cancer. Evaluation of the probe includes ex vivo and in vivo controlled hyperthermia experiments using the noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) thermometry.  相似文献   

A radiometric procedure to detect the presence of proteolytic enzymes and analyze their substrate specificity is described. The enzymatic activity is first measured by the release into solution of a radiolabeled reporter group from an immobilized peptidyl substrate. Two peptidyl substrates encompassing multiple cleavage sites, a derivative of Leu-enkephalin and a peptide related to the bait region of human alpha 2-macroglobulin, are prepared and linked via a spacer molecule to an insoluble support. The labeled peptides released are then separated by high-performance liquid chromatography. The position of the released peptides upon chromatography allows direct identification of the sites of cleavage. The assay, using a radioactive iodinated tyrosine residue as reporter group, is extremely sensitive (less than 0.02 pg/ml of trypsin), reproducible, and easy to perform while yielding unambiguous identification of the sites of cleavage. This assay can be used to detect the presence of enzymatic activities and/or of enzyme inhibitors. Furthermore, it can be easily adapted to detect from a variety of sources all four classes of enzymes known by using appropriate peptidyl substrate sequences, buffer, pH, and incubation conditions.  相似文献   

微波提取香水莲花总黄酮的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文研究了微波法提取香水莲花总黄酮的工艺。采用比色法测定黄酮的含量。利用单因素实验和正交实验考察了乙醇浓度、微波功率、微波时间、料液比对黄酮得率的影响,确定了最佳工艺为:用70%的乙醇溶液,微波功率250W,提取时间40 min,液料比25∶1,提取的总黄酮得率最高。  相似文献   

The purity of the Melbourne Zoo mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) population has been questioned, based on the facial coloration of the female members. Consequently, it is believed that the original founding female of the Melbourne Zoo “mandrill” population was a drill–mandrill hybrid. This individual, whose mother was suspected to be a drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus), is the only female to have contributed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to the population. The strictly maternal inheritance of mtDNA in vertebrates makes this molecule an ideal marker for the tracing of maternal gene flow. DNA sequence data from a 307-base pair (bp) region of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b, amplified via the poly-merase chain reaction (PCR), was obtained from the Melbourne Zoo individuals, and compared to the homologous sequences from known specimens of both mandrill and drill. The results obtained show that all current members of the “mandrill” population possess drill mtDNA, supporting the belief that the original female founder was a hybrid. This type of genetic study has significant implications for the conservation and future management of this and other captive populations. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Production of a maternal-zygotic medaka mutant using hybrid sterility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taking advantage of the characteristics that make hybrids between Japanese and Chinese medaka grow well, albeit sterile, we have developed a method of germ-line replacement in which these hybrids are used as hosts for the production of a maternal-zygotic mutant. The protocol is described herein.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping often results in data on a number of traits that have well-established causal relationships. Many multi-trait QTL mapping methods that account for the correlation among multiple traits have been developed to improve the statistical power and the precision of QTL parameter estimation. However, none of these methods are capable of incorporating the causal structure among the traits. Consequently, genetic functions of the QTL may not be fully understood. Structural equation modeling (SEM) allows researchers to explicitly characterize the causal structure among the variables and to decompose effects into direct, indirect, and total effects. In this paper, we developed a multi-trait SEM method of QTL mapping that takes into account the causal relationships among traits related to grain yield. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated by simulation study and applied to data from a wheat experiment. Compared with single trait analysis and the multi-trait least-squares analysis, our multi-trait SEM improves statistical power of QTL detection and provides important insight into how QTLs regulate traits by investigating the direct, indirect, and total QTL effects. The approach also helps build biological models that more realistically reflect the complex relationships among QTL and traits and is more precise and efficient in QTL mapping than single trait analysis.  相似文献   

In this work, we apply a virtual-focus scanning method to detect a tumor inside a simplified two-dimensional breast model via the finite difference time domain method. For the purpose of simplification, we construct a microwave detection system with an N-element infinitesimal dipole array, and excite the central element of the array while letting all elements receive the time-shifted scattered fields in order to filter out unwanted signals. With the application of the two-step, virtual-focus scanning method, our computerized prototype system has accurately detected randomly generated tumors in all cases investigated, including small tumors in early stages of development.  相似文献   



Inference of gene regulatory networks is a key goal in the quest for understanding fundamental cellular processes and revealing underlying relations among genes. With the availability of gene expression data, computational methods aiming at regulatory networks reconstruction are facing challenges posed by the data's high dimensionality, temporal dynamics or measurement noise. We propose an approach based on a novel multi-layer evolutionary trained neuro-fuzzy recurrent network (ENFRN) that is able to select potential regulators of target genes and describe their regulation type.  相似文献   

蛋白质能量最小化是蛋白质折叠的重要内容。用于蛋白质折叠的新的杂合进化算法结合了交叉和柯西变异。基于toy模型的蛋白质能量最小化算例表明,这个新的杂合进化算法是有效的。  相似文献   

The principle of selective elution from a solid phase has been exploited to develop an assay for the determination of squalene biosynthesis in rat liver homogenates. Using either [1-14C]isopentenyl diphosphate as a precursor for squalene or [2-14C]farnesyl diphosphate as a direct substrate of squalene synthase, the production of radiolabeled squalene is determined after adsorption of assay mixtures onto silica gel thin-layer chromatography sheets and selective elution of the diphosphate precursors into a solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate at alkaline pH. The use of [2-14C]farnesyl diphosphate, and of an endogenous oxygen consumption system (ascorbate/ascorbate oxidase) to prevent further metabolism of squalene, allows the method to be applied as a dedicated assay for squalene synthase activity. The assay has been developed in microtiter plate format and may be deployed either in a quantitative, low-throughout mode or in a qualitative, high-through-put mode. The latter is suitable for screening to aid in the discovery of new inhibitors of squalene synthase.  相似文献   

A method for assaying hybrid ribonuclease has been devised which utilizes as substrate the synthetic hybrid [3H]polyriboadenylic acid [poly(rA)]:polydeoxythymidylic acid [poly(dT)] immobilized on the solid matrix of nitrocellulose filters. The hybridization on filter of [3H]poly(rA) to poly(dT) has been explored in terms of efficacy of the process and the response of the product to RNase H. A pulse of uv irradiation of poly(dT) while in dry state on the filter increased its firm binding to the filter in a concentration-dependent manner, resulting in a concomitant increase of the yield of hybrid formation. The filter-immobilized hybrid was 95% resistant to RNase A but sensitive to RNase H. When stored in toluene in the cold the hybrid maintained its stability for over 6 months, as judged by its resistance to RNase A. The method offers a number of advantages over assays that use solution hybrids as substrates and was readily applicable in the screening of leukemic patients, in the leukocytes of which it has demonstrated increased RNase H levels.  相似文献   

We have constructed a radiation hybrid (RH) map of the porcine genome using an RH panel generated by an irradiation dose of 5000-rad (Sus scrofa radiation hybrid map, SSRH map). Normal porcine aortic endothelial cells were irradiated and fused with a thymidine kinase-deficient mouse cell line, L-M (TK-). A total of 110 cell lines were selected and used for further analysis. Among 1091 microsatellite (MS) markers selected for mapping, 842 markers (77%) could be typed on the panel. The framework map comprised 342 MS markers and an additional 247 MS markers were then added to generate the whole-genome map. The average retention frequency for the data set was 30.6%. The total map length was 5596.2 centiRay (cR). Using an estimated physical length of 2718 Mbp, the average ratio between cR and physical distance over the porcine genome was estimated to be 0.49 Mb/cR.  相似文献   

Summary An anaerobic hybrid reactor was used in the anaerobic treatment of an acidic petrochemical effluent. An organic loading rate of 20.04 kg COD/(m3d) at a HRT of 17 hours was obtained with a volatile fatty acid removal of 91%, and COD removal of 84%. A final reactor effluent containing 44 mg/l ammonia nitrogen and 12.3 mg/l PO4-P was produced.  相似文献   

Local laser hyperthermia of grafted RShM-5 tumors in mice with the use of plasmon resonant gold nanoparticles has been carried out. Accumulation of particles in the tumor was monitored in vivo noninvasively by optical coherence tomography. Thereby it was determined that the maximal content of nanoparticles in the tumor was reached within 5 h after intravenous administration, and laser hyperthermia was performed at this time. Monitoring the tumor temperature during the treatment by IR thermography and acoustic thermometry showed that the nanoparticles provided efficient temperature elevation inside the tumor as well as more selective heating. Local laser hyperthermia with gold nanoparticles, but not the laser exposure alone, substantially inhibited tumor growth in several days after a single session.  相似文献   

Two prostatic epithelial lines, one of basal origin and one of luminal origin, were established from the dorsolateral prostates of p53 null mice. The cell lines are nontumorigenic when inoculated subcutaneously under the renal capsule or intraprostatically in syngeneic mice. The luminal cell line (PE-L-1) expresses cytokeratins 8 and 18 and the basal cell line (PE-B-1) expresses cytokeratins 5 and 14. The basal cells require serum for growth, whereas the luminal cells grow only in serum-free medium. Both cell lines require the presence of growth factors for optimal growth in culture, with EGF and FGF-2 having the greatest effect on the growth rate. Both lines express androgen receptor (AR) mRNA and protein. Androgen stimulates growth of the basal cell line, indicating that the ARs are functional, whereas growth of the luminal cells is unaffected by androgens. The luminal line is significantly inhibited by exogenous TGF-beta and produces low levels of endogenous TGF-beta. In contrast, the basal cell line produces significant amounts of TGF-beta and its growth is not influenced by this cytokine. Coculture of luminal cells with prostatic smooth muscle cells results in the generation of increased levels of biologically active TGF-beta, indicating a paracrine mechanism of TGF-beta activation that may be involved in the maintenance of normal prostatic function. To our knowledge this is the first report describing both basal and luminal prostatic cell lines from a single inbred animal species and the first indication that prostatic epithelial and stromal cells interact to generate the biologically active form of TGF-beta. These lines will provide an important model for determining basal/luminal interactions in both in vitro and in vivo assays.  相似文献   

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