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Intraflagellar transport (IFT), the bidirectional movement of particles along flagella, is essential for flagellar assembly. The motor for retrograde IFT in Chlamydomonas is cytoplasmic dynein 1b, which contains the dynein heavy chain DHC1b and the light intermediate chain (LIC) D1bLIC. To investigate a possible role for the LIC in IFT, we identified a d1blic mutant. DHC1b is reduced in the mutant, indicating that D1bLIC is important for stabilizing dynein 1b. The mutant has variable length flagella that accumulate IFT-particle proteins, indicative of a defect in retrograde IFT. Interestingly, the remaining DHC1b is normally distributed in the mutant flagella, strongly suggesting that the defect is in binding of cargo to the retrograde motor rather than in motor activity per se. Cell growth and Golgi apparatus localization and morphology are normal in the mutant, indicating that D1bLIC is involved mainly in retrograde IFT. Like mammalian LICs, D1bLIC has a phosphate-binding domain (P-loop) at its N-terminus. To investigate the function of this conserved domain, d1blic mutant cells were transformed with constructs designed to express D1bLIC proteins with mutated P-loops. The constructs rescued the mutant cells to a wild-type phenotype, indicating that the function of D1bLIC in IFT is independent of its P-loop.  相似文献   

We describe phenotypic characterization of dli-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of cytoplasmic dynein light intermediate chain (LIC), a subunit of the cytoplasmic dynein motor complex. Animals homozygous for loss-of-function mutations in dli-1 exhibit stochastic failed divisions in late larval cell lineages, resulting in zygotic sterility. dli-1 is required for dynein function during mitosis. Depletion of the dli-1 gene product through RNA-mediated gene interference (RNAi) reveals an early embryonic requirement. One-cell dli-1(RNAi) embryos exhibit failed cell division attempts, resulting from a variety of mitotic defects. Specifically, pronuclear migration, centrosome separation, and centrosome association with the male pronuclear envelope are defective in dli-1(RNAi) embryos. Meiotic spindle formation, however, is not affected in these embryos. DLI-1, like its vertebrate homologs, contains a putative nucleotide-binding domain similar to those found in the ATP-binding cassette transporter family of ATPases as well as other nucleotide-binding and -hydrolyzing proteins. Amino acid substitutions in a conserved lysine residue, known to be required for nucleotide binding, confers complete rescue in a dli-1 mutant background, indicating this is not an essential domain for DLI-1 function.  相似文献   

The assembly of cilia and flagella depends on bidirectional intraflagellar transport (IFT). Anterograde IFT is driven by kinesin II, whereas retrograde IFT requires cytoplasmic dynein 1b (cDHC1b). Little is known about how cDHC1b interacts with its cargoes or how it is regulated. Recent work identified a novel dynein light intermediate chain (D2LIC) that colocalized with the mammalian cDHC1b homolog DHC2 in the centrosomal region of cultured cells. To see whether the LIC might play a role in IFT, we characterized the gene encoding the Chlamydomonas homolog of D2LIC and found its expression is up-regulated in response to deflagellation. We show that the LIC subunit copurifies with cDHC1b during flagellar isolation, dynein extraction, sucrose density centrifugation, and immunoprecipitation. Immunocytochemistry reveals that the LIC colocalizes with cDHC1b in the basal body region and along the length of flagella in wild-type cells. Localization of the complex is altered in a collection of retrograde IFT and length control mutants, which suggests that the affected gene products directly or indirectly regulate cDHC1b activity. The mammalian DHC2 and D2LIC also colocalize in the apical cytoplasm and axonemes of ciliated epithelia in the lung, brain, and efferent duct. These studies, together with the identification of an LIC mutation, xbx-1(ok279), which disrupts retrograde IFT in Caenorhabditis elegans, indicate that the novel LIC is a component of the cDHC1b/DHC2 retrograde IFT motor in a variety of organisms.  相似文献   

Morsci NS  Barr MM 《Current biology : CB》2011,21(14):1239-1244
Cilia are cellular sensory organelles whose integrity of structure and function are important to human health. All cilia are assembled and maintained by kinesin-2 motors in a process termed intraflagellar transport (IFT), but they exhibit great variety of morphology and function. This diversity is proposed to be conferred by cell-specific modulation of the core IFT by additional factors, but examples of such IFT modulators are limited. Here we demonstrate that the cell-specific kinesin-3 KLP-6 acts as a modulator of both IFT dynamics and length in the cephalic male (CEM) cilia of Caenorhabditis elegans. Live imaging of GFP-tagged kinesins in CEM cilia shows partial uncoupling of the IFT motors of the kinesin-2 family, kinesin-II and OSM-3/KIF17, with a portion of OSM-3 moving independently of the IFT complex. KLP-6 moves independently of the kinesin-2 motors and acts to reduce the velocity of OSM-3 and IFT. Additionally, kinesin-II mutants display a novel CEM cilia elongation phenotype that is partially dependent on OSM-3 and KLP-6. Our observations illustrate modulation of the general kinesin-2-driven IFT process by a cell-specific kinesin-3 in cilia of C. elegans male neurons.  相似文献   

Forward genetic screens using novel assays of nematode chemotaxis to soluble compounds identified three independent transposon-insertion mutations in the gene encoding the Caenorhabditis elegans dynein heavy chain (DHC) 1b isoform. These disruptions were mapped and cloned using a newly developed PCR-based transposon display. The mutations were demonstrated to be allelic to the che-3 genetic locus. This isoform of dynein shows temporally and spatially restricted expression in ciliated sensory neurons, and mutants show progressive developmental defects of the chemosensory cilia. These results are consistent with a role for this motor protein in the process of intraflagellar transport; DHC 1b acts in concert with a number of other proteins to establish and maintain the structural integrity of the ciliated sensory endings in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Increased phosphorylation of dynein IC IC138 correlates with decreases in flagellar microtubule sliding and phototaxis defects. To test the hypothesis that regulation of IC138 phosphorylation controls flagellar bending, we cloned the IC138 gene. IC138 encodes a novel protein with a calculated mass of 111 kDa and is predicted to form seven WD-repeats at the C terminus. IC138 maps near the BOP5 locus, and bop5-1 contains a point mutation resulting in a truncated IC138 lacking the C terminus, including the seventh WD-repeat. bop5-1 cells display wild-type flagellar beat frequency but swim slower than wild-type cells, suggesting that bop5-1 is altered in its ability to control flagellar waveform. Swimming speed is rescued in bop5-1 transformants containing the wild-type IC138, confirming that BOP5 encodes IC138. With the exception of the roadblock-related light chain, LC7b, all the other known components of the I1 complex, including the truncated IC138, are assembled in bop5-1 axonemes. Thus, the bop5-1 motility phenotype reveals a role for IC138 and LC7b in the control of flagellar bending. IC138 is hyperphosphorylated in paralyzed flagellar mutants lacking radial spoke and central pair components, further indicating a role for the radial spokes and central pair apparatus in control of IC138 phosphorylation and regulation of flagellar waveform.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved process of programmed cell death, apoptosis, is essential for development of multicellular organisms and is also a protective mechanism against cellular damage. We have identified dynein light chain 1 (DLC-1) as a new regulator of germ cell apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans. The DLC-1 protein is highly conserved across species and is a part of the dynein motor complex. There is, however, increasing evidence for dynein-independent functions of DLC-1, and our data describe a novel dynein-independent role. In mammalian cells, DLC-1 is important for cellular transport, cell division and regulation of protein activity, and it has been implicated in cancer. In C. elegans, we find that knockdown of dlc-1 by RNA interference (RNAi) induces excessive apoptosis in the germline but not in somatic cells during development. We show that DLC-1 mediates apoptosis through the genes lin-35, egl-1 and ced-13, which are all involved in the response to ionising radiation (IR)-induced apoptosis. In accordance with this, we show that IR cannot further induce apoptosis in dlc-1(RNAi) animals. Furthermore, we find that DLC-1 is functioning cell nonautonomously through the same pathway as kri-1 in response to IR-induced apoptosis and that DLC-1 regulates the levels of KRI-1. Our results strengthen the notion of a highly dynamic communication between somatic cells and germ cells in regulating the apoptotic process.  相似文献   

Primary cilia are nonmotile microtubule structures that assemble from basal bodies by a process called intraflagellar transport (IFT) and are associated with several human diseases. Here, we show that the centrosome protein pericentrin (Pcnt) colocalizes with IFT proteins to the base of primary and motile cilia. Immunogold electron microscopy demonstrates that Pcnt is on or near basal bodies at the base of cilia. Pcnt depletion by RNA interference disrupts basal body localization of IFT proteins and the cation channel polycystin-2 (PC2), and inhibits primary cilia assembly in human epithelial cells. Conversely, silencing of IFT20 mislocalizes Pcnt from basal bodies and inhibits primary cilia assembly. Pcnt is found in spermatocyte IFT fractions, and IFT proteins are found in isolated centrosome fractions. Pcnt antibodies coimmunoprecipitate IFT proteins and PC2 from several cell lines and tissues. We conclude that Pcnt, IFTs, and PC2 form a complex in vertebrate cells that is required for assembly of primary cilia and possibly motile cilia and flagella.  相似文献   

The assembly and maintenance of cilia require intraflagellar transport (IFT), a microtubule-dependent bidirectional motility of multisubunit protein complexes along ciliary axonemes. Defects in IFT and the functions of motile or sensory cilia are associated with numerous human ailments, including polycystic kidney disease and Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Here, we identify a novel Caenorhabditis elegans IFT gene, IFT-associated gene 1 (ifta-1), which encodes a WD repeat-containing protein with strong homology to a mammalian protein of unknown function. Both the C. elegans and human IFTA-1 proteins localize to the base of cilia, and in C. elegans, IFTA-1 can be observed to undergo IFT. IFTA-1 is required for the function and assembly of cilia, because a C. elegans ifta-1 mutant displays chemosensory abnormalities and shortened cilia with prominent ciliary accumulations of core IFT machinery components that are indicative of retrograde transport defects. Analyses of C. elegans IFTA-1 localization/motility along bbs mutant cilia, where anterograde IFT assemblies are destabilized, and in a che-11 IFT gene mutant, demonstrate that IFTA-1 is closely associated with the IFT particle A subcomplex, which is implicated in retrograde IFT. Together, our data indicate that IFTA-1 is a novel IFT protein that is required for retrograde transport along ciliary axonemes.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is a large multisubunit complex involved in retrograde transport and the positioning of various organelles. Dynein light chain (LC) subunits are conserved across species; however, the molecular contribution of LCs to dynein function remains controversial. One model suggests that LCs act as cargo-binding scaffolds. Alternatively, LCs are proposed to stabilize the intermediate chains (ICs) of the dynein complex. To examine the role of LCs in dynein function, we used Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which the sole function of dynein is to position the spindle during mitosis. We report that the LC8 homologue, Dyn2, localizes with the dynein complex at microtubule ends and interacts directly with the yeast IC, Pac11. We identify two Dyn2-binding sites in Pac11 that exert differential effects on Dyn2-binding and dynein function. Mutations disrupting Dyn2 elicit a partial loss-of-dynein phenotype and impair the recruitment of the dynein activator complex, dynactin. Together these results indicate that the dynein-based function of Dyn2 is via its interaction with the dynein IC and that this interaction is important for the interaction of dynein and dynactin. In addition, these data provide the first direct evidence that LC occupancy in the dynein motor complex is important for function.  相似文献   

Locomotion in Caenorhabditis elegans requires force transmission through a network of proteins linking the skeletal muscle, via an intervening basal lamina and epidermis (hypodermis), to the cuticle. Mutations in mua-6 result in hypodermal rupture, muscle detachment from the bodywall, and progressive paralysis. It is shown that mua-6 encodes the cytoplasmic intermediate filament (cIF) A2 protein and that a MUA-6/IFA-2::GFP fusion protein that rescues the presumptive mua-6 null allele localizes to hypodermal hemidesmosomes. This result is consistent with what is known about the function of cIFs in vertebrates. Although MUA-6/IFA-2 is expressed embryonically, and plays an essential postembryonic role in tissue integrity, it is not required for embryonic development of muscle-cuticle linkages nor for the localization of other cIFs or hemidesmosome-associated proteins in the embryo. Finally, the molecular lesion in the mua-6(rh85) allele suggests that the head domain of the MUA-6/IFA-2 is dispensable for its function.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cilia are assembled via intraflagellar transport (IFT) in which large protein particles are motored along ciliary microtubules. The IFT particles are composed of at least 17 polypeptides that are thought to contain binding sites for various cargos that need to be transported from their site of synthesis in the cell body to the site of assembly in the cilium. We show here that the IFT20 subunit of the particle is localized to the Golgi complex in addition to the basal body and cilia where all previous IFT particle proteins had been found. In living cells, fluorescently tagged IFT20 is highly dynamic and moves between the Golgi complex and the cilium as well as along ciliary microtubules. Strong knock down of IFT20 in mammalian cells blocks ciliary assembly but does not affect Golgi structure. Moderate knockdown does not block cilia assembly but reduces the amount of polycystin-2 that is localized to the cilia. This work suggests that IFT20 functions in the delivery of ciliary membrane proteins from the Golgi complex to the cilium.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint monitors microtubule attachment to kinetochores and tension across sister kinetochores to ensure accurate division of chromosomes between daughter cells. Cytoplasmic dynein functions in the checkpoint, apparently by moving critical checkpoint components off kinetochores. The dynein subunit required for this function is unknown. Here we show that human cells depleted of dynein light intermediate chain 1 (LIC1) delay in metaphase with increased interkinetochore distances; dynein remains intact, localised and functional. The checkpoint proteins Mad1/2 and Zw10 localise to kinetochores under full tension, whereas BubR1 is diminished at kinetochores. Metaphase delay and increased interkinetochore distances are suppressed by depletion of Mad1, Mad2 or BubR1 or by re‐expression of wtLIC1 or a Cdk1 site phosphomimetic LIC1 mutant, but not Cdk1‐phosphorylation‐deficient LIC1. When the checkpoint is activated by microtubule depolymerisation, Mad1/2 and BubR1 localise to kinetochores. We conclude that a Cdk1 phosphorylated form of LIC1 is required to remove Mad1/2 and Zw10 but not BubR1 from kinetochores during spindle assembly checkpoint silencing.  相似文献   

Assembly and maintenance of myofibrils require dynamic regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. In Caenorhabditis elegans, UNC-60B, a muscle-specific actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin isoform, is required for proper actin filament assembly in body wall muscle (Ono, S., D.L. Baillie, and G.M. Benian. 1999. J. Cell Biol. 145:491--502). Here, I show that UNC-78 is a homologue of actin-interacting protein 1 (AIP1) and functions as a novel regulator of actin organization in myofibrils. In unc-78 mutants, the striated organization of actin filaments is disrupted, and large actin aggregates are formed in the body wall muscle cells, resulting in defects in their motility. Point mutations in unc-78 alleles change conserved residues within different WD repeats of the UNC-78 protein and cause less severe phenotypes than a deletion allele, suggesting that these mutations partially impair the function of UNC-78. UNC-60B is normally localized in the diffuse cytoplasm and to the myofibrils in wild type but mislocalized to the actin aggregates in unc-78 mutants. Similar Unc-78 phenotypes are observed in both embryonic and adult muscles. Thus, AIP1 is an important regulator of actin filament organization and localization of ADF/cofilin during development of myofibrils.  相似文献   

The assembly of cilia and flagella depends on the activity of two microtubule motor complexes, kinesin-2 and dynein-2/1b, but the specific functions of the different subunits are poorly defined. Here we analyze Chlamydomonas strains expressing different amounts of the dynein 1b light intermediate chain (D1bLIC). Disruption of D1bLIC alters the stability of the dynein 1b complex and reduces both the frequency and velocity of retrograde intraflagellar transport (IFT), but it does not eliminate retrograde IFT. Flagellar assembly, motility, gliding, and mating are altered in a dose-dependent manner. iTRAQ-based proteomics identifies a small subset of proteins that are significantly reduced or elevated in d1blic flagella. Transformation with D1bLIC-GFP rescues the mutant phenotypes, and D1bLIC-GFP assembles into the dynein 1b complex at wild-type levels. D1bLIC-GFP is transported with anterograde IFT particles to the flagellar tip, dissociates into smaller particles, and begins processive retrograde IFT in <2 s. These studies demonstrate the role of D1bLIC in facilitating the recycling of IFT subunits and other proteins, identify new components potentially involved in the regulation of IFT, flagellar assembly, and flagellar signaling, and provide insight into the role of D1bLIC and retrograde IFT in other organisms.  相似文献   

Cilia and flagella are assembled by intraflagellar transport (IFT) of protein complexes that bring tubulin and other precursors to the incorporation site at their distal tip. Anterograde transport is driven by kinesin, whereas retrograde transport is ensured by a specific dynein. In the protist Trypanosoma brucei, two distinct genes encode fairly different dynein heavy chains (DHCs; ∼40% identity) termed DHC2.1 and DHC2.2, which form a heterodimer and are both essential for retrograde IFT. The stability of each heavy chain relies on the presence of a dynein light intermediate chain (DLI1; also known as XBX-1/D1bLIC). The presence of both heavy chains and of DLI1 at the base of the flagellum depends on the intermediate dynein chain DIC5 (FAP133/WDR34). In the IFT140RNAi mutant, an IFT-A protein essential for retrograde transport, the IFT dynein components are found at high concentration at the flagellar base but fail to penetrate the flagellar compartment. We propose a model by which the IFT dynein particle is assembled in the cytoplasm, reaches the base of the flagellum, and associates with the IFT machinery in a manner dependent on the IFT-A complex.  相似文献   

The intraflagellar transport (IFT) machinery required to build functional cilia consists of a multisubunit complex whose molecular composition, organization, and function are poorly understood. Here, we describe a novel tryptophan-aspartic acid (WD) repeat (WDR) containing IFT protein from Caenorhabditis elegans, DYF-2, that plays a critical role in maintaining the structural and functional integrity of the IFT machinery. We determined the identity of the dyf-2 gene by transgenic rescue of mutant phenotypes and by sequencing of mutant alleles. Loss of DYF-2 function selectively affects the assembly and motility of different IFT components and leads to defects in cilia structure and chemosensation in the nematode. Based on these observations, and the analysis of DYF-2 movement in a Bardet-Biedl syndrome mutant with partially disrupted IFT particles, we conclude that DYF-2 can associate with IFT particle complex B. At the same time, mutations in dyf-2 can interfere with the function of complex A components, suggesting an important role of this protein in the assembly of the IFT particle as a whole. Importantly, the mouse orthologue of DYF-2, WDR19, also localizes to cilia, pointing to an important evolutionarily conserved role for this WDR protein in cilia development and function.  相似文献   

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