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Smooth muscle contraction is controlled in part by the state of phosphorylation of myosin. A recently discovered actin and calmodulin-binding protein, named caldesmon, may also be involved in regulation of smooth muscle contraction. Caldesmon cross-links actin filaments and also inhibits actin-activated ATP hydrolysis by myosin, particularly in the presence of tropomyosin. We have studied the effect of caldesmon on the rate of hydrolysis of ATP by skeletal muscle myosin subfragment-1, a system in which phosphorylation of the myosin is not important in regulation. Caldesmon is a very effective inhibitor of ATP hydrolysis giving up to 95% inhibition. At low ionic strength (approximately 20 mM) this effect does not require smooth muscle tropomyosin, whereas at high ionic strength (approximately 120 mM) tropomyosin enhances the inhibitory activity of caldesmon at low caldesmon concentrations. Cross-linking of actin is not essential for inhibition of ATP hydrolysis to occur since at high ionic strength there is very little cross-linking as determined by a low speed sedimentation assay. Under all conditions examined, the decrease in the rate of ATP hydrolysis is accompanied by a decrease in the binding of myosin subfragment-1 to actin. Furthermore, caldesmon weakens the equilibrium binding of myosin subfragment-1 to actin in the presence of pyrophosphate. We conclude that caldesmon has a general weakening effect on the binding of skeletal muscle myosin subfragment-1 to actin and that this weakening in binding may be responsible for inhibition of ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Bundling of myosin subfragment-1-decorated actin filaments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have reported previously that rabbit skeletal myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) assembles actin filaments into bundles. The rate of this reaction can be estimated roughly from the initial rate (Vo) of the accompanying turbidity increase ("super-opalescence") of the acto-S-1 solution. Vo is a function of the molar ratio (r) of S-1 to actin, with a peak at r = 1/6 to 1/7 and minimum around r = 1. In the present paper we report a different type of opalescence (we call it "hyper-opalescence") of acto-S-1 solutions, which also resulted from bundle formation. Adjacent filaments in the bundles had a distance of approximately 180 A. Hyper-opalescence occurred at r approximately equal to 1 when KCOOCH3 was used instead of KCl. By comparing the effects of ADP, epsilon-ADP, tropomyosin or ionic strength upon the super- and hyper-opalescence, we concluded that the two types of S-1-induced actin bundling had different molecular mechanisms. The hyper-opalescence type of bundling seemed to be induced by S-1, which was not complexed with actin in the manner of conventional rigor binding. The presence of the regulatory light chain did not affect hyper-opalescence (or super-opalescence), since there were no significant differences between papain S-1 and chymotryptic S-1 with respect to these phenomena.  相似文献   

As is well known, the light scattering intensity of F-actin solutions increases immediately upon formation of the rigor complex with subfragment-1 (S-1). We have found that after the initial rise in scattering, there is a further gradual increase in scattering (we call it "super-opalescence"). Fluorescence and electron microscopic observations of acto-S-1 solutions showed that super-opalescence results from formation of actin filament bundles once S-1 binds to F-actin. The actin bundles possessed transverse stripes with a periodicity of about 350 A, which suggested that in the bundles actin filaments are arranged in parallel register. The rate of the initial process of bundle formation (i.e. side-by-side dimerization) could be approximately estimated by measuring the initial rate of super-opalescence (V0). V0 had a maximum (V0m) at a molar ratio of S-1 to actin of 1;6-1;7, regardless of the actin concentration, pH (6-8.5), Mg2+ concentration (up to 5 mM), or ionic strength (up to 0.3 M KC1). Lower pH, higher Mg2+ concentration, and higher ionic strength increased V0m; V0 was proportional to the square of the actin concentration, regardless of the solution conditions.  相似文献   

Hybrid contractile apparatus was reconstituted in skeletal muscle ghost fibers by incorporation of skeletal muscle myosin subfragment 1 (S1), smooth muscle tropomyosin and caldesmon. The spatial orientation of FITC-phalloidin-labeled actin and IAEDANS-labeled S1 during sequential steps of the acto-S1 ATPase cycle was studied by measurement of polarized fluorescence in the absence or presence of nucleotides conditioning the binding affinity of both proteins. In the fibers devoid of caldesmon addition of nucleotides evoked unidirectional synchronous changes in the orientation of the fluorescent probes attached to F-actin or S1. The results support the suggestion on the multistep rotation of the cross-bridge (myosin head and actin monomers) during the ATPase cycle. The maximal cross-bridge rotation by 7 degrees relative to the fiber axis and the increase in its rigidity by 30% were observed at transition between A**.M**.ADP.Pi (weak binding) and A--.M--.ADP (strong binding) states. When caldesmon was present in the fibers (OFF-state of the thin filament) the unidirectional changes in the orientation of actin monomers and S1 were uncoupled. The tilting of the myosin head and of the actin monomer decreased by 29% and 90%, respectively. It is suggested that in the "closed" position caldesmon "freezes" the actin filament structure and induces the transition of the intermediate state of actomyosin towards the weak-binding states, thereby inhibiting the ATPase activity of the actomyosin.  相似文献   

Chicken gizzard caldesmon causes up to 40% inhibition of Mg2+-ATPase activity of rabbit skeletal muscle actomyosin. In the presence of chicken gizzard tropomyosin this inhibition is significantly increased, reaching a maximum (around 80%) at a molar ratio of caldesmon to actin monomer of 1 to 10-13. The inhibition of actomyosin ATPase takes place over a wide pH range (from 6.0 to 8.0) but is decreased with an increase in KCl and MgCl2 concentrations. Caldesmon, in the range of caldesmon/ actin ratios within which it inhibits actomyosin ATPase, forms bundles of parallelly aligned actin filaments. Calmodulin in the presence of Ca2+ dissociates these bundles and restrains the inhibition of actomyosin ATPase, provided that it is used at a high molar excess over caldesmon.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical work on the cooperative equilibrium binding of myosin subfragment-1-ADP to regulated actin, as influenced by Ca2+, is extended here to the cooperative steady-state ATPase activity of myosin subfragment-1 on regulated actin. Exact solution of the general steady-state problem will require Monte Carlo calculations. Three interrelated special cases are discussed in some detail and sample computer (not Monte Carlo) solutions are given. The eventual objective is to apply these considerations to in vitro experimental data and to in vivo muscle models.  相似文献   

Structural studies of the class I myosin, MyoE, led to the predictions that loop 4, a surface loop near the actin-binding region that is longer in class I myosins than in other myosin subclasses, might limit binding of myosins I to actin when actin-binding proteins, like tropomyosin, are present, and might account for the exclusion of myosin I from stress fibers. To test these hypotheses, mutant molecules of the related mammalian class I myosin, Myo1b, in which loop 4 was truncated (from an amino acid sequence of RMNGLDES to NGLD) or replaced with the shorter and distinct loop 4 found in Dictyostelium myosin II (GAGEGA), were expressed in vitro and their interaction with actin and with actin-tropomyosin was tested. Saturating amounts of expressed fibroblast tropomyosin-2 resulted in a decrease in the maximum actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase activity of wild-type Myo1b but had little or no effect on the actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase activity of the two mutants. In motility assays, few actin filaments bound tightly to Myo1b-WT-coated cover slips when tropomyosin-2 was present, whereas actin filaments both bound and were translocated by Myo1b-NGLD or Myo1b-GAGEGA in both the presence and absence of tropomyosin-2. When expressed in mammalian cells, like the wild type, the mutant myosins were largely excluded from tropomyosin-containing actin filaments, indicating that in the cell additional factors besides loop 4 determine targeting of myosins I to specific subpopulations of actin filaments.  相似文献   

T Tao  M Lamkin 《FEBS letters》1984,168(1):169-173
Rabbit skeletal tropomyosin was labeled with the bifunctional photoactivatable crosslinker N-succinimidyl-6- (4'-azido-2'-nitrophenylamino)hexanoate. After irradiating the rigor complex composed of myosin subfragment-1, crosslinker-labeled tropomyosin, and F-actin, a crosslinked product was formed. This product was identified as a 1:1 adduct of tropomyosin and subfragment-1. This finding is in support of recent structural studies which suggest that tropomyosin and subfragment-1 are in close proximity to each other, and may be relevant to the mechanism of thin filament regulation.  相似文献   

Potentiation of actomyosin ATPase activity by filamin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It was found that thin filaments from chicken gizzard muscle activate skeletal muscle myosin Mg2+-ATPase to a greater extent than does the complex of chicken gizzard actin and tropomyosin. The protein factor responsible for this additional activation has been now identified as the high Mr actin binding protein, filamin.  相似文献   

The actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase activity of phosphorylated Acanthamoeba myosin I was previously shown to be cooperatively dependent on the myosin concentration (Albanesi, J. P., Fujisaki, H., and Korn, E. D. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 11174-11179). This observation was rationalized by assuming that myosin I contains a high-affinity and a low-affinity F-actin-binding site and that binding at the low-affinity site is responsible for the actin-activated ATPase activity. Therefore, enzymatic activity would correlate with the cross-linking of actin filaments by myosin I, and the cooperative increase in specific activity at high myosin:actin ratios would result from the fact that cross-linking by one myosin molecule would increase the effective F-actin concentration for neighboring myosin molecules. This model predicts that high specific activity should occur at myosin:actin ratios below that required for cooperative interactions if the actin filaments are cross-linked by catalytically inert cross-linking proteins. This prediction has been confirmed by cross-linking actin filaments with either of three gelation factors isolated from Acanthamoeba, one of which has not been previously described, or by enzymatically inactive unphosphorylated Acanthamoeba myosin I.  相似文献   

The protein complex, troponin-tropomyosin, which is bound to the thin actin filament, regulates muscle contraction and relaxation. In the absence of Ca2+ the troponin-tropomyosin complex causes muscle to relax, whereas in the presence of Ca2+, contraction occurs. Biochemical studies have shown that the troponin-tropomyosin complex has a dual effect on the interaction of the myosin cross-bridge with actin. In the presence of ATP, troponin-tropomyosin strongly inhibits the actomyosin ATPase activity, whereas in the absence of ATP, troponin-tropomyosin confers positive cooperativity on the binding of myosin to actin. We have proposed a simple model [Hill, T. L., Greene, L. E., and Eisenberg, E. (1980)Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77, 3186–3190] that accounts for these biochemical observations by postulating that the troponin-tropomyosin-actin complex (regulated actin) can occur in two forms, a turned-on form and a turned-off form. This model defines several cooperativity parameters that describe the behavior of regulated actin. In previous studies we have determined the values of these parameters by studying the cooperative binding of myosin to regulated actin in the absence of ATP. In the present study we also used ATPase and fluorescence measurements to determine these cooperativity parameters. Assuming that the fluorescence change occurs only when two adjacent tropomyosin units shift into the turned-on form, our results show that all three methods give the same values for the cooperativity parameters. These results confirm the prediction of our model that a regulated actin unit that is turned off not only binds S-1 weakly but is also unable to activate the actomyosin ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Profilin inhibits the rate of nucleation of actin polymerization and the rate of filament elongation and also reduces the concentration of F-actin at steady state. Addition of profilin to solutions of F-actin causes depolymerization. The same steady state concentrations of polymerized and nonpolymerized actin are reached whether profilin is added before initiation of polymerization or after polymerization is complete. The KD for formation of the 1:1 complex between Acanthamoeba profilin and Acanthamoeba actin is in the range of 4 to 11 microM; the KD for the reaction between Acanthamoeba profilin and rabbit skeletal muscle actin is about 60 to 80 microM, irrespective of the concentrations of KCl or MgCl2. The critical concentration of actin for polymerization and the KD for the actin-profilin interaction are independent of each other; therefore, a change in the critical concentration of actin alters the amount of actin bound to profilin at steady state. As a consequence, the presence of profilin greatly amplifies the effects of small changes in the actin critical concentration on the concentration of F-actin. Profilin also inhibits the ATPase activity of monomeric actin, the profilin-actin complex being entirely inactive.  相似文献   

The effect of divalent cations--Co2+, Cu2+, Mn2+ and Ni2+ (5 mM) on the activity of actomyosin complex ATPase and ATPase of subfragment-1 (S1,head) of myosin from smooth muscle of the uterus was studied. It has been shown that Co2+, Mn2+ and Ni2+ inhibited, while Cu2+ activates the enzyme activity of both actomyosin and myosin S1. Mg and Mn ions had practically no effect on the emission intensity of eosin Y associated with actomyosin, while one could observe the most marked suppression of emission of related fluorescent probe in the presence of Cu cations and less pronounced suppression in the presence of Co2+. In the presence of Mn, Co and Ni cations the average hydrodynamic diameter (HD) of actomyosin complex and of subfragment-1 of the smooth muscle of the uterus is virtually identical to the HD in the presence of Mg2+. In the presence of Cu cations there is a considerable (ten-fold) increase in the size of the protein particles that may be a result of their aggregation. The results obtained evidence for the significant changes in the structure and function of the actomyosin complex of the myometrium in the presence of heavy metals and allow us to assume that the target of the effect of these metals on the contractile proteins is a subfragment-1 of myosin, where the active site of ATPase and actin-binding sites are localized.  相似文献   

Ascites hepatoma cell line AH-130 was tested for the ability to transport various amino acids and glutathione before and after γ-glutamyl transpeptidase of the cells was affinity-labeled and inactivated by 6-diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine, a glutamine analog. The rate of uptake of alanine, glycine, leucine and glutamine by the cells remained unchanged after γ-glutamyl transpeptidase was inactivated by this affinity label. This indicated that γ-glutamyl transpeptidase of the cell was not involved in the transport process of these amino acids tested. The uptake of glutathione was also tested before and after affinity labeling the enzyme. The total amount of the radioactivity incorporated into the cells was not significantly affected by the enzyme inactivation. However, the relative amount of incorporated intact glutathione was found to be slightly but significantly increased after membraneous γ-glutamyl transpeptidase was inactivated by the affinity label, while that of component amino acid, glycine, was found to decrease. This indicated that glutathione was taken up by the cell in its intact form as well as in degraded forms into its component amino acids, and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase in the ascites tumor cell AH-130 seemed to be involved in the metabolic process via the latter system.  相似文献   

Decavanadate, a vanadate oligomer, is known to interact with myosin and to inhibit the ATPase activity, but the putative binding sites and the mechanism of inhibition are still to be clarified. We have previously proposed that the decavanadate (V(10)O(28)(6-)) inhibition of the actin-stimulated myosin ATPase activity is non-competitive towards both actin and ATP. A likely explanation for these results is that V(10) binds to the so-called back-door at the end of the Pi-tube opposite to the nucleotide-binding site. In order to further investigate this possibility, we have carried out molecular docking simulations of the V(10) oligomer on three different structures of the myosin motor domain of Dictyostelium discoideum, representing distinct states of the ATPase cycle. The results indicate a clear preference of V(10) to bind at the back-door, but only on the "open" structures where there is access to the phosphate binding-loop. It is suggested that V(10) acts as a "back-door stop" blocking the closure of the 50-kDa cleft necessary to carry out ATP-gamma-phosphate hydrolysis. This provides a simple explanation to the non-competitive behavior of V(10) and spurs the use of the oligomer as a tool to elucidate myosin back-door conformational changes in the process of muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Regulation of molluscan actomyosin ATPase activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The interaction of myosin and actin in many invertebrate muscles is mediated by the direct binding of Ca2+ to myosin, in contrast to modes of regulation in vertebrate skeletal and smooth muscles. Earlier work showed that the binding of skeletal muscle myosin subfragment 1 to the actin-troponin-tropomyosin complex in the presence of ATP is weakened by less than a factor of 2 by removal of Ca2+ although the maximum rate of ATP hydrolysis decreases by 96%. We have now studied the invertebrate type of regulation using heavy meromyosin (HMM) prepared from both the scallop Aequipecten irradians and the squid Loligo pealii. Binding of these HMMs to rabbit skeletal actin was determined by measuring the ATPase activity present in the supernatant after sedimenting acto-HMM in an ultracentrifuge. The HMM of both species bound to actin in the presence of ATP, even in the absence of Ca2+, although the binding constant in the absence of Ca2+ (4.3 X 10(3) M-1) was about 20% of that in the presence of Ca+ (2.2 X 10(4) M-1). Studies of the steady state ATPase activity of these HMMs as a function of actin concentration revealed that the major effect of removing Ca2+ was to decrease the maximum velocity, extrapolated to infinite actin concentration, by 80-85%. Furthermore, at high actin concentrations where most of the HMM was bound to actin, the rate of ATP hydrolysis remained inhibited in the absence of Ca+. Therefore, inhibition of the ATPase rate in the absence of Ca2+ cannot be due simply to an inhibition of the binding of HMM to actin; rather, Ca2+ must also directly alter the kinetics of ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Myosin and subfragment-1 were prepared from rabbit hearts hypertrophied secondary to pulmonary artery constriction. The Ca2+ -stimulated ATPase activity was reduced while the potassium/EDTA-stimulated ATPase activity was unchanged in both the myosin and subfragment 1 (S-1) from hypertrophied hearts. When hypertrophy myosin was mixed with an equal quantity of control myosin, the ATPase activity of the mixed protein fell halfway between control and hypertrophy values. Similar results were obtained with control and hypertrophy S-1. The actin-stimulated ATPase activity of hypertrophy S-1 was slightly depressed but unlike hypertrophy myosin this depression was not significant when compared to normal S-1. This suggests that papain cleavage may have removed part of the conformational difference that exists between control and hypertrophy myosins.  相似文献   

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