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We describe a new sigmodontine species on the basis of three specimens obtained from a high-altitude locality in the Atlantic forest of eastern Brazil. This new form, a small-bodied pentalophodont with tail longer than head and body, long soft fur, and a brownish ochraceous dorsum, is diagnosed by the presence of an open slit in the suture between the frontal bones in prepared skulls, and by a reduced diploid number of 20 coupled with a relatively high fundamental number of 34. Although the low diploid number suggests a derived sigmodontine, analyses of morphological characters and DNA sequence data (720 bp of the cytochrome-b gene) point to its placement within the recently described genusJuliomys González, 2000, a taxon regarded as belonging to an old and independent sigmodontine lineage. This finding reinforces current hypotheses of the Atlantic forest domain as an important center of diversification for a primitive sigmodontine stock. It also suggests that at least some surviving lineages, often considered rather ancient and unspeciose relicts, were subject to relatively more recent speciation events.  相似文献   

Capybaras (Hidrochoeris hidrochoeris) are 1 of the largest rodents used for meat in South and Central America. Prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in 149 feral H. hidrochoeris from the state of S?o Paulo, Brazil, was evaluated using the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and the modified agglutination test (MAT). Using IFAT, antibodies (>1:16) were found in 104 (69.8%) and with the MAT, antibodies (>1:25) were found in 63 (42.3%) capybaras. This is the first report of prevalence of T. gondii antibodies in this host.  相似文献   

Juliomys is a small rodent from the family Cricetidae which inhabits the Atlantic forest and forests from Argentina to eastern Brazil. The three species recognized so far have different karyotypes. In this paper, we describe a new karyotype with 2n = 32, FN = 48 found in Juliomys specimens from a high-altitude area in the Atlantic forest of southern Brazil. The karyotype was analyzed after G- and C-banding and silver staining of the nucleolus organizer regions (Ag-NOR) and its G-banding patterns were compared with those of the newly described species Juliomys ossitenuis (2n = 20, FN = 36). The 2n = 32 karyomorph presented peculiar features and was very different from those of the other species of the genus: J. pictipes (2n = 36, FN = 34), J. rimofrons (2n = 20, FN = 34) and J. ossitenuis (2n = 20, FN = 36). Differences were mostly due to centric and tandem fusions, pericentric inversion and loss of heterochromatin. The karyotype represents a powerful tool to differentiate Juliomys species and our data suggest that the karyotype described herein belongs to a new species.  相似文献   

The disease outcome in malaria caused by the protozoan parasite Plasmodium is influenced by host genetic factors. To identify host genes conferring resistance to infection with the malaria parasite, we undertook chromosomal mapping using a whole-genome scanning approach in cross-bred mice. NC/Jic mice all died with high parasitemia within 8 days of infection with 1 x 10(5) parasitized erythrocytes. In contrast, 129/SvJ mice all completely excluded malaria parasites from the circulation and remained alive 21 days after infection. We performed linkage analysis in backcross [(NC/Jic x 129/SvJ)xNC/Jic] mice. The Pymr ( Plasmodium yoelii malaria resistance) locus was mapped to the telomeric portion of mouse Chromosome (Chr) 9. This locus controls host survival and parasitemia after infection. The Char1 locus ( P. chabaudi resistance locus 1), controlling host survival and peak parasitemia in P. chabaudi infection, was previously mapped to the same region. This host resistance locus mapping to Chr 9 may represent a ubiquitous locus controlling susceptibility to rodent malaria. Elucidation of the function of this gene will provide valuable insights into the mechanism of host defense against malaria parasite infection.  相似文献   

The genus Pseudaeginella is analysed herein by cladistic methods based on a morphological data matrix of 49 characters × 18 terminal taxa. Based on the results, we comment on the phylogenetic position of Paradeutella within Pseudaeginella, and we propose Pseudaeginella multispinosa comb. nov. and Pseudaeginella tanzaniensis comb. nov. Pseudaeginella freirei sp. nov. is described from the Abrolhos Bank, north-eastern Brazil. We provide an updated key to the Pseudaeginella species.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F573E845-822E-41D6-8F58-FE54C5653A53  相似文献   

Misionella jaminawa sp. n. (Araneae: Filistatidae: Prithinae) is described from state of Acre, Brazil. New records of Misionella mendensis (Mello-Leitao) are provided, revealing a wider distribution than previously known.  相似文献   

For 150 years O. anomala has been the only known species of Oligoneuria, the type genus of the Oligoneuriidae (Ephemeroptera). However, two species have been recently described and Oligoneuria has been proposed as a senior synonym of the genus Oligoneurioides. In the present paper, based on material from the Amazon and Brazilian Atlantic Forest, three new species are described, including information on all life stages. Given these new species, as well as the lack of cladistic support for the proposed synonymy between Oligoneuria and Oligoneurioides, a phylogenetic analysis was performed in order to address the relationships between all species and to test the status of Oligoneurioides. Our results show that the status of the genus is uncertain, mainly due to the lack of knowledge of the type species of O. anomala, known exclusively from a female subimago. Taking into account phylogenetic as well as taxonomic arguments, we propose that the genus Oligoneuria should be divided into three subgenera: Oligoneuria s.s., for O. anomala; Oligoneuria (Yawari) new subgenus, for Oligoneuria truncata sp.n. ; and Oligoneuria (Oligoneurioides) for the remaining five species, including O. amandae sp.n. and O. mitra sp.n. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A2AEE4B7‐FEA8‐4067‐8F3B‐666095EDB997 .  相似文献   

The diversity among coccidian parasites of the genus Besnoitia is incompletely known. Of the eight currently described members of the genus, only B. jellisoni is known to parasitize a rodent host. Here, we propose a new name, Besnoitia akodoni, for the species initially isolated form the rodent Akodon montensis in Brazil. The tissue cysts of B. akodoni were up to 442 microm in diameter and bradyzoites were 8.4 x 1.4 microm in size. The bradyzoites contained enigmatic bodies, micronemes and rhoptries. Tachyzoites were 5.8 x 1.5 microm in size and they could be grown in vitro in bovine monocytes and African Green monkey cells where they divided by endodyogeny. Besnoitia akodoni was infective to laboratory-raised mice (Mus musculus) and gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) but not to cats (Felis catus). Comparison of the conserved sequences of the small subunit rDNA clearly established the close relationship of B. akodoni with other members of the genus. However, sequences of the more variable first internal transcribed spacer portion of the ribosomal DNA repeat support its differentiation from the other species of the genus.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic investigation of Hyla ebraccata Cope, H. microcephala Cope, and H. phlebodes Stejneger revealed that the karyotypes of these 30-chromosome Hyla are very conservative. With the exception of some structural rearrangements, only few differences in chromosomal morphology could be discerned. Based on our results, we hypothesize that the telomeric position of nucleolus organizer regions (NOR) on chromosome no. 10 may represent a derived condition in 30-chromosome Hyla. This cytotype was found only in the Caribbean population of H. ebraccata, Such within-species disparity has not been observed previously among amphibians. This phenomenon can most readily be explained by a translocation or insertion that rapidly drifted to high frequency in a small population.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1978,8(3):197-201
The electrophoretic properties of histones and non-histone chromosomal proteins (NHCP) were examined in second instar larvae of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana. The five main histone fractions, typical of most organisms, were present. Subfractions were not observed for the very-lysine-rich F1 histone. By contrast to the histones, the NHCP displayed considerable heterogeneity with no fewer than 38 bands. The molecular weights of the NHCP ranged from 9000 to over 110,000 daltons.  相似文献   

Ribosomal-type ribonucleic acid from rodent mitochondria   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1. Highly purified mitochondria containing 3.0mug of RNA/mg of mitochondrial protein were prepared from rat liver by differential centrifugation. 2. RNA, labelled with [(32)P]P(i) or [(3)H]orotate, was isolated from these mitochondria by a phenol extraction method. The RNA sedimented at 15S and 13S on sucrose density gradients. Its nucleotide composition was 23% uridylate, 30% adenylate, 22% guanylate and 25% cytidylate. 3. RNA from mouse L cells was labelled with [(3)H]-uridine in the presence of 0.1mug of actinomycin D/ml to suppress the synthesis of cytoplasmic rRNA. The RNA isolated from crude L-cell mitochondria by a cold-phenol-sodium dodecyl sulphate method had components sedimenting at 15S and 12.5S. These components had an electrophoretic mobility on agarose-acrylamide gels of 21 and 12S(E) compared with 28 and 18S(E) for cytoplasmic rRNA. The nucleotide composition was 26% uridylate, 34% adenylate, 18% guanylate and 22% cytidylate. 4. RNA extracted from crude L-cell mitochondria by a hotphenol-sodium dodecyl sulphate method had an additional component sedimenting at 21S and having an electrophoretic mobility of 18S(E). It was probably DNA because of its sensitivity to deoxyribonuclease and its insensitivity to ribonuclease and alkali. It was present in nuclear fragments contaminating the crude mitochondrial fraction and could be removed by deoxyribonuclease or isopycnic-gradient centrifugation.  相似文献   

Chromosome-banding studies have been carried out on 31 specimens of Otomys irroratus from six localities. Light-microscope preparations of chromosomes were obtained from cultures of fibroblasts, spleen lymphocytes, peripheral blood lymphocytes, and directly from bone marrow. Karyotypic variability, both numerical and morphological, was detected in three populations. Diploid numbers ranged from 2n = 23 to 2n = 32. Intrapopulation differences were chiefly caused by variation in the number of copies in two pairs of small, biarmed, partly heterochromatic autosomes suggestive of B chromosomes. A major morphological variation in the karyotypes involved the presence of seven pairs of biarmed autosomes with totally heterochromatic short arms in the populations distributed to the west of 26 degrees 57' E. To the east of this longitude, populations of this species exhibited mostly acrocentric autosomes. G-banding patterns of these karyotypes and those of a karyotype from a previous study (Robinson and Elder, 1987) were compared. A chromosome originating from a tandem fusion, possibly leading to partial reproductive isolation, was found in one population. Possible implications of these results for mechanisms of speciation are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Different wild-type isolates of Dictyostelium discoideum exhibit extensive polymorphism in the length of restriction fragments carrying tRNA genes. These size differences were used to study the organisation of two tRNA gene families which encode a tRNAVal(GUU) and a tRNAVal(GUA) gene. The method used involved a combination of classitics. The tRNA genes were mapped to specific linkage groups (chromosomes) by correlating the presence of polymorphic DNA bands that hybridized with the tRNA gene probes with the presence of genetic markers for those linkage groups. These analyses established that both of the tRNA gene families are dispersed among sites on several of the chromosomes. Information of nine tRNAVal(GUU) genes from the wild-type isolate NC4 was obtained: three map to linkage group I (C, E, F,), two map to linkage group II (D, I), one maps to linkage group IV (G), one, which corresponds to the cloned gene, maps to either linkage group III or VI (B), and two map to one of linkage groups III, VI or VIII (A, H). Six tRNAVal(GUA) genes from the NC4 isolate were mapped; one to linkage group I (D), two to linkage group III, VI or VII (B, C) and three to linkage group VII or III (A, E, F).  相似文献   

In a survey of 1,732 amphibians and reptiles collected across S?o Paulo Province, Brazil, and 7 provinces in Paraguay, 26 species were found infected with acanthocephalans. Of 1,510 anurans, 14 anurans, representing 11 species, were infected with cystacanths of Centrorhynchus spp. and 1 anuran with cystacanths of Oligacanthorhynchus sp. Of 107 lizards, 1 lizard was infected with cystacanths of Centrorhynchus sp. and 1 lizard with cystacanths of Oligacanthorhynchus sp. Acanthocephalus caspanensis was found in 3 anurans (3 species) and Acanthocephalus lutzi in 3 anurans (2 species) and 2 snakes (2 species). The systematic position of A. lutzi cannot be resolved using presently available morphological data. Acanthocephalus saopaulensis n. sp. was found in a single individual of Bufo ictericus. The new species can be differentiated from all its congeners except A. caspanensis in having a sigmoid-shaped male posterior end and from A. caspanensis in having a proboscis armature of 16 rows of 5-7 hooks rather than 18-19 rows of 6-7 hooks and larger eggs. The status of Acanthocephalus and Pseudoacanthocephalus continues to be problematic.  相似文献   

About 20 valid species of the genus Rhabdias are known in the Neotropical region. The present study aimed to describe two new species of Rhabdias parasitizing the lungs of Leptodactylus macrosternum and Leptodactylus podicipinus from Brazil. Distinctive characteristics between these species are numerous and based on body size, size of the buccal capsule, shape and size of the oesophagus, and position of the vulva. Molecular data based on ribosomal genes 28S and ITS region and mitochondrial COI of the two species are presented. Molecular analysis and comparison of the partial mitochondrial COI sequence of Rhabdias matogrossensis n. sp. and Rhabdias guaianensis n. sp. revealed a genetic divergence between these new species and the sequences of Rhabdias spp. previously deposited in GenBank. In the phylogenetic analysis, R. matogrossensis n. sp. was grouped with R. breviensis species complex, and R. guaianensis n. sp. was grouped as a sister group of R. cf. stenochepala. This study contributes to improving the diversity of known species of Rhabdias described in Brazilian anurans.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast chromosomal DNA was prepared under different conditions. Treatment of intact cells with proteinase K (1 mg/ml) resultes in appropriate electrophoretic karyotypes; when protoplasts were formed in situ, the presence of both sodium lauroylsarcosine and EDTA was essential. Further, the duration of cell wall lysis (12 h) and the concentrations of lytic enzymes (0.5% snail enzyme and 0.25% Novozym)had to be kept at a minimum.  相似文献   

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