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The IPCC SRES narratives were implemented in IMAGE 2.2 to evaluate the future con-dition of the climate system (including the biosphere). A series of scenario experiments was used to assess possible ranges in emissions and concentrations of greenhouse gases, climate changeand impacts. These experiments focussed on the role of the terrestrial carbon cycle. The experi-ments show that the SRES narratives dominate human emissions and not natural processes. In contrary, atmospheric CO_2 concentration strongly differs between the experiments. Atmospheric CO_2 concentrations range for A1B from 714 to 1009 ppmv CO_2 in 2100. The spread of this range is comparable with the full SRES range as implemented in IMAGE 2.2 (515-895 μmol/mol CO_2).The most important negative and positive feedback processes in IMAGE 2.2 on the build-up ofCO_2 concentrations are CO_2 fertilisation and soil respiration respectively. Indirect effects of theseprocesses further change land-use patterns, deforestation rates and alter the natural C fluxes. Thecumulative effects of these changes have a pronounced influence on the final CO_2 concentrations. Our scenario experiments highlight the importance of a proper parameterisation of feedback proc-esses, C-cycle and land use in determining the future states of the climate system.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems are an important sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), sequestering ~30% of annual anthropogenic emissions and slowing the rise of atmospheric CO2. However, the future direction and magnitude of the land sink is highly uncertain. We examined how historical and projected changes in climate, land use, and ecosystem disturbances affect the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems in California over the period 2001–2100. We modeled 32 unique scenarios, spanning 4 land use and 2 radiative forcing scenarios as simulated by four global climate models. Between 2001 and 2015, carbon storage in California's terrestrial ecosystems declined by ?188.4 Tg C, with a mean annual flux ranging from a source of ?89.8 Tg C/year to a sink of 60.1 Tg C/year. The large variability in the magnitude of the state's carbon source/sink was primarily attributable to interannual variability in weather and climate, which affected the rate of carbon uptake in vegetation and the rate of ecosystem respiration. Under nearly all future scenarios, carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems was projected to decline, with an average loss of ?9.4% (?432.3 Tg C) by the year 2100 from current stocks. However, uncertainty in the magnitude of carbon loss was high, with individual scenario projections ranging from ?916.2 to 121.2 Tg C and was largely driven by differences in future climate conditions projected by climate models. Moving from a high to a low radiative forcing scenario reduced net ecosystem carbon loss by 21% and when combined with reductions in land‐use change (i.e., moving from a high to a low land‐use scenario), net carbon losses were reduced by 55% on average. However, reconciling large uncertainties associated with the effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 is needed to better constrain models used to establish baseline conditions from which ecosystem‐based climate mitigation strategies can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Protected areas (PAs) cover about 22% of the conterminous United States. Understanding their role on historical land use and land cover change (LULCC) and on the carbon cycle is essential to provide guidance for environmental policies. In this study, we compiled historical LULCC and PAs data to explore these interactions within the terrestrial ecosystem model (TEM). We found that intensive LULCC occurred in the conterminous United States from 1700 to 2005. More than 3 million km2 of forest, grassland and shrublands were converted into agricultural lands, which caused 10,607 Tg C release from land ecosystems to atmosphere. PAs had experienced little LULCC as they were generally established in the 20th century after most of the agricultural expansion had occurred. PAs initially acted as a carbon source due to land use legacies, but their accumulated carbon budget switched to a carbon sink in the 1960s, sequestering an estimated 1,642 Tg C over 1700–2005, or 13.4% of carbon losses in non‐PAs. We also find that PAs maintain larger carbon stocks and continue sequestering carbon in recent years (2001–2005), but at a lower rate due to increased heterotrophic respiration as well as lower productivity associated to aging ecosystems. It is essential to continue efforts to maintain resilient, biodiverse ecosystems and avoid large‐scale disturbances that would release large amounts of carbon in PAs.  相似文献   

We model the carbon balance of European croplands between 1901 and 2000 in response to land use and management changes. The process‐based ORCHIDEE‐STICS model is applied here in a spatially explicit framework. We reconstructed land cover changes, together with an idealized history of agro‐technology. These management parameters include the treatment of straw and stubble residues, application of mineral fertilizers, improvement of cultivar species and tillage. The model is integrated for wheat and maize during the period 1901–2000 forced by climate each 1/2‐hour, and by atmospheric CO2, land cover change and agro‐technology each year. Several tests are performed to identify the most sensitive agro‐technological parameters that control the net biome productivity (NBP) in the 1990s, with NBP equaling for croplands the soil C balance. The current NBP is a small sink of 0.16 t C ha?1 yr?1. The value of NBP per unit area reflects past and current management, and to a minor extent the shrinking areas of arable land consecutive to abandonment during the 20th Century. The uncertainty associated with NBP is large, with a 1‐sigma error of 0.18 t C ha?1 yr?1 obtained from a qualitative, but comprehensive budget of various error terms. The NBP uncertainty is dominated by unknown historical agro‐technology changes (47%) and model structure (27%), with error in climate forcing playing a minor role. A major improvement to the framework would consist in using a larger number of representative crops. The uncertainty of historical land‐use change derived from three different reconstructions, has a surprisingly small effect on NBP (0.01 t C ha?1 yr?1) because cropland area remained stable during the past 20 years in all the tested land use forcing datasets. Regional cross‐validation of modeled NBP against soil C inventory measurements shows that our results are consistent with observations, within the uncertainties of both inventories and model. Our estimation of cropland NBP is however likely to be biased towards a sink, given that inventory data from different regions consistently indicate a small source whereas we model a small sink.  相似文献   

Perennial bioenergy crops have significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contribute to climate change mitigation by substituting for fossil fuels; yet delivering significant GHG savings will require substantial land‐use change, globally. Over the last decade, research has delivered improved understanding of the environmental benefits and risks of this transition to perennial bioenergy crops, addressing concerns that the impacts of land conversion to perennial bioenergy crops could result in increased rather than decreased GHG emissions. For policymakers to assess the most cost‐effective and sustainable options for deployment and climate change mitigation, synthesis of these studies is needed to support evidence‐based decision making. In 2015, a workshop was convened with researchers, policymakers and industry/business representatives from the UK, EU and internationally. Outcomes from global research on bioenergy land‐use change were compared to identify areas of consensus, key uncertainties, and research priorities. Here, we discuss the strength of evidence for and against six consensus statements summarising the effects of land‐use change to perennial bioenergy crops on the cycling of carbon, nitrogen and water, in the context of the whole life‐cycle of bioenergy production. Our analysis suggests that the direct impacts of dedicated perennial bioenergy crops on soil carbon and nitrous oxide are increasingly well understood and are often consistent with significant life cycle GHG mitigation from bioenergy relative to conventional energy sources. We conclude that the GHG balance of perennial bioenergy crop cultivation will often be favourable, with maximum GHG savings achieved where crops are grown on soils with low carbon stocks and conservative nutrient application, accruing additional environmental benefits such as improved water quality. The analysis reported here demonstrates there is a mature and increasingly comprehensive evidence base on the environmental benefits and risks of bioenergy cultivation which can support the development of a sustainable bioenergy industry.  相似文献   

The long residence time of carbon in forests and soils means that both the current state and future behavior of the terrestrial biosphere are influenced by past variability in climate and anthropogenic land use. Over the last half‐millennium, European terrestrial ecosystems were affected by the cool temperatures of the Little Ice Age, rising CO2 concentrations, and human induced deforestation and land abandonment. To quantify the importance of these processes, we performed a series of simulations with the LPJ dynamic vegetation model driven by reconstructed climate, land use, and CO2 concentrations. Although land use change was the major control on the carbon inventory of Europe over the last 500 years, the current state of the terrestrial biosphere is largely controlled by land use change during the past century. Between 1500 and 2000, climate variability led to temporary sequestration events of up to 3 Pg, whereas increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the 20th century led to an increase in carbon storage of up to 15 Pg. Anthropogenic land use caused between 25 Pg of carbon emissions and 5 Pg of uptake over the same time period, depending on the historical and spatial pattern of past land use and the timing of the reversal from deforestation to afforestation during the last two centuries. None of the currently existing anthropogenic land use change datasets adequately capture the timing of the forest transition in most European countries as recorded in historical observations. Despite considerable uncertainty, our scenarios indicate that with limited management, extant European forests have the potential to absorb between 5 and 12 Pg of carbon at the present day.  相似文献   

Land use effects on terrestrial carbon sources and sinks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Current and past land use practices are critical in determining the distribution and size of global terrestrial carbon (C) sources and sinks. Althoughfossil fuel emissions dominate the anthropogenic perturbation of the global C cycle, land use still drives the largest portion of anthropogenic emissions in a number of tropical regions of Asia. The size of the emission flux owing to land use change is still the biggest uncertainty in the global C budget. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported a flux term of 1.7 PgC@a-1 for 1990-1995 but more recent estimates suggest the magnitude of this source may be only of 0.96 PgC@a-1 for the 1990s. In addition, current and past land use practices are now thought to contribute to a large degree to the northern hemisphere terrestrial sink, and are the dominant driver for some regional sinks. However, mechanisms other than land use change need to be invoked in order to explain the inferred C sink in the tropics. Potential candidates are the carbon dioxide (CO2) fertilization and climate change; fertilization due to nitrogen (N) deposition is believed to be small or nil. Although the potential for managing C sinks is limited, improved land use management and new land uses such as reforestation and biomass fuel cropping, can further enhance current terrestrial C sinks. Best management practices in agriculture alone could sequester 0.4-0.8 PgC per year in soils if implemented globally. New methodologies to ensure verification and permanency of C sequestration need to be developed.  相似文献   

Current and past land use practices are critical in determining the distribution and sizeof global terrestrial carbon (C) sources and sinks. Although fossil fuel emissions dominate the an-thropogenic perturbation of the global C cycle, land use still drives the largest portion of anthropo-genic emissions in a number of tropical regions of Asia. The size of the emission flux owing to landuse change is still the biggest uncertainty in the global C budget. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported a flux term of 1.7 PgC·a~(-1) for 1990-1995 but more recent es-timates suggest the magnitude of this source may be only of 0.96 PgC·a~(-1) for the 1990s. In add-ition, current and past land use practices are now thought to contribute to a large degree to the northern hemisphere terrestrial sink, and are the dominant driver for some regional sinks. However,mechanisms other than land use change need to be invoked in order to explain the inferred C sink in the tropics. Potential candidates are the carbon dioxide (CO_2) fertilization and climate change;fertilization due to nitrogen (N) deposition is believed to be small or nil. Although the potential formanaging C sinks is limited, improved land use management and new land uses such as refores-tation and biomass fuel cropping, can further enhance current terrestrial C sinks. Best manage-ment practices in agriculture alone could sequester 0.4-0.8 PgC per year in soils if implemented globally. New methodologies to ensure verification and permanency of C sequestration need to be developed.  相似文献   

We forced a global terrestrial carbon cycle model by climate fields of 14 ocean and atmosphere general circulation models (OAGCMs) to simulate the response of terrestrial carbon pools and fluxes to climate change over the next century. These models participated in the second phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP2), where a 1% per year increase of atmospheric CO2 was prescribed. We obtain a reduction in net land uptake because of climate change ranging between 1.4 and 5.7 Gt C yr?1 at the time of atmospheric CO2 doubling. Such a reduction in terrestrial carbon sinks is largely dominated by the response of tropical ecosystems, where soil water stress occurs. The uncertainty in the simulated land carbon cycle response is the consequence of discrepancies in land temperature and precipitation changes simulated by the OAGCMs. We use a statistical approach to assess the coherence of the land carbon fluxes response to climate change. The biospheric carbon fluxes and pools changes have a coherent response in the tropics, in the Mediterranean region and in high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. This is because of a good coherence of soil water content change in the first two regions and of temperature change in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Then we evaluate the carbon uptake uncertainties to the assumptions on plant productivity sensitivity to atmospheric CO2 and on decomposition rate sensitivity to temperature. We show that these uncertainties are on the same order of magnitude than the uncertainty because of climate change. Finally, we find that the OAGCMs having the largest climate sensitivities to CO2 are the ones with the largest soil drying in the tropics, and therefore with the largest reduction of carbon uptake.  相似文献   

土地利用碳排放效应及其低碳管理研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
韩骥  周翔  象伟宁 《生态学报》2016,36(4):1152-1161
土地利用是造成全球温室气体排放量迅猛增长的重要因素,但由于土地利用的碳排放在时间和空间上受社会经济活动与自然过程的共同作用,相对自然生态系统碳排放的过程和机制更加复杂,因此,其研究也越来越多地受到包括学者、政府决策者、企业、非政府组织等利益相关者的关注,并被诸多能源与生态环境领域的国内外重大科学研究计划列为核心内容。通过对土地利用的直接和间接碳排放效应及其低碳管理的国内外研究进展进行综述,较全面地对上述研究中已取得的成果以及尚存在的不足与挑战进行了总结,并对未来研究应如何完善现有研究的不足提出了几点展望,以期为科学编制低碳目标导向的土地利用规划提供理论基础和实践管理经验,从而全面引导城市的低碳发展。  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems provide vital resources for humans and support high levels of biodiversity, yet are severely threatened throughout the world. The expansion of human land uses, such as urban and crop cover, typically degrades water quality and reduces freshwater biodiversity, thereby jeopardizing both biodiversity and ecosystem services. Identifying and mitigating future threats to freshwater ecosystems requires forecasting where land use changes are most likely. Our goal was to evaluate the potential consequences of future land use on freshwater ecosystems in the coterminous United States by comparing alternative scenarios of land use change (2001–2051) with current patterns of freshwater biodiversity and water quality risk. Using an econometric model, each of our land use scenarios projected greater changes in watersheds of the eastern half of the country, where freshwater ecosystems already experience higher stress from human activities. Future urban expansion emerged as a major threat in regions with high freshwater biodiversity (e.g., the Southeast) or severe water quality problems (e.g., the Midwest). Our scenarios reflecting environmentally oriented policies had some positive effects. Subsidizing afforestation for carbon sequestration reduced crop cover and increased natural vegetation in areas that are currently stressed by low water quality, while discouraging urban sprawl diminished urban expansion in areas of high biodiversity. On the other hand, we found that increases in crop commodity prices could lead to increased agricultural threats in areas of high freshwater biodiversity. Our analyses illustrate the potential for policy changes and market factors to influence future land use trends in certain regions of the country, with important consequences for freshwater ecosystems. Successful conservation of aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem services in the United States into the future will require attending to the potential threats and opportunities arising from policies and market changes affecting land use.  相似文献   

建立Markov过程模型和CLUE-S模型的集成模型,选取海拔、坡度、到河流距离、到道路距离等13个驱动因子,基于敦煌市1996年的土地利用/覆盖变化(LUCC)数据,对2007年的土地利用/覆盖格局进行模拟,模拟效果较好。设置4种情景对敦煌市2018年土地利用/覆盖格局进行预测,揭示不同情景下的土地利用格局变化。情景模拟结果表明:不论是自然发展型情景还是单纯考虑生态保护和经济发展的情景,都仅是单一需求的考虑,不能实现区域又快又好的发展,是不可持续的发展模式。综合发展型情景弥补了上述情景的缺点,比较全面地考虑了生态环境恢复、经济发展等的需要,是一种比较理想的发展模式。  相似文献   

土地利用变化对土壤有机碳的影响研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
陈朝  吕昌河  范兰  武红 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5358-5371
土壤有机碳是陆地碳库的重要组成部分,也是当前全球碳循环和全球变化研究的热点。土地利用/覆被变化及土地管理变化通过影响土壤有机碳的储量和分布,进而影响温室气体排放和陆地生态系统的碳通量。研究土地利用变化影响下的土壤有机碳储量及其动态变化规律,有助于加深理解全球气候变化与土地利用变化之间的关系。在阅读国内外有关文献的基础上,分别从土地利用及其管理方式变化的角度,概括了土地利用变化对土壤有机碳的影响过程与机理;针对当前研究的两大类方法,即实验方法和模型方法,分类详细介绍了它们各自的特点以及存在的一些问题。在此基础上,提出今后土地利用变化对土壤有机碳影响研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

农业生态系统具有碳源和碳汇的双重特征,其在减缓气候变化中的重要性已得到国际社会的广泛认可。相较于技术手段的创新,碳税、补贴等经济手段被认为是较为简单、可行、易出台的碳排放减缓政策。采用气候变化综合评估模型-GOPer-GC模型,构建国际碳税情景,模拟分析了2008年至2050年碳税政策的实施对全球各区域农业土地覆被及土地利用变化碳排放的影响。模拟结果表明,情景2和情景3中全球农业土地利用变化累计碳排放分别达到49.6 GtC和23.1 GtC,明显低于基准情景的累计排放量51.9 GtC。这说明,实施碳税政策后,相较于将碳税收入用作一般性财政收入,将碳税收入补贴至农业部门在一定程度上减缓农业碳排放。此外,林业部门获取更多的碳税补贴时,多数区域农业土地利用变化碳排放规模大幅减少,主因是耕地变为林地、草地变为林地面积的增加。情景3中,中国的碳汇量较其他情景显著增加,主要来自耕地变为林地、草地变为林地,累计碳汇量分别达到1.7和3.7 GtC。因此,对于中国、美国、印度等大部分区域来说,碳税收入更多地补贴至林业部门有利于在整体上减缓农业碳排放,而欧盟、日本、东亚、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、俄罗斯、东欧地区,碳税收入平均补贴至种植业、畜牧业和林业反而具有相对更好的减排效果。  相似文献   

Challenges in using land use and land cover data for global change studies   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Land use and land cover data play a central role in climate change assessments. These data originate from different sources and inventory techniques. Each source of land use/cover data has its own domain of applicability and quality standards. Often data are selected without explicitly considering the suitability of the data for the specific application, the bias originating from data inventory and aggregation, and the effects of the uncertainty in the data on the results of the assessment. Uncertainties due to data selection and handling can be in the same order of magnitude as uncertainties related to the representation of the processes under investigation. While acknowledging the differences in data sources and the causes of inconsistencies, several methods have been developed to optimally extract information from the data and document the uncertainties. These methods include data integration, improved validation techniques and harmonization of classification systems. Based on the data needs of global change studies and the data availability, recommendations are formulated aimed at optimal use of current data and focused efforts for additional data collection. These include: improved documentation using classification systems for land use/cover data; careful selection of data given the specific application and the use of appropriate scaling and aggregation methods. In addition, the data availability may be improved by the combination of different data sources to optimize information content while collection of additional data must focus on validation of available data sets and improved coverage of regions and land cover types with a high level of uncertainty. Specific attention in data collection should be given to the representation of land management (systems) and mosaic landscapes.  相似文献   

石羊河流域河川径流对气候与土地利用变化的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周俊菊  雷莉  石培基  王兰英  魏伟  刘海猛 《生态学报》2015,35(11):3788-3796
应用流域气象和水文过程长期观测数据及四期TM影像数据,在建立基于气候及土地利用两种因素变化的径流过程模拟模型的基础上,分析河川径流对气候与土地利用变化的响应特征,并对其未来可能的变化趋势做出预测。结果表明,(1)1956—2009年,到达石羊河流域下游标志站蔡旗断面的河川径流量,由20世纪50年代的年平均5.392×108m3减少到目前的年平均1.096×108m3;1968年之前蔡旗断面径流量的波动主要是气候变化的结果,而1968之后,蔡旗断面径流量的变化是气候与土地利用变化共同作用的结果;(2)近30年来,气候变化对下游河川径流变化的贡献率平均为4.1%,而土地利用变化,尤其是耕地面积变化的贡献率平均为88.8%;中游灌溉定额平均分别减少5%、10%、15%和20%的情景下,下游河川径流量模拟值分别为1.591×108m3、2.427×108m3、3.262×108m3和4.098×108m3左右。  相似文献   

浙江天童土地利用方式对土壤有机碳矿化的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
戴慧  王希华  阎恩荣 《生态学杂志》2007,26(7):1021-1026
以浙江天童地区的栲树群落为参照,选择了木荷林、灌丛、马尾松林、杉木林、金钱松林、竹林、茶园和裸地等土地利用类型,测定了土壤有机碳含量,以及在25 ℃和60%饱和含水量条件下培养33 d的有机碳矿化速率.结果表明:土壤有机碳含量与矿化速率均以常绿阔叶林最高,针叶林、竹林和茶园次之,裸地最低;相反,土壤有机碳矿化释放的CO2-C比例以栲树林最低.可见,常绿阔叶林土壤的固碳能力高于其它类型,常绿阔叶林被改为其它类型后,土壤有机碳含量和矿化速率显著下降.  相似文献   

Bumblebees in Europe have been in steady decline since the 1900s. This decline is expected to continue with climate change as the main driver. However, at the local scale, land use and land cover (LULC) change strongly affects the occurrence of bumblebees. At present, LULC change is rarely included in models of future distributions of species. This study's objective is to compare the roles of dynamic LULC change and climate change on the projected distribution patterns of 48 European bumblebee species for three change scenarios until 2100 at the scales of Europe, and Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg (BENELUX). We compared three types of models: (1) only climate covariates, (2) climate and static LULC covariates and (3) climate and dynamic LULC covariates. The climate and LULC change scenarios used in the models include, extreme growth applied strategy (GRAS), business as might be usual and sustainable European development goals. We analysed model performance, range gain/loss and the shift in range limits for all bumblebees. Overall, model performance improved with the introduction of LULC covariates. Dynamic models projected less range loss and gain than climate‐only projections, and greater range loss and gain than static models. Overall, there is considerable variation in species responses and effects were most pronounced at the BENELUX scale. The majority of species were predicted to lose considerable range, particularly under the extreme growth scenario (GRAS; overall mean: 64% ± 34). Model simulations project a number of local extinctions and considerable range loss at the BENELUX scale (overall mean: 56% ± 39). Therefore, we recommend species‐specific modelling to understand how LULC and climate interact in future modelling. The efficacy of dynamic LULC change should improve with higher thematic and spatial resolution. Nevertheless, current broad scale representations of change in major land use classes impact modelled future distribution patterns.  相似文献   

胡莹洁  李月  孔祥斌  段增强  陆明环 《生态学报》2018,38(13):4625-4636
分析北京市农用地碳储量对土地利用变化的响应,对快速城市化和工业化区域及全国农用地低碳利用调控具有重要意义。利用1980年第二次土壤普查数据与2010年测土配方施肥项目成果土壤数据核算北京市农用地表层土壤碳储量,利用生物量遥感信息(NDVI)模型反演林地、草地植被碳储量,对北京市土地利用变化造成的农用地碳储量变化进行研究,结果表明:1)1980-2010年,北京市农用地碳储量由75.29 Tg-C增至81.13Tg-C,增加5.83 Tg-C,其中,土壤碳储量减少7.51 Tg-C,植被碳储量增加13.34 Tg-C;2)30年间,北京市农用地面积减少14.11×104 hm2,其中,耕地流失最为显著,主要去向为建设用地和林地,林地面积略有增加;3)北京市用地类型保持不变的农用地土壤碳储量减少297.63×104 t,植被碳储量增加1095.21×104 t,共计增加797.58×104 t,其中,用地类型保持不变的耕地、林地碳储量增加,草地碳储量减少;4)30年间,土地利用类型转化使北京市农用地土壤碳储量减少75.71×104 t,植被碳储量增加212.49×104 t,共计增加136.78×104 t,其他用地类型转为林地使碳储量增加,有利于碳汇的形成,林地转出为其他用地类型均会造成一定碳排放;5)平原造林、退耕还林等工程有利于增加北京市农用地固碳量。未来北京市可通过控制农用地面积减少量,优化农用地内部结构,降低用地类型间的转换频率以提高农用地碳储量。研究可为其他区域及全国在快速城市化工业化过程中提升农用地碳储量提供一定参考。  相似文献   

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