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Few morphologic aspects of Leontopithecus are listed in the literature, which does not provide sufficient knowledge of those simians. However, such results are important to evaluate the potential of those species as a model for studying comparative pathology. In this study, the material came from the collection of the Museu de Primatologia do Centro de Primatologia do Rio de Janeiro, fixed in 10% formalin pH 7.2. The samples were 33 individuals (five infant and five adult L. rosalia, L. chrysomelas, L. chrysopygus chrysopygus, and three adult L. chrysopygus caissara). The sections of the thoracic aorta were prepared for histological study and measurements were obtained. In the infant Leontopithecus, the aorta presents endothelial line and subendothelial space, the tunica media is not comparatively very thick. In the adults, the aorta showed enlarged tunica intima with consequent thick arterial wall, which increased with the aging process. The atheromatous plates were seen in the aortic wall of all adult L. chrysopygus chrysopygus, in two adult L. rosalia and only one adult L. chrysomelas. Differences in the aortic internal and external diameters were not significant in infants. In the adults, no significant difference was found among L. rosalia, L. chrysomelas and L. c. caissara, although the average of the aortic internal diameter in L. chrysomelas was larger than in L. c. caissara. In infant and adults L. c. chrysopygus, the thickness of the thoracic aorta is larger than in the other forms of Leontopithecus. These findings suggest a morphometric and morphologic aortic difference among the species of Leontopithecus, which could have biological significance that needs major investigation in the future.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on a craniometric analysis comparing the species of lion tamarins, Leontopithecus Lesson, 1840. Seventeen cranial and mandibular measures were taken on skulls of 59 adult crania: 20 L. rosalia (14 females and 6 males); 13 L. chrysomelas (6 females and 7 males); 23 L. chrysopygus (8 females and 15 males), and 3 L. caissara (1 female and 2 males). All specimens were from the Rio de Janeiro Primate Center (CPRJ‐FEEMA, Brazil), except the specimens of L. caissara. Statistical treatment involved a one‐way analysis of variance (the Bonferroni test) and discriminant analysis, comparing cranium and mandibles separately to determine variables which best distinguished groups and to group the specimens, using size corrected methods. The Mahalanobis distance was computed from the centroids of each group. Seven measures distinguished females of L. chrysopygus with L. rosalia, six to L. rosalia with L. chrysomelas, and L. chrysopygus with L. chrysomelas. In males, the numbers of measures statistically different were 5, 4, and 3 of the pairwise comparisons above mentioned. Cranial base length and orbital breadth were the only measures that were significantly different in all three dyads, considering both sexes. For the cranium, function 1 of the Discriminant Analysis accounted for 52.4% of the variance and function 2 accounted for 40.3%. Both functions exhibited a significant value for Wilks' lambda (P<0.0001) and 96.6% of specimens were correctly classified. For the mandible, the first two functions provided a significant discrimination 51.1% and 44.9%, respectively, and 69.5% of the correct classification. Orbital breadth and cranial base length contributed most in the cranial analysis, while mandibular length and mandibular body height to mandibular ones. The analyses performed in this study (univariate and multivariate) demonstrated that cranial and mandibular morphology is significantly different among species of Leontopithecus. Despite of sample size, L. caissara shows morphological distances to L. chrysopygus in cranial analysis. However, other investigations are necessary to confirm this. Am. J. Primatol. 48:185–196, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



There is a concern about conservation of endangered species today. Among this species, the Leontopithecus (Lesson, 1840) is outstanding. Its population has been whirling reduced. So far the reproductive physiology of Leontopithecus has few studies, it is fundamental requisite to preserve this species. Obstetric sonography has become an essential method in reproductive management of primates.


This method is very helpful to detect early pregnancy and evaluate some deficiency of fetal growth. In this study, 14 pregnancies were monitored using real‐time abdominal sonography. During each evaluation, the number of fetus was recorded, gestational sac and heart beats were observed, and biparietal diameter was measured.


The results showed that abdominal sonography is a reliable method for observation of gross morphological changes during pre‐natal development and to estimate gestational age. No statistically differences were observed between twins and singletons. This study is the first investigation of pre‐natal growth in Leontopithecus.  相似文献   

Diversity in reproductive and social systems characterizes the primate family Callitrichidae. This paper contributes to our appreciation of this diversity by presenting the first detailed comparative analysis of captive breeding in three species of lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas, L. chrysopygus, and L. rosalia) housed at the Centro de Primatologia do Rio de Janeiro. The annual pattern of reproduction in all three species of Leontopithecus was markedly seasonal, with births occurring during the spring, summer, and fall months from August through March. While modal number of litters produced per female per year was 1, approximately 20% of breeding females produced two litters per year. The onset of breeding activity in years when two litters are produced was significantly earlier than in years when only one litter was produced. The cumulative number of offspring surviving to 3 months of age did not differ between years with one vs. two breeding attempts. Like other callitrichids, postnatal mortality was highest during the first week of life, and there were pronounced species differences in offspring survival through 1 year, with significantly lower survivorship in L. chrysomelas. Infant survivorship was affected by a number of experiential factors. Survivorship up to 30 days of life was higher in groups in which the breeding female had previous experience with infants as a nonbreeding helper than in groups in which the female lacked previous helping experience. Likewise, survivorship to 30 days of life was higher for infants born to multiparous females than for infants born to primiparous females. When parity and previous helping experience were analyzed concurrently, the lowest survivorship was associated with offspring produced by inexperienced primiparous females. Genus-wide, there was no significant departure from a 50:50 sex ratio at any point during the first year of life, nor was there evidence for differential mortality for male and female infants. However, L. chrysopygus produced significantly more male infants at birth (65:44) and had male-biased litters (approximately 60% males) throughout the first year of life, while L. chrysomelas showed a nonsignificant tendency toward female-biased litters. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In species in which paternal care has an important impact on the offspring's fitness, concealment of reproductive status has been proposed as a strategy employed by females to prevent males from practicing desertion and polygamy, which would then lead to monogamous or polyandrous mating systems or both. We investigated whether the female's reproductive status is being concealed in golden-headed lion tamarins, which exhibit extensive paternal care and a mainly monogamous/polyandrous mating system. We used a combination of behavioral observations and endocrine data to determine female reproductive status and to examine changes in sociosexual behaviors over the ovarian cycle and between conceptive and nonconceptive cycles. Females clearly signaled their reproductive status by way of proceptive sexual presenting. Males showed increased frequencies of anogenital sniffing and mounting during the fertile period, indicating that they detected changes in olfactory and behavioral cues emitted by females, and they adjusted their mounting behavior accordingly. Males and females also remained in closer proximity before and during the fertile period, which suggests the existence of mate guarding. We discuss a possible function of behavioral advertisement of reproductive status in shaping the mating system in Leontopithecus chrysomelas.  相似文献   

Reproduction is highly demanding in terms of energy expenditure, and the costs and benefits associated with postponing or investing in a reproductive effort are crucial determinants of an individual's fitness. Understanding the reproductive potential of a species under varying ecological conditions offers important insights into the dynamics of its social system. This study provides the first detailed analysis of the reproductive potential of wild- and captive-born golden-headed lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) under captive conditions, based on studbook data compiled during 1984-2000. Litters produced by wild-born females breeding in captivity are similar in size to litters observed in the wild, but smaller than litters of captive-born females. The more stringent ecological conditions experienced by wild-born females during maturation may result in a lifelong effect on litter size. However, interbirth intervals are shorter for wild-born than captive-born females. The relatively smaller burden of infant care that results from having smaller litters may allow wild-born females to sustain the next pregnancy sooner. Reproduction in the Brazilian captive population is highly seasonal for both wild-born females and females born in captivity in Brazil. Changes in photoperiod over a year provide a proximate explanation for changes in the proportion of conceptions and births per month. Outside Brazil, breeding occurs year-round, and no clear birth peak is apparent. Information from field reports that could be used to relate this finding to ecological factors, such as resource availability, is unavailable.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the use of space and feeding ecology of seven groups of golden lion tamarins observed for a total of 2,164 hr in Poço das Antas Reserve, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Relative to habitat availability in the home ranges of these groups, lion tamarins spent more time than expected in relatively undisturbed swamp forests and less time than expected in more degraded hillside and pasture habitats. Home range area was correlated with group biomass but not group size. Golden lion tamarins fed primarily on fruits and small animal prey, but relied heavily on floral nectar during seasonal periods of relatively low fruit availability. Compared to other New World monkeys, lion tamarins used larger home range areas and exhibited longer daily path lengths than would be predicted by group biomass alone. We suggest that this pattern of foraging and use of space may be explained by the relatively greater availability of cryptic prey and their microhabitats in forests that are flooded and/or have closed canopies than in forests that are in earlier stages of succession where prey may be more susceptible to desiccation during the dry season. Am. J. Primatol. 41:289–305, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lion tamarins are among the World's most critically endangered primates. Many studies have been produced under guidance of the International Management Committees for the preservation and management of these tamarins. Primates present morphological sexual differences in a wide range of characteristics, including cranial morphology. Studies of sexual dimorphism in the cranial morphology of theLeontopithecus are few in number and contradictory in their results. In order to check for the existence of sexual dimorphism in lion tamarins the present study analyzed 17 craniometric distances on 56 crania of three species of lion tamarins (Leontopithecus): 20L. rosalia (14 females and 6 males); 13L. chrysomelas (6 females and 7 males); and 23L. chrysopygus (8 females and 15 males). All crania are housed in the CPRJ-FEEMA collection (Primatological Center of Rio de Janeiro) and came from animals born in captivity.L. chrysopygus was more sexually dimorphic (10/17 measurements, 59%) thanL. chrysomelas (9/17 measurements, 53%) orL. rosalia (7/17 measurements, 41%). In all three species, male values are greater than the female ones, except for orbital breadth (m7) inL. rosalia. However, this distance is not sexually dimorphic in this species. This study reveals that some cranial distances, especially in the facial region, are sexually dimorphic in lion tamarins.  相似文献   

Leontopithecus caissara is a critically endangered primate species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nineteen microsatellite loci, previously developed for congeneric species, were tested with 34 L. caissara individuals from Superagüi Island. Of the 19 loci, 17 (89.4%) produced robust alleles, nine (47.4%) of these proved to be polymorphic, with a total of 23 alleles and an average of 2.56 alleles per locus. Expected and observed heterozygosity averaged 0.483 and 0.561, respectively. The exclusion power for identifying the first parent of an arbitrary offspring was 0.315 over all loci. The results thus indicate both the usefulness and limitations of these nine microsatellite loci in the genetic analysis of L. caissara, as well as their potentiality for genetic investigation in other congeneric species.  相似文献   

Like many other callitrichids, golden lion tamarins, Leontopithecus rosalia, emit Long Calls. Recordings of four free-ranging groups were made to explore different types of Long Calls. Three Long Call types were identified acoustically, and analyzed sonographically. The calls usually started with an Introductory Syllable (a chirp, a trill, or a whine) which was followed by either one, two, or three different phrases in a fixed sequential order. Each of the three phrases was unique and contained a typical number of syllables of characteristic shape, frequencies, and durations. Possible functions of these calls are discussed. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) is a threatened species due to past destruction of its natural habitat, thus knowledge of its home range size and use is essential in planning for its conservation. I studied one group for 4 months in the Morro do Diabo State Park, in São Paulo State, Brazil. I estimated the home range of the group to be 64 and 127 ha via the quadrat and convex polygon methods, respectively, while a composite method yielded an estimate of 106 ha. They ate insects most frequently (38% of scans), a resource which was distributed throughout their home range. Fruit was the second major resource, but when it was not available, they ate more gum. The exploitation of fruits was associated with dryland forest, while gum-feeding occurred mainly in swamp forest. The study group used a transition zone between dryland and swamp forest most frequently, and all of their sleeping trees were located there. Although the vegetation reached 15–20 m, the group spent most of the time (55%) in the upper understory, between 4 and 8 m high. The study group revealed more specific habitat needs than thought previously, suggesting that the current population may be smaller than estimated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide current data on Staphylococcus species from the vaginas of clinically normal captive lion tamarins and to determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of these isolates. Samples were collected from 25 adult lion tamarins, processed to isolate Staphylococcus species, and tested for susceptibility to penicillin G, gentamicin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, streptomycin, ampicillin, and rifampicin. Isolates with the typical characteristics of the genus Staphylococcus were recovered from all 25 samples. Coagulase-negative species were the most common (68% of the isolates), and the most frequently isolated species (10 samples) was S. simulans. Other coagulase-negative species, including S. saprophyticus (n=5), S. epidermidis (n=1), and S. arlettae (n=1), were also recovered. Coagulase-positive Staphylococci were obtained from eight animals (six of from the S. aureus species and two from S. intermedius). Resistance to antibiotics was frequently observed, and 88% of the isolates (23 samples) showed resistance to at least one drug. Resistance to penicillin G was a common finding, and the most active antimicrobial agents were chloramphenicol and gentamicin. Coagulase-positive strains were more frequently resistant to antibiotics (79.7%, average=6.4 drugs) than coagulase-negative strains (38.2%, average=3.0 drugs). The high frequency of resistance observed in those isolates is surprising and very alarming. A detailed history of the use of antimicrobial drugs in these subjects did not reveal any previous exposure to any of the tested antibiotics that could justify the observed resistance rate.  相似文献   

Golden lion tamarins emit conspicuous and complex long calls. Little is known about the propagation distance of the calls, and the knowledge is important to understand the function of long calls. The high-frequency spectrum of the calls renders them susceptible to substantial degradation inside forest habitats. We investigated 1) the propagation distance of the long call and if the height from the ground affects the degree of degradation and 2) whether long-call acoustic variation affects the propagation distance. We conducted a playback study of 7 2-phrase long calls recorded at different distances (20, 40, 80, 120 m) and heights above ground (2 m and 7.5 m) in 3 transects of Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We quantified the degradation by measuring differences in the number of syllables and frequency measures of the calls at each distance. Degradation became significant at 80 m; the calls degraded below background noise at 120 m. The degradation of syllables was lower for recordings at 7.5 m above ground. The frequency spectra of the calls influenced significantly the propagation distance of the call. Because of the short propagation distance of long calls relative to territory size, we hypothesize that long calls may be adapted to avoiding ambient noise and that they evolved first for intragroup communication and then for territorial defense.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the timing and correlates of molt for a native population of golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia). We conducted 820 examinations of 267 adult tamarins over a 7.75 year period to determine the annual molting cycle in this population. Dorsal molt was an annual event for most individuals in the study population; however, 10% of sampled individuals apparently molted twice in a 12 month period. Duration of molt was estimated at 5–6 weeks. The proportion of samples in which tamarins were in molt was significantly greater during the wet season than the dry season and positively correlated with mean monthly precipitation and minimum temperature but not tamarin births, suggesting an environmental component to timing of molt. We found no sex differences in the occurrence of molt during wet or dry seasons. However, the relative frequency of samples in molt was significantly less for gravid females than for nongravid females. In four polygynous groups, socially dominant females gave birth before subordinate females, and younger reproductive females completed molt before older reproductive females. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies have linked variation in feeding and foraging success to variation in survival and reproductive success, which makes exploring influences on feeding invaluable. In the current study, we quantified energy contents of foods consumed by wild golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia, GLT) and feeding behaviors of 34 GLT from March 1998 to March 1999. Our objective was to test predictions regarding effects of characteristics of the 1) individual, 2) group, 3) environment, and 4) other behaviors on 3 feeding behaviors: feeding on plant matter, searching for prey, and feeding on prey. We hypothesized that environmental characteristics, e.g., resource availability, in addition to group characteristics e.g., group size, would influence feeding on plant matter, because several individuals in a group often consume fruit in the same fruit tree. We hypothesized that environmental characteristics and individual characteristics, e.g., age, would influence searching for and consuming prey because the individual often searches for and consumes prey while it is alone at a substrate. We used SAS mixed models to determine the relative influence of these characteristics on the feeding behaviors. We found that group characteristics more significantly influenced feeding on plant matter, while individual characteristics more significantly influenced searching for prey. The results emphasize the distinctly different influences of individual and group characteristics on feeding. That influences other than competition may affect feeding on plant matter warrants further exploration. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

During 1990–1992, a survey of the golden lion tamarin, Leontopithecus rosalia, was carried out throughout its known distribution area. Forest remnants were identified by visual interpretation of Landsat‐TM satellite images. Localities occupied by L. rosalia were first identified by interviews with local people. All forests more than 20 ha in size, and for which two or more interviews suggested the presence of the species, were surveyed using “play‐back” recordings of lion tamarin long calls. The total wild population of L. rosalia, including that of the Poço das Antas Biological Reserve, was estimated to be 562 individuals in 109 groups. The lion tamarins were generally found in four major areas of forest (six or more groups per forest, not including Poço das Antas), with a further 12 groups isolated in small forest patches. Currently the species' distribution is restricted to just four municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro: Silva Jardim, Cabo Frio, Saquarema, and Araruama. Although they are typically confined to lowland forest of <300 m altitude, L. rosalia was recorded at an altitude of 550 m in one locality. Average group size varied from 3.6 to 5.7 individuals, and densities from 0.39 groups/km2 to 2.35 groups/km2 (2.17 individuals/ km2 to 8.53 individuals/km2). Six of the isolated groups found during the survey were successfully translocated to a forest of 2,400 ha. There is now also a significant population of reintroduced lion tamarins. Overall, however, the possibilities for further expansion of the wild population are severely limited. Am. J. Primatol. 59:29–44, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of several variables on the number of live births in multiparous females in a wild population of golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia). Independent variables included the number of infants born to a female the previous breeding season, the number of infants weaned the previous breeding season, the female's age and body mass, the number of adult males and helpers in the group, and the inbreeding coefficient of the offspring. We also tested the hypothesis that trapping and chemical immobilization during pregnancy affected the number of live births. Female body mass was the only statistically significant predictor of the number of live-born infants in the current season when both first and second peaks were included. Characteristics that predicted higher numbers of infants in the first peak of a season were the number of infants born the previous season and the body mass of the female. The greater the number of infants born the previous season, the greater the number of infants born in the first peak of the current season. Factors positively correlated with the number of live births in the second peak within a season included the number of infants born the previous season, as well as the number of available helpers. Due to sample size constraints, the analysis of litters in the second peak did not include body mass of the female as a variable. Inbreeding and handling did not affect the number of live births. We found no evidence that current reproduction negatively impacts future reproduction in this species. We also found no evidence for an age-related reduction in fertility.  相似文献   

The Callitrichidae are a family of New World primates that exhibit a complex of behavioral and morphological characters reputedly similar to those of tree squirrels of the genus Sciurus.In particular, the locomotor behavior of tamarins and marmosets has been described as “squirrel-like. ” In this paper I describe a field investigation of the locomotor behavior and ecology of the Panamanian tamarin (Saguinus oedipus geoffroyi)and the redtailed squirrel (Sciurus granatensis).From January through August 1978, a total of 1200 hr was spent observing freeranging populations of tamarins and tree squirrels in an area of secondary forest on the Pacific Coast of Panama. Observations were made using an instantaneous time sampling technique. Individual activity records were collected on focal animals and recorded at 2.5-min intervals throughout the day. The following information was collected: (a) nature and structure of the substrate exploited, (b) activities on these supports and/or types of resources procured, and (c) body posture involved in the use of these supports. Data presented indicate major differences in substrate preference and positional behavior in tamarins and tree squirrels. Unlike squirrels, tamarins avoid vertical and sharply inclined supports during travel. Movements through the canopy is accomplished by a series of long leaps which begin and end on thin terminal supports. However, the Panamanian tamarin spent numerous hours clinging to large vertical trunks while feeding on plant exudate. Gums comprise 23.O% of the noninsect portion of the tamarin diet. The relationships between small body size, claw-like nails, substrate preference, and positional behavior are discussed. Claw-like nails enable this primate to exploit a food resource that would otherwise be inaccessible. The interrelationship between environment, behaviour, and morphology provides a frameworks from which to understand callitrichid adaptations. These adaptations are not convergent with those of the sciurid rodents. An earlier draft of this paper was presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, San Francisco, April 1979.  相似文献   

Provisioning may act to cushion weaned young from dietary insufficiencyand errors during the period in which they are mastering complexforaging techniques or learning to identify appropriate dietaryitems. That is, young mammals who receive food from others maygain nutritional and/or informational benefits. I conducteda longitudinal study of 13 wild golden lion tamarins 11–56weeks of age in six groups to evaluate hypotheses regardingthe functions of provisioning. All members belonging to thisprimate taxonomic family (the Callitrichidae) are cooperativebreeders and are known to provision their young more frequentlythan do other primate species, except humans. My results, togetherwith experimental findings, suggest that juveniles receive bothnutritional and informational benefits from being provisioned.My juvenile study subjects received animal prey (invertebratesand small vertebrates) from others more frequently than plantresources (fruits and hardened exudates). Apparently difficult-to-handlefruits were more likely to be transferred than readily processedfruits. These results support the nutritional benefits hypothesisbecause the young received items, particularly lipid- and protein-richprey, that they might not otherwise have acquired. That juvenilesfed independently on, and were provisioned with, the same fruitson the same day is counterevidence to the nutritional benefitshypothesis, however. The informational benefits hypothesis wassupported because juveniles received a large variety of foods(including more than 20% of fruit species eaten) and receiveduncommon fruits that were easily acquired. Adults emitted food-offeringcalls to encourage the transfer of prey to juveniles, particularlywhen the prey was whole and alive.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the presence of Helicobacter sp. in the gastric mucosa of captive marmosets (Callithrix sp.). Histologic specimens from the fundic, corpus, and antral gastric regions of six Callithrix jacchus, 12 C. kuhli, and 12 C. geoffroyi specimens were evaluated. The sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) and the Warthin-Starry silver impregnation method, and immunostained with rabbit anti-H. pylori polyclonal antibody. Helicobacter-like organisms (HLOs) and coccoid forms were present in silver-stained sections from 29 stomachs, whereas immunohistochemistry (IHC) tests revealed bacterial aggregates in 15 stomachs. No statistical difference relative to the presence of Helicobacter sp. was found among the gastric regions or marmoset species. Gastric lesions were found in the groups of marmosets that had positive and negative IHC results, but no correlation between inflammation and Helicobacter sp. infection was established. These findings demonstrate that marmosets are susceptible to naturally-occurring Helicobacter sp. infection, and open the way to the development of comparative studies on Helicobacter sp. infection in humans.  相似文献   

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