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The effects of retinoic acid on the regeneration of double anterior lower arms in the adult newt, Notophthalmus viridescens, were investigated. Normally, double anterior lower arms regenerate a hypomorphic, symmetrical pattern of structures, which are distally complete; and double anterior upper arms regenerate a hypomorphic, symmetrical but distally incomplete pattern of structures. In limbs with a normal anteroposterior axis, the major effect of retinoic acid is to alter the proximodistal (PD) positional value of cells local at the amputation level to a much more proximal value, thereby creating duplications in the regenerate of structures proximal to the amputation plane (Thoms and Stocum, '84). Therefore, we predicted that double anterior lower arms treated with retinoic acid would regenerate like double anterior upper arms. However, in a substantial number of cases, each half of these double anterior lower arms regenerated a limb that was complete in the anteroposterior (AP) axis, with asymmetry corresponding to the half of origin. In addition, these regenerates were serially duplicated in the PD axis. These results indicate that retinoic acid can posteriorize the positional value of midline cells, leading to restoration of normal AP pattern, when the set of posterior-half positional values is removed from the cross section of the limb.  相似文献   

A reconstruction of the anagenetic transformations from fins to tetrapod limbs is represented considering the self-evident mechanical constraints which must have limited the construction and thus the function and the transformation.  相似文献   

四足动物的起源是生物进化过程中的关键问题之一。2006年,美国学者Daeschler E B和Shubin N H在加拿大努纳武特地区南部的埃勒斯米尔岛上发掘了一系列距今3.75亿年的Tiktaalik鱼化石。该鱼与希望螈(Elpisto-stegalian)一样均没有背鳍、没有鳃盖、子鳃盖、外肩胛骨;而具有宽大的背腹性明显的扁平颅骨,以及位于颅骨背面的眼睛,还具有成对的额骨、微鼻孔和位于末端的口,并具备了四足动物的一些特征,诸如较大的通气孔、可活动的颈部、伏瓦状排列的肋骨,胸鳍出现了挠骨的分化,并有骨质关节。这一发现填补了从海洋动物到四足动物的空白。  相似文献   

The hepatic mechanism for detoxication of ammonia formed during amino acid gluconeogenesis in uricotelic vertebrates requires the intramitochondrial synthesis of glutamine by glutamine synthetase. This glutamine then serves as a precursor of uric acid in the cytosol. The evolutionary development of uricoteley thus required the localization of glutamine synthetase in liver mitochondria. The mechanism for the mitochondrial import of glutamine synthetase in uricotelic vertebrate liver is not yet known. Tortoises, extant relatives of the stem reptiles, possess both the ureotelic and uricotelic hepatic systems. It therefore seems likely that the genetic events allowing the mitochondrial localization of glutamine synthetase in liver occurred in the amniote amphibian ancestors of the stem reptiles. The selection of ureoteley by the theropsids and of uricoteley by the sauropsids were major events in the divergence and subsequent evolution of these two lines. Once established in the sauropsid line, uricoteley has persisted through to the higher reptiles, crocodilians, and birds. Uricoteley was in part responsible for the radiation of the archosaurs during the Triassic as a water-conserving mechanism in the adult, thereby allowing them to invade the arid environments of that period. Contrary to dogma, uricoteley was probably of minor significance in the development of the cleidoic egg. Neither mammalian nor avian embryonic liver tissues catabolize amino acids to any great extent, so it is inappropriate to attribute to them a kind of "waste" nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary Paleontological and anatomical evidence suggests that the autopodium (hand or foot) is a novel feature that distinguishes limbs from fins, while the upper and lower limb (stylopod and zeugopod) are homologous to parts of the sarcopterygian paired fins. In tetrapod limb development Hoxa-11 plays a key role in differentiating the lower limb and Hoxa-13 plays a key role in differentiating the autopodium. It is thus important to determine the ancestral functions of these genes in order to understand the developmental genetic changes that led to the origin of the tetrapod autopodium. In particular it is important to understand which features of gene expression are derived in tetrapods and which are ancestral in bony fishes. To address these questions we cloned and sequenced the Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 genes from the North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, a basal ray-finned fish that has a pectoral fin morphology resembling that of primitive bony fishes ancestral to the tetrapod lineage. Sequence analysis of these genes shows that they are not orthologous to the duplicated zebrafish and fugu genes. This implies that the paddlefish has not duplicated its HoxA cluster, unlike zebrafish and fugu. The expression of Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 in the pectoral fins shows two main phases: an early phase in which Hoxa-11 is expressed proximally and Hoxa-13 is expressed distally, and a later phase in which Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 broadly overlap in the distal mesenchyme of the fin bud but are absent in the proximal fin bud. Hence the distal polarity of Hoxa-13 expression seen in tetrapods is likely to be an ancestral feature of paired appendage development. The main difference in HoxA gene expression between fin and limb development is that in tetrapods (with the exception of newts) Hoxa-11 expression is suppressed by Hoxa-13 in the distal limb bud mesenchyme. There is, however, a short period of limb bud development where Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 overlap similarly to the late expression seen in zebrafish and paddlefish. We conclude that the early expression pattern in tetrapods is similar to that seen in late fin development and that the local exclusion by Hoxa-13 of Hoxa-11 from the distal limb bud is a derived feature of limb developmental regulation.  相似文献   

A wrist joint and structures typical of the hand, such as digits, however, are absent in [Eustenopteron] (Andrews and Westoll, '68, p 240). Great changes must have been undergone during evolution of the ankle joint; the small number of large bones in the fin must somehow have developed into a large number of small bones, and it is very difficult to draw homologies in this region, or even be certain of what is being compared (Andrews and Westoll, '68, p 268). The tetrapod limb is one of the major morphological adaptations that facilitated the transition from an aquatic to a terrestrial lifestyle in vertebrate evolution. We review the paleontological evidence for the fin-limb transition and conclude that the innovation associated with evolution of the tetrapod limb is the zeugopodial-mesopodial transition, i.e., the evolution of the developmental mechanism that differentiates the distal parts of the limb (the autopodium, i.e., hand or foot) from the proximal parts. Based on a review of tetrapod limb and fish fin development, we propose a genetic hypothesis for the origin of the autopodium. In tetrapods the genes Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 have locally exclusive expression domains along the proximal-distal axis of the limb bud. The junction between the distal limit of Hoxa-11 expression and of the proximal limit of Hoxa-13 expression is involved in establishing the border between the zeugopodial and autopodial anlagen. In zebrafish, the expression domains of these genes are overlapping and there is no evidence for an autopodial equivalent in the fin skeleton. We propose that the evolution of the derived expression patterns of Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 may be causally involved in the origin of the tetrapod limb.  相似文献   

The diversification of the tetrapod stem group occurred duringthe late Middle through the Late Devonian, that is from theGivetian to Famennian stages about 385–365 million yearsago. The relationships between the known taxa representing thisradiation have currently reached a reasonable consensus so thatinterpretations of the order of appearance of tetrapod charactersis possible. The immediate fish relatives of the earliest limbedtetrapods show what is interpreted as a progressive increasein the spiracular chamber and its opening to the outside. Here,this is inferred to be associated with an increased capacityfor air-breathing. Lungs are thought to have been present inmost early bony fishes, and were most likely ventilated by air-gulping.This could have brought about a facultative capacity for air-breathing,which the tetrapod stem group exploited to the greatest degree.These adaptations are shown not only in freshwater forms butalso in estuarine and marginal marine forms. Estimates of oxygenlevels during this period suggest that they were unprecedentedlylow during the Givetian and Frasnian periods. At the same time,plant diversification was at its most rapid, changing the characterof the landscape and contributing, via soils, soluble nutrients,and decaying plant matter, to anoxia in all water systems. Theco-occurrence of these global events may explain the evolutionof air-breathing adaptations in at least two lobe-finned groups,contributing directly to the rise of the tetrapod stem group.In contrast to recent studies, low atmospheric oxygen is notconsidered to be a causal factor in the lack of fossils documentingthe evolution of Early Carboniferous tetrapods.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that a specialized polarizing zone controls the pattern of the anterior-posterior axis during limb development in Xenopus has been tested by analysing the cellular contribution to supernumerary limbs. Supernumerary limbs were generated by grafting hindlimb buds contralaterally between X. borealis and X. laevis to appose anterior and posterior limb tissues. Cells derived from these two species of Xenopus are readily identified by staining with quinacrine. The analysis of cellular contribution showed that supernumerary limbs consist of approximately half anterior-derived (57%) and half posterior-derived (43%) cells. These data are not consistent with the polarizing zone theory but are consistent with the hypothesis that both supernumerary limbs and normally developing limbs arise from intercalary interactions between limb bud cells with different positional values.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of the vertebrate skull have been topics of intense study for more than two centuries. Whereas early theories of skull origin, such as the influential vertebral theory, have been largely refuted with respect to the anterior (pre‐otic) region of the skull, the posterior (post‐otic) region is known to be derived from the anteriormost paraxial segments, i.e. the somites. Here we review the morphology and development of the occiput in both living and extinct tetrapods, taking into account revised knowledge of skull development by augmenting historical accounts with recent data. When occipital composition is evaluated relative to its position along the neural axis, and specifically to the hypoglossal nerve complex, much of the apparent interspecific variation in the location of the skull–neck boundary stabilizes in a phylogenetically informative way. Based on this criterion, three distinct conditions are identified in (i) frogs, (ii) salamanders and caecilians, and (iii) amniotes. The position of the posteriormost occipital segment relative to the hypoglossal nerve is key to understanding the evolution of the posterior limit of the skull. By using cranial foramina as osteological proxies of the hypoglossal nerve, a survey of fossil taxa reveals the amniote condition to be present at the base of Tetrapoda. This result challenges traditional theories of cranial evolution, which posit translocation of the occiput to a more posterior location in amniotes relative to lissamphibians (frogs, salamanders, caecilians), and instead supports the largely overlooked hypothesis that the reduced occiput in lissamphibians is secondarily derived. Recent advances in our understanding of the genetic basis of axial patterning and its regulation in amniotes support the hypothesis that the lissamphibian occipital form may have arisen as the product of a homeotic shift in segment fate from an amniote‐like condition.  相似文献   

We have experimentally tested the similarity of limb pattern-forming mechanisms in urodeles and anurans. To determine whether the mechanisms of limb outgrowth are equivalent, we compared the results of two kinds of reciprocal limb bud grafts between Xenopus and axolotls: contralateral grafts to confront anterior and posterior positions of graft and host, and ipsilateral grafts to align equivalent circumferential positions. Axolotl limb buds grafted to Xenopus hosts are immunologically rejected at a relatively early stage. Prior to rejection, however, experimental (but not control) grafts form supernumerary digits. Xenopus limb buds grafted to axolotl hosts are not rejected within the time frame of the experiment and therefore can be used to test the ability of frog cells to elicit responses from axolotl tissue that are similar to those that are elicited by axolotl tissue itself. When Xenopus buds were grafted to axolotl limb stumps so as to align circumferential positions, the majority of limbs did not form any supernumerary digits. However, in experimental grafts, where anterior and posterior of host and graft were misaligned, supernumerary digits formed at positional discontinuities. These results suggest that Xenopus/axolotl cell interactions result in responses that are similar to axolotl/axolotl cell interactions. Furthermore, axolotl and Xenopus cells can cooperate to build recognizable skeletal elements, despite large differences in cell size and growth rate between the two species. We infer from these results that urodeles and anurans share the same limb pattern-forming mechanisms, including compatible positional signals that allow appropriate localized cellular interactions between the two species. Our results suggest an approach for understanding homology of the tetrapod limb based on experimental cellular interactions.  相似文献   

Morphological, histological, ultrastructural, and developmental research on the adrenal gland of several species of anurans and urodeles belonging to different families is presented. Urodeles show a large variability in adrenal glandular structure without a clear taxonomic pattern, although increased compactness of the gland and mingling of steroidogenic and chromaffin cells are found only in some neourodeles. In anurans the glandular pattern may be divided into two subtypes: one more medial and diffuse, which is observed in frogs of the more primitive families; the other more lateral and aggregated, as seen in the more advanced families. The adrenal gland therefore increases in its compactness and aggregation of chromaffin and steroidogenic tissues in the transition from primitive to advanced families, both in urodeles and anurans. Until the end of metamorphosis, morphogenesis of the gland is similar in all amphibians studied. This process is extended after metamorphosis in the advanced anurans, in order that the gland may reach its definitive position.  相似文献   

The article analyses the main chemical signals used by anurans and urodeles for social interactions such as defence and reproduction. Some emblematic examples have been selected from the most significative reports. The antipredatory arsenal of many frogs and toads includes secretions of cutaneous glands, randomly distributed on the body or localised in “critical” skin regions. These substances act as repellent, alarm or venom, with specific toxicity and pharmacological actions. Other chemical cues facilitate social interactions. These “pheromones” allow animals to recognize conspecifics and to identify their sex, reproductive condition and social status. In many cases courtship pheromones play a crucial role in increasing male success. Evidence such as that suggests that selective pressures from environmental and social constraints produced the high incidence of chemical signalling typical of the amphibia, a view confirmed by the similarity of chemical cues across different taxa.  相似文献   

Transverse amputations were carried out through one-third fully regenerated jaw segments and through normal tissue of the mandible on the same and opposite sides of the jaw in adults of Notophthalmus viridescens. Collectively the results suggest that, in adult urodeles, the mandible and the dental lamina can be replaced in an identical manner more than one time. Although the major histological events are the same in jaw regeneration and re-regeneration, regrowth is more rapid in re-regeneration. Extensively dedif-ferentiating muscle fibers and skeletal elements contribute to a rapidly forming blastema in re-regeneration. It appears that recently differentiated tissues of the regenerate have a higher capacity for regeneration than normal tissues amputated for the first time. Re-regeneration of the jaw occurs by growth of the original regenerate cartilage which has undergone reorganization. In re-regeneration, the skeletal elements exhibit no polarity and regrowth occurs in both directions, while the dental lamina possesses an anterior-posterior polarity and can regrow in an anterior direction only. Information concerning the mechanisms involved in the regenerative events remain to be determined.  相似文献   

The pattern of lateral-line afferents in urodeles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The organization of posterior and anterior afferents of the lateralline system was studied in several species of urodeles by means of transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase. The afferents of each lateral-line nerve form distinct fascicles in the medullary alar plate. Each of the two branches of the anterior lateral-line nerve is organized in two long and one short fascicles. The posterior lateral-line afferents form only two long fascicles. Each ordinary neuromast is supplied by only two afferents, which run in the two ventral medullary fiber bundles. It is suggested that afferents to hair cells displaying one type of polarity form together one bundle, but those contacting hair cells polarized in the opposite way form the second ventral bundle of one lateral-line branch. Thus, the lateral-line afferents may be organized in a directotopic fashion.The short dorsal fascicle formed only by the anterior lateral-line afferents receives fibers exclusively from small pit organs. Each pit organ is supplied by only one afferent. Anatomically, these pit organs resemble in many respects the electroreceptive ampullary organs of certain fish.Neurons labeled retrogradely via the anterior lateral-line nerve afferents have been attributed to the nervus trigeminus or facialis. In addition to the posterior lateral-line afferents, only few centrifugally projecting neurons were labeled. These neurons are discussed as efferents to the posterior lateral-line neuromasts.  相似文献   

Fish-like ancestors of tetrapods did not need strong limb musculature because they inhabited waters and were practically imponderable. In the primitive tetrapods, principal function of the limbs was initially restricted to passive anchoring in the course of animal movements on the substrate by means of lateral bending of the body (undulation). However, progressive development of carrying function of tetrapod limbs lead to clearing the body off the substrate which reduced friction costs and made the tetrapods less dependent on the substrate properties. Along with this, the limbs became more important as the active locomotory organs. But at the beginning, this diminished locomotory speed as the momentum caused by undulation could no longer provide additional forward sliding. Locomotory function of the tetrapod limb could be carried out due to both retraction and pronation at the shoulder joint. Relatively short humerus of the primitive tetrapods made it indifferent which of these two particular actions lead to elongation of the steps. In most of the recent tetrapods with sprawling limbs (Urodela, Lacertilia Sphenodontia, Crocodilia), step elongation was carried out mainly by retraction at the shoulder joint. Contrary to this, in Tachyglossidae (Mammalia: Monotremata) retraction is absent while pronation at the shoulder joint becomes the most important component of step elongation. This made it possible to recognize two principal types, pronatory and retractory, of locomotion on the basis of the main movement in the phase of support. A mathematical model describing changes in step length during the phase of support in both of these types is elaborated. It takes into account relative sizes of stylopodium and zeugopodium, the angles of pronation and retraction at the shoulder joint, the angle of adduction at the elbow joint, and the angle of body undulation arc. It is shown on the basis of this model, varying of which of the above parameters is advantageous and which is disadvantageous in each of the locomotory types. In the pronatory locomotory type, adduction (lateral mobility) at the elbow joint is employed. It leads to special changes in morphology of the elbow joint due to which humeral condyle becomes spherical and promotes both adduction and rotation of the entire antebrachium. In the retractory locomotory type, amplification of pronation is to be limited in order to provide step elongation, so certain morphological adaptations occur in the elbow joint which prevent adduction at this joint. For step elongation, retraction at the shoulder joint is usually more advantageous than pronation, therefore historical emergence of the pronatory type could be considered as inadaptive. However, transversal horizontal axis of rotation at the shoulder joint appeared to be a prerequisite of the subsequent appearance of the most perfect locomotion in the therian mammals with their parasagittal limbs. Transition to the parasagittal limb construction was associated with adaptation to jumping asymmetric locomotion. It caused elongation of the shoulder bone downward which lead to widening of rotation cone of the humerus and, at the same time, to reduction of the coracoid portion of the glenoid fossa, the latter became horizontal rather than lateral. As a part of this process, the longitudinal axis of the scapula was displacing caudally with destruction of the suture-like articulation of the acromion process with the clavicle. The latter became articulated with the sternum directly or via much reduced interclavicle (or via procoracoid rudiment). This increases amortisatory function of the shoulder girdle during landing at the final stage of jump.  相似文献   

The electroreceptive ampullary organs of urodeles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The system of lateral-line organs in urodeles was examined by the use of various light- and electron-microscopical techniques. The results show that, in addition to the well-known mechanoreceptive neuromast organs, a second type of receptor can be identified. This second type of organ was presumably seen by earlier workers, but they seemingly failed to point out the distinction between the two organs. The presently described organs are anatomically similar to the ampullary organs of various anamniotic species such as Brachiopterygii, sturgeons, lungfish, and silurids. In all these species the ampullary organs display only one afferent fiber but no efferent innervation and are situated around an ampullary enlargement in or below the epidermis as in urodeles. All ampullary receptors including those of urodeles are very sensitive to weak electrical fields. Similar to the situation in teleosts, the ampullae of urodeles show numerous microvilli but no kinocilia. All other nonteleostean ampullary receptors appear to possess only kinocilia as apical specializations but no microvilli. Current evidence suggests that the electroreceptive ampullary organs are as phylogenetically old as all other vertebrate sensory systems; they are now known to be relatively common among anamniotic vertebrates. Since all ampullary receptors share many common characteristics, it is assumed that they were derived from one phylogenetic precursor but have evolved certain peculiarities in each species not shared by other ampullary receptors.  相似文献   

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