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We have examined a series of lambda proheads and mature structures by small angle X-ray diffraction. This technique yields spherically averaged density distributions and some information about surface organization of particles in solution.We find that gpE 2 of proheads and heads forms shells with one of two radii; A?, B?, groE?, and Nu3? proheads have shells of radius 246 Å, while mature heads, urea-treated A? proheads and C? proheads have a radius of 300 Å. The expansion of proheads to mature heads is accompanied by a corresponding decrease in the thickness of the shell. groE? proheads contain a core. This core is lost spontaneously from the structure and is only observed if the structures are fixed with glutaraldehyde prior to examination by X-ray diffraction or electron microscopy.C? proheads expand to mature head size spontaneously. A preparation of C? proheads which was fixed with glutaraldehyde at an early stage of the purification had the smaller, prohead radius. Unfixed particles from this preparation expanded to the mature head size after further purification and standing in the cold for several days. This result suggests that gpC may be involved in regulating head expansion.The radii of the protein shells of mature heads are identical for a series of phages that contain between 78% and 105% of the wild-type complement of DNA, and this radius is the same as that of proheads expanded in the absence of DNA. These results with phage lambda indicate that assembly of a double shell structure composed of coat and scaffolding protein, followed by expansion to a larger shell containing only coat protein is a general feature of the morphogenesis of dsDNA phages.  相似文献   

A dedicated scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) at Brookhaven National Laboratory was used to visualize unstained freeze-dried ribosomal particles under conditions which considerably reduce the specimen distortion inherent in the heavy metal staining and air-drying preparative steps used in routine transmission electron microscopy (TEM). From high-resolution STEM images it is possible to determine molecular mass and the mass distribution within individual ribosomal particles and perform statistical evaluation of the data. Analysis of digitized STEM images of Artemia salina ribosomes provided evidence that a standard preparation of these eukaryotic ribosomes consists of a population of heterogenous particles. Because of the integrity of rRNAs established by agarose gel electrophoresis, variations in the composition and structure of the 80S monosomes and the large (60S) and small (40S) ribosomal subunits, as monitored by their mass, were attributed to the loss of ribosomal proteins, from the large subunits in particular. These results are relevant not only to the degree of ribosomal biological activity, but should also be taken into consideration for particle selection in the reconstruction of the "native" eukaryotic ribosome 3-D model.  相似文献   

Dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy was used to perform mass analyses of purified vesicular stomatitis virions, pronase-treated virions, and nucleocapsids, leading to a complete self-consistent account of the molecular composition of vesicular stomatitis virus. The masses obtained were 265.6 +/- 13.3 megadaltons (MDa) for the native virion, 197.5 +/- 8.4 MDa for the pronase-treated virion, and 69.4 +/- 4.9 MDa for the nucleocapsid. The reduction in mass effected by pronase treatment, which corresponds to excision of the external domains (spikes) of G protein, leads to an average of 1,205 molecules of G protein per virion. The nucleocapsid mass, after compensation for the RNA (3.7 MDa) and residual amounts of other proteins, yielded a complement of 1,258 copies of N protein. Calibration of the amounts of M, NS, and L proteins relative to N protein by biochemical quantitation yielded values of 1,826, 466, and 50 molecules, respectively, per virion. Assuming that the remaining virion mass is contributed by lipids in the viral envelope, we obtained a value of 56.1 MDa for its lipid content. In addition, four different electron microscopy procedures were applied to determine the nucleocapsid length, which we conclude to be 3.5 to 3.7 micron. The nucleocapsid comprises a strand of repeating units which have a center-to-center spacing of 3.3 nm as measured along the middle of the strand. We show that these repeating units represent monomers of N protein, each of which is associated with 9 +/- 1 bases of single-stranded RNA. From scanning transmission electron microscopy images of negatively stained nucleocapsids, we inferred that N protein has a wedge-shaped, bilobed structure with dimensions of approximately 9.0 nm (length), approximately 5.0 nm (depth), and approximately 3.3 nm (width, at the midpoint of its long axis). In the coiled configuration of the in situ nucleocapsid, the long axis of N protein is directed radially, and its depth corresponds to the pitch of the nucleocapsid helix.  相似文献   

Populations of coated vesicles purified from bovine brain (BCV) and from rat liver (LCV) have been characterized with respect to the parameters of mass and diameter by analysis of scanning transmission electron micrographs of unstained specimens. Coated vesicles from both sources are heterogeneous, particularly in their masses. The respective distributions, compiled from mass measurements of many individual particles, are complex and markedly different. BCV range from 20 Mdaltons to approximately 100 Mdaltons with a weighted average of 35 Mdaltons: most BCV (80%) lie between 20 and 40 Mdaltons, including peaks at approximately 26 Mdaltons and at approximately 34 Mdaltons. In contrast, LCV masses tend to be substantially higher, ranging from 20 to 220 Mdaltons with a weighted average of 66 Mdaltons. There is a prominent subpopulation at approximately 35 Mdaltons, and 59% of all LCV belong to a broad peak between 50 and 120 Mdaltons. The Kolmogorov- Smirnov distribution-free test was used to affirm the statistical reproducibility of these isolates. BCV diameters vary from 50 to 90 nm, and those of LCV from 50 to 150 nm. Both protein compositions, determined by SDS PAGE, are dominated by clathrin and they are generally similar, except that corresponding secondary bands, notably the clathrin-associated light chains, appear to have lower molecular weights in the case of LCV. From consideration of the joint mass- diameter distribution, it is apparent that coated vesicles of a given diameter vary considerably in mass and that this variation is due primarily to widely differing amounts of material enclosed within the clathrin coat.  相似文献   

Fungal prions are infectious filamentous polymers of proteins that are soluble in uninfected cells. In its prion form, the HET-s protein of Podospora anserina participates in a fungal self/non-self recognition phenomenon called heterokaryon incompatibility. Like other prion proteins, HET-s has a so-called "prion domain" (its C-terminal region, HET-s-(218-289)) that is responsible for induction and propagation of the prion in vivo and for fibril formation in vitro. Prion fibrils are thought to have amyloid backbones of polymerized prion domains. A relatively detailed model has been proposed for prion domain fibrils of HET-s based on a variety of experimental constraints (Ritter, C., Maddelein, M. L., Siemer, A. B., Luhrs, T., Ernst, M., Meier, B. H., Saupe, S. J., and Riek, R. (2005) Nature 435, 844-848). To test specific predictions of this model, which envisages axial stacking of beta-solenoids with two coils per subunit, we examined fibrils by electron microscopy. Electron diffraction gave a prominent meridional reflection at (0.47 nm)(-1), indicative of cross-beta structure, as predicted. STEM (scanning transmission electron microscopy) mass-per-unit-length measurements yielded 1.02 +/- 0.16 subunits per 0.94 nm, in agreement with the model prediction (1 subunit per 0.94 nm). This is half the packing density of approximately 1 subunit per 0.47 nm previously obtained for fibrils of the yeast prion proteins, Ure2p and Sup35p, whence it follows that the respective amyloid architectures are basically different.  相似文献   

Under conventional electron microscopy negatively stained phosphorylase kinase exhibits a bilobal structure resembling two bridged opposing parentheses. In this predominant particle orientation, usually only one bridge is observed; however, in many particles two bridges can be seen. Scanning transmission electron microscopy of unstained phosphorylase kinase shows very similar structures, with a particle mass equivalent to that of the hexadecameric holoenzyme. Partial digestion of the enzyme with chymotrypsin, which preferentially hydrolyzes the alpha-subunits, causes no significant changes in the structure; however, when both the alpha and beta subunits are degraded by trypsin, single lobed particles appear, i.e. the connecting bridges are missing. Mass analysis of scanning transmission electron microscopy images of trypsinized enzyme indicates that the protease does, in fact, split the particle into halves. Transmission electron microscopy of an alpha gamma delta complex isolated after incubation of the holoenzyme with LiBr shows only small particles approximately one-fourth the size of the holoenzyme. Thus, integrity of the beta subunit may be necessary in order for the two lobes of phosphorylase kinase to be bridged. These data also indicate that the subunits are arranged as a bridged dimer of octamers 2 (alpha 2 beta 2 gamma 2 delta 2).  相似文献   

X-ray fibre diffraction and scanning transmission electron microscopy have been used to investigate the structure of an intracellular complex between circular single-stranded viral DNA and a viral DNA-binding protein. This complex is an intermediate between replication and assembly of the filamentous bacteriophage Pf1. By scanning transmission electron microscopy, the complex has a length of 1.00 μm and Mr = 29.6 × 106. It consists of 1770 protein subunits, each of 15,400 Mr, and one viral DNA molecule of 2.3 × 106Mr: there are 4.2 ± 0.5 nucleotides per subunit. The structure is flexible in solution, but in oriented dry fibres it forms a regular helix of 45 Å pitch having 6.0 dimeric protein subunits per turn, with an axial spacing of 7.5 Å between dimers and 1.9 Å between adjacent nucleotides. Model calculations suggest that the protein dimers may be oriented in a direction approximately perpendicular to the 45 Å helix, so that each dimer spans the two anti-parallel DNA chains. The results imply that conformational changes are required of the DNA as it is transferred from the double-stranded form to the replication-assembly complex, and subsequently to the virion.  相似文献   

The higher-order assembly of the approximately 30 nm chromatin fibers into the characteristic morphology of HeLa mitotic chromosomes was investigated by electron microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of serial sections was applied to view the distribution of the DNA-histone-nonhistone fibers through the chromatid arms. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provided a complementary technique allowing the surface arrangement of the fibers to be observed. The approach with both procedures was to swell the chromosomes slightly, without extracting proteins, so that the densely-packed chromatin fibers were separated. The degree of expansion of the chromosomes was controlled by adjusting the concentration of divalent cations (Mg2+). With TEM, individual fibers could be resolved by decreasing the Mg2+ concentration to 1.0-1.5 mM. The predominant mode of fiber organization was seen to be radial for both longitudinal and transverse sections. Using SEM, surface protuberances with an average diameter of 69 nm became visible after the Mg2+ concentration was reduced to 1.5 mM. The knobby surface appearance was a variable feature, because the average diameter decreased when the divalent cation concentration was further reduced. The surface projections appear to represent the peripheral tips of radial chromatin loops. These TEM and SEM observations support a "radial loop" model for the organization of the chromatin fibers in metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

A double fixation method of preparing platelet suspensions for both scanning and transmission electron microscopy is outlined. Prefixation in 0.1% glutaraldehyde allows for immediate preservation of morphologic characteristics induced by experimental procedures, but does not completely destroy platelet surface stickiness. Preservation of surface stickiness allows subsequent production of a platelet pellet for processing for transmission electron microscopy. This pelleting cannot be achieved when higher initial concentrations of glutaraldehyde are used for prefixation. Prefixation in 0.1% glutaraldehyde is also an appropriate initial step for preservation of platelets in suspension for scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The mechanism of DNA packaging into bacteriophage T4 heads in vivo was investigated by glucosylation of hydroxymethylcytosine residues in a conditionally glucose-deficient host. Cytoplasmic DNA associated with partially packaged ts49 heads can be fully glucosylated, whereas DNA already packaged into these heads is shown to be resistant to glucosylation. After temperature shift and completion of arrested packaging into the reversible temperature-sensitive ts49 head, the structure of the DNA in the mature ts49 phage was investigated by restriction enzyme digestion, autoradiography, and other techniques. Such mature DNA appears to be fully glucosylated along part of its length and nonglucosylated on the remainder. Its structure suggests that the DNA is run into the head linearly and unidirectionally from one mature end and that there is little sequence specificity in that portion of the T4 DNA which first enters the capsid. This technique should be useful in investigation of the three-dimensional structure of first- and last-packaged DNA within the head; preliminary studies including autoradiography of osmotically shocked phage suggest that the DNA which first enters the head is deposited toward the center of the capsid and that the end of the DNA which first enters the head exits first upon injection. In conjunction with studies of the structure of condensed DNA, the positions and functions of T4 capsid proteins in DNA packaging, and the order of T4 packaging functions [Earnshaw and Harrison, Nature (London) 268:598-602, 1977; Hsiao and Black, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74:3652-3656, 1977; Müller-Salamin et al., J. Virol. 24:121-134, 1977; Richards et al., J. Mol. Biol. 78:255-259, 1973], the features described above suggest the following model: the first DNA end is fixed to the proximal apex of the head at p20 and the DNA is then pumped into the head enzymatically by proteins (p20 + p17) which induce torsion in the DNA molecule.  相似文献   

Quantitative mass image analysis of Escherichia coli ribosomal particles by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) provided direct evidence that presumably homogeneous preparations of ribosomes are, in reality, populations of heterogeneous particles. Variations in composition, relative molecular mass (Mr) and shape were observed both in the monosomes and in the ribosomal subunits. None of these changes can be resolved visually; they can be evaluated only by computer processing. The variations in relative mass and shape monitored by values of radius of gyration (RG) were attributed to the loss of ribosomal proteins and/or factors and correlated with the changes in ribosome composition and biological activity. The highest activity was found in monosomes prepared from the standard 0.5 M NH4Cl wash. With increasing concentrations (up to 1.5 M) of NH4Cl in the wash buffer the activity decreased slowly, then dropped rapidly to about half in 2 M NH4Cl. The most striking effects were observed in ribosomal particles washed with 0.1 M NH4Cl. The 70S monosomes and the 30S subunits attained maximum Mr and RG values (2660 kDa and 76 A, and 990 kDa and 75 A, respectively), which were greater than the theoretical values, while the activity was minimal (approximately 12%). The Mr and RG parameters of the 50S subunits remained uneffected by the NH4Cl washes (approximately 1600 kDa and 68 A).  相似文献   

At high concentrations, type I pN-collagen, pC-collagen and procollagen (the first 2 generated from procollagen by enzymic cleavage of C-propeptides and N-propeptides, respectively) can all be made to assemble in vitro into thin D-periodic sheets or tapes. Scanning transmission electron microscopy mass measurements show that the pN-collagen sheets and procollagen tapes have a mass per unit area corresponding to that of approximately 6.8 monolayers of close-packed molecules. pN-collagen sheets are extensive and remarkably uniform in mass thickness (fractional S.D. 0.035); procollagen tapes are neither as extensive nor as uniform in thickness. The mean thickness of pC-collagen tapes is less and the variability is greater. In pN-collagen sheets, the overlap: gap mass contrast in a D-period is increased from 5:4 (the ratio in a native collagen fibril) to 6:4, showing that the N-propeptides do not project into the gap but are folded back over the overlap zone. Assuming all N-propeptides to be constrained to the two surfaces of a sheet, their surface density can be found from the mass thickness of the sheet. In a lateral direction (i.e. normal to the axial direction where the spacing is D-periodic), the N-propeptide domains are calculated to be spaced, centre to centre, by 2.23 (+/- 0.1) nm on both surfaces. This value (approx. 1.5 x the triple-helix diameter) implies close-packing laterally with adjacent domains in contact. Sheet formation and the "surface-seeking" behaviour of propeptides can be understood in terms of the dual character of the molecules, evident from solubility data, with propeptides possessing interaction properties very different from those displayed by the rest of the molecule. The form and stability of sheets (and of first-formed fibrils assembling in vivo) could, it is suggested, depend on the partially fluid-like nature of lateral contacts between collagen molecules.  相似文献   

The domainal substructure and molecular conformation of human fibrinogen have been investigated by evaluating scanning transmission electron microscopic images of freeze-dried or negatively contrasted native fibrinogen (fractions I-4 and I-9), glutaraldehyde-treated fibrinogen, or plasmic core fragments D1 and E2. Although some unstained freeze-dried native or glutaraldehyde-treated fibrinogen molecules were relatively compact and even occasionally spheroidal, typical images were elongated symmetrical tridomainal structures 460 Å ± 20 Å in length; frequently they were bent into a variety of elongated though non-linear arrangements. Their identification as monomolecular forms of fibrinogen by scanning transmission electron microscopic mass measurements resolved uncertainties relating to the identity of such objects as single molecules. The central domains of fraction I-4 molecules had a greater mass than those of fraction I-9 (1.01 × 105Mrversus 7.5 × 10 Mr, respectively). This difference accounted for the observed mass difference between fraction I-4 and fraction I-9 molecules (i.e. 3.27 × 105Mrversus 2.97 × 105Mr, respectively) and suggested that the COOH-terminal region of the Aα chain (major portions of which are always absent from fraction I-9 molecules) is situated within the mass integration radius for the central domain. When the COOH-terminal region of the Aα chain was present it appeared in negative stain as a thread-like structure originating between the middle and outer domains and extending toward the central domain, sometimes appearing to wind around the long axis.The outer domains of negatively stained molecules resembled negatively stained images of fragment D1 and could frequently be resolved into at least two discrete subdomains, forming an oblong structure usually canted at an angle of ~120 ° to 150 ° relative to the long axis. Our findings are consistent with prevailing tridomainal structural models of fibrinogen and suggest that these molecules are flexible and may exist in unfolded configurations, or as relatively compact, partially or completely folded forms.  相似文献   

Digitized images of molecules of 16 S rRNA from Escherichia coli, obtained by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), provide quantitative structural information that is lacking in conventional electron micrographs. We have determined the morphology, total molecular mass, mass distribution within individual rRNA molecules and apparent radii of gyration. From the linear density (M/L) we have assessed the number of strands in the structural backbone of rRNA and studied the pattern of branching and folding related to the secondary and tertiary structure of rRNAs under various buffer conditions. Even in reconstitution buffer 16 S RNA did not show any resemblance to the native 30 S subunit.  相似文献   

Observations by scanning and transmission electron microscopy provide information about shells of Difflugia lobostoma which suggests a complex activity in shell construction. As observed by scanning microscopy, the shell consists of a single layer of sand grains which are organized into rosettes. The sand grains of the rosettes are different in size from those of flat areas between rosettes suggesting that the organism sorts these stones and places them according to size. Hydrofluoric acid treatment dissolves the sand but leaves a web of cement material intact. Examination of such acid treated specimens by transmission microscopy shows structure in the cement material of the shell, and granules of similar structure in the cell body. The rosette pattern observed differs from shell patterns in other species of Difflugia, and this suggests that shell structure may be species specific.  相似文献   

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