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Defects in the APC gene are inarguably linked to the progression of colon cancers that arise both sporadically and through the transmission of germline mutations. Genetic evidence from humans and mouse models suggest that APC is a classic tumor suppressor in that both alleles likely require inactivation for tumor growth to ensue. Nearly all of the mutations, germline and somatic, result in premature termination of the single polypeptide chain, normally consisting of 2843 amino acids. Several definable motifs have now been mapped to the linear amino acid sequence of the APC polypeptide. These include an oligomerization domain, armadillo repeats, binding sites for β-catenin, the human discs large protein, microtubules, and other proteins of unknown function. Inactivation of APC in cancer is likely due to loss of function(s) normally associated with the deleted protein structure.  相似文献   

Microtubule (MT) plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs) are involved in the regulation of MT plus-end dynamics and stabilization. It was reported previously that an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) induced by disruption of the plasma membrane stimulates rearrangement of MTs [T. Togo, Disruption of the plasma membrane stimulates rearrangement of microtubules and lipid traffic toward the wound site, J. Cell Sci. 119 (2006) 2780-2786], suggesting that some +TIPs are regulated by Ca2+. In the present study, the behavior of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) following an increase in [Ca2+]i was observed using Xenopus A6 epithelial cell expressing GFP-tagged APC. An increase in [Ca2+]i by cell membrane disruption or by ionomycin treatment induced dissociation of APC without depolymerizing MTs. Inhibition of a tyrosine kinase and GSK-3β suppressed APC dissociation upon an increase in [Ca2+]i. Western blotting analysis showed that Ca2+ transients activated GSK-3β through a tyrosine kinase. These results suggest that Ca2+ stimulates redistribution of APC through a tyrosine kinase- and GSK-3β-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) is a potent signaling molecule that plays important roles in multiple and diverse developmental processes. The contribution of retinoic acid to promoting the development and differentiation of the vertebrate intestine and the factors that regulate RA production in the gut remain poorly defined. Herein, we report that the novel retinol dehydrogenase, rdh1l, is required for proper gut development and differentiation. rdh1l is expressed ubiquitously during early development but becomes restricted to the gut by 3 days postfertilization. Knockdown of rdh1l results in a robust RA-deficient phenotype including lack of intestinal differentiation, which can be rescued by the addition of exogenous retinoic acid. We report that adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) mutant zebrafish harbor an RA-deficient phenotype including aberrant intestinal differentiation and that these mutants can be rescued by treatment with retinoic acid or injection of rdh1l mRNA. Further, we have found that although APC mutants are deficient in rdh1l expression, they harbor increased expression of raldh2 suggesting the control of RA production by APC is via retinol dehydrogenase activity. These results provide genetic evidence that retinoic acid is required for vertebrate gut development and that the tumor suppressor APC controls the production of RA in the gut by regulating the expression of the retinol dehydrogenase, rdh1l.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor protein adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is a multifunctional protein with a well characterized role in the Wnt signal transduction pathway and roles in cytoskeletal regulation and cell polarity. The soluble pool of APC protein in colon epithelial tumor cells exists in two distinct complexes fractionating at approximately 20S and approximately 60S in size. The 20S complex contains components of the beta-catenin destruction complex and probably functions in the Wnt pathway. In this study, we characterized the molecular nature of the 60S APC- containing complex by examining known potential binding partners of APC. 60S APC did not contain EB1 or diaphanous, proteins that have been reported to interact with APC and are implicated in microtubule plus end stabilization. Nor did the two other microtubule associated proteins, MAP4 or KAP3, which is thought to link APC to kinesin motor proteins, associate with the 60S complex. Minor fractions of alpha-tubulin, gamma-tubulin and IQGAP1, a Rac1 and CDC42 effector that interacts with APC, specifically associated with APC in the 60S fraction. We propose that 60S APC is a discrete high molecular weight complex with a novel function in cytoskeletal regulation in epithelial cells apart from its well established role in targeting catenin destruction or its proposed role in microtubule plus end stabilization.  相似文献   

Mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene are linked to polyp formation in familial and sporadic colon cancer, but the functions of the protein are not known. We show that APC protein localizes mainly to clusters of puncta near the ends of microtubules that extend into actively migrating regions of epithelial cell membranes. This subcellular distribution of APC protein requires microtubules, but not actin filaments. APC protein-containing membranes are actively involved in cell migration in response to wounding epithelial monolayers, addition of the motorgen hepatocyte growth factor, and during the formation of cell-cell contacts. In the intestine, APC protein levels increase at the crypt/villus boundary, where cell migration is crucial for enterocyte exit from the crypt and where cells accumulate during polyp formation that is linked to mutations in the microtubule-binding domain of APC protein. Together, these data indicate that APC protein has a role in directed cell migration.  相似文献   

Regulation of cell adhesion and cell signaling by beta-catenin occurs through a mechanism likely involving the targeted degradation of the protein. Deletional analysis was used to generate a beta-catenin refractory to rapid turnover and to examine its effects on complexes containing either cadherin or the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) protein. The results show that amino-terminal deletion of beta-catenin results in a protein with increased stability that acts in a dominant fashion with respect to wild-type beta-catenin. Constitutive expression in AtT20 cells of a beta-catenin lacking 89 N-terminal amino acids (deltaN89beta-catenin) resulted in severely reduced levels of the more labile wild-type beta-catenin. The mutant beta-catenin was expressed at endogenous levels but displaced the vast majority of wild-type beta-catenin associated with N-cadherin. The deltaN89beta-catenin accumulated on the APC protein to a level 10-fold over that of wild-type beta-catenin and recruited a kinase into the APC complex. The kinase was highly active toward APC in vitro and promoted a sodium dodecyl sulfate gel band shift that was also evident for endogenous APC from cells expressing the mutant beta-catenin. Unlike wild-type beta-catenin, which partitions solely as part of a high-molecular-weight complex, the deltaN89 mutant protein also fractionated as a stable monomer, indicating that it had escaped the requirement to associate with other proteins. That similar N-terminal mutants of beta-catenin have been implicated in cellular transformation suggests that their abnormal association with APC may, in part, be responsible for this phenotype.  相似文献   

Despite high rates of cell death, epithelia maintain intact barriers by squeezing dying cells out using a process termed cell extrusion. Cells can extrude apically into the lumen or basally into the tissue the epithelium encases, depending on whether actin and myosin contract at the cell base or apex, respectively. We previously found that microtubules in cells surrounding a dying cell target p115 RhoGEF to the actin cortex to control where contraction occurs. However, what controls microtubule targeting to the cortex and whether the dying cell also controls the extrusion direction were unclear. Here we find that the tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) controls microtubule targeting to the cell base to drive apical extrusion. Whereas wild-type cells preferentially extrude apically, cells lacking APC or expressing an oncogenic APC mutation extrude predominantly basally in cultured monolayers and zebrafish epidermis. Thus APC is essential for driving extrusion apically. Surprisingly, although APC controls microtubule reorientation and attachment to the actin cortex in cells surrounding the dying cell, it does so by controlling actin and microtubules within the dying cell. APC disruptions that are common in colon and breast cancer may promote basal extrusion of tumor cells, which could enable their exit and subsequent migration.  相似文献   

Large numbers of colon tumors stem from mutations in the gene coding for the production of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor protein. This protein contains a coiled-coil N-terminal domain that is known to be responsible for homodimerization. Previous work by others has led to the design of a specific 54-residue anti-APC peptide (anti-APCp1) that dimerizes preferentially with this domain. We have undertaken the chemical synthesis of a modified form of this peptide (anti-APCp2) that bears a biotin moiety at its N-terminus for use in subsequent ligand-binding analysis studies. The peptide was subjected to comprehensive chemical characterization to confirm its purity. Secondary structural analysis by circular dichroism spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy indicated that the peptide could assume a wide range of potential conformations, depending upon the precise microenvironment. Significantly, a stable alpha-helical structure was generated when the solvent conditions supported intramolecular salt-bridge formation along the helix barrel. The biotinylated anti-APCp2 was immobilized onto a streptavidin sensor surface, in a specific orientation leaving all amino acids available to form a coiled structure. In one experiment, injection of colonic cell lysate extracts (LIM1215) onto a size-exclusion column resulted in the isolation of a high molecular mass protein peak (> 600 kDa) that reacted specifically with the immobilized anti-APCp2 on the biosensor surface. In another experiment, a high molecular mass protein (M(r) > 250 kDa on SDS-PAGE) could be specifically immunoprecipitated from this peak using either the anti-APCp2 peptide or an anti-APC polyclonal antibody. This demonstrates the specific interaction between the anti-APCp2 peptide and native APC and highlights the potential use of the former peptide in a multidimensional micropreparative chromatographic/biosensor/proteomic protocol for the purification of APC alone and APC complexed with different biopolymers in various cell lines, and stages of tumor development.  相似文献   

Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) protein is a large tumor suppressor that is truncated in most colorectal cancers. The carboxyl-terminal third of APC protein mediates direct interactions with microtubules and the microtubule plus-end tracking protein EB1. In addition, APC has been localized to actin-rich regions of cells, but the mechanism and functional significance of this localization have remained unclear. Here we show that purified carboxyl-terminal basic domain of human APC protein (APC-basic) bound directly to and bundled actin filaments and associated with actin stress fibers in microinjected cells. Actin filaments and microtubules competed for binding to APC-basic, but APC-basic also could cross-link actin filaments and microtubules at specific concentrations, suggesting a possible role in cytoskeletal cross-talk. APC interactions with actin in vitro were inhibited by its ligand EB1, and co-microinjection of EB1 prevented APC association with stress fibers. Point mutations in EB1 that disrupted APC binding relieved the inhibition in vitro and restored APC localization to stress fibers in vivo, demonstrating that EB1-APC regulation is direct. Because tumor formation and metastasis involve coordinated changes in the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons, this novel function for APC and its regulation by EB1 may have direct implications for understanding the molecular basis of tumor suppression.  相似文献   

Aberrant regulation of APC/β-catenin signaling pathway is common in the pathogenesis of colorectal and other cancers. Targets regulated by APC/β-catenin signaling pathway play crucial roles in cancer development. In the current study, we aimed to illustrate the influence of APC/β-catenin signaling pathway on expression of microRNAs, one new group of players important to carcinogenesis. Restoration of APC function in colorectal cancer cells led to the deregulation of several cancer-related microRNAs, such as miR-122a which was recognized as the liver-specific microRNA. MiR-122a was down-regulated in gastrointestinal cancer cell lines as well as primary carcinoma tissues. Inhibition of miR-122a could reverse wild-type APC-induced growth inhibition of gastrointestinal cancer cells while miR-122a mimic inhibited cell growth. In summary, we identified some cancer-related microRNAs regulated by APC/β-catenin signaling pathway. The down-regulation of miR-122a mediated by aberrant APC/β-catenin signaling is important to the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal cancers.  相似文献   

The Drosophila caudal homeobox gene is required for definition of the anteroposterior axis and for gut development, and CDX1 and CDX2, human homologs, play crucial roles in the regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation in the intestine. Most studies have indicated tumor suppressor functions of Cdx2, with inhibition of proliferation, while the effects of Cdx1 are more controversial. The influence of Drosophila Caudal on cell proliferation is unknown. In this study, we found three potential Caudal binding sequences in the 5′-flanking region of the Drosophila E2F (DE2F) gene and showed by transient transfection assays that they are involved in Caudal transactivation of the dE2F gene promoter. Analyses with transgenic flies carrying an E2F-lacZ fusion gene, with and without mutation in the Caudal binding site, indicated that the Caudal binding sites are required for expression of dE2F in living flies. Caudal-induced E2F expression was also confirmed with a GAL4-UAS system in living flies. In addition, ectopic expression of Caudal with heat-shock promotion induced melanotic tumors in larvae. These results suggest that Caudal is involved in regulation of proliferation through transactivation of the E2F gene in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) protein is implicated in the majority of hereditary and sporadic colon cancers. APC is known to function as a tumor suppressor through downregulation of beta-catenin as part of a high molecular weight complex known as the beta-catenin destruction complex. The molecular composition of the intact complex and its site of action in the cell are still not well understood. Reports on the subcellular localization of APC in various cell systems have differed significantly and have been consistent with an association with a cytosolic complex, with microtubules, with the nucleus, or with the cortical actin cytoskeleton. To better understand the role of APC and the destruction complex in colorectal cancer, we have begun to characterize and isolate these complexes from confluent polarized human colon epithelial cell monolayers and other epithelial cell types. Subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescence microscopy reveal that a predominant fraction of APC associates tightly with the apical plasma membrane in a variety of epithelial cell types. This apical membrane association is not dependent on the mutational status of either APC or beta-catenin. An additional pool of APC is cytosolic and fractionates into two distinct high molecular weight complexes, 20S and 60S in size. Only the 20S fraction contains an appreciable portion of the cellular axin and small but detectable amounts of glycogen synthase kinase 3beta and beta-catenin. Therefore, it is likely to correspond to the previously characterized beta-catenin destruction complex. Dishevelled is almost entirely cytosolic, but does not significantly cofractionate with the 20S complex. The disproportionate amount of APC in the apical membrane and the lack of other destruction complex components in the 60S fraction of APC raise questions about whether these pools of APC take part in the degradation of beta-catenin, or alternatively, whether they could be involved in other functions of the protein that still must be determined.  相似文献   

The tumour suppressor Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) is required for proper mitosis; however, the exact role of APC in mitosis is not understood. Using demembranated sperm chromatin exposed to meiotic Xenopus egg extract and HeLa cells expressing fluorescently labelled histones, we established that APC contributes to chromatin compaction. Sperm chromatin in APC-depleted Xenopus egg extract frequently formed tight round or elongated structures. Such abnormally compacted chromatin predominantly formed spindles with low microtubule content. Furthermore, in mitotic HeLa cells expressing GFP- and mCherry-labelled H2B histones, depletion of APC caused a decrease in the donor fluorescence lifetime of neighbouring fluorophores, indicative of excessive chromatin compaction. Profiling the chromatin-associated proteome of sperm chromatin incubated with Xenopus egg extracts revealed temporal APC-dependent changes in the abundance of histones, closely mirrored by chromatin-associated Topoisomerase IIa, condensin I complex and Kif4. In the absence of APC these factors initially accumulated on chromatin, but then decreased faster than in controls. We also found and validated significant APC-dependent changes in chromatin modifiers Set-a and Rbbp7. Both were decreased on chromatin in APC-depleted extract; in addition, the kinetics of association of Set-a with chromatin was altered in the absence of APC.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) is implicated in regulating multiple stages of the cell cycle. APC participation in G1/S is attributed to its recognized role in Wnt signaling. APC function in the G2/M transition is less well established. To identify novel protein partners of APC that regulate the G2/M transition, APC was immunoprecipitated from colon cell lysates and associated proteins were analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization/time of flight (MALDI-TOF). Topoisomerase IIα (topo IIα) was identified as a potential binding partner of APC. Topo IIα is a critical regulator of G2/M transition. Evidence supporting an interaction between endogenous APC and topo IIα was obtained by coimmunoprecipitation, colocalization, and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). The 15-amino acid repeat region of APC (M2-APC) interacted with topo IIα when expressed as a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein in vivo. Although lacking defined nuclear localization signals (NLS) M2-APC predominantly localized to the nucleus. Furthermore, cells expressing M2-APC displayed condensed or fragmented nuclei, and they were arrested in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. Although M2-APC contains a β-catenin binding domain, biochemical studies failed to implicate β-catenin in the observed phenotype. Finally, purified recombinant M2-APC enhanced topo IIα activity in vitro. Together, these data support a novel role for APC in the G2/M transition, potentially through association with topo IIα.  相似文献   

The von Hippel-Lindau disease gene (VHL) is the causative gene for most adult renal cancers. However, the mechanism by which VHL protein functions as a renal tumor suppressor remains largely unknown. To identify low occupancy VHL protein partners with potential relevance to renal cancer, we screened a human kidney library against human VHL p30 using a yeast two-hybrid approach. Jade-1 (gene for Apoptosis and Differentiation in Epithelia) encodes a previously uncharacterized 64-kDa protein that interacts strongly with VHL protein and is most highly expressed in kidney. Jade-1 protein is short-lived and contains a candidate destabilizing (PEST) motif and plant homeodomains that are not required for the VHL interaction. Jade-1 is abundant in proximal tubule cells, which are clear-cell renal cancer precursors, and expression increases with differentiation. Jade-1 is expressed in cytoplasm and the nucleus diffusely and in speckles, where it partly colocalizes with VHL. VHL reintroduction into renal cancer cells increases endogenous Jade-1 protein abundance up to 10-fold. Furthermore, VHL increases Jade-1 protein half-life up to 3-fold. Thus, direct protein stabilization is identified as a new VHL function. Moreover, Jade-1 protein represents a novel candidate regulatory factor in VHL-mediated renal tumor suppression.  相似文献   

The adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor protein is a multifunctional protein with a well characterized role in the Wnt signal transduction pathway and in cytoskeletal regulation. The SAMP repeats region of APC, an Axin-binding site, is known to be important for tumor suppression and for the developmental function of APC. We performed a yeast two-hybrid screening using the first SAMP motif-containing region of Xenopus APC as bait and obtained several SAMP binding candidates including DDEF2 (development and differentiation enhancing factor 2), which is an ADP-ribosylation factor (Arf) GTPase-activating protein (GAP (ArfGAP)) involved in the regulation of focal adhesions. In vitro and in cells the Src homology 3 (SH3) domain of DDEF2 and its close homolog, DDEF1, are associated with the SAMP motif of APC competitively with Axin1. Moreover, NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments revealed that the SAMP motif interacts at the same surface of the SH3 domain of DDEF as the known SH3 binding motif, PXXP. When fluorescent protein-tagged APC and DDEF are expressed in Xenopus A6 cells, co-localization at microtubule ends is observed. Overexpression and RNA interference experiments indicate that APC and DDEFs cooperatively regulate the distributions of microtubules and focal adhesions. Our findings reveal that the SAMP motif of APC specifically binds to the SH3 domains of DDEFs, providing new insights into the functions of APC in cell migration.  相似文献   

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