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Ni(2+) was removed quantitatively from aqueous flows by columns loaded with polycrystalline hydrogen uranyl phosphate (HUP) bound to immobilized cells of Citrobacter sp. The columns functioned effectively in Ni uptake/regeneration cycles; five cycles were completed without significant decrease in the Ni-removing capacity of the column. The influence of pH, temperature, and flow rate on the Ni-removing capacity of the columns was examined. The composition of the Ni/HUP cell-bound deposits was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) spectroscopy following several consecutive metal challenges and is discussed in relation to the mechanism of Ni(2+) removal from solution via ion-exchange intercalation into the interlayer space of HUP. Ni was selectively recovered from the columns using citrate or tartrate. The regenerated columns functioned effectively in Ni removal throughout repeated Ni challenge and desorption cycles. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 54: 319-328, 1997.  相似文献   

Naphthazarin esters (C1–C4) isolated from the roots of Arnebia euchroma are found as skilled dual chemosensors for Ni2+ and Cu2+ among Pb2+, Na2+, K2+, Hg2+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ metal ions. C1–C4 esters exhibited a red shift of 54 nm with Ni2+ and 30 nm with Cu2+ metal ions in absorption. There is a formation of red-shifted bands between 517 and 613 nm in the absorption spectrum of C1–C4 sensors on binding with Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions. The addition of Ni2+ and Cu2+ ions to sensors C1–C4 stimulates a remarkable color change from reddish pink to purple and light blue, respectively. These color changes can be identified with the naked eye. The significant downfield shifts of CO and OH peaks in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum confirm the chelation as binding mechanism. With ultraviolet–visble and NMR studies, it is found that C1–C4 esters possessed notable selectivity and sensitivity toward Ni2+ and Cu2+ over other metal ions.  相似文献   

The prion protein (PrP) is a Cu2+ binding cell surface glyco-protein. Misfolding of PrP into a beta-sheet rich conformation is associated with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Here we use Ni2+ as a diamagnetic probe to further understand Cu2+ binding to PrP. Like Cu2+, Ni2+ preferentially binds to an unstructured region between residues 90 and 126 of PrP, which is a key region for amyloidogenicity and prion propagation. Using both 1H NMR and visible-circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, we show that two Ni2+ ions bind to His96 and His111 independently of each other. 1H NMR indicates that both Ni2+ binding sites form square-planar diamagnetic complexes. We have previously shown that Cu2+ forms a paramagnetic square-planar complex in this region, suggesting that Ni2+ could be used as a probe for Cu2+ binding. In addition, competition studies show that two Cu2+ ions can displace Ni2+ from these sites. Upon Ni2+ addition 1H NMR changes in chemical shifts indicate the imidazole ring and amide nitrogen atoms to the N terminus of both His96 and His111 act as coordinating ligands. Use of peptide fragments confirm that PrP(92-96) and PrP(107-111) represent the minimal binding motif for the two Ni2+ binding sites. Analysis of Cu2+ loaded visible-CD spectra show that as with Ni2+, PrP(90-115) binds two Cu2+ ions at His96 and His111 independently of each other. Visible CD studies with PrP(23-231Delta51-90), a construct of PrP(23-231) with the octarepeat region deleted to improve solubility, confirm binding of Ni2+ to His96 and His111 in octarepeat deleted PrP(23-231). The structure of the Cu/Ni complexes is discussed in terms of the implications for prion protein function and disease.  相似文献   

Summary An ion exchange and chelating resin system was developed to buffer the activities of selected free cations and phosphate in hydroponic solutions at concentrations similar to those that occur naturally in soil solutions. Free-ion activities of Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mn, H, Ca, Mg, and K were maintained by ion exchange and chelating resins in a controlled ionic strength system. Iron was controlled by EDDHA and chelating resin, and P by a cation-exchange resin containing adsorbed polynuclear hydroxyaluminum. This mixed-resin hydroponic system was used to establish a range of ionic Cd activities similar to that found in soil solutions of soils amended with sewage sludge. Activities of other nutrients were maintained at realistic soil-solution levels. A metal complexing agent (EDTA) was used to increase total metal concentration in the hydroponic solutions without significantly altering the ionic activities of the metals maintained in solution. This allowed differentiation of the effects of free ions and complexed metals on metal uptake. Concentrations of metal complexes in solution were controlled by the ion activities of the metals maintained and the concentrations and selectivities of the complexing agent. The mixed-resin system supplied sufficient nutrients for the growth of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum, cv. Wisconsin-55) in hydroponic culture. Research supported by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisonsin-Madison and by United States Environmental Protection Agency through Grant CR807270010.  相似文献   

The template reaction between salicylaldehyde S-methyl-isothiosemicarbazone and 2-formylpyridine in presence of nickel(II) or copper(II) salts yields two new coordination compounds with general formula [NiL1]2(1) and [CuL2]2(2) (L1 = the dianionic (N1-salicylidene)(N4-(hydroxy(pyridin-2-yl)methyl) S-methyl-isothiosemicarbazide) ligand and L2 = the doubly deprotonated (N1-salicylidene)(N4-(picolinoyl) S-methyl-isothiosemicarbazide) ligand). In the complex 1, the formed L1 ligand appears as result of an addition reaction of the precursors, while for 2 a redox mechanism is implicated in the formation of L2. Despite the fact that the initial organic precursors are the same, the resulting ligands obtained in the template reaction are different. In 1, the Ni(II) metal ion adopts a square-planar geometry and the [NiL1] units are forming dimerized chains through weak Ni···Ni interactions (3.336 and 3.632 Å). In 2, the Cu(II) metal ions adopt a square-pyramidal geometry and form dinuclear species through weak Cu···O (phenoxo) interactions. The magnetic susceptibility measurements of the complexes reveal the diamagnetic nature of 1 as expected for a square planar Ni(II) complex and a paramagnetic behavior for 2 with weak intra-dimer antiferromagnetic interaction (J/kB = −2.1(1) K).  相似文献   

Effects of Pb2+, Ni2+, Hg2+ and Se4+ on cultured human glioma U-343MG cells were investigated considering uptake, toxicity and, in combination with radiation, clonogenic cell survival. The cells were exposed to 0-100 m of the metals for a week before the evaluation. The tests showed a tendency to toxicity with 10 m nickel although not significant (P > 0.05). Selenium, lead and mercury exerted a significant toxicity (P < 0.05) at 2.5 m, 10 m and 1 m, respectively. To challenge the clonogenic cell survival capacity, the cells were irradiated with60Co photons after being exposed to the highest nontoxic concentration of the different metals. The clonogenic cell survival tests, after irradiation, showed no significant change if the cells were exposed to 5 m nickel, 0.5 m selenium or 5 m lead compared with those not exposed. Mercury, 0.1 m, gave a relative reduction in survival compared with only irradiated cells of 58 ± 17%. Thus, only mercury affected the radiation-induced damage and/or repair. When exposed to the highest nontoxic concentrations of the different metals, the cultures did not display a significant uptake ratio (metal concentration ratio of exposed cells to control cells) of nickel (3.1 ± 3.3), only a small uptake ratio of selenium (4.0 ± 0.4), while there was a large uptake ratio of both lead (2.6 ± 1.7) x 102 and mercury (1.5 ± 0.2) x 101. The results indicated that nickel was neither especially toxic nor influenced the clonogenic cell survival after irradiation. Mercury was more toxic and also influenced the radiation sensitivity. Lead was taken up strongly but did not influence the radiation sensitivity. Selenium accumulated but gave no detectable effect on the radiation sensitivity.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution has become one of the most serious environmental pollution problems. This study aimed to determine the adsorption and desorption characteristics of Ni2+ and Cu2+ by bio-mineral which was induced by Bacillus subtilis, and to explore the effect of pH on adsorption characteristics. The results showed that the Langmuir model gave a better fit to the experimental data than the Freundlich model, which demonstrated the adsorption was of a single-molecule layer form. The maximum adsorption capacities of the bio-mineral for Ni2+ and Cu2+ were determined as 67.114 mg/g and 69.930 mg/g, respectively. The desorption rates of Ni2+ and Cu2+ were very low, especially for Ni2+ which was almost 0. Besides, the bio-mineral maintained high adsorption capability for metals ions within a wide pH range (pH ≥ 3). It did not show any new phases after adsorption of Ni2+ and Cu2+ tested by FTIR, indicating that the bio-mineral and heavy metal ions might mainly physically be adsorbed. The bio-mineral has a larger internal and external specific surface area, pore volume and colloidal properties which are beneficial for the adsorption of metals ions, but shows limits in desorption. This study provides a theoretical basis for the utilization of bio-mineral and opens a new perspective for the remediation of heavy metals pollution.  相似文献   

To understand the chemical behavior of uranyl complexes in water, a bis-uranyl [(phen)(UO2)(μ2–F)(F)]2 (A; phen?=?phenanthroline, μ2?=?doubly bridged) and its hydrated form A?·?(H2O)n (n?=?2, 4 and 6) were examined using scalar relativistic density functional theory. The addition of water caused the phen ligands to deviate slightly from the U22–F)2 plane, and red-shifts the U–F-terminal and U?=?O stretching vibrations. Four types of hydrogen bonds are present in the optimized hydrated A?·?(H2O)n complexes; their energies were calculated to fall within the range 4.37–6.77 kcal mol-1, comparable to the typical values of 5.0 kcal mol-1 reported for hydrogen bonds. An aqueous environment simulated by explicit and/or implicit models lowers and re-arranges the orbitals of the bis-uranyl complex.
A bis(uranyl) complex [(phen)(UO2)(μ2–F)(F)]2 (A) and its solvated form A?·?(H2O)n were examined using scalar relativistic density functional theory. Hydrogen bonds cause the phen ligand to slightly deviate from the equatorial plane of the uranyl ion, resulting in a pronounced red-shift of the U–F-terminal and U?=?O asymmetric stretching vibrations. The calculated energies fall within 4.4?–6.8 kcal/mol. Explicit and/or implicit aqueous solvation re-arranges the molecular orbitals of the complex  相似文献   

The study on the binding ability of dehydro-tri- and tetrapeptides has shown that the ,β-double bond has a critical effect on the peptide coordination to metal ions. It may affect the binding of the vicinal amide nitrogens by the electronic effect and stabilize the complex due to steric effects. The (Z) isomer is the most effective in stabilizing of the complexes formed. The presence of large side chain in the dehydroamino acid residue may also be critical for the coordination mode in the metallopeptide systems.  相似文献   

Human serum butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) has been converted into a stable but less active desensitized form when heated at 45°C for 24 h. The desensitized BChE follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics, whereas native enzyme exhibits slightly negative cooperativity with respect to butyrylthiocholine binding. In this study, we investigated the effects of Ni2+, Co2+, and Mn2+ on the desensitized BChE. It is found that all three ions were noncompetitive inhibitors of the desensitized BChE, and K i values have been determined as 7.816±1.060 mM, 48.722±4.635 mM, and 84.795±5.249 mM for Ni2+, Co2+, and Mn2+, respectively. In our previous study, these ions were linear mixed-type inhibitors of the native BChE. This finding confirms that desensitized BChE changes to a different conformation than native BChE. From the comparison of K i values of the trace elements, it can be said that Ni2+ is a more effective inhibitor of the desensitized BChE than Co2+ and Mn2+.  相似文献   

Living bio-sludge from domestic wastewater treatment plant was used as adsorbent of heavy metals (Pb(2+), Ni(2+)) and its adsorption capacity was about 10-30% reduced by autoclaving at 110 degrees C for 10 min. The living bio-sludge acclimatized in synthetic industrial estate wastewater (SIEWW) without heavy metals showed the highest Pb(2+) and Ni(2+) adsorption capacities at 840+/-20 and 720+/-10 mg/g bio-sludge, respectively. The adsorbed Pb(2+) and Ni(2+) were easily eluted (70-77%) from bio-sludge by washing with 0.1 mol/l HNO(3) solution. The heavy metals (Pb(2+), Ni(2+)) removal efficiency of both SBR and GAC-SBR systems were increased with the increase of hydraulic retention time (HRT), or the decrease of organic loading. The SBR system showed higher heavy metals removal efficiency than GAC-SBR system at the same organic loading or HRT. The Pb(2+), Ni(2+), BOD(5), COD and TKN removal efficiencies of GAC-SBR system were 88.6+/-0.9%, 94.6+/-0.1%, 91.3+/-1.0%, 81.9+/-1.0% and 62.9+/-0.5%, respectively with industrial estate wastewater (IEWW) with 410 mg/l glucose, 5 mg/l Pb(2+) and 5 mg/l Ni(2+) under organic loading of 1.25 kg BOD(5)/m(3) d (HRT of 3 days). The bio-sludge quality (sludge volume index: SVI) of the system was less than 80 ml/g. The excess sludge from both SBR and GAC-SBR systems with SIEWW under the organic loading of 1.25-2.50 kg BOD(5)/m(3) d contained Pb(2+) and Ni(2+) at concentrations of 240-250 mg Pb(2+)/g bio-sludge and 180-210 mg Ni(2+)/g bio-sludge, respectively.  相似文献   

Effects of Mg2+ ions on thermally induced conformational transitions in the synthetic poly(dA)·poly(dT) and poly(dA)·2poly(dT) were studied in the buffered solutions (pH 6.9), containing 0.1 or 1 M NaCl at polynucleotide concentration of 0.1–0.3 mM (in nucleic bases). The experiments consist of measurements of the UV absorption and intensity of conventional visible static light scattering. The diagram of conformational transitions in the poly(dA)–poly(dT)–Mg2+ system was constructed on a basis of experimental data obtained. Anomalously strong light scattering, like critical opalescence, has been revealed at 0.1 M NaCl and [Mg2+]≥20 mM in the melting range of both polynucleotides, which eventually disappeared after the completion of polymer strands separation. The effect presumably is caused by a fluctuation process of polymer strands complexing which arises at a certain concentration of Mg2+ ions.  相似文献   

斜纹夜幼虫对食物中重金属Ni2+的积累与排泄   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙虹霞  夏嫱  周强  张古忍 《昆虫学报》2008,51(6):569-574
为明确食物中重金属离子在昆虫体内的分布和转移情况,本文采用等离子体原子发射光谱仪检测了植食性昆虫斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura Fabricius连续3个世代6龄幼虫对食物中过量Ni2+的排泄和积累情况。结果表明:大部分Ni2+可通过粪便排出体外;沉积在体内的Ni2+主要积累在中肠,部分Ni2+可通过中肠上皮细胞基底膜进入血淋巴,经由血淋巴的转运作用积累在脂肪体和表皮等组织中。6龄幼虫不同组织中所积累Ni2+的含量为中肠>脂肪体>表皮,且不同组织和粪便中的Ni2+都随饲料中Ni2+浓度的增加而增加,并存在显著的剂量-反应关系。研究结果可为进一步研究过量Ni2+对斜纹夜蛾幼虫的生长发育和繁殖的影响,以及斜纹夜蛾幼虫不同组织对Ni2+的解毒能力等提供一定依据。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of Ni-polluted soils throughout the world, comparatively little is known about the activity of Ni2+ required to reduce plant growth and the effects that Ni2+ toxicity has on the plant. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cv Caloona) was grown in dilute nutrient solutions to investigate the effect of Ni2+ activity on shoot and root growth. A Ni2+ activity of 1.4 μM was found to cause a 10% reduction in the relative fresh mass of the root and shoots. The primary site of Ni2+ toxicity was the shoots, with the younger leaves displaying an interveinal chlorosis (possibly a Ni-induced Fe deficiency) at Ni2+ activities ≥1.7 μM. Lateral root formation was inhibited in the two highest Ni2+ treatments (3.3 and 5.1 μM), and the roots growing at the highest Ni2+ activity were short and stubby and brown in color. However, no other symptoms of toxicity were observed on the roots at lower Ni2+ activities.  相似文献   

Fluorescent chemosensors based on 4‐hydroxy cyclopentenones were synthesized by the base catalyzed reaction of 1,5‐diphenyl‐pentane‐1,3,5‐trione with benzil and thenil. The molecule obtained by the benzil reaction was found to be useful for the selective detection of Fe3+ by fluorescence turn‐off, while the molecule synthesized by the thenil reaction was useful for selective detection of Cu2+ by fluorescent turn‐on. Details of the synthesis, complexation mode, nature of binding, reversibility, and pH studies of the two sensors are discussed. The studies revealed that the sensors were suitable for determining Fe3+ and Cu2+ content in real water samples.  相似文献   

Phytocystatins are cysteine proteinase inhibitors ubiquitously present in plants and animals. They are known to carry out various significant physiological functions and also maintain the balance of protease‐antiprotease activity. In the present disquisition, a phytocystatin after preliminary treatment has been isolated and purified to homogeneity from soybean (Glycine max) by a simple two‐step stratagem using ammonium sulfate fractionation and gel filtration chromatography performed on Sephacryl S‐100‐HR. Soybean phytocystatin (SBPC) was purified with a fold purification of 635 and percent yield of 77.6%. A single band was observed on native gel electrophoresis confirming the homogeneity of the purified SBPC. The molecular weight of SBPC was found to be 19.05 kDa as determined by SDS‐PAGE. The SBPC was found to be devoid of carbohydrate moieties and sulfhydryl group content. The binding stoichiometry of SBPC‐papain interaction was determined by isothermal calorimetry suggesting 1:1 complex, and the value of binding constant (K) was found to be 2.78 × 105 M?1 The affinity of binding (Kd) value obtained through ITC was 3.59 × 10?6 M. The purified SBPC was found to be stable in the pH range of 3 to 7 and is thermostable up to 50°C. The UV‐visible and fluorescence studies showed significant changes in the conformation upon the formation of the SBPC‐papain complex. Furthermore, fluorescence spectroscopy, ANS binding, and caseinolytic activity assay were conducted out to explore the effect of metal ions on SBPC which showed that there was a loss in the inhibitory activity along with conformational changes of SBPC upon complex formation with Cd+2 and Ni+2.  相似文献   

In 1978, 66% of the individuals of Saguinus mystax and 9.5% of Saguinus fuscicollis were cropped from a population at the Yarapa river, Peru. The effects of cropping on the remaining tamarin population were evaluated by conducting censuses in 1981 and 1982 and by trapping and release of Saguinus mystax in 1981. Three hundred kilometers of trail were covered in the censuses, and all the groups within the 1.9-km2 study area were located. Within three years after cropping, the population of S. mystax had increased by 124%, more than double the size left in 1978. Increased reproductive rate, early breeding, and reduced infant mortality contributed to the recovery. On the other hand, S. fuscicollis had decreased by 12% in the three years following the cropping but had increased in the fourth year to a level slightly below the precropping density. The cropping of more S. mystax than S. fuscicollis might have contributed to the decline of the latter. The cropping of a sizable percentage of S. mystax from a natural population does not seem to impair its recuperative powers. It may take longer than four years for a population exhibiting high density, such as that at the Yarapa site, to recover completely.  相似文献   

Huang J  Lipscomb WN 《Biochemistry》2004,43(21):6415-6421
Structures of the R-state of Escherichia coli ATCase maintained with carbamyl phosphate and succinate, phosphonoacetamide and malonate, or N-phosphonacetyl-l-aspartate (PALA) have previously been made in the space group P321, in which the two independent r (regulatory) and two independent c (catalytic) chains are repeated by crystallographic symmetry to yield the holoenzyme c(6)r(6), ((c(3))(2)(r(2))(3)). The exploration of a new crystalline R-state P2(1)2(1)2(1) was undertaken to examine the c(3).c(3) expansion of 11 A in the T-to-R transition, and to further test whether intermolecular contacts influence the binding of PALA. The results show that the expansion along the 3-fold axis is 10 A, and that the binding modes of the six crystallographic independent PALA molecules are virtually identical to one another, and to modes described previously. As further test, the PALA, a bisubstrate analogue, was displaced by citrate and phosphate, where citrate is an analogue of product carbamylaspartate. The results support the conclusions about the binding of the three previously studied analogues, and further support, within about 0.5 A, the structure proposed for the transition state [Gouaux, J. E., Krause, K. L., and Lipscomb, W. N. (1987) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 142, 893-897; Jin, L., Stec, B., Lipscomb, W. N., and Kantrowitz, E. R. (1999) Proteins: Struct., Funct., Genet. 37, 729-742].  相似文献   

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