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大肠杆菌分解代谢产物阻遏效应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
马婉晴  章珍  刘悦琳  王华忠 《遗传》2010,32(6):571-576
细菌在多种碳源共存的环境中优先利用一种(通常是葡萄糖)的现象被称为分解代谢产物阻遏效应。国内现有分子生物学及相关课程教材普遍对该效应的机理解释不清甚至给出错误的解释。大肠杆菌葡萄糖-乳糖分解代谢产物阻遏效应产生的根本原因不是胞内葡萄糖的存在, 而是葡萄糖经PTS(Phosphoenolpyruvate: carbohydrate phosphotransferase system)系统向胞内运输同时藕联磷酸化的过程。磷酸向葡萄糖的传递导致PTS关键组分EⅡAGlc去磷酸化形式的积累。该形式的EⅡAGlc可以与质膜上本底表达的乳糖透性酶LacY结合, 阻止诱导物乳糖的吸收。cAMP的影响也是通过激活参与PTS系统的关键基因而加强了诱导物排斥作用。此外, 去磷酸化形式的EⅡBGlc和YeeⅠ对全局性转录阻遏蛋白Mlc活性的抑制也保证了PTS系统关键组分蛋白的基因表达。文章综述了近年来有关大肠杆菌分解代谢产物阻遏效应机理的最新研究进展, 并对相关教材有关这一内容的阐述提出了修改建议。  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP as an antagonist of catabolite repression in Escherichia coli   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

Catabolite repression is not involved in the regulation of catalase gene expression. The presence of glucose in minimal salts media and LB medium did not affect the basal levels of catalase but did enhance catalase synthesis following induction with either hydrogen peroxide or ascorbate. The cofactor for catabolite gene activator protein, cAMP, did not affect either the basal levels or the rate or extent of catalase synthesis. Catalase synthesis occurred normally in an adenylate cyclase mutant where β-galactosidase, a catabolite-sensitive enzyme was not synthesized.  相似文献   

Acetohydroxy acid synthetase, which is sensitive to catabolite repression in wild-type Escherichia coli B, was relatively resistant to this control in a streptomycin-dependent mutant. The streptomycin-dependent mutant was found to be inducible for beta-galactosidase in the presence of glucose, although repression of beta-galactosidase by glucose occurred under experimental conditions where growth of the streptomycin-dependent mutant was limited. Additional glucose-sensitive enzymes of wild-type E. coli B (citrate synthase, fumarase, aconitase and isocitrate dehydrogenase) were found to be insensitive to the carbon source in streptomycin-dependent mutants: these enzymes were formed by streptomycin-dependent E. coli B in equivalent quantities when either glucose or glycerol was the carbon source. Two enzymes, glucokinase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, that are glucose-insensitive in wild-type E. coli B were formed in equivalent quantity on glucose or glycerol in both streptomycin-sensitive and streptomycin-dependent E. coli B. The results indicate a general decrease or relaxation of catabolite repression in the streptomycin-dependent mutant. The yield of streptomycin-dependent cells from glucose was one-third less than that of the streptomycin-sensitive strain. We conclude that the decreased efficiency of glucose utilization in streptomycin-dependent E. coli B is responsible for the relaxation of catabolite repression in this mutant.  相似文献   

The formation of glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) in cells growing on TB causes catabolite repression, as shown by the reduction in malT expression. For this repression to occur, the general proteins of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS), in particular EIIA(Glc), as well as the adenylate cyclase and the cyclic AMP-catabolite activator protein system, have to be present. We followed the level of EIIA(Glc) phosphorylation after the addition of glycerol or G3P. In contrast to glucose, which causes a dramatic shift to the dephosphorylated form, glycerol or G3P only slightly increased the amount of dephosphorylated EIIA(Glc). Isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside-induced overexpression of EIIA(Glc) did not prevent repression by G3P, excluding the possibility that G3P-mediated catabolite repression is due to the formation of unphosphorylated EIIA(Glc). A mutant carrying a C-terminally truncated adenylate cyclase was no longer subject to G3P-mediated repression. We conclude that the stimulation of adenylate cyclase by phosphorylated EIIA(Glc) is controlled by G3P and other phosphorylated sugars such as D-glucose-6-phosphate and is the basis for catabolite repression by non-PTS compounds. Further metabolism of these compounds is not necessary for repression. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to obtain an overview of proteins that are subject to catabolite repression by glycerol. Some of the prominently repressed proteins were identified by peptide mass fingerprinting. Among these were periplasmic binding proteins (glutamine and oligopeptide binding protein, for example), enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, aldehyde dehydrogenase, Dps (a stress-induced DNA binding protein), and D-tagatose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase.  相似文献   

Park JM  Vinuselvi P  Lee SK 《Gene》2012,504(1):116-121
Carbon catabolite repression (CCR) is a well-known phenomenon that involves the preferential utilization of glucose as a carbon source. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and the cAMP receptor protein (CRP) mediate CCR. Recently, a second CCR hierarchy that leads to the preferential consumption of arabinose over xylose, mediated by arabinose-bound AraC, has been identified. In this study, we report yet another CCR hierarchy that causes the preferential utilization of sugars (arabinose, galactose, glucose, mannose, and xylose) over a short-chain fatty acid (propionate). Expression of the propionate catabolic (prpBCDE) genes is down-regulated in the presence of these sugars. Sugar-mediated repression of the propionate catabolic genes is independent of sugar-specific regulators such as AraC and dependent on global regulators of sugar transport such as the cAMP-CRP complex and the Phosphotransferase System (PTS). Inhibition of the prpBCDE promoter is encountered during rapid sugar uptake and metabolism. This unique regulatory crosstalk between sugar metabolism and fatty acid metabolism may help provide new insights into CRP-dependent catabolite repression acting in conjunction with non-carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

A widely accepted model for catabolite repression posits that phospho-IIAGlc of the bacterial phosphotransferase system activates adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity. For many years, attempts to observe such regulatory properties of AC in vitro have been unsuccessful. To further study the regulation, AC was produced fused to the transmembrane segments of the serine chemoreceptor Tsr. Cells harboring Tsr-AC and normal AC, expressed from the cya promoter on a low copy number vector, exhibit similar behavior with respect to elevation of cAMP levels resulting from deletion of crp, expressing the catabolite regulatory protein. Membrane-bound Tsr-AC exhibits activity comparable with the native form of AC. Tsr-AC binds IIAGlc specifically, regardless of its phosphorylation state, but not the two general phosphotransferase system proteins, enzyme I and HPr; IIAGlc binding is localized to the C-terminal region of AC. Binding to membranes of either dephospho- or phospho-IIAGlc has no effect on AC activity. However, in the presence of an Escherichia coli extract, P-IIAGlc, but not IIAGlc, stimulates AC activity. Based on these findings of a direct interaction of IIAGlc with AC, but activity regulation only in the presence of E. coli extract, a revised model for AC activity regulation is proposed.  相似文献   

A dynamic mathematical model was developed to describe the uptake of various carbohydrates (glucose, lactose, glycerol, sucrose, and galactose) in Escherichia coli. For validation a number of isogenic strains with defined mutations were used. By considering metabolic reactions as well as signal transduction processes influencing the relevant pathways, we were able to describe quantitatively the phenomenon of catabolite repression in E. coli. We verified model predictions by measuring time courses of several extra- and intracellular components such as glycolytic intermediates, EII-ACrr phosphorylation level, both LacZ and PtsG concentrations, and total cAMP concentrations under various growth conditions. The entire data base consists of 18 experiments performed with nine different strains. The model describes the expression of 17 key enzymes, 38 enzymatic reactions, and the dynamic behavior of more than 50 metabolites. The different phenomena affecting the phosphorylation level of EIIACrr, the key regulation molecule for inducer exclusion and catabolite repression in enteric bacteria, can now be explained quantitatively.  相似文献   

Altered end-product patterns and catabolite repression in Escherichia coli   总被引:20,自引:14,他引:6  
Dobrogosz, Walter J. (North Carolina State University, Raleigh). Altered end-product patterns and catabolite repression in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 91:2263-2269. 1966.-End products formed during growth of Escherichia coli ML30 on glucose were examined under various conditions known to promote or prevent catabolite repression of the inducible beta-galactosidase system in this organism. Cultures were grown under these conditions in the presence of C(14)-glucose or C(14)-pyruvate. The products formed were assayed isotopically after separation on columns of silicic acid. Under conditions known to promote catabolite repression, glucose was degraded primarily to acetate and CO(2). When repression was turned off by anaerobic shock, glucose metabolism was characterized by the accumulation of ethyl alcohol in addition to acetate and CO(2). The results presented in this report indicate that oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate may markedly affect the amount of energy that can be derived from glucose catabolism. In turn, the amount of energy derived from catabolic processes may play a key role in the mechanism of catabolite repression.  相似文献   

1. Acute transient catabolite repression of beta-galactosidase synthesis, observed when glucose is added to glycerol-grown cells of Escherichia coli (Moses & Prevost, 1966), requires the presence of a functional operator gene (o) in the lactose operon. Total deletion of the operator gene abolished acute transient repression, even in the presence of a functional regulator gene (i). 2. Regulator constitutives (i(-)) also show transient repression provided that the operator gene is functional. Regulator deletion mutants (i(del)), with which to test specifically the role of the i gene, have not so far been available. 3. The above mutants, showing various changes in the lactose operon, show no alteration in the effect of glucose on induced tryptophanase synthesis. Glucose metabolism, as measured in terms of the release of (14)CO(2) from [1-(14)C]glucose and [6-(14)C]glucose, also showed no differences between strains exhibiting or not exhibiting transient repression. This suggests no change in the operation of the pentose phosphate cycle, a metabolic activity known to be of paramount importance for glucose repression of beta-galactosidase synthesis (Prevost & Moses, 1967). 4. Chronic permanent repression by glucose of beta-galactosidase synthesis (less severe in degree than acute transient repression) persists in strains in which transient repression has been genetically abolished. Constitutive alkaline-phosphatase synthesis, which shows no transient repression, also demonstrates chronic permanent repression by glucose. 5. Chloramphenicol repression also persists in mutants with no transient repression, and also affects alkaline phosphatase. It is suggested that chronic permanent repression and chloramphenicol repression are non-specific, and that they do not influence beta-galactosidase synthesis via the regulatory system of the lactose operon.  相似文献   

Loomis, William F., Jr. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.), and Boris Magasanik. Nature of the effector of catabolite repression of beta-galactosidase in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 92:170-177. 1966.-Many carbon sources were found to give rise to catabolite repression of beta-galactosidase in a mutant strain of Escherichia coli lacking hexose phosphate isomerase activity. Compounds containing glucose or galactose cannot be formed from several of these carbon sources in this mutant strain, and, therefore, appear not to be required for catabolite repression of beta-galactosidase. Glucose was observed to elicit catabolite repression of beta-galactosidase in another mutant strain under conditions in which the formation of compounds of the citric acid cycle is inhibited. If catabolite repression of the lac operon is mediated by a single compound, it appears that the compound is related to the pentoses and trioses of intermediary metabolism. The repression of beta-galactosidase by galactose in galactokinase negative strains was shown to be independent of the gene, CR, which determines catabolite sensitivity of the lac operon, and to be dependent on a functional i gene.  相似文献   

A decreased intracellular concentration of cAMP is insufficient to account for catabolite repression in Escherichia coli. We show that glucose lowers the amount of cAMP receptor protein (CRP) in cells. A correlation exists between CRP and β-galactosidase levels in cells growing under various conditions. Exogenous cAMP completely eliminates catabolite repression in CRP-overproducing cells, while it does not fully reverse the effect of glucose on β-galactosidase expression in wild-type cells. When the CRP concentration is reduced by manipulating the crp gene, β-galactosidase expression decreases in proportion to the concentration of CRP. These findings indicate that the lowered concentration of CRP caused by glucose is one of the major factors for catabolite repression. We propose that glucose causes catabolite repression by lowering the intracellular levels of both CRP and cAMP.  相似文献   

Acetylated amino sugars, normally used in the biosynthesis of cell walls and cell membranes, were found to play a role as corepressors for catabolite repression of the lac operon in Escherichia coli. This conclusion was derived from studies conducted on mutants of E. coli that were able to assimilate an exogenous source of N-acetylglucosamine (AcGN) but were unable to dissimilate or grow on this compound. At concentrations less than 10(-4)m, AcGN caused severe catabolite repression of beta-galactosidase synthesis in cultures grown under either nonrepressed or partially repressed conditions. This repression occurred in the absence of any effect of AcGN on either the carbon and energy metabolism or the growth of the organism. In addition, this repression by AcGN occurred in a mutant strain that is constitutive for beta-galactosidase production, demonstrating that the AcGN effect does not involve the uptake of inducer. This model for the corepressor system of catabolite repression is discussed in relation to the existing theories on repression of the lac operon.  相似文献   

Sucrose utilization in Staphylococcus xylosus is dependent on two genes, scrA and scrB; encoding a PTS permease and a sucrose phosphate hydrolase, respectively. The genes are encoded on separate loci and are transcribed from two promoters, P(scrA) and P(scrB), both of which are controlled by the repressor ScrR by binding to the operator sequences O(A) and O(B). In the scrA promoter region, a catabolite-responsive element (cre), operator for the global catabolite control protein CcpA, is also present, but its contribution to scrA regulation has not been determined. Using an integrative promoter probe plasmid, the activities of the promoters P(scrA) and P(scrB) were determined under different growth conditions. Both promoters are induced by sucrose and induction is prevented when glucose is also present. Without a functional CcpA, glucose-mediated prevention of induction is lost, clearly demonstrating that CcpA ensures hierarchical sugar utilization with glucose as preferred substrate. Measurements of promoter activities in the absence of a functional ScrR repressor indicated that CcpA also acts upon the operators O(A) and O(B), albeit not as efficiently as on the genuine cre in P(srcA). Besides determining the choice of the carbon source, CcpA has a second effect on sucrose gene expression. When sucrose is the sole carbon source, sucrose catabolism activates carbon catabolite repression and CcpA prevents full induction of the sucrose utilization genes by partially repressing the scrA promoter. Thus, CcpA-dependent regulation serves as a built-in autoregulatory device to restrict sucrose uptake.  相似文献   

We have found that the cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor protein (CRP)-cAMP regulatory complex in Escherichia coli is subject to osmoregulation at the level of crp gene expression. This osmoregulation was lost in a cya mutant strain but could be restored by external addition of cAMP, suggesting that the intracellular level of cAMP is a key factor in the osmoregulation of CRP. The ability of the cell to maintain optimal CRP activity was essential for the growth and survival of the bacteria under low-osmolarity conditions as shown by studies with different crp mutant alleles. A suppressor mutant with a novel amino acid substitution (L124R) in CRP showed restored growth at low osmolarity. CRP(L124R) was not activated by cAMP and was shown to be dominant negative over the wild type. Our findings suggest that the fine-tuning of the CRP activity may be critical for bacterial viability and adaptability to changing osmotic conditions.  相似文献   

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