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The role of salt glands in avian osmoregulation has been widely studied. Acclimation to saline habitats in aquatic birds involves increases in the relative size and complexity of the salt glands, and it is generally agreed that salt gland size varies as a function of salt loading, and is broadly correlated with habitat salinity. We report here salt gland sizes in three age classes of American avocet Recurvirostra americana chicks. Mean relative (mg/g body mass) salt gland masses for newly hatched (<24 h old) avocet chicks collected at a wetland supplied with pumped fresh water was 0.48 mg salt gland/g body mass. This value is comparable to the low end of published values for some strictly marine birds and similar to values for adult American avocets collected at saline lakes. These results suggest that American avocets, which are frequently raised in saline environments, hatch with salt glands that are large enough to cope with the osmoregulatory demands of saline environments.  相似文献   

Identifying differences in reproductive success rates of closely related and sympatrically breeding species can be useful for understanding limitations to population growth. We simultaneously examined the reproductive ecology of American avocets Recurvirostra americana and black‐necked stilts Himantopus mexicanus using 1274 monitored nests and 240 radio‐marked chicks in San Francisco Bay, California. Although there were 1.8 times more avocet nests than stilt nests, stilts nonetheless fledged 3.3 times more chicks. Greater production by stilts than avocets was the result of greater chick survival from hatching to fledging (avocet: 6%; stilt: 40%), and not because of differences in clutch size (avocet: 3.84; stilt: 3.77), nest survival (avocet: 44%; stilt: 35%), or egg hatching success (avocet: 90%; stilt: 92%). We reviewed the literature and confirmed that nest survival and hatching success are generally similar when avocets and stilts breed sympatrically. In addition to species, chick survival was strongly influenced by age, site, and year. In particular, daily survival rates increased rapidly with chick age, with 70% of mortalities occurring ≤ 1 week after hatch. California gulls Larus californicus caused 55% of avocet, but only 15% of stilt, chick deaths. Differential use of micro‐habitats likely reduced stilt chick's vulnerability to gull predation, particularly during the first week after hatch, because stilts nested in vegetation 2.7 times more often than avocets and vegetation height was 65% taller at stilt nests compared with avocet nests. Our results demonstrate that two co‐occurring and closely related species with similar life history strategies can differ markedly in reproductive success, and simultaneous studies of such species can identify differences that limit productivity.  相似文献   

This paper reports patterns of similarity and overlap in species presence and patterns of linear distribution of intestinal helminths in 22 avocets from 4 populations. Avocets collected from ephemeral bodies of water in Alberta and Manitoba had communities composed largely of species that are avocet specialists plus some that are host generalists. The composition of helminth communities in these hosts was similar to that reported in earlier surveys of avocet helminths. There was little evidence for competition between helminth species in these communities. In contrast, avocets collected from permanent bodies of water in Alberta had communities composed largely of species that are specialists in various duck species, particularly lesser scaup. These helminths were superimposed on the normal community, fitting into linear gaps along the intestine but also overlapping the distributions of avocet specialists. These lesser scaup specialists exhibit interactive patterns amongst themselves and, to some extent, with avocet specialists. Helminth communities in avocets from ephemeral bodies of water have vacant niches and are largely isolationist in nature. Those in avocets from permanent bodies of water are saturated and are more interactive in nature.  相似文献   

Abstract In 1994, a 117-ha wetland was designed, constructed, and operated by the Tulare Lake Drainage District (TLDD), California, USA, to provide foraging and nesting habitat for American avocets (Recurvirostra americana) and black-necked stilts (Himantopus mexicanus). The wetland was operated seasonally in compliance with regulatory requirements to compensate for impacts to stilts, avocets, and other wildlife exposed to elevated selenium concentrations, fluctuating water levels resulting in nest flooding, and high nest-predation rates at the TLDD agricultural drainage evaporation basins. Water supply for the wetland was from low-selenium (typically <2 μg/L) saline agricultural drainage water, although the facility also had capability to blend and use freshwater and saline supplies. Coincident with wetland construction, 2 evaporation basins totaling 1,174 ha were physically modified and operated to discourage their use by shorebirds. In the first year of wetland operation (1995), American avocet and black-necked stilt nest construction at the wetland was 17.6 nests/ha. This compares to a preproject (1994) combined density of 1.9 nests/ha at the evaporation basins. From 1995 through 2004, annual nesting attempts by American avocets and black-necked stilts at the wetland averaged 2,896 per year (24.8 nests/ha). American avocets and black-necked stilts represented 91% of the nests observed at the wetland. Over the 10-year monitoring period, nest success at the wetland averaged 82% for American avocets and 75% for black-necked stilts. We estimated nest predation rates at the constructed wetland to be <1%. During the same period, American avocet and black-necked stilt nesting at the evaporation basins declined from 2,266 in 1994 to 9 in 2004. The constructed wetland has proven to be effective in attracting and providing suitable nesting habitat for large numbers of avocets and stilts. Results of this long-term study confirm the validity of management recommendations for American avocets and black-necked stilts and suggest that agricultural drainage can be successfully managed to provide highly productive managed wetlands.  相似文献   

Marine birds can drink seawater because their cephalic 'salt' glands secrete a sodium chloride (NaCl) solution more concentrated than seawater. Salt gland secretion generates osmotically free water that sustains their other physiological processes. Acclimation to saline induces interstitial water and Na move into cells. When the bird drinks seawater, Na enters the plasma from the gut and plasma osmolality (Osm(pl)) increases. This induces water to move out cells expanding the extracellular fluid volume (ECFV). Both increases in Osm(pl) and ECFV stimulate salt gland secretion. The augmented intracellular fluid content should allow more rapid expansion of ECFV in response to elevated Osm(pl) and facilitate activation of salt gland secretion. To fully utilize the potential of the salt glands, intestinally absorbed NaCl must be reabsorbed by the kidneys. Thus, Na uptake at gut and renal levels may constrain extrarenal NaCl secretion. High NaCl intake elevates plasma aldosterone concentration of Pekin ducks and aldosterone stimulates intestinal and renal water and sodium uptake. High NaCl intake induces lengthening of the small intestine of adult Mallards, especially males. High NaCl intake has little effect on glomerular filtration rate or tubular sodium Na uptake of birds with competent salt glands. Relative to body mass, kidney mass and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) are greater in birds with salt glands than in birds that do not have them. Birds with salt glands do not change GFR, when they drink saline. Thus, their renal filtrate contains excess Na that is, in some species, almost completely renally reabsorbed and excreted in a more concentrated salt gland secretion. Na reabsorption by kidneys of other species, like mallards is less complete and their salt glands make less concentrated secretion. Such species may reflux urine into the hindgut, where additional Na may also be reabsorbed for extrarenal secretion. During exposure to saline, marine birds maintain elevated aldosterone levels despite high Na intake. Marine birds are excellent examples of physiological plasticity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether or not the nasal glands of the roadrunner and the Coturnix quail show cytological specializations for salt secretion. In addition, the Na-K ATPase content of the quail gland was determined before and after drinking of saline solutions, in an effort to evaluate the functional status of the gland. The ability to maintain weight while drinking salt water was also measured as a general index of tolerance to saline conditions. The ultrastructure of the nasal glands of the roadrunner injected with salt and of quail drinking 200 mM NaCl was similar to that of salt glands in reptiles and the fresh-water acclimated duck. Numerous lateral cell evaginations and abundant mitochondria were present in the principal cell types. There was a significant increase in quail nasal gland Na-K ATPase when young birds were offered only saline solutions to drink. The ability of Coturnix quail to maintain weight while drinking saline solutions improves with age and at adulthood is comparable to that of some North American desert quail. Roadrunners were previously known to possess functional salt glands whereas quail were not. However the characteristic fine structure and the high Na-KATPase content of the quail nasal gland suggest that it is a salt gland.  相似文献   

Feather mites (Arachnida: Acari: Astigmata) feed mainly on secretions of the uropygial gland of birds. Here, we use analyses corrected for phylogeny and body size to show that there is a positive correlation between the size of this gland and mite abundance in passerine birds at an interspecific level during the breeding season, suggesting that the gland mediates interactions between mites and birds. As predicted on the basis of hypothesized waterproofing and antibiotic functions of uropygial gland secretions, riparian/marsh bird species had larger glands and higher mite loads than birds living in less mesic terrestrial environments. An unexpected pattern was a steeper relationship between mite load and gland size in migratory birds than in residents. If moderate mite loads are beneficial to a host but high loads detrimental, this could create complex selection regimes in which gland size influences mite load and vice versa. Mites may exert selective pressures on gland size of their hosts that has resulted in smaller glands among migratory bird species, suggesting that smaller glands may have evolved in these birds to attenuate a possible detrimental effect of feather mites when present in large numbers.  相似文献   

This study was designed to further examine the role of plasma ANG II in the excretion of sodium in the Pekin duck, a bird with salt glands. Renal and extrarenal (salt gland) excretion of an intravenously administered isotonic saline load was monitored over a 4-h period in a group of eight birds under two conditions: the control condition, in which isotonic saline infusion decreased endogenous plasma ANG II from 102.6 to 16.5 pg/ml, and the experimental condition, in which ANG II suppression was prevented by intravenous infusion of a 3.5 ng. kg(-1). min(-1) dose of synthetic ANG II. ANG II infusion significantly decreased the total sodium excretion (by 15%), primarily via an inhibition of salt gland output. The results suggest that ANG II suppression facilitates the excretion of an administered sodium load in birds with salt glands.  相似文献   

Oecologia - Life in saline environments represents a major physiological challenge for birds, particularly for passerines that lack nasal salt glands and hence are forced to live in environments...  相似文献   

Unlike the NaCl-secreting salt glands of many birds and reptiles, the nasal salt glands of lizards can secrete potassium as well as sodium, with either chloride or bicarbonate as the accompanying anion. The factors responsible for initiating secretion by the gland and the rates of cation and anion secretion were studied in the desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalis. Lizards were given combinations of ions for several days, and secreted salt was collected daily and analyzed for sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate. Maximum total cation secretion rate was 4.4+/-0.38 micromol/g/d. Cation secretion ranged from 24% to 100% potassium; even high NaCl loads did not abolish potassium secretion. Maximum bicarbonate secretion was about 0.5 micromol/g/d; chloride was the predominant anion. Secretion rate increased only in response to those treatments that included potassium and/or chloride; sodium ions and other osmotic loads (e.g., sucrose) did not increase secretion. This is in contrast to birds and some other reptiles with salt glands, which initiate NaCl secretion in response to any osmotic load. The specificity of the response of the salt gland of Dipsosaurus may be related to the ecological importance of dietary potassium and chloride for herbivorous desert lizards.  相似文献   

In the present study the effects of adrenal corticoids, both natural and synthetic, namely cortisol and dexamethasone respectively, was observed on the thyroid gland cell morphology and proliferation in neonatal male chicks (Gallus domesticus). Cortisol was injected at a dose of 4 mg/100 g body weight and dexamethasone at a dose of 1 mg/100 g b.w. subcutaneously daily for fifteen consecutive days. The control birds were similarly injected with normal saline at a daily dose of 0.2 ml per bird for the same time period. The results indicated that both cortisol and dexamethasone caused a significant decrease in thyrofollicular cell height. On the contrary, a significant increase in the ratio of the follicular diameter to the number of nuclei per follicle i.e. D/N value was observed in both cortisol and dexamethasone treated chicks. It was also observed that both cortisol and dexamethasone induced suppression of mitotic activity, as evidenced from a significant decrease in mitotic percentage compared with the control chicks. The present authors' studies thus indicate that adrenal corticoids act as inhibitory modulators of thyroid follicular activity as regards karyomorphology and cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Parasites are globally widespread pathogenic organisms, which impose important selective forces upon their hosts. Thus, in accordance with the Adjustment to parasite pressure hypothesis, it is expected that defenses among hosts vary relative to the selective pressure imposed by parasites. According to the latitudinal gradient in diversity, species richness and abundance of parasites peak near the equator. The uropygial gland is an important defensive exocrine gland against pathogens in birds. Size of the uropygial gland has been proposed to vary among species of birds because of divergent selection by pathogens on their hosts. Therefore, we should expect that bird species from the tropics should have relatively larger uropygial glands for their body size than species from higher latitudes. However, this hypothesis has not yet been explored. Here, we analyze the size of the uropygial gland of 1719 individual birds belonging to 36 bird species from 3 Neotropical (Peru) and 3 temperate areas (Spain). Relative uropygial gland volume was 12.52% larger in bird species from the tropics than from temperate areas. This finding is consistent with the relative size of this defensive organ being driven by selective pressures imposed by parasites. We also explored the potential role of this gland as a means of avoiding haemosporidian infection, showing that species with large uropygial glands for their body size tend to have lower mean prevalence of haemosporidian infection, regardless of their geographical origin. This result provides additional support for the assumption that secretions from the uropygial gland reduce the likelihood of becoming infected with haemosporidians.  相似文献   

In birds, egg size affects chick growth and survival and it is an important component of reproductive success. The shiny cowbird Molothrus bonariensis is an extreme generalist brood parasite that uses hosts with a wide range of body masses. Survival of cowbird chicks decreases with host body mass, as competition for food with nestmates is more intense in large than in small hosts. We studied variation in shiny cowbird egg size and chick growth in two hosts that differ markedly in body size: the chalk‐browed mockingbird Mimus saturninus (70–75 g), and the house wren Troglodytes aedon (12–13 g). We analyzed: 1) if females parasitizing mockingbirds lay larger eggs than those parasitizing wrens, and 2) the association between egg size and chick growth. We experimentally controlled for time of parasitism and number of host chicks and evaluated growth rate of male and female parasite chicks. Shiny cowbirds parasitizing mockingbird nests laid larger eggs than those parasitizing wren nests. Chick body mass after hatching was positively associated with egg size until chicks were five days of age, but there was no association between egg size and growth rate, or asymptotic mass. There were no sexual differences in egg size or body mass at the time of hatching, but growth rate was higher in males than in females leading to sexual dimorphism in asymptotic mass. Differences in egg size between hosts and the effect of egg size on body mass after hatching support the hypothesis that different females are specialized in the use of hosts that differ in body mass.  相似文献   

Halophytes complete their life cycles in saline environments. The recretohalophyte Limonium bicolor has evolved a specialized salt secretory structure,the salt gland, which excretes Na+to avoid salt damage. Typical L. bicolor salt glands consist of 16 cells with four fluorescent foci and four secretory pores. Here, we describe a special type of salt gland at the base of the L. bicolor leaf petiole named bracelet salt glands due to their beaded-bracelet-like shape of blue auto-fluoresc...  相似文献   

Birds should store body reserves if starvation risk is anticipated; this is known as an ‘interrupted foraging response’. If foraging remains unrestricted, however, body mass should remain low to limit the predation risk that gaining and carrying body reserves entails. In temperate environments mass gain in female birds during breeding is often attributed to egg formation and mass loss after incubation to flight adaptation or the effect of reproductive workload, rather than as a result of an adaptive interrupted foraging response to the limited foraging time or unpredictable foraging conditions that breeding demands. In tropical environments, foraging conditions vary more within the breeding season than in temperate environments, and so studies in tropical environments are more suited to decouple the potentially confounded effects of increase in body reserves versus egg formation on the body mass of breeding birds. In this study, we test whether breeding results in an interrupted foraging response in a tropical savannah system using body mass data collected over a 15‐year period from female common bulbuls Pycnonotus barbatus. This species breeds both in the wet and dry season, despite fewer resources being available in the dry season. Breeding stage predicted female body mass: body mass peaked abruptly during incubation, but was not closely associated with the egg‐laying stage, and declined during brood rearing. Breeding females were heavier in the dry season than in the wet season. In the dry season, heavier birds were more likely to incubate eggs or brood chicks. These observations suggest that increased body reserves are required to buffer the consequence of limited foraging time or impoverished foraging conditions, which may be most pronounced during incubation and in the dry season, respectively. Such mass increases are consistent with an interrupted foraging response, which may apply to temperate zone birds experiencing foraging restrictions during breeding.  相似文献   


When rearing chicks, Leach’s storm-petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) commute between foraging areas and breeding colonies with heavy food loads. At this time they should maximize the size of energy-supplying organs in response to increased energy expenditure but minimize total body mass to decrease the energetic cost of flight. Nineteen storm-petrels were killed to examine the changes in body composition and the masses of energy-supplying organs in birds that were incubating and rearing chicks. Parents lost a mean of 7.95 g in body mass between the stages of incubation and chick-rearing mainly via a loss of skin including subcutaneous adipose tissue, and a small fraction of heart and digestive organs, which are considered energy-supplying organs. This mass loss actually enables them to decrease flight cost by 14.4%. The benefits of decreasing flight costs by reducing total body mass are greater than if the energy-supplying organs of birds are enlarged only.


Environmental heterogeneity during embryonic development generates an important source of variation in offspring phenotypes and can influence the evolution of life histories. The effects of incubation temperature on offspring phenotypes in reptiles has been well documented but remains relatively unexplored in birds as their embryos typically develop over a narrow range of temperatures. Megapode birds (Order Galliformes; Family Megapodiidae) are unique in that their embryos tolerate and develop over a wide range of incubation temperatures, yet little is known of the effect that temperature has on hatchling morphology and composition. Australian Brush-turkey eggs collected on the day of laying were incubated in the laboratory under constant temperatures of 32, 34 and 36°C until hatching in order to determine the influence of temperature on hatchling mass, size and composition. The dry mass of the yolk-free body and residual yolk of hatchlings were temperature dependent, such that higher temperatures produced chicks of lesser yolk-free body mass and greater residual yolk mass than chicks incubated at lower temperatures. However the overall size (linear dimensions) and lipid, protein and ash content of chicks were independent of temperature.  相似文献   

1. Forty-eight species of oribatids in 37 families representing most of the superfamilies were collected from various environments (littoral, salt marsh, litter, sod, and freshwater) and sectioned. 2. The coxal gland is composed of a sacculus and a labyrinth in all stages of all oribatid species. Muscles, originating on the body wall, insert at several points on the thin-walled sacculus which opens into the labyrinth. The labyrinth has an internal, chitinous supporting skeleton. The type A labyrinth has 3–180° bends, producing four parallel regions, and occurs in all inferior oribatids. The type B labyrinth has 1–180° bend, producing two parallel regions, and occurs in all superior oribatids. The coxal gland duct and the lateral gland duct join, penetrate the body wall, and empty into the posterior end of the podocephalic canal. All oribatids have lateral accessory glands, but only inferior oribatids have rostral and medial glands. Three ductless coxendral bodies are always present. 3. The labyrinth length in oribatids is correlated with body size and the environment of the species. Oribatids from sod, leaflitter, or moss show a simple correlation of labyrinth length (X) to total body length (Y) where Y = 4.64X. Freshwater species have a labyrinth length greater than that of comparably sized terrestrial species and salt water (littoral) species have a labyrinth length less than that of comparably sized terrestrial species. There is a greater reduction in labyrinth length in species restricted to salt marshes than in species not restricted to salt marshes. 4. The probable function of oribatid coxal glands is osmoregulation. Hemolymph filtration would occur across the sacculus by positive hemolymph pressure and contraction of the sacculus muscles. Resorption of ions would occur in the labyrinth, which is noncollapsible due to the internal skeleton. The hypothesis is that in freshwater species the rate of filtration is high and resorption of ions would have to be very efficient, therefore they have an elongated labyrinth; but in salt water species water loss must be minimized and preservation of ions would be a disadvantage, therefore they have a shortened labyrinth. Excre ion may also be a function of the coxal glands. The lateral gland may possibly function as an endocrine gland involved with production of a molting hormone. The rostral glands in inferior oribatids may have a salivary function. 5. The coxal glands of Peripatus, some millipedes, apterygote insects, decapod crustaceans, and all arachnid orders are homologous. The Tetrastigmata, Notostigmata, Cryptostigmata, and soft ticks have typical arachnid coxal glands. The coxal glands of higher Prostigmata may be modified into salivary, silk, or venom glands. The coxal glands in Mesostigmata, Astigmata, and hard ticks are lacking or highly modified.  相似文献   

Birds have high metabolic rates, body temperatures, and plasma glucose concentrations yet physiologically age at a rate slower than comparably sized mammals. These studies were designed to test the hypothesis that the antioxidant uric acid protects birds against oxidative stress. Mixed sex broiler chicks (3 wk old) were fed diets supplemented or not with purines (0.6 mol hypoxanthine or inosine). Study 1 consisted of 18 female Cobb x Cobb broilers that were fed purines for 7 days, whereas study 2 consisted of 12 males in a 21-day trial. Study 3 involved 30 mixed sex broilers that were fed 40 or 50 mg allopurinol/kg body mass (BM) for 21 days, a drug that lowers plasma uric acid (PUA). PUA and leukocyte oxidative activity (LOA) were determined weekly for all studies. For study 2, pectoralis major shear force, relative kidney and liver sizes (RKS and RLS), and plasma glucose concentrations were also determined. In study 1, PUA concentration was increased three- and twofold (P < 0.001) in birds fed inosine or hypoxanthine, respectively, compared with control birds. LOA of birds supplemented with inosine was lower (P < 0.05) than that of control or hypoxanthine birds. In study 2, PUA concentrations were increased fivefold (P < 0.001) in birds fed inosine and twofold (P < 0.001) in birds fed hypoxanthine compared with control birds at day 21. RKS (g/kg BM) was greater (P < 0.001) for chicks fed purine diets compared with control chicks. Muscle shear value was lower (P < 0.05) in chicks fed purine diets. PUA concentration was decreased (P < 0.001) in birds consuming allopurinol diets, whereas LOA was increased (P < 0.01) in study 3. These studies show that PUA concentrations can be related to oxidative stress in birds, which can be linked to tissue aging.  相似文献   

Single comb White Leghorn cockerels received LH-RH in varying dosages at different time periods. The uptake of 32P by the testes was the end-point of the assay. Dosages as low as 0.06 μg were effective but at least 30 minutes were required for a significant response. Differences in32P uptakes were observed between 2-day and 8-day-old birds. The younger chicks had greater percentage increases over their controls than did the older chicks and the latter reached their peak response 40 minutes later. Assay of anterior pituitary glands demonstrated that 90 minutes after LH-RH treatment there was less gonadotropin present than in control glands but 150 minutes after injection anterior pituitary gland content was greater than that of the control glands.  相似文献   

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