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Gene activation and DNA binding by Drosophila Ubx and abd-A proteins   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
M L Samson  L Jackson-Grusby  R Brent 《Cell》1989,57(6):1045-1052
The Ubx and abd-A gene products are required for proper development of thoracic and abdominal structures in Drosophila. We expressed LexA-Ubx and LexA-abdA fusion proteins in yeast. These proteins activated expression of target genes that carried either upstream LexA operators or upstream Ubx binding sites. Both proteins contain homeodomains. Experiments with mutant fusion proteins show that the homeodomain is not required for the proteins to form dimers or enter the nucleus, and that, when DNA binding is provided by the LexA moiety, the homeodomain is not required for gene activation. Our results suggest that the homeodomain is necessary for these proteins to bind Ubx sites, but that the homeodomain does not contact DNA exactly like bacterial helix-turn-helix proteins. Finally, our data suggest that gene activation by these proteins is a simple consequence of their binding to DNA, while negative gene regulation requires that these proteins act together with other Drosophila gene products.  相似文献   

As an intermediate step in the development of a defined quantitative model of pattern formation during Drosophila segmentation, we present here a model capable of predicting the experimentally determined levels of gene activity and their phenotypic consequences. In its present form, the model includes only four genes: the three genes of the bithorax complex (Ubx, abd-A and Abd-B) and Antennapedia. It is shown that the model is quite robust, predicting many properties in the behavior of these genes. A previously undescribed property is that all of these genes should phenotypically exhibit some kind of haploinsufficiency when present in only a single dose in the genetic background of the animal. This is shown both by the model and by a new method of quantitatively analyzing the differences in the more obvious cuticular features of the larvae, i.e., the patterns in the ventral denticle belts. The model is also capable of dealing with a complicated genetic situation, a hybrid gene of Ubx and abd-A produced by the C1 deletion.  相似文献   

Expression and regulation of the abd-A gene of Drosophila   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

We have studied embryogenesis of the two-spotted cricket Gryllus bimaculatus as an example of a hemimetabolous, intermediate germ insect, which is a phylogenetically basal insect and may retain primitive features. We observed expression patterns of the orthologs of the Drosophila homeotic genes, Sex combs reduced (Scr), Antennapedia (Antp), Ultrabithorax (Ubx) and abdominal-A (abd-A) during embryogenesis and compared the expression patterns of these genes with the more basal thysanuran insect, Thermobia domestica (the firebrat), and the derived higher dipteran insect, Drosophila melanogaster. Although Scr is expressed commonly in the presumptive posterior maxillary and labial segment in all three insects, the thoracic expression domains vary. Antp is expressed similarly in the three thoracic segments, the limbs, and the anterior abdominal region among these three insects. The early Antp expression in the firebrat and cricket obeys a segmental register in all three thoracic segments, while in Drosophila its initial expression appears in parasegments 4 and 6. Ubx is expressed in the metathoracic (T3) and abdominal segments similarly in the three insects, whereas the expression pattern in the T3 leg differs among them. abd-A is expressed in the posterior compartment of the first abdominal segment and the remaining abdominal segments in all three insects, although its posterior border varies among them.  相似文献   

S Qian  M Capovilla    V Pirrotta 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(6):1415-1425
The Drosophila homeotic gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) is regulated by complex mechanisms that specify the spatial domain, the timing and the activity of the gene in individual tissues and in individual cells. In early embryonic development, Ubx expression is controlled by segmentation genes turned on earlier in the developmental hierarchy. Correct Ubx expression depends on multiple regulatory sequences located outside the basal promoter. Here we report that a 500 bp DNA fragment from the bx region of the Ubx unit, approximately 30 kb away from the promoter, contains one of the distant regulatory elements (bx region enhancer, BRE). During early embryogenesis, this enhancer element activates the Ubx promoter in parasegments (PS) 6, 8, 10, and 12 and represses it in the anterior half of the embryo. The repressor of the anterior Ubx expression is the gap gene hunchback (hb). We show that the hb protein binds to the BRE element and that such binding is essential for hb repression in vivo, hb protein also binds to DNA fragments from abx and bxd, two other regulatory regions of the Ubx gene. We conclude that hb represses Ubx expression directly by binding to BRE and probably other Ubx regulatory elements. In addition, the BRE pattern requires input from other segmentation genes, among them tailless and fushi tarazu but not Krüppel and knirps.  相似文献   

Three different segments of the zeste coding sequence were inserted in an expression vector and antibodies were raised against the resulting zeste-beta galactosidase hybrid proteins. The antibodies were used to analyse the zeste protein produced in bacteria from a different expression vector containing the entire zeste coding region. The major products made in bacteria as well as the products of in vitro translation of zeste RNA migrate anomalously upon SDS--acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Specific DNA fragments from the white and Ubx gene co-immunoprecipitate with zeste protein. At least two independent zeste binding sites are found in a 250-bp interval of the white regulatory region that contains also the sites of wsp mutations, which are known to be deficient in zeste interaction.  相似文献   

Bolkan BJ  Booker R  Goldberg ML  Barbash DA 《Genetics》2007,177(4):2233-2241
Matings between D. melanogaster females and males of sibling species in the D. melanogaster complex yield hybrid males that die prior to pupal differentiation. We have reexamined a previous report suggesting that the developmental defects in these lethal hybrid males reflect a failure in cell proliferation that may be the consequence of problems in mitotic chromosome condensation. We also observed a failure in cell proliferation, but find in contrast that the frequencies of mitotic figures and of nuclei staining for the mitotic marker phosphohistone H3 in the brains of hybrid male larvae are extremely low. We also found that very few of these brain cells in male hybrids are in S phase, as determined by BrdU incorporation. These data suggest that cells in hybrid males are arrested in either the G(1) or G(2) phases of the cell cycle. The cells in hybrid male brains appear to be particularly sensitive to environmental stress; our results indicate that certain in vitro incubation conditions induce widespread cellular necrosis in these brains, causing an abnormal nuclear morphology noted by previous investigators. We also document that hybrid larvae develop very slowly, particularly during the second larval instar. Finally, we found that the frequency of mitotic figures in hybrid male larvae mutant for Hybrid male rescue (Hmr) is increased relative to lethal hybrid males, although not to wild-type levels, and that chromosome morphology in Hmr(-) hybrid males is also not completely normal.  相似文献   

Developmental analysis of Drosophila position-specific antigens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distributions of three position-specific (PS) antigens have been examined in different Drosophila tissues and at various developmental times, using both immunofluorescence and affinity purification procedures. In the imaginal discs the PS antigens show nonuniform and nonhomologous distributions, and the expression of the antigens in a particular disc region can vary during development. In general, PS antigen expression appears to correlate with morphogenetic events in the disc epithelia, suggesting that the antigens are involved in cell-cell recognition and/or adhesion processes. PS antigens are also found in many other tissues, and in embryos as early as the cellular blastoderm stage. Affinity-purified PS antigens from different tissues or stages appear to be similar, as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results are discussed in relation to Drosophila developmental events, with particular regard to the dorsoventral cell lineage restriction in the wing disc.  相似文献   

Summary The gastrulation defective (gd) locus is a maternally expressed gene in Drosophila required for normal differentiation of structures along the embryonic dorso-ventral axis. Cuticular defects of the offspring from females with different combinations of gd alleles comprised a phenotypic continuum. Complementation among several alleles produced normal offspring while progressively more severe mutations produced a graded loss of structures from ventral, and then lateral, blastoderm cells. The most severely affected embryos consisted entirely of structures derived from dorsal blastoderm cells. Histological examination of staged siblings from selected allelic combinations showed that internal tissues were similarly affected. The tissues observed in amorphic embryos support new, more dorsal, assignments of fate map positions for blastoderm precursors of the cephalopharyngeal apparatus, hindgut and ventral nerve cord. The loss of ventral and lateral structures did not occur through cell death and appeared to involve a change in blastoderm cell fate. A direct effect of the mutations on blastoderm cell determination, however, was insufficient to explain the development of the dorsalized embryos. Intermediate phenotypes suggested that cell interactions or movements associated with morphogenesis are required for the determination of some cell fates in the dorsoventral axis. Thus, the developmental fate of all blastoderm cells may not be fixed at the time of blastoderm formation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Members of the Notch family of receptors mediate a process known as lateral inhibition that plays a prominent role in the suppression of cell fates during development. This function is triggered by a ligand, Delta, and is implemented by the release of the intracellular domain of Notch from the membrane and by its interaction with the protein Suppressor of Hairless [Su(H)] in the nucleus. There is evidence that Notch can also signal independently of Su(H). In particular, in Drosophila, there is evidence that a Su(H)-independent activity of Notch is associated with Wingless signaling. RESULTS: We report that Ubx(VM)B, a visceral mesoderm-specific enhancer of the Ubx gene of Drosophila, is sensitive to Notch signaling. In the absence of Notch, but not of Su(H), the enhancer becomes activated earlier and over a wider domain than in the wild type. Furthermore, the removal of Notch reduces the requirement for Disheveled-mediated Wingless signaling to activate this enhancer. This response to Notch is likely to be mediated by the dTcf binding sites in the Ubx(VM)B enhancer. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that, in Drosophila, an activity of Notch that is likely to be independent of Su(H) inhibits Wingless signaling on Ubx(VM)B. A possible target of this activity is dTcf. As dTcf has been shown to be capable of repressing Wingless targets, our results suggest that this repressive activity may be regulated by Notch. Finally, we suggest that Wingless signaling is composed of two steps, a down-regulation of a Su(H)-independent Notch activity that modulates the activity of dTcf and a canonical Wingless signaling event that regulates the activity of Armadillo and its interaction with dTcf.  相似文献   

The abdominal-A (abd-A) gene, a member of the bithorax complex, is required for the correct identity of parasegments (PS) 7 through 13. Mutations in iab-4, one of the cis-regulatory regions of abd-A, transform epidermal structures of PS 9 and also cause loss of gonads in adult flies. Here, we describe a developmental and molecular analysis of the role of iab-4 functions in gonadal development. In flies homozygous for a strong iab-4 allele, gonadogenesis is not initiated in the embryo because the mesodermal cells fail to encapsulate the pole cells. Flies homozygous for weaker iab-4 mutations sometimes form ovaries. The ovary-oviduct junctions are abnormal, however, and egg transfer from the ovary to the uterus is blocked in the adult. To localize the sites that require iab-4 function, we have analyzed animals chimeric for the mutant and wild-type cells. These chimeras were generated by three kinds of transplantation experiments: pole cells, embryonic somatic nuclei or larval ovaries. Our results suggest that iab-4 is required in the somatic cells of the gonadal primordia, but not the germ line. In addition, the formation of functional ovary-oviduct junctions and egg transfer also requires iab-4 functions in the somatic cells of the ovary and in at least one additional somatic tissue.  相似文献   

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