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Two elongation factors (EF) EF-Tu and EF-G participate in the elongation phase during protein biosynthesis on the ribosome. Their functional cycles depend on GTP binding and its hydrolysis. The EF-Tu complexed with GTP and aminoacyl-tRNA delivers tRNA to the ribosome, whereas EF-G stimulates translocation, a process in which tRNA and mRNA movements occur in the ribosome. In the present paper we report that: (a) intrinsic GTPase activity of EF-G is influenced by excision of its domain III; (b) the EF-G lacking domain III has a 10(3)-fold decreased GTPase activity on the ribosome, whereas its affinity for GTP is slightly decreased; and (c) the truncated EF-G does not stimulate translocation despite the physical presence of domain IV, which is also very important for translocation. By contrast, the interactions of the truncated factor with GDP and fusidic acid-dependent binding of EF-G.GDP complex to the ribosome are not influenced. These findings indicate an essential contribution of domain III to activation of GTP hydrolysis. These results also suggest conformational changes of the EF-G molecule in the course of its interaction with the ribosome that might be induced by GTP binding and hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Elongation factor Tu from Thermus thermophilus was treated successively with periodate-oxidized GDP or GTP and cyanoborohydride. Covalently modified cyanogen bromide or trypsin fragments of the protein were isolated, and the position of their modification was determined. Lysine residues 52 and 137 were heavily labeled, lysine-137 being considerably more reactive in the GTP form as compared to the GDP form of the protein. These residues are in the proximity of the GDP/GTP binding site. Lys-325 was also labeled, but to a lower extent. The part of the EF-Tu containing residue 52 is missing in crystallized EF-Tu.GDP from Escherichia coli [Jurnak, F. (1985) Science (Washington, D.C.) 230, 32-36]. These results place the part of T. thermophilus EF-Tu corresponding to the missing fragment in E. coli EF-Tu in the vicinity of the nucleotide binding site and allow its role in the interaction with aminoacyl-tRNA and elongation factor Ts to be evaluated. Cross-linking of EF-Tu.GDP by irradiation at 257 nm showed that a sequence of 10 amino acids residues which is found in the Thermus thermophilus elongation factor Tu but not in other homologous bacterial proteins is located in the vicinity of the GDP/GTP binding site.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Thermus thermophilus elongation factor G without guanine nucleotide was determined to 2.85 A. This GTPase has five domains with overall dimensions of 50 x 60 x 118 A. The GTP binding domain has a core common to other GTPases with a unique subdomain which probably functions as an intrinsic nucleotide exchange factor. Domains I and II are homologous to elongation factor Tu and their arrangement, both with and without GDP, is more similar to elongation factor Tu in complex with a GTP analogue than with GDP. Domains III and V show structural similarities to ribosomal proteins. Domain IV protrudes from the main body of the protein and has an extraordinary topology with a left-handed cross-over connection between two parallel beta-strands.  相似文献   

Elongation factor (EF) Tu undergoes profound nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in its functional cycle. The thermodynamic parameters of the different Thermus thermophilus EF-Tu forms, its domains I, II/III and III, were determined by microcalorimetry. Thermal transitions of the EF-Tu.GDP and EF-Tu.guanosine-5'-[beta,gamma-imido]triphosphate have a cooperative two-state character. Nucleotide removal affected the cooperativity of the thermal transition of EF-Tu. Microcalorimetric measurements of nucleotide-free EF-Tu and its separated domains showed that domains II/III have the main stabilizing role for the whole protein. Despite the fact that strong interactions between elongation factors Tu and Ts from T. thermophilus at 20 degrees C exist, the thermal transition of neither protein in the complex was significantly affected.  相似文献   

Fusidic acid (FA) is a potent antibiotic and blocks the protein synthesis by binding to elongation factor G (EF-G) directly. Here we hypothesized that the antibiotic activity of FA would be potentiated by several orders of magnitude if both FA and EF-G would be residing in the lipid membranes and, hence, the probability of interaction would transform from three-dimensional to two-dimensional. Such detailed information could lead to more effective therapeutic interventions if they are understood on a molecular level. Interactions between FA and various lipid membranes composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) and cholesterol (Chol) were studied by capillary electrochromatography (CEC). The influence of the lipid vesicle size--sonicated liposomes and liposomes extruded through 30-, 50-, and 100-nm filters--on the packing of vesicles on the silica capillary surface was investigated by CEC and dissipative quartz crystal microbalance. The CEC results evidenced that FA interacts with and resides in phospholipid membranes. Likewise, monolayer, asymmetrical flow field flow fractionation, and CEC studies confirmed that EF-G is hydrophobic and incorporated into POPC and POPC/Chol membranes. Including EF-G in phospholipid vesicles did not improve the binding of FA to the membranes.  相似文献   

Proton NMR experiments of the GTP/GDP-binding protein EF-Tu from the extremely thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus HB8 in H2O have been performed paying special attention to the resonances in the downfield region (below 10 ppm). Most of these downfield signals are due to hydrogen bonds formed between the protein and the bound nucleotide. However, three downfield resonances appear even in the nucleotide-free EF-Tu. The middle and C-terminal domain (domain II/III) of EF-Tu lacking the GTP/GDP-binding domain gives rise to an NMR spectrum that hints at a well-structured protein. In contrast to native EF-Tu, the domain II/III spectrum contains no resonances in the downfield region. Several downfield resonances can be used as a fingerprint to trace hydrolysis of protein-bound GTP and temperature effects on the EF-Tu.GDP spectra. NMR studies of the binding of guanosine nucleotide analogues (GMPPNP, GMPPCP) to nucleotide-free EF-Tu have been carried out. The downfield resonances of these complexes differ from the spectrum of EF-Tu.GTP. Protected and photolabile caged GTP was bound to EF-Tu, and NMR spectra before and after photolysis were recorded. The progress of the GTP hydrolysis could be monitored using this method. The downfield resonances have been tentatively assigned taking into account the known structural and biochemical aspects of EF-Tu nucleotide-binding site.  相似文献   

Two truncated variants of elongation factor G from Thermus thermophilus with deletion of its domain IV have been constructed and the mutated genes were expressed in Escherichia coli. The truncated factors were produced in a soluble form and retained a high thermostability. It was demonstrated that mutated factors possessed (1) a reduced affinity to the ribosomes with an uncleavable GTP analog and (2) a specific ribosome-dependent GTPase activity. At the same time, in contrast to the wild-type elongation factor G, they were incapable to promote translocation. The conclusions are drawn that (1) domain IV is not involved in the GTPase activity of elongation factor G, (2) it contributes to the binding of elongation factor G with the ribosome and (3) is strictly required for translocation. These results suggest that domain IV might be directly involved in translocation and GTPase activity of the factor is not directly coupled with translocation.  相似文献   

Mapping the effector region in Thermus thermophilus elongation factor Tu   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Native elongation factor Tu from Thermus thermophilus is initially attacked by various endoproteases in a region spanning amino acid residues 40-70. By comparing the hydrolysis rates of nucleotide-free and GDP-bound EF-Tu, only a small difference was observed for the tryptic cleavage at Arg-59. Protease V-8 attacks Glu-55 only in a GDP/GTP form, whereas this enzyme exclusively hydrolyze Asn-64 in nucleotide-free EF-Tu, even when the protein had been previously cleaved at Arg-59. Binding of GDP leads to a 42-fold decreased rate of hydrolysis by the Lys-C protease at Lys-52. It also reduces the accessibility of Lys-275 to trypsin, reflecting a "long-range" effect from nucleotide binding domain I to domain II. Only slight differences were observed in the rate of hydrolysis at all positions in the GDP- versus the GTP-bound form. The intrinsic GTPase activity was slightly reduced in trypsin-treated EF-Tu, significantly impaired in EF-Tu cleaved at Lys-52, and completely abolished in EF-Tu cleaved at Asn-64. No ribosome-induced GTPase activity was observed for protease-cleaved EF-Tu's. Treatment of these proteins with periodate-oxidized GDP or GTP followed by cyanoborohydride led to covalent modification of the new N-terminus located exclusively within region 52-60. The highest reactivity was shown by the N-terminus of Glu-56. Additionally, lysine residues in the native protein sensitive to affinity labeling [Peter, M.E., Wittmann-Liebold, B., & Sprinzl, M. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 9132-9139] lost their reactivity upon cleavage of EF-Tu in region 52-60, suggesting an altered structure of the cleaved protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Affinity labeling in situ of the Thermus thermophilus elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) nucleotide binding site was achieved with periodate-oxidized GDP (GDPoxi) or GTP (GTPoxi) in the absence and presence of elongation factor Ts (EF-Ts). Lys52 and Lys137, both reacting with GDPoxi and GTPoxi, are located in the nucleotide binding region. In the absence of EF-Ts Lys137 and to a lesser extent Lys52 were accessible to the reaction with GTPoxi. GDPoxi reacted much more efficiently with Lys52 than with Lys137 under these conditions [Peter, M. E., Wittman-Liebold, B. & Sprinzl, M. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 9132-9138]. In the presence of EF-Ts, GDPoxi reacted more efficiently with Lys137 than with Lys52, indicating that the interaction of EF-Ts with EF-Tu.GDPoxi induces a conformation resembling that of the EF-Tu.GDPoxi complex in the absence of EF-Ts. Binding of EF-Ts to EF-Tu.GDP enhances the accessibility of the Arg59-Gly60 peptide bond of EF-Tu to trypsin cleavage. Hydrolysis of this peptide bond does not interfere with the ability of EF-Ts to bind to EF-Tu. EF-Ts is protected against trypsin cleavage by interaction with EF-Tu.GDP. High concentrations of EF-Ts did not interfere significantly with aminoacyl-tRNA.EF-Tu.GTP complex formation.  相似文献   

M R Ahmadian  R Kreutzer  M Sprinzl 《Biochimie》1991,73(7-8):1037-1043
The elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) encoded by the tufl gene of the extreme thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus HB8 was expressed under control of the tac promoter from the recombinant plasmid pEFTu-10 in Escherichia coli. Thermophilic EF-Tu-GDP, which amounts to as much as 35% of the cellular protein content, was separated from the E coli EF-Tu-GDP by thermal denaturation at 60 degrees C. The overproduced E coli-born T thermophilus EF-Tu was characterized by: i) recognition through T thermophilus anti-EF-Tu antibodies; ii) analysis of the peptides obtained by cyanogen bromide cleavage; iii) thermostability; iv) guanine nucleotide binding activity in the absence and the presence of elongation factor Ts; and v) ternary complex formation with phenylalanyl-tRNAPhe and GTP.  相似文献   

The intact elongation factor Tu from the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus has been crystallized as a complex with the GTP analogue guanosine-5'-(beta,gamma-imido)triphosphate. The crystals are very stable in the X-ray beam and diffract to 1.9 A resolution. They exhibit space group C2, with a = 150.3(6) A, b = 99.6(3) A, c = 40.1(1) A, beta = 95.4(2) degrees, and contain one elongation factor Tu molecule per asymmetric unit.  相似文献   

EF-Tu from Thermus thermophilus was first labelled with N-[14C]tosyl-L-phenylalaninechloromethylketone and then cleaved by the combined action of CNBr and trypsin. The resulting peptides were separated by reversed-phase HPLC. Analysis of the isolated, labelled peptide led to the identification of a sequence which was identical to residues 76-88 in T. thermophilus EF-Tu. The TPCK reactive site is at Cys-82. Kinetic measurements of the incorporation of TPCK into native EF-Tu and EF-Tu nicked at position Arg-59 were performed. The results provide evidence that the cleavage of the peptide bond between Arg-59 and Gly-60 does not lead to a dramatic conformational change of EF-Tu at the aa-tRNA binding site.  相似文献   

The phosphoryl-binding loops in the guanosine diphosphate binding domain of elongation factor Tu were studied by 15N heteronuclear proton-observe NMR methods. Five proton resonances were found below 10.5 ppm. One of these was assigned to the amide group of Lys 24, which is a conserved residue in the phosphoryl-binding concensus loop of purine nucleotide binding proteins. The uncharacteristic downfield proton shift is attributed to a strong hydrogen bond with a phosphate oxygen. The amide protons from the homologous lysines in N-ras p21 [Redfield, A.G., & Papastavros, M.Z. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 3509-3514] and the catalytic domain of Escherichia coli elongation factor Tu [Lowry, D.F., Cool, R.H., Redfield, A.G., & Parmeggiani, A. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 10872-10877] also resonate downfield in similar positions. We propose that the downfield shift of this lysine amide proton is a spectral marker for this class of proteins. We also have studied the temperature dependence of the downfield resonances and find a possible conformation change at 40 degrees C.  相似文献   

EF-G bound to poly(U)·ribosomes prevents enzymatic or nonenzymatic binding of charged tRNA not only to the A-site but also to the P-site. In turn, charged tRNA bound either to the P- or A-site prevents formation of EF-G·GMPPCP·ribosome complex. Ribosomes carrying newly synthetized peptidyl-tRNA in pretranslocative state are also unable to form stable complexes with EF-G. The functional implications of these observations are discussed and it is suggested that tRNA plays a regulatory role in the interaction of EF-G with ribosomes during the cyclic process of elongation.  相似文献   

The chromosomal replication origin oriC and the gene encoding the replication initiator protein DnaA from Thermus thermophilus have been identified and cloned into an Escherichia coli vector system. The replication origin is composed of 13 characteristically arranged DnaA boxes, binding sites for the DnaA protein, and an AT-rich stretch, followed by the dnaN gene. The dnaA gene is located upstream of the origin and expresses a typical DnaA protein that follows the division into four domains, as with other members of the DnaA protein family. Here, we report the purification of Thermus-DnaA (Tth-DnaA) and characterize the interaction of the purified protein with the replication origin, with regard to the binding kinetics and stoichiometry of this interaction. Using gel retardation assays, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and electron microscopy, we show that, unlike the E. coli DnaA, Tth-DnaA does not recognize a single DnaA box, instead a cluster of three tandemly repeated DnaA boxes is the minimal requirement for specific binding. The highest binding affinities are observed with full-length oriC or six clustered, tandemly repeated DnaA boxes. Furthermore, high-affinity DNA-binding of Tth-DnaA is dependent on the presence of ATP. The Thermus DnaA/oriC interaction will be compared with oriC complex formation generated by other DnaA proteins.  相似文献   

Functionally active elongation factor Ts (EF-Ts) from Thermus thermophilus forms a homodimer. The dimerization interface of EF-Ts is composed of two antiparallel beta-sheets that can be connected by an intermolecular disulfide bond. The stability of EF-Ts from T. thermophilus in the presence and absence of the intermolecular disulfide bond was studied by differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism. The ratio of the van't Hoff and calorimetric enthalpies, delta H(vH)/delta H(cal), indicates that EF-Ts undergoes thermal unfolding as a dimer independently of the presence or absence of the disulfide bond. This can be concluded from (1) the presence of residual secondary structure above the thermal transition temperature, (2) the absence of concentration dependence, which would be expected for dissociation of the dimer prior to unfolding of the monomers, and (3) a relatively low heat capacity change (delta Cp) upon unfolding. The retained dimeric structure of the thermally denatured state allowed for the determination of the effect of the intermolecular disulfide bond on the conformational stability of EF-Ts, which is deltadelta G(S-S,SH HS) = 10.5 kJ/mol per monomer at 72.5 degrees C. The possible physiological implications of the dimeric EF-Ts structure and of the intersubunit disulfide bond for the extreme conformational stability of proteins in thermophiles are discussed.  相似文献   

Two structural genes for the Thermus thermophilus elongation factor Tu (tuf) were identified by cross-hybridization with the tufA gene from E. coli. The sequence of one of these tuf genes, localized on a 6.6 kb Bam HI fragment, was determined and confirmed by partial protein sequencing of an authentic elongation factor Tu from T. thermophilus HB8. Expression of this tuf gene in E. coli minicells provided a low amount of immuno-precipitable thermophilic EF-Tu. Affinity labeling of the T. thermophilus EF-Tu and sequence comparison with homologous proteins from other organisms were used to identify the guanosine-nucleotide binding domain.  相似文献   

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