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In March 1983 six female white-beaked dolphins (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) were rescued from an ice-clogged bay in Newfoundland, Canada, and transported to Mystic Marinelife Aquarium in Mystic, Connecticut. Anal and blowhole samples (swabs) were collected at frequent intervals for bacteriological analysis. One dolphin died of neurogenic shock syndrome in transit. The others died at intervals of 1–101 days during the period of captivity. Staphylococci were implicated in the deaths of three of the five dolphins that remained alive after capture. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae probably caused the death of the fourth, and infection by unidentified Gram-negative bacteria was responsible for death of the fifth dolphin. Bacteriophage typing of several Staphylococcus isolates showed three separate strains. Bacteria recovered from anal and blowhole samples before the white-beaked dolphins were introduced into the aquarium water system included enterobacteria (Edwardsiella, Escherichia, Klebsiella), Plesiomonas, Aeromonas, Citrobacter, Pseudomonas, and Staphylococcus. The two dolphins that survived the longest (44 and 101 days) showed a predominance of species of Proteus, Morganella, and Pseudomonas. Several genera of potential significance to humans also were found (e.g., Vibrio alginolyticus, V. fluvialis, Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae).  相似文献   

Captive environments impact the microbiota of captive animals; however, the comparison of microbiota between wild and captive dolphins has been poorly investigated. To explore the impact of a captive environment, we characterized the fecal microbiota of nine wild and four captive Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops aduncus, using a next-generation sequencing and revealed differences in the fecal microbiota between the analyzed groups. Statistical differences in abundances of the phyla Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were found between the wild and captive dolphins. Thirty-six genera (22.9% of the total genera detected in all dolphins) were shared between the groups, whereas 79 (50.3%) and 42 (26.8%) genera were found only in the wild or captive dolphins, respectively. Several pathogenic bacterial genera, including Morganella and Mycoplasma, were detected only in the captive dolphins, and the genus Lactobacillus was found only in the wild dolphins. LefSe and SIMPER analyses revealed that the genus Clostridium sensu stricto 1 was significantly more abundant in the captive dolphins than in the wild ones and contributed the most to the dissimilarity of fecal microbiota between the groups. Our results indicate that the captive environment impacts the fecal microbiota of dolphins and reinforces the importance of monitoring potentially pathogenic bacteria in captivity.  相似文献   

The physical habitat of cetaceans found along the continental slope in the north-central and western Gulf of Mexico was characterized from shipboard sighting data, simultaneous hydrographic measurements, and satellite remote sensing. The study area was encompassed by the longitude of the Florida-Alabama border (87.5°W), the southernmost latitude of the Texas-Mexico border (26.0°N), and the 100-m and 2,000-m isobaths. Shipboard surveys were conducted seasonally for two years from April 1992 to May 1994. A total of 21,350 km of transect was visually sampled in an area of 154,621 km2. Sighting localities of species in the study area were differentiated most clearly with bottom depth. Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) were consistently found in the shallowest water on the continental shelf and along the shelf break. In addition, the bottom depth gradient (sea floor slope) was less for Atlantic spotted dolphins than for any other species. Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were found most commonly along the upper slope in water significantly deeper than that for Atlantic spotted dolphins. All the other species and species categories were found over deeper bottom depths; these were Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus), short-finned pilot whales (Glob-icephala macrorhynchus), pygmy/dwarf sperm whales (Kogia spp.), roughtoothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis), spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris), sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), Mesoplodon spp., pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata), Clymene dolphins (Stenella clymene) and unidentified beaked whales (Ziphiidae). Risso's dolphins and short-finned pilot whales occurred along the upper slope and, as a subgroup, were significantly different from striped dolphins, Mesoplodon spp., pantropical spotted dolphins, Clymene dolphins, and unidentified beaked whales, which occurred in the deepest water. Pygmy/dwarf sperm whales, rough-toothed dolphins, spinner dolphins, and sperm whales occurred at intermediate depths between these two subgroups and overlapped them.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from estuarine waters of Indian River Lagoon, FL (IRL) and Charleston, SC (CHS) were cultured to screen for microorganism colonization and to assess antibiotic sensitivity. Swabs (n = 909) were collected from the blowhole, gastric fluid, and feces of 171 individual dolphins The most frequently cultured organisms were Plesiomonas shigelloides (n = 161), Aeromonas hydrophila (n = 144), Escherichia coli (n = 85), and Pseudomonas fluorescens (n = 82). In descending frequency, organisms demonstrated resistance to erythromycin, ampicillin, and cephalothin. Human and animal pathogens resistant to antibiotics used in human and veterinary medicine were cultured. Escherichia coli (E. coli) more often was resistant in IRL dolphins. Three cases of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) were found at CHS. Emergence of antibiotic resistance is not confined to humans. Bottlenose dolphins may serve as sentinels for transfer of resistance from humans and animals or indicate that antibiotics are reaching the marine environment and causing resistance to emerge through selective pressure and genetic adaptation.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) live in sympatry along the Caribbean Coast of Central and South America and social interactions between these species have been described in the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica, including sexual encounters. Here we examine and document the only known hybridization event between a male Guiana dolphin and a female bottlenose dolphin, in captivity at Oceanario Islas del Rosario (Colombian Caribbean), using photographic and genetic evidence from mitochondrial DNA markers and nuclear autosomal introns. Zoo Biol 29:647–657, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study describes the age structure and sex-specific growth patterns of Lahille's bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus gephyreus), a subspecies endemic to the Southwest Atlantic Ocean (SWAO). The ages of 120 animals collected in southern Brazil between 1976 and 2017 were determined. We found high frequencies of young animals, mostly males, with no sex bias among adults. A temporal change in the age structure of strandings was observed, and we conclude it is a consequence of increased bycatch rates of young dolphins after 2000. The oldest male and female were 27 and 44 years old, respectively, suggesting that females live longer than males in southern Brazil. Growth curve analysis using Gompertz and Laird-Gompertz growth models estimated asymptotic lengths of 316.5 cm for females and 351.6 cm for males, (reached around 13 and 18 years old, respectively), supporting sexual size dimorphism for the subspecies. A second growth pulse was identified for males. Our work highlights the benefit of long-term studies and contributes valuable information toward understanding the life history of Lahille's bottlenose dolphin. It will serve as baseline for future studies that seek to understand mortality patterns of bottlenose dolphins elsewhere and the effects of anthropogenic actions on the survival of these animals.  相似文献   

Our abilities to assess health risks to free-ranging dolphin populations, to treat live-stranded or captive dolphins, and to evaluate the risks of disease transmission between humans and dolphins have suffered from a lack of basic information on microorganisms associated with normal, presumably healthy free-ranging individuals. In order to provide these data, we sampled free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) off Florida, Texas, and North Carolina during 1990-2002. Blowhole and anal/fecal samples yielded 1,871 bacteria and yeast isolates and included 85 different species or groups of organisms. Vibrios, unidentified pseudomonads, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus spp., and a large group of nonfermenting gram-negative bacteria represented >50% of isolates. Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio damsela were the most commonly recovered bacteria from both anal/fecal and blowhole samples. Many organisms occurred sporadically in dolphins that were sampled repeatedly, but some were consistently isolated from individual animals and may indicate the carrier state. Vibrios were common, but some geographic variability in the presence of these and other organisms was noted. Potential pathogens of significance to humans and other animals were recovered.  相似文献   

The present study represents the first reported boat-based photographic identification study of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) off the Wild Coast of southeast South Africa. This area is known for the annual sardine run, which attracts apex predators to the region during the austral winter. Dedicated photo-identification surveys were conducted along this coast at three different study sites in February, June, and November of each year from 2014 to 2016. During 47 surveys, 136 bottlenose dolphin groups were encountered, an estimated 4,474 dolphins observed, and 2,149 individuals were identified. Although most individuals (N = 1,770, 82.4%) were only observed once, some were resighted 2–7 times (N = 379, 17.6%), with an average of 305 days (range: 88–705 days) between resightings. The majority of bottlenose dolphins were resighted within the same study site (N = 192), indicating some degree of residency. However, 65 individuals were observed at two different study sites, indicating individual movements along the coast. Our findings contrast earlier suggestions that bottlenose dolphins only use the Wild Coast during the sardine run, as we found large number of animals year-round with some level of site fidelity. This highlights the importance of the Wild Coast to bottlenose dolphins and provides further information on their status off southeastern South Africa.  相似文献   


Bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus produce individually distinctive signature whistles. Dolphins recognize the signature whistles of animals with which they share a social bond. Signature whistles develop within the first few months of life and are stable for a lifetime. Vocal learning appears to play a role in the development of signature whistles in bottlenose dolphins. The signature whistles of most female dolphins and about half of male dolphins differ from those of their mothers. Some dolphin calves born in captivity develop a signature whistle that matches either man-made whistles or those of an unrelated dolphin. Dolphins retain the ability as adults to imitate the whistles of animals with which they share strong individual-specific social relationships, bonds which may change throughout their lifetime. The exceptional imitative abilities of dolphin infants and the retention of this ability in adults may be related to the maintenance of changing individual specific social relationships. Individual recognition by the voice may differ in marine vs terrestrial mammals. Diving marine mammals may not be able to rely upon involuntary voice cues for individual recognition, but rather may require vocal learning to maintain a stable signature as their vocal tract changes shape with increasing pressure during a dive.  相似文献   

In a golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia rosalia) colony kept indoors in a German zoo, two animals presented a sudden onset of reduced general condition, lethargy, and diarrhea. At animal capture for clinical examination, adult nematode stages were observed after stress‐induced defecation. Despite treatment, two golden lion tamarins died in the following 2 days. At necropsy, spirurid stages were found in the lungs and intestine. Additionally, adult Pterygodermatites spp. were identified in histopathological samples of intestine and pancreas, confirming the previous diagnosis. Upon diagnosis, all animals were treated with ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg; SC). Thereafter, the general condition of the golden lion tamarins improved, whereby some of them excreted spirurid nematodes over 3 days. Four weeks after treatment, 20 fecal samples from the colony were examined and proved negative for parasitic stages. Given that common German cockroaches (Blattella germanica) are suitable intermediate hosts of Pterygodermatites nycticebi, 30 specimens were collected from seven different locations around the golden lion tamarins housing. Third‐stage larvae of Pterygodermatites spp. were recovered from those cockroaches. Regular anthelmintic treatments, coprological screenings, and controls for intermediate hosts were recommended. More than 2 years later, P. nycticebi infection was diagnosed again histopathologically in an aye‐aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) which suddenly died. Coprological analysis confirmed the presence of spirurid eggs. Due to prosimian primates' cockroach‐eating habits and given that total cockroach eradication proved impossible, continuous cockroach control strategies and regular treatments of primates are currently performed to prevent further P. nycticebi infections.  相似文献   


Doses of α-chlorohydrin (‘Epibloc’) were administered by gavage to mature male Polynesian rats (Rattus exulans) at 100, 200, and 300 mg per kg body weight. Animals that survived were sacrificed either 1 day or 7 days later for assessment of epididymal and testicular cytology and sperm viability. Two of 10 animals died 6 days after treatment with 100 mg/kg; 1/6 died within 24 h of treatment with 200 mg/kg, though 6/10 died when left for 7 days; 300 mg/kg was lethal to all 3 rats tested. After 1 day, microscopic lesions were observed in the Initial Segment of the epididymis of 4/6 rats dosed with 100 mg/kg and in all 5 of the 200 mg/kg group; however, in only one animal at the higher dose level was the damage severe enough to cause epithelial exfoliation and potential blockage of the lumen. In all the animals that survived for 7 days testicular and epididymal cytology were normal, and viable spermatozoa were present at all levels of the tract. Autopsies revealed no evidence of gross epididymal lesions in any of the animals that died from the drug. We conclude that although α-chlorohydrin causes minor lesions in the epididymis of this feral species, the damage appears to be reversible in animals that survive an acute dose, and the drug cannot be considered an effective chemosterilant, as distinct from a poison.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) are cosmopolitan animals widely distributed in waters of both hemispheres. The taxonomy of Tursiops has long been controversial, with over 20 specific names being published, and subspecies and inshore/offshore forms being proposed. In the southwestern South Atlantic, subspecies T. truncatus truncatus and T. truncatus gephyreus were proposed for specimens along the coasts of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. Sightings of bottlenose dolphins are common along the coast of Argentina as far south as the Province of Chubut (ca. 46°S). Here, we summarize and discuss the southernmost records of bottlenose dolphins. We cannot make inferences about the species or subspecies to which these animals belong given the small number of specimens. Future studies of external measurements, pigmentation, DNA, and isotopes from both sides of the continent should help clarify the situation off southern South America. Furthermore, research is needed to explore a possible link between an effect of general global warming and the Tursiops specimens found this far south. The sighting and specimens described here, at 53°S–nearly 55°S, are the southernmost records for the genus and extend the range of the species in the southern South Atlantic.  相似文献   

In this article we describe the identification of endophytic bacteria belonging to three groups isolated from shoot tip cultures of banana cv. Grand Naine in a recent study (Thomas et al. 2008) based on partial 16S rRNA gene sequence homology analysis. The first group included banana stocks that displayed obvious colony growth on MS based tissue culture medium during the first in vitro passage. The second group constituted stocks that were tissue index-negative for cultivable bacteria initially but turned index-positive after a few to several (4–8) in vitro passages while the third group formed one sub-stock that turned index-positive after about 18 passages. The organisms belonged to about 20 different genera comprising of α, β, γ-proteobacteria, Gram-positive firmicutes and actinobacteria. Visibly expressing easily cultured organisms during the first in vitro passage included Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Ochrobactrum, Pantoea, Staphylococcus and Bacillus spp. Organisms of second group that were not detected or non-culturable originally constituted Brevundimonas, Methylobacterium, Alcaligenes, Ralstonia, Pseudomonas, Corynebacterium, Microbacterium, Staphylococcus, Oceanobacillus and Bacillus spp. while the third group that turned cultivable after extended in vitro culturing included mostly non-filamentous actinobacteria (Brachybacterium, Brevibacterium, Kocuria and Tetrasphaera spp.). The identification results suggested that the endophytes of second and third groups were not strictly obligate or fastidious microbes but those surviving in viable but-non-culturable (VBNC) state and displaying gradual activation to cultivable form during continuous tissue culturing. Several of the organisms isolated are known as beneficial ones in agriculture while some organisms have possible implications in human health. The use of tissue cultures for isolating uncommon endophytes is discussed. Supply of live bacterial cultures or genetic material for research purpose is subject to their revival from glycerol stocks (as some of the organisms showed poor tolerance) and the requestor obtaining written permission from the Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi-110001.  相似文献   

Two urease-positiveVibrio spp. were isolated from a brown shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus) that died in captivity at a national aquarium. Morphological, biochemical, and molecular genetic studies revealed one of the isolates to beV. damsela; the other isolate was unique and has been classified asV. carchariae sp. nov. BothV. damsela andV. carchariae were found to be virulent for spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), causing death in less than 18 hours after intraperitoneal injection of ca. 4×106 cells.V. damsela was strongly cytotoxic for Y1 adrenal cell monolayers;V. carchariae exhibited weak cytotoxicity for Y1 cells.V. damsela contained cryptic plasmids and both isolates were urease positive.V. carchariae was able to utilize urea as sole source of carbon and nitrogen.  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibodies to morbilliviruses, Brucella and Toxoplasma was studied in the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus ponticus maintained in captivity. Serum from 59 dolphins was tested, and in most cases the tests were repeated 2–4 years later. Antibodies to the tested pathogens were detected in 69% of the dolphins. Sixteen Black Sea bottlenose dolphin maintained in captivity (27%) had antibodies to two, or even three, of the pathogens. No apparent signs of infection were found in the dolphins; however, the high prevalence of antibodies to the morbilliviruses, Brucella, and Toxoplasma may indicate an important role of dolphins in the ecology of these pathogens.  相似文献   

Concentrations of retinol, retinyl palmitate, β-carotene, α-carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein, lycopene, α-tocopherol, and γ-tocopherol were measured in blood samples collected from 15 captive and 55 free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). From June 1991 to June 1994, blood samples were collected from captive animals residing at two locations; at Seven Seas (Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield, IL) and Hawk’s Cay (Marathon Key, FL). Blood samples were collected from free-ranging animals from June 1991 to June 1996. Retinol levels were not significantly different between captive dolphin groups. However, Seven Seas animals had higher (P<0.01) serum retinol concentrations compared to free-ranging animals (0.061 vs 0.041 μg/ml). Retinyl palmitate was not detected in the serum of captive or free-ranging dolphins. Alpha-tocopherol levels were significantly (P<0.05) higher for Seven Seas dolphins (16.4 μg/ml) than for Hawk’s Cay (13.0 μg/ml) and free-ranging dolphins (12.5 μg/ml). Gamma-tocopherol concentrations were similar among captive and free-ranging dolphins. Free-ranging dolphins showed levels of circulating carotenoids (lutein and β-carotene) while the captive animals did not. Additional carotenoids (lycopene, α-carotene and cryptoxanthin) were analyzed but not detected in any samples. Serum vitamin differences between captive and free-ranging dolphins may reflect the natural diet or indicate some potential biological or nutritional status significance.  相似文献   

The prevalence of antibodies to morbilliviruses, Brucella and Toxoplasma was studied in the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus ponticus and the beluga whale Delphinapterus leucas from the Sea of Okhotsk. The blood serum of 74 dolphins and 147 beluga whales was tested in 2002–2007. Antibodies to morbilliviruses were detected in 15 (20.3%) bottlenose dolphins and 20 (13.6%) beluga whales. Antibodies to Brucella were detected in 17 (23.0%) bottlenose dolphins and 10 (6.8%) beluga whales. Toxoplasma-specific antibodies were detected in 39 (52.7%) bottlenose dolphins and 7 (4.8%) beluga whales. Some animals had antibodies to two, or even three, of the pathogens. A high level of incidence of the pathogens in the sea animals was found in the densely populated coastal areas with high economic development.  相似文献   

Raptors are commonly infected with two blood parasites of the family Haemoproteidae, Haemoproteus spp. and Leukocytozoon spp. To determine if age or length of time in captivity influence prevalence of Haemoproteus spp. and Leukocytozoon spp. infection in captive raptors, blood samples were collected from 55 birds from April 1999 to May 2000. Blood smears were examined for parasitemia and influence of age and length of time in captivity at the time of sample collection were compared. We found juvenile and adult birds were more likely to be infected with Leukocytozoon spp. than were nestlings (P = 0.006) and birds present for > 365 days were more likely to be infected with Haemoproteus spp. and/or Leukocytozoon spp. than were birds captive for < 365 days.  相似文献   

The main factors that affect early survival, physical damage and stress reactions of sardine Sardina pilchardus after live capture and introduction to captivity were examined. A total of 2800 sardines were captured alive from commercial purse seiners in five trials off southern Portugal and monitored for 4 weeks in aquaculture tanks. Survival rates varied considerably between trials (from <20 to >80% after a month), with most deaths occurring in the first 5 days. Sardine early survival was affected by factors related to conditions at sea (catch composition, sea temperature and transportation density), during introduction to captivity (magnitude of thermal shock, land transportation duration and use of antibacterial treatment) and, possibly, their interaction. Physical damage was related to the probability of dying, with fish that died during the first week showing significantly higher scale loss and larger caudal fin erosion that those that were alive in the same period. For all stress variables measured (blood haematocrit, cortisol, glucose and ions in the plasma), the most extreme values were attained during introduction to captivity or in the first hours after. After 2 weeks in captivity, most variables had returned to levels close to those observed at the onset of purse-seine fishing, suggesting that maintenance conditions were adequate to permit a rapid recovery from fishing and transport stress.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) along the Gulf of Mexico are frequently exposed to blooms of the toxic alga, Karenia brevis, and brevetoxins associated with these blooms have been implicated in several dolphin mortality events. Studies on brevetoxin accumulation in dolphins have typically focused on analyses of carcasses from large‐scale die‐offs; however, data are scarce for brevetoxin loads in live individuals frequently exposed to K. brevis blooms. This study investigated in vivo brevetoxin exposure in free‐ranging bottlenose dolphins resident to Sarasota Bay, Florida, utilizing samples collected during health assessments performed during multiple K. brevis blooms occurring from 2003 to 2005. Brevetoxins were detected by ELISA and LC‐MS in 63% of bottlenose dolphins sampled (n= 30) concurrently with a K. brevis bloom. Brevetoxins were present in urine and gastric samples at concentrations ranging from 2 to 9 ng PbTx‐3 eq/g, and in feces at concentrations ranging from 45 to 231 ng PbTx‐3 eq/g. Samples from individuals (n= 12) sampled during nonbloom conditions (≤1,000 cells/L) were negative for brevetoxin activity. Brevetoxin accumulation data from this study complement dolphin carcass and prey fish data from the same study area, and aid in evaluating impacts of harmful algal blooms on sentinel marine animal species along the west Florida coast.  相似文献   

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