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The eastern rufous mouse lemur is one of the smallest primate species. It inhabits the eastern rain forest of Madagascar. Its reproductive biology has not been examined because of its rarity in laboratories. We present the first data on reproduction and variation in reproductive success from a breeding colony of wild‐caught Microcebus rufus. The eastern rufous mouse lemur shows a seasonal change in testicular size and in the occurrence of estrus. Females had 2.5 cycles (range, one to four) per season. The estrous cycle length was 59 days (range, 51–66), the duration of vaginal opening during estrus was 7.5 days (range, 5–8), receptivity occurred on the third day of estrus, gestation length was 56.5 days (range, 56–57), litter size was two neonates (range, one to three). The frequency and duration of mating behavior varied widely among the pairs. Copulation seemed to occur on a single day per estrus within the first to fourth hour after light change to red light. In four cases (three pairs), copulation lasted between 15 and 240 seconds. Breeding success can be increased by choosing mates carefully. Microcebus rufus seems to be a seasonal breeder like its sibling species Microcebus murinus. In wild‐caught animals, males seemed to adapt quickly (first season) to the conditions of captivity, whereas in the females, individual variation (first to third season) in reproductive activity was observed. Air humidity of >60% seems to facilitate the breeding success in wild‐caught pairs. First pregnancy and successful rearing of offspring occurred in the second and fourth year of captivity in two of three females. Wild‐caught eastern rufous mouse lemurs seemed to demonstrate variation in adapting to the conditions of captivity with regard to sex and individuality. Zoo Biol 20:157–167, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Responses to questionnaires sent to 20 institutions holding Lemur mongoz did not reveal which aspects of management or husbandry could account for reproductive failure in the captive population, but allowed some qualitative comparisons with data compiled for captive and wild animals. In general, reproduction has occurred initially among wild-caught specimens before tapering off, and rarely occurs in the captive F1 generation. Data compiled by the International Species Inventory System and the International Zoo Yearbook revealed an aging captive population with no recent reproduction. No aspect of group composition, activity patterns, seasonal light regime, reproductive cycles, or diet could be linked to the lack of reproduction; and among lemurs subjected to the same conditions, some were known to reproduce while others did not. Lack of knowledge about this species and the threat of extinction for both captive and wild populations make an investigation of reproductive biology imperative. Recommendations for a research program are given.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) is poorly documented because of infrequent captive breeding success and the absence of field studies of this species. Reproductive data were collected from a breeding colony of slow lorises held at the Duke University Primate Center for the past 10 years. Nineteen infants were born, with a sex ratio of 1:1 and a neonatal mortality rate of 15.8%. In all cases, litter size was one. Females born in the colony copulated for the first time between 18 and 24 months of age. A male that reached sexual maturity in the colony sired his first offspring at the age of 17 months. Estrous cycles ranged in duration from 29–45 days, with copulations usually occurring for 1 day of estrus. Gestation length averaged 192.2 days. Although a postpartum estrus was observed in three cases of infant death, no conceptions resulted. Lactation lasted approximately 6 months. A clear birth peak was observed, with 12 out of 19 births occurring in March, April, and May. The comparatively low basal metabolic rate of this species may account for the unusually low reproductive rate of the slow loris in comparison with other prosimian primates.  相似文献   

This study examines correlates of reproduction in Lemur mongoz, an endangered prosimian primate with a history of poor captive reproduction. Male testicular growth and regression were quantified via testicular indices (TI). Although TIs could be used to predict male breeding condition, they were not indicators of ability to sire offspring. Serum estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) concentrations, along with vaginal cytology, were used to monitor female reproductive cyclicity. E2 and P profiles showed no abnormalities. An elevation of E2 with low P, approximately one estrous cycle length (31.4 days) prior to the onset of fertile cycles, was consistent with the phenomenon of ‘pseudoestrus’ observed in other lemur species. The copulatory pattern, consisting of thrusting, multiple intromissions, single or multiple ejaculations, and no copulatory lock, was more complex than expected for an animal with a supposedly monogamous mating system. The preference for natural arboreal substrata during copulation suggests that enclosure furnishings may influence copulatory behavior. A 30% neonatal mortality rate tempered recent success in breeding L. mongoz at the Duke University Primate Center (DUPC). Although infant sex and parity of the mother were not predictive of neonatal mortality, mother's natal status was, with captive-born females having a 67% infant mortality rate, compared with 15% in wild-caught females. Based on these observations, a number of factors, including housing, behavior, and photoperiod, may be relevant to successful captive propagation of L. mongoz. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Most nocturnal Malagasy primates, as well as many diurnal species, are highly endangered in their natural habitat. Captive breeding programs have been established for many species, but detailed information on reproduction is only available for three nocturnal taxa: the mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), the dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus medius), and the greater dwarf lemur (Cheirogaleus major). In this study, we present data for another nocturnal Malagasy primate, Coquerel's dwarf lemur (Mirza coquereli), which has been propagated since 1982 at the Duke University Primate Center. Unlike all other Malagasy primates bred in captivity, M. coquereli cycles throughout the year, and is clearly less seasonal in its birth distribution than is C. medius or M. murinus. Estrous intervals ranged between 19 and 30.5 days. Estrus lasted no longer than 1 day. After an average gestation length of 89.2 days, litters of one or two were born. Females cycled for the first time between 8 and 15 months of age, and gave birth for the first time between 12.8 and 33.5 months of age. The earliest mating of a male leading to conception was observed at the age of 17 months. For males and females, an increase in daylength appears to trigger pubertal development. Males had seasonal changes in testicular volume which were not explained by covariation with body weight. Maximum testis size occurred in spring, when breeding activity was highest. The occurrence of year-round reproduction in M. coquereli, and the absence of seasonal fattening and/or hibernation, along with their specialized winter diet, may be correlated. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Captive breeding of rare and endangered prosimians may be enhanced by an increased understanding of all aspects of their seasonal mating behavior. In this study, the agonistic and grooming behaior of captiveL. coronatus were studied during their annual breeding season. Between October and March, selected aspects of agonistic and grooming behavior of four male-female groups were recorded. Males initiated significantly more allogrooming than females. The frequency of this behavior pattern increased significantly in the weeks of estrus. Females performed significantly more agonistic behavior patterns than males. The mean frequency of agonistic interactions decreased significantly during the breeding season. In successfully reproducing groups males showed much less agonism towards females, than they did in unsuccessful groups. Inter-specific comparisons demonstrated that the patterns of agonistic interactions during the breeding season are very different among closely related species of lemurids. The conclusions drawn from this study are that captive breeding of crowned lemurs may be enhanced by keeping permanent multi-male, multi-female groups.  相似文献   

A breeding colony of slender lorises (Loris tardigradus malabaricus) was studied to obtain data for comparison with other prosimian species, to contribute reproductive information for improving management of captive lorises, and to resolve some uncertainties in the literature regarding reproduction in the slender loris. At the Duke University Primate Center, a female slender loris reached sexual maturity at approximately ten months of age and conceived at one year of age. The length of the estrous cycle was 29–40 days, with copulation occurring over two consecutive days during estrus. Gestation length was 166–169 days. Litter size for each six births was one. Conception did not occur during an immediate post-partum estrus, but four months after birth, resulting in a 9 1/2-month interbirth interval. There was no evidence of reproductive seasonality. Lactation lasted between five and seven months. Reproductive rates of slender lorises are among the lowest of primates less than 500 g. Differences in reproductive parameters may exist between different subspecies of slender lorises.  相似文献   

Abstract: The reproduction performance of captive owl monkeys, a breed used extensively in biomedical research, was observed at the Battelle Primate Facility (BPF). The colony grew through captive breeding, imports from the Peruvian Primatological Project, and others to a peak size of 730. It included seven karyotypes of Aotus sp. Results showed that owl monkeys can breed successfully in a laboratory in numbers sufficient to sustain modest research programs. Reproductive success increases when pairs are compatible, of the same karyotype, and stabilized; however, mated pairs of different karyotype are also productive. Under conditions of controlled lighting and heating, owl monkeys at BPF showed no birth peak nor birth season.  相似文献   

Reproductive data compiled from the International Clouded Leopard Studbook revealed that 75% of all litters were born to females between one and five years of age. Sixty-three percent of the males had sired litters by four years of age with reproduction declining after six years of age. Sixteen zoological institutions surveyed worldwide contributed estrous cycle data from 28 clouded leopards. Sexual maturity (age at first estrus) for these females ranged from 17 to 28 months of age with a mean estrous cycle length of 29.9 ± 13.8 days. The mean length of estrus was six days. Gestation length ranged from 85 to 121 days (X? = 93.4 ± 6.3). There was a significantly higher incidence of estrus in fall and winter compared with spring and summer over latitudes ranging from 36°–45° and 51°–55° (P < .005). Mating occurred in all months except June and October, and cubs were produced in all months except December. The highest frequency of mating occurred during the month of December corresponding with a birth peak in March.  相似文献   

Reproductive data on captive lesser kudus (Tragelaphus imberis) were collected from 1972 to 1990. The estrous cycles of two females were 21 and 22 days. Mean gestation length of 18 pregnancies was 244 ± 5.5 days (range = 235–256 days), and 71.2% of interbirth intervals (n = 146) were from 248 to 365 days. Births occurred throughout the year, but 55% were from September to December. Females always gave birth to a single calf (n = 215), and the sex ratio did not differ from unity. Neonatal weights (1–3 days postpartum) of 32 males and 28 females surviving at least 30 days were 6.4 ± 0.8 kg and 5.8 ± 0.7 kg, respectively. Males and females reached sexual maturity at the ages of 16 and 19 months, respectively. The oldest male lived to slightly more than 14 years, 5 months, and the oldest female to more than 18 years, 11 months. Males were fertile until at least 14 years and females minimally to 14–18 years of age; however, the maximum age of successful lactation was 13–14 years. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A group of one male and two female Mayotte lemurs was observed at Chester Zoo, and their behaviors compared with published observations of wild populations of this and related forms of the brown lemur. It was found that the captive animals were active by both day and night, but that the pattern of activity was different from wild lemurs. The captive lemurs were less active than their wild counterparts and showed different timing of activity because of the feeding regimen at the zoo. The animals did not ignore the public at the zoo, but, on the contrary, directed some behaviors at the zoo visitors, particularly if the zoo visitors attempted to interact with the lemurs; under these conditions there was also an increase in the movements of the lemurs in the cage. Levels of aggression in the zoo lemurs were higher than those reported for wild populations, and aggression appeared to occur predominantly in the birth season. Levels of affiliative behaviors, particularly allogrooming, were comparable with those in the wild. Olfactory behaviors such as scent marking and anogenital sniffing also showed seasonal peaks and again appeared to occur at higher rates than in the wild.  相似文献   

Forests of Ankarana limestone massif in northern Madagascar support one of the largest and least disturbed populations of Crowned Lemurs, Lemur coronatus. This paper reports a preliminary study of the ecology of this species in the Ankarana Special Reserve conducted at the end of the dry season in 1986, with additional information collected a year later. Crowned Lemurs occur in very high densities in the semi-deciduous canopy forest and this probably represents a dry season refuge for the species. They also use more open habitats, including sparsely vegetated limestone and degraded forest. Sanford's Lemur, Lemur fulvus sanfordi, also inhabits the Ankarana forests but is most abundant in degraded habitats. Crowned and Sanford's Lemurs had similar patterns of activity, which included nocturnal travelling and feeding bouts. Crowned Lemurs proved to be unusual among Lemur species in displaying low spatial troop cohesion and a lack of obvious troop hierarchy. Stronglyoides-like enteric helminths infested about one third of Crowned Lemurs but were apparently not causing disease. Crowned Lemurs fall prey to the Fosa, Cryptoprocta ferox, and the young possibly also to the largest raptors. A total of seven living lemur species (including the very rare Propithecus diadema perrieri and Daubentonia madagascariensis) were confirmed at Ankarana by the authors, and three further species have been reported by other observers. In addition to these ten extant lemurs, four subfossil species have been discovered: three of them (Hapalemur simus, Palaeopropithecus and Mesopropithecus) by the authors. The possibility that all 14 lemurs were once sympatric is discussed. For the present, the lemurs of Ankarana are protected from hunting by local taboo. Nevertheless they are under severe threat from habitat destruction, despite Ankarana's Special Reserve status. Given the very restricted distributions of Crowned and Sanford's Lemurs, both must be considered as threatened with extinction.  相似文献   

Factors affecting reproduction in captive Asian chipmunks, Tamias sibiricus, were examined by means of a survey of chipmunk breeders in Great Britain. Sixteen breeders were asked about the conditions under which their chipmunks were kept and their success in breeding them. Results covered 205 female-years of pairing. Breeding was promoted by large cage size and early weaning of young, and inhibited by the presence of other rodent species nearby and by extended photoperiod. A diet of seeds and nuts, with some fresh fruits and vegetables, appeared to be adequate for breeding. Breeding occurred in 80–91& of female-years when neither extra lighting nor other rodents were present, irrespective of cage size. Weaning age affected the occurrence of second litters in a year. Second litters were born less often (0–13&) of breeding (female-years) if young of the first litter remained with the mother 8 weeks or longer. Second litters were more frequent (14–45& of breeding female-years) if first litters were removed by 6.5 weeks of age, and this frequency increased with cage size. Litter size also increased with cage size (means ranged from 3 to 7). Overall breeding success increased with cage size and decreased with the presence of other rodents. In most colonies without other rodents near, mean success rate ranged from 3.1 to 8.5 young/female-year. In colonies with other rodents present mean success rate varied from 0 to 3.3 young/female-year. It is suggested that the mechanisms that control population size in the wild also act to inhibit or promote breeding in captivity.  相似文献   

Behavioral patterns were quantified in seven heterosexual lesser bushbaby (Galago moholi) pairs during the estrous cycle to determine the relative significance of behavioral and nonbehavioral components of female sexuality in mate attraction. Increases in the occurrence of several male behaviors indicating female attractiveness were initiated during vaginal swelling when the female was sexually nonreceptive. Female behavioral estrus, as indicated by intromission, was confined to a portion of vaginal opening coinciding with proestrous and vaginal estrous smears. Female attractiveness was maintained for much of the period of vaginal opening, whereas female receptivity ended a day or two earlier than attractiveness. Female receptive and proceptive behaviors were not well defined or extensive, and few female behaviors exhibited significant changes during the cycle. Scent-marking behaviors, such as urine washes, and male grooms, were generally elevated outside the behavioral estrous period. In G. moholi, male sexual arousal appears to be elicited primarily by female attractiveness, while behavioral components of female sexuality appear to be less important in influencing mate attraction.  相似文献   

A 3-yr-old secundiparous female ring-tailed lemur presented to the Auburn University Small Animal Clinic with signs of dyspnea, lethargy, and anorexia. The animal died before she could be examined, and a full necropsy was immediately performed. Provisional necropsy findings included moderate pneumonia and hepatopathy. Acute interstitial pneumonia and focal hepatocellular necrosis were confirmed histologically. Lung impression smears, histopathology, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and tissue culture isolation resulted in a diagnosis of acute disseminated Toxoplasma gondii infection, which was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. The isolate of T. gondii was avirulent for mice and was named AU Tgl and genetically is type II. The source of the infection remains unclear, but speculation suggests contaminated fruit or blackbirds (Passeriformes: Icteridae) acting as transport hosts for oocysts from nondomestic felids and feral cats on the property.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the hand preferences exhibited by 33 black lemurs during routine feeding. Individual animals displayed hand preferences that were consistent across observations separated by as much as seven months. Within this population, 20 were left hand preferent, 12 right preferent, and 1 was ambidextrous. Correlational analysis of age and percentage left hand use indicated an inverse relationship in which younger animals tended towards the preferential use of the left hand and older animals the preferential use of the right hand. Similar analysis found no relationship between either sex and hand preference or familial relationship and hand preference. The skewed distribution of age in this sample renders tentative conclusions regarding age-related variations in hand preference. It is suggested that if the hand preferences of the black lemur are not age-related, then this species may be characterized as having a bias towards the preferential use of the left hand for food reaching.  相似文献   

Breeding records of 11 taxa of captive lemurs housed at the Duke University Primate Center (DUPC), North Carolina, were analyzed for differences in the timing of births, for the relationship between breeding season and photoperiod, and for differences in litter size. At DUPC there are significant differences in the timing of births among certain taxa, including differences among some subspecies of Lemur fulvus.However, changes in latitude result in changes in the timing of the breeding season. Lemurs moved to higher latitudes mate at lower light-dark ratios than on Madagascar. The data presented here are consistent with the following model: a photoperiodic cue initiating reproductive activity, presumably a light-dark threshold, precedes the actual mating season by approximately 2 months, with an intervening period of physiological and social preparation. On Madagascar, selection may have favored births that coincide with the end of dry seasons and the beginning of wet seasons, which results in lactation and weaning during times of resource abundance. Taxa from the north and east have the highest mean litter sizes; those from the west have the lowest.  相似文献   

A vocalization of the ringtailed lemur (Lemur catta) was examined for individual differences according to several temporal- and frequency-dependent variables. Vocalizations were tape recorded at the Duke University Primate Center (Durham, NC) and spectrographically analyzed. Significant differences were found in pair-wise comparisons of call structure among the study subjects, thus providing the physical basis for individual discrimination. A separate analysis comparing degree of kinship and vocal similarity revealed a positive but nonsignificant correlation between these two variables. This study represents an initial examination of vocal individuality in prosimian primates.  相似文献   

Although estradiol-17 beta (E2) induces premature regression of the corpus luteum (CL), its role in spontaneous luteolysis which occurs at the end of the nonfertile cycle has not been demonstrated. We compared the effects of an estrogen antagonist on E2-induced and spontaneous luteolysis by administering clomiphene (10 mg/day) to cynomolgus macaques during the luteal phase in the presence and absence of exogenous E2 (supplied by subcutaneous Silastic implants). Other animals received either vehicle or E2 implants. Luteal function was assessed by progesterone concentrations and luteal phase length. Clomiphene maintained normal luteal function in the presence of luteolytic levels of E2 in five of six monkeys. However, clomiphene alone did not prolong luteal function beyond that observed in monkeys receiving vehicle. To assess the direct effect of clomiphene on the CL, we incubated monkey luteal cells with human chorionic gonadotropin and clomiphene, E2, or clomiphene plus E2. Clomiphene (1500 ng/ml) alone and E2 (1000 ng/ml) alone significantly (P less than 0.05) inhibited progestin production. Clomiphene and E2 together depressed progestin production to an even greater extent. The data suggest that the mechanisms involved in E2-induced and spontaneous luteolysis differ.  相似文献   

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