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The effect of different quantities and kinds of vegetable and animal oils and the importance of the time of the oil addition on growth and protease synthesis by T. vulgaris was investigated. The used oils stimulate the protease production if they are added in a suitable concentration. However, the stimulation effect of each oil is different. Culture inoculation with spores gives the best results, when oil was added to the medium 1 up to 2 hours after beginning of the fermentation. The enzyme activity is equal to or lower than the control, when the oil addition was carried out before or 3 hours after starting the fermentation.  相似文献   

The splitting of vegetable and animal oils used as antifoam agents and the metabolization of fatty acids released were analysed during fermentation of T. vulgaris in a 30 l jar fermenter. During cultivation time of 22 hours the oil amount decreased by 60 to 70%. The metabolization of fatty acids is 50 to 90% of the starting level depending on the kind of acid. The eventual effect of the fatty acids released from antifoam oils on the protease production is discussed.  相似文献   

A dried proteolytic enzyme preparation “Thermitase” is produced of the cultural solution of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris. The procedure comprises concentration, sedimentation, ethanol and sodiumsulfate precipitation and drying in laboratorial and semitechnical scale. The elimination of rape seed oil which impairs the salt sedimentation was specially taken into account. A certain sedimentation procedure using caoline or a aqueous solution of CaCl2 and Na2HPO4 or filtration was elaborated to eliminate the lipid components in the concentrated solution. The method is convenient to get good yields of the thermostable protease.  相似文献   

In den letzten Jahren bemühte sich die systematische Forschung verstärkt, die oft sehr schematisch begrenzten Einheiten der Flechten mit modernen Methoden unter Berücksichtigung möglichst vieler Merkmale zu überprüfen und neu zu gliedern, Ökologische Merkmale wurden aber bei der Definition supraspezifischer taxonomischer Einheiten bei Flechten bisher kaum herangezogen. Eine Analyse der revidierten und neu gefaßten Taxa, z. B. innerhalb der Familie Lecideaceae, zeigt aber, daß diese Einheiten oft deutliche Parallelen und Schwerpunkte im ökologischen Bereich besitzen und sich somit ökologische Merkmale als zusätzliches Kriterium bei der Begründung von natürlichen Verwandtschaftsgruppen verwenden lassen. Andererseits kann eine stark abweichende Ökologie als Hinweis auf eine mögliche taxonomische Sonderstellung gelten (Beispiel: Ausgliederung von T. caradocensis als einziger Holzbewohner der Gattung Toninia aus diesem Genus), d. h., möglicherweise künstliche Taxa können für taxonomische Zwecke auf ökologisch und soziologisch auffallende Zäsuren hin untersucht werden. Derartige Querverbindungen zwischen Systematik und Ökologie finden sich besonders auf Gattungsniveau, lassen sich aber öfter auch in Familien hinein verfolgen. Somit können Fragen der Flechtentaxonomie niederer und mittlerer Kategorien durch Einbeziehung ökologischer Kriterien besser behandelt werden, als dies bei nur morphologischtypologischer Arbeitsweise der Fall ist. Um eine ökologische Affinität oder Zäsur zwischen Flechtentaxa aufzuzeigen, ist eine genauere Definition ihrer Ökologie nicht unbedingt notwendig. Eine ökologische Ähnlichkeit kann mit Hilfe pflanzensoziologischer Methoden nachgewiesen werden. Die Fruchtbarkeit der ökologisch-synökologischen Frageweise für die Flechtensystematik und die Bedeutung ökologischer Differenzierungen für die Evolution der Flechten werden diskutiert. Für wertvolle Diskussionen und Anregungen danke ich den Herren Dr. G. Kost (Tübingen), H. Oberhollenzer , Prof. Dr. J. Poelt (Graz), Dr. H. Schmalfuss und Dr. G. von Wahlert (alle Ludwigsburg) ganz herzlich.  相似文献   

F. Ebel 《Feddes Repertorium》1974,85(4):315-318
Field investigations show Tillandsia excelsa Griseb. (Bromeliaceae) to be a monocarpic perennial. The deceased, reflexed stem leaves of Copernicia torreana León (Arecaceae) which reach down to the ground are of ecological importance (protection against heat and drought). Oncidium usneoides Lindl. (Orchidaceae) is a terrestrial stoloniferous plant without bulbs.  相似文献   

Little research has been made on the litoral algal flora of unpolluted high mountain lakes and streams. Since the algal flora is often used to estimate the water quality, it is of great value to know more about the ecology of benthic forms living under extreme oligotrophic conditions. An investigation was made of the benthic and littoral microphytic vegetation of Esteragne torrent, and Lac de Port-Bielh in the High Pyrenees. Both waters combine a low calcium content with a consistently basic pH. A comparison of their flora with that of other lakes may help to deal with the problem of whether the algal flora is determined more by the calcium content or the pH. The algal flora of Esteragne torrent differs little from that of low-calcium streams of the central European highlands. In Lac de Porth-Bielh there is a distinct depth-zonation among the dominant algae. The dominant taxa at a depth of 0–0,5 metres are: Schizothrix lacustris f. lutescens, Sch. calcicola, Gloeocapsa tornensis, Pleurocapsa minor with Cyanostylon microcystoides and Hydrococcus cesatii particularly on the undersides of the stones; from 0,5 to 1,5 m: a massive growth of Nostoc zetterstedtii; from 2,5 to 4,5 m: Schizothrix funalis; from 7 m: Nitella flexilis. In addition the lake includes a number of rare and little known forms such as? Onkonema sp., of. Desmosiphon maculans, Lyngbya lachneri, Homeothrix sinensis, Chantransia chalybea v. profunda, Siphononema polonicum status chamaesiphonoides. Green algae were almost completely absent from the upper zones, in contrast to the usual findings. The littoral flora has a very distinctive character, and is not directly comparable with that usually found in lakes with either high or low calcium content. A certain resemblance to lakes with a high calcium content can be found only if all the forms present particularly with lower abundances are considered. The very strong development of lithophytes should be emphasized in contrast to their usually low density in lakes with low calcium content. The systematic section deals with systematic and taxonomic problems in a number of difficult forms.  相似文献   

Ecological and Systematic Studies on the Neuston of Alpine Pools, with Special Regard to Ciliated Protozoa The qualitative and quantitative composition of the neuston of 31 alpine pools with different degrees of organic pollution was investigated. Phytoflagellata and Ciliophora dominated in highly eutrophic pools, Phycomycetes in less eutrophic ones. The light-dependent migration of the photoautotrophic heloneuston from the plankton to the surface film caused a strong depression of the neustonic Phycomycetes. Ciliates specially adapted to a neustonic mode of life were not found. The morphology, infraciliature, silverline system and ecology of nine species occuring more frequently in the hyponeuston were studied. A new species (Kreyella minuta)., a new genus (Pseudochilodonopsis). and a new family (Kreyellidae). are described. Some problems dealing with the ecology of ciliates in the surface films of natural pools and of enrichment cultures are discussed.  相似文献   

Chroogomphus helveticus is an european, dealtomontanous species with a south-hercynian-alpian-carpathian and illyrian-macedonian distribution. It grows in association with various conifers. Picea abies, Pinus cembra, Pinus peuce, Pinus strobus and Abies alba probably are partners of the mycorrhiza. The area is similar to that of Abies alba, Hygrophorus marzuolus and various dealpine plants. Distribution centres are districts, where 5-needled pines (Pinus cembra, Pinus peuce) are to be found naturally. Chroogomphus helveticus is to be found in an altitude from 300 to over 2000 m NN. The species is acidophilous, but not strongly bound to acid soils. A subdivion of the species into subspecific taxa is not possible. The closest relative of Chroogomphus helveticus occurs in Asia and Northern America. An other related european species is only known from England.  相似文献   

Effects of Growth Promoters and Inhibitors on Cambium Activity and Formation of Reaction Wood. — The cambium activity of horizontal bent apicotyls of Aesculus hippocastanum can be stimulated by auxins (2,4-D) or kinetin applied artificially. The effect of kinetin was equal on the upper and lower side of the stem. Applied in high concentration to the upper side 2,4-D acted as inhibitor of cell division on this side but as promoter on the lower side. TIBA was active at the spot of application only. The formation of reaction wood was influenced remarkably by auxins but only slightly by TIBA or kinetin. The results are discussed in term of the theory of growth substances of Went and Cholodny.  相似文献   

A continuous flow system with an enzyme electrode and with a new type of measuring instrument, the BIOXY-Meter, is described as an example for the determination of glucose. The BIOXY-Meter combined with various biosensors may be used in biotechnology and in other fields for the solution of a number of analytical problems. Measuring principle is the reduction of oxygen. The peak of first derivation of the current-time-curve is proportional to oxygen consumption and to decrease of substrate concentration. Enzyme fixation with common adhesive and a device for automated saturation of measuring samples with air in the sampler are also described. With the apparatus 60 samples per hour are analyzed for glucose. The linear measuring range is 0.1 mMol to 1.5 mMol with a coefficient of variation of Vk = 0.93 per cent. The described type of enzyme electrode is stable for 2 to 12 weeks or 1,000 to 5,000 measurements.  相似文献   

Vor der Streckung der Stielzellen von Coprinus radiatus erhöht sich die Zahl der Kerne durch mehrere synchrone Teilungen.  相似文献   

Sechs Spezies der Gattung Chara von zehn Standorten akkumulieren Barium, Schwefel und (in einigen Fällen auch) Strontium in den Statolithen-Kompartimenten ihrer Rhizoide. Hinweise auf Fundorte von Chara verdanken wir Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Fischer , Bonn, Frau Dipl.-Biol. U. Friedrich und Herrn Dipl.-Biol. P. Gerstberger , Bonn, Herrn Prof. Dr. R. Jarosch , Salzburg, sowie Friedrich (1975), Krause (1969) und Schauer (1979). Herr Dr. M. Boecker , Bonn, hat freundlicherweise die Determination der Spezies übernommen. Frau G. Hampel danken wir für Hilfe bei der Präparation. Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The effect of various organic solvents on the activity and stability of an extracellular protease produced by the haloalkaliphilic archaeon Natrialba magadii was tested. This protease was active and stable in aqueous-organic solvent mixtures containing 1.5 M NaCl and glycerol, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), N,N-dimethyl formamide, propylenglycol, and dioxane. Among the solvents tested, DMSO, propylenglycol, and glycerol were effective in preserving enzyme stability in suboptimal NaCl concentrations. The stabilizing effect of DMSO on this haloalkaliphilic protease was more efficient at pH 8 than at pH 10, suggesting that DMSO may not substitute for salt to allow halophilic proteins to withstand the effect of high pH values. These results show that Nab. magadii extracellular protease is a solvent tolerant enzyme and suggest a potential application of this haloalkaliphilic protease in aqueous-organic solvent biocatalysis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Alvars in the Baltic region, particularly on the Swedish islands of Öland and Gotland and in western Estonia, are well‐known for their plant species richness and extensive populations of rare species. Grasslands make up most of alvar vegetation. The extent of these grasslands decreases because of bush enchroachment which takes place in most alvars when traditional land use practice changes, notably when grazing is ceased. The main threat for the alvar grassland is formed by the rapid expansion of Juniperus communis and Potentilla fruticosa in dry and wet sites, respectively. Applied research has been carried out during several years in order to develop plans for the restoration of alvar grassland. Thus it was shown that species richness in areas with a mixture of grassland and shrubland decreases in relation to the increased cover by shrubs. In the case of Juniperus there is a distinct drop in species number as soon as the cover exceeds 75‐80%, while the decrease is more gradual with increased cover of Potentilla. The seed banks under dense stands of these shrubs only contain ca. 20% of the species found in dry and wet alvar meadows. This was confirmed by clearing experiments. Long‐term recordings have shown that establishment of juniper seedlings takes place mainly in half‐open areas between already existing junipers. Intermediate‐sized junipers expanded faster than old and big shrubs. Potentilla shrubs recover fast from cutting or burning. After 2‐4 yr they have almost attained their former size. This recovery can be prevented when cattle grazing is introduced. In the framework of a local alvar restoration project on Öland, covering 7000 ha, grazing regimes are re‐established, fences erected and large‐scale clearings carried out. Recently established juniper shrubs are being cleared, intermediate sized junipers (30‐50 yr old) are selectively removed while creating a mosaic landscape with high biological diversity. Older dense juniper stands are left alone or are only partly cleared. Potentilla stands in moist areas are cut to create moist meadows which are breeding grounds for waders, and to establish corridors between remaining open areas. Three items are discussed (1) the importance of the Stora Alvar area; (2) re‐introduction of grazing and (3) re‐introduction of species. The outstanding importance of the area regarding species richness and endemism should be recognized through a ‘golden list’ to be used along with red and blue lists.  相似文献   

Biomimetic approaches for the dental plaque control Tooth and gum diseases are widespread and are primarily based on the presence of bacterial biofilms. The characterization of biofilms can be carried out by means of state‐of‐the‐art microbiome analysis that can provide information on bacterial composition and diversity. Modern oral care products mostly contain different antimicrobial agents for biofilm control. These include chlorhexidine, metal salts, and quaternary ammonium compounds, which, however, often kill harmful (dysbiotic) and useful bacteria (homeostatic) (unspecific antimicrobial effect). Recent developments show that innovative concepts shift the ecological balance of plaque in the oral cavity to “physiological commensal bacteria” (homeostasis) or minimize the bacterial colonization on enamel surfaces without having pronounced antimicrobial properties. Examples are biomimetic approaches, i.e. based on selected salivary enzymes or hydroxyapatite.  相似文献   

Die Synthese von Pigmenten und die Entwicklung des Photosyntheseapparates wurde an Keimlingen von Ephedra distachya und Welwitschia mirabilis untersucht, die im Dunkeln bzw. im Licht angezogen wurden. Zum Vergleich wurden Keimlinge der “typischen” Gymnosperme Pinus silvestris untersucht. Die Chlorophyllbildung bei Keimlingen von Welwitschia gleicht derjenigen der Angiospermen, sie synthetisieren Chlorophyll nur im Licht und entwickeln parallel dazu einen funktionsfähigen Photosyntheseapparat. Ephedra bildet ebenso wie die Gymnosperme Pinus Chlorophyll auch im Dunkeln. Die Dunkelsynthese von Chlorophyllen bei Pinus und Ephedra wird nach Überführung ins Licht (nach einer eintägigen lag-Phase) erhöht fortgesetzt. Dunkelangezogene Keimlinge zeigen keine Photosynthesekapazität. Erst nach 5 bis 10 Minuten Dauerlicht beginnt die Sauerstoffentwicklung. Wird die photosynthetische O2-Entwicklung während der weiteren Ergrünung auf gleichen Chlorophyllgehalt bezogen, zeigt sich während der ersten beiden Tage im Licht ein steiler Anstieg, gefolgt von einem kontinuierlichen Abfall. Dieser wird hervorgerufen durch bevorzugte Synthese von Antennenchlorophyll, welches für eine bessere Ausnutzung von Licht geringerer Intensität sorgt. In der Chlorophyllbiosynthese und der Entwicklung des Photosyntheseapparates folgt Welwitschia den Charakteristika der Angiospermen, während Ephedra ausgesprochene Gymnospermenmerkmale zeigt. Wir danken Prof. Dr. C. H. Bornman und der Staatsdarre Wolfgang (Hanau) für die Überlassung von Samen von Welwitschia mirabilis bzw. Pinus silvestris und Frau I. Krieger und Herrn H. Becker für wertvolle Hilfe bei der Anfertigung des Manuskriptes.  相似文献   

Das Boetzelaerer Meer, ein alter Rheinmäander, gehört dem eutrophen Gewässertypus an und befindet sich zur Zeit noch in einem völlig unbeeinflußten Zustand. Stärkere Eingriffe sind jedoch in absehbarer Zeit durch Industrieansiedlung und Straßenbau zu erwarten. Das Gewässer hat eine Länge von 1500 m und eine größte Tiefe von 300 cm; im Uferbereich legen Steil- und Flachufertypen mit entsprechenden Übergängen die Verbreitung der Verlandungszonen fest. Die Wasserstände des ?Meeres” werden durch die monatliche Niederschlagsverteilung und über das Grundwasser auch durch den Rheinwasserstand modifiziert und gesteuert. Die Verlandungszonen zeichnen sich durch ein Fehlen von Bruchwaldgürteln und durch eine sehr starke Differenzierung der Glycerieten aus. Teichschlammbestände finden sich vornehmlich in Flachuferbereichen als junge Pionierstadien oder auf höherliegenden Sedimentationsflächen als Zwischenstadien zum Glycerietum maximae. Die Wasserpflanzengesellschaften sind ausgesprochen artenarm und zeigen eine hohe Vitalität. Unterwasserpflanzenbestände fehlen mit Ausnahme einer für den Niederrhein neuen Enteromorpha intestinalis-Gesellschaft. Hydrochemische Untersuchungen ergaben, daß das Meer weitgehend abwasserfrei ist bis auf einige kleinere Zuflüsse im Ostteil, die sich jedoch nicht nachteilig auswirken. Im Gewässerschlamm dominieren die minerogenen Bestandteile; die Sedimente sind als Amphisapropele anzusprechen.  相似文献   

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