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Rhesus monkeys occasionally break up fights among conspecifics and this phenomenon may be called “interference.” The present study describes the patterns of interference in a group of free-ranging rhesus monkeys and evaluates the effect of this behavior onMacaca mulatta social organization. Data were collected at Cayo Santiago. Strong sexual differences were found in the patterning of interference behavior. Females tended to help victims of aggression and animals from the interferer's own genealogy, especially juveniles. In addition, females were likely to interfere as subordinate to the target animal. Natal and non-natal males oriented toward unrelated adult females and generally only interfered in fights if dominant to the target animal. Further, the males helped victims of aggression significantly less often than females did. Contrary to expectation, the dominant males were noteworthy neither for the quantity nor the effect of their interference. In general, the findings reinforce the notion that females are the stable and central part of a rhesus monkey social group. The findings also suggest that interference plays a role in the maintenance of group stability and cohesion.  相似文献   

This paper describes the survival rates of 763 rhesus monkeys maintained at the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center (YRPRC). The survival rates were determined by methods used to calculate survival rates of human populations. The monkeys were divided into 3 groups based on their specific life histories. Group I monkeys were wild-born and were housed singly from the time they came into captivity at about 2 years of age. Group II monkeys were born either in the wild or in captivity and were housed in social groups since their acquisition at ages 2 to 8 years. Group III monkeys were born at the YRPRC and housed in social groups. Due to these differences in life histories, direct comparisons among survival curves of the 3 groups are, at best, tenuous, as are comparisons with populations maintained at other facilities. In the present study the highest mortality rate occurred during the first month of life. The maximum life span attained in our group I was 35 years, with only 6.2% of monkeys in this group attaining an age beyond 30 years.  相似文献   

Interferences in aggressive disputes were recorded in a captive troop of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) comprising 19 mature females, 2 mature males and 12 immatures. The top ranking animal - the oldest female, Alpha, 23 years of age - was the only one who consistently interfered in favor of victims, never of aggressors. This protective, dispute-breaking strategy was distinguished by the following facts: None of the supported monkeys shared genes with Alpha; Alpha had no preference for aiding particular individuals; Alpha's high-risk interference (against aggressors) was never reciprocated; and (4) there was no evidence that Alpha's strategy aimed at the improvement of dominance standing. It was concluded that Alpha's behavior may represent an example of altruism.  相似文献   

An analysis of 3,774 episodes of agonistic aiding collected during a two-year study of a rhesus monkey group (Macaca, mulatta) indicated the differential influence of kinship and rank relationships on the participation of different age-sex classes in both aid to victims and aid to aggressors. Most aiding favored victims rather than aggressors and was much more likely to occur when matrilineal kin were involved. Females were more likely to aid than were males, and the frequency of their participation increased with age. Females were much more influenced by kinship than were males and defended or aggressively supported kin against any third party regardless of dominance relationships. Adult males seldom aided against animals that were dominant to themselves; the rare exceptions occurred when adult males defended kin. Aiding was far more likely to occur if the victim was squealing, and noisy agonistic episodes often involved multiple aiders on both sides. Aiding patterns had some potential to insure dominance rank inheritance within families, in accordance with the Kawamura hypothesis. In aiding animals outside of their own matrilines, however, group members aided randomly with respect to this model. There was little evidence that aiding functioned to support individuals when they targeted animals to which they should be dominant as adults based on matrilineal dominance relationships. Most defensive aiding seemed to function primarily to defend victims (primarily kin) of aggression. Aggressive support of the attacker, on the other hand, seemed to function primarily to reinforce coalitions with the attacker. The identity of the victim was unimportant as long as it was neither kin to nor dominant to the aider. Aggressive support of attackers did not overturn existing dominance relationships.  相似文献   

The paternity of 202 of 220 offspring of rhesus monkeys housed in six separate half-acre field cages at the California Primate Research Center was determined by genetic marker techniques. Reproductive success of the adult males was statistically significantly correlated (r = 0.76, P <0.0005) with rank. Marked systematic changes in reproductive success were, however, observed for two adult males during the three years covered by this study. Based upon these results and those of another study, it is argued that changes in rank position typically follow, rather than precede, changes in reproductive success.  相似文献   

An outbreak of severe aggression occurred among females in a rhesus macaque breeding group at the California Primate Research Center four years after the group was established. During the breeding season in which this occurred, the incidence of injured females in other breeding groups at the Primate Center was significantly higher than in the previous year. This breeding season was the first in which a large number of females reached sexual maturity. The group in which the most severe aggression occurred contained the largest number and proportion of maturing females. Evidence suggests that the simultaneous maturation of a large cohort of adolescent females may be associated with increased levels of aggression, and that this aggression may be intensified by certain aspects of captivity.  相似文献   

Dominance relationships were studied in a rhesus monkey group during five consecutive years. The group consisted of eight stable matriarchies and an adult male class which was replaced at the start, and again at the midpoint, of the study. Immature males were selectively harvested to maintain a sex ratio typical of natural troops. Maximum group size during the study was 77 animals.Dominance relationships were remarkably stable, with only 4.4% of dyads failing to show unidirectional relationships. Despite this stability, a linear ranking of all group members was not possible. Male dominance relationships with other males were among the most stable, following the fighting which ensued on male introductions. Male introductions did not disrupt female dominance relationships.Adult female dominance relationships were also quite stable, but immature females slowly achieved dominance over older sisters and females subordinate to their mothers. Such reversals were the result of processes lasting over many months. Many dominance assertions occurred prior to puberty but a significant number occurred following sexual maturity. Maturing females did not reverse dominance relationships according to any particular hierarchial order and, as a consequence, many were subordinate to animals that were dominated by others that they dominated.Although there was an alpha male that was dominant to all animals in the group, adult females dominated most adult males. Adult males, however, often reciprocated aggression directed at them. They almost invariably threatened or countercharged aggressive immature animals regardless of matriarchial membership. Adult males dominated some adult and most young females, even in families containing matriarchs and adult females to which the adult males always submitted.The dominance relationships of young males were similar to those of their sisters, until puberty. Young males did not necessarily bypass adult males that their mothers outranked, and often failed to win against adult females that their mothers dominated. Adolescent female aggression against females is seldom interfered with by adult males, and females may actively aid one another against males. In contrast, the aggression of young males often elicits interference by adult males, and young males often become the targets of redirected aggression in the group. As a consequence, whereas young females rise in rank to positions adjacent to their mothers, adolescent males often suffer losses to animals that they had dominated as juveniles.  相似文献   

As part of the timed breeding colony at Tulane National Primate Research Center, exogenous progesterone administration (5 mg/day for 10 days) has been used to select conception dates by inducing artificial luteal phases in female rhesus monkeys. A retrospective analysis of data obtained during four breeding seasons (1998-2001) revealed that conceptions occurred an average of 18 days after the last administration of progesterone. The age of the female to be bred, previous pregnancy history, and timing of breeding during the breeding season were determined to be critical factors in the success of the procedure. The benefit of this method of timed breeding is that it does not require tracking of menstrual cycles, which can be labor-intensive and requires that animals be monitored several months in advance of breeding to determine each female's individual cycle length. It also provided an efficient use of breeding-age males.  相似文献   

Female dominance is unusual among mammals and has been described in detail for only a handful of species. Here we present data on the frequency and outcome of dominance interactions in seven semi-free ranging and captive groups of blue-eyed black lemurs (Eulemur macaco flavifrons) housed at the Duke University Primate Center. We collected over 260 hours of focal data during which all occurrences of dominant-subordinate interactions were recorded. We collected data outside the typical breeding and birthing seasons for this species, thus eliminating possible confounding factors and increased aggression associated with these periods. We found that females were dominant over males in all seven groups, with females winning 99% of all dominance interactions.E. m. flavifrons used aggressive dominance (e.g. chase, cuff, bite) in 81% of all interactions, with the remainder of interactions being decided using social dominance (e.g. deference in the form of supplants or cowers). Older females were dominant over younger females in two out of three multi-female groups (in each case, younger females were daughters), and younger males (sons of the dominant female) received less aggression from females than did older males (n = 2 groups). Caging and group size appear to play a minimal role in the expression of female dominance. While confirmation must await further observations on free-ranging groups ofE. m. flavifrons, our data strongly suggest that this subspecies can be characterized as female dominant.  相似文献   

The relationship between dominance rank and female sexual behaviour was examined in rheusus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) living in a social group. High-ranking females engaged in copulatory series as frequently as lower-ranking females. Furthermore, lower-ranking females copulated with as many available males as did high-ranking females. Social rank did appear to influence the pattern of sexual activity exhibited, in that copulatory series were more often initiated by the higher-ranking animal of the mating pair. Copulatory series involving high-ranking females were characterized by more mounts by males and were longer in duration. Higher-ranking animals interfered more often with copulatory series involving other animals, but such interference was not effective in preventing completion of the series. These data indicate that any reproductive advantage conferred to high-ranking females is not the result of sexual competition in social-living rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

Male members of a group of captive Macaca radiata at the California Primate Research Center held and carried infants as they approached or were approached by higher-ranking males and as they were threatened by other males. Male infants between the ages of 25 and 84 weeks were involved in triadic interactions more frequently than were female infants of any age or male infants of other ages. That males were less likely to be harassed while huddling with or embracing infants suggested that infants provided an effective buffer against aggression.  相似文献   

Grooming, social bonding, and agonistic aiding in rhesus monkeys   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An analysis of simultaneous grooming bouts in a captive group of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) failed to provide evidence of competition to groom high ranking partners. Not only were grooming supplantations rare, but the highest ranking individuals performing grooming did not groom the highest ranking animals receiving grooming. Lower ranking partners, however, did more grooming in nonkin dyads. Grooming partners aided one another in agonistic episodes, but the individual receiving the aid did not groom the individual providing the aid more than vice versa. Kin dyads did aid and groom one another at greater than expected rates, but the aider did not receive the greater proportion of grooming in the dyad. Males participated in more grooming than expected, but their grooming was not related to aiding either with regard to one another or female partners. Animals that were targeted in joint aggression, or aided against, received significantly less grooming from their opponents. A general social relationship expressed in partner preferences, social grooming, and agonistic aiding better explained the observed pattern than any model based on the exchange of services for favors in different currencies.  相似文献   

The sexual initiating behavior of male and female cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) observed during standard laboratory tests is reviewed and compared with that of rhesus monkeys (M. mulatta) observed under identical conditions. Species differences in sexual behavior are related here to differences in habitat, sexual dimorphism, and the dominance gradient between the sexes. Compared with rhesus monkeys, cynomolgus monkeys appear to be more arboreal, less sexually dimorphic, and have a smaller dominance gradient between the sexes. They exhibit a facultative single-mount copulatory pattern rather than the serial mount pattern of the rhesus monkey. Female cynomolgus monkeys are less dominated than rhesus females by their male partners. Direct aggression between mates is more frequent and redirected aggression occurs less often than in rhesus monkeys. These behavioral differences affect the interpretation of changes in initiation rates that occur (1) during the menstrual cycle, (2) when females are ovariectomized and given hormone replacement treatments, and (3) when males are castrated and treated with androgens. We conclude that estradiol in the female and testosterone in the male increase the sexual motivation of both the treated and the untreated partner. Valid interpretations of changes in initiation rates depend on accurate and exclusive definitions of behavior and on a consideration of the behavioral context in which they are made.  相似文献   

The affiliative interaction patterns of the immature members of a group of rhesus monkeys at the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center reflected a strong bias toward matrilineal kin, although this effect was modified by age and sex variables. Association with kin decreased with age, particularly for males. Juvenile males showed less of a kin bias in their behavior than did juvenile females, especially for grooming. Juvenile males also exhibited a preference for interaction with other males. The diminished association with kin and the same-sex bias may be reinforced in adolescence as adult males begin to aggressively target adolescent males involved in agonistic encounters with females or immatures. Adolescent males did not decrease their levels of social interaction relative to those of adolescent females; however, these males preferentially associated with other males (predominantly their own age-sex class) and specifically avoided females and younger animals, both kin and nonkin. Avoidance may diminish conflicts with females or immatures which could result from association, thereby decreasing the potential for selective aggressive interference by adult males. Juvenile and adolescent females maintained strong ties with their kin and preferentially associated with other females and immatures. The breadth of interaction of females with other females may facilitate the establishment of dominance relationships as females mature. Familiarity and predictability may also decrease the necessity of more severe agonistic interaction.  相似文献   

Vital statistics are employed to estimate rates of mortality, fetility and growth for a group of about 450 captive rhesus monkeys housed in six separate enclosures at the California Primate Research Center (CPRC). These rates were compared with those previously reported for a free-ranging group of rhesus monkeys. Relative to the free-ranging group, the CPRC monkeys experienced higher fertility below age 5 and lower mortality beyond age 3. These rates are associated with a potential intrinsic rate of increase of about 10%, a rate which is about 50% higher than that for the free-ranging group. Reasons for this marked difference in reproductive success of the two groups are discussed.  相似文献   

When rhesus monkeys are observed in social groups during the breeding season, increases in interfemale aggression coincide with midcycle increases in sexual activity between males and females. However, some investigators have suggested that both aggressive and affiliative interactions between females are influenced by the presence or absence of males, irrespective of menstrual cycle stage. In the present study, social interactions among members of a captive group of rhesus females were measured during the non-breeding season in response to the introduction of rhesus males. Ovariectomized rhesus females (estrogen-treated or untreated) served as stimulus controls. Tests with males were characterized by significantly decreased interfemale proximity and grooming and significantly increased aggression from that seen in tests with stimulus females or in the absence of stimulus animals. Only interfemale proximity declined significantly during stimulus female tests, but results suggest that this may merely reflect a decline in this behavior that occurs across the course of the day. Estrogen treatment did not alter either the aggressive or affiliative behavior of stimulus females or group female response to stimulus females. The possibility is discussed that changes in interfemale interactions during tests with males reflect female interest in interacting with the male, particularly under social conditions that may limit such interactions.  相似文献   

Temperament differs among individuals both within and between species. Evidence suggests that differences in temperament of group members may parallel differences in social behavior among groups or between species. Here, we compared temperament between three closely related species of monkey—rhesus (Macaca mulatta), long‐tailed (M. fascicularis), and pigtailed (M. nemestrina) macaques—using cage‐front behavioral observations of individually housed monkeys at a National Primate Research Center. Frequencies of 12 behaviors in 899 subjects were analyzed using a principal components analysis to identify temperament components. The analysis identified four components, which we interpreted as Sociability toward humans, Cautiousness, Aggressiveness, and Fearfulness. Species and sexes differed in their average scores on these components, even after controlling for differences in age and early‐life experiences. Our results suggest that rhesus macaques are especially aggressive and unsociable toward humans, long‐tailed macaques are more cautious and fearful, and pigtailed macaques are more sociable toward humans and less aggressive than the other species. Pigtailed males were notably more sociable than any other group. The differences observed are consistent with reported variation in these species’ social behaviors, as rhesus macaques generally engage in more social aggression and pigtailed macaques engage in more male–male affiliative behaviors. Differences in predation risks are among the socioecological factors that might make these species‐typical behaviors adaptive. Our results suggest that adaptive species‐level social differences may be encoded in individual‐level temperaments, which are manifested even outside of a social context. Am. J. Primatol. 75:303‐313, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Pair housing for caged macaques in the laboratory generally allows unrestricted tactile contact but, less commonly, may involve limited contact via grooming-contact bars or perforated panels. The purpose of using this protected contact housing, which prevents entry into pair-mates' cages, typically is to accommodate research and management requirements. The study used behavioral data collected on 12 pairs of female longtailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) at the Washington National Primate Research Center and 7 pairs of female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) housed at the Tulane National Primate Research Center to assess the relative benefits of protected versus full protected contact. The study collected data in stable pairs housed first in protected contact followed by full contact. Species combined, the study found the presence of the panel was associated with lower levels of social grooming and higher levels of self-grooming, abnormal behavior, and tension-related behavior. Within species, only the protected- versus full-contact contrasts for abnormal and tension were statistically significant—and only for rhesus macaques. Results suggest that for female rhesus macaques, potential disadvantages or inconveniences of full contact should be balanced against the improved behavioral profile in comparison to protected contact. The use of protected contact among female longtailed macaques does not appear to require the same cost-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

Each of 16 feral-reared male rhesus monkeys was paired with an ovariectomized female (8 females) during daily 60-min behavior tests (16 pairs). Each male received 8 consecutive tests with an untreated female, 8 tests when the female received injections of estradiol, and finally 8 tests after estrogen was withdrawn (total, 384 tests). Of the 16 males, 11 threatened sufficiently often for numerical analysis (“aggressive” males). Two of these males showed no changes either in sexual activity or in agonistic behavior when the females were estrogenized. In the remaining 9 males, there was increased sexual activity when the females were estrogenized and this was associated with a significant decrease in direct aggression (P < 0.01) and an increase in redirected aggression (P < 0.05). The demonstration in the same males of an inverse relation between threats directed toward and away from the female supports the hypothesis that threats directed away from the sexual partner represent aggression aroused by the partner that is redirected onto the environment when sexual interest increases.  相似文献   

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