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When a predator is not an immediate threat, a prey may produce relatively loud alarm calls because the risk is low. Since such calls could nevertheless attract acoustically oriented predators, the cost of predator attraction must be outweighed by factors beneficial to the caller. In this field study we elicited low-risk alarm calls by temporarily catching wintering adult male great tits Parus major at feeders both within and outside their territories. We tested whether the alarm calls of dominant males can be explained in terms of mate warning, reciprocal altruism or notifying the predator of detection. If alarms are intended to warn mates, males accompanied by their mates should give alarm calls both within and outside home range, even if other permanent flock members are absent. If alarms are to be explained by reciprocal altruism, male great tits should give low-risk alarm calls when accompanied by permanent flock members other than mate within and not outside of the home-range. If alarm calling is a message to a predator, males should call when foraging alone. We found that male great tits gave low-risk alarm calls when accompanied by their mates, independent of feeder location. They also gave low-risk alarm calls within home ranges in the presence of other permanent flock members when mates were absent. In contrast, only a few males gave calls when foraging alone within their home ranges, or when in the company of unfamiliar great tits outside their usual home-range. The results suggest that the utterance of alarm calls may be explained as mate protection and reciprocal altruism among familiar individuals.  相似文献   

Morphological resemblance of the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus to the Eurasian sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus has been regarded as an example of predator mimicry. Common hosts could distinguish parasites as the result of coevolution, while rare hosts or non‐hosts may mistake cuckoos for hawks because rare hosts or non‐hosts behave similarly when faced with these two species. Birds usually produce alarm calls in addition to showing behavioral responses when in danger. However, previous studies of identification by rare hosts or non‐hosts of sparrowhawks usually lacked experimental evidence of alarm calls. Great tits Parus major, a rare cuckoo host, perform similar behaviors and usually produce alarm calls in response to sparrowhawks and common cuckoos. Here, we tested whether great tits could distinguish common cuckoo from sparrowhawk based on analysis of their alarm calls and the effects of playback of alarm calls on conspecific behavior. Previous studies showed that great tits have a complex communication system that conveys information about predators, and they could perform different kinds of response behavior to different alarm calls. If great tits have not made the ability to distinguish between common cuckoo and sparrowhawk, then their acoustic responses to these two species and their response behaviors in playback experiments should be similar. Specimens of a common cuckoo (parasite), a sparrowhawk (predator) and an Oriental turtle dove Streptopelia orientalis (harmless control) were used to elicit and subsequently record the response behavior and alarm calls of great tits. There was no significant difference in behavioral response among great tits when exposed to the dummy of cuckoo, sparrowhawk and dove. In contrast, they differed significantly in alarm calls. Great tits produced more notes per call that contained increasing D‐type and decreasing I‐type notes when responding to sparrowhawk as compared to cuckoo or dove. In playback experiments, we found that great tits responded more strongly to great tit hawk than to great tit cuckoo or great tit dove alarm calls. Our study suggests that great tits are able to distinguish sparrowhawks from common cuckoos and convey relevant information in alarm calls by adjusting the number and combinations of notes of a single call type.  相似文献   

The use of ‘tactical deception’ is argued to have been important in the cognitive evolution of the order Primates, but systematic studies of active deception in wild non-human primates are scant. This study tests whether wild tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella nigritus) use alarm calls in a functionally deceptive manner to usurp food resources. If capuchins use alarm calls ‘deceptively’, it was predicted that false alarms should be: (i) given by subordinates more than by dominants, (ii) more frequent when food is most contestable, (iii) more frequent when less food is available, and (iv) given when the caller is in a spatial position in which it could increase its feeding success if conspecifics react to the call. These predictions were tested by observing subjects in experimental contexts, in which the amount and distribution of a high-value resource (banana pieces) were manipulated using wooden platforms suspended from tree branches. While false alarms were non-significantly more common when more food was available, the three remaining predictions were supported. These results generally support the hypothesis that alarm calls are used by capuchins to reduce the effects of feeding competition. Whether this is intentional on the part of the caller requires further investigation.  相似文献   

When facing a predator, animals need to perform an appropriate antipredator behavior such as escaping or mobbing to prevent predation. Many bird species exhibit distinct mobbing behaviors and vocalizations once a predator has been detected. In some species, mobbing calls transmit information about predator type, size, and threat, which can be assessed by conspecifics. We recently found that great tits (Parus major) produce longer D calls with more elements and longer intervals between elements when confronted with a sparrowhawk, a high‐threat predator, in comparison to calls produced in front of a less‐threatening tawny owl. In the present study, we conducted a playback experiment to investigate if these differences in mobbing calls elicit different behavioral responses in adult great tits. We found tits to have a longer latency time and to keep a greater distance to the speaker when sparrowhawk mobbing calls were broadcast. This suggests that tits are capable of decoding information about predator threat in conspecific mobbing calls. We further found a tendency for males to approach faster and closer than females, which indicates that males are willing to take higher risks in a mobbing context than females.  相似文献   

Predation is an important mortality factor in wintering birds. To counter this, birds produce alarm calls in the presence of predators which serve to warn conspecifics. In social hierarchical bird flocks, adults survive the winter better than juveniles and therefore survival strategies probably vary with social status. This study examined the differential responses to alarm calls by free-living willow tits, Parus montanus, in dominance-structured winter flocks in Finland. To explore the age-dependent differences in response to conspecific alarm calls, a series with three alarm calls was played to focal adults and juveniles while they sat in the middle section of a spruce branch. Immediately after the playback, juvenile willow tits moved more often, flew longer distances and changed branches more often than did adults. Previous mammal studies have shown that juveniles are more likely to flee than adults after hearing conspecific alarm calls. The current study demonstrates that similar age-dependent responses to conspecific alarm calls occur in birds also. These findings reflect an increased vulnerability to predators or lack of experience of young birds.  相似文献   

Alarm calls are vocalisations animals give in response to predators which mainly function to alert conspecifics of danger. Studies show that numerous species eavesdrop on heterospecific calls to gain information about predator presence. Responding to heterospecific calls may be a learned or innate response, determined by whether the response occurs with or without prior exposure to the call. In this study, we investigated the presence of eavesdropping behaviour in zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata. This species is not known to possess a distinct alarm call to warn adult conspecifics of a threat, and could be relying on alarm calls of nearby heterospecifics for predator information. We used a playback experiment to expose captive zebra finches to three heterospecific sounds: an unfamiliar alarm call (from the chestnut‐rumped thornbill Acanthiza uropygialis), a familiar alarm call, and a familiar control (both from the noisy miner Manorina melanocephala). These calls were chosen to test if the birds had learnt to distinguish between the function of the two familiar calls, and if the acoustic properties of the unfamiliar alarm indicated presence of a threat to the finches. Our results showed that in response to the thornbill alarm, the birds reduced the rate of production of short calls. However, this decrease was also seen when considering both short and distance calls in response to the control sound. An increase in latency to call was also seen after the control stimulus when compared to the miner alarm. The time spent scanning increased in response to all three stimuli, but this did not differ between stimuli. There were no significant differences when considering the stimulus by time interaction for any of the three vigilance measures. Overall, no strong evidence was found to indicate that the captive zebra finches were responding to the heterospecific alarm stimuli with anti‐predator behaviour.  相似文献   

Many species approach predators to harass them and drive them away. Both the intensity of this antipredator strategy and its success are positively related to the size of the group that carries out this mobbing. To recruit individuals to the mob, members of prey species produce mobbing calls. In some songbirds—the Japanese tit, Parus minor, and the southern pied babbler, Turdoides bicolor—mobbing calls are structurally complex and it has been suggested that they convey information by means of compositional syntax, when meaningful items are combined into larger units. These two species combine alert and recruitment calls into an alert and recruitment sequence when attracting conspecifics to cooperate in mobbing a predator. Whether this rudimentary, two‐call, compositional structure is used by other bird species in mobbing calls and how it can alter the ability of heterospecifics to adequately recognize mobbing calls is not well understood. Heterospecifics’ responses to mobs are critical to the success of the mobbing strategy, so it is of great importance to understand whether and how syntax influences these responses. To address these questions, we conducted two playback experiments. Firstly, we investigated whether the great tit, Parus major, extracts different meanings from different individual motifs (i.e., component calls), and from combined motifs in both natural and artificially reversed order. We found that great tits extract different meanings from the two motifs involved in mobbing calls and that they also discriminate for motif order reversal in the mobbing call sequence. Secondly, we investigated whether heterospecifics (the coal tit, Periparus ater, and the common chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs) are sensitive to syntax alteration of great tit mobbing calls. While chaffinches did not respond to great tit mobbing calls, coal tits were sensitive to mobbing call sequence reversal although they did not react in the same way as conspecific subjects. Overall, whereas our results indicate that tits are sensitive to call reversal, this is not to say that tits actually use compositional syntax to increase the information content.  相似文献   

Hole-nesting tits belonging to the family Paridae produce a hissing display that resembles the exhalatory hiss of a snake. When a predatory animal enters the nest hole of a tit, tits often hiss vigorously, while lunging their head forward and shaking their wings and tail, until the intruder retreats. We assessed the acoustic similarity between such hiss calls from 6 species of tits, snake hisses, and tit syllables used in alarm vocalizations, as well as white noise as a control. Tit hiss calls showed a high degree of similarity with snake hisses from 3 different snake families. Tit hisses had lower similarity to syllable alarm calls, suggesting convergence of tit hisses in their spectral structure. Hiss calls would only be effective in protecting nest boxes if nest predators responded to these calls. In order to test this hypothesis, we trained individual Swinhoe’s striped squirrels, Tamiops swinhoei hainanus, a common predator of egg and nestling tits, to feed at feeders in proximity to nest boxes. We compared the aversive response of squirrels to tit’s hiss calls and white noise, presented in random order. Squirrels showed a higher degree of avoidance of feeders when hiss calls were played back than when white noise was presented. In conclusion, our study suggests that hole-nesting birds have evolved convergent snake-like hiss calls, and that predators avoid to prey on the contents of nest boxes from which snake-like hisses emerge.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of vocal mimicry in animals, few functions for this behaviour have been shown. I propose a novel hypothesis that false mimicked alarm calls could be used deceptively to scare other species and steal their food. Studies have previously suggested that animals use their own species-specific alarm calls to steal food. However none have shown conclusively that these false alarms are deceptive, or that mimicked alarm calls are used in this manner. Here, I show that wild fork-tailed drongos (Dicrurus adsimilis) make both drongo-specific and mimicked false alarm calls when watching target species handling food, in response to which targets flee to cover abandoning their food. The drongo-specific and mimicked calls made in false alarms were structurally indistinguishable from calls made during true alarms at predators by drongos and other species. Furthermore, I demonstrate by playback experiments that two of these species, meerkats (Suricata suricatta) and pied babblers (Turdoides bicolor), are deceived by both drongo-specific and mimicked false alarm calls. These results provide the first conclusive evidence that false alarm calls are deceptive and demonstrate a novel function for vocal mimicry. This work also provides valuable insight into the benefits of deploying variable mimetic signals in deceptive communication.  相似文献   

Bird song transmits information required to defend territories and attract mates. These functions contribute to fitness by affecting survival and reproductive success. Singing is also costly due to physiological costs. We used observational data to evaluate support for the hypothesis that lower temperatures result in decreased singing behaviour in wild great tits due to increased energy consumption during cold conditions required for thermoregulation. More than 6,500 simulated territorial intrusions were performed over an 8-year period in twelve nest box populations of great tits Parus major south of Munich, Germany. We measured song rate as well as the number of alarm calls and the aggressive response of territorial males to a simulated territorial intrusion. We found a decrease in song rate with decreasing current temperature, but also a concurrent increase in the number of alarm calls. Night temperature did not affect these acoustic traits. We conclude that warmer conditions allow birds to choose more energetically expensive (yet functionally superior) activities during territorial intrusions, thereby facilitating avoidance of physical aggressiveness during territorial intrusions.  相似文献   

Winter acclimatization in birds is a complex of several strategies based on metabolic adjustment accompanied by long-term management of resources such as fattening. However, wintering birds often maintain fat reserves below their physiological capacity, suggesting a cost involved with excessive levels of reserves. We studied body reserves of roosting great tits in relation to their dominance status under two contrasting temperature regimes to see whether individuals are capable of optimizing their survival strategies under extreme environmental conditions. We predicted less pronounced loss of body mass and body condition and lower rates of overnight mortality in dominant great tits at both mild and extremely low ambient temperatures, when ambient temperature dropped down to ?43 °C. The results showed that dominant great tits consistently maintained lower reserve levels than subordinates regardless of ambient temperature. However, dominants responded to the rising risk of starvation under low temperatures by increasing their body reserves, whereas subdominant birds decreased reserve levels in harsh conditions. Yet, their losses of body mass and body reserves were always lower than in subordinate birds. None of the dominant great tits were found dead, while five young females and one adult female were found dead in nest boxes during cold spells when ambient temperatures dropped down to ?43 °C. The dead great tits lost up to 23.83 % of their evening body mass during cold nights while surviving individuals lost on average 12.78 % of their evening body mass. Our results show that fattening strategies of great tits reflect an adaptive role of winter fattening which is sensitive to changes in ambient temperatures and differs among individuals of different social ranks.  相似文献   

Single species or groups of species can be subjected to differing levels of parasitism on different plants. Previous studies have reported that parasitism of larval macrolepidoptera in an assemblage on box elder (Acer negundo L.) was significantly greater than on black willow [Salix nigra (Marsh)]. In this study, quantitative food webs, parasitoid overlap diagrams and other food web attributes were used to identify and describe direct and indirect interactions, and to compare assemblages on each tree species. These comparisons helped identify possible mechanisms explaining the differential parasitism observed. Although links among numerically dominant species in each assemblage were not strong, links between numerically dominant and subdominant species were strong. That is, numerically dominant and subdominant species interacted via shared parasitoids. The degree of parasitoid sharing by numerically dominant and subdominant species differed in each tree. There was less sharing of parasitoids on black willow than on box elder. Further, on box elder, the majority of parasitoids affecting numerically subdominant species originated from numerically dominant species, unlike in willow. These results lead to a working hypothesis—the source/nursery hypothesis—that proposes that community-wide levels of parasitism are highest in circumstances in which numerically subdominant species share parasitoid species in common with numerically dominant species, and most parasitoids attacking subdominant species originate from numerically dominant species. Thus, differences in degree of sharing and the types of herbivores sharing parasitoids may explain differential parasitism. Further, the source/nursery hypothesis may explain why the vast majority of species in most assemblages are numerically subdominant. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Optimal foraging theory suggests that avian parents should prefer the most energetically efficient (largest) prey items when delivering food to offspring at a central place. However, during periods of high demand, selectivity of prey may decline, leading to the delivery of smaller and/or less nutritious items. We compared foraging trade‐offs between great tits (Parus major) which had a wider feeding niche than blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). We also compared the foraging efficiency of cross‐fostered young, which had learned the spatial foraging niche and prey size of the foreign species, to that of control conspecifics. Mean delivery rates did not differ between control and cross‐fostered parents of either species but as delivery rates increased, prey size declined for both species and both treatment groups. However, across the range of increasing delivery rates, parents were able to increase the total biomass of prey delivered. Cross‐fostering did not alter the proportion of different prey taxa in the diet, but cross‐fostered birds shifted the size of the prey taken to that of their foster species. Consistent with their broader feeding niche, great tits, but not blue tits, incorporated more unpalatable items (flies) as delivery rates increased. Although great tits foraged less efficiently in the blue tit niche, paradoxically, blue tits seem to deliver more prey biomass when foraging in the great tit niche.  相似文献   

The occurrence of mixed‐species foraging flocks is a worldwide phenomenon in terrestrial bird communities. Previous studies suggest that individuals participating in flocks might derive benefits in terms of improved feeding efficiency and/or reduced risk of predation. However, very little is known about how individuals establish mixed‐species flocks. Here, I provide the first experimental evidence that long‐distance calling by the willow tit, Poecile montanus, facilitates the establishment of mixed‐species flocks at a foraging patch. Observations at experimental foraging patches showed that willow tits that find a food source produce long‐distance calls, particularly when they are isolated from conspecific flockmates. The probability of long‐distance calling was negatively correlated with the number of heterospecific foraging individuals near the food source. A playback experiment confirmed that calls attract both conspecific and heterospecific members of foraging flocks. This study demonstrates that willow tits use long‐distance calls to attract conspecific flockmates to foraging patches, and these calls can also facilitate the formation of mixed‐species flocks on patches.  相似文献   

Nest predation is among the most important selective pressure shaping nest-site selection and nest defense behavior in many avian species. In this study, we tested whether the production of one such nest defense behavior—hissing calls—may improve survival of incubating female great tits (Parus major). We found that 72.5 % of incubating females gave hissing calls when they were exposed to a stuffed woodpecker in their nest boxes. The repeatability of the number of hissing calls given was high, as was the latency to give the call. Additionally, natural nest predators attacked hissing and nonhissing females equally often. However, hissing females survived better than silent females. We tested responses of feral cats to playbacks of hissing call during their attacks of nest boxes and found that hissing calls prevented the predator attacks. Taken together, our findings indicate that hissing calls can deter predator attacks and potentially increase survival rates of nesting great tits or their offspring, or both. The propensity to give hissing calls may be related to personality type of incubating female great tits, which needs to be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

Different mechanisms have been proposed for encoding information into vocalizations: variation of frequency or temporal characteristics, variation in the rate of vocalization production, and use of different vocalization types. We analyze the effect of rate variation on the dual function of chip calls (contact and alarm) produced by White‐eared Ground‐sparrows (Melozone leucotis). We conducted an acoustic playback experiment where we played back 1 min of four chip call rates (12, 36, 60, 84 calls/min). We measured the response of territorial pairs using behavioral responses, and fine structural features of calls produced in response to those playbacks. White‐eared Ground‐sparrows showed more intense behavioral responses to higher than lower call rate playbacks. Both individuals of the pair approached the source of the playback stimulus faster, produced the first vocalization faster, produced more vocalizations, and spent more time close to the stimulus in higher call rate than in lower call rate playbacks. Frequency and duration characteristics of calls (chip and tseet) were similar in response to all call rate playbacks. Our playback experiment elicited different intensity of behavioral responses, suggesting that risk‐based information is encoded in call rate. Our results suggest that variation in the rate of chip call production serves a dual function in this species; calls are used at lower rates for pair contact and at higher rates for alarm/mobbing signals.  相似文献   

Failure to recognize conspecifics in social interactions such as mate choice and aggressive encounters will often result in reduced fitness. Studies on mate choice show that the ability to recognize conspecifics as mates is not universally present at birth, but often needs to be learned. In contrast, little is known about the ontogeny of intrasexual species recognition. To test whether learning influences the recognition of sexual rivals, we compared the aggressive response towards intruders of interspecifically cross-fostered individuals and controls reared by conspecific parents. We simulated territorial intrusion by presenting either a caged individual or playback song near the nest of breeding pairs of great tits, Parus major, and blue tits, P. caeruleus. Great tits reared by blue tit parents responded much more to blue tit stimuli than did great tit controls, and furthermore showed stronger responses to blue tit stimuli than to those of their own species. Blue tits reared by great tits responded much more to great tit stimuli than did blue tit controls. In contrast, blue tits cross-fostered to coal tits, P. ater, did not respond more to coal tits than did blue tit controls. There was a species difference in the response to conspecifics: blue tits cross-fostered to great tits responded more to conspecifics than did cross-fostered great tits. The results were similar for males and females. We conclude that learning influences intrasexual species recognition in these tits. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

We discuss two pathways along which obligate brood parasitism (OBP) may evolve and examine some of the critical steps that must be passed by letting great tits Parus major be reared by blue tits Parus caeruleus in a field experiment. The cross-fostered chicks survived well in blue tit nests, but their local recruitment and reproductive success was much lower than that of controls. The effect was strongest when great tits grew up with siblings of the host species rather than with conspecific siblings in blue tit nests. The low success seemed to be caused by misimprinting because the cross-fostered birds behaved like blue tits in several aspects (species association, alarm calls, and aggressive response by resident females to caged intruders). Some birds of both sexes were apparently so strongly imprinted that they did not attract or accept a social mate of their own species. We conclude that imprinting may be necessary for OBP to evolve in birds because the parasite must be attracted to the nests of the host species to add eggs and thereby continue the parasitic life cycle. However, strong imprinting may also prevent OBP from occurring if parasitic offspring seek a mate from the host species.  相似文献   

Signals that are functionally referential provide listeners with information about a signaler's external environment, such as the presence of a nearby predator. Just as alarm calls may signal the presence of a predator, food-associated calls may signal the presence of food. To date, however, the only conclusive evidence that conspecifics perceive information about food from food-associated calls comes from a single species, the domestic chicken. Geoffroy's marmosets, small, arboreal New World primates, often emit food-associated calls when finding or consuming food. We presented playbacks of food calls and control sounds to two groups of naturalistically housed marmosets and observed the frequency of food-related behaviors (FRBs) during the 20-min post-playback period. Relative to the control playbacks, food call playbacks elicited an increase in the frequency of two FRBs (foraging and feeding), lasting throughout the post-playback observations. Moreover, the effect of food call playbacks was robust, occurring without regard to the type of food eliciting the food calls, the rate of food calling, or whether the signaler was a member of the receiver's group. To our knowledge, this research is the first to demonstrate that the food-associated calls of a primate species, like the food-associated calls of domestic chickens, meet the perception criterion for functionally referential communication. The results are discussed in light of the affective and cognitive mechanisms that may underlie the responses of receivers to hearing food-associated calls given by marmoset conspecifics.  相似文献   

Amelia Wein  Raoul Schwing  Ludwig Huber 《Ibis》2020,162(3):1012-1023
Vocal behaviour of nesting altricial birds is subject to selection pressure from several sources. Offspring beg to attract parents’ attention, thus increasing the chances of being fed, but also increasing the chances of being detected by predators. Research on passerines has shown that parents may reduce the risk of nest predation by alarm calling to warn nestlings to be quiet, and by producing food calls which solicit begging when parents are present to defend the nestlings. Both nestlings and parents may reduce the risk of predator detection by producing calls of low amplitude and high entropy which are acoustically difficult to locate. Although extensive research has been undertaken on nesting passerine vocalizations, little is known about parrots in this regard, and studies are needed to determine whether parrots show similar adaptations. We investigated the calling behaviour of Kea Nestor notabilis mothers during the nesting period to determine whether maternal vocalizations were adapted in a way that could increase the chance of brood success. A microphone was installed inside the nest to record calls produced both inside the nest and in the direct vicinity. Our prediction was that calls outside the nest would be easy to locate and could function as alarm calls to alert conspecifics or distract the predator, whereas calls inside the nest would be difficult to locate and could serve to communicate with nestlings without alerting predators. Our results accorded with these predictions. Calls produced outside the nest were loud and tonal, and corresponded to previously described Kea alarm calls. Calls produced inside the nest, however, were high-entropy and low-amplitude calls, and formed a distinct structural category. We thus provide the first evidence that a parrot species has a vocal category for communication inside the nest, and that calls within this category are structured in a way that could reduce the risk of nest predation.  相似文献   

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