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The thoracic morphology of a flightless grasshopper, Barytettix psolus, is described and compared to that of locusts, Schistocerca gregaria, to evaluate modifications to skeleton, muscles, and the nervous system which have accompanied secondary loss of flight. Barytettix lacks hindwings, has immobile vestiges of forewings and is devoid of skeletal specializations for wing movement and flight. Its pterothoracic musculature resembles that of Schistocerca except for the absence of those muscles which, in locusts, have the primary function of moving the wings, the dorsal longitudinal, tergosternal, first basalar, pleuroalar, and dorsal accessory muscles. Pterothoracic ganglia of Barytettix resemble those of Schistocerca in their gross features, number, and primary branching pattern of nerves, with differences in detail relating to reduction of the flight muscles. The combination of features exhibited in Barytettix represents an extreme reduction in the specialization for wing movements and flight displayed by most acridids, at a level which exceeds that of many brachypterous and some apterous species. While skeletal fusion and loss of muscles indicate loss of flight, the accompanying thoracic stiffening and increase in overall body density may promote more efficient jumping as a means of locomotion.  相似文献   

Between 10 and 20 per cent of the total glycogen phosphorylase in the fat body of mature Locusta migratoria of both sexes is in the active form. Injection of an aqueous corpus cardiacum (CC) extract results in a rapid activation: within 2 min the level of active phosphorylase is significantly increased and full activation is reached within 10 to 20 min. As little as 0.002 CC gland equivalents stimulate fat body glycogen phosphorylase significantly and maximum activation is obtained with 0.05 CC gland equivalents. From experiments with known quantities of injected synthetic adipokinetic hormone (SAKH), it appears that this hormone cannot account for all the activation. This is supported by results obtained when extracts of carefully isolated storage lobes are injected; at the dose used here these have no adipokinetic activity, but activate fat body phosphorylase. Furthermore, when locusts are ‘stressed’ by rotation, although no adipokinetic hormone is released, an activation of phosphorylase occurs. Starvation causes also an increase in the active form of the enzyme. The fat body receptor sites of the locust recognise also the crustacean red pigment concentrating hormone (RPCH), whose structure closely resembles that of the locust adipokinetic hormone, leading to activation of the phosphorylase. However, RPCH is about 2.5–5 times less potent than SAKH. Crude CC extracts of a stick insect (Carausius morosus), a cockroach (Periplaneta americana) and the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta) activate locust fat body phosphorylase, although this last extract has no effect on lipid elevation. On the other hand, CC extracts of the death's head hawk moth (Acherontia atropos) and purified crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone from a crayfish (Orconectes limosus) have no effect.  相似文献   

The effects of neuroparsins on hemolymph trehalose and lipid levels and on total glycogen content were analyzed in Locusta migratoria. Saline and methanol extracts of the two lobes of the corpora cardiaca were assayed. Neuroparsins (A and B) were demonstrated to be hypertrehalosemic and hyperlipemic proteins of the neural lobe. Both of these metabolic activities of neuroparsins were somewhat less potent than those of adipokinetic hormone (AKH). Neuroparsin activity could be distinguished from AKH by blockage with an antiserum specific to neuroparsin. The hypertrehalosemic response induced by neuroparsins, in contrast to that of AKH, appeared to occur without a decrease of total glycogen content. The differential modes of action of AKH and neuroparsins could contribute to the fine modulation of carbohydrate metabolism in Locusta migratoria.  相似文献   

The main triglyceride-lipase (TG-lipase) from the fat body of Manduca sexta has been identified as the homolog of Drosophila melanogaster CG8552. This protein is conserved among insects and also shares significant sequence similarity with vertebrate phospholipases (PLs) from the phosphatidic acid preferring-phospholipase A1 (PA-PLA(1)) family. It is shown here that the TG-lipase is also a PL. TG-lipase and PL activities copurify and are inhibited by, or resistant to, the same lipase inhibitors, indicating that both activities are catalyzed by the same enzyme and active site. The PL activity of TG-lipase corresponded to PL type A(1). The concentration dependence of lipase activity with TG and PL micellar substrates showed saturation kinetics, with apparent K(m) values of 152 +/- 11 and 7.8 +/- 1.1 muM, respectively. TG-lipase was able to hydrolyze the major phospholipid components of the lipid droplets, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine. The enzyme hydrolyzes 77 molecules of TG for every molecule of PL contained in the lipid droplets. It was observed that the activation of lipolysis in vivo is accompanied by activation of the hydrolysis of phospholipids of the lipid droplets. These results suggest that the PL activity of the insect TG-lipase could be required to allow access of the lipase to TG molecules contained in the core of the lipid droplets.  相似文献   

Data furnished here concern with the role of eyestalk hormone in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in Parapenaeopsis hardwickii. Bilateral eyestalk ablation has brought about a significant (P < 0.01) fall and rise in the glycogen content in the midgut gland and abdominal muscle respectively. Although eyestalk ablation resulted in a significant (P < 0.01) depletion of fat in midgut gland, n0 significant (P > 0.05) change was observed in the abdominal muscle. Eyestalk extract administration in eyestalk-less prawns has significantly (P < 0.05) restored the glycogen and fat metabolites in the midgut gland. There was an obvious change in the glycogen content of the midgut gland and abdominal muscle of normal prawns when injected with eyestalk extracts from prawns in different molting stages. Eyestalk extract from intermolt prawns caused a significant (P < 0.05) decrease and increase in the glycogen quantity in the midgut gland and abdominal muscle respectively. Eyestalk extract from premolt and postmolt prawns has, although not significantly (P > 0.05), decreased and increased the utilization of glycogen respectively in the midgut gland. The physiological significance of these findings are discussed briefly.Paper forms part IV of the series

Dose-response curves were measured with synthetic Manduca adipokinetic hormone (AKH) for glycogen phosphorylase activation in larvae and for lipid mobilization in adults. Both responses are known hormonal functions in Manduca sexta. In ligated larvae, full activation of glycogen phosphorylase was achieved with 0.1 pmol and half-maximal activation with 0.03-0.04 pmol. Maximal lipid mobilization in adults required 10 pmol and half-maximal mobilization 0.15 to 0.2 pmol, respectively. An estimate of AKH content of corpora cardiaca from M. sexta was gained by comparing the dose-response curves for synthetic Manduca AKH with curves from gland extracts. Corpora cardiaca extracts were also quantitated by high performance liquid chromatography. According to both estimates corpora cardiaca of adults contain 10-20 pmol AKH per pair, while a pair of larval corpora cardiaca contains 0.7-2 pmol.  相似文献   

Age-dependent changes in the fat body composition and aspects of lipogenesis in the free abdominal fat body of female crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus, were studied. Lipid, protein, glycogen, and free carbohydrate content of the fat body, and fat body wet weight increased simultaneously and sharply from day 0 onwards and were doubled/almost doubled by day 2 after adult emergence. Lipogenic activity of the fat body, fat body weight, and the energy stores in the fat body peaked on day 2, except for free carbohydrate, which peaked on day 3. On day 2, the fat body was mainly comprised of lipid (53.8%) and protein (6.6%), while glycogen and free carbohydrate together contributed less than 1% of the fat body wet weight. After peaking, both lipogenesis and energy stores decreased in a synchronous manner. The depletion of the fat body energy stores and the consequent decrease in the fat body weight were concomitant with a fast and massive gain in ovary weight (day 2: 19.5 +/- 1.5 mg; day 4: 332.8 +/- 31.5 mg) due to the vitellogenic oocyte growth that started on day 2. Our data clearly underline the importance of the free abdominal fat body as a source of energy for reproduction in the cricket. Fat body fatty acid synthase activity coincided with lipogenic activity. Adipokinetic hormone inhibits lipid synthesis in the fat body, but treatment of the fat body with adipokinetic hormone in vitro showed no consistent effect on fatty acid synthase activity.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Changes in the content of adipokinetic hormone (AKH), the adipokinetic response and the walking activity of 10-day-old adult macropterous females of the firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.), reared under long-day (LD) photoperiod (LD 18 : 6 h) are compared with those exposed for 3 days to constant darkness (DD). Diel changes of all the parameters studied in LD females persist in females kept in constant dark. A positive correlation exists between diel changes of AKH content in the central nervous system (CNS) in the LD and DD females, and a negative correlation in the AKH level in haemolymph and walking activity. In addition, there is a positive correlation between diel changes of AKH level in haemolymph and walking activity in macropterous females reared under LD conditions, as well as in those transferred to constant darkness. The data suggest that there is some feedback between the release of AKH from CNS into the haemolymph and walking activity in macropterous females. Preliminary studies on the simultaneous expression of mRNA for the period gene and a positive reaction to an antibody against AKH in the same corpus cardiacum cells suggest that the period gene may be involved in regulating the AKH content in this gland.  相似文献   

Abstract A cluster of five to seven AKH-like immunoreactive cells lie in each lobe of the paired corpora cardiaca of the true armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta. These cells form a mesh work of immunoreactive processes within the corpora cardiaca, and immunoreactive tracts projecting posteriorly over the aorta.
Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography of extracts of the corpora cardiaca of P.unipuncta revealed a single large U.V. absorbent peak with a retention time identical to synthetic Manduca- AKH. Amino acid analysis of the contents of this peak yielded a composition identical to that of synthetic Manduca-AKH which was analysed in a parallel manner. Furthermore the material within the peak possessed adipokinetic activity when bioassayed in day 2 adult male P. unipuncta. The corpora cardiaca of similar individuals were found to contain approximately 17.6ng (17.6pmol) of Manduca-AKH equivalents per pair.
Injection of Manduca-AKH into 2-day-old adult male P.unipuncta resulted in a dose-dependent elevation in haemolymph lipid levels with a maximum level of 80–90μmg/μl obtained with 5–10 ng of Manduca-AKH. Continuous flight also elevated haemolymph lipid levels in day 4 adult males with a significant elevation evident in the first samples taken after 15 min of flight and lipid levels plateauing at approximately 100 μg/μl by about 60 min of flight.  相似文献   

Abstract. Adipokinetic responses to injection of synthetic adipokinetic hormone I (sAKH) were investigated in precocene-induced fifth-instar adultiforms and in chemically allatectomized but morphogenetically normal adults of Locusta migratoria (L.). The results were compared with data on normal fifth (=last)-instar nymphs and normal adults. Chemical allatectomy did not affect the resting level of lipid in the haemolymph, nor the slight decrease of haemolymph carbohydrate concentration induced by sAKH. The effects of chemical allatectomy on sAKH-induced hyperlipaemia, the resting level of haemolymph carbohydrate, total glycogen phosphorylase specific activity, as well as sAKH-induced phosphorylase activation in the fat body, were mostly minor and probably indirect. The concentrations of lipid and carbohydrate in the haemolymph, and sAKH-induced activation of fat body glycogen phosphorylase were more or less similar in normal fifth-instar nymphs, normal adults and fifth-instar adultiforms. Thus, precocious metamorphosis did not affect markedly those parameters which show no or slight changes during normal metamorphosis. In contrast, parameters which change substantially during normal metamorphosis (sAKH-induced hyperlipaemia, sAKH-induced changes in haemolymph carbohydrate level and total glycogen phosphorylase activity) showed similar changes in the course of precocious metamorphosis; the values for fifth-instar adultiforms were similar to those obtained for normal adults, but differed markedly from those found in normal fifth-instar nymphs. Thus, accelerated (precocious) morphological adult development is strongly correlated with accelerated imaginal target competence to AKH and with relevant physiological development.  相似文献   

碳水化合物对昆虫的能量代谢和物质合成具有重要的作用。本研究选用2种一般性生物碱(氢溴酸东莨菪碱和烟碱)以及2种β-葡萄糖苷类化合物(七叶灵和皂角苷), 研究其在不同浓度下对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)幼虫体内海藻糖酶活性及相关碳水化合物代谢的影响。结果表明: 用饲喂法处理3龄幼虫96 h后, 皂角苷对棉铃虫幼虫的活体抑制效果明显, 且随添加物浓度增高, 棉铃虫死亡率上升, 10, 20, 40 g/L浓度下棉铃虫的均重分别是0.194, 0.089和0.034 g, 分别为对照的86.99%, 39.91%和15.24%。对海藻糖酶活性及其相关代谢酶的测定结果表明, 2种苷类化合物显著抑制中肠海藻糖酶活性, 饲喂40 g/L皂角苷的试虫中肠海藻糖酶比活力仅是对照组的54.21%; 饲喂30 g/L七叶灵的试虫中肠海藻糖酶比活力为对照组的83.73%。而2种生物碱类化合物显著抑制血淋巴和脂肪体中海藻糖酶活性, 20 g/L氢溴酸东莨菪碱对棉铃虫血淋巴和脂肪体组织的海藻糖酶活性抑制率分别为7.24%和71.43%; 而20 g/L烟碱对试虫血淋巴和脂肪体组织的海藻糖酶活性抑制率为26.29%和33.44%。用氢溴酸东莨菪碱、 烟碱和七叶灵处理试虫后, 血淋巴海藻糖含量都有所增高。4种化合物能够导致试虫糖原磷酸化酶活性变化, 其中, 皂角苷在中肠和脂肪体表现为显著抑制作用, 而随外源化合物浓度变化, 糖原含量和糖原磷酸化酶活性表现为此消彼长关系。饲喂4种植物源化合物的试虫血淋巴中葡萄糖浓度变化和其海藻糖变化一致。本研究证明β-葡萄糖苷类化合物是海藻糖酶抑制剂, 在作为先导化合物进行农药创制开发方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Abstract. The adipokinetic hormone (Grb-AKH) content in the corpora car-diaca of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus , varied during a day with two peaks in the scotophase and one peak in the photophase. There were two distinct peaks of total lipid concentration in the blood, one early in the photophase and the other early in the scotophase. Fat body sensitivity to adipokinetic hormone also varied in close synchrony with the lipid rhythm. It was not possible to attribute the rhythm of blood lipid titre unequivocally to either the rhythm of adipokinetic hormone content in the corpora cardiaca or to the rhythm of sensitivity of the fat body to the hormone. In adult crickets the blood carbohydrate titre had two peaks in adult females, one towards the end of scotophase and another in the late photophase (c. 12h apart), but a single peak at the end of scotophase was apparent in last instar larvae. The blood carbohydrate rhythm persists in DD and is therefore endogenous. Carbohydrates were not mobilized by the Grb-AKH, therefore could not be involved in the blood carbohydrate rhythm. Exposure to various day lengths caused shifts in the patterns of the carbohydrate rhythms, but imposition of a cyclic temperature regime had no effect on the rhythm.  相似文献   

The differences in the metabolism and endocrine control of reserve mobilization in long-winged (macropterous) and short-winged (brachypterous) males of a flightless firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus) were studied. We found that protein content in the gut was significantly lower in 5–10 day-old macropterous males due to their fasting and higher in 28 day-old ones than in the same aged brachypterous counterparts as the result of renewed food intake. Overall protease activity was significantly lower in 10–14 day-old macropters, while an abrupt increase in the activity starting on day 21 after adult ecdysis was also associated with renewal of the food intake. The levels of carbohydrates in haemolymph were only slightly lower in 1–10 day-old macropterous males than in the same aged brachypters. However, more than twofold higher lipid content in haemolymph of 7–10 day-old macropterous males than in the same aged brachypterous males was found. Higher mobilization of lipid reserves from the fat bodies in macropterous males was accompanied by more intensive adipokinetic response and higher levels of adipokinetic hormone in the body. It is the first report of endocrine regulation of wing morph-related differences in the lipid mobilization in males of wing-polymorphic insects.  相似文献   

This report examines three aspects of adipokinetic hormone (AKH) involvement in migratory flight behavior in the grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes. The titer of hemolymph AKH I during long-duration tethered flight was examined using radioimmunoassay (RIA) after narrow bore RP-HPLC. The hemolymph fraction containing AKH I was assayed using commercially available anti-Tyr1-AKH I serum. Titer determinations of hemolymph AKH were done at rest and after various periods of flight. The amount of AKH I released from the corpora cardiaca during flight was estimated. When resting levels of AKH I and II in corpora cardiaca (CC) of migrants and non-migrants were examined with HPLC, no significant differences in AKH levels were detected between non-migrants, animals that had flown for 1 h to identify them as migrants, and animals that had flown to exhaustion (i.e., voluntary cessation). CC levels of both AKH I and II were less in this species than in locusts. When the lipid mobilization in response to AKH I and II was compared in migrants (animals that had self-identified as migrants in a 1-h tethered flight test) and non-migrants (animals that would not perform a 1-h flight in a tethered flight test), the adipokinetic response to AKH I was greater in migrants than in non-migrants, possibly indicating differences in level of sensitivity or number of receptors in the target tissues. AKH II had little effect on hemolymph lipid levels in either flight group, and may not play a significant role in lipid mobilization in this species.  相似文献   

Abstract Two different methods of applying Pya -AKH to long-winged (macropterous) females of the firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (Linnaeus) (Heteroptera) were compared: both injection and topical application increased the levels of lipids in the haemolymph and stimulated locomotor activity. Lipid mobilization was maximal when 10 pmol was applied by injection or 40–100 pmol by topical application, with the first significant responses occurring 1.5 h after injection and 2 h after topical application. The highest elevations of lipid concentration in the haemolymph were comparable between the treatments, i.e. 14.36 ± 3.59 mg/mL for injection and 14.43 ± 4.07 mg/mL for topical application. However, these maximal elevations were achieved at different times: 3 h after the injection and 7 h after the topical application.
Injection of 10 and 40 pmol of Pya -AKH stimulated locomotor activity with maximal activity 3 h later but, surprisingly, injection of 80 pmol showed no effect initially and than a slight inhibitory effect after 6–8 h.
Increased locomotor activity was found after topical application of Pya -AKH, but the response was lower than after injection and appeared later, 5–9 h after the hormone application. In addition, the greatest increase in walking activity required topical application of 300 pmol and was still less dramatic than the response to injection. The stimulatory effect of Pya -AKH on locomotion was positively correlated with its effect on lipid mobilization only for injection of the hormone. It is argued that a stress caused by injection could play a role in the appearance of the complex response to adipokinetic hormone.  相似文献   

Triglycerides (TG) stores build up in the insect fat body as lipid droplets at times of excess of food. The mobilization of fat body triglyceride (TG) is stimulated by adipokinetic hormones (AKH). The action of AKH involves a rapid activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Recent in vitro studies have shown that PKA phosphorylates and activates the TG-lipase substrate, the lipid droplets. Conversely, purified TG-lipase from Manduca sexta fat body is phosphorylated by PKA in vitro but is not activated. This study was directed to learn whether or not AKH promotes a change in the state of phosphorylation of the lipase in vivo, and what are the relative contributions of cytosol and lipid droplets to the overall increase of lipolysis triggered by AKH. TG-lipase activity of fat body cytosols isolated from control and AKH-treated insects was determined against the native substrate, in vivo [3H]-TG radiolabeled lipid droplets, obtained from control and AKH-treated insects. The lipase activity of the system composed of AKH-cytosol and AKH-lipid droplets (11.1 +/- 2.1 nmol TG/min-mg) was 3.1-fold higher than that determined with control cytosol and lipid droplets (3.6 +/- 0.5 nmol TG/min-mg). Evaluation of the role of AKH-induced changes in the lipid droplets on lipolysis showed that changes in the lipid droplets are responsible for 70% of the lipolytic response to AKH. The remaining 30% appears to be due to AKH-dependent changes in the cytosol. However, the phosphorylation level of the TG-lipase was unchanged by AKH, indicating that phosphorylation of the TG-lipase plays no role in the activation of lipolysis induced by AKH.  相似文献   

When the grasshopper, Barrytettix humphreysii, sheds a hindlimb during autotomy, certain thoracic muscles degenerate although they are neither directly damaged nor denervated. Muscle degeneration is induced when a leg nerve (N5) that does not innervate the thoracic muscles is severed. Together these results suggest that transneuronal mechanisms influence muscle survival. To further characterize this autotomy-induced process, we studied the degeneration of a thoracic tergotrochanteral muscle (M#133b,c) following autotomy or experimental manipulation in adult animals. Its degeneration is correlated with reduced activity of its neural input and occurs by programmed cell death (PCD). PCD onset is variable between individual muscle fibers, indicating that the trigger of degeneration is fiber specific. Muscle degeneration appears to be triggered by the loss of proprioceptive input from the autotomized limb, since severing of axons from proprioceptive organs, but not exteroceptive chemo- or mechanoreceptors, leads to muscle degeneration. Muscle disuse, neuronal degeneration, or changes in juvenile hormone titer do not appear to play a role in autotomy-induced degeneration. We propose that the loss of proprioceptive input from proximal campaniform sensilla on the tibia deafferents the thoracic muscle motor neurons and leads to a decrease in their activity. Muscle degeneration is ultimately triggered by the loss of normal neural activity.  相似文献   

Abstract. Extracts from the corpus cardiacum-corpus allatum-aorta (CC-CA-A) complex of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood contain a hypertrehalosaemic factor when assayed in Periplaneta americana L. and in G.morsitans. A slight though significant decrease, followed by an increase, in haemolymph total carbohydrate occurs when tsetse are flown for 1 h. When assayed in Locusta migratoria L., the extracts have no adipokinetic activity, but L.migratoria corpus cardiacum extract produces an adipokinetic response in the female tsetse. It is suggested that the neurosecretions contained in the tsetse CC-CA-A complex contain a hypertrehalosaemic factor whose role is to mobilize glycogen.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The rate of lipid synthesis from [14C]acetate in fat body from Schistocerca americana gregaria has been studied in vitro. Maximum incorporation is found on days 6–10 in adults and day 4 of the fifth stadium. The label appeared in the fatty acid components of triacyl-glycerol, diacylglycerol and phospholipid.
Lipid synthesis in vitro was inhibited by extracts of corpora cardiaca, and such inhibition was most marked (up to 85%) in fat bodies from insects at stages where fatty acid synthesis was greatest. HPLC separation of corpora cardiaca extracts gave several active fractions of which the most active was adipokinetic hormone 1 (AKH-1).  相似文献   

Abstract Volcanic archipelagos represent excellent areas to study colonization and speciation processes. The grasshopper genus Arminda is one of many endemic taxa of the Canary Islands. It consists of seven wingless species, most of which are single‐island endemics. We sequenced two mitochondrial (12s rRNA, ND5) and two nuclear gene fragments (28s rRNA, ITS2) to reconstruct the colonization pattern of the genus. Our results are in accordance with a stepping‐stone colonization model from east to west, corresponding to the prevailing ocean currents, but alternative hypotheses cannot be fully rejected. The populations of A. brunneri from Tenerife belong to two different lineages (east and west) consistent with the geological history of the island. It remains to be tested whether these lineages represent different species and whether further lineages exist on this island. The five clades of the four western islands (A. brunneri group) have approximately similar branch lengths. The short internodes between these lineages resulted in a poorer phylogenetic resolution. Specimens from La Palma were genetically distinct and are subsequently described as a new species, Arminda palmae sp.n. Our results suggest in situ speciation on Gran Canaria, which was accompanied by a stronger degree of morphological diversification than the inter‐island speciation processes. The aberrant species A. canariensis has formerly been assigned to a monotypic subgenus Chopardminda, which is now synonymized with Arminda syn.n. based on its phylogenetic position. Gran Canaria seems to be the only island where Arminda species occur sympatrically, although allopatric speciation seems likely due to the long history of volcanism and erosion on the island.  相似文献   

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