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Edaphic bluegreen algal communities were sampled from five menotypic angiosperm zones in Grvelline Bay Marsh near Ocean Spring. Mississippi. Samples and environmental data were taken on a quarterly basis from October 1976 to June 1977 beneath the following marsh angiosperms: Distichlis spicata (L.) Green, Scirpus olneyi gray, SPartina patens (Aiton) Muhl., Sp. alterniflora Loisel., and Juncus roemerianus Scheele. Communities in all five zones were dominated by Schizothrix calcicola (Ag.) Gom. (sensu Drauet) throughout the study, while the subdominant bluegreens varied according to season. The number of individuals in all zones was greatest in the summer and lowest in the winter. An examination of the structure of the five edaphic communities indicated a single, nearly homogeneous community exists over the entire surface of the marsh shaded by a angiosperm canopy. Light intensity appears to be the major factor affecting the distribution of bluegreen algae in this salt marsh.  相似文献   

In the Laurentian Great Lakes, phytoplankton growth and biomass are secondarily limited by silica (Si), as a result of phosphorus (P) enrichment. Even modest levels of P enrichment can induce secondary Silimitation, which, in turn, promotes a shift from the native diatom phytoplankton flora to chlorophyte and cyanobacteria species. However, very little is known about the nutritional status of benthic populations and their response to nutrient enrichment. Two experiments were performed in the littoral zone of Lake Michigan where nutrients were delivered to in situ benthic algal (episammic and epilithic) assemblages using nutrient‐diffusing substrata. In order to test the hypothesis that benthic algae in Lake Michigan are Si limited, a 2 × 3 factorial experiment was used to deliver all combinations of Si, N, and P to resident assemblages growing on artificial substrata composed of natural (Si rich) versus calcium carbonate (Si poor) sand. A second experiment utilized a serial enrichment to evaluate the role of Si in mediating changes in taxonomic composition. These findings indicate that benthic algae in Lake Michigan exhibit signs of secondary Si limitation, and that their response to enrichment is similar to the phytoplankton. Moreover, natural sand substrata may provide a source of Si to resident benthic algae.  相似文献   

The growth yields of 8 species of red and 4 species of green algae, collected from various vertical levels on the western Atlantic (New Jersey) shore, were investigated in a range of emersion-submersion regimes in the laboratory. The sinusoidal tide-simulating apparatus consisted of a plexiglass frame connected by a nylon thread to a rotating wheel, powered by an electric motor geared to make one revolution every 12 h. Inocula of settled spores on glass cover-glasses were placed at 6 levels on the frame and alternately raised out of, and lowered into, a seawater tank every 6 h with consequent subjection to 0, 18, 37, 58, 79, and 100% submergence regimes per tidal cycle. There was little correlation between the vertical position of a species on the shore in nature and its ability to grow as the percentage submergence per tidal cycle increased. All species tested grew best when continuously submerged, even those that are usually restricted to elevated positions on the shore in nature. The majority grew well in all regimes in which there was some submergence per tidal cycle, except for one sublittoral species (Callithamnion byssoides) whose growth decreased sharply as the percentage exposure to the air was increased.  相似文献   

A distinct vertical zonation was observed among diatoms in a bottom congelation ice community at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica during the 1981 spring bloom. The bottom 20 cm of ice collected in December from four stations with variable snow cover was subdivided into 5 cm sections for analysis of algal distribution. Algal abundance was inversely related to the depth of snow cover, and generally decreased with increasing distance above the ice-water interface. Most diatoms, including the dominant species Nitzschia stellata Manguin, Amphiprora kufferathii Manguin and Fragilaria islandica var. adeliae Manguin showed peak abundance in the bottom 10 cm of the ice, where the proportion of living to empty cells was also highest. Two species, however, an Auricula Castracane sp. and Navicula glaciei van Heurck, reached highest concentrations at depths 10–20 cm above the ice-water interface. We considered two factors as contributing to the observed vertical zonation: (1) successive blooms at the ice-water interface become spatially stratified within the ice by further accretion below; (2) a differential growth of species occurs along physicochemical gradients within the ice column. A comparison of early versus late season profiles suggests the latter mechanism may prevail once ice accretion has ceased.  相似文献   

Experimental field manipulations of artificial substrata were used to examine the mechanisms controlling attached algal zonation down the face of the dam in Lake McConaughy, a large reservoir in western Nabraska. Sets of clay tiles were incubated in the upper (2.5 m depth) and lower (8 m depth) growth zones for two weeks. Five sets tiles were then switched from the upper to the lower growth zone and vice versa. Five additional sets of tiles were switched to the lower zone and artificially disturbed. Diatom cell densities increased rapidly in both the zones; however, wind-induced turbulence caused dramatic declines (up to 61%) in densities in the upper zone. Consequently, cell densities in the upper and lower growth zones were not significantly different after four weeks, despite the 17–30% higher light levels in the upper zone. Based on cell densities and relative abundances on clay tiles and naturally occurring rocks, 26 of the 32 most common diatom taxa had a significant upper (10) or lower (16) zone preference. Of these, 15 taxa exhibited a consistent response to one or both switching manipulations, confirming a growth zone preference, and two showed a clear preference for disturbed substrata. Diatom growth form appeared to play a major role in determining the vertical zonation of attached communities, since actively motile taxa exhibited a lower zone preference and stalked forms occurred primarily in the upper zone. The present study indicates that light attenuation and wave disturbance are primary mechanisms that control the vertical zonation of freshwater epilithic algae.  相似文献   

底栖藻对扬子地台西缘晚奥陶世生态危机的改善作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李越  冯洪真  李军 《古生物学报》2002,41(2):211-218
晚奥陶世的冈瓦纳大陆冰川导致全球性海退和两幕生物灭绝事件,第一幕,也是高潮幕,发生于Rawtheyan期末;第二幕发生于Hirnantian期末。在经历第一幕事件的过程中,扬子地台西缘的四川汉源地区大渡河组浅水相灰岩和硅质灰岩中出现了极其繁盛的底栖藻类,局部层位中可达到造礁的程度。大量底栖藻通过光合作用改善、缓冲了这一浅海地区的低温、缺氧的灾变环境,并成为生态系统重建的先驱群落。局部浅海环境的正常化为后生动物腕足类、三叶虫和海百合在Hirnantian期南郑组的短暂复苏创造了生存条件。当后生动物再度成为生态系统的主体时,啃食压力的增大使底栖藻的居群数量骤然减低。始于Hirnantian后期冰川消融的海进造成第二幕Hirnantia动物群的灭绝。  相似文献   

渤海北部底栖海藻的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
报道了渤海北部底栖海藻的种类组成、区系性质、群落结构和季节性变化。经调查,该海区隶属于蓝藻门、红藻门、褐藻门和绿藻门的底栖海藻共有119 种,其中包括57 种经济海藻和7 个新记录种。研究表明,渤海北部底栖海藻的温度性质以暖温带性为主,带有一定的亚热带性;其群落成分的季节性变化非常明显  相似文献   

Intertidal Egregia menziesii (Turner) Aresch. populations were studied at three Southern California sites to determine temporal and spatial patterns of reproduction and morphology. The timing of sporophyll production and sporophyte recruitment was similar at all sites. Sporophyll production was much greater during winter periods of colder seawater temperatures and shorter day lengths. Sporophyte recruitment occurred from spring through midsummer, ~5 months following maximal sporophyll production. Lateral blade morphologies varied in a consistent manner, suggesting a developmental mechanism for form variation in Egregia thalli. Spatulate blades dominated shorter axes and the bases of longer axes, whereas filiform laterals became abundant toward the tips of longer axes. Filiform laterals (9.8 mg O2·g?1·h?1) had higher light‐saturated net photosynthetic rates than spatulate laterals (6.8 mg O2·g?1·h?1), resulting in a 12% increase in the productivity of Egregia per meter of filiform frond.  相似文献   

武汉东湖蓝藻水华毒性的研究Ⅰ.淡水蓝藻毒性的检测   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
用国外检测蓝藻水华毒性的血凝法和小白鼠腹腔注射藻类提取液法。对武汉东湖蓝藻水华进行检测。发现八月份到十月份其间的藻类水华有不同程度的毒性反应。  相似文献   

One hundred and fifteen clonal, unialgal strains were isolated and tested for their ability to grow over a range of temperatures from 2 to 40° C. Responses of 63 strains isolated from habitats that were 6° C when sampled and 52 strains isolated from habitats that were 20° C when sampled showed trends toward increasing adaptation to cold or warm temperatures commensurate with their seasonal in situ temperatures. Based on temperature-growth responses alone, 24% of the plankton isolates and 17% of the periphyton isolates could be perennial within the natural habitats. At 5° C, 56% of the warm water plankton isolates and 48% of the warm water periphyton isolates were incapable of growth and, therefore, probably could not be important components of the winter algal community. Likewise at 25° C, 25% of the cold water plankton isolates and 13% of the cold water periphyton isolates were incapable of growth. Thus, temperature alone probably is an important variable regulating seasonal changes in algal community structure. Pollution of these habitats by a thermal enrichment averaging + 5° C year-round could effect a pronounced change in algal species composition because many more taxa could be perennial and more taxa would be incapable of growth during naturally warm periods.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis floristic data, a gradient appears to exist in the composition of intertidal algae along the 450 km of southern California coastline immediately south of Point Conception. Reciprocal averaging ordination of the algal flora at 51 sites in this area suggests that the gradient is not strictly latitudinal. Variation from a latitudinal gradient occurs ca. 60-80 km south of Point Conception. An ordination of frequently occurring species indicated that compositional changes are substantial when sites at the extreme north and south are compared, but that the changes are gradual and continuous. Possible explanations for the gradient are discussed, and these include: sea temperature, upwelling, sand movement, human disturbance (i.e., pollution, trampling), and wave action.  相似文献   

Field experiments were used to examine the effects of biological interactions on the abundance of Iridaea flaccida (S. & G.) Silva within and below its normal range in the intertidal zone of central California. A combination of competitor removal, grazer exclusion and transplant manipulations showed that within the I. flaccida zone, this alga can be the first macroscopic plant to become reestablished after clearing and that this can occur in less than two months. Grazing by molluscs within this zone retards, but does not prevent, re-establishment. Although absent prior to the experiments, both I. flaccida and I. cordata (Turn.) Bory settled, grew rapidly and reproduced in cleared areas below the I. flaccida zone, regardless of the presence of grazers. These plants did not establish themselves if entire thalli or holdfasts of other algae normally occupying the lower zone were present. The results support the few other in situ experimental investigations of algal zonation by showing that, when bounded by other plants, the lower limits of intertidal algae are directly determined by competition. They also suggest that I. flaccida and I. cordata may be conspecific.  相似文献   

本文自1991年4月至1993年1月对深圳福田红树林中底栖大型动物的空间分带及灌污的可能影响进行了研究。结果表明,该红树林湿地中主要出现的底栖动物为拟沼螺科,黑螺科,汇螺科,沙蟹科,方蟹科和弹涂鱼科种类。红树区内底栖动物从高潮位到低潮位可分为3个群落分布带:亮泽拟沼螺带;拟黑螺-褶痕相手蟹带;弧边招潮-印尼拟蟹守螺-刻纹拟沼螺带。群落的分带可能主要由潮位线,食物适应性及底质结构因素决定。林前泥滩底栖动物种类多样性最大,生物量最高。林内动物群落则表现出低种类多样性,高种群个体数的特点。群落总栖息密度的变化基本上由软体动物所主导。生活污水排灌对红树林中底栖大型动物的影响不明显,仅在排污口端引起少数污水动物种类的出现及群落总生物量轻微的升高。  相似文献   

Colonization dynamics and metabolism of algal communities on wood (small pieces of Douglas fir) and artificial rock (tiles) substrata were investigated in an open reach in Mack Creek, Cascade Mountain Range, Oregon, for 42 days. Chlorophyll a concentration was not significantly different between the two algal communities (ANOVA, P = 0.119). Even though differences in cell densities were not significantly different between the two algal communities (ANOVA, P = 0.063), biovolume and diversity were greater in epixylic than in epilithic communities (ANOVA, P = 0.011 and 0.002, respectively). The same algal taxa occurred on both substrata, but some of them (e.g. Ceratoneis arcus Grun., Cymbella minuta Hilse ex Rabh., Zygnema sp.) were more numerous on wood, whereas a few others preferred tiles (e.g. Achnanthes lanceolata (Bréb.) Grun.). Scanning electron microscopy revealed a much higher surface roughness on wood, which likely led to a patchy distribution of the algae and the development of stalked diatom species. However, adnate species adapted much better to the mainly flat surfaces of tiles. Net community primary productivity (NCPP) measured in 42-day-old substrata was moderate on tiles but negative on wood. Community respiration (CR) was significantly higher on wood than on tiles. Epixylic algal communities exhibited greater nitrogen demand than epilithic communities after ammonium addition. NCPP shifted to positive values on wood but did not increase on tiles. Despite metabolic differences, the variations between the two communities are more closely related to the physical characteristics of the substrata and the attachment abilities of the algal taxa.  相似文献   

Enrichment cultures of littoral benthic algae from Mono Lake, California, and Abert Lake, Oregon, were grown under conditions of varied salinity and nutrient content. Field-collected inocula were composed mainly of diatoms and filamentous blue-green and green algae. The yield of long-term cultures (30 days) showed tolerance over a broad salinity range (50–150 g·L?1) for Mono Lake-derived algae. Algae from Abert Lake had a lower range of tolerance (25–100 g·L?1) Organic content and pigment concentrations of algae from both lakes were also reduced above the tolerated salinity level. Within the range of salinity tolerance for Mono Lake algae, initial growth rates and organic content were reduced by increased salinity. The effects of macro- and micronutrient enrichment on algal growth in Mono Lake water were also tested. Only nitrogen enrichment (either as ammonium or nitrate) stimulated algal growth. Although the benthic algae cultured here had wide optima for salinity tolerance, the rates of growth and storage were limited by increased salinity within the optimum range. Although the lakes compared had similar species composition, the range and limits of tolerance of the algae were related to salinity of the lake of origin.  相似文献   

 通过2005和2006年夏季两次对新疆古尔班通古特沙漠南部荒漠土壤中藻类植物进行采样、培养、鉴定和生物量测定,分析了该区沙漠沙垄不同部位藻类物种组成、优势种和生物量的垂直变化。结果表明:1)在不同地貌部位的不同层次中,藻类的种类组成均有所差异。2)藻类优势物种主要集中在0~2 cm层次中,2 cm以下的土层中藻类细胞很少,绝大部分土层以具鞘微鞘藻(Microcoleus vaginatus)为第一优势种,有些部位的土层中第一优势种是伪双点颤藻(Oscillatoria pseudogeminata),如垄间低地和迎风坡的1~2 cm中。此外,大型集胞藻(Synechocystis crassa)、舟形藻 (Navicula sp.)、卵圆双眉藻(Amphora ovalis)数量也较多。3)除垄顶外,藻类生物量在其它3个部位不同层次的差异呈极显著水平(p<0.01),生物量由表及里锐减;在同一土层,藻类生物量基本表现为垄间低地最高,迎风坡与背风坡居中, 垄顶最低,不同地貌部位对藻类生物量影响呈显著或极显著水平。  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of epilithic algae was correlated with major physico-chemical parameters in a first-order, heavily shaded stream in northern Arizona. Diatoms made up over 85%, by numerical abundance, of the epilithon community Light energy, water temperature, and stream discharge were most highly correlated with seasonal abundance of epilithic diatom taxa when analyzed with stepwise multiple regression. None of the chemical variables measured in the study (NO3-N, O-PO4, SiO2, including PH) was found to be significantly correlated with the seasonal community structure of epilithic diatoms. Total diatom cell densities showed a significant negative correlation to stream bed light energy. Likewise, total diatom cell densities along a transect in the stream bed showed a negative correlation to current velocity during those months when base flow was low and stable, and current velocity was ≤25 cm·sec-1. Most diatom taxa had highest cell densities at temperatures < 16°C and at daily mean stream bed light levels < 400 μE·m?2·s?1. Highest cell densities of green algae occurred at temperatures between 6–16°C and at daily mean stream bed light levels of > 400 μE·m?2·s?1. Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) grew best at the highest recorded water temperatures and daily mean stream bed light energy (16–20°C and 900–1200 μE·m?2·s?1). Abrupt increases in NO3-N coincided with a brief pulse of Nostoc pruniforme colonies during June, and leaf drop from Alnus oblongifolia during October.  相似文献   

We describe the life history of harbor porpoises in the Gulf of Maine by examining 239 animals killed in gill net fisheries and comparing these findings with the results of previous studies from the Bay of Fundy. Most female porpoises matured at age three and became pregnant each year thereafter. Reproduction was strictly seasonal, with ovulation, conception, and parturition occurring in the spring and early summer. The oldest specimen in the sample was 17 yr of age, but most individuals were younger than 12. The findings are similar to those of earlier studies from the Bay of Fundy and support the hypothesis that these animals form a single population. Harbor porpoises represent one end of a continuum of odontocete life histories that spans a wide diversity of strategies. In comparison with other, large odontocetes, harbor porpoises mature at an earlier age, reproduce more frequently, and live for shorter periods.  相似文献   

蓝藻原生质球研究的现状及存在问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在原生质体(球)技术方面,蓝藻也许是一种最为困难的材料了。蓝藻原生质球的研究工作起步不算很晚,但进展不快。直到现在,作为一项可以用于遗传操作的基本技术还没有建立起来。这主要表现在,原生质球的再生问题没有解决;此外,在基本分离制备方面也存在不少问题。而对于植物、真菌、细菌、放线菌和绿藻,这些问题都早已  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure the photo‐acclimation response of stream algae inhabiting thin biofilms across a range of light treatments comparing both growth rates and net primary productivity (NPP). Algae were grown on clay tiles incubated in artificial stream channels where light levels were manipulated by layering a neutral‐density shade cloth over each channel. We measured NPP and algal growth rates in the early stages of community development and compared assemblages that were either acclimated or unacclimated to a given light treatment. Algal growth rates did acclimate to light treatment, with saturation occurring at light levels that were substantially lower for the acclimated communities. Growth efficiency calculated from algal biovolume increased by a factor of 3. However, algal NPP showed a weaker photo‐acclimation response, with only a 30% increase in photosynthetic efficiency. Our results indicate that diatom‐dominated periphyton in thin biofilms are probably not light limited in many shaded streams with respect to growth rates, but are light limited with respect to NPP.  相似文献   

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