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Personality influences an individual's perception of a situation and orchestrates behavioral responses. It is an important factor in elucidating variation in behavior both within and between species. The major focus of this research was to test a method that differs from those used in most previous personality studies, while investigating the personality traits of 52 captive lion-tailed macaques from four zoos. In this study, data from behavioral observations, a P-type principal components analysis (PCA), and bootstrapped confidence intervals as criteria for judging the significance of factor loadings were used rather than subjective ratings, R-type factor analyses, and arbitrary rules of thumb to determine significance. We investigated the relationships among individual component scores and sex, hormonal status, and dominance rank (controlling for age and social group) using a multiple regression analysis with bootstrapped confidence intervals. Three personality dimensions emerged from this analysis: Component 1 contained Extraversion-like behaviors related to sociability and affiliativeness. The higher mean Component score for females suggests that they are more "extraverted" than males. Only agonistic behaviors were significantly related to component 2. High-ranking individuals exhibited higher mean Component 2 scores than mid- or low-ranked individuals. Bold and cautious behaviors both loaded positively on Component 3, suggesting a dimension related to curiosity. The mean Component 3 score for females was higher than the mean score for males. The method used in this study should facilitate intraspecific and general interspecific comparisons. Developing a standardized trait term list that is applicable to many species, and collecting trait term data in the same manner and concurrent with behavioral observations (and physiologic measures when feasible) could prove useful in primate research and should be explored.  相似文献   

We studied time budgeting of lion-tailed macaques in the Anamalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu, India, with regard to seven activity categories. Groups spent >50% of their time feeding and foraging, 33% of the time resting, and 15% moving. More energetic activities were spread uniformly through the day. Feeding had two annual peaks: one closely following the northeast monsoon and the other corresponding to the southwest monsoon. These also coincided with peaks of food availability and mating. Time saved in feeding was spent mostly on resting. Ranging showed a pattern contrary to that of time spent moving and was related more to weather than to food availability; it increased during cooler periods. The middle and upper stories of the canopy were used >93% of the time. The ground was used rarely. Time budgeting characteristics of the lion-tailed macaque are primarily frugiinsectivorous adaptations to a wet evergreen forest habitat.  相似文献   

The lion-tailed macaque is an endangered species, and hence it is necessary that the remaining populations in the rainforests of the Western Ghats, India, be located and their habitats assessed for effective conservation. The Anaimalai Hills in the state of Tamil Nadu harbor 31 groups of lion-tailed macaques. However, the rainforest in these hills is highly fragmented. Since lion-tailed macaques are typically arboreal, the groups have become isolated. Two large rain-forest complexes in these hills harbor 12 and seven groups, respectively, and the remaining 12 groups inhabit small, isolated forest fragments. Group size ranges from six to 53 individuals, with a mean size of 16.3. In the small forest fragments, the standard deviation (SD) of group size was considerably higher than it was in the larger forest complexes. The disturbed fragments also had a higher variability in group size than the relatively undisturbed habitats. It is believed that fragmentation may impede male migration. We suggest that the fragments be managed in such a way that male migration among groups can be facilitated to overcome the potential effects of isolation.  相似文献   

We describe the activity patterns and time budget of a feral group of lion-tailed macaques that were confined to a disturbed forest fragment of 65 ha and compare the results with those obtained for groups in protected forests. The degraded nature of the study site was reflected in low tree densities, low specific diversity, gaps in the girth distribution of trees, and frequent disturbance by humans. The study group of 43 subjects was twice as large as lion-tailed macaque groups in protected habitats. They spent the most time ranging (34.0%), followed by foraging (23.7%), feeding (17.9%), resting (16.0%), and other activities such as social interactions (8.4%). Monthly variations are significant for all activity categories except ranging. Times spent resting and foraging are negatively correlated (r = −0.5) and show significant seasonal differences. Foraging time was highest from September to November, when key food sources such asCullenia andArtocarpus were absent or marginally available. The study group spent most time (40.4%) at canopy levels between 21 and 30 m. They spent more time each day ranging than resting or feeding and more time terrestrially compared with groups in protected forests. Large group size, poor habitat quality, and seasonal variation in food availability were the major variables affecting their time budget, and these variables accounted for differences from the time budgets of groups in protected forests.  相似文献   

A direct radioimmunoassay for measuring urinary 20-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity to monitor and assess luteal function and detect pregnancy in the lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus) is described. Urine samples were collected daily during ten nonconceptive and five conceptive ovarian cycles of five dult female lion-tailed macaques. Urine was analyzed for concentrations of 20α-hydroxypro-gesterone cross-reactivity, estrone conjugates, and creatinine. The strength of the luteal phase in normal nonconceptive cycles (n = 8) is characterized by a maximum sevenfold increase (day 9) in mean 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity over follicular phase levels; the duration, by a 13-day sustained elevation of mean 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity levels. Pregnancy is detectable from 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity values approximately 20 days after the periovulatory estrone conjugate peak (n = 4). Apparent anovulation (n = 1), extended follicular phase (n = 1), and early abortion (n = 1) also are detectable using 20α-hydroxyprogesterone cross-reactivity measurements.  相似文献   

Investigations of vocal communication in captive groups of lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus) revealed a repertoire of 17 basic patterns. Sixteen of them were recorded and their physical parameters analysed by sonagrams. During a field study these results were verified and complemented, and additional data on the vocal behaviour of this species were gathered. The vocal repertoire of lion-tailed macaques is characterized by discretely structured, mostly interaction- and situation-specific sound patterns. The fundamental characteristics of vocal communication seem to be adjusted to the acoustic conditions of the rain forest habitat as well as to the social organization in 1-male groups. In contrast to other species of the macaque genus, lion-tailed macaques are highly adapted to a strictly arboreal life in the rain forests of the Western Ghats (South India). Due to the dense vegetation in this habitat, propagation of visual signals is restricted to short distances. Vocal signals are therefore of great importance. The vocal repertoire of lion-tailed macaques differs from that of more terrestrial macaques insofar as the basic patterns show comparatively insignificant structural variations. Also, patterns were recorded which have not yet been found in any other member of the genus.  相似文献   

Captive nonhuman animals use enclosure space differentially. Enclosure features strongly influence this. This study recorded both the enclosure space used by 47 captive lion-tailed macaques housed in 13 zoos across India and the behavior of the macaques. The exhibition of abnormal behaviors, food-related behaviors, and social interactions correlated significantly with the use of the edge zone (the part of the enclosure closest to the visitor area). Animals housed in barren enclosures used the edge zone to a significantly greater percentage than did those housed in complex exhibits. Percentages of autogrooming, social interactions, and food-related behaviors significantly correlated with the use of the enrich zone. Space use studies assist in recognizing areas within the enclosure, which captive animals actively use. Conversely, the studies can identify areas infrequently used and show how to make maximum use of these enclosure areas. Further studies targeting both the increase in percentages of natural behaviors exhibited and use of the enrich zone used the current study on captive lion-tailed macaques for their design.  相似文献   

This article reports the structure of dominance and its relationship with social grooming in wild lion-tailed macaque females. The strength of dominance hierarchy was 0.79 on a scale of 0 to 1 indicating a moderate linearity in the ranking system. Dominance scores were converted into an ordinal as well as an interval scale. Grooming scores were also converted into interval scales using standard scores. Grooming received and grooming given correlated positively and negatively respectively with dominance ranks indicating that high ranking females received more and gave less grooming. Grooming was also positively related to encounter rates for dyads of females. More grooming among adjacent ranks, and grooming being more reciprocal, occurred only in the case of dominant females. The grooming patterns, therefore, appeared to be more of despotic than egalitarian nature. While ranking macaques into different Grades of social systems ranging from despotic to egalitarian, Thierry (2004) has placed lion-tailed macaques in Grade 3 corresponding to the ‘relaxed’ social system. Our results indicate that the grooming and dominance relationships in this species are more despotic, and hence, the Grade for this species requires to be shifted toward 2 or 1.  相似文献   

Ten group-living lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus), accustomed to receiving fruits and vegetable items of the diet in chopped form, were given these same foods in whole form to compare reactions to the non-nutritional properties of food. Contrary to common belief, the access of individuals to the different food items was not equalized through chopping into bite-sized morsels. Mean dietary diversity actually increased with presentation of whole foods, as did time spent feeding and total amount of food consumed. The widespread practice of chopping of food for captive primates has little to commend it in light of these findings.  相似文献   

During a 5-yr study of lion-tailed macaques in their natural habitat, we found that: 1) most births occurred from January to April (70%) and from September to December (19%), showing a bimodal pattern with a major and a minor birth peak; 2) the period of peaks remained the same over 5 yr; and 3) a similar pattern of birth peaks occurred both in groups in large forest complexes that had overlapping home ranges with other groups and in single groups that were isolated in forest fragments in the same region but with similar ecological conditions. The results suggest more of a birth seasonality than mere breeding synchronization in the wild lion-tailed macaques. We also analyzed data on births in captivity in European Zoos for 10 yr. We observed no seasonality or peaks in births, and the pattern was the same over the years. Data on rainfall suggest that resource availability in the wild habitat may not be uniform throughout the year; hence, ecological factors may play an important role in determination of birth patterns in the natural habitats of lion-tailed macaques.  相似文献   

We surveyed agonistic behaviors of 20 captive groups of pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina) housed under identical spatial conditions. Fifteen groups contained one male each; the other five groups contained no adult males. Groups included six to twelve adult females, some of which had infants with them. We found no relationship between social density of groups and incidence of agonistic behavior, but significantly more contact aggression (grab, hit, push, bite) and noncontact aggression (chase, open-mouth “threat,” bark vocalization) occurred among females in groups containing no males than in those containing one male each. Apparently, males played an important role in the inhibition of intragroup conflict. We also found that females in groups containing males exhibited less noncontact aggression if infants were present than if no infants resided in their groups. Thus, competition of females over infants must not have been an important constituent of intragroup conflict under the conditions of this survey.  相似文献   

The bladder of 6 lion-tailed macaques was emptied and flushed with sterile saline. TALP-Hepes buffer was infused and the animals were electroejaculated. After electroejaculation, the semen quality was determined in the ejaculate and the bladder infusate. Of the 15 ejaculates analysed, a mean (+/- s.e.m.) sperm count of 133.8 (+/- 30.7) x 10(6) with 69.5 (+/- 6.0)% motility was obtained in the infusate as compared to the sperm count of 72.4 (+/- 38.6) x 10(6) with significantly lower (47.7 +/- 5.8%) motility in the ejaculate.  相似文献   

Basic morphometric data were collected from 22 adult lion-tailed macaques (M. silenus) of both sexes. M. silenus is a rare primate species from which adequate morphometric data have not heretofore been available for comparative purposes. Data collected include measures of gross body size (weight; crown-rump and rump-heel length), and for males, measures of secondary sexual characteristics (canine tooth and testes size). Degree of sexual dimorphism was marked, with males significantly larger and heavier than females. The three body size measures were correlated for males but not for females. There was substantial variation among individual males in secondary sex characteristics measurements. The data indicate than lion-tailed macaque morphometrics are consonant with the general pattern of positive allometry for body size and sexual dimorphism characteristic of the primate order.  相似文献   

Tropical rainforests show seasonal fluctuations in the abundance of fruits resulting in periods of resource scarcity for frugivores. We examined the response of an obligate frugivore, the lion‐tailed macaque (LTM) (Macaca silenus), to a period of fruit scarcity in a rainforest in the Western Ghats, India. We estimated the abundance and distribution of fruit resources from food tree densities obtained from 348 point centered quadrats, and fruit availability from phenological monitoring of 195 trees of 15 reported major food species. Macronutrient content was estimated for fruits of 15 major food species. We estimated time spent feeding on different food items from 1,853 individual scans spanning 120 hr of observation of one habituated study group. There was a distinct period of fruit scarcity during the drier months of February to mid‐March (Period 1) compared with late March and April (Period 2), separated by summer showers. Fruits available in Period 1 had lower soluble carbohydrate and lipid content and overall caloric value compared with Period 2. During the lean period, the LTM fed more on fruits of Drypetes wightii, which had the highest carbohydrate content, than on nectar of Palaquium ellipticum or Ficus spp., which had low carbohydrate content. During this period, the resource availability in a location significantly influenced the occurrence of feeding there. In Period 2, the group fed most on the seeds of Cullenia exarillata, the most abundant tree in the home‐range and with the highest content of soluble carbohydrates. During this period, the abundance of food trees in fruit in a location did not seem to influence the occurrence of feeding. Low abundance, stochastic fruiting and, low quality might make Ficus spp. a poor fallback option for the LTM. Am. J. Primatol. 73:1250–1260, 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

I compared the frequency of occurrence, contextual usage, and meaning of some of the most prominent gestural signals in stump-tailed macaques. I recorded the occurrence of 15 visual and tactile behavior patterns in a multimale multifemale captive group of stump-tailed macaques with the behavior sampling method in 100 hr of observation and analyzed the data via factor analysis and analyis of variance. The hindquarter presentation was the most frequent gesture. It was displayed by subordinates to appease dominants even in the absence of impending risk of aggression. Bared-teeth, lip-smack, teeth-chatter, and present-arm are submissive signals as well, but they differ from the presentation and from one another in their contextual usage. Nonthrusting mount, hip-touch, hip-clasp, and genital manipulation are directed down the hierarchy and appear to reflect dominance, reassurance, protection, or bonding. Mock-bite is a ritualized aggressive behavior pattern, often used to resolve uncertain dominance relationships. Ventroventral embrace occurs as a female bonding pattern. Overall, most gestural signals in stump-tailed macaques relate to dominance and submission and, to a lesser extent, social bonding.  相似文献   

We observed the overall population dynamics and number of births and deaths in identified individuals between January 2002 and October 2005, in a large group of lion-tailed macaques in the Anaimalai Hills of the Western Ghats in the south Indian state of Tamilnadu. The group inhabited an isolated rainforest fragment located inside a private tea/coffee garden. The group size increased from 56 in January 2002 to 84 in October 2005. All females reproduced, and the interbirth interval was 23.18 months. Of the 37 infants born between 2002 and 2005, only 1 died providing an infant survivorship rate of about 97.3%. Although births occurred in all months, most of the infants were born between February and March, and this pattern of births was consistent over the years, indicating a major birth peak in this species. The population growth rate in this unusually large group was found to be higher than even in those groups of lion-tailed macaques that inhabit large and relatively undisturbed rainforest complexes. This high growth rate could be attributed to the availability of abundant cultivated fruit plants including commercial crops such as coffee seeds. The observations provide a perspective for the management of other groups of this endangered species inhabiting rainforest fragments.  相似文献   

The northern pig-tailed macaque(NPM,Macaca leonina) has become a widely used animal model in biomedical research. In this study, we measured serum immunoglobulin IgG, IgM, IgA, complement C3, C4 and CRP levels in 3-11 year old captive northern pig-tailed macaques using HITACHI 7600-20 automated chemistry analyzer in order to determine the influences of age and gender on these items. The results showed that serum IgA, IgM, C3 and C4 levels were not correlated with age(P0.05), while serum IgG levels increased progressively with age(r=0.202;P=0.045). Serum IgG, IgA, IgM and C3 levels were higher in females than in males(P0.05). Moreover, serum C3 concentration was both positively and strongly correlated with that of C4(r=0.700; P0.0001). This study provides basic serum immunoglobulin and complement data of captive northern pig-tailed macaques, which may prove useful for future breeding efforts and biomedical research.  相似文献   

Background As in other model organisms, genetic background in the non‐human primates Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis is an experimental variable that affects the response of other study variables. Genetic background in model organisms is manipulated by breeding schemes but is generally pre‐determined by the source population used to found captive stocks. In M. fascicularis three such sources have been distinguished, however, these are not routinely taken into consideration when designing research. Methods We exemplify a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)‐based strategy to trace the maternal geographic origins of M. fascicularis animals of unspecified origins. Results Macaca fascicularis of unspecified origins kept at primate research centers carry mtDNA haplotypes representing all three major genetic subdivisions. Conclusions We suggest that the genetic background of study animals could be better specified in the future using an mtDNA‐based approach, which would enable informed selection of study animals and help reduce variation within and among studies.  相似文献   

We present a retrospective analysis of 30 years of breeding records from a colony of pigtailed macaques at the University of Washington's Regional Primate Research Center, specifically examining the effects on pregnancy outcome of sire presence, presence of other pregnant females, group stability, overall group size, and dam age and parity. Data on 2,040 pregnancies (1,890 live births) of socially housed pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were obtained from the Washington Regional Primate Research Center's animal colony records from 1967 to 1996. Our results suggest that the presence of the sire and other pregnant females, fewer moves, and lower parity increases the probability of a viable birth. In viable and nonviable births, gestation length was positively related to contact with the sire and other pregnant females, number of moves, and dam age. Once the effect of gestational age was taken into account, birthweight increased with increasing parity and decreased with dam age. Clinical treatment of the dam decreased as sire presence and group size increased and number of moves decreased. The length of treatment was dependent on the number of moves experienced by the dam, with more moves associated with longer treatments. Sire presence was the single most important factor in nearly all measures of reproductive outcome. Am. J. Primatol. 47:153–163, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two groups of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) housed in rodent-controlled outdoor corrals were inoculated with two different encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) vaccines. One group (n = 45) received a vaccine made from an inactivated field isolate of virus cultured during an outbreak at a zoo in Florida. This vaccine produced fourfold increases in the titers of 28 animals (62%); the increases persisted for at least 18 months (last test) after a single injection of the vaccine. The other group (n = 51) received a vaccine made from an inactivated porcine field strain of the virus. This vaccine did not produce titers in any of the vaccinees.  相似文献   

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