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The California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) recovery plan entails increasing the reproductive rate via replacement-clutch manipulation and artificial incubation of eggs. During the period from 1983 to 1990, 37 eggs have been artificially incubated; 32 of these were known to be fertile and 28 hatched (fertility: 86.5%; hatchability: 87.5%).  相似文献   

The wild 'Alala (Corvus hawaiiensis) population has been declining for many years, and only a few pairs of birds are currently reproductively active on the island of Hawaii. A recovery program was initiated in 1993 which included removing eggs from wild nesting birds for artificial rearing and reintroduction. This paper describes the artificial incubation and hand-rearing techniques. Eleven eggs were removed from three nesting pairs; eight were fertile, and seven hatched and were hand-reared (fertility, 72.7%; hatchability, 87.5%; survivability, 100%). Eggs were incubated in a forced-air incubator at 99.5°F (dry bulb), 80.0–86.0°F (wet bulb), and hatched under still-air conditions at 99.0°F (dry bulb) and 88.0–90°F (wet bulb). Hatched chicks were hand-fed a diet of fruit, insects, and mouse pups. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three years of behavioral data were collected on incubation behavior in one pair of captive condors (Gymnogyps californianus) at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Data were collected from daily video tape reviews of the nest box. The amount of time each bird was in the nest box, and whether it was on or off the egg were recorded, along with any aggressive interactions observed in the nest. For the first 2 years, the female incubated the egg(s) significantly more than the male. During the third year, the male increased his incubation time on the egg, resulting in no difference between the two sexes in incubation time. Changes in male incubation behavior may be a result of several factors: increased compatibility between the pair, social maturation, and/or increased dominance on the part of the male. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The lack of breeding behavior seen in some pairs of adult California condors, Gymnogyps californianus, is of great concern for the captive breeding program. One possible cause for absent or delayed breeding in what are otherwise seemingly compatible animals is inbreeding avoidance behavior. To examine this possibility, housing and reproduction records were examined for all adult California condors. The influence of housing on reproduction of birds that had been exclusively paired for at least one full breeding season was examined with linear regression, and the age of females at the age of exclusive pairing was shown to have a significant influence on fertility, which increased with increased age at pairing. Behavioral data from adult pairs at the San Diego Wild Animal Park corroborated these findings, as mounts and copulations were observed at significantly lower frequencies in pairs that had been formed when the female was less than two years old. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Captive breeding is a high profile management tool used for conserving threatened species. However, the inevitable consequence of generations in captivity is broad scale and often-rapid phenotypic divergence between captive and wild individuals, through environmental differences and genetic processes. Although poorly understood, mate choice preference is one of the changes that may occur in captivity that could have important implications for the reintroduction success of captive-bred animals. We bred wild-caught house mice for three generations to examine mating patterns and reproductive outcomes when these animals were simultaneously released into multiple outdoor enclosures with wild conspecifics. At release, there were significant differences in phenotypic (e.g. body mass) and genetic measures (e.g. Gst and F) between captive-bred and wild adult mice. Furthermore, 83% of offspring produced post-release were of same source parentage, inferring pronounced assortative mating. Our findings suggest that captive breeding may affect mating preferences, with potentially adverse implications for the success of threatened species reintroduction programmes.  相似文献   

On a population level, individual plasticity in reproductive phenology can provoke either anticipations or delays in the average reproductive timing in response to environmental changes. However, a rigid reliance on photoperiodism can constraint such plastic responses in populations inhabiting temperate latitudes. The regulation of breeding season length may represent a further tool for populations facing changing environments. Nonetheless, this skill was reported only for equatorial, nonphotoperiodic populations. Our goal was to evaluate whether species living in temperate regions and relying on photoperiodism to trigger their reproduction may also be able to regulate breeding season length. During 10 years, we collected 2,500 female reproductive traits of a mammal model species (wild boar Sus scrofa) and applied a novel analytical approach to reproductive patterns in order to observe population-level variations of reproductive timing and synchrony under different weather and resources availability conditions. Under favorable conditions, breeding seasons were anticipated and population synchrony increased (i.e., shorter breeding seasons). Conversely, poor conditions induced delayed and less synchronous (i.e., longer) breeding seasons. The potential to regulate breeding season length depending on environmental conditions may entail a high resilience of the population reproductive patterns against environmental changes, as highlighted by the fact that almost all mature females were reproductive every year.  相似文献   

The movements of animals are limited by evolutionary constraints and ecological processes and are strongly influenced by the medium through which they travel. For flying animals, variation in atmospheric conditions is critically influential in movement. Obligate soaring birds depend on external sources of updraft more than do other flying species, as without that updraft they are unable to sustain flight for extended periods. These species are therefore good models for understanding how the environment can influence decisions about movement. We used meteorological and topographic variables to understand the environmental influences on the decision to engage in flight by obligate soaring and critically endangered California Condors Gymnogyps californianus. Condors were more likely to fly, soared at higher altitudes and flew over smoother terrain when weather conditions promoted either thermal or orographic updrafts, for example when turbulence and solar radiation were higher and when winds from the east and north were stronger. However, increased atmospheric stability, which is inconsistent with thermal development but may be associated with orographic updrafts, was correlated with a somewhat higher probability of being in flight at lower altitudes and over rougher terrain. The close and previously undescribed linkages between Condor flight and conditions that support development of thermal and orographic updrafts provide important insight into the behaviour of obligate soaring birds and into the environmental parameters that may define the currently expanding distribution of Condors within and outside the state of California.  相似文献   

From 1995 to 1999, two species of endemic Hawaiian thrushes, `Oma`o (Myadestes obscurus) and Puaiohi (M. palmeri), were captive‐reared and re‐introduced into their historic range in Hawai`i by The Peregrine Fund, in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey–Biological Resources Division (BRD) and the Hawai`i State Department of Land and Natural Resources. This paper describes the management techniques that were developed (collection of wild eggs, artificial incubation, hand‐rearing, captive propagation, and release) with the non‐endangered surrogate species, the `Oma`o; techniques that are now being used for recovery of the endangered Puaiohi. In 1995 and 1996, 29 viable `Oma`o eggs were collected from the wild. Of 27 chicks hatched, 25 were hand‐reared and released into Pu`u Wa`awa`a Wildlife Reserve. Using the techniques developed for the `Oma`o, a captive propagation and release program was initiated in 1996 to aid the recovery of the endangered Puaiohi. Fifteen viable Puaiohi eggs were collected from the wild (1996–1997) to establish a captive breeding flock to produce birds for re‐introduction. These Puaiohi reproduced for the first time in captivity in 1998 (total Puaiohi chicks reared in captivity 1996–1998 = 41). In 1999, 14 captive‐bred Puaiohi were re‐introduced into the Alaka`i Swamp, Kaua`i. These captive‐bred birds reproduced and fledged seven chicks in the wild after release. This is the first endangered passerine recovery program using this broad spectrum of management techniques (collection of wild eggs, artificial incubation, hand‐rearing, captive‐breeding, and release) in which re‐introduced birds survived and bred in the wild. Long‐term population monitoring will be published separately [BRD, in preparation]. Zoo Biol 19:263–277, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Supplementation of wild populations with captive-bred organisms is a common practice for conservation of threatened wild populations. Yet it is largely unknown whether such programmes actually help population size recovery. While a negative genetic effect of captive breeding that decreases fitness of captive-bred organisms has been detected, there is no direct evidence for a carry-over effect of captive breeding in their wild-born descendants, which would drag down the fitness of the wild population in subsequent generations. In this study, we use genetic parentage assignments to reconstruct a pedigree and estimate reproductive fitness of the wild-born descendants of captive-bred parents in a supplemented population of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The estimated fitness varied among years, but overall relative reproductive fitness was only 37 per cent in wild-born fish from two captive-bred parents and 87 per cent in those from one captive-bred and one wild parent (relative to those from two wild parents). Our results suggest a significant carry-over effect of captive breeding, which has negative influence on the size of the wild population in the generation after supplementation. In this population, the population fitness could have been 8 per cent higher if there was no carry-over effect during the study period.  相似文献   


Aspects of the reproductive biology of snapping shrimp Alpheus euphrosyne euphrosyne inhabiting a tropical estuary were studied between August 2007 and July 2008 by examining 1309 females of 8.5–21.5 mm carapace length. Although the occurrence of ovigerous females was noted from October, the main breeding season extended from January to March. Size at 50% sexual maturity was estimated as 10.6±1.40 mm CL. Number of eggs per brood ranged from 141 to 1553 in females of 11.2 to 19.2 mm CL and mean absolute fecundity was estimated as 480±272 eggs. Regressions of log egg number on log total length, log carapace length and log weight revealed isometric relationships (p <0.01). Results of ANOVA revealed significant variation between mean short and long axes of eggs among five embryo developmental stages (P <0.05). The estimated egg batch 33 volume ranged from 4.99 to 32.09 mm3 with a mean of 12.44 mm3. Estimates of reproductive output from 41 females ranged between 8.21 to 31.25% with a mean value of 18.55±5.81.  相似文献   

Hybridization of introduced domesticates and closely related natives is well documented in annual crops. The widespread introduction of the domesticated grapevine, Vitis vinifera, into California where it overlaps with two native congenerics, with which it is interfertile, provides opportunity to investigate hybridization between woody perennials. Although geographically widespread, the introduction over the past two centuries has been limited to a few elite clonal cultivars, providing a unique opportunity to study the effects of hybridization on the native species. The amount of hybridization with V. vinifera and the genetic diversity of wild‐growing Vitis californica and Vitis girdiana were examined using nineteen microsatellite markers. STRUCTURE analysis was used to define hybrid and introgressed individuals and to analyze genetic structure of the native species. FAMOZ software was used to identify which V. vinifera cultivars served as parents of F1 hybrids. The three species were clearly distinguished by STRUCTURE analysis. Thirty percent of 119 V. californica vines were hybrids. The domesticated parent was identified for 16 F1 hybrid vines; the original California cultivar, ‘Mission’, was the parent of eight. Backcrosses were also found, showing introgression into subsequent generations. Similar results were obtained for a small sample of V. girdiana. Removing hybrids greatly reduced the genetic variation of the presumed pure species, among which there was essentially no genetic structure. Limited genetic variability indicates the California natives may be threatened by genetic erosion. The discovery of F1 hybrids of ‘Mission’, a cultivar not grown in the areas for ~100 years, suggests long generation times for wild vines that, often, grow into expansive liana and propagate by layering, all factors that limit recruitment in populations already disjunct by habitat lose. Hermaphroditic flowers and fruit that is more attractive to birds may favor the production of backcross seed and establishment of introgressed individuals.  相似文献   

Holt WV  Lloyd RE 《Theriogenology》2009,71(1):228-235
Conservation is about protecting and nurturing species so that they can survive, not only now, but also into the future. Ideally this means protecting genetically diverse populations and not simply breeding a few individuals. Unfortunately, this point is often overlooked by reproductive technologists, especially if they are more accustomed to working with humans, companion animals or agricultural species, where the goals are more usually directed towards obtaining offspring from particular individuals. This approach has tended to antagonise the conservation community, who are quick to develop an unreasonable suspicion of technological solutions, partly because they are unfamiliar with the scientific principles that underpin the reproductive technology. Unfortunately, this mutual failure to recognise that all parties are actually well meaning, has led to separate cultures that barely communicate with each other and thus fail to capitalise on the potential benefits that would come from a good working relationship. Notable successes with reproductive technology have only emerged where such relationships have been forged. In this review, we highlight, mainly for the benefit of the technologist community, the need to foster good working relationships with conservation managers and to recognise that the latest hi-tech approach to animal breeding is more likely to engender suspicion than enthusiasm.  相似文献   

于2008年4月对4只成体褐翅鸦鹃雄性生殖系统进行组织解剖观察.其左侧睾丸重0.77 g±0.05 g,是右侧的3倍,达体重的0.36%,曲精细管充盈整个睾丸,没有睾丸纵隔和睾丸小叶,生精上皮厚56.88 μm±11.52 μm,睾丸间质较少.附睾1对,小而不明显.输精管长49.16 mm±1.56 mm,黏膜层形成许多纵形的皱壁,单层高柱状上皮细胞含大量糖原颗粒,固有膜无腺体,肌层发达.  相似文献   

Demersal, non-cryptic, wild fishes were counted in replicate 100 m2 transects beneath a floating sea-cage fish farm and two nearby sandy locations at Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, eastern Atlantic) four times before and after the cessation of farming. Cessation of farming involved the removal of farmed fishes and ceasing of the daily feeding, although farm structures (cages and moorings) remained. A 'beyond-BACI' sampling design provided the framework to detect the effect of the cessation of farming, which produced qualitative and quantitative changes in the composition and structure of the fishes assemblages beneath the sea-cage fish farm compared with two nearby controls. The aggregative effect on wild fishes due to the existence of the farm decreased from c. 50 times compared to nearby controls when the farm was in full operation to less than two times when only the farm structures remained. Abundances of particulate organic matter feeders (large-sized mugilids), large benthic chondrichthyid rays and Pagellus spp. declined markedly at the fish farm after the cessation of farming, suggesting that the removal of daily feeding was responsible for their disappearance. In contrast, abundances of herbivores, benthic macro- and meso-carnivores were similar beneath the fish farm both before and after the cessation of farming. Benthic macro-carnivores, however, were more abundant beneath the sea-cages compared to control locations, supporting the hypothesis that the increase in the physical structure beneath farms plays a role in aggregating these species. Sparids occurred beneath the sea-cages only after the cessation of farming, while the two natural control locations did not show differences from before to after the cessation of farming. Overall, the results show that the wild fish assemblage beneath the farm partially changed after the cessation of farming to a more natural state, approaching the assemblages observed at the control sites.  相似文献   

Wild horses (Equus caballus) are a non‐native species occupying over 2800 km2 of the nationally significant Australian Alps National Parks. We estimated key demographic parameters (fecundity, adult and juvenile survival and annual finite population growth rate) over 3 years and related these to horse body condition and available food for three populations under natural conditions, and found a trend consistent with food limitation. The populations were independent, with different site characteristics and occupied areas, identified by land managers, as areas of concern about possible conservation impacts. Annual fecundity and juvenile survival varied across sites averaging between 0.21 and 0.31 female young per adult female, and 0.83 and 0.90 per annum, respectively, and annual adult survival was consistent across sites averaging 0.91 per annum. One population was increasing (λ = 1.09 year?1; 95% CI 1.04–1.14) and two populations were stable (λ ~ 1.0 year?1). Mean body condition of horses was positively correlated with mean pasture biomass rank. Across the three populations, fecundity, recruitment, body condition and annual finite population growth rate were lowest when mean pasture biomass rank was lowest and conversely highest when pasture rank was highest. We conclude that food limitation appears to be operating across these three sites. We used our results to assess the sensitivity of annual finite rate of increase (λ) to changes in key demographic parameters and found that λ was most sensitive to a change in adult survival, with the second most sensitive parameter being fecundity. Thus, if the aim of management is to reduce the size of the wild horse population then targeting adult survival is most important, followed by fecundity. Finally, we estimated the linear, negative, numerical response for wild horses between annual λ and horses per unit pasture biomass.  相似文献   

Supplementation of wild salmonids with captive-bred fish is a common practice for both commercial and conservation purposes. However, evidence for lower fitness of captive-reared fish relative to wild fish has accumulated in recent years, diminishing the apparent effectiveness of supplementation as a management tool. To date, the mechanism(s) responsible for these fitness declines remain unknown. In this study, we showed with molecular parentage analysis that hatchery coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) had lower reproductive success than wild fish once they reproduced in the wild. This effect was more pronounced in males than in same-aged females. Hatchery spawned fish that were released as unfed fry (age 0), as well as hatchery fish raised for one year in the hatchery (released as smolts, age 1), both experienced lower lifetime reproductive success (RS) than wild fish. However, the subset of hatchery males that returned as 2-year olds (jacks) did not exhibit the same fitness decrease as males that returned as 3-year olds. Thus, we report three lines of evidence pointing to the absence of sexual selection in the hatchery as a contributing mechanism for fitness declines of hatchery fish in the wild: (i) hatchery fish released as unfed fry that survived to adulthood still had low RS relative to wild fish, (ii) age-3 male hatchery fish consistently showed a lower relative RS than female hatchery fish (suggesting a role for sexual selection), and (iii) age-2 jacks, which use a sneaker mating strategy, did not show the same declines as 3-year olds, which compete differently for females (again, implicating sexual selection).  相似文献   

Seven smallholder fishponds in central Uganda were studied between 2000 and 2001 to investigate the interaction of farmed tilapiines with their wild conspecifics. Emphasis was on the features that facilitate escape of fish and/or entry of fish into the farms and interactions between the farmed and the wild. These included number of species, source of seed, connection between pond and natural watercourses, purpose of the farm, destination of cultured fish and interaction between farmed and wild fish. Fishponds had no screens against entry of wild fish into the farm or escape of farmed fish into the wild and occurred within wetlands close to natural watercourses. Ponds stocked with one fish species were found to have multispecies with some individuals that were apparently intermediate morphs between the species. Fry produced within the growout fishponds was shared with other farmers within and outside the watersheds. This study showed that smallholder farms with little or no control of escape or entry of fish out and into the fishponds, and little or no management present circumstances that facilitate continued movement of tilapiines within and across watersheds in Ugandan waters. The study also indicated possible genetic interaction between farmed and their wild conspecifics through interactions within fishponds.  相似文献   

Linda May 《Hydrobiologia》1987,147(1):335-338
Sediment samples from Loch Leven, Scotland, were incubated at 5°C, 10°C and 15°C to induce hatching of rotifer resting eggs. The emergent animals were identified and counted. The temperature which induced hatching varied among the nine species studied. These results are discussed in relation to seasonality and temperature preferences previously recorded for the most abundant species. Resting egg densities of 2.2–13.9 eggs cm–3 were recorded in the upper 5 cm of sediment.  相似文献   

We investigated hormonal and behavioral changes in wild male and female northern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus) at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil, during a 6‐mo period that encompassed the onset of the 1998–1999 mating and conception seasons. Individual females resumed mating with the resumption of ovarian cycling, which was not synchronized among them or related to their cortisol levels. Females experienced two to seven cycles prior to conceiving, and the first conception occurred 2 mo after the onset of the group's mating season. There were no differences in female cortisol levels across their premating, mating, and conception conditions. Cortisol levels were significantly higher in females than in males prior to the conception season, consistent with the prediction that energy reserves may be associated with breeding readiness in females, but not males, in this species. The sustained elevation in male cortisol occurred after the peak in their sexual activity, which resulted in the first conception of the year. Male cortisol levels were positively correlated between years that were similar in rainfall, but differed in the timing of sexual and reproductive events. The timing of cortisol elevations in males appears to be generally regulated by environmental cues, but is responsive to fine‐tuning by social and behavioral cues related to the unpredictable timing of reproductive opportunities within their extended mating season. Am. J. Primatol. 61:85–99, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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