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The predator-prey relationship between California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) and northern Pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) is a useful system for exploring conflict and assessment. Rattlesnakes are major predators of ground squirrel pups, but pose a less significant threat to adult squirrels. Adults approach, harass, and even attack rattlesnakes in defense of their pups. Two factors that may influence risk to both squirrel and snake during encounters are the size and body temperature of the rattlesnake. We used high-speed video to analyze the strikes of rattlesnakes of various sizes tested at different body temperatures. Results indicate that warmer snakes are more dangerous because they strike with higher velocity, greater accuracy, and less hesitation. Similarly, larger snakes are more dangerous because they can strike farther and at higher speeds, and keep their fangs embedded longer. Thus, ground squirrels would benefit from extracting information about a rattlesnake's size and temperature. The converse of our results is that cooler, smaller rattlesnakes may be more vulnerable. These snakes could mitigate their risk by avoiding dangerous adversaries and minimizing cues that divulge their weaknesses. Such tactics might explain the active probing that squirrels direct at rattlesnakes, which may function to overcome a snake's resistance to disclosing its vulnerability.  相似文献   

Ground squirrels (Spermophilus spp.) have evolved a battery of defences against the rattlesnakes (Crotalus spp.) that have preyed on them for millions of years. The distinctive behavioural reactions by these squirrels to rattlesnakes have recently been shown to include self-application of rattlesnake scent-squirrels apply scent by vigorously licking their fur after chewing on shed rattlesnake skins. Here, we present evidence that this behaviour is a novel antipredator defence founded on exploitation of a foreign scent. We tested three functional hypotheses for snake scent application--antipredator, conspecific deterrence and ectoparasite defence--by examining reactions to rattlesnake scent by rattlesnakes, ground squirrels and ectoparasites (fleas). Rattlesnakes were more attracted to ground squirrel scent than to ground squirrel scent mixed with rattlesnake scent or rattlesnake scent alone. However, ground squirrel behaviour and flea host choice were not affected by rattlesnake scent. Thus, ground squirrels can reduce the risk of rattlesnake predation by applying rattlesnake scent to their bodies, potentially as a form of olfactory camouflage. Opportunistic exploitation of heterospecific scents may be widespread; many species self-apply foreign odours, but few such cases have been demonstrated to serve in antipredator defence.  相似文献   

The predator-prey relationship between California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) and northern Pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus riridis oreganus) is a useful system in which to explore risk assessment and management. Rattlesnakes are major predators of ground-squirrel pups, but pose only a sublethal threat to adult squirrels. Adults approach, harass, and even attack rattlesnakes when confronted with them. A rattlesnake's response to such harassment can include rattling and striking. Not all rattlesnakes pose the same risk to an adult squirrel. Larger, warmer rattlesnakes strike in ways that may be more effective at overwhelming the defensive leaps of squirrels, and larger snakes can inject more venom if they are successful in landing a bite. It would therefore benefit squirrels to assess and respond appropriately to rattlesnakes of different body size and temperature. We looked for cues in rattling upon which such assessments might be based. We recorded and digitally analyzed the rattling sounds of snakes of different sizes, each tested at four different body temperatures — 10, 18, 27, and 35°C. Results indicate that warmer snakes rattle with faster click rates, higher amplitudes, and shorter latencies. Similarly, larger snakes produce rattling sounds of higher amplitude and lower dominant frequencies. Thus, rattling provides reliable cues about rattlesnake dangerousness. Nevertheless, this highly ‘informative’ characteristic of rattling has its origins in physical and physiological constraints, not in specialization for communication. Ground squirrels appear to probe for the information extractable from rattling, for example by pushing loose substrate at the snake and thus inducing it to rattle. Future reports will discuss the degree to which ground squirrels actually exploit these cues.  相似文献   

Snake naive and experienced California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) were video taped while interacting with either a gopher snake or rattlesnake in a simulated burrow dimly illuminated with red light. Using nonvisually guided behavior, naive and experienced squirrels reacted to snakes in qualitatively similar ways, and behaved more defensively toward snakes than toward a control stimulus (white rat). The squirrels alternately interacted with the snake and attempted to escape from the burrow, which had a sealed entrance. Interaction with the snake included cautious approach in elongate postures, prolonged investigation of adjacent alleys before entering them, kicking sand at the snake, frequent tooth chattering, occasional calling, and building burrow plugs out of sand. These they packed by butting with their heads. When permitted to escape from the burrow, they turned just outside the entrance to tail flag, kick sand, scent mark, and finally plug the burrow. Since visual cues were not available, olfactory and auditory stimuli from the snake appeared to mediate snake-directed behavior in the burrow.  相似文献   

Many species approach, inspect and signal towards their predators. These behaviours are often interpreted as predator-deterrent signals-honest signals that indicate to a predator that continued hunting is likely to be futile. However, many of these putative predator-deterrent signals are given when no predator is present, and it remains unclear if and why such signals deter predators. We examined the effects of one such signal, the tail-flag display of California ground squirrels, which is frequently given both during and outside direct encounters with northern Pacific rattlesnakes. We video-recorded and quantified the ambush foraging responses of rattlesnakes to tail-flagging displays from ground squirrels. We found that tail-flagging deterred snakes from striking squirrels, most likely by advertising squirrel vigilance (i.e. readiness to dodge a snake strike). We also found that tail-flagging by adult squirrels increased the likelihood that snakes would leave their ambush site, apparently by elevating the vigilance of nearby squirrels which reduces the profitability of the ambush site. Our results provide some of the first empirical evidence of the mechanisms by which a prey display, although frequently given in the absence of a predator, may still deter predators during encounters.  相似文献   

Recently, two squirrel species (Spermophilus spp.) were discovered to anoint their bodies with rattlesnake scent as a means of concealing their odour from these chemosensory predators. In this study, we tested multiple species with predator scents (rattlesnake and weasel) to determine the prevalence of scent application across the squirrel phylogeny. We reconstructed the evolutionary history of the behaviour using a phylogenetic analysis and fossil records of historic predator co‐occurrence. Squirrels with historical and current rattlesnake co‐occurrence all applied rattlesnake scent, whereas no relationship existed between weasel scent application and either weasel or rattlesnake co‐occurrence. This was surprising because experimental tests confirmed rattlesnake and weasel scent were both effective at masking prey odour from hunting rattlesnakes (the primary predator of squirrels). Ancestral reconstructions and fossil data suggest predator scent application in squirrels is ancient in origin, arising before co‐occurrences with rattlesnakes or weasels in response to some other, now extinct, chemosensory predator.  相似文献   

Burrowing owls nest and roost in ground squirrel burrows, a refuge frequently used by rattlesnakes. When cornered, burrowing owls produce a vocal hiss that has been suggested to mimic a rattlesnake's rattle. To test this hypothesis, we conducted an experiment using two populations of Douglas ground squirrels that differ in their evolutionary histories with rattlesnakes. Both squirrel populations were sympatric with burrowing owls. Squirrels from a population subjected to natural selection by rattlesnakes treated the owl hiss as cautiously as they did the rattle, and responded with greater caution to the rattle and hiss than to two control sounds. Squirrels from a rattlesnake-free area, however, were less systematic in differentiating among the rattle, the hiss, and the control treatments. Such variation between ground-squirrel populations provides evidence that the burrowing owl's defensive hiss currently functions as an acoustic Batesian mimic of a rattlesnake's rattle.  相似文献   

Small mammals have a number of means to detect and avoid predators, including visual, auditory and olfactory cues. Olfactory cues are particularly important for nocturnal or fossorial species where visual cues would not be as reliable. The Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris) is a semi‐fossorial, diurnal mammal from southern Africa. Cape ground squirrels encounter multiple species of predatory snake that pursue individuals underground where visual and social cues are limited. We assessed whether Cape ground squirrels use odours to discriminate between snakes by presenting a non‐venomous snake, a venomous snake and a control odour collected on polyethylene cubes to 11 adult female squirrels from 11 different social groups. Cape ground squirrels responded by inspecting the cube, displaying snake harassment–associated behaviours and decreasing time spent in close proximity to snake odours when compared with a control. They also displayed discrimination between two snake species by increasing the frequency of cube inspection and increasing harassment behaviours with venomous snake odours when compared with non‐venomous snake odours. We conclude that Cape ground squirrels respond with snake‐specific antipredator behaviours when presented olfactory cues alone. Olfactory discrimination may be maintained by the decreased utility of other methods of predator detection: sight and group detection, in below‐ground encounters.  相似文献   

Characteristics of arctic ground squirrel alarm calls   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Arctic ground squirrels, Citellus undulatus, produce six distinctly different sounds. Each of these sounds may represent a signal in itself, but combinations of these acoustic elements or repetition of a single element produce additional signals. Several of these signals serve as alarm calls. One sound element consists of a short (0.05 sec) broad frequency chat while another is a longer (0.16 to 0.25 sec) descending narrow frequency whistle. Squirrels utter three-note chatter calls when approached by a ground predator, and a series of five or more chatters, which fade in intensity, is given upon the close approach of a ground predator as the squirrel escapes into a burrow. A single whistle, which resembles the alarm call of some birds, is given upon the approach of an aerial predator. This call is repeated at approximately six to eight second intervals if the predator alights near a squirrel and remains nearby.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 71 Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) collected in 12 locations in western Canada were assayed for restriction-site variation with 10 endonucleases. Five of these endonucleases revealed variant patterns, and the composite genotypes were used to develop a linear transformation series among the mtDNA genotypes. Two of the four clones had a wide distribution, while the remaining two clones were geographically restricted. The mtDNA of Columbian ground squirrels was also compared to two other species of Sciuridae: Richardson's ground squirrels (S. richardsonii) and Arctic ground squirrels (S. parryii). Calculation of divergences from fragment length and restriction-site data indicated that Arctic ground squirrels and Richardson's ground squirrels were more closely related to each other than either was to Columbian ground squirrels. The transformation series among clones within the Columbian ground squirrels was rooted using Richardson's and Arctic ground squirrels as out-groups. From these data, we conclude that the colonization by female founders of Columbian ground squirrel populations occurred after deglaciation along the eastern ranges of the Rocky Mountains, while colonies on the western ranges may have been present before extensive deglaciation occurred, having existed in refugia in northwestern Alberta.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence for morphological change in response to recent environmental change, but how this relates to fluctuations in geographic range remains unclear. We measured museum specimens from two time periods (1902–1950 and 2000–2008) that vary significantly in climate to assess if and how two high elevation contracting species of ground squirrels in the Sierra Nevada of California, Belding's ground squirrel (Urocitellus beldingi) and the golden‐mantled ground squirrel (Callospermophilus lateralis), and one lower elevation, stable species, the California ground squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi), have responded morphologically to changes over the last century. We measured skull length (condylobasal length), an ontogenetically more labile trait highly correlated with body size, and maxillary toothrow length, a more developmentally constrained trait predictive of skull shape. C. lateralis and U. beldingi, both obligate hibernators, have increased in body size, but have not changed in shape. In contrast, O. beecheyi, which only hibernates in parts of its range, has shown no significant change in either morphometric trait. The increase in body size in the higher elevation species, hypothesized to be a plastic effect due to a longer growing season and thus prolonged food availability, opposes the expected direction of selection for decreased body size under chronic warming. Our study supports that population contraction is related to physiological rather than nutritional constraints.  相似文献   

Summary Ground squirrels have dichromatic color vision. The spectral sensitivities of the two classes of cones found in the retinas of two species of ground squirrel were measured using ERG flicker photometry. The spectral sensitivity curves for these cone classes were closely fit by curves from wavelength-dependent visual pigment nomograms. One cone type had an average peak sensitivity of 518.9 nm (California ground squirrels,Spermophilus beecheyi) or 517.0 nm (thirteen-lined ground squirrels,Spermophilus tridecemlineatus). The second type of cone found in these ground squirrels had an average peak sensitivity of 436.7 nm. An examination of the variation in spectral sensitivity among individual animals suggests that the sensitivity peaks for the middle-wavelength cone cover a range of not greater than 4 nm.  相似文献   

The Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris) of southern Africa is a tropical species that does not hibernate. Field observations using scan and all-occurrence sampling revealed that this species was highly social. Female Cape ground squirrels formed social units of related females and their subadult young, as is typical for other ground squirrels. Female social groups were usually composed of 2–3 adult females and 2–3 subadults of either sex. Members of these female social groups shared sleeping burrows and feeding ranges. Female social groups did not cooperatively defend their feeding ranges from adjacent groups in other burrow clusters. Interactions within female social groups were highly amicable, and no dominance hierarchy was evident. Males in this species also lived in groups. These all-male bands of up to 19 individuals lived almost independently from female groups. The entire male band shared one home range, although ephemeral sub-bands were formed daily. The composition and size of these sub-bands changed daily. Interactions among males, which were largely amicable, included allogrooming and sleeping together. Analysis of interactions within the band indicated a stable, linear, dominance hierarchy among males. Dispersal in this species appeared to be male biased as is typical of other ground-dwelling squirrels, with males dispersing at reproductive maturity. Males joining male bands were thus dispersers and were not likely to be closely related. Sociality in the Cape ground squirrel may be summarized as highly social female kin clusters and associated social non-kin bands of males.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the population density and daily pattern of activity of the European ground squirrelSpermophilus citellus (Linnaeus, 1766) were studied in two habitats of the Kiskunság National Park, Hungary. One habitat was dominated by sandy and the other by salty grassland. Population densities were estimated by counting ground squirrel burrow entrances in sample areas with different microhabitat characteristics. Three categories (elevated, level and depressed) were used to describe the spatial distribution of burrows according to microtopography. Daily activity was evaluated by counting the ground squirrels visible on the surface and registering their alarm calls. The highest proportion of ground squirrel holes was found on elevations in the two habitats. Ground squirrels showed a similar daily activity pattern in different areas and in the same season in consecutive years. The daily activity consisted in a morning peak, a midday pause and a less regular afternoon activity period. Human activity had no direct effect on the daily activity pattern. Emission of alarm calls peaked in June, when litters emerge from the maternal burrows.  相似文献   

Information on the widespread function of the suprachiasmatic (SCN) pacemaker has increased dramatically in the past decade for laboratory rodents and for humans. Interest is now also growing in the adaptive value of SCN pacemakers in wild species of free-living mammals in natural pristine habitat. The squirrel family, Sciuridae, is highly diverse in North America. Radiation into many specialized groups has evolved in response to the temporal and spatial characteristics of specific habitats. The sciurids thus offer possibilities for comparison of SCN function for closely related species from very different habitats. Results from field and laboratory investigations concerning the ecological significance of the SCN are reported here for three ground squirrel species. The semi-fossorial antelope squirrels of the American southwest deserts were arrhythmic in above ground activities after deletion of the SCN pacemaker. In a desert enclosure, predation rates rose dramatically for lesioned animals in comparison to intact controls. The semi-arborial chipmunks were prone to capture by mustelid burrow predators such as weasels after SCN-deletion, even though the chipmunks did not exhibit any above ground activity at night. The telltale cue for the predator was apparently arrhythmic restlessness within the complex home burrow. The semi-fossorial golden-mantled squirrels of the Cascade Mountains of western United States rely on profound, long-lasting hibernation for over-wintering. Periods of torpor alternate with brief euthermic arousal episodes lasting less than 24 h throughout the 5- to 8-month winter phase. Deletion of the SCN in golden-mantled squirrels resulted in aberrations of hibernation arousal patterns that were metabolically expensive and put individuals at risk of starvation immediately after emergence in spring.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the visual sensitivity of the California ground squirrel (Speromphilus beecheyi) to spatial and temporal luminance patterns. Spatial contrast sensitivity functions were determined in behavioral discrimination experiments in which the stimuli were sinusoidally-modulated luminance gratings. These squirrels were found to be maximally sensitive to spatial frequencies of about 0.7 cycles/ degree (c/d), and they are unable to discriminate gratings whose frequencies exceed 4 c/d. Similar results were obtained in electrophysiological experiments when the visually evoked cortical potential (VECP) was recorded from anesthetized squirrels. A third experiment involved tests of the ability of ground squirrels to discriminate square-wave gratings of much higher luminance (340 cd/m2). The finest gratings which were discriminable at this luminance level did not exceed 3.9–4.3 c/d and, thus, we conclude that the maximal spatial resolution of the California ground squirrel is about 4 c/d (corresponding to a bar separation of 7.5). In another behavioral experiment the abilities of ground squirrels to discriminate sinusoidally flickering lights (mean luminance = 3.4 cd/m2) was measured. The results show that ground squirrels are maximally sensitive to lights flickering at a rate of about 18 Hz, and that the highest rates that are still discriminable are slightly above 60 Hz.Abbreviations c/d cycles/degree - CFF critical flicker frequency - VECP visually evoked cortical potential This research was supported by Grant EY 00105 from the National Eye Institute. We thank David Birch who participated in some preliminary behavioral experiments and Kenneth Long who provided the histological material from which measurements of receptor spacing were made.  相似文献   

When exposed to an anesthetized snake, feral black-tailed prairie dogs living in a high-snake-density area approached ambivalently and investigated the snake, typically near the head. Snake-investigation was interrupted intermittently, when the prairie dog jumped away, foot thumped or jump yipped, and approached the snake again. This behavior attracted other prairie dogs, who behaved similarly. Message analyses of two apparent signaling acts — foot thumping and jump yipping — demonstrated that they convey information that withdrawal from the snake has become less likely, and continued interaction with the snake more likely. Prairie dogs in a zoo and feral prairie dogs in a low-snake-density area were unresponsive to immobile snakes, but reacted strongly when the snake was permitted to move. We compared these results to similar data on California ground squirrels and discussed the selection pressures, and ontogenetic and perceptual processes that may have acted as determinants of this snake-directed behavior.  相似文献   

Twelve percent of 853 California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) from six different geographic locations in Kern County, Calif., were found to be shedding on average 44,482 oocysts g of feces(-1). The mean annual environmental loading rate of Cryptosporidium oocysts was 57,882 oocysts squirrel(-1) day(-1), with seasonal patterns of fecal shedding ranging from <10,000 oocysts squirrel(-1) day(-1) in fall, winter, and spring to levels of 2 x 10(5) oocysts squirrel(-1) day(-1) in summer. Juveniles were about twice as likely as adult squirrels to be infected and shed higher concentrations of oocysts than adults did, with particularly high levels of infection and shedding being found among juvenile male squirrels. Based on DNA sequencing of a portion of the 18S small-subunit rRNA gene, there existed three genotypes of Cryptosporidium species in these populations of squirrels (Sbey03a, Sbey03b, and Sbey03c; accession numbers AY462231 to AY462233, respectively). These unique DNA sequences were most closely related (96 to 97% homology) to porcine C. parvum (AF115377) and C. wrairi (AF115378). Inoculating BALB/c neonatal mice with up to 10,000 Sbey03b or Sbey03c fresh oocysts from different infected hosts did not produce detectable levels of infection, suggesting that this common genotype shed by California ground squirrels is not infectious for mice and may constitute a new species of Cryptosporidium.  相似文献   

Seeds of the Japanese walnut, Juglans ailanthifolia, are usually scatter-hoarded by two rodent species, the Japanese squirrel Sciurus lis and the field mouse Apodemus speciosus, but only by the latter in several areas where S. lis is absent. We examined seed-size-mediated interactions of these three species across a wide geographic range. Field tracking of walnuts with miniature radio-transmitters revealed that squirrels hoarded larger seeds more frequently and at greater distances than smaller seeds. In contrast, mice hoarded smaller seeds more frequently and transported them farther than larger seeds. These seed dispersers could affect the evolution of seed size because seeds hoarded at sites farther from source trees are known to survive better until germination and as seedlings. We expect that larger seeds may be advantageous in regeneration if the main seed dispersers are squirrels, whereas smaller seeds may be advantageous if mice are the dominant dispersers. These predictions were supported by the fact that seed size was smaller on islands inhabited only by mice and at the edge of the squirrel distribution, compared to areas where mice and squirrels are both common.  相似文献   

Vegetation management on levees, especially removal of trees and shrubs, might affect burrowing mammals that are considered threats to levee integrity. We evaluated habitat associations of California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi) and Botta's pocket gophers (Thomomys bottae) on levees in the Sacramento Valley to assess the effects of levee vegetation management on these species. Using burrows as an indirect measure of mammal presence, we found that the presence of trees had a negative effect on the occurrence and abundance of ground squirrels on levees, and on the location of their burrowing activities on the levee slope, potentially because visual occlusion caused by tall woody vegetation impedes detection of predators. Similarly, trees had a negative effect on the abundance of pocket gophers on levees and on the location of their burrowing activities on the levee slope, probably because of the effect of tree cover on food availability. The conversion of woodland habitats to grasslands on levees most likely will result in increased occurrence, abundance, or both of ground squirrels and pocket gophers, and thereby increase the potential threat that their burrowing activities pose to levee integrity. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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