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Social cognitive mechanisms are central to understanding developmental abnormalities, such as autistic spectrum disorder. Peer relations besides parent-infant or pair-bonding interactions are pivotal social relationships that are especially well developed in humans. Cognition of familiarity forms the basis of peer socialization. Domestic chick (Gallus gallus) studies have contributed to our understanding of the developmental process in sensory-motor cognition but many processes remain unknown. In this report, we used chicks, as they are precocial birds, and we could therefore focus on peer interaction without having to consider parenting. The subject chick behavior towards familiar and unfamiliar reference peers was video-recorded, where the subject and the reference were separated by either an opaque or transparent wall. Spectrogram and behavior correlation analyses based on principal component analysis, revealed that chicks elicited an intermediate contact call and a morphologically different distress call, more frequently towards familiar versus unfamiliar chicks in acoustic only conditions. When both visual and acoustic cues were present, subject chicks exhibited approaching and floor pecking behavior, while eliciting joyful (pleasant) calls, irrespective of whether reference peers were familiar or unfamiliar. Our result showed that chicks recognized familiarity using acoustic cues and expressed cognition through modified distress calls. These finding suggests that peer affiliation may be established by acoustic recognition, independent of visual face recognition, and that eventually, both forms of recognition are integrated, with modulation of acoustic recognition.  相似文献   

Jackdaws were conditioned to avoid or escape broadcast jackdaw distress calls. The calls were preceded by 10 s of stimulus light which accompanied the broadcast calls for 4 min. Following this, there was a 2-min time-out period without light or sound, after which the stimulus light was illuminated once again. A response (key peck) during the light or light plus sound periods terminated these. Extinction was accomplished with the stimulus light only. Median latencies of response were compared when calls were broadcast using high and low fidelity equipment. Median latencies to the HF calls were significantly shorter than those to LF calls. A comparison was also made between HF calls and discrete 1 kHz tone segments. The median latencies for the tone segments were longer than those for HF calls. HF jackdaw calls were compared with high pass calls (containing only frequencies above 5 kHz) and with HF herring gull distress calls. In both cases, the median response latencies were similar to those for HF jackdaw calls.  相似文献   

Studies of naturally predator-naïve adult birds (finches on predator-free islands) and birds experimentally hand reared in isolation from predators indicate that birds can recognise predators innately; that is, birds show anti-predator behaviour without former experience of predators. To reduce predation risk efficiently during the vulnerable fledgling period, we would predict an innate response to be fully developed when the chicks leave the nest. However, 30-day-old naïve great tit fledglings ( Parus major ) did not respond differently to a model of a perched predator than to a similarly sized model of a non-predator. Although chicks showed distress responses such as warning calls and freezing behaviour, they did not differentiate between the stimuli. In contrast, wild-caught first-year birds (4 mo old) and adults responded differentially to the two stimuli. Lack of recognition of a perched predator might be one explanation for the high mortality rate found in newly fledged great tits. Our results imply that parental care is not only important for food provisioning, but also to reduce predation risk during the time when fledglings are most vulnerable.  相似文献   

Vocalizations of Belding's ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) were recorded during the summer of 1982 near Tioga Pass in the central Sierra Nevada of California. Sonagrams were made and call parameters were measured. Discriminant function analyses revealed that multiple-note calls (‘trills’) differed acoustically depending on whether they occurred in response to a predator, or were given by males following copulations. The post-copulatory trills of males were individually distinctive. Among anti-predator trills there was no evidence of predator-specificity within the narrow range of predators tested: trills given to two species of (stuffed) weasels (Mustela), to dogs and to humans were statistically indistinguishable. Sonagrams of trills occurring in agonistic contexts suggest that a third general category of trills may exist, but agonistic trills were more variable than either anti-predator or post-copulatory trills. The ground squirrels also gave single-note calls in the three contexts described above, either repetitively (‘chirps’) or singly (‘whistles’). Neither chirps nor whistles encoded any obvious situation-specific information, except that whistles were typically associated with rapidly-moving predators, usually raptors. The post-copulatory chirps of males were individually distinctive. Vocalizations of Belding's ground squirrels may not vary among contexts as much as do the analogous calls of California ground squirrels (S. beecheyi).  相似文献   

Antipredator vocalizations of social companions are important for facilitating long-term changes in the responses of prey to novel predator stimuli. However, dynamic variation in the time course of acoustic communication has important implications for learning of predator cues associated with auditory signals. While animals often experience acoustic signals simultaneously with predator cues, they may also at times experience signals and predator stimuli in succession. The ability to learn about stimuli that are perceived not only together, but also after, acoustic signals has the potential to expand the range of opportunities for learning about novel events. Earlier work in Indian mynahs ( Acridotheres tristis ) has revealed that subjects acquire a visual exploratory response to a novel avian mount after they have experienced it together with conspecific distress vocalizations, a call produced in response to seizure by a predator. The present study explored to what extent such learning occurred if the avian mount was experienced after, rather than simultaneously with, distress calls, such as might happen if call production is interrupted by prey death. Results showed that mynahs that experienced a novel avian mount simultaneously with the sound of distress calls exhibited a sustained exploratory response to the mount after training relative to before that was not apparent in birds that received distress calls and mount in succession. This finding suggests that vocal antipredator signals may only trigger learning of environmental stimuli with which they share some temporal overlap. Recipients may need to access complementary non-vocal cues from the prey victim to learn about predator stimuli that are perceived after vocal behaviour.  相似文献   

Bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) calls were recorded using autonomous passive acoustic recorders deployed in the northeastern Chukchi Sea between October 2007 and October 2010. Continuous acoustic data were acquired during summer (August to mid‐October), and overwinter data (mid‐October through July) were acquired on a duty cycle of 40/48 min every 4 h. We investigated the spatio‐temporal distribution and acoustic behavior of vocalizing bearded seals in this multiyear data set. Peaks in calling occurred in spring, coinciding with the mating period, and calls stopped abruptly in late June/early July. Fewer calls were detected in summer, and the vocal presence of seals increased with the formation of pack ice in winter. Vocal activity was higher at night than during the day, with a peak around 0400 (AKST). Monthly patterns in proportional use of each call type and call duration were examined for the first time. The proportion and duration of AL1(T) and AL2(T) call types increased during the mating period, suggesting that males advertise their breeding condition by producing those specific longer trills. The observed seasonal and diel trends were consistent between years. These results improve our understanding of occurrence and acoustic behavior of bearded seals across the northeastern Chukchi Sea.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted with guinea pigs to test implications of a model which holds that social reinstatement tendencies and attempts to evade predation are the primary factors influencing how organisms initially react when placed in an open field. Because of the age-related reduction in need for maternal care, vocalization and ambulation latencies increased with age, and in support of the hypothesis that humans are perceived as predators, subjects tested in the presence of a human observer were less likely to move or vocalize than those tested alone. The data on vocalization latencies strongly suggest that the species- specific “whistle” of guinea pigs is a functional mammalian analog to the so-called “distress call” of domestic fowl.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the response of mallard ducklings to conspecific distress calls. In experiment 1, a synthetic call was constructed from a single distress note, by recording it on a digital disc and then using a software routine to regularly repeat this stored note with the average period (267 ms) of the original call. Ducklings were then tested for their tendency to inhibit their own distress vocalizations in response to either this synthetic call, the original call, or a constant-frequency tone mimic; they showed a significantly stronger inhibitory response to the synthetic call than to the tone mimic, but an even stronger response to the original call. The former result indicated that the synthetic call was an effective stimulus, and suggested that some aspect of the frequency modulation found in distress notes is required to evoke the normal duckling inhibitory response. The latter result further suggested that the acoustic variability found in the original call, but not the synthetic call, may be of importance for controlling duckling behaviour. Experiment 2 demonstrated that several other minor differences between the synthetic call and original call (number of notes per call and the digital recording of the synthetic call) could not account for the difference in duckling response to these two calls. Finally, in experiment 3, two additional synthetic stimuli were constructed from the digitized note, by first excising either the initial (front-chop) or terminal (rear-chop) frequency modulation found in each distress note, then creating amplitude envelopes for these new notes similar to that of the unaltered note, and finally repeating these notes to form calls with the same note period as the original call. The ducklings tested with the synthetic normal-note call and synthetic front-chop call showed a significantly stronger inhibitory response than the ducklings tested with the synthetic rear-chop call and the tone mimic. These results indicate that the terminal descending frequency sweep is an important feature of distress notes for triggering the response of ducklings to conspecific distress calls.  相似文献   

Effect of oral administration of aluminum sulphate (200 and 400 mg/kg body wt/day) without or with citric acid (62 mg/kg body wt/day) to day-old White Leghorn male chicks (n = 5 per group) for 30 days was studied on the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, and level of lipid peroxidation in cerebral hemisphere and liver. A 400 mg dose of Al in the presence of citric acid inhibited cytosolic total and CN--sensitive superoxide dismutase activities of the cerebral hemisphere in 7- and 30-day treated chicks, whereas in 15-day treated chicks the enzyme activities were decreased in response to both doses in the presence of citric acid. In case of liver, activities of these enzymes significantly decreased after 7, 15 and 30 days of treatment with 200 and 400 mg Al together with citric acid, whereas 400 mg Al alone inhibited the enzyme activities after 15 and 30 days of treatment. Cerebral catalase activity decreased in response to 400 mg Al when the chicks were also fed with citric acid for 7 and 30 days, but in 15-day treated chicks the enzyme activity was depleted following treatment with 200 and 400 mg Al combined with citric acid. 400 mg Al treatment for 7 days in combination with citric acid inhibited hepatic catalase activity and extension of the treatment period to 15 and 30 days also produced reduction in its activity even in response to the lower Al dose mixed with citric acid. CN--insensitive SOD activity of cerebral hemisphere and liver was unaffected by Al. Al also failed to induce lipid peroxidation in both the tissues throughout the course of exposure. Activities of SOD and catalase of cerebral hemisphere and liver of 30-day old chicks were observed to be inhibited by in vitro incubation with different concentrations of Al. Our in vivo study demonstrates that only CN--sensitive SOD is susceptible to Al. Further, responses of SOD and catalase to Al is tissue specific. The observed inhibition of antioxidant enzyme activities by A1 is suggestive of a prooxidant state. Induction of such an oxidative condition of the tissues may be attributed to a direct effect of the metal on enzyme molecules or in their synthesis.  相似文献   

The maintenance of species-specific behavioural repertoires and traditions is an important but often implicit goal of conservation efforts. When captive rearing is used as a conservation practice, it becomes critical to address its possible implications for the social and behavioural traits of developing individuals. In particular, animals must retain or acquire many of their behavioural abilities to increase the likelihood of survival upon release into the wild. This study investigated the behavioural development of critically endangered kaki (black stilt: Himantopus novaezelandiae ) chicks reared without live adult conspecifics. The captive rearing programme included playbacks of adult kaki alarm calls during cleaning and handling of precocial chicks housed as groups. We used videotaped observations and playback experiments to address the following questions: do kaki chicks respond differentially to (1) familiar versus unfamiliar adult kaki alarm calls and (2) conspecific alarm versus heterospecific control vocalizations. Adult-naïve kaki chicks exhibited a varied behavioural repertoire over their early development. In multivariate analyses, when age was statistically controlled, chicks showed responses to familiar and unfamiliar alarm calls that were similar in magnitude. In contrast, following conspecific alarm calls chicks had longer average latencies to resume pre-playback activities than following heterospecific vocalizations. Although the generality of these conclusions is limited by experimental constraints stemming from working with an endangered species, the findings suggest that current management techniques produce captive-reared kaki for release into the wild that possess many of the behavioural and auditory recognition skills that are required for survival.  相似文献   

The most critical assumption of communication models regarding parent–offspring conflict is that food solicitation displays of genetic offspring are honest signals to elicit beneficial parental care. A critical requirement of honesty is the reliable change of perceivable aspects of begging calls with physiological needs. We experimentally tested whether and how the acoustic structure and begging call rate of individual Grey Warbler Gerygone igata nestlings change with hunger level and age. We also examined a rarely documented component of chick begging calls, namely the temporal dynamics of acoustic modulation after nestlings heard parental feeding calls. Begging call structure narrowed in frequency range and, surprisingly, decreased in amplitude as chick hunger levels increased. We also found that begging calls changed with chick age, with the frequency increasing and the duration decreasing for older chicks. These results indicate that the acoustic properties of nestling Grey Warbler begging calls are complex and may be used to signal several aspects of nestling traits, including hunger level and age (or size, a correlate of age). Overall, begging calls of Grey Warbler chicks appear to be honest, implying that parents are likely to benefit from relying on the acoustic features of their progeny’s calls which predict chick need. Our results have important implications regarding the reliability and information content of nestling solicitation signals for the brood parasite shining cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus exploiting Grey Warbler parental care, in that these begging‐call mimetic specialist cuckoos might also need to match closely the dynamics of acoustic features of their host chicks’ calls.  相似文献   

The semi-precocial young of the black skimmer (Rynchops niger) rely on cryptic behaviour to avoid detection by predators. After capture most individuals emit loud distress calls, and chicks crouched nearby often run just seconds after these calls begin. Experimental distress calls significantly increase the likelihood of running, regardless of whether a sibling or non-sibling call is used. Since chicks in close proximity are usually siblings, such distress notes could evolve through kin selection, even if disadvantageous to the caller. On the other hand, such calls may startle and distract a predator, providing the captive with an opportunity to escape.  相似文献   

In study 1, bank swallow (Riparia riparia) chicks were exchanged with like-aged chicks from other broods. Parents accepted chicks that were transferred into their nests at age 15 days or younger; rejection began to occur at 16 to 17 days. In study 2, chicks' vocalizations were recorded in the burrow. We found that an immature begging call given by young chicks is replaced by a ‘signature’ call at 15 to 17 days of age. An acoustic analysis suggested that these calls are individually distinctive. Study 3 was a playback experiment designed to test whether the chicks' signature calls are a sufficient cue for parental recognition. We found that parents would approach a speaker broadcasting the calls of their chicks in preference to one simultaneously broadcasting the calls of alien chicks. The pattern of results suggests that parental recognition is based on the chicks' signature calls and that development of recognition is dependent on the development of the call.  相似文献   

Male-male vocal competition is critical for mating success in anuran species; however, it remains unknown that how males regulate their competitive strategies dynamically during competition because calling is highly time-consuming, energetically demanding and likely to increase predation risks. Since different parts of calls will encode different information for vocal communication, we hypothesized that competitive strategies of male frogs may be modulated by the temporal and spectral features of different call notes. To test this hypothesis, the natural advertisement calls(OC), its modified versions with the first call note replaced by white noise(WN) or other notes and with the fifth call note replaced by WN, were played back to the Anhui tree frogs(Rhacophorus zhoukaiyae). Results showed that 1) males produced more competitive calls in response to acoustic stimuli compared to their baseline calling during silence; and 2) males emitted more non-overlapping calls compared to overlapping calls in response to the acoustic stimuli. These results are consistent with the idea that males are flexible to acoustic signals and their competition strategies are modulated dynamically by social contexts.  相似文献   

Marmosets exchange two types of calls: phees and trills. We played back phees and trills to investigate the temporal rules of vocal exchanges using ten captive common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). The marmosets usually emitted the same type of vocalizations just after the stimulus playbacks, and similar regularities were observed in the temporal intervals of phees and in trills. They vocalized with shorter intervals when they responded with trills rather than phees, and, after the first call, they repeatedly vocalized trills with shorter intervals than phees. These results suggest that the temporal rules between phees and trills are qualitatively similar but quantitatively different. These results might be owing to the different distances over which these contact calls are used. Am. J. Primatol. 71:617–622, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Twelve matched pairs of parent-raised and hand-raised laughing gull chicks from the same clutches were tested, at 6 to 8 days post-hatching, with successive presentations of playback of a recording of calls of their parents and recording of calls of parents from a neighbouring nest, in a situation in which they could approach or withdraw from the sound.The parent-raised chicks oriented towards the sound, moved towards the sound and called when the calls of their own parents were played; they tended to withdraw from the sound and sit silently when the calls of the neighbouring parents were played.The hand-raised chicks fled from the sound and crouched in silence in response to both calls of their parents and the calls of neighbours. They were more vocal and active in periods without sound than were the parent-raised chicks.It is concluded that laughing gull chicks in nature learn to recognize the individual characteristics of the calls of their parents, and to react positively to the calls, through interaction with their parents prior to the age of 6 days post-hatching.  相似文献   

Anurans emit distress calls when attacked by predators as a defensive mechanism. As distress calls may trigger antipredator behaviour even in individuals that are not under attack, we tested whether this defensive behaviour induced behavioural changes in neighbouring conspecifics. We compared the behavioural responses of two species of Neotropical hylid frogs (genus Boana) to conspecific distress calls and white noise. Individuals of both species interrupted their vocal activity and decreased call rate after hearing the distress call. Natural variation on signal intensity calibrated among the nearest neighbours did not influence the response and we did not observe negative phonotaxis after any acoustic stimulus. Despite the fact that many predators are acoustically oriented, we could not determine if such response (reduced call rate) was induced by risk assessment or by the masking effect on advertisement calls. Boana faber responded similarly to white noise and distress calls, while B. bischoffi responded more intensely to distress calls. Duration of silence after playbacks in B. faber was longer than B. bischoffi. We suggest that, if the signals are interpreted as a risk cue by neighbouring conspecifics, each species may be preyed upon by different predators, as they may have led to distinct defensive strategies and different responses to distress calls. If risk assessment information is included in distress calls, it triggers behavioural responses only in the nearest neighbours, as we did not observe responses on the vocal activity of the interspecific chorus. Our results add relevant data about acoustic communication and interpretations by anurans, highlighting the importance of considering cues within common and widespread signals.  相似文献   

Begging behaviour is an important element in the parent-offspring conflict; it has been studied in many avian species. However, the majority of the studies have been entirely based on the call counts, and they agreed that vocal activity was a good indicator of chick’s nutritional need and/or condition. Fewer researches were dedicated to the temporal-frequency variables of the begging calls themselves and they showed contrary results. Here begging behaviour in three burrow nested, uniparous species of auks (Alcidae) was studied. These objects provide an opportunity to study the signalling value of begging calls in the absence of important confounding factors such as nestling competition and predation pressure. I recorded calls of individual chicks in two conditions: during natural feeding and after experimental four-hour food deprivation. I found that almost all measured acoustic variables contain information about the chick’s state in all studied species. The hungry chicks produced calls higher in fundamental frequency and power variables and at higher calling rate compared to naturally feeding chicks. The effect of food deprivation on most acoustic variables exceeded both the effects of individuality and species. In all studied species, the frequency variables were stronger affected by hunger than the calling rate and call durations. I suppose that such strong change of acoustic variables after food deprivation can be explained by absence of vocal individual identification in these birds. As parents do not need to check individuality of the chick in the burrow, which they find visually during the day time, the chicks could use all of the acoustic variables to communicate about their nutritional needs.  相似文献   

Capsule Differences in vocalizations among populations are mostly explained on morphological bases, but historical factors may have played a significant role in differentiation processes.

Aims To investigate the relationships among vocal and morphological variation in two corvids: Chough and Alpine Chough.

Methods We used data from 11 populations of Chough and seven populations of Alpine Chough spanning the Palearctic distribution of the two species. Three data sets (morphometry, spectrotemporal parameters of trill calls and acoustic repertoire) were analysed and their variation compared with uni- and multivariate techniques.

Results In both species, morphological differences among populations were correlated to spectro-temporal variation of trills; in particular, frequencies of calls were negatively correlated to wing length (an indicator of body size). By considering only co-existing populations of the two species, the magnitude of morphological and spectrotemporal divergence was similar.

Conclusions In both species, birds from populations with similar morphology uttered similar call types and trills with close spectrotemporal features. In particular, larger-sized populations, as expressed by wing length, emitted lower pitched calls. However, the fact that dissimilarities in repertoire and morphology were correlated cannot be explained only by appealing to functional explanations, as the observed intraspecific morphological variability does not seem to be high enough to promote consistent changes in the pool of calls. In this case, historical factors might have contributed to the present pattern of differentiation.  相似文献   



Metoclopramide is a dopamine D2-receptor antagonist used as an antiemetic and gastroprokinetic agent in man and animals. The drug causes sedation as a side effect in man. Such a sedative action of metoclopramide has not been documented in the chicken as the drug is not used clinically in this species. The present study examines the central nervous system depressant effects of metoclopramide in 7–14 days old broiler chicks.


Injection of metoclopramide at 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg, subcutaneously (s.c.) induced sedation in the chicks in a dose dependent manner. The chicks manifested, within 3.6–19 minutes of metoclopramide injection, signs of sedation characterized by drooping of the head and wings, closed eyelids, reduced motility and decreased distress calls. The duration of sedation ranged between 37.2 to 163.4 minutes. Metoclopramide at 100 and 200 mg/kg induced, within 12.2 and 6.2 minutes, sleep (loss of righting reflex) for 43.8 and 158.6 minutes, respectively. The median effective doses of metoclopramide for induction of sedation and sleep in the chicks were 11 and 53 mg/kg, s.c., respectively. Lower doses of metoclopramide (5 and 10 mg/kg, s.c.) significantly decreased the open-field activity of the chicks and increased the durations of their tonic immobility. All treated-chicks recovered from the central nervous system depressant effect of metoclopramide without any observable adverse effects.


The data suggest that metoclopramide induces central nervous system depression in chicks, and the drug could have potential clinical applications as a sedative-hypnotic agent in avian species not intended for human consumptions.  相似文献   

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