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Peripherally isolated populations of common chaffinches (Fringilla coelebs) in the Canaries, Madeira, and Azores were compared genetically with their putative ancestral stock in Iberia and Morocco, and with a population of blue chaffinches (F. teydea) from Tenerife, using protein electrophoresis of 42 loci. The continental populations are only weakly differentiated genetically (FST = 0.092), despite distinctive subspecific differences in plumage and morphometrics between Iberia and Morocco populations. Estimated levels of gene flow among continental populations are high enough to account for their relative genetic homogeneity, and it is unlikely that homogenizing selection is operating to mimic the effects of gene flow. In contrast, the Atlantic island populations are well differentiated genetically (FST = 0.321), and have diverged considerably from their continental conspecifics. The development of significant genetic differentiation within the Canaries but not the Azores likely results from smaller population sizes, very restricted gene flow, and enhanced random drift in the former populations. There is no convincing evidence in support of stronger directional selection acting on genotypes or phenotypes to reduce within-population variability in Canaries populations as proposed by Grant (1979), although other tenets of his model of island evolution are supported by our analysis. Although genetic variability is reduced in four of the Canaries populations, only the Hierro population appears to have encountered a severe bottleneck. Yet it has not differentiated markedly from the La Palma population to which it is subspecifically allied. We conclude that gradual divergence in isolated populations of small to moderate size is the most plausible explanation for the evolution of intraspecific and interspecific diversity in Atlantic island chaffinches.  相似文献   

Gerhard  Thielcke 《Ibis》1973,115(4):511-516
Short-toed Treecreepers Certhia brachydactyla in Morocco sing very differently from European Short-toed Treecreepers.
Short-toed Treecreepers from Central Europe do not react to the playback of songs of North African Short-toed Treecreepers. This result is statistically highly significant.
Treecreepers C. familiaris of Central Europe do not react to the playback of songs of North African Short-toed Treecreepers or (some males) react just as little as they do to songsof Central European Short-toed Treecreepers. This result is statistically highly significant.
Three hypotheses are examined as interpretations of these results: contrast reinforcement, loss of contrast and withdrawal of learning. The facts are best explained by withdrawal of learning. According to this hypothesis, Morocco was colonised by young European Short-toed Treecreepers with a song that had not yet been fixed by learning. The founders of the new population evolved a divergent song, which has been transmitted by tradition ever since.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the relative roles of population size and geographic isolation in determining population-genetic structure. Using electrophoretic techniques to quantify allozymic variation at 16 genetic loci, we measured genic variation within and among 16 natural populations of the California fan palm (Washingtonia filifera). Genotypes were determined for every individual in each population so that parametric values rather than sample estimates for measures of genic variability were obtained. Palm populations displayed low levels of within-population variability. The proportion of polymorphic loci and observed heterozygosity were 0.098 and 0.009 per population, respectively. Population size displayed a significant positive correlation with proportion of polymorphic loci, but not with observed heterozygosity. Low levels of genetic differentiation among populations were demonstrated by an F-statistic analysis and the computation of genetic similarity values. A hierarchical analysis of gene diversity revealed that only about 2% of the total gene diversity in W. filifera resides as among-population diversity. Climatic and geological changes since the Pliocene have eliminated widespread palm populations, and the species is presently restricted to isolated locations around the Colorado Desert. Existing populations in southern California are either relicts or recent recolonizations resulting from the dispersal of seeds from a refugium population in Baja California, Mexico. The observed patterns of low within- and low among-population genic diversity seem most consistent with a recent colonization by fan palms. It is hypothesized that stochastic processes reduced levels of genic variability in this refugium population during its formation. Dispersal of seeds from this refugium into suitable habitats in the Colorado Desert would produce populations with low variability and high genetic similarity because of their common ancestry. However, low intrapopulation variability and genetic homogeneity across populations could be the product of uniform selection pressures favoring a narrow array of specialized genotypes in either relict or colonizing populations.  相似文献   

A statistical method for comparing matrices of genetic variation and covariation between groups (e.g., species, populations, a single population grown in distinct environments) is proposed. This maximum-likelihood method provides a test of the overall null hypothesis that two covariance component matrices are identical. Moreover, when the overall null hypothesis is rejected, the method provides a framework for isolating the particular components that differ significantly between the groups. Simulation studies reveal that discouragingly large experiments are necessary to obtain acceptable power for comparing genetic covariance component matrices. For example, even in cases of a single trait measured on 900 individuals in a nested design of 100 sires and three dams per sire in each population, the power was only about 0.5 when additive genetic variance differed by a factor of 2.5. Nevertheless, this flexible method makes valid comparison of covariance component matrices possible.  相似文献   

The organization of genetic variation in Phlox drummondii was investigated using both allozyme electrophoresis and quantitative genetics. Variation at five polymorphic enzyme loci was characterized in nine populations, and variation in 16 morphological and life-history characters was examined using an analysis of full- and half-sibs in seven populations. Significant levels of genetic variation were found at enzyme loci and for metric characters. Significant heritabilities were observed for 15 of the 16 characters examined. Genetic differences among populations were revealed both by Nei's genetic distance and by phenotypic differences, summarized by discriminant analysis. Partitioning variance in allozyme frequencies among hierarchical levels of genetic organization indicated that 94% of this variance lay within populations, 4% between populations within varieties, and 2% between varieties. Partitioning phenotypic variance for metric characters indicated that 73% lay within populations, 24% lay between populations within varieties, and 3% lay between varieties. Thus, both electrophoretic and metric characters indicated that despite extensive genetic differentiation among populations, most of the evolutionary potential of the species lies within populations.  相似文献   

Even though, from Darwin onwards, interisland evolution has been a cornerstone of evolutionary theory it has not been possible to determine to what extent this geographic variation reflects the phylogeny (e.g., pattern of island colonization) or ecogenetic adaptation to different ecological conditions on each island. Using the morphology of western Canary Island lacertids (Gallotia galloti) as an example, a procedure is explored that gives a preliminary answer to this problem when there are a limited number of islands. The phylogenetic component (represented by patristic distances derived from 1005 mitochondrial DNA [mtDNA] base pairs) can be separated from two potential ecogenetic factors (environmental richness and climate) by partial Mantel tests. This reveals that, although these components interact, some characters are correlated primarily to biodiversity/paucity (e.g., size), others are correlated to wet and lush environments (e.g., dorsal pattern), and others are correlated primarily to the phylogeny (e.g., sexual leg markings). The former two correlations may be due to ecogenetic adaptation to current ecological conditions, wheras the latter reflects historical processes.  相似文献   

Additive genetic variances and covariances were estimated for life history and morphological traits in two adjacent populations of the grass, Holcus lanatus L. Significant phenotypic differentiation was found between the two populations for four of the 15 morphological attributes measured. Significant differences in genetic architecture were found between the two populations for 11 of the 13 traits for which genetic variance components could be calculated. Estimates of genetic correlations also showed considerable divergence between the populations. The genetic divergence was much larger than would have been anticipated from simple measures of phenotypic differentiation. These results show that, even in plant species with relatively large population sizes, differences in genetic variance-covariance patterns can occur between adjacent populations.  相似文献   

广东森林群落的组成结构数量特征   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
本文探索森林群落组成结构水平的定量描述方法。通过用Shannon—Wiener多样性指数、Simpson生态优势度指标以及群落均匀度指标,测定广东范围内22个森林群落的物种多样性、生态优势度和群落均匀度。结果表明这三种指标值能有效地表征群落的组成结构特征;广东亚热带常绿阔叶林群落的物种多样性指数为4—5左右,群落均匀度为0.7—0.8左右,生态优势度为0.08—0.12左右。文章还对测定结果进行分析,进一步探讨了三种指标值的相互关系,三种指标值在群落学研究中的意义,以及在林业实践上的作用等。  相似文献   

Abstract Acanthochromis polyacanthus is an unusual tropical marine damselfish that uniquely lacks pelagic larvae and has lost the capacity for broad‐scale dispersal among coral reefs. On the modern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), three color morphs meet and hydridize at two zones of secondary contact. Allozyme electrophoreses revealed strong differences between morphs from the southern zone but few differences between morphs from the northern counterpart, thus suggesting different contact histories. We explore the phylogeography of Acanthochromis polyacanthus with mitochondrial cytochrome b region sequences (alignment of 565 positions) obtained from 126 individuals representing seven to 12 fish from 13 sites distributed over 12 reefs of the GBR and the Coral Sea. The samples revealed three major clades: (1) black fish collected from the southern GBR; (2) bicolored fish collected from the GBR and one reef (Osprey) from the northern Coral Sea; (3) black and white monomorphs collected from six reefs in the Coral Sea. All three clades were well supported (72–100%) by bootstrap analyses. Sequence divergences were very high between the major clades (mean = 7.6%) as well as within them (2.0–3.6%). Within clades, most reefs segregated as monophyletic assemblages. This was revealed both by phylogenetic analyses and AMOVAs that showed that 72–90% of the variance originated from differences among groups, whereas only 5–13% originated within populations. These patterns are discussed in relation to the known geological history of coral reefs of the GBR and the Coral Sea. Finally, we ask whether the monospecific status of Acanthochromis should be revisited because the sequence divergences found among our samples is substantially greater than those recorded among well‐recognized species in other reef fishes.  相似文献   

Three geographically isolated populations of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag., were examined for responses to nitrate availability in batch culture experiments using juvenile sporophytes reared from spores in the laboratory. Although maximum rates of nitrate-saturated growth were similar among groups, there were significant quantitative differences in the response to nitrate limitation that can be related to natural patterns of nutrient availability at these sites. Plants from Santa Catalina Island (most oligotrophic) achieved maximum growth rates at ambient nitrate concentrations that were lower than those for plants from Monterey Bay, California (most eutrophic), or Refugio State Beach (near Santa Barbara, California). Tissue nitrogen and amino acid concentrations were highest in plants cultured from Santa Catalina Island populations at all external nitrate concentrations, suggesting that differences in nitrate requirements for growth may reflect the efficiency of nitrate uptake and assimilation at subsaturating nitrate concentrations. Given the different physical environments from which these plants came, the data suggest that geographically isolated populations of M. pyrifera have undergone genetic divergence that can be explained by ecotypic adaptation to unique habitat conditions at these sites.  相似文献   

杨继  汪劲武 《植物研究》1988,8(2):133-138
斑叶堇菜与近缘种细距堇莱之间有许多过渡类型存在, 很难依据少数几个关键性特征对它们进行明确的划分。本文运用形象化散点图和柱状图的方法, 对从不同地点、不同居群收集的80份标本进行分析, 测量若干性状上的数量变异, 分析这些性状之间变异的相关程度, 结果表明:斑叶堇菜和细距堇菜各自应为独立的种, 支持W.Beck.1916年所作的成立细距堇菜的毛萼亚种的处理。  相似文献   

泡桐无性系数量性状的遗传分析和指数选择研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以10年的泡桐无性系为材料,对包括材积、胸径、树高以内的8个主要数量性状进行了遗传参数分析,并在相关分析的基础上通过指数选择法,分别对材积、胸径、树高进行了选择指数研究。结果表明:材积的遗传变异系数较大,胸径、叶基宽中等,树高、叶干重等最小。遗传力以材积、胸径、叶柄长最高,叶干重、叶面积、叶基凹入、叶基宽中等,树高最低。多性状选择指数优于单一性状。根据材积、胸径、树高的选择指数,选出了2个材积,胸  相似文献   

Fragmentation and reduction in population size are expected to reduce genetic diversity. However, examples from natural populations of forest trees are scarce. The range of Chihuahua spruce retreated northward and fragmented coincident with the warming climate that marked the early Holocene. The isolated populations vary from 15 to 2441 trees, which provided an opportunity to test whether census number is a good predictor of genetic diversity. Mean expected heterozygosity, He, based on 24 loci in 16 enzyme systems, was 0.093 for 10 sampled populations, which is within the range reported for conifers. However, estimates varied more than twofold among populations and He was closely related to the logarithm of the number of mature trees in the population (rHe,N = 0.93). Diversity among populations, FST, was 24.8% of the total diversity, which is higher than that observed in almost all conifer species studied. Nei's genetic distance, D, was not related to geographic distance between populations, and D? was 0.033, which is higher than estimates for most wide-ranging species. Most populations had excess homozygosity and the fixation index, FIS, was higher than that reported for all but one species of conifer. Nm, the number of migrants per generation, was 0.43 to 0.76, depending on estimation procedure, and is the smallest observed in conifers. The data suggest that populations of Chihuahua spruce have differentiated by drift and that they are effectively isolated. The results illustrate how a combination of paleontological observation and molecular markers can be used to illuminate recent evolutionary events. Multilocus estimates of outcrossing for two small populations were zero (complete selfing) and 0.153, respectively, which are in striking contrast to the near complete outcrossing observed in most conifers. The high fixation index and a high proportion of empty seeds (45%) suggest that inbreeding may be a serious problem for conservation of Chihuahua spruce.  相似文献   

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