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P. Pons 《Bird Study》2013,60(1):68-75
Migrant Dunnocks Prunella modularis are common winter visitors to the Mediterranean area. In a burnt forest, Dunnocks were present from October to April. They occupied definite individual home ranges of 0.18 ha on average (n = 83), at a density of 30 birds/10 ha in the fifth winter and 18 birds/10 ha in the sixth winter following a fire. Birds used visible posts and uttered ‘tseep’ calls often. Counter-calling was particularly frequent in the winter with the highest population density. In a burnt maquis, Dunnocks showed return rates (15%) and median recapture distances (62.5 m) not significantly different from those of territorial wintering Robins Erithacus rubecula. We suggest that Dunnock ranges can be regarded as ‘feeding territories’, promoted by an abundant, predictible and renewable food supply of rock-rose Cistus spp. seeds, characteristic of early Mediterranean successions. Ownership might be proclaimed by ‘tseep’ calls, recalling the behaviour of female Dunnocks during prebreeding territorial conflicts. Further research using colour-ringed birds may confirm Dunnock winter territoriality, exceptional for a migrant and mostly granivorous passerine.  相似文献   

G. Bishton 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):188-193
A population of Dunnocks Prunella modularis inhabiting hedgerows was studied over a period of four years in order to examine the habitat structure of breeding territories and to attempt to determine how the constraints imposed by the linear structure of hedgerows might influence the mating combinations and breeding success. Eleven monogamous and 14 polyandrous territories were observed. No examples of polygyny or polygynandry were recorded. Polyandrous territories were significantly larger than monogamous territories but contained significantly more grassland, which is of little value for Dunnock foraging. Overgrown hedgerows formed the largest component of territories, and young and overgrazed hedgerow types constituted only a small area. All territories supported large patches of Nettle Urtica dioica and Bramble Rubus fruticosus/Dog Rose Rosa canina, the latter supporting most Dunnock nests. Clutch sizes, nestling weights and numbers of young fledged did not differ significantly between monogamous and polyandrous systems, but sample sizes were small. It is suggested that the restricted availability of mature overgrown hedgerows, the relatively low breeding density and the linear shape of hedgerows contributed towards the less complex mating system. The preference for overgrown hedgerows with basal outgrowths of Nettle and Bramble/Rose is discussed in the light of the recent decline of the Dunnock on farmland.  相似文献   

Species with variable mating systems provide a unique opportunity to investigate whether females receive direct fitness benefits from additional male partners. The direct benefits provide an obvious explanation for why females would breed polyandrously, in a situation where males clearly do not attain their optimal reproductive success. Evidence for these direct benefits is, however, mixed. Here, we present a detailed study of the breeding biology of the dunnock, Prunella modularis, which inform an investigation into the effects of the social mating system on the reproductive success in a population of dunnocks in Southern New Zealand. We studied 80 different social groups over the course of three breeding seasons. Dunnocks in our population presented a variable mating system, with socially monogamous (45%), socially polyandrous (54%) and socially polygynandrous (1%) groups being observed in the same breeding season. We did not observe any polygynous social units in our study period although polygyny exists in the population. We found little difference in the numbers of eggs laid, and egg volume between monogamous and polyandrous nests. However, polyandrous groups had better hatching and fledging success than monogamous groups (composite d = 0.385, 95% CI: 0.307 to 0.463). Overall our results support the notion that polyandry is beneficial for females.  相似文献   

We caught dunnocks at a wintering site near Pisa/Italy prior to their departure for breeding territories and held them indoors north of this site (Andechs/Germany) on a simulated photoperiod of 52.5 °N. After birds had gone through a reproductive cycle and postnuptial moult they developed migratory restlessness in autumn. At this time one group was transferred back to the previous wintering site (Pisa) where birds were held in individual activity cages in an outdoor aviary, allowing them to perceive as much environmental information as possible. A second group was transferred to a control site near Tour du Valat/France of approximately the same latitude and climate, but different longitude and held in an identical aviary. The diurnal activity pattern changed after transfer back to the previous wintering site, but not after transfer to the control site. Specifically, the amount of morning activity was reduced while afternoon activity was increased. This effect was restricted to those individuals that had been developing nocturnal migratory restlessness the previous spring. It was absent in individuals without migratory restlessness in spring, indicating that the different patterns were not due to unspecific effects from the testing sites. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that birds were able to derive information about their locality and to recognize their previous wintering site, resulting in suppression of migratory state by experience. The results are not definitely conclusive, however, because of several difficulties in the interpretation of perch-hopping activity, which are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The study presents the prevalence of Yersinia species in dunnok Prunella modularis from the sub-alpine zone of the Western Carpathians. Bacteria were detected from cloacal and pharyngeal swabs from 97 specimens using PCR assay. Yersinia enterocolitica showed the highest prevalence (47.4%) from among the determined Yersinia species. Yersinia species (except Y frederiksenii) were detected more frequently in pharyngeal than cloacal samples. The highest prevalence of yersiniosis was detected in April (Yersinia spp. - 80%, Y. enterocolitica - 70%). No statistically differences were observed in the prevalence of Yersinia spp. between males and females and between juveniles and adult birds. Bacterial contamination did not affect body weight or tarsus length.  相似文献   

The morphology of the external and internal reproductive organs of male and female Dunnocks Prunella modularis are described in relation to the intense sperm competition characteristic of this species' mating system. Males have a relatively large cloacal protuberance, seminal glomera (sperm store) and testes. The seminal glomera contain about 1060 times 106 spermatozoa, probably sufficient for numerous copulations. The female's uterovaginal junction comprised 16 primary mucosal folds, each containing an average of 87 sperm storage tubules (SSTs): 1398 in total. SSTs were 370 μm in length and SSTs filled with sperm had an internal diameter of 12.2 μm. The morphology, number, size and storage capacity of SSTs were similar to that for other passerines, despite the female Dunnock's high copulation rate. Sperm ejected during the Dunnock's precopulatory display is thought to originate from the vagina rather than from the SSTs.  相似文献   

GLENN BISHTON 《Ibis》1986,128(4):526-539
The diet and foraging behaviour of a population of Dunnocks inhabiting hedgerows was studied between November 1981 and December 1983 at Nedge Hill, Shropshire. Invertebrates were most abundant in hedgerows and adjacent vegetation during the summer when the diet of the Dunnock was largely insectivorous. Beetles (Coleoptera) were the main taxa in the diet, with weevils (Curculionidae) and rove beetles (Staphylinidae) predominating. Arachnids were important, and snails (Gastropoda), earthworms (Oligochaeta), springtails (Collembola) and flies (Diptera) were taken. Seeds were available in the study area from July and featured in the diet from August to April. Nettle Urtica dioica comprised the main seed in the diet. Other important seeds included Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus , elder Sambucus nigra and dock Rumex obtusifolius. Stomach stones were most common in the faeces in winter. The Dunnocks were predominantly ground feeders and mainly used a hop-picking technique. Some seeds and invertebrates were picked directly off plants by Dunnocks above the ground. Most feeding occurred in hedgerows, which formed a small proportion of the study area. Overgrown hedgerows were the most important of the five hedgerow types. Nettle patches were an important feeding habitat. Dunnocks usually foraged alone or in pairs and rarely fed in association with other bird species. The highest proportion of time spent feeding was in January and the lowest in May.  相似文献   

In many songbirds, females occasionally sing in contexts of high female-female competition. Testosterone may be involved in the activation of song, because testosterone implants elicit female song in many species with rare female song. A possible mechanism for the hormonal control of female song is provided by the challenge hypothesis, which predicts a rise in testosterone in response to aggressive interactions during socially unstable situations. We tested this by comparing faecal testosterone levels in polygynandrous and monogamous female dunnocks. In groups with two to three females (polygynandry and polygyny) males provide less help at each nest than in groups with a single female (monogamy and polyandry). Polygynandrous and polygynous females are aggressive towards one another and attempt to expel rivals. Polygynandrous females had significantly higher testosterone levels than monogamous females. Competition between females that was induced by removal of males caused testosterone levels to rise. Further, female testosterone levels were correlated with the rate of 'tseep' calls, which are produced during aggressive encounters between females. Finally, polygynandrous and polygynous females sang significantly more than monogamous females. To the best of our knowledge, these results provide the first experimental support for the challenge hypothesis in female birds, and suggest that testosterone can regulate facultative female song in songbirds.  相似文献   

N. B. DAVIES  A. LUNDBERG 《Ibis》1985,127(1):100-110
In two years, we provided some female Dunnocks with extra food from January through to July. In one year fed females bred ten days earlier than controls and in another year they bred 22 days earlier, but in neither year did they lay larger clutches. Matched comparisons of the same females on the same territories, who had food in one year but not in the other, showed the same effects. Within both feeder and control females, the earliest breeders were those which had spent more time perching in late winter. Perching time may be a good measure of the time an individual has available above that needed for self maintenance. Therefore females who spent more time perching may have been those first able to cross the threshold of extra time needed for the start of breeding activities.  相似文献   

PHILIP A. F. BYLE 《Ibis》1991,133(2):199-204
The feeding rates to nestlings by adult Dunnocks Prunella modularis in monogamy, cooperative polyandry (the beta male helped) and uncooperative polyandry (where the beta male did not help) at various chick ages were examined. The presence of a helper at the nest did not lead to a significant reduction in the provisioning rate by the other parents. During the first four days of chick feeding, females in all the mating systems examined appeared to provision the chicks at a higher rate than males.  相似文献   

Quantifying the variation in behaviour‐related genes within and between populations provides insight into how evolutionary processes shape consistent behavioural traits (i.e. personality). Deliberate introductions of non‐native species offer opportunities to investigate how such genes differ between native and introduced populations and how polymorphisms in the genes are related to variation in behaviour. Here, we compared the genetic variation of the two ‘personality’ genes, DRD4 and SERT, between a native (United Kingdom, UK) and an introduced (New Zealand, NZ) population of dunnocks, Prunella modularis. The NZ population showed a significantly lower number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) compared to the UK population. Standardized F’st estimates of the personality genes and neutral microsatellites indicate that selection (anthropogenic and natural) probably occurred during and post the introduction event. Notably, the largest genetic differentiation was found in the intronic regions of the genes. In the NZ population, we also examined the association between polymorphisms in DRD4 and SERT and two highly repeatable behavioural traits: flight‐initiation distance and mating status (promiscuous females and cobreeding males). We found 38 significant associations (for different allele effect models) between the two behavioural traits and the studied genes. Further, 22 of the tested associations showed antagonistic allele effects for males and females. Our findings illustrate how introduction events and accompanying ecological changes could influence the genetic diversity of behaviour‐related genes.  相似文献   

Summary Data from the British Trust for Ornithology's Moult Enquiry collected in Britain from 1960 to 1970 were analysed to discover for the adult Dunnock(Prunella modularis), the moulting period, the rate of moult in the individual, the sequence of feather replacement and the relative timing of moult in different tracts, excluding the small contour feathers. The feather scores recorded on the moult cards were used to produce scatter diagrams on which calculations were based. The various ways of using such diagrams are discussed briefly. It is suggested that the speed of moult can often be estimated by visual appraisal, but regression analysis if used should be of dates of capture against individual moult scores, not of moult scores against each date (see fig. 2). Retrapped birds were used to confirm calculated moulting rates.The sequence of moult is similar to that of most other small passerines but the rate is rather faster than might be expected for this species which is remarkably sedentary in Britain.The use of moult for ageing at certain times is suggested; Dunnocks in new plumage before mid-August are almost certainly juveniles as are birds in tail and body moult with new remiges.The timing and rate of moult in different years and parts of Britain were compared and statistically significant differences were found in some cases. Birds caught in moult in different years were found not to be inherently early or late moulters.The probable relationship between the end of breeding activity and the start of moult is discussed. The number of Dunnocks caught at different stages of moult was analysed to discover if birds in heavy moult are less readily caught.
Zeitliche Einpassung und Ablauf der jährlichen Vollmauser der Heckenbraunelle(Prunella modularis) in Großbritannien, 1960–1970
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit faßt die Ergebnisse der Mauserkarten des Brit. Trust for Ornithology zusammen. Einzelheiten zum zeitlichen Verlauf und zur Mauserfolge werden dargestellt.Mausernde Heckenbraunellen wurden in Großbritannien von Ende Juni bis Anfang Oktober festgestellt. Der Höhepunkt der Handschwingenmauser dauert von Mitte Juli bis in die zweite Septemberhälfte (Abb. 1) bei einer mittleren Dauer der gesamten Handschwingenmauser pro Individuum von 54 Tagen. Der Zeitraum, in dem 50 Vögel mind. 2mal während einer Mauser gefangen wurden, beträgt 60 Tage. Aufgrund des Zeitpunktes der Handschwingenmauser kann eine Heckenbraunelle im vollständig frischen Gefieder vor Mitte August ziemlich sicher als diesjährig angesprochen werden.Die Mauser der Armschwingen beginnt, wenn die 2–4 innersten Handschwingen wieder gewachsen sind, etwa zur selben Zeit, wenn die 5. oder 6. Handschwinge ausfällt. So entstehen eher zwei kleine Lücken im Flügel als eine große. Der Ersatz der Armschwingen ist meistens abgeschlossen, wenn die 8. Handschwinge vollständig nachgewachsen ist; einige Vögel beenden den Armschwingenwechsel erst nach der vollständigen Handschwingenmauser. Die innersten Armschwingen beginnen für gewöhnlich während der Handschwingenmauser auszufallen, aber nicht bevor diese etwa mit 10–25 (vgl. S. 266) bewertet werden können. Der Zeitpunkt der Schwanzmauser variiert stärker; die Schwanzfedern beginnen während der ersten Hälfte der Handschwingenmauser zu fallen, doch vor der Armschwingenmauser. Heckenbraunellen mit frischen Schwungfedern und mauserndem Schwanz sind fast mit Sicherheit diesjährige Vögel.Der Modus der Schwingenmauser ist derselbe wie bei der Mehrzahl der Passeres. Die Handschwingen werden descendent, die Armschwingen ascendent gemausert. Die Steuerfedern fallen in der überwiegenden Mehrzahl der Fälle zentrifugal, doch oft in sehr rascher Folge. Bis zu einem Viertel der Vögel mausert den Schwanz irregulär.Die Armschwingmauser erscheint als ein in sich beschleunigter Vorgang, wie dies bereits beim Gimpel nachgewiesen wurde. Armschwingen- und Schwanzmauser laufen dagegen mit Ausnahme der Extreme am Anfang und Ende relativ linear mit der Zeit ab.Im Mauserbeginn lassen sich regionale und jährliche Unterschiede feststellen. Von 1960–1970 war das mittlere Datum des Beginns im N und S Großbritanniens der 29. Juli, in Wales und in den mittleren Gebieten Englands dagegen der 3. August. Der Unterschied ist statistisch signifikant; 1963 lag der mittlere Beginn später als in den übrigen Jahren. Individuell besteht bei Heckenbraunellen keine Tendenz, konstant früh oder spät zu mausern; eher ist der Mauserbeginn möglicherweise korreliert mit dem Ende des individuellen Brutgeschäftes, wie dies auch bei einer Reihe anderer Arten nachgewiesen wurde.

I should like to dedicate this paper to the memory of Prof.E. Stresemann, whose life's work was such an inspiration, especially to those interested in the study of moult.  相似文献   

棕眉山岩鹨的代谢产热特征的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
实验采用封闭式流体压力呼吸计和数字式温度计 ,分别测定了环境温度 (Ta)在 5~ 35℃范围内棕眉山岩鹨 (Prunellamontanella)的耗氧量和体温 (Tb) ,由此计算出代谢率 (MR)、热传导率 (C)和代谢预期比与热传导预期比 (F)等值 ,以探讨该种的代谢产热特征。结果表明 :棕眉山岩鹨在Ta 为 5~ 35℃时 ,Tb 基本维持恒定 (为 4 1 2 5± 0 12℃ ) ,MR的最低值为 4 2 7± 0 0 7mLO2 /(g·h) ;Ta 在 5~ 2 4℃时 ,MR与之负相关 :MR [mLO2 /(g·h) ]=10 39- 0 2 4Ta℃ ;Ta 在 5~ 2 6 5℃时 ,C最低且基本保持恒定 ,平均为 0 2 6±0 0 0mLO2 /(g·h·℃ ) ;Ta 在 2 4~ 30℃时 ,F值为 1 0 5 ,表明该种具有较好的体温调节能力。与热带地区鸟类比较 ,棕眉山岩鹨具较高的MR和Tb,稍高的C ,符合北方小型鸟类的代谢特点 ,能较好的适应冬寒冷、夏炎热的环境。  相似文献   

Y.B. Katz 《Animal behaviour》1985,33(3):825-828
The migratory orientation of European robins (Erithacus rubecula) in autumn was tested immediately after sunset and also after the beginning of astronomical darkness. In twilight tests under clear skies, the birds selected an appropriate migratory direction. During the course of autumn, along with the shift of sunset azimuth, the orientation of birds also shifted, always in a counter-clockwise direction. Although this shift of orientation was not statistically significant, the difference between the mean direction and the sunset was the same for each autumn period. This suggests that the migratory direction was selected on the basis of menotactic orientation re the setting sun. Random directions were observed under solid overcast skies as well as during tests under starry skies, begun after all trace of the sunset position had disappeared.  相似文献   

This report described the isolation and purification of the polysaccharide from Prunella vugaris L. (PP2). The best combination of isolation conditions had been obtained through the orthogonal experiment. Paper Chromatography , agarose gel electrophoresis and ultraviolet spectroscopy had been introduced to determine the purity of the PP2 and fractional deposition and gas chromatography had been applied to analyze the monosaccharide constituents of PP2. By the chemical simulation in vitro, the antioxidant activity of PP2 had been studied . The results of the experiment showed that PP2 had significant scavenging effect on oxide radical, hydroxide radical and univalent radical NO2 but poor scavenging effect on organic radical. PP2 could prevent the membrane lipid from peroxidation and reduce hemolysis of red cells and production of MDA as well .  相似文献   

夏枯草多糖的分离纯化与抗氧化活性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对夏枯草多糖(PP2)的分离纯化方法作了探讨,通过正交试验,筛选出多糖提取条件的最佳组合。采用纸层析、琼脂糖凝胶电泳和紫外分光光度法对多糖纯度进行鉴定。通过气相色谱仪对多糖的单糖组成进行分析。通过体外化学模拟,研究夏枯草多糖的抗氧化性。实验表明,夏枯草多糖对O2-.、.OH二种自由基及亚硝酸根离子具有一定的清除能力,对R.自由基的清除较弱,具有防止膜脂质过氧化,减少红细胞溶血和降低脂质过氧化产物丙二醛的生成量的作用。  相似文献   

贵州鸟类科的新纪录——岩鹨科(棕胸岩鹨)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年3月,在贵州宽阔水自然保护区发现并环志了4只棕胸岩鹨(Prunella strophiata)。此次发现为岩鹨科鸟类在贵州的首次正式记录。本文报道了其形态特征和量度,并对该物种的分布状况进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The supralittoral amphipod Talitrus saltator is well known for its capacity for astronomical orientation using the sun and moon as compasses. It has also been demonstrated that the sun compass is innate in this species. In our experiments, we released inexpert (naive) young born in the laboratory into a confined environment under the full moon and in the absence of the horizontal component of the magnetic field. They were allowed to see the natural sky and the moon only at the moment of release. The young individuals were obtained in the laboratory by crossing adult individuals from the same and different populations of sandhoppers. The young from intrapopulation crosses were well oriented towards the directions corresponding to those of their parents, whereas the young from interpopulation crosses were oriented in an intermediate direction. Therefore, our experiments demonstrate in the sandhopper T. saltator that sea-land moon orientation relies on an innate chronometrically compensated mechanism.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in pollen deposition and number of pollen tubes per style is rarely quantified, but is essential for assessing the occurrence of pollen limitation and pollen competition and their evolutionary implications. Moreover, pollen deposition, pollen tube growth, and the fate of fertilized ovules are rarely distinguished in field studies. Here we present such a study in eight natural populations of Prunella grandiflora. We quantified microgametophyte population sizes and inferred pollen limitation when the number of fertilizable ovules exceeded pollen tubes, and assessed seed set and fate after open pollination. Two and three populations had on average significantly fewer pollen grains and pollen tubes per flower, respectively, than the fixed number of fertilizable ovules per fruit, while one population experienced significant pollen competition. Style length was positively correlated with the number of pollen tubes. While pollen availability was very variable, seed abortion was significantly less frequent in denser populations, and in one population the proportion of well-developed seeds was significantly, positively correlated with the number of pollen tubes in the style. Less pollen deposition, lower numbers of pollen tubes reaching the base of the style, lower pollen quality and therefore increased abortion of fertilized ovules can all reduce seed set in natural P. grandiflora stands. Substantial intraspecific variability implies that microgametophyte competition also occurs in this species. Finally, style morphology may affect pollen receipt.  相似文献   

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