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Staying alive     
Quiescence is a state of reversible cell cycle arrest that can grant protection against many environmental insults. In some systems, cellular quiescence is associated with a low metabolic state characterized by a decrease in glucose uptake and glycolysis, reduced translation rates and activation of autophagy as a means to provide nutrients for survival. For cells in multiple different quiescence model systems, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mammalian lymphocytes and hematopoietic stem cells, the PI3Kinase/TOR signaling pathway helps to integrate information about nutrient availability with cell growth rates. Quiescence signals often inactivate the TOR kinase, resulting in reduced cell growth and biosynthesis. However, quiescence is not always associated with reduced metabolism; it is also possible to achieve a state of cellular quiescence in which glucose uptake, glycolysis and flux through central carbon metabolism are not reduced. In this review, we compare and contrast the metabolic changes that occur with quiescence in different model systems.  相似文献   

In response to starvation, cells undergo increased levels of autophagy and cell cycle arrest but the role of autophagy in starvation-induced cell cycle arrest is not fully understood. Here we show that autophagy genes regulate cell cycle arrest in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae during nitrogen starvation. While exponentially growing wild-type yeasts preferentially arrest in G1/G0 in response to starvation, yeasts carrying null mutations in autophagy genes show a significantly higher percentage of cells in G2/M. In these autophagy-deficient yeast strains, starvation elicits physiological properties associated with quiescence, such as Snf1 activation, glycogen and trehalose accumulation as well as heat-shock resistance. However, while nutrient-starved wild-type yeasts finish the G2/M transition and arrest in G1/G0, autophagy-deficient yeasts arrest in telophase. Our results suggest that autophagy is crucial for mitotic exit during starvation and appropriate entry into a G1/G0 quiescent state.  相似文献   

In response to starvation, cells undergo increased levels of autophagy and cell cycle arrest but the role of autophagy in starvation-induced cell cycle arrest is not fully understood. Here we show that autophagy genes regulate cell cycle arrest in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae during nitrogen starvation. While exponentially growing wild-type yeasts preferentially arrest in G1/G0 in response to starvation, yeasts carrying null mutations in autophagy genes show a significantly higher percentage of cells in G2/M. In these autophagy-deficient yeast strains, starvation elicits physiological properties associated with quiescence, such as Snf1 activation, glycogen and trehalose accumulation as well as heat-shock resistance. However, while nutrient-starved wild-type yeasts finish the G2/M transition and arrest in G1/G0, autophagy-deficient yeasts arrest in telophase. Our results suggest that autophagy is crucial for mitotic exit during starvation and appropriate entry into a G1/G0 quiescent state.  相似文献   

Xin Wen 《Autophagy》2016,12(4):617-618
Autophagy, a highly regulated cellular degradation and recycling process, can occur constitutively at a basal level, and plays an essential role in many aspects of cell physiology. A recently published study (see the related punctum in Autophagy, Vol. 12, No. 4) suggests that basal autophagy is also important for maintaining the regenerative capacity of muscle stem cells, and that the decline of autophagy with aging is the cause of entry into senescence from quiescence in satellite cells.  相似文献   

Autophagy resembles a recycling process in which proteins, organelles, or regions of the cytoplasm are enveloped and degraded. We have found that two of the central autophagy proteins, MAP1LC3 (microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3, also described as LC3) and UVRAG (UV radiation resistance associated/UV radiation associated gene), complex with PGRMC1/S2R (progesterone receptor membrane component 1, also known as sigma-2 receptor). PGRMC1 is a cytochrome that is induced in cancer and is essential for tumor formation, invasion, and metastasis. Autophagy contributes to the turnover of long-lived and/or ubiquitinated proteins and the clearance of damaged organelles, and we have shown that PGRMC1 promotes both processes. Inhibition of PGRMC1 by RNAi or small molecule inhibitors causes autophagy substrates to increase and aberrant mitochondria to accumulate. We propose that this disruption of autophagy upon PGRMC1 inhibition increases AMPK activation, elevating the levels of TSC1 (tuberous sclerosis complex) and TSC2 and inactivating MTOR and RPS6KB/p70S6K, causing cleaved MAP1LC3B levels to increase. Thus, PGRMC1 binds to key components of the autophagy machinery and is required for the degradative activity of autophagy.  相似文献   

1.  Physiological adaptation to hypothermia were studied in newly hatched great snipe chicks (Gallinago media) by measuring oxygen uptake (VO2), heart rate (HR), respiratory frequency (RF), and body temperature (Tb) at different ambient temperatures (Ta).
2.  Tb of 1-day-old chicks at Ta of 35°C stabilized at about 40°C. At Ta between 20 and 30°C the chicks maintained a Tb about 8°C above Ta. Hatchlings maintained a higher gradient when active than when resting. Below 20°C they were unable to maintain a stable Tb.
3.  In resting hatchlings VO2 was similar at Ta between 35 and 20°C (Tb 40–30°C), VO2 range 1.7–2.5 ml·g-1·h-1. Below 20°C, VO2 declined with time.
4.  The HR of 1-day-old chicks fell linearly with Tb during cooling. The Q10 of the HR was 1.7 at Tb 38°C and increased to 3.0 at 29°C. The RF showed a slight tendency to decrease with decreasing Tb.
5.  It is concluded that the ability to maintain normal dexterity at low Tb is an important aspect of snipe survival strategy. Maintaining a temperature gradient rather than a constant high Tb presumably saves energy. It is suggested that the mechanisms whereby VO2 is maintained at a low Tb may involve isoenzymes and adaptations of the nervous system. However, such adaptations would not seem to affect the pacemaker mechanism as evidenced by the high Q10 of the HR.

Cell division is a metabolically demanding process, requiring the production of large amounts of energy and biomass. Not surprisingly therefore, a cell''s decision to initiate division is co-determined by its metabolic status and the availability of nutrients. Emerging evidence reveals that metabolism is not only undergoing substantial changes during the cell cycle, but it is becoming equally clear that metabolism regulates cell cycle progression. Here, we overview the emerging role of those metabolic pathways that have been best characterized to change during or influence cell cycle progression. We then studied how Notch signaling, a key angiogenic pathway that inhibits endothelial cell (EC) proliferation, controls EC metabolism (glycolysis) during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(10):836-846.e6
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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a metabolically heterogeneous cancer and the use of glucose by HCC cells could impact their tumorigenicity. Dt81Hepa1-6 cells display enhanced tumorigenicity compared to parental Hepa1-6 cells. This increased tumorigenicity could be explained by a metabolic adaptation to more restrictive microenvironments. When cultured at high glucose concentrations, Dt81Hepa1-6 displayed an increased ability to uptake glucose (P<0.001), increased expression of 9 glycolytic genes, greater GTP and ATP (P<0.001), increased expression of 7 fatty acid synthesis-related genes (P<0.01) and higher levels of Acetyl-CoA, Citrate and Malonyl-CoA (P<0.05). Under glucose-restricted conditions, Dt81Hepa1-6 used their stored fatty acids with increased expression of fatty acid oxidation-related genes (P<0.01), decreased triglyceride content (P<0.05) and higher levels of GTP and ATP (P<0.01) leading to improved proliferation (P<0.05). Inhibition of lactate dehydrogenase and aerobic glycolysis with sodium oxamate led to decreased expression of glycolytic genes, reduced lactate, GTP and ATP levels (P<0.01), increased cell doubling time (P<0.001) and reduced fatty acid synthesis. When combined with cisplatin, this inhibition led to lower cell viability and proliferation (P<0.05). This metabolic-induced tumorigenicity was also reflected in human Huh7 cells by a higher glucose uptake and proliferative capacity compared to HepG2 cells (P<0.05). In HCC patients, increased tumoral expression of Glut-1, Hexokinase II and Lactate dehydrogenase correlated with poor survival (P = 2.47E?5, P = 0.016 and P = 6.58E?5). In conclusion, HCC tumorigenicity can stem from a metabolic plasticity allowing them to thrive in a broader range of glucose concentrations. In HCC, combining glycolytic inhibitors with conventional chemotherapy could lead to improved treatment efficacy.  相似文献   

囊泡运输是真核细胞中物质运输及信息交流的重要形式,Rab蛋白在这个过程中发挥着重要功能.Rab4是Rab蛋白家族的成员之一,参与调控早期内体的分选与内体循环途径.Rab4包括Rab4A、Rab4B和Rab4C 3个亚型.本文主要阐述了Rab4的结构特征、主要的效应蛋白和参与运输的货物蛋白以及影响细胞自噬、葡萄糖摄取、神经调节、心脏功能及肿瘤发生方面的功能.  相似文献   

Rett综合征(RTT)是一种由X连锁的甲基CpG结合蛋白2(Mecp2)基因突变引起的神经系统疾病,突变致病的具体调节机制尚不清楚.对RTT的研究大多聚焦在中枢神经系统,越来越多的研究显示Mecp2在各种代谢系统中也发挥着重要作用.回顾了RTT发展历史、Mecp2的发现及主要作用,并综述了MeCP2在脂质代谢、线粒体...  相似文献   

Using the method of differential display, we identified a murine gene (GenBank accession number ) specifically expressed in quiescent cells, that is, BALB/c 3T3 cells rendered quiescent by serum deprivation or by contact inhibition. The cloned promoter was 1367 bp in length (accession number ). This gene was called early quiescence-1 (EQ-1) gene because its induction could be detected within 3 h following serum deprivation. EQ-1 is markedly expressed in the heart and lung. The full-length EQ-1 cDNA, cloned from a mouse lung cDNA library, is 1673 bp in length and consists of 26 bp 5' untranslated region, 603 bp coding region, and 1044 bp 3' untranslated region, the latter of which harbors two polyadenylation signals. Because the deduced amino acid residues are of 92% homology to human dermatopontin, EQ-1 represents the murine counterpart of the human dermatopontin. The stably transfected cell line harboring EQ-1 driven by an inducible promoter showed approximately 50% inhibition on cell proliferation after being treated with an inducer for 5 days. These results suggest that the cell quiescence-induced EQ-1 gene can induce cell quiescence, implicating a self-driven mechanism of antiproliferation.  相似文献   

Objective: We have reported that glucose utilization regulates leptin expression and secretion from isolated rat adipocytes. In this study, we employed two antidiabetic agents that act to increase glucose uptake by peripheral tissues, metformin and vanadium, as pharmacological tools to examine the effects of altering glucose utilization on leptin secretion in primary cultures of rat adipocytes. Research Methods and Procedures: Isolated adipocytes (100 μL of packed cells per well) were anchored in a defined matrix of basement membrane components (Matrigel) with media containing 5.5 mM glucose and incubated for 96 hours with metformin or vanadium. Leptin secretion, glucose utilization, and lactate production were assessed. Results: Metformin (0.5 and 1.0 mM) increased glucose uptake in the presence of 0.16 nM insulin by 37 ± 10% (p < 0.005) and 62 ± 8% (p < 0.0001) over insulin alone, respectively. Metformin from 0.5 to 5.0 mM increased lactate production by 105 ± 43% (p < 0.025) to 202 ± 52% (p < 0.0025) and at 1.0 and 5.0 mM increased the proportional rate of glucose conversion to lactate by 78 ± 18% (p < 0.005) and 166 ± 41% (p < 0.0025), respectively. At concentrations less than 0.5 mM, metformin did not affect leptin secretion, but at 0.5 mM, the only concentration that significantly increased glucose utilization without increasing glucose conversion to lactate, leptin secretion was modestly stimulated (by 20 ± 9%; p < 0.05). Concentrations from 1.0 to 25 mM inhibited leptin secretion by 25 ± 8% (p < 0.005) to 89 ± 4% (p < 0.0001). Across metformin doses, leptin secretion was inversely related to the percentage of glucose taken up and released as lactate (r = ?0.74; p < 0.0001). Vanadium (5 to 20 μM) increased glucose uptake from 20 ± 7% (p < 0.01) to 34 ± 13% (p < 0.02) and increased lactate production at 5 μM by 17 ± 8% (p < 0.025) and 10 μM by 61 ± 20% (p < 0.02) but did not alter the conversion of glucose to lactate. Vanadium (5 to 50 μM) inhibited leptin secretion by 33 ± 6% (p < 0.0025) to 61 ± 8% (p < 0.0001). Discussion: Both metformin and vanadium increase glucose uptake and inhibit leptin secretion from cultured adipocytes. The inhibition of leptin secretion by metformin is related to an increase in the metabolism of glucose to lactate. The inhibition by vanadium most likely involves direct effects on cellular phosphatases. We hypothesize that the effect of glucose utilization to stimulate leptin production involves the metabolism of glucose to a fate other than anaerobic lactate production, possibly oxidation or lipogenesis.  相似文献   

Safingol is a sphingolipid with promising anticancer potential, which is currently in phase I clinical trial. Yet, the underlying mechanisms of its action remain largely unknown. We reported here that safingol-induced primarily accidental necrotic cell death in MDA-MB-231 and HT-29 cells, as shown by the increase in the percentage of cells stained positive for 7-aminoactinomycin , collapse of mitochondria membrane potential and depletion of intracellular ATP. Importantly, safingol treatment produced time- and concentration-dependent reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Autophagy was triggered following safingol treatment, as reflected by the formation of autophagosomes, acidic vacuoles, increased light chain 3-II and Atg biomarkers expression. Interestingly, scavenging ROS with N-acetyl--cysteine could prevent the autophagic features and reverse safingol-induced necrosis. Our data also suggested that autophagy was a cell repair mechanism, as suppression of autophagy by 3-methyladenine or bafilomycin A1 significantly augmented cell death on 2-5 μ safingol treatment. In addition, Bcl-xL and Bax might be involved in the regulation of safingol-induced autophagy. Finally, glucose uptake was shown to be inhibited by safingol treatment, which was associated with an increase in p-AMPK expression. Taken together, our data suggested that ROS was the mediator of safingol-induced cancer cell death, and autophagy is likely to be a mechanism triggered to repair damages from ROS generation on safingol treatment.  相似文献   

Chao-Wen Wang 《Autophagy》2014,10(11):2075-2076
Delivery of cellular contents to yeast vacuoles/mammalian lysosomes via autophagy ensures long-term cell survival and extends life span. When cultured yeast cells are grown for a prolonged period of time to enter stationary phase, a nondividing state mimicking quiescence, vacuolar membrane proteins partition into either one of the vacuolar microdomains, liquid-ordered (Lo) or liquid-disordered (Ld). We show that during the transition to stationary phase, lipid droplets (LDs), organelles originated from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), undergo lateral movement to reach the vacuolar surface and are confined within the specific Lo microdomain underlying the network of vacuolar quasi-symmetrical micodomains. Stationary phase lipophagy uses the autophagy machineries to modify the sterol-enriched Lo microdomain to engulf LDs and subsequently deposits the LD-containing vesicles inside the vacuole lumen, which is a pathway morphologically resembling microautophagy. Moreover, stationary phase lipophagy supplies quiescent yeast cells with sterols to sustain phase partitioning of lipids for vacuolar microdomain maintenance. A feed forward loop model was proposed to depict that the sterols boosted by LDs via stationary phase lipophagy promote the Lo microdomain maintenance that in turn stimulates lipophagy.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(9):113054
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Metabolic adaptations to environmental changes were studied in Caenorhabditis elegans. To assess adjustments in enzyme function, maximum activities of key enzymes of main metabolic pathways were determined. After a 12 h incubation at varying temperatures (10, 20°C) and oxygen supplies (normoxia or anoxia), the activities of the following enzymes were determined at two measuring temperatures in tissue extracts: lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; anaerobic glycolysis), 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase (HCDH; fatty acid oxidation), isocitrate dehydrogenases (NAD-IDH, NADP-IDH; tricarboxylic acid cycle) and isocitrate lyase (ICL; glyoxylate cycle). Incubation at 20°C induced a strong increase in maximum LDH activity. Anoxic incubation caused maximum HCDH and NADP-IDH activities and, at 10°C incubation, LDH activity to increase. Maximum NAD-IDH and ICL activities were not influenced by any type of incubation. In order to study the time course of metabolic adaptations to varying oxygen supplies, relative quantities of free and protein-bound NADH were determined in living C. elegans using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. During several hours of anoxia, free and protein-bound NADH showed different time courses. One main result was that just at the moment when the protein-bound NADH had reached a constant level, and the free NADH started to increase rapidly, the worms fell into a rigor state. The data on enzyme activity and NADH fluorescence can be interpreted on the basis of a two-stage model of anaerobiosis.  相似文献   

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