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The epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor has been suggested to have an important role in tumor initiation and progression of human bladder cancers. Grb2 protein, which is the downstream effector of the EGF receptor, acts as an adaptor protein between the EGF receptor and the Ras guanine-nucleotide exchange factor, son of sevenless (Sos) protein. Sos protein regulates the action of Ras protein by promoting the exchange of GDP for GTP. However, the significance of Grb2 and Sos proteins, which is related to EGF-triggered Ras activation, has not been elucidated in human bladder cancer. The aim of the present study is to clarify the significance of these proteins in human bladder cancer cell lines. In the present study, we used four human bladder cancer cell lines (T24, KU-7, UMUC-2, UMUC-6) and two kinds of cultured normal urothelial cells (HMKU-1, HMKU-2) isolated from patients with no malignancy. We examined the expression of EGF receptor, Grb2, and Sos proteins in these cells by Western blot analysis. Furthermore, the bladder cancer cell lines were subjected to sequence analysis to identify a point mutation in the c-H-ras gene at codon 12. There was no marked difference in the expression of the EGF receptor between human bladder cancer cell lines and cultured normal urothelial cells. On the other hand, expression of Grb2 and Sos proteins was substantially increased in all human bladder cancer cell lines examined in comparison with cultured normal urothelial cells, whether codon 12 of H-ras was mutated or not. These results suggest that the amplification of both Grb2 and SOS proteins plays an important role in the carcinogenesis of human bladder cancer.  相似文献   

Allele-specific gene expression, ASE, is an important aspect of gene regulation. We developed a novel method MBASED, meta-analysis based allele-specific expression detection for ASE detection using RNA-seq data that aggregates information across multiple single nucleotide variation loci to obtain a gene-level measure of ASE, even when prior phasing information is unavailable. MBASED is capable of one-sample and two-sample analyses and performs well in simulations. We applied MBASED to a panel of cancer cell lines and paired tumor-normal tissue samples, and observed extensive ASE in cancer, but not normal, samples, mainly driven by genomic copy number alterations.  相似文献   

The immunofluorescence study revealed that both our established human hepatoma cell lines, HA22T/VGH and HA47T/VGH, were absent of cytokeratin. This observation was further confirmed by a western blot study. However, they as well as the other human hepatoma cells, Hep G2, Hep 3B, and SK-Hep-1 expressed vimentin.  相似文献   

Incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) during DNA replication is frequently used for cell cycle analysis. The flow cytometric BrdU/Hoechst quenching technique is conducive to high-resolution assessment of cell cycle kinetics, but requires continuous BrdU treatment, which may have cytostatic or cytotoxic effects. Here, we have examined the impact of BrdU on the proliferation of BT474 and SK-BR-3 breast cancer cell lines and compared the observed effects with cell proliferation of RT4 and J82 bladder carcinoma cells, previously described to be sensitive and insensitive to BrdU, respectively. Both uni- and bi-parametric DNA measurements were performed to identify BrdU-induced alterations in the S-phase fraction and in cell cycle progression. An annexinV/propidium iodide (PI) assay was used to identify potential induction of apoptosis by BrdU. Proliferative activity in BT474, SK-BR-3, and RT4 cultures was reduced in different cell cycle phases due to continuous treatment with 60, 5.0, and 3.5 micro m BrdU. This effect, which was not found in J82 cultures, was dependent on exposure time (96 versus 48 h) and was also dose-dependent for RT4 and SK-BR-3. BrdU application does not induce apoptosis or necrosis as revealed with the annexin V/PI assay. We concluded that continuous BrdU treatment did not affect cell viability, but essentially alters cell cycle progression in three out of four cell lines tested. Cell-type specific validation of the feasibility of the powerful BrdU/Hoechst quenching technique is required and recommended.  相似文献   



We describe an alternative method to determine mRNA half-life (t1/2) based on the Real-Time RT-PCR procedure. This approach was evaluated by using the β-actin gene as a reference molecule for measuring of mRNA stability.  相似文献   



The aim of the present study was to determine whether stage of invasiveness of bladder cancer cell lines contributes to alterations in glycan pattern of their cadherins.  相似文献   

A recent study identified a haplotype on a small region of chromosome 12, between markers D12S1725 and D12S1596, shared by all patients with familial neuroblastoma (NB). We previously localized the human MGST1 gene, whose gene product protects against oxidative stress, to this very same chromosomal region (12p112.1–p13.33). Owing to the chromosomal location of MGST1; its roles in tumorigenesis, drug resistance, and oxidative stress; and the known sensitivity of NB cell lines to oxidative stress, we considered a role for MGST1 in NB development. Surprisingly there was no detectable MGST1 mRNA or protein in either NB cell lines or NB primary tumor tissue, although all other human tissues, cell lines, and primary tumor tissue examined to date express MGST1 at high levels. The mechanism behind the failure of NB cells and tissue to express MGST1 mRNA is unknown and involves the failure of MGST1 pre-mRNA expression, but does not involve chromosomal rearrangement or nucleotide variation in the promoter, exons, or 3' untranslated region of MGST1. MGST1 provides significant protection against oxidative stress and constitutes 4 to 6% of all protein in the outer membrane of the mitochondria. As NB cells are extremely sensitive to oxidative stress, and often used as a model system to investigate mitochondrial response to endogenous and exogenous stress, these findings may be due to the lack of expression MGST1 protein in NB. The significance of this finding to the development of neuroblastoma (familial or otherwise), however, is unknown and may even be incidental. Although our studies provide a molecular basis for previous work on the sensitivity of NB cells to oxidative stress, and possibly marked variations in NB mitochondrial homeostasis, they also imply that the results of these earlier studies using NB cells are not transferable to other tumor and cell types that express MGST1 at high concentrations.  相似文献   

Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is expressed by osteoclasts, macrophages and dendritic cells. TRAP has been identified in a wide variety of tissues, however, its biological function is not fully understood. Serum TRAP is a marker of diseases involving excessive bone resorption including metastatic bone disease in breast cancer patients and can be used to monitor responses to treatment. Our aim in this study was to determine whether TRAP is expressed by human breast tumours. Four breast cancer cell lines were assayed for TRAP activity. MDA-MB-435, the most tumourigenic line, had an activity twofold higher than the other cell lines. Immunohistochemistry using a TRAP specific antibody confirmed that both cell lines and human breast tumours express TRAP. Expression was absent in benign tissues and abundant in more aggressive tumours. This work suggests that tumour derived TRAP contributes to the raised enzyme activity found in the serum of breast cancer patients.  相似文献   

Low expression of the oxidative stress sensor Keap1 is thought to be involved in carcinogenesis. However, the mechanisms responsible for inactivation of the Keap1 gene remain unknown. We investigated Keap1 expression using RT-PCR and found that it was downregulated in lung cancer cell lines and tissues when compared with a normal bronchial epithelial cell line. Treatment with 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine restored Keap1 expression in lung cancer cell lines, indicating the silencing mechanism to be promoter methylation. Moreover, we evaluated cytosine methylation in the Keap1 promoter and demonstrated that the P1 region, including 12 CpG sites, was highly methylated in lung cancer cells and tissues, but not in normal cells. Importantly, we found evidence that three specific CpG sites (the 3rd, 6th, and 10th CpGs of P1) might be binding sites for proteins that regulate Keap1 expression. Thus, our results suggest for the first time that Keap1 expression is regulated by an epigenetic mechanism in lung cancer.  相似文献   

Our previous study described a real-time PCR method to quantify microRNA (miRNA) precursors using SYBR green detection [T. D. Schmittgen, J. Jiang, Q. Liu and L. Yang (2004) Nucleic Acids Res., 32, e43]. The present study adapted the assay to a 384-well format and expanded it to include primers to 222 human miRNA precursors. TaqMan minor groove binder probes were used to discriminate nearly identical members of the let-7 family of miRNA isoforms. The miRNA precursor expression was profiled in 32 human cell lines from lung, breast, colorectal, hematologic, prostate, pancreatic, and head and neck cancers. Some miRNA precursors were expressed at similar levels in many of the cell lines, while others were differentially expressed. Clustering analysis of the miRNA precursor expression data revealed that most of the cell lines clustered into their respective tissues from which each cell line was ostensibly derived. miRNA precursor expression by PCR paralleled the mature miRNA expression by northern blotting for most of the conditions studied. Our study provides PCR primer sequences to all of the known human miRNA precursors as of December 2004 and provides a database of the miRNA precursor expression in many commonly used human cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

Three GGAs (GGA1-3) were found in humans, among which GGA3 has short and long forms of spliced variants (GGA3-S and GGA3-L). The present study analyzed expression patterns of both GGA3 variants in human tissues and cell lines. Western blot analysis revealed that the brain contained both GGA3-S and -L, while other tissues and cell lines examined predominantly expressed GGA3-S. By double immunofluorescence microscopy, GGA1 and GGA3 were localized with slightly different patterns in both the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and peripheral region. When the dominant-negative mutant, VHS-GAT domain, of GGA1 or GGA3-L was overexpressed, TGN-associated GGA1 was redistributed into the cytoplasm. However, the GGA3 distribution was not affected by the expression of either VHS-GAT domain. These results indicate that GGA3-S which would not be directly involved in the cargo protein recognition is predominantly expressed in human tissues except the brain and in cell lines.  相似文献   

Gene expression profiles were analyzed by using cDNA microarray for a cisplatin-sensitive cell line (KF), and three- and thirty-fold cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer cell lines (KFr and KFrP200) both showing no p53 mutation within exon 5, 6, 7, 8 and no pglycoprotein overexpression. Expression of GST-pi mRNA increased as the level of resistance to cisplatin became high. Microarray analysis revealed that DNA repair associated genes, i.e., XRCC5, XRCC6, ERCC5, hMLH1 were over-expressed in three-fold cisplatin-resistant cell line, KFr as compared to cisplatin-sensitive parental cell line, KF. Apoptosis inhibitors, i.e., IGFR type I and II were over-expressed, and apoptosis inducer, i.e., caspase 3 and BAK were underexpressed in highly cisplatin-resistant cell line, KFrP200 as compared to KFr. As for clinical cases, cDNA microarray was used to compare gene expression profiles directly between two groups, i.e., the chemotherapy (CAP) sensitive group (n = 2) and the resistant group (n = 2). Six genes such as beta tubulin, high-mobility group (nonhistone chromosomal) protein 1, connective tissue growth factor, insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2, alpha tubulin, and RAS-related gene were overexpressed in CAP therapy resistance group, whereas seven genes such as CD9 antigen, alpha-2-macroglobulin, caveolin 2, interleukin 1 receptor antagonist, Rho GTPase activating protein 1, reticulon 3, cyclin-dependent kinase 10, keratin 7 were underexpressed in CAP therapy resistance group. By increasing clinical case number and gene number of microarray to be used in the analysis of expression profile of gene cluster affecting anticancer drug resistance and sensitivity of the ovarian cancer, it would be possible to apply microarray analysis to personalization of chemotherapy such as selection of effective chemotherapy protocol and prediction of therapeutic effect in the near future.  相似文献   

Bladder cancer (BC) is the fourth most common cancer in the USA. In Brazil, BC represents 3% of the total existing carcinomas in the population and represents the second highest incidence among urological tumors. The majority of bladder cancer cell lines available were derived from Caucasians and established in the seventies or eighties. Thus, neoplasia development in these cells likely occurred in environment conditions vastly different than today. In the present study, we report the establishment and characterization of three Brazilian bladder cancer cell lines (BexBra1, BexBra2, and BexBra4). These cell lines may be helpful for dissecting the genetic and epigenetic aspects that trigger the progression of BC. Moreover, the development of a Brazilian representative of the disease will allow us to investigate the potential inter-racial differences of malignancy-associated phenotypes in bladder cancer.  相似文献   

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