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Current Separations in Myxicola Giant Axons   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
The effect of reducing the external sodium concentration, [Na]o, on resting potential, action potential, membrane current, and transient current reversal potential in Myxicola giant axons was studied. Tris chloride was used as a substitute for NaCl. Preliminary experiments were carried out to insure that the effect of Tris substitution could be attributed entirely to the reduction in [Na]o. Both choline and tetramethylammonium chloride were found to have additional effects on the membrane. The transient current is carried largely by Na, while the delayed current seems to be independent of [Na]o. Transient current reversal potential behaves much like a pure Nernst equilibrium potential for sodium. Small deviations from this behavior are consistent with the possibility of some small nonsodium component in the transient current. An exact PNa/PK for the transient current channels could not be computed from these data, but is certainly well greater than unity and possibly quite large. The peak of the action potential varied with [Na]o as expected for a sodium action potential with some substantial potassium permeability at the time of peak. Resting membrane potential is independent of [Na]o. This finding is inconsistent with the view that the resting membrane potential is determined only by the distribution of K and Na, and PNa/PK. It is suggested that PNa/PK's obtained from resting membrane potential-potassium concentration data do not always have the physical meaning generally attributed to them.  相似文献   

Early leak current, i.e. for times similar to the time to peak of the transient current was measured in Myxicola giant axons in the presence of tetrodotoxin. The leak current-voltage relation rectifies, showing more current for strong depolarizing pulses than expected from symmetry around the holding potential. A satisfactory practical approximation for most leak corrections is constant resting conductance. The leak current-voltage curve rectifies less than expected from the constant field equation. These curves cannot be reconstructed by summing the constant field currents for sodium and potassium using a PNa/PK ratio obtained in the usual way, from zero current constant field fits to resting membrane potential data. Nor can they be reconstructed by summing the constant field current for potassium with that for any other single ion. They can be reconstructed, however, by summing the constant field current for potassium with a constant conductance component. It is concluded that the leak current and the resting membrane potential, therefore, are determined by multiple ionic components, at least three and possibly many. Arguments are presented suggesting that ion permeability ratios obtained in the usual way, by fitting the constant field equation to resting membrane potential data should be viewed with skepticism.  相似文献   

Effects of Internal Divalent Cations on Voltage-Clamped Squid Axons   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
We have studied the effects of internally applied divalent cations on the ionic currents of voltage-clamped squid giant axons. Internal concentrations of calcium up to 10 mM have little, if any, effect on the time-course, voltage dependence, or magnitude of the ionic currents. This is inconsistent with the notion that an increase in the internal calcium concentration produced by an inward calcium movement with the action potential triggers sodium inactivation or potassium activation. Low internal zinc concentrations (~1 mM) selectively and reversibly slow the kinetics of the potassium current and reduce peak sodium current by about 40% with little effect on the voltage dependence of the ionic currents. Higher concentrations (~10 mM) produce a considerable (ca. 90%) nonspecific reversible reduction of the ionic currents. Large hyperpolarizing conditioning pulses reduce the zinc effect. Internal zinc also reversibly depolarizes the axon by 20–30 mV. The effects of internal cobalt, cadmium, and nickel are qualitatively similar to those of zinc: only calcium among the cations tested is without effect.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on Myxicola giant axons to determine if the sodium activation and inactivation processes are coupled or independent. The main experimental approach was to examine the effects of changing test pulses on steady-state inactivation curves. Arguments were presented to show that in the presence of a residual uncompensated series resistance the interpretation of the results depends critically on the manner of conducting the experiment. Analytical and numerical calculations were presented to show that as long as test pulses are confined to an approximately linear negative conductance region of the sodium current-voltage characteristic, unambiguous interpretations can be made. When examined in the manner of Hodgkin and Huxley, inactivation in Myxicola is quantitatively similar to that described by the h variable in squid axons. However, when test pulses were increased along the linear negative region of the sodium current-voltage characteristic, steady-state inactivation curves translate to the right along the voltage axis. The shift in the inactivation curve is a linear function of the ratio of the sodium, conductance of the test pulses, showing a 5.8 mv shift for a twofold increase in conductance. An independent line of evidence indicated that the early rate of development of inactivation is a function of the rise of the sodium conductance.  相似文献   

Sodium pentobarbital and sodium thiopental decrease both the peak initial (Na) and late steady-state (K) currents and reduce the maximum sodium and potassium conductance increases in voltage-clamped lobster giant axons. These barbiturates also slow the rate at which the sodium conductance turns on, and shift the normalized sodium conductance vs. voltage curves in the direction of depolarization along the voltage axis. Since pentobarbital (pKa = 8.0) blocks the action potential more effectively at pH 8.5 than at pH 6.7, the anionic form of the drug appears to be active. The data suggest that these drugs affect the axon membrane directly, rather than secondarily through effects on intermediary metabolism. It is suggested that penetration of the lipid layer of the membrane by the nonpolar portion of the barbiturate molecules may cause the decrease in membrane conductances, while electrostatic interactions involving the anionic group on the barbiturate, divalent cations, and "fixed charges" in the membrane could account for the slowing of the rate of sodium conductance turn-on and the shift of the normalized conductance curves along the voltage axis.  相似文献   

Effect of ATP on the Calcium Efflux in Dialyzed Squid Giant Axons   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Dialysis perfusion technique makes it possible to control the internal composition of squid giant axons. Calcium efflux has been studied in the presence and in the virtual absence (<5 µM) of ATP. The mean calcium efflux from axons dialyzed with 0.3 µM ionized calcium, [ATP]i > 1,000 µM, and bathed in artificial seawater (ASW) was 0.24 ± 0.02 pmol·cm-2·s-1 (P/CS) (n = 8) at 22°C. With [ATP]i < 5 µM the mean efflux was 0.11 ± 0.01 P/CS (n = 15). The curve relating calcium efflux to [ATP]i shows a constant residual calcium efflux in the range of 1–100 µM [ATP]i. An increase of the calcium efflux is observed when [ATP]i is >100 µM and saturates at [ATP]i > 1,000 µM. The magnitude of the ATP-dependent fraction of the calcium efflux varies with external concentrations of Na+, Ca++, and Mg++. These results suggest that internal ATP changes the affinity of the calcium transport system for external cations.  相似文献   

Surface Charge of Giant Axons of Squid and Lobster   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A method is described for the determination of the electrophoretic mobility of single, isolated, intact, giant axons of squid and lobster. In normal physiological solutions, the surface of hydrodynamic shear of these axons is negatively charged. The lower limit of the estimated surface charge density is -1.9 × 10-8 coul cm-2 for squid axons, -4.2 × 10-8 coul cm-2 for lobster axons. The electrophoretic mobility of squid axons decreases greatly when the applied transaxial electric field is made sufficiently intense; action potential propagation is blocked irreversibly by transaxial electric fields of the same intensity. The squid axon recovers its mobility hours later and is then less affected by transaxial fields. Eventually, a state is reached in which the transaxial field irreversibly reverses the sign of the surface charge. In contrast, there is no obvious effect of electric field on the mobility of lobster axons. The mobility of lobster axons becomes undetectable in the presence of Th4+ at a concentration which blocks the action potential, and in the presence of La3+ at a concentration which does not affect propagation. Quinine does not alter lobster axon mobility at a concentration which blocks action potential conduction. Replacement of extracellular Na+ by K+ is without effect upon lobster axon mobility. The electrophysiological implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Sodium movements in internally perfused giant axons from the squid Dosidicus gigas were studied with varying internal sodium concentrations and with fluoride as the internal anion. It was found that as the internal concentration of sodium was increased from 2 to 200 mM the resting sodium efflux increased from 0.09 to 34.0 pmoles/cm2sec and the average resting sodium influx increased from 42.9 to 64.5 pmoles/cm2sec but this last change was not statistically significant. When perfusing with a mixture of 500 mM K glutamate and 100 mM Na glutamate the resting efflux was 10 ± 3 pmoles/cm2sec and 41 ± 10 pmoles/cm2sec for sodium influx. Increasing the internal sodium concentration also increased both the extra influx and the extra efflux of sodium due to impulse propagation. At any given internal sodium concentration the net extra influx was about 5 pmoles/cm2impulse. This finding supports the notion that the inward current generated in a propagated action potential can be completely accounted for by movements of sodium.  相似文献   

The Action of Tetrodotoxin on Electrogenic Components of Squid Giant Axons   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Voltage clamp measurements on squid giant axons show that externally applied puffer fish poison, tetrodotoxin, eliminates only the initial inward current component of spike electrogenesis and does not affect the subsequent outward current. The selective effect on Na activation, which is reversible, confirms the view that the movements of Na and K during spike electrogenesis occur at structurally different sites on the membrane. Spike electrogenesis is also blocked when tetrodotoxin is injected into the axon, but the interior of the membrane appears to be somewhat less sensitive to the poison. Differences in reactivity of various electrogenic membrane components to tetrodotoxin are discussed as signifying differences in chemical structures.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that tetrodotoxin, a poison from the puffer fish, blocks conduction of nerve and muscle through its rather selective inhibition of the sodium-carrying mechanism. In order to verify this hypothesis, observations have been made of sodium and potassium currents in the lobster giant axons treated with tetrodotoxin by means of the sucrose-gap voltage-clamp technique. Tetrodotoxin at concentrations of 1 x 10-7 to 5 x 10-9 gm/ml blocked the action potential but had no effect on the resting potential. Partial or complete recovery might have occurred on washing with normal medium. The increase in sodium conductance normally occurring upon depolarization was very effectively suppressed when the action potential was blocked after tetrodotoxin, while the delayed increase in potassium conductance underwent no change. It is concluded that tetrodotoxin, at very low concentrations, blocks the action potential production through its selective inhibition of the sodium-carrying mechanism while keeping the potassium-carrying mechanism intact.  相似文献   

Removal of Potassium Negative Resistance in Perfused Squid Giant Axons   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Squid giant axons, internally and externally perfused with solutions having potassium as the only cation, exhibit an approximately linear steady-state current-voltage relation. When small amounts of calcium and magnesium are present in the external potassium solution, the current-voltage curve is markedly nonlinear, exhibiting the rectification and negative resistance which have been observed for intact axons in isosmotic potassium solutions. The effects of perfusion and removal of external divalent cations are interpreted in terms of two components of current, a linear component and a nonlinear time-varying component. The former is increased and the latter diminished by the removal of the external divalent cations.  相似文献   

The effect of glycerol treatment on the membrane currents and tension development was studied in voltage clamped snake muscle fibers. In muscle fibers which were exposed for 1 h to a normal saline containing 400 mM glycerol and then returned to a normal medium, graded depolarizations did not accompany contractile responses. However, when the fiber was depolarized to a certain level, an increment of outward current appeared which partially inactivated with time. The threshold for delayed rectification in glycerol-treated fibers was almost the same as that of intact fibers in spite of the absence of contractile tension. The results suggest that the delayed rectification may be attributed at least in part to the surface membrane and that the contractile activation probably does not depend simply on the inactivating outward currents through the delayed rectification channel.  相似文献   

Transmission across the septal junctions of the segmented giant axons of crayfish is accounted for quantitatively by a simple equivalent circuit. The septal membranes are passive, resistive components and transmission is ephaptic, by the electrotonic spread of the action current of the pre-septal spike. The electrotonic spread appears as a septal potential, considerably smaller than the pre-septal spike, but usually still large enough to initiate a new spike in the post-septal segments. The septal membranes do not exhibit rectification, at least over a range of ± 25 mv polarization and this accounts for their capacity for bidirectional transmission. The commissural branches, which are put forth by each lateral axon, make functional connections between the two axons. Transmission across these junctions can also be bidirectional and is probably also ephaptic. Under various conditions, the ladder-like network of cross-connections formed by the commissural junctions can give rise to circus propagation of impulses from one axon to the other. This can give rise to reverberatory activity of both axons at frequencies as high as 400/sec.  相似文献   

Squid giant axons were perfused intracellularly with solutions containing various kinds of proteases (1 mg/ml). Except for a 10 µ layer inside the axolemma the axoplasm was removed by a 5 min perfusion with Bacillus protease, strain N' (BPN'). The resting and action potentials were unchanged and the axon maintained its excitability for more than 4 hr on subsequent enzyme-free perfusion. After perfusion with protease solution for 30 min the axoplasm was almost completely removed. The excitability was maintained, but the action potential became prolonged and rapidly developed a plateau of several hundred milliseconds. The change was not reversible even when the enzyme was removed from the perfusing fluid. Two other enzymes, prozyme and bromelin, also removed the protoplasm without blocking conduction. Trypsin suppressed within 3 min the excitability of the axon. It is suggested that the proteases alter macromolecules in the excitable membrane and thus affect the shape of the action potential.  相似文献   

Potential changes both in pre- and postsynaptic axons were recorded from the giant synapse of squid with intracellular electrodes. Synaptic current was also recorded by a voltage clamp method. Facilitation of postsynaptic potential caused by applying two stimuli several milliseconds apart was accompanied by an increase in the amplitude of the presynaptic action potential. Depression of the postsynaptic potential occurred without changes in the presynaptic action potential. Increase in the concentration of Ca in sea water caused an increase in amplitude of the synaptic current. On the other hand increase in Mg concentration decreased the amplitude of the synaptic current. In these cases no appreciable change in the presynaptic action potential was observed. Extracellularly recorded potential changes of the presynaptic axon showed mainly a positive deflexion at the synaptic region and a negative deflexion in the more proximal part of the presynaptic axon. Mechanism of synaptic transmission is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Using video-enhanced microscopy and a pulse-radiolabeling paradigm, we show that proteins synthesized in the medial giant axon cell body of the crayfish ( Procambarus clarkii ) are delivered to the axon via fast (∼62 mm/day) and slow (∼0.8 mm/day) transport components. These data confirm that the medial giant axon cell body provides protein to the axon in a manner similar to that reported for mammalian axons. Unlike mammalian axons, the distal (anucleate) portion of a medial giant axon remains intact and functional for >7 months after severance. This axonal viability persists long after fast transport has ceased and after the slow wave front of radiolabeled protein has reached the terminals. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that another source (i.e., local glial cells) provides a significant amount of protein to supplement that delivered to the medial giant axon by its cell body.  相似文献   

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