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Aim To describe the spatial and temporal pattern of landscape burning with increasing distance from Aboriginal settlements. Location Central Arnhem Land, a stronghold of traditional Aboriginal culture, in the Australian monsoon tropics. Methods Geographical information system and global positioning system technologies were used to measure spatial and temporal changes in fire patterns over a one decade period in a 100 × 80 km area that included a cluster of Aboriginal settlements and a large uninhabited area. The major vegetation types were mapped and fire activity was assessed by systematic visual interpretation of sequences of cloud‐free Landsat satellite images acquired in the first (May to July) and second (August to October) halves of the 7‐month dry season. Fire activity in the middle and end of one dry season near an Aboriginal settlement was mapped along a 90‐km field traverse. Canopy scorch height was determined by sampling burnt areas beside vehicle tracks. Results Satellite fire mapping was 90% accurate if the satellite pass followed shortly after a fire event, but the reliability decayed dramatically with increasing time since the fire. Thus the satellite mapping provided a conservative index of fire activity that was unable to provide reliable estimates of the spatial extent of individual fires. There was little landscape fire activity in the first half of the dry season, that was mostly restricted to areas immediately surrounding Aboriginal settlements, with burning of both inhabited and uninhabited landscapes concentrated in the second half of the dry season. The mean decadal fire indices for the three dominant vegetation types in the study area were three in the plateau savanna, two in the sandstone and five in the wet savanna. The spatial and temporal variability of Aboriginal burning apparent in the satellite analyses were verified by field traverse surrounding a single settlement. Fires set by Aborigines had low scorch height of tree crowns reflecting low intensity, despite generally occurring late in the dry season. Conclusions Our findings support the idea that Aboriginal burning created a fine‐scale mosaic of burnt and unburnt areas but do not support the widely held view that Aboriginal burning was focused primarily in the first half of the dry season (before July). The frequency and scale of burning by Aborigines appears to be lower compared with European fire regimes characterized by fires of annual or biennial frequencies that burn large areas. The European fire regime appears to have triggered a positive feedback cycle between fire frequency and flammable grass fuels. The widely advocated management objective of burning in the first half of the dry season burning provides one of the few options to control fires once heavy grass fuel loads have become established, however we suggest it is erroneous to characterize such a regime as reflecting traditional Aboriginal burning practices. The preservation of Aboriginal fire management regimes should be a high management priority given the difficulty in breaking the grass‐fire cycle once it has been initiated.  相似文献   

Aim To describe the nexus between Aboriginal landscape burning and patterns of habitat use by kangaroos in a tropical savanna habitat mosaic, and to provide evidence to evaluate the claim that Aboriginal landscape burning is a game management tool. Location Central Arnhem Land, a stronghold of traditional Aboriginal culture, in the monsoon tropics of northern Australia. Methods The abundance of kangaroo scats was recorded throughout a landscape burnt by Aboriginal people, and used as a proxy for the intensity of habitat use by kangaroos. Scat abundance was assessed along field traverses totalling 112 km, at three time periods: (1) 1–4 weeks following mid‐dry season burning (July 2003); (2) in the late dry season (November 2003); and (3) in the following mid‐dry season (July 2004). We compared the intensity with which kangaroos used burnt vs. unburnt areas in various habitat types, with time since mid‐dry season burning. Scats were collected from areas that had been burnt to a varying extent and the abundance of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and carbon to nitrogen ratios (C : N) determined. Results There was clear evidence of an interaction between burning and habitat type on the abundance of kangaroo scats. Scats were much more abundant in burnt vs. unburnt areas in the moist habitats, but the opposite effect was observed in the dry rocky habitats, with higher scat abundance in unburnt areas. This interactive effect of burning and habitat type on scat abundance was observed immediately (< 4 weeks) following fire, and was still present one year later. High concentrations of nitrogen in resprouting grasses indicate that burnt areas may provide kangaroos with greater access to nutrients. The isotopic composition of scats indicates that kangaroos feeding in extensively burnt areas were consuming more grasses, and possibly sedges, than kangaroos feeding in unburnt areas. Main conclusions The fine‐scale mosaic of burnt and unburnt areas created by mid‐dry season Aboriginal landscape burning has clear effects on the distribution of kangaroos. Kangaroos move into burnt moist habitats and away from burnt dry, rocky habitats. Isotopic analysis of scats suggests that the mechanism driving this effect is the increased abundance of nitrogen rich grasses in burnt moist habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract Fire is a dominant feature of tropical savannas throughout the world, and provides a unique opportunity for habitat management at the landscape scale. We provide the background and methodology for a landscape-scale savanna fire experiment at Kapalga, located in Kakadu National Park in the seasonal tropics of northern Australia. The experiment addresses the limitations of previous savanna fire experiments, including inappropriately small sizes of experimental units, lack of replication, consideration of a narrow range of ecological responses and an absence of detailed measurement of fire behaviour. In contrast to those elsewhere in the world, Australia's savannas are sparsely populated and largely uncleared, with fires lit primarily in a conservation, rather than pastoral, context. Fire management has played an integral role in the traditional lifestyles of Aboriginal people, who have occupied the land for perhaps 50 000 years or more. Currently the dominant fire management paradigm is one of extensive prescribed burning early in the dry season (May-June), in order to limit the extent and severity of fires occurring later in the year. The ecological effects of different fire regimes are hotly debated, but we identify geo-chemical cycling, tree demography, faunal diversity and composition, phenology, and the relative importance of fire intensity, timing and frequency, as critical issues. Experimental units (‘compartments’) at Kapalga are 15–20km2 catchments, centred on seasonal creeks that drain into major rivers. Each compartment has been burnt according to one of four treatments, each replicated at least three times: ‘Early’- fires lit early in the dry season, which is the predominant management regime in the region; ‘Late’- fires lit late in the dry season, as occurs extensively in the region as unmanaged ‘wildfires’; ‘Progressive’- fires lit progressively throughout the dry season, such that different parts of the landscape are burnt as they progressively dry out (believed to approximate traditional Aboriginal burning practices); and ‘Unburnt’- no fires lit, and wildfires excluded. All burning treatments have been applied annually for 5 years, from 1990 to 1994. Six core projects have been conducted within the experimental framework, focusing on nutrients and atmospheric chemistry, temporary streams, vegetation, insects, small mammals, and vertebrate predators. Detailed measurements of fire intensity have been taken to help interpret ecological responses. The Kapalga fire experiment is multidisciplinary, treatments have been applied at a landscape scale with replication, and ecological responses can be related directly to measurements of fire intensity. We are confident that this experiment will yield important insights into the fire ecology of tropical savannas, and will make a valuable contribution to their conservation management.  相似文献   

Abstract Changes in plant abundance within a eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia were studied using a manipulative fire experiment. Three fire regimes were compared between 1997 and 2001: (i) control, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season (July) 1997 only; (ii) early burnt, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season 1997 and early dry season (May) 1999; and (iii) late burnt, savanna burnt in the mid‐dry season 1997 and late dry season (October) 1999. Five annual surveys of permanent plots detected stability in the abundance of most species, irrespective of fire regime. However, a significant increase in the abundance of several subshrubs, ephemeral and twining perennial forbs, and grasses occurred in the first year after fire, particularly after late dry season fires. The abundance of these species declined toward prefire levels in the second year after fire. The dominant grass Heteropogon triticeus significantly declined in abundance with fire intervals of 4 years. The density of trees (>2 m tall) significantly increased in the absence of fire for 4 years, because of the growth of saplings; and the basal area of the dominant tree Corymbia clarksoniana significantly increased over the 5‐year study, irrespective of fire regime. Conservation management of these savannas will need to balance the role of regular fires in maintaining the diversity of herbaceous species with the requirement of fire intervals of at least 4‐years for allowing the growth of saplings >2 m in height. Whereas late dry season fires may cause some tree mortality, the use of occasional late fires may help maintain sustainable populations of many grasses and forbs.  相似文献   

Patch mosaic burning, in which fire is used to produce a mosaic of habitat patches representative of a range of fire histories (‘pyrodiversity’), has been widely advocated to promote greater biodiversity. However, the details of desired fire mosaics for prescribed burning programs are often unspecified. Threatened small to medium-sized mammals (35 g to 5.5 kg) in the fire-prone tropical savannas of Australia appear to be particularly fire-sensitive. Consequently, a clear understanding of which properties of fire mosaics are most instrumental in influencing savanna mammal populations is critical. Here we use mammal capture data, remotely sensed fire information (i.e. time since last fire, fire frequency, frequency of late dry season fires, diversity of post-fire ages in 3 km radius, and spatial extent of recently burnt, intermediate and long unburnt habitat) and structural habitat attributes (including an index of cattle disturbance) to examine which characteristics of fire mosaics most influence mammals in the north-west Kimberley. We used general linear models to examine the relationship between fire mosaic and habitat attributes on total mammal abundance and richness, and the abundance of the most commonly detected species. Strong negative associations of mammal abundance and richness with frequency of late dry season fires, the spatial extent of recently burnt habitat (post-fire age <1 year within 3 km radius) and level of cattle disturbance were observed. Shrub cover was positively related to both mammal abundance and richness, and availability of rock crevices, ground vegetation cover and spatial extent of ≥4 years unburnt habitat were all positively associated with at least some of the mammal species modelled. We found little support for diversity of post-fire age classes in the models. Our results indicate that both a high frequency of intense late dry season fires and extensive, recently burnt vegetation are likely to be detrimental to mammals in the north Kimberley. A managed fire mosaic that reduces large scale and intense fires, including the retention of ≥4 years unburnt patches, will clearly benefit savanna mammals. We also highlighted the importance of fire mosaics that retain sufficient shelter for mammals. Along with fire, it is clear that grazing by introduced herbivores also needs to be reduced so that habitat quality is maintained.  相似文献   

Aim This study investigates inter‐annual variability in burnt area in southern Africa and the extent to which climate is responsible for this variation. We compare data from long‐term field sites across the region with remotely sensed burnt area data to test whether it is possible to develop a general model. Location Africa south of the equator. Methods Linear mixed effects models were used to determine the effect of rainfall, seasonality and fire weather in driving variation in fire extent between years, and to test whether the effect of these variables changes across the subcontinent and in areas more and less impacted by human activities. Results A simple model including rainfall and seasonality explained 40% of the variance in burnt area between years across 10 different protected areas on the subcontinent, but this model, when applied regionally, indicated that climate had less impact on year‐to‐year variation in burnt area than would be expected. It was possible to demonstrate that the relative importance of rainfall and seasonality changed as one moved from dry to wetter systems, but most noticeable was the reduction in climatically driven variability of fire outside protected areas. Inter‐annual variability is associated with the occurrence of large fires, and large fires are only found in areas with low human impact. Main conclusions This research gives the first data‐driven analysis of fire–climate interactions in southern Africa. The regional analysis shows that human impact on fire regimes is substantial and acts to limit the effect of climate in driving variation between years. This is in contrast to patterns in protected areas, where variation in accumulated rainfall and the length of the dry season influence the annual area burnt. Global models which assume strong links between fire and climate need to be re‐assessed in systems with high human impact.  相似文献   

Fire frequency is a key land management issue, particularly in tropical savannas where fire is widely used and fire recurrence times are often short. We used an extended Before‐After‐Control‐Impact design to examine the impacts of repeated wet‐season burning for weed control on bird assemblages in a tropical savanna in north Queensland, Australia. Experimentally replicated fire treatments (unburnt, singularly bunt, twice burnt), in two habitats (riparian and adjacent open woodland), were surveyed over 3 years (1 year before the second burn, 1 year post the second burn, 2 years post the second burn) to examine responses of birds to a rapid recurrence of fire. Following the second burn, species richness and overall bird abundance were lower in the twice‐burnt sites than either the unburnt or singularly burnt sites. Feeding group composition varied across year of survey, but within each year, feeding guilds grouped according to fire treatment. In particular, abundance of frugivores and insectivores was lower in twice‐burnt sites, probably because of the decline of a native shrub that produces fleshy fruits, Carissa ovata. Although broader climatic variability may ultimately determine overall bird assemblages, our results show that a short fire‐return interval will substantially influence bird responses at a local scale. Considering that fire is frequently used as a land management tool, our results emphasize the importance of determining appropriate fire‐free intervals.  相似文献   

The Australian Government has sanctioned development of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) abatement methodologies to meet international emissions reduction obligations. Savanna burning emissions abatement methodologies have been available since 2012, and there are currently 72 registered projects covering approximately 32 million ha. Abatement to date has exceeded 4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2‐e) principally through the application of low intensity early dry season fire management to reduce the amount of biomass combusted in higher intensity late dry season (LDS) fires. Savanna burning projects can only be conducted on areas with eligible fire‐prone vegetation fuel types where implementing the improved fire management regime is considered ecologically appropriate. This study assesses the suitability of including tall Acacia shrublands (‘Pindan’) as a new eligible fuel type. These shrublands make up 12% (~2 million ha) of the Kimberley region, Western Australia, where, on average, 32% is fire affected annually, mostly in the LDS. A standard assessment protocol was applied to describe vegetation fuel type structural and pyrolysis characteristics. We show that Pindan (i) can be identified and mapped as a unique tall Acacia shrubland vegetation fuel type, (ii) characterised by a significantly greater shrubby fuel load biomass, and (iii) the conservation status of which would benefit from imposition of strategic prescribed burning programme. Savanna burning projects in the Pindan fuel type could potentially abate up to 24.43 t.CO2e/km2 per year, generating significant income and employment opportunities for predominantly Indigenous land managers in the region.  相似文献   

The area of grassland affected by uncontrolled fires was recorded in the Rwenzori National Park for each dry season between July 1970 and July 1973 with the exception of the January 1973 season. The seasonal total of burnt grassland rose to a peak of 32 7% in January 1971 but there was then a marked decline to a negligible level in July 1971. This was followed by a further steady rise which by July 1973 had reached to within 3% of the previous peak. 13 4% of the park was burnt at least once a year on average, and 55 3% was burnt at some time or other during the 3 years. Burning was not uniformly distributed throughout the park and four regions at high risk from fire are identified for particular attention should a fire control policy be introduced. The need for a controlled burning policy is emphasized particularly in view of the destruction of trees which is taking place through the agency of elephants.  相似文献   

Abstract LANDSAT Multi‐Spectral Scanner imagery was used to determine aspects of the fire regimes of Kakadu National Park (in the wet‐dry tropics of Australia) for the period 1980–1995. Three landscape types recognized in this Park were Plateau, Lowlands and Floodplain. Areas burned in early and late dry seasons each year were documented using a Geographical Information System. Regression analyses were used to examine time trends in the areas burned each year and the interrelationships between early and late dry season burning. The proportions of landscapes having different stand ages (years since fire), and the proportions having had different fire intervals, were compared with results expected from the simplest random model (i.e. one in which the probability of ignition at a point [PIP] burning annually was constant). Using overlays of successive stand‐age maps, PIP could be calculated as a function of stand age. The Lowlands burned extensively each year; the areas burned by late dry season fires adding to those burned in the early dry season such that around 50–60% of the total area burned annually. Early dry season fires have lower intensities than late dry season fires, on average. Using a theoretically constant PIP and the mean proportion burned per year as the only input, predictions of areas burned as a function of stand age and fire interval were reasonable when compared with the empirical data, but best for the Lowlands landscape. PIP functions for Lowlands and Floodplains had negative slopes, an unexpected result. The nature of these PIP functions may reflect heterogeneity in fire proneness of the various vegetation types within landscapes. The scale of measurement, the scale of variation in vegetation types within a landscape, and the accuracy of the determination of burned areas, are constraints on the accuracy of fire‐interval and seasonally determination perceived from an analysis of satellite data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The record of eighteenth and nineteenth century explorers' references to Aboriginal fire in Queensland was stratified according to fourteen vegetation typcs and season of fire. It was demonstrated that references to 'current' fire (i.e. flames or smoke) may not represent traditional Aboriginal activity and that many fires were lit to frighten or harm, to protect themselves from, or to signal to kinfolk the presence of the European intruders. Because of this interpretational difficulty the records to 'current' fire were treated separately from 'past' fire (i.e. burnt ground). The data were analysed as the number of observations per 100 km spent in each vegetation type for any one season to compensate for bias created by differing amounts of travel. The record suggests highest frequency of burning in grassland around the Gulf of Carpentaria, relatively high fire frequency of most coastal and subcoastal vegetation types and relatively infrequent burning of inland Queensland. The analysis indicates a propensity for winter and autumn fue relative to spring and summer fire in all vegetation types combined and in most individual vegetation types.  相似文献   

Indigenous fire knowledge offers significant benefits for ecosystem management and human livelihoods, but is threatened worldwide because of disruption of customary practices. In Australia, the historical prevalence and characteristics of Aboriginal burning are intensely debated, including arguments that Aboriginal burning was frequent across the continent. Frequent burning is supported by contemporary Aboriginal knowledge and practice in some regions, but in southern Australia evidence is typically limited to historical and ecological records. Towards characterizing Aboriginal fire regimes in southern Australia, we collaborated with Ngadju people from the globally significant Great Western Woodlands in south‐western Australia to document their fire knowledge. We used workshops, site visits, interviews and occupation mapping to aid knowledge sharing. Consistent with the established significance of Aboriginal fire in Australia, planned fires were important in Ngadju daily life and land management. However, Ngadju use of fire was characterized by its selectivity rather than its ubiquity. Specifically, Ngadju described only highly targeted planned burning across extensive eucalypt woodlands and sandplain shrublands. By contrast, frequent planned burning was described for resource‐rich landscape elements of more restricted extent (granite outcrop vegetation, grasslands and coastal scrub). Overall, Ngadju fires are likely to have resulted in subtle but purposeful direct effects on the vegetation and biota. However the extent to which they collectively constrained large, intense wildfires remains unclear. Ngadju demonstrated a predictive knowledge of the ecological consequences of burning, including attention to fine‐scale needs of target organisms, and application of diverse fire regimes. These are consistent with the recently proposed concept that Aboriginal burning was guided by ‘templates’ targeting different resources, although diverse regimes predominantly reflect edaphically driven vegetation patterns rather than template‐driven use of fire to create resource diversity. We conclude that Ngadju fire knowledge fills an important gap in understanding Aboriginal fire regimes in southern Australia, highlighting a novel balance between frequent and constrained use of fire.  相似文献   

The impact of fire on the foraging behaviour of impala (Aepyceros melampus), was studied in the Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. Two indices of foraging efficiency were used to establish differences in feeding behaviour in burnt and unburnt control areas. These are acceptable grass/browse abundance (AGA/ABA), expressed in terms of feeding time achieved per 50 steps and food ingestion rate (FIR), expressed as the cumulative percentage. Accumulation of above ground grass biomass was also measured in burnt and control areas. After burning, the grazing efficiency remains constant throughout the dry season, while the browsing time achieved per 50 steps decreases drastically. In the control areas AGA decreased with increasing length of the dry season while ABA increased. When expressed in terms of cumulative percentage (FIR), the results show a significant increase of 31% in foraging time spent grazing and a 24% decrease in foraging time spent browsing, in burnt areas. The results confirm the classification of impalas as intermediate or mixed feeders with a distinct preference for grass. Impala foraging patterns after burning are discussed and compared with investigations on the effect of burning on the behaviour of impalas and Buffon's kob (Kobus kob kob) in other areas of Africa.  相似文献   

Fire is a predominant factor forcing global terrestrial biomass dynamics, with more than 30% of the land surface showing frequent burning, particularly in the tropics, where it mostly affects savannas ecosystems annually. Savannas, which cover approximately 269 million ha in South America, play a major role in the global carbon cycle. They are affected by increasing human pressures and global climate change. Using satellite data, this study quantifies vegetation burning in the Colombian Llanos savannas for the period 2000–2008, and analyzes how fire spatial pattern, frequency and extent vary with ecosystem type, land tenure and rainfall. On average 2.75±0.5 million ha (24±4.2%) of the savannas burn each year. Burned area is highly variable, with 3.4 million ha burned in 2002–2003 and <1.9 million ha in 2005–2006. However, during the 2000–2008 period near of 3.7 million ha (33.5%) of the savannas never burned. Compared with the average 8–10 years of fire return time for the tropics and subtropics, these savannas burn twice as often. In addition, the average burn size figure for tropical and subtropical grassland savannas (with <5% trees) of 7000 ha (median 5000 ha), is about seven times the average burned patch size we found in our study. Fires predominate in the well‐drained high plain savannas, lowest figures occurring along the Andean foothills, in forested areas and in pasture and croplands. Annual proportion burned varies with land tenure, being highest in National Parks. This study is the first complete regional map of fire disturbance in a South American savanna. This detailed regional data provides a unique opportunity for increasing the accuracy of global carbon emission calculations.  相似文献   

Aim Globally, most landscape burning occurs in the tropical savanna biome, where fire is a characteristic of the annual dry season. In northern Australia there is uncertainty about how the frequency and timing of dry season fires have changed in the transition from Aboriginal to European fire management. Location In the tropical eucalypt savannas that surround the city of Darwin in the northwest of the Northern Territory of Australia. Methods Our study had three parts: (1) we developed a predictive statistical model of mean mass (µg) of particulates 10 µm or less per cubic metre of air (PM10) using visibility and other meteorological data in Darwin during the dry seasons of 2000 and 2004; (2) we tested the model and its application to the broader air shed by (a) matching the prediction of this model to PM10 measurements made in Darwin in 2005, (b) matching the predictions to independent measurements at two locations 20 km to the north and south of Darwin and (c) matching peaks in PM10 to known major fire events in the region (2000–01 dry seasons); and (3) we used the model to explore changes in air quality over the last 50 years, a period that spans the transition from Aboriginal to European land management. Results We demonstrated that visibility data can be used reliably as a proxy for biomass burning across the largely uncleared tropical savannas inland of Darwin. Validations using independent measurements demonstrated that our predictive model was robust, and geographically and temporally representative of the regional airshed. We used the model to hindcast and found that seasonal air quality has changed since 1955, with a trend to increasing PM10 concentrations in the early dry season. Main conclusions The results suggest that the transition from Aboriginal to European land management has been associated with an increase in fire activity in the early months of the dry season.  相似文献   

In frequently burnt mesic savannas, trees can get trapped into a cycle of surviving fire-induced stem death (i.e. topkill) by resprouting, only to be topkilled again a year or two later. The ability of savanna saplings to resprout repeatedly after fire is a key component of recent models of tree–grass coexistence in savannas. This study investigated the carbon allocation and biomass partitioning patterns that enable a dominant savanna tree, Acacia karroo, to survive frequent and repeated topkill. Root starch depletion and replenishment, foliage recovery and photosynthesis of burnt and unburnt plants were compared over the first year after a burn. The concentration of starch in the roots of the burnt plants (0.08 ± 0.01 g g−1) was half that of the unburnt plant (0.16 ± 0.01 g g−1) at the end of the first growing season after topkill. However, root starch reserves of the burnt plants were replenished over the dry season and matched that of unburnt plants within 1 year after topkill. The leaf area of resprouting plants recovered to match that of unburnt plants within 4–5 months after topkill. Shoot growth of resprouting plants was restricted to the first few months of the wet season, whereas photosynthetic rates remained high into the dry season, allowing replenishment of root starch reserves. 14C labeling showed that reserves were initially utilized for shoot growth after topkill. The rapid foliage recovery and the replenishment of reserves within a single year after topkill implies that A. karroo is well adapted to survive recurrent topkill and is poised to take advantage of unusually long fire-free intervals to grow into adults. This paper provides some of the first empirical evidence to explain how savanna trees in frequently burnt savannas are able to withstand frequent burning as juveniles and survive to become adults. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Abstract Fire is a signi?cant determinant of vegetation structure in Australia’s savannas and has been implicated in the decline of many species. Identifying the patterns of ?re in the landscape is fundamental to understanding vegetation dynamics but variation over time and space makes generalization dif?cult and speci?c management recommendations elusive. In order to improve the knowledge base for ?re management in tropical savannas, we investigated interregional variation in ?re patterns in two Queensland bioregions, the Mount Isa Inlier (MII) and Cape York Peninsula (CYP), over a 5‐year period (1999–2003). Remotely sensed satellite data were used to identify burnt areas on a monthly basis for the western half of the CYP bioregion and about two‐thirds of the smaller MII. Fire scars were mapped from JPEG‐compressed, low‐resolution Landsat images using geographical information system technology and data were investigated to determine annual burning patterns. Patterns were interpreted with regard to meteorological information and recent ?re history. The area burnt per annum on western CYP was generally an order of magnitude greater than the area burnt on the MII. In the biggest ?re year, nearly 74% (5 295 098 ha) of the CYP landscape burnt, compared with 35% (1 770 771 ha) of the MII landscape. The minimum percentage of the CYP study area burnt in 1 year between 1999 and 2003 was 43.1%, compared with 1.6% for the MII. The reliability and amount of seasonal rainfall was a strong determinant of differences in time of ?re occurrence and area burnt between regions. Widespread wild?res were signi?cantly related to above average rainfall in the preceding 12 months in the Mt. Isa area but not in CYP. Rainfall also affected ?re frequency. Predictable wet season rainfall on CYP allowed for a biennial ?re return interval, while on the semiarid MII, the average ?re return interval was 5 years or longer. We conclude that the ?re patterns in the semiarid MII are similar to those reported for arid Australia, while ?re patterns in western CYP are comparable with other mesic savanna areas.  相似文献   

Abstract We surveyed herbaceous biomass across the range of Eucalyptus tetrodonta savannas in north‐western Australia. Sample sites (n = 211) were stratified within four broad geographical regions characterized by different mixes of land management regimes. Grasses dominated (87% mean) the herbaceous biomass. After controlling for climatic and edaphic gradients, herbaceous biomass was highest in the Greater Darwin region (2.2 t ha−1) which is managed predominantly by Europeans, and least under semi‐traditional Aboriginal management in Arnhem Land region (1.1 t ha−1). In the drier Gulf of Carpentaria and Kimberley regions, where a mix of Aboriginal, conservation and pastoral land uses occurs, fuel loads were higher than in Arnhem Land region but still considerably lower than around Darwin. Sarga was recorded in all regions except the Gulf of Carpentaria and had the highest biomass in Darwin (0.88 t ha−1) and lowest biomass in the Kimberley (0.54 t ha−1). The proportion of herbaceous biomass made up of perennial grasses was least in Darwin (17%) and greatest in the Gulf (77%) regions. We suggest that climate, soils and land management account for differences between the drier pastoral regions of the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Kimberley and the wet Greater Darwin region relative to the Arnhem Land region. The high frequency, and larger spatial scale, of fires in the Greater Darwin region relative to the Arnhem Land region underpins the contrasting trends in total herbaceous biomass and abundance of flammable annual grasses.  相似文献   

Fire regimes have a major influence on biodiversity in many ecosystems around the globe, yet our understanding of the longer‐term response of fauna is typically poor. We sampled bats with ultrasonic detectors in three different years in dry sclerophyll forests of south‐eastern Australia in a long‐term, management‐scale experiment. Frequent low‐intensity burning (every 2 or 4 years plus unburnt) and logging (with 33% retention of the original unlogged tree basal area) were manipulated to assess their effects on bats. We found that both the fire regime and regrowth after logging influenced the local bat community. The routine burning treatment (burnt every 4 years) in unlogged forest was consistently related to higher total bat activity (2–3 times) and species richness when compared to unburnt controls and logging treatments. Foraging activity was more variable, but it was typically lowest in Unlogged Unburnt Controls. These patterns were evident at both the detector site scale and the block scale and were probably due to a reduction in understorey stem density with burning, especially in unlogged forest. Bat activity was significantly lower across the entire study area (including controls) in 1 year, when sampling occurred within 6 months of burning. When pooled across burning treatments, unlogged forest supported higher bat activity (1.5 times) and species richness than logged forest (12‐ to 17‐year‐old regrowth), again most likely because of a negative association with high stem density in regrowth after logging. We conclude that low‐intensity burning had positive benefits for echolocating bats, most notably in unlogged forest. However, careful planning is required to generate heterogeneous vegetation patterns that are likely to be most suitable for a range of taxa.  相似文献   

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