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'Generic' physical mechanisms of morphogenesis and pattern formation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The role of 'generic' physical mechanisms in morphogenesis and pattern formation of tissues is considered. Generic mechanisms are defined as those physical processes that are broadly applicable to living and non-living systems, such as adhesion, surface tension and gravitational effects, viscosity, phase separation, convection and reaction-diffusion coupling. They are contrasted with 'genetic' mechanisms, a term reserved for highly evolved, machine-like, biomolecular processes. Generic mechanisms acting upon living tissues are capable of giving rise to morphogenetic rearrangements of cytoplasmic, tissue and extracellular matrix components, sometimes leading to 'microfingers', and to chemical waves or stripes. We suggest that many morphogenetic and patterning effects are the inevitable outcome of recognized physical properties of tissues, and that generic physical mechanisms that act on these properties are complementary to, and interdependent with genetic mechanisms. We also suggest that major morphological reorganizations in phylogenetic lineages may arise by the action of generic physical mechanisms on developing embryos. Subsequent evolution of genetic mechanisms could stabilize and refine developmental outcomes originally guided by generic effects.  相似文献   

Areas of the superficial cephalic ectoderm, including or excluding the neural fold at the same level, were surgically removed from 3-somite chick embryos and replaced by their counterparts excised from a quail embryo at the same developmental stage. Strips of ectoderm corresponding to the presumptive branchial arches were delineated, thus defining anteroposterior 'segments' (designated here as 'ectomeres') that coincided with the spatial distribution of neural crest cells arising from the adjacent levels of the neural fold. This discrete ectodermal metamerisation parallels the segmentation of the hindbrain into rhombomeres. It seems, therefore, that not only is the neural crest patterned according to its rhombomeric origin but that the superficial ectoderm covering the branchial arches may be part of a larger developmental unit that includes the entire neurectoderm, i.e., the neural tube and the neural crest.  相似文献   

Summary We first perform a linear stability analysis of the Gierer-Meinhardt model to determine the critical parameters where the homogeneous distribution of activator and inhibitor concentrations becomes unstable. There are two kinds of instabilities, namely, one leading to spatial patterns and another one leading to temporal oscillations. Focussing our attention on spatial pattern formation we solve the corresponding nonlinear equations by means of our previously introduced method of generalized Ginzburg-Landau equations. We explicitly consider the two-dimensional case and find both rolls and hexagon-like structures. The impact of different boundary conditions on the resulting patterns is also discussed. The occurrence of the new patterns has all the features of nonequilibrium phase transitions.  相似文献   

The dasycladalean algae produce diverse whorled structures, among which the best known are the vegetative and reproductive whorls of Acetabularia acetabulum. In this paper, we review the literature pertaining to the origin of these structures. The question is addressed in terms of the necessary pattern-forming events and the possible mechanisms involved, an outlook we call the pattern formation viewpoint. The pattern-forming events involved in the morphogenesis of the vegetative and reproductive whorls of Acetabularia have been used to define five and six morphogenetic stages, respectively. We discuss three published mechanisms which account, at least in part, for the pattern-forming events. The mechanisms are mechanical buckling of the cell wall, reaction-diffusion of morphogen molecules along the cell membrane, and mechanochemical interactions between Ca2+ ions and the cytoskeleton in the cytosol. The numerous differences between these mechanisms provide experimental grounds to test their validity. To date, the results of these experiments point towards reaction diffusion as the most likely patterning mechanism. Finally, we consider the evolutionary origin of the vegetative and reproductive whorls and provide mechanistic explanations for some of the major evolutionary advances.  相似文献   

The pattern of cell division is very regular in Arabidopsis embryogenesis, enabling seedling structures to be traced back to groups of cells in the early embryo. Recessive mutations in the FASS gene alter the pattern of cell division from the zygote, without interfering with embryonic pattern formation: although no primordia of seedling structures can be recognised by morphological criteria at the early-heart stage, all elements of the body pattern are differentiated in the seedling. fass seedlings are strongly compressed in the apical-basal axis and enlarged circumferentially, notably in the hypocotyl. Depending on the width of the hypocotyl, fass seedlings may have up to three supernumerary cotyledons. fass mutants can develop into tiny adult plants with all parts, including floral organs, strongly compressed in their longitudinal axis. At the cellular level, fass mutations affect cell elongation and orientation of cell walls but do not interfere with cell polarity as evidenced by the unequal division of the zygote. The results suggest that the FASS gene is required for morphogenesis, i.e., oriented cell divisions and position-dependent cell shape changes generating body shape, but not for cell polarity which seems essential for pattern formation.  相似文献   

I discuss the possibility of examining pattern formation and morphogenesis in plants in terms of the concept of positional information. Experiments performed on shoot, floral and root apices are interpreted in terms of the theory presented. A model for floral morphogenesis and the interaction of phyllotaxis and shoot morphogenesis is also presented. Finally, some genetic abnormalities of floral morphogenesis are discussed in terms of the main theme of the study.  相似文献   

Mammalian chimeras have been used in a number of developmental studies over the years. A major limitation in these studies has been the lack of in situ procedures for establishing mosaic pattern in the tissues of these animals. Recently, a number of procedures have become available for the histochemical demonstration of mosaicism in chimeras. These include the elucidation of various enzymes, receptors, or surface antigens, which have variant expression between strains. The observation of pattern in organs of mosaic animals can suggest possible modes of organogenesis and organ maintenance. Experimentation with such animals can be used to establish some mechanisms of pathogenesis as well.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms that produce pigment patterns in the insect cuticle were studied. Larvae of the armyworm Pseudaletia separata have stripe patterns that run longitudinally along the body axis. The pattern in the cuticle became clear by being emphasized by the increasing contrast between the black and white colors of the lines after the last larval molt. We demonstrated that dopa decarboxylase (DDC) mRNA as well as protein are expressed specifically in the epidermal cells under the black stripes. The pigmentation on the stripes was clearly diminished by injection of a DDC inhibitor (m-hydroxybenzylhydrazine) to penultimate instar larvae for 1 day before molting, suggesting that DDC contributes to the production of melanin. Further, electron microscopic observation showed that the epidermal cells under the gap cuticle region (white stripe) between the black stripes contain many uric acid granules, which gives a white color. Our findings suggest that the spatially regulated expression of DDC in the epidermal cells produces the black stripes while abundant granules of uric acid in the cells generate the white stripes in the cuticle. Based on these results, we concluded that this heterogeneity in the epidermal cells forms cuticular stripe patterns in the armyworm larvae.  相似文献   

Abstract. The control of pattern formation, cell differentiation and cell proliferation in hydroids involves inhibitory signals. In an attempt to identify their chemical nature, compounds from coelenterates which interfere with metamorphosis and pattern-forming processes in Hydractinia and Eirene were isolated. The most strongly metamorphosis-inhibiting compounds were determined to be N -methylpicolinic acid (homarine), N -methylnicotinic acid (trigonelline) and N -trimethylglycine (betaine). The overal concentration of these compounds within tissues is in the range of several millimoles, but micromolar quantities were found to affect development. Thus, the substances must be mainly present in a stored or an inactivated form. The compounds appear to exert their influence by transfering methyl groups to as yet unknown targets. Chemically related compounds that are not able to function as methyl donors have no or only a much lower inhibitory influence, while potential methyl or ethyl donors such as methionine and ethionine have a strong inhibitory influence. Cycloleucine, a competitor with methionine in the production of S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM), and sinefungin, a competitor with SAM in transmethylation, interfere with the intrinsic morphogenetically active compounds identified. One of the spatial patterns controlled by inhibitory signals is the distance between polyps in colonies. In Eirene , the addition of N -methylpicolinic acid led to an increase in the interpolyp distance, while sinefungin produced a decrease in this distance. The addition of sinefungin also stimulated stolon branching. Thus, control of methylation appears to play a key role in the control of metamorphosis and pattern formation in hydrozoa.  相似文献   

High frequency production of zebrafish germline chimeras was achieved by transplanting ovarian germ cells into sterile Danio hybrid recipients. Ovarian germ cells were obtained from 3-mo-old adult Tg(vasa:DsRed2-vasa);Tg(bactin:EGFP) double transgenic zebrafish by discontinuous Percoll gradient centrifugation. An average of 755 ± 108 DsRed-positive germ cells was recovered from each female. For transplantations, a total of approximately 620 ± 242 EGFP-positive cells of which 12 ± 4.7 were DsRed-positive germ cells were introduced into the abdominal cavity under the swim bladder of 2-wk-old sterile hybrid larvae. Six weeks after transplantation, a total of 10 recipients, obtained from 2 different transplantations, were examined, and 2 individuals (20%) were identified that possessed a large number of DsRed- and EGFP-positive cells in the gonadal region. The transplanted ovarian germ cells successfully colonized the gonads and differentiated into sperm in the male hybrid recipients. Of 67 adult recipients, 12 (18%) male chimeric fish reproduced and generated normal offspring when paired with wild-type zebrafish females. The fertilization efficiency ranged from 23% to 56%. Although the fertile male chimeras were generated by transplantation of ovarian germ cells, the F1 generation produced by the male chimeras contained both male and female progeny, indicating that male sex determination in zebrafish is not controlled by sex chromosome heterogamy. Our findings indicate that a population of ovarian germ cells that are present in the ovary of adult zebrafish can function as germline stem cells, able to proliferate and differentiate into testicular germ cells and functional sperm in male recipients. The high frequency of germline chimera formation achieved with the ovarian germ cells and the convenience of identifying the chimeras in the sterile host background should make this transplantation system useful for performing genetic manipulations in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Early embryos of metazoan species are subject to the same set of physical forces and interactions as any small parcels of semi-solid material, living or nonliving. It is proposed that such “generic” properties of embryonic tissues have played a major role in the evolution of biological form and pattern by providing an array of morphological templates, during the early stages of metazoan phylogeny, upon which natural selection could act. The generic physical mechanisms considered include sedimentation, diffusion, and reaction-diffusion coupling, all of which can give rise to chemical nonuniformities (including periodic patterns) in eggs and small multicellular aggregates, and differential adhesion, which can lead to the formation of boundaries of non-mixing between adjacent cell populations. Generic mechanisms that produce chemical patterns, acting in concern with the capacity of cells to modulate their adhesivity (presumed to be a primitive, defining property of metazoa), could lead to multilayered gastrulae of various types, segmental organization, and many of the other distinguishing characteristics of extant and extinct metazoan body plans. Similar generic mechanisms, acting on small tissue primordia during and subsequent to the establishment of the major body plans, could have given rise to the forms of organs, such as the vertebrate limbs. Generic physical processes acting on a single system of cells and cell products can often produce a widely divergent set of morphological phenotypes, and these are proposed to be the raw material of the evolution of form. The establishment of any ecologically successful form by these mechanisms will be followed, under this hypothesis, by a period of genetic evolution, in which the recruitment of gene products to produce the “generically templated” morphologies by redundant pathways would be favoured by intense selection, leading to extensive genetic change with little impact on the fossil record. In this view, the stabilizing and reinforcing functions of natural selection are more important than its ability to effect incremental change in morphology. Aspects of evolution which are problematic from the standard neo-Darwinian viewpoint, or not considered within that framework, but which follow in a straightforward fashion from the view presented here, include the beginnings of an understanding of why organisms have the structure and appearance they’ do, why homoplasy (the recurrent evolution of certain forms) is so prevalent, why evolution has the tempo and mode it does (“punctuated equilibrium”), and why a “rapid” burst of morphological evolution occurred so soon after the origin of the metazoa.  相似文献   

We review the essential role of maternal factors in pattern formation for Xenopus laevis, focusing on VegT, Vg1, and Wnt11. Results from loss of function experiments demonstrate a clear requirement for these genes in germ layer specification, dorsal-ventral axis formation, and convergence extension. We also discuss these genes in the broader context of metazoan development, exploring whether and how their functions in the X. laevis model organism may or may not be conserved in other species. Wnt11 signaling in particular provides a classic example where understanding context in development is crucial to understanding function. Genomic sequencing, gene expression, and functional screening data that are becoming available in more species are providing invaluable aid to decoding and modeling signaling pathways. More work is needed to develop a comprehensive catalog of the Wnt signaling, T-box, and TGF-beta genes in metazoans both near and far in evolutionary distance. We finally discuss some specific experimental and modeling efforts that will be needed to understand the behavior of these signaling networks in vivo so that we can interpret these critical pathways in an evolutionary framework.  相似文献   

We present a numerical study of the nonlinear mechanical model for morphogenesis proposed by Oster et al. (1983) with the aim of establishing the pattern forming capability of the model. We present a technique for mode selection based on linear analysis and show that, in many cases, it is a reliable predictor for nonlinear mode selection. In order to determine the set of model parameters that can generate a particular pattern we develop a technique based on nonlinear least square fitting to a dispersion relation. As an application we present a scenario for sequential pattern formation of dermal aggregations in chick embryos which leads to the hexagonal array of cell aggregations observed in feather germ formation in vivo.  相似文献   

In this paper, strategies for controlling pattern formation in Caenorhabditis elegans are reviewed. The somatic tissues of this small nematode develop, in large part, by invariant cell lineages, whereas the germ-line tissue arises primarily by a variable pattern of divisions. The spatial organization of the germ-line tissue depends on special regulatory cells, the distal tip cells, which appear to influence nearby germ cells to remain in mitosis. In somatic tissues, the problem of specifying that a cell in a particular position assumes a particular fate seems to be controlled by a number of different strategies. These include the production of non-equivalent cells in particular positions of the lineage tree, local interactions between apparently equivalent cells in close contact, and the influence of another special regulatory cell, the anchor cell, over certain neighbouring cells.  相似文献   

Tubulogenesis is an essential component of organ development, yet the underlying cellular mechanisms are poorly understood. We analyze here the formation of the Drosophila melanogaster cardiac lumen that arises from the migration and subsequent coalescence of bilateral rows of cardioblasts. Our study of cell behavior using three-dimensional and time-lapse imaging and the distribution of cell polarity markers reveals a new mechanism of tubulogenesis in which repulsion of prepatterned luminal domains with basal membrane properties and cell shape remodeling constitute the main driving forces. Furthermore, we identify a genetic pathway in which roundabout, slit, held out wings, and dystroglycan control cardiac lumen formation by establishing nonadherent luminal membranes and regulating cell shape changes. From these data we propose a model for D. melanogaster cardiac lumen formation, which differs, both at a cellular and molecular level, from current models of epithelial tubulogenesis. We suggest that this new example of tube formation may be helpful in studying vertebrate heart tube formation and primary vasculogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Hydractinia echinata is a marine, colony-forming coelenterate. Fertilized eggs develop into freely swimming planula larvae, which undergo metamorphosis to a sessile (primary) polyp. Metamorphosis can be triggered by means of certain marine bacteria and by Cs+. Half a day after this treatment a larva will have developed into a polyp. The induction of metamorphosis can be prevented by addition of inhibitor I, a substance partially purified from tissue ofHydra. The larvae ofH. echinata also appear to contain this substance. Inhibitor I appliedafter the onset of metamorphosis blocks its continuation as long as it remains in the culture medium. Cs+ applied within the same period of time also blocks the continuation of metamorphosis. However, these two agents have opposite effects on the body pattern of the resultant polyps. The experiments indicate that application of Cs+ triggers the generation of the pre-pattern. Inhibitor I appears to be a factor of this prepattern. A model is proposed which describes the basic features of head and foot/stolon formation not only forHydractinia but also for other related hydroids.  相似文献   

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