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Three species of Lophocharis (Rotifera: Monogononta), collected from lakes and ponds of Uzbekistan, are described. Two are new to science, and one is recorded for the first time from Uzbekistan. Some data on the variability of these species are given.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics ofKeratella lenzi (f.ayui) f. nov. and the phylogenetic and ecological implications of the appearance of posterolateral spines inK. lenzi Hauer, 1953 are discussed. The morphotype is described after detailed observations using light and scanning electron microscopy, and compared with otherKeratella species of the superspecies valga. The pores of the lateral antennae are described, and proposed as a new character for future comparative research. Some ecological information is also given.  相似文献   

A new species of rotifer, Lecane tanganyikae n.sp., is described from the littoral of Lake Tanganyika and some water bodies in the plain of the Rusizi river near Lake Tanganyika, Bujumbura Province, Burundi. The affiliation of the new species, especially in relation to L. elsa Hauer, is discussed.  相似文献   

The rotifer fauna has been investigated at three littoral brackish water localities in the Öresund, Denmark. Samples taken from plankton, periphyton and psammon yielded 14 rotifer species. Two of these are new to science and are described herein. Both species were found in psammon at the same locality. Erignatha longidentata n. sp. is characterised by having toes with swollen bases, convex outer margins and concave inner margins. The trophi have a pair of large subunci and relatively large unci. The other new species, Paradicranophorus wesenberglundi n. sp., is characterised by having two large red pigmented eyespots and large conical toes. The rami are lyrate, and intramallei and supramanubria are present in the mallei.  相似文献   

Lecane segersi n.sp. collected from a swamp in Udornthani province, northeastern part of Thailand, is described and figured. It is closely related to the common, warm-stenotherm Lecane papuana (Murray), but distinguished by the presence of inwardly directed antero-lateral spines.  相似文献   

The dimension and variation range of terminal and intercalary cells, heterocysts, and akinetes of fourAphanizomenon taxa occurring in Czechoslovakia were studied. Statistical and graphical procedures were used for evaluation. With regard toA. flos-aquae, the results support the distinction of two varieties (var.flos-aquae and var.klebahnii). In the samples determined asA. gracile two clearly distinguishable morphological types could be found; one of them is recognized as a new species:A. flexuosum. Its diacritical features are established and problems of the intrageneric taxonomy ofAphanizomenon and its demarcation from the genusAnabaena are discussed.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   

Rotifers described from the Andes by Murray (1913) and De Beauchamp (1939) as Notholca foliacea (Ehrenberg) are reviewed and re-assessed as Notholca walterkostei De Paggi, 1982. They are compared with N. foliacea and details of the lorica of this species seen with the scanning electron microscope are presented.  相似文献   

The biogeography of littoral Lecane Rotifera   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Hendrik Segers 《Hydrobiologia》1996,323(3):169-197
Little is known on the biogeography of Rotifera, particularly regarding the littoral taxa. Here, the biogeography of the most specious group of littoral Rotifera, Lecane, is discussed based on a recent revision of the group, and considering only verified records.Only 41.3% of all 167 Lecane morphospecies are widely distributed. Of these, 21 (12.6%) are cosmopolitan (sensu strictu), 26 (15.6%) are Tropicopolitan. There are 6 (3.6%) Arctic-temperate and Pantropical taxa. These categories of widely distributed taxa are not clear-cut, as differences in latitudinal distribution are largely gradual. Ten taxa have odd distributions. Most of these are insufficiently known and some may be recent introductions.All the major zoogeographical regions have their share of endemic taxa, with endemicity rates varying from 6.5% to 21.8%. Thirteen Holarctic, one widespread Eastern hemisphere, eleven Palaearctic, six Palaeotropical, one Australasian and five widespread Western hemisphere taxa have circumscribed ranges encompassing more than one region. The Palaeotropical and Holarctic components are particularly noteworthy, and may result from relatively recent faunal exchange between the Palaearctic and Nearctic, and between the African, Oriental and Australian regions. The different orientation of the major mountain chains of the Eastern and Western hemisphere, and the presence of extensive arid regions in Northern Africa, Arabia and Asia may explain the difference in faunal similarity between the tropical and temperate faunas of the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Ornithochoric dispersal and human introductions may have played a role in the exchange of faunas.The analysis of pairs or groups of closely related taxa only rarely reveals a causal relation between tectonical events and phylogeny. Most vicariant distributions are readily explained by climatological rather than by tectonical considerations. The ranges of some closely related taxa indicate that they have different capacities of dispersal.When compared to pelagic Rotifera, littoral Lecane exhibit a relatively wide variety of distribution patterns, and relatively many have restricted distributions. This may be a consequence of, either or both, their lower abundance, or be related to the littoral habitat which, being less predictable, implies more specific adaptations. Lecane is tropic-centred, which may be a consequence of avoidance of competition and/or predation by Cladocera and, eventually, Ostracoda.The most striking feature in rotifer chorology is the large range of many morphospecies. As such, the group's biogeography is more similar to that of freshwater algae than to that of other freshwater zooplankton. The likely explanations for this are the group's great ability for passive dispersal, combined with a short life-cycle and high fecundity, which are consequences of their parthenogenetic reproduction. So, relatively recent long-distance dispersal defines the ranges of the morphospecies. Vicariance plays a role in the distribution of Rotifera, but its importance is generally subordinate to that of dispersal. However, insufficient taxonomic resolution may be responsible for the apparently large ranges of some morphospecies.  相似文献   

Segers  Hendrik 《Hydrobiologia》1997,354(1-3):165-175
The taxonomy of some Neotropical representatives of the genusFloscularia Cuvier, 1798 (Rotifera: Monogononta) is discussed, basedon SEM studies of trophi and external morphology. Flosculariaarmata n.sp. and F. bifida n. sp. are described, and F. conifera (Hudson, 1886) is restored at full species rank. Ahypothesis on the functional relevance of differences in trophimorphology for niche segregation is formulated.  相似文献   

The musculature in the rotifer species Proales daphnicola, P. reinhardti and P. fallaciosa was stained with phalloidin-labeled fluorescent dye and compared using confocal laser scanning microscopy. All three species share several homologous muscle systems, but each systems detailed morphology varies among the species both concerning appearance, number and location. The obtained results were compared with data from other rotifers and it was concluded that the muscles pars coronalis and the corona sphincter probably represent conditions in Ploima or Monogononta, while incomplete circular muscles and dorsal and ventral trunk retractors might be part of the eurotatorian ground pattern.  相似文献   

High levels of phenotypic variation in kelp species necessitate the use of taxonomic markers that are independent of morphology. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of nuclear DNA can provide such markers. In this paper we present the results of an RFLP analysis of cytoplasmic ribosomal DNA (rDNA) in three Laminaria species (L. agardhii, L. digitata, L. groenlandica). Comparison of the restriction maps of the nontranscribed spacer (NTS) in the rDNAs suggests that this method should be useful for the differentiation of these taxa. These results are discussed, as are the applications of RFLP mapping to the identification of field-collected, morphologically variable plants.  相似文献   

Jeng ML  Branham MA  Engel MS 《ZooKeys》2011,(97):31-38
A second species of the enigmatic lampyrid genus Oculogryphus is described and figured as Oculogryphus bicolorsp. n. from Vietnam. The definition of the genus is slightly modified with consideration of newly detected morphological variation from this species. According to a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis including nearly 80% of documented lampyrid genera, Oculogryphus is the putative sister group to Stenocladius s. str. within the paraphyletic group of Ototretinae-Ototretadrilinae.The classification of Stenocladius is briefly discussed in this context.  相似文献   

Jozef Somogyi 《Biologia》2006,61(4):381-385
Taxonomic, nomenclatural and chorological notes on several taxa of the genus Echinodorus are given. A new species E. maculatus is described. The name Alisma intermedium (basionym of the name E. intermedius) is lectotypified. Echinodorus major and E. martii should be treated as two distinct taxa. The name E. xinguensis was invalidly published. It is also confirmed that E. africanus, E. veronikae and E. viridis (all belonging to the E. uruguayensis group) do not originate from Africa. The name E. bleherae should be written with a female suffix (-ae); this name is considered here as a synonym of the earlier name E. grisebachii.  相似文献   

Herbertia crosae (Iridaceae) is described from the stony grasslands of northwestern Uruguay. The new species resemblesHerbertia lahue but can be easily distinguished by the narrower leaves, slender habit, the smaller pale lilac flowers, the presence of yellow spots at the base of the tepals, the red, adpressed hairs along the filament column, the presence of filaments free at the apex, the channeled style arm, the recurved secondary divisions of the style arm, and the smaller fruits. A key to the species of the genus is provided in which five species are now recognized.  相似文献   

A new species of rotifer, Rhinoglena kutikovae n.sp. (Monogononta: Epiphanidae), is described from a freshwater lake in the Bunger Hills, East Antarctica. The new taxon is characterized by the following combination of characters: body conical to vase-shaped; a single toe; distal foot pseudosegment bulged; tail prominent, semi-circular; two small spherical pedal glands with common duct, forming a complex with caudal ganglion; trophi with seven major teeth with offset head and two smaller teeth without offset head. The new species is compared with R. fertoeensis, R. frontalis and R. tokioensis, of which scanning electron microscopic information is presented of the trophi. R. kutikovae n.sp. is probably a relict species that survived Quaternary glaciations in glacial lacustrine refugia on the Antarctic continent.  相似文献   

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