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Renal ammoniagenesis has been studied in 6 dogs before and 48 h after a 60-min period of renal ischemia induced by clamping the renal artery and in 6 sham-operated animals. Two days after temporary renal ischemia, the dogs showed a 25% decrease in glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow and a similar decrease in sodium reabsorption. Renal production of ammonium was not significantly different under basal conditions or 2 days after ischemia, but more ammonia was released by the urine in the postischemic dogs. Renal uptake of glutamine was similar in control and in postischemic kidneys. It is concluded that during the recovery phase of the ischemia, renal ammoniagenesis is conserved.  相似文献   

Effect of respiratory alkalosis on skeletal muscle metabolism in the dog   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
These experiments were conducted to determine whether changes in skeletal muscle metabolism contribute to the previously reported increase in whole-body O2 uptake (VO2) during respiratory alkalosis. The hind-limb and gastrocnemius-plantaris preparations in anesthetized and paralyzed dogs were used. VO2 of the hindlimb and gastrocnemius muscle was calculated from measurements of venous blood flow and arterial and venous O2 concentrations (Van Slyke analysis). Whole-body VO2 was measured by the open-circuit method. Minute ventilation (hence blood gases and pH) was controlled by a mechanical respirator. Whole-body, hind-limb, and gastrocnemius muscle VO2 increased 14, 19, and 20%, respectively, during alkalosis (P less than 0.05). In all experiments, arterial lactate concentration increased significantly (P less than 0.05) during alkalosis. A positive venoarterial lactate difference across muscle during alkalosis indicated that skeletal muscle is a source of the elevated blood lactate. We concluded that VO2 of resting skeletal muscle is increased during states of respiratory alkalosis and that this increase can account for much of the increase in whole-body VO2.  相似文献   

Chronic metabolic alkalosis was induced in rats drinking 0.3 M NaHCO3 and receiving 1 mg furosemide/100 g body weight per day intraperitoneally. Another group of animals received a potassium supplement in the form of 0.3 M KHCO3. In this group, hypokalemia did not develop and muscle potassium fell by only 18% versus 50% in those not receiving potassium. In vitro renal production of ammonia and uptake of glutamine fell by 40% with a decrease in the activity of glutaminase I and glutamate dehydrogenase. Activity of phosphofructokinase, a major enzyme of glycolysis, rose only in the kidney of animals receiving a potassium supplement. Fructose-1,6-diphosphatase fell as well as phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. Malate dehydrogenase also fell. The activity of phosphofructokinase also rose in the liver, heart, and leg muscle. The major biochemical changes in the renal cortex were the following: glutamate, alpha-ketoglutarate, malate, lactate, pyruvate, alanine, aspartate, and citrate rose as well as calculated oxaloacetate. The concentration of intermediates like 2-phosphoglycerate, 3-phosphoglycerate, and glucose-6-phosphate fell. The cytosolic redox potential (NAD+/NADH) decreased. In addition to the fall in ammoniagenesis, it could be demonstrated in vitro that the renal tubules incubated with glutamine showed decreased glucose production and increased production of lactate and pyruvate. The concentration of lactate was elevated in all tissues examined including liver, heart, and leg muscle. This study confirms in the rat that decreased renal ammoniagenesis takes place following decreased uptake of glutamine in metabolic alkalosis. All other changes are accounted for by the process of increased glycolysis, which appears to take place in all tissues in metabolic alkalosis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the metabolic response of the kidney to lactic acidosis. Four types of lactic acidosis were induced in the dog: infusion of lactic acid, infusion of lactic acid with phenformin, administration of phenformin alone, and hypoxia by breathing 95% nitrogen. In all groups of animals, the same degree of acidosis was observed with plasma bicarbonate ranging from 12.8 to 14.9 mM. Plasma lactate concentration ranged from 3.0 to 8.1 mumol/mL. Renal ammoniagenesis failed to be influenced by lactic acidosis. As a matter of fact, it fell during anoxia. The extraction of glutamine by the kidney rose except during anoxia where it fell. The renal production of alanine rose during the infusion of lactic acid with and without phenformin. This coincided with the extraction of glutamine. The renal extraction of lactate rose in all forms of acidosis as well as the production of pyruvate. In the renal cortical tissue, the concentration of malate, pyruvate, and lactate rose. Alanine also rose except during anoxia. An important fall in cytosolic redox potential (NAD+/NADH lactate dehydrogenase) was observed, as well as a fall in mitochondrial redox (NAD+/NADH beta-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase). Lactate also accumulated in the liver and in the muscle. We propose that the kidney is unable to respond to lactic acidosis in terms of ammonia production and that this phenomenon is explained by transamination of pyruvate and glutamate into alanine and also by the observed fall in cytosolic redox potential. It is likely that renal gluconeogenesis is also inhibited and this is reflected by the rise in the concentration of malate in the kidney.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

W B Campbell  P E Ward 《Life sciences》1979,24(21):1995-2001
Substance P is a potent vasodilatory, diuretic, and natriuretic agent. Since subcellular fractions of the kidney rapidly inactivate substance P in vitro, the present study was designed to examine this observation invivo in anesthetized dogs. Arterial, renal venous, and urinary levels of immunoreactive substance P were determined by radioimmunoassay and were found to be 117±11, 128±12 and 659±104 pg/ml, respectively. The urinary and fractional excretion of immunoreactive substance P were 122±22 pg/min and 6.6±2.0%, respectively. When substance P was infused intravenously, the arterial and renal venous plasma levels of immunoreactive material increased whereas the urinary levels did not change. Infusions of 50 ng/kg/min of substance P significantly decreased mean arterial pressure, urinary volume, creatinine clearance as well as the urinary excretion, clearance, and fractional excretion of immunoreactive substance P. During intrarenal infusion of 125I-(8-Tyr) substance P, high levels of radioactive material were found in the urine and renal venous plasma which failed to migrate on thin layer chromatography with intact 125I-(8-Tyr) substance P. Thus under these conditions, intact substance P was not released from the kidney into the urine or renal venous blood, but instead circulating substance P was rapidly and completely metabolized, probably by both vascular and tubular elements of the kidney.  相似文献   

Glutamate modifies ventilation by altering neural excitability centrally. Metabolic acid-base perturbations may also alter cerebral glutamate metabolism locally and thus affect ventilation. Therefore, the effect of metabolic acid-base perturbations on central nervous system glutamate metabolism was studied in pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs under normal acid-base conditions and during isocapnic metabolic alkalosis and acidosis. Cerebrospinal fluid transfer rates of radiotracer [13N]ammonia and of [13N]glutamine synthesized de novo via the reaction glutamate+NH3-->glutamine in brain glia were measured during normal acid-base conditions and after 90 min of acute isocapnic metabolic alkalosis and acidosis. Cerebrospinal fluid [13N]ammonia and [13N]glutamine transfer rates decreased in metabolic acidosis. Maximal glial glutamine efflux rate jm equals 85.6 +/- 9.5 (SE) mumol.l-1 x min-1 in all animals. No difference in jm was observed in metabolic alkalosis or acidosis. Mean cerebral cortical glutamate concentration was significantly lower in acidosis [7.01 +/- 0.45 (SE) mumol/g brain tissue] and tended to be larger in alkalosis, compared with 7.97 +/- 0.89 mumol/g in normal acid-base conditions. There was a similar change in cerebral cortical gamma-aminobutyric acid concentration. Within the limits of the present method and measurements, the results suggest that acute metabolic acidosis but not alkalosis reduces glial glutamine efflux, corresponding to changes in cerebral cortical glutamate metabolism. These results suggest that glutamatergic mechanisms may contribute to central respiratory control in metabolic acidosis.  相似文献   

Renal metabolism has been studied in eight dogs before and 48 hr after a 60-min period of renal ischemia induced by clamping the left renal artery with the simultaneous removal of the right kidney, and in 12 sham-operated animals. The study involved the measurement of renal uptake and production of lactate, glutamine, glutamate, alanine, ammonium, and oxygen, and the measurement of the tissue concentrations of ATP, glutamine, lactate, alpha-ketoglutarate, aspartate, and alanine in the renal cortex. Two days after a temporary renal ischemia, the remaining kidney showed a 22% decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and a 25% decrease in renal plasma flow. Fractional sodium and potassium excretions were similar to those of control dogs. Renal production or extraction of glutamine, glutamate, alanine, ammonium, and oxygen (all expressed by 100 ml of GFR) was not significantly different in basal conditions or 2 days after ischemia, but lactate extraction was reduced in postischemic kidneys (-101 +/- 29 vs -204 +/- 38 mumol/100 ml GFR in control dogs). The cortical concentrations of glutamine and glutamate were lower in postischemic than in control kidneys. No differences were found in cortical concentration of alpha-ketoglutarate, aspartate, lactate, pyruvate, or ATP, but total nucleotides and inorganic phosphate were decreased in postischemic kidneys. It is concluded that in the recovery phase of the ischemia, a decreased lactate uptake is the main metabolic change, and total ATP production is adapted to the decrease of GFR and sodium reabsorption.  相似文献   

A biofeedback model of hyperventilation during exercise was used to assess the independent effects of pH, arterial CO2 partial pressure (PaCO2), and minute ventilation on blood lactate during exercise. Eight normal subjects were studied with progressive upright bicycle exercise (2-min intervals, 25-W increments) under three experimental conditions in random order. Arterialized venous blood was drawn at each work load for measurement of blood lactate, pH, and PaCO2. Results were compared with those from reproducible control tests. Experimental conditions were 1) biofeedback hyperventilation (to increase pH by 0.08-0.10 at each work load); 2) hyperventilation following acetazolamide (which returned pH to control values despite ventilation and PaCO2 identical to condition 1); and 3) metabolic acidosis induced by acetazolamide (with spontaneous ventilation). The results showed an increase in blood lactate during hyperventilation. Blood lactate was similar to control with hyperventilation after acetazolamide, suggesting that the change was due to pH and not to PaCO2 or total ventilation. Exercise during metabolic acidosis (acetazolamide alone) was associated with blood lactate lower than control values. Respiratory alkalosis during exercise increases blood lactate. This is due to the increase in pH and not to the increase in ventilation or the decrease in PaCO2.  相似文献   

Rats develop metabolic acidosis acutely after exercise by swimming. Renal cortical slices from exercised rats show an increase in both ammoniagenesis and gluconeogenesis from glutamine. In addition, plasma from the exercised rats also stimulates ammoniagenesis in renal cortical slices from normal rats. In exercised rats renal phosphate dependent glutaminase shows a 200% activation when the enzyme activity is measured at subsaturating concentration of glutamine (1 mM) while only an increase of 12% in Vmax is observed. When kidney slices from normal rats are incubated in plasma from exercised rats an activation of phosphate dependent glutaminase is obtained with a 1.0 mM (100%) but not with 20 mM glutamine as substrate. This activation of phosphate dependent glutaminase at subsaturating levels of substrate may indicate a conformational change in PDG effected by a factor present in the plasma of exercised acidotic rats.  相似文献   

The influence of ambient and arterial PCO2 on miduterine arterial flow of pregnant sheep acutely exposed to hot environments was investigated. Five mixed-breed ewes between 120 and 130 days of gestation were subjected to hot environments (increasing from thermoneutral 23 to 40 degrees C), and arterial blood pH, PCO2, and PO2 were determined at 5-min intervals. Respiratory rate, heart rate, rectal temperature, blood pressure, and miduterine arterial flow were continuously monitored prior to and during elevation of ambient air temperature. When miduterine arterial flow had decreased to 50% of thermoneutral control levels, ambient air CO2 was increased to 2.5%. Elevated ambient inspired CO2 caused a reversal in arterial pH and PCO2 to near thermoneutral levels. Miduterine arterial flow increased to 77% of the control levels following the elevated ambient PCO2 period. Respiratory rate also decreased when ambient CO2 was increased but remained 136% greater than the thermoneutral control level. All other parameters remained near their heat stress (40 degrees C) level during the elevation of ambient CO2. These data indicate that heat-stress-induced depression of miduterine arterial flow is vasoactively regulated, and cause-effect related to both arterial pH and PCO2, and thermoregulatory shunting of blood to heat-dissipating surfaces.  相似文献   

Systematic data are not available with regard to the anticipated appropriate responses of arterial PCO2 to primary alterations in plasma bicarbonate concentration. In the present study, we attempted to rigorously characterize the ventilatory response to chronic metabolic acid-base disturbances of graded severity in the dog. Animals with metabolic acidosis produced by prolonged HCl feeding and metabolic alkalosis of three different modes of generation, i.e., diuretics (ethacrynic acid or chlorothiazide), gastric drainage, and administration of deoxycorticosterone acetate (alone or in conjunction with oral sodium bicarbonate), were examined. The results indicate the existence of a significant and highly predictable ventilatory response to chronic metabolic acid-base disturbances. Moreover, the magnitude of the ventilatory response appears to be uniform throughout a wide spectrum of chronic metabolic acid-base disorders extending from severe metabolic acidosis to severe metabolic alkalosis; on average, arterial PCO2 is expected to change by 0.74 Torr for a 1-meq/l chronic change in plasma bicarbonate concentration of metabolic origin. Furthermore, the data suggest that the ventilatory response to chronic metabolic alkalosis is independent of the particular mode of generation.  相似文献   

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