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We have analyzed the nonbonded interactions of the structurally similar moieties, adenine and guanine forming complexes with proteins. The results comprise (a) the amino acid–ligand atom preferences, (b) solvent accessibility of ligand atoms before and after complex formation with proteins, and (c) preferred amino acid residue atoms involved in the interactions. We have observed that the amino acid preferences involved in the hydrogen bonding interactions vary for adenine and guanine. The structural variation between the purine atoms is clearly reflected by their burial tendency in the solvent environment. Correlation of the mean amino acid preference values show the variation that exists between adenine and guanine preferences of all the amino acid residues. All our observations provide evidence for the discriminating nature of the proteins in recognizing adenine and guanine.  相似文献   

P2-purinoceptor agonists stimulated the DNA synthesis of Jurkat cells via a pathway independent of cAMP and intracellular free calcium. The response was greatly enhanced by the synergistic action between adenine and guanine nucleotides, suggesting that binding sites of these nucleotides are different from each other, and the proliferation is stimulated by a novel interaction between adenine and guanine nucleotide receptors. The stimulatory effects of P2-agonists on proliferation was completely abolished by cholera toxin and attenuated by pertussis toxin, which suggests that substrates for cholera toxin and pertussis toxin are involved in the proliferative pathways associated with P2-purinoceptors.  相似文献   

Incubation of L1210 leukemia cells with 10 μM [3H]adenine in the absence of energy substrate results in a very rapid accumulation of 3H within the cells. By 20 s intracellular adenine is near steady-state; beyond this the rate of accumulation of intracellular 3H reflects nucleotide synthesis, predominantly the rate of ATP accumulation within the cell as determined by liquid chromatography. Adenine incorporation into the nucleotides proceeds via adenine-phosphoribosyl transferase, which is rate-limiting to AMP formation and subsequently the formation of ADP and ATP. Acceleration of this pathway by the addition of glucose and phosphate decreases the intracellular adenine level far below equilibrium as metabolism is increased relative to transport. Assessment of methodology to evaluate intracellular adenine and its metabolites indicates that (i) a 4°C wash removes the major portion of intracellular adenine and (ii) at 4°C, transport of adenine remains rapid and while nucleotide synthesis is decreased, ATP still accumulates within the cell. Hence, measurement of cellular uptake of radioactive label at 4°C after cells are washed free of adenine cannot be used as a measurement of adenine surface binding since this radioactive label represents, at least in part, phosphorylated derivatives of adenine within the cell. Unlabeled adenine and structurally related compounds were found to inhibit [3H]adenine net uptake under conditions where metabolism of adenine was reduced, suggesting that base transport is mediated by a facilitated diffusion mechanism. This is consistent with other studies from this laboratory that demonstrate exchange diffusion between adenine and other bases.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtü Dangeard, adenine or guanine can be used as the sole nitrogen source for growth by means of an inducible system which is repressed by ammonia. Cells grown on either adenine or guanine were able to take up both purines, although the adenine uptake rate was always about 40% of the guanine uptake rate. Both adenine and guanine were taken up by an inducible system(s) exhibiting hyperbolic kinetics with identical apparent A, values of 3-2 mmol m?3 for adenine and 3-2mmol m?3 for guanine. Adenine and guanine utilization depended on pH, with similar optimal pH values of 7·3 and 7·4, respectively. Adenine and guanine each acted as a competitive inhibitor of the other's uptake, and their utilization was also inhibited by hypoxanthine, xanthine and urate. Inhibition of adenine uptake by guanine and hypoxanthine was competitive, with A′, values of 5·5 and 1. 6 mmol m?3 respectively. Guanine uptake was also inhibited competitively by adenine (K1= 1·3mmol m?3) and hypoxanthine (K1= 3. 3 mmol m?3). Utilization of both adenine and guanine was inhibited by cyanide, azide, 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea, 2,4-dinitrophenol and carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, and was also sensitive to p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and N-ethyl-maleimide. On the basis of these results, taken together, the possibility that adenine and guanine are translocated into Chlamydomonas by a common system is discussed.  相似文献   

Native membranes from human erythrocytes contain the following G proteins which are ADP-ribosylated by a number of bacterial toxins: Gi alpha and Go alpha (pertussis toxin), Gs alpha (cholera toxin), and three proteins of 27, 26 and 22 kDa (exoenzyme C3 from Clostridium botulinum). Three additional C3 substrates (18.5, 16.5 and 14.5 kDa) appeared in conditions of unrestrained proteolysis during hemolysis. SDS-PAGE separation of erythrocyte membrane proteins followed by electroblotting and incubation of nitrocellulose sheets with radiolabeled GTP revealed consistently four GTP-binding proteins with Mr values of 27, 26, 22 and 21 kDa. Although a 22 kDa protein was immunochemically identified as ras p21, the C3 substrate of 22 kDa is a different protein probably identifiable with a rho gene product. Accordingly, at least five distinct small molecular weight guanine nucleotide-binding proteins, whose functions are so far undetermined, are present in native human erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

The physiological correlation between NDP-kinase and the enzyme-associated guanine nucleotide binding proteins (G1 and G2) has been studied in vitro. It was found that incubation of the phosphoenzyme (enzyme-bound high-energy phosphate intermediate) of NDP-kinases with one of the nucleoside 5'-diphosphates (NDPs) in the presence of divalent cations (Mg2+ and Ca2+) results in the formation of nucleoside 5'-triphosphates (NTPs) within 40 sec even at low temperatures (below 4 degrees C) without strict base-specificity; and high-energy phosphates on the phosphoenzyme can transfer preferentially to GDP on the guanine nucleotide binding proteins (G1, G2 and r-p21 protein) in the presence of 0.25 mM Ca2+ or 1 mM Mg2+ even if any other NDPs are present in the reaction mixtures. These observations suggest that NDP-kinase may be responsible for the phosphate-transfer between GDP on the guanine nucleotide binding proteins and its phosphoenzyme.  相似文献   

Patchornik has pointed out that identification of the dipeptides AC, GC, GA, and AG is insufficient information to allow one to distinguish between the pentapeptide sequences ACGAG and AGACG. The present study proposes a probabilistic approach which will sometimes allow one to distinguish between the parent pentapeptides when all the dipeptides have been determined quantitatively. For the case when the free amino acids have also been quantitatively determined, necessary and sufficient conditions are established for unambiguous discrimination.  相似文献   

An ion-pair reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with gradient elution and UV detection was used to measure adenine (A) and guanine (G) in lyophilized bacterial pellets from ruminants using allopurinol as internal standard. The separation was performed on a Symmetry C18 column and the detection was monitored at 280 nm. Calibration curves were found to be linear in the concentration range from 5 to 50 mg/l with correlation coefficients (r2)>0.999. Mean recoveries of A and G standards added to bacterial samples were 102.2 and 98.2, respectively. The method proposed yielded sharp, well-resolved peaks within 25 min and was successfully applied for the determination of A and G in bacterial pellets.  相似文献   

The immobilization and electro-oxidation of guanine and adenine as DNA bases on glassy carbon electrode are evaluated by square wave voltammetric analysis. The influence of electrochemical pretreatments, nature of supporting electrolyte, pH, accumulation time and composition of DNA nucleotides on the immobilization effect and the electrochemical mechanism are discussed. Trace levels of either guanine or adenine can be readily detected following short accumulation time with detection limits of 35 and 40 ngmL(-1) for guanine and adenine, respectively. The biosensors of guanine and adenine were employed for the voltammetric detection of antioxidant capacity in flavored water samples. The method relies on monitoring the changes of the intrinsic anodic response of the surface-confined guanine and adenine species, resulting from its interaction with free radicals from Fenton-type reaction in absence and presence of antioxidant. Ascorbic acid was used as standard to evaluate antioxidant capacities of samples. Analytical data was compared with that of FRAP method.  相似文献   

In this report, we present features of the neuronal SNARE complex determined by atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. The results are robust for three models, varying force fields (AMBER and GROMOS) and solvent environment (explicit and implicit). An excellent agreement with experimental findings is observed. The SNARE core complex behaves like a stiff rod, with limited conformational dynamics. An accurate picture of the interactions within the complex emerges with a characteristic pattern of atomic contacts, hydrogen bonds, and salt bridges reinforcing the underlying layer structure. This supports the metaphor of a molecular Velcro strip that has been used by others to describe the neuronal fusion complex. No evidence for directionality in the formation of these interactions was found. Electrostatics largely dominates all interactions, with an acidic surface patch structuring the hydration layers surrounding the complex. The interactions within the four-helix bundle are asymmetric, with the synaptobrevin R-SNARE notably exhibiting an increased rigidity with respect to the three Q-SNARE helices. The interaction patterns we observe provide a new tool for interpreting the impact of mutations on the complex.  相似文献   

A method is described for determination of the base composition (as guanine+cytosine or adenine+thymine content) of DNA by accurate measurement of the adenine/guanine ratio. The DNA is hydrolysed with 0.03n-hydrochloric acid for 40min. to release the purines. The hydrolysate is subjected to ion-exchange chromatography on Zeo-Karb 225. Apurinic acids are eluted with 0.03n-hydrochloric acid and then guanine and adenine are eluted separately with 2n-hydrochloric acid. Guanine and adenine are each collected as a single fraction, and the amount of base in each case is determined by measuring the volume and the extinction at suitable wavelengths. For use in the calculations, millimolar extinction coefficients in 2n-hydrochloric acid of 12.09 for adenine at 262mmu, and 10.77 for guanine at 248mmu, were determined with authentic samples of bases. The method gives extremely reproducible results: from 12 determinations with calf thymus DNA the adenine/guanine molar ratio had a standard deviation of 0.011; this corresponds to a standard deviation in guanine+cytosine content of 0.2% guanine+cytosine.  相似文献   

Anions of cytosine and thymine predominate in radiation-damaged DNA. This is in contrast to the experimental order of adiabatic electron affinities: A, 0.95; G, 1.51; >T, 0.79, U, 0.80; C, 0.56 (+/-0.05 eV). Excited negative-ion states of adenine (A) and guanine (G) are identified using semiempirical AM1-MCCI quantum mechanical calculations. A planar G(-) has an excited state adiabatic electron affinity, AEA*, of 0.3 +/- 0.05 eV. This state and the unique Watson-Crick structure are responsible for the preponderance of charge on C(-) in radiation-damaged DNA. By analogy to the value for cytosine, the dipole-bound EA of G is estimated as 0.25 eV. New AEA values from literature reduction potentials for the ribose nucleotides are rC, 0.6; rU, 0.8; and rT, 0.8 (+/-0.1 eV). From literature photoelectron spectroscopy, AEA* vales for U are 0.15, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.6 eV. In GC(-2), stacked [GC:GC](-3), and [GC:GC:GC](-4), the charge moves to G. In [GC:GC:GC](-2 to -4), the charge moves from GC(1) to GC(3) through space without a bridge or bond. This is important to electron conduction, radiation damage and repair, and nanoscale devices.  相似文献   

The structure of the synthetic dodecamer d(CGCAAATTGGCG) has been shown by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods to be that of a B-DNA helix containing two A(anti).G(syn) base pairs. The refinement, based on data to a resolution of 2.25 A shows that the mismatch base pairs are held together by two hydrogen bonds. The syn-conformation of the guanine base of the mismatch is stabilised by hydrogen bonding to a network of solvent molecules in both the major and minor grooves. A pH-dependent ultraviolet melting study indicates that the duplex is stabilised by protonation, suggesting that the bases of the A.G mispair are present in their most common tautomeric forms and that the N(1)-atom of adenine is protonated. The structure refinement shows that there is some disorder in the sugar-phosphate backbone.  相似文献   

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