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Hormonal profiles during the estrous cycle of Finn, Suffolk and Targhee ewes were compared in six ewes of each breed. Blood samples were drawn by venipuncture at 8-h intervals from onset to onset of consecutive estrous periods. Number of corpora lutea (CL) and ovarian follicles >/=3 mm in diameter on Day 10 (estrus = Day 0) were observed using endoscopy. Estrous cycle length was 14.9, 15.6 and 16.4 d (P<0.01) in Finn, Suffolk and Targhee ewes, respectively. Finns had more (P<0.001) CL (3.5) than Suffolks (2.0) and Targhees (1.8), but luteal phase progesterone concentrations were similar among breeds in peak level and area under the curve. In Finn ewes, the amplitude of the preovulatory LH surge was lower (P<0.01) and tended to occur later in estrus; otherwise LH levels and patterns were similar among breeds. A coincident follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) preovulatory surge occurred in most ewes, the amplitude of which was related to that of luteinizing hormone (LH); r = 0.67, P<0.01. Plasma FSH levels and patterns were similar in Finn, Suffolk and Targhee ewes and most ewes had three to four secretory episodes. Follicles >/=3 mm averaged 1.8, 1.0 and 1.2 (P>0.1) in Finn, Suffolk and Targhee ewes, respectively. Results indicate that the higher ovulation rate of the Finn ewe is not elicited by increased FSH levels at any stage of the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to measure progesterone (P4) concentrations in subcutaneous adipose tissue from the tailhead of dairy cows in various reproductive states, and to examine the effect of epinephrine-induced fat mobilization on P4 release from adipose tissue in vitro. Blood samples and adipose tissue biopsies were taken from 12 cows twice during late pregnancy and three times during early lactation. Concentrations of P4 in adipose tissue were higher (P < 0.005) during pregnancy than at any of the non-pregnant stages examined and, in general, the relative changes with reproductive state reflected changes in plasma P4 concentration and body condition score. Plasma and adipose tissue P4 concentrations were positively correlated (P < 0.001) at estrus and during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle. When adipose tissue samples from eight cows were incubated as explants in vitro and challenged with epinephrine, non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and P4 concentrations increased (P < 0.05) with increasing concentrations of epinephrine. These results demonstrate that substantial quantities of P4 are sequestered in adipose tissue, depending on the reproductive state, and indicate that lypolysis may result in the release of P4 from this tissue, thereby influencing plasma P4 concentrations.  相似文献   

The role of progesterone in regulation of uteroovarian venous concentrations of prostaglandins F2 alpha(PGF2 alpha) and E2 (PGE2) during days 13 to 16 of the ovine estrous cycle or early pregnancy was examined. At estrus, ewes were either mated to a fertile ram or unmated. On day 12 postestrus, ewes were laparotomized and a catheter was inserted into a uteroovarian vein. Six mated and 7 unmated ewes received no further treatment. Fifteen mated and 13 unmated ewes were ovariectomized on day 12 and of these, 7 mated and 5 unmated ewes were given 10 mg progesterone sc and an intravaginal pessary containing 30 mg of progesterone. Uteroovarian venous samples were collected every 15 min for 3 h on days 13 to 16 postestrus. Mating resulted in higher mean daily concentrations of PGE2 in the uteroovarian vein than in unmated ewes. Ovariectomy prevented the rise in PGE2 with day in mated ewes but had no effect in unmated ewes. Progesterone treatment restored PGE2 in ovariectomized, mated ewes with intact embryos. Mating had no effect on mean daily concentrations of PGE2 alpha or the patterns of the natural logarithm (1n) of the variance of PGF2 alpha. Ovariectomy resulted in higher mean concentrations and 1n variances of PGF2 alpha on day 13 and lower mean concentrations and 1n variances of PGF2 alpha on days 15 and 16. Replacement with progesterone prevented these changes in patterns of mean concentrations and 1n variances of PGF2 alpha following ovariectomy. It is concluded that progesterone regulates the release of PGF2 alpha from the uterus, maintaining high concentrations while also preventing the occurrence of the final peaks of PGF2 alpha which are seen with falling concentrations of progesterone. This occurs in both pregnant and non-pregnant ewes. Progesterone is also needed to maintain increasing concentrations of PGE2 in mated ewes.  相似文献   

Blood and milk samples from foremilk during afternoon milking, were simultaneously collected from 285 dairy goats. In experiment 1, fiva cyclic goats were sampled daily for 21 days. In experiment 2, 280 females from 9 flocks were submitted to sampling 21 days after insemination. In addition, some milk samples were divided in two parts, after which one was frozen and the other kept at +4 degrees C until assay. Progesterone concentrations were measured in blood, whole milk and milk fat by radioimmunoassay. No difference in whole milk or fat progesterone levels was found between frozen and refrigerated milk samples. Milk butterfat progesterone concentrations paralleled those in plasma or whole milk throughout the estrous cycle and ranged from about 20 ng/ml at estrus to about 400 ng/ml in mid-luteal phase. The ratio of mid-luteal phase progesterone levels to those seen in the estrous period was over 20 in fat and in blood. This ratio was very much lower in whole milk. Consequently the determination of pregnant and non-pregnant goats from the samples collected 21 days after service was very much easier and accuracy was better when the progesterone content was assayed from milk fat than from whole milk. It was concluded that early pregnancy diagnosis in goats can be done routinely by determination of progesterone levels in milk fat.  相似文献   

Plasma progesterone concentration during pregnancy and the early postpartum period was measured by radioimmunoassay in five alpacas (Lama pacos), of the Huacaya breed, whose pregnancy length had a mean of 344.8 +/- 4.4 days. Concentration of progesterone increased (P < 0.001) from low premating values (0.11 +/- 0.06 nmol/l) to greater values at 30 days of pregnancy (8.05 +/- 1.13 nmol/l) and remained high up to 2 months of pregnancy. A slight transitory decline was observed between 3 to 7 months. Concentration of plasma progesterone dropped markedly during the 72 h before parturition especially, at the day of parturition.  相似文献   

Progesterone and LH concentrations were measured in the plasma of blood samples taken from forty-eight pregnant ewes on Days 100, 120 and 134 of gestation. The ewes, in two groups of twenty-four were maintained from Day 100 until parturition on two planes of nutrition which supplied daily energy and protein intakes of about 4-1 or 2-3 Mcal metabolizable energy and either 192 or 111 g digestible crude protein per ewe. Within the groups, the ewes carried one, two or three fetuses and the feed intake was adjusted according to litter size to produce a uniform nutritional state within the group. On Day 100, litter size affected the concentration of plasma progesterone (P less than 0-001), but had no effect on Days 120 or 134 when the ewes were fed according to litter size. The low feed intake however caused a significant increase in plasma progesterone concentrations. The LH concentrations showed no major changes during late pregnancy and no effect of nutrition or little size on the plasma hormone concentration was observed. It was concluded that the effect of litter size on plasma progesterone concentration recorded on Day 100 or gestation was partly mediated by level of nutrition.  相似文献   

Two experiments involving 24 and 54 Australian Merino ewes were conducted in which the establishment of a cervical population of spermatozoa and several endocrinological events were studied after several regimens for the synchronization of oestrus. Intravaginal sponges impregnated with 500 mg (Exp. 1) or 200, 400 or 600 mg (Exp. 2) progesterone resulted in the maintenance of plasma progesterone concentrations of 1.5-4.9 ng/ml over a 12-day insertion period compared with 1.9-6.9 ng/ml during dioestrus in control ewes. In Exp. 1 basal concentrations of less than or equal to 0.25 ng/ml plasma were attained by 4 h after sponge withdrawal and this decline was much more rapid than in normal luteolysis. This was associated with fewer spermatozoa recovered from the cervix 2 h after insemination, and PMSG had no significant effect. In Exp. 2 injection of a supplementary dose of progesterone at sponge withdrawal resulted in a rapid increase in plasma progesterone concentrations followed by an equally rapid decrease and an attenuation of the rise in plasma oestradiol-17 beta, the LH surge, and the onset of oestrus. The numbers of spermatozoa recovered 4 h after insemination were not increased, and PMSG had no significant effect. Two factors were significant, namely the dose of progesterone in the sponge (600 mg greater than 400 or 200 mg, P less than 0.05) and stage of oestrus when inseminated (mid- or late oestrus greater than early). The data demonstrated that an adequate dose of progesterone/progestagen incorporated into intravaginal sponges and accurate timing of insemination relative to the LH surge are the most important factors involved in penetration of the cervix by spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The secretion and synthesis of protein in vitro by explants of endometrium were examined in entire ewes during the first 10 days of the oestrous cycle and during an equivalent interval in ovariectomized ewes which received injections of oestradiol and progesterone. The schedule of steroid injections given was designed to simulate endogenous ovarian secretion of progesterone during the luteal phase before oestrus, of oestradiol around oestrus and of progesterone during the luteal phase after oestrus. The rate of protein synthesis and tissue RNA:DNA and protein:DNA ratios in intercaruncular and caruncular endometrium were generally higher in entire than in ovariectomized ewes. In ovariectomized ewes oestradiol increased these activities at 2-4 days after oestrus, whereas progesterone preceding oestradiol caused increases at oestrus, but not thereafter. In entire ewes and in ovariectomized ewes receiving the full steroid treatment regimen, protein secretion was high at oestrus and declined markedly during the next 4-6 days. In ovariectomized ewes not receiving progesterone before oestradiol, secretion increased between 4 and 6 days after oestrus, or during the equivalent stage of treatment in ewes which did not show oestrus. The omission of this progesterone did not modify secretion by caruncular endometrium. Oestradiol increased protein secretion by both tissues. The data suggest that progesterone given before oestradiol (or its equivalent in entire ewes) inhibits the secretion, at about 4-7 days after oestrus, of uterine proteins which may impair embryo development in ovariectomized ewes which do not receive this progesterone.  相似文献   

The incidence of ovulation and subsequent pregnancy in post partum marmosets were studied. By two weeks following delivery, all the animals (N=10) had ovulated as determined by a gradual rise in plasma estradiol followed by a rise in plasma progesterone (p>31.8 nmol/l) levels. The mean day of ovulation was 11.3±1.5 (9–14 days). Eighty percent of these females became pregnant as indicated by a continued rise in plasma progesterone levels (p>127 nmol/l) and as confirmed by transabdominal uterine palpation. These results suggest that the day of delivery could serve as a useful parameter to monitor ovulation and pregnancy in this non-menstruating primate species.  相似文献   

We have monitored plasma concentrations of oestradiol and progesterone after insemination in dairy cows, and investigated the effects of injection with 10 μg of the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue buserelin, a treatment known to result in an improvement in conception rate. Animals were injected intramuscularly on Day 12 after insemination with 2.5 ml of either control saline (n = 29) or buserelin (n = 26). Blood samples were collected from Day 8 to Day 17 and milk samples from the day of insemination until Day 30. On the basis of milk progesterone profiles, in the control group 15 cows remained pregnant (control pregnant) and 11 underwent luteolysis (control not pregnant), whereas in the treated group 13 cows remained pregnant (treated pregnant) and 13 underwent luteolysis (treated not pregnant). Three cows were excluded from the control group owing to high progesterone at insemination or failed ovulation. In both the control and treated groups mean plasma progesterone concentration was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in non-pregnant cows than in pregnant ones from Day 12 post-insemination. However, no significant effect of buserelin treatment on plasma progesterone concentration was detected. In the control group the plasma oestradiol concentration was similar in the pregnant and non-pregnant cows. In the treated group, plasma oestradiol concentration in the non-pregnant cows was similar to that in the control group, whereas in the treated pregnant cows the plasma oestradiol concentration showed a significant (P < 0.05) decline after treatment. As oestradiol is known to stimulate the development of the luteolytic mechanism at this time, we suggest that buserelin is acting to reduce the strength of the luteolytic drive in some cows, thus improving the chance of the embryo being able to prevent luteolysis.  相似文献   

Plasma progesterone and LH concentrations were monitored throughout a natural oestrous cycle in 12 Clun Forest ewes and compared to those following treatment with a single i.m. injection of 100 microng ICI 80,996, an analogoue of prostaglandin F-2alpha, given during the luteal phase of the cycle. After injection of the analogue there was a high degree of synchrony in the return of oestrus (440 +/- 1-9 h; mean +/- S.E.M.) and the timing of the LH peak (48-5 +/- 2-0 h) from injection. There were no significant differences in the plasma progesterone concentrations or in the height and duration of the preovulatory LH peak between control and treatment cycles. The technique offers the possibility of controlled ovulation in the ewe.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, an osmotic minipump containing oxytocin was implanted s.c. in ewes for 12 days beginning on Day 10 of the oestrous cycle, producing approximately 100 pg oxytocin/ml in the plasma. Two days after the start of infusion, all ewes were injected with 100 micrograms cloprostenol and placed with a fertile ram. At slaughter 22 days later, 9 (75%) of the 12 control (saline-infused) ewes were pregnant compared with 1 (11%) of the 9 ewes infused with oxytocin. In the control group, midcycle plasma concentrations of oxytocin were significantly higher in nonpregnant than in pregnant ewes. In Experiment 2, an infertile ram was used throughout to avoid any possible effects of pregnancy and oxytocin infusions were given at different stages of the oestrous cycle. Otherwise the protocol was similar to that in Exp. 1. Oxytocin infusion during luteolysis and the early follicular phase had no effect on the subsequent progesterone secretion pattern, but infusions beginning the day before cloprostenol-induced luteolysis and lasting for 7 or 12 days and infusions beginning on the day of oestrus for 4 days all delayed the subsequent rise in plasma progesterone by approximately 3-4 days. In these animals, the cycle tended to be longer. It was concluded that an appropriate oxytocin secretion pattern may be necessary for the establishment of pregnancy in ewes and that a high circulating oxytocin concentration during the early luteal phase delays the development of the young corpus luteum.  相似文献   

The 330 Merino ewes used in the study were placed with rams at a synchronized oestrus and, on Days 2-14 after mating, the ewes were placed in a feed lot and fed daily a low, medium or high ration (25%, 100% or 200% of maintenance respectively). Progesterone supplement was given to some ewes on Days 8-14 after mating by using a device containing 340 mg progesterone. Blood samples were taken from all ewes on Day 12 for measurement of plasma progesterone concentrations. On Day 14 after mating all ewes were returned to pasture. Pregnancy rate was determined by returns to oestrus and was later confirmed using ultrasound. There was a decline in the peripheral progesterone concentrations with increasing ration. The pregnancy rate in ewes fed a high ration was significantly reduced when compared with those of ewes fed a medium or low ration (48% vs 68 and 67% respectively; P less than 0.05). In ewes fed the high ration exogenous progesterone increased the pregnancy rate from 48 to 76% (P less than 0.01). Progesterone treatment did not influence pregnancy rates in ewes fed medium or low rations. The number of fetuses per ewe pregnant was not influenced by level of nutrition or progesterone treatment.  相似文献   

Plasma progesterone, aldosterone and renin activity were measured simultaneously in seven women during normal pregnancy. Beginning at the 2nd trimester and until approximately 4 weeks before delivery there was a constant increase in plasma progesterone concentration. There was a significant correlation between weight gain and duration of pregnancy and between weight gain and plasma progesterone concentration. There was also an increase in plasma aldosterone concentration although this was less consistent than that of progesterone. And there was a significant correlation between plasma progesterone and aldosterone concentrations and between the progesterone/aldosterone ratio and duration of pregnancy and weight gain.  相似文献   

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