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Ectotherms have been shown being lateralized as well as mammals and birds. This is particularly evident in visual lateralization, i.e. the different use of the eyes, leading to use a specific eye to observe specific kind of stimuli and to process them with the correspondent contralateral hemisphere. Several lower vertebrates are facilitated in this from the lateral position of the eyes, enabling them to carry out more tasks simultaneously, controlled by different eyes and relative hemispheres. Predatory responses seem usually mediated by the right eye/left hemisphere in fishes, amphibians and some sauropsids, but there are no strong evidences of this in lizards. Eighteen wild males of the Common wall lizard Podarcis muralis were tested individually in captivity to ascertain whether they are lateralized to look at prey with a specific eye. The lizards were gently induced entering a 30-cm long central arm of a T-maze which led to a 44.5-cm long arm cross-arm at whose extremities there were two identical prey, Tenebrio molitor larvae, familiar to the lizards. We recorded what direction the lizards chose to reach the prey and the frequency and duration of head turning, indicative of looking either prey with the left or the right eye. We found that individuals show being lateralized at individual level. The preferred direction taken to reach the prey is the right for the majority of those (4 of 5) showing an evident preference, indicating also a possible form of laterality at population level. In addition, lizards maintained the same head side of the direction taken turned for more time towards the prey than the opposite head side, revealing an eye preference for observing this kind of cue. Our study demonstrates how males of Podarcis muralis have a visual lateralization to capture prey. Furthermore, it is another support to the hypothesis of vertebrate lateralization derivation from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

A major goal in evolutionary biology is to determine how phenotypic variation arises and is maintained in natural populations. Recent studies examining the morphological, physiological and behavioural differences among discrete colour morphotypes (morphs) have revealed several mechanisms that maintain discrete variation within populations, including frequency‐dependence, density‐dependence and correlational selection. For example, trade‐offs over resource allocation to morphological, physiological and behavioural traits can drive correlational selection for morph‐specific phenotypic optima. Here, we describe a ventral colour polymorphism in the wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) and test the hypothesis that morphs differ along multivariate axes defined by trade‐offs in morphological, physiological, and immunological traits. We show that ventral colour is a discrete trait and that morphs differ in body size, prevalence of infection by parasites and infection intensity. We also find that morphs differ along multivariate phenotypic axes and experience different multivariate selection pressures. Our results suggest that multivariate selection pressures may favour alternative optimal morph‐specific phenotypes in P. muralis.  相似文献   

In natural populations the mating success of males depends on different factors. By enhancing the intensity of secondary sexual characters, testosterone can play a role in mate choice. However, paradoxically, testosterone can also decrease immunocompetence and thus potentially diminish attractiveness. To estimate the influence of testosterone on male mating success in the wall lizard, Podarcis muralis, we characterized nine polymorphic microsatellite loci. There were three to 12 alleles per locus in the five to 16 individuals screened. These microsatellites will also be useful in determining population structure in this species.  相似文献   

The condition‐dependent sexual dimorphism model explains the evolution and maintenance of sexual dimorphism in traits targeted by sexual selection, and predicts that the magnitude of sexual dimorphism depends on the variability of individual condition, male traits being more variable than female corresponding traits. Most convincing examples concern insects, while studies among vertebrates are scanty because manipulating condition often is not possible, and the time to reach sexual maturity may be too long. Islands offer a unique opportunity to compare how the environment affects the expression of sexual dimorphism, since they represent ‘natural experimental sets’ in which different populations of the same species may experience alternative environmental constraints. We investigated the occurrence of context‐dependent expression in sexual dimorphism of head shape in insular populations of the common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) inhabiting the Tuscan Archipelago (Tyrrhenian Sea). Alternative models were formulated: H0 assumes that the sexual dimorphism is uninfluenced by islands, H1 assumes the only effect of phylogeny, H2A and H2B account for the biogeography of the archipelago (island size and distance from the mainland), while H3 assumes island‐specific effects on sexual dimorphism. Models were compared using Akaike's information criterion adjusted for multivariate analyses. All hypotheses performed better than H0, but H3 largely outperformed all other alternative hypotheses, indicating that environmental features of islands play an additive effect to ontogenetic, biogeographic and genetic factors in defining variation in head shape sexual dimorphism. Our results support the hypothesis of a context‐dependent sexual dimorphism in common wall lizards. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 552–565.  相似文献   

Color polymorphisms are widely studied to identify the mechanisms responsible for the origin and maintenance of phenotypic variability in nature. Two of the mechanisms of balancing selection currently thought to explain the long-term persistence of polymorphisms are the evolution of alternative phenotypic optima through correlational selection on suites of traits including color and heterosis. Both of these mechanisms can generate differences in offspring viability and fitness arising from different morph combinations. Here, we examined the effect of parental morph combination on fertilization success, embryonic viability, newborn quality, antipredator, and foraging behavior, as well as inter-annual survival by conducting controlled matings in a polymorphic lacertid Podarcis muralis, where color morphs are frequently assumed to reflect alternative phenotypic optima (e.g., alternative reproductive strategies). Juveniles were kept in outdoor tubs for a year in order to study inter-annual growth, survival, and morph inheritance. In agreement with a previous genome-wide association analysis, morph frequencies in the year-old juveniles matched the frequencies expected if orange and yellow expressions depended on recessive homozygosity at 2 separate loci. Our findings also agree with previous literature reporting higher reproductive output of heavy females and the higher overall viability of heavy newborn lizards, but we found no evidence for the existence of alternative breeding investment strategies in female morphs, or morph-combination effects on offspring viability and behavior. We conclude that inter-morph breeding remains entirely viable and genetic incompatibilities are of little significance for the maintenance of discrete color morphs in P. muralis from the Pyrenees.  相似文献   

Summary Wall lizards were collected in the fall of 1988 from a population introduced in 1951 into Cincinnati, OH. They were acclimated to 5 °C for several weeks prior to testing at sub-zero temperatures. Eleven super-cooled lizards were removed from the cooling chamber prior to crystallization after between 15 min and 26 h at body temperatures ranging from -2.2 to -5.9 °C. With the exception of one individual supercooled to-5.0 °C, all lizards recovered fully. The crystallization temperatures of 15 lizards which froze ranged from -0.6 to -6.4 °C. Frozen lizards were stiff with a distinct blue color, which faded upon thawing at 3 °C. The ice contents of frozen lizards were determined calorimetrically and/or estimated from a theoretical model, the two methods being generally in close agreement. Remarkably, five individuals recovered fully from exposures as long as 2 h and with as much as 28% of their body water frozen. Although these animals are not as tolerant as certain other vertebrates they are clearly able to withstand freezing under some circumstances. Failure to survive freezing was attributed either to excessive ice accumulation during a prolonged freeze or to excessive supercooling prior to freezing, which induced a large initial surge of ice formation upon crystallization. Our results accord with those of Weigmann (1929). We accordingly recognize him as the first to demonstrate freeze-tolerance in vertebrates, and we further recognize P. muralis as the first vertebrate known to survive freezing.  相似文献   

Five polymorphic microsatellite loci (containing di‐ and penta‐nucleotide repeats) were developed for the Erhard's wall lizard, Podarcis erhardii, an endemic species of southern Balkan Peninsula. The number of alleles ranged from five to 17. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.28 to 0.92 and 0.57 to 0.91, respectively. These markers will provide a valuable tool for population genetics analyses and can contribute to the evaluation of conservation programs.  相似文献   

Locomotion of lizards has clear morphological determinants and is important for developing activities such as feeding, social interaction and predator avoidance. Thus, morphological variation is believed to have fitness consequences through affecting locomotor performance. This paper firstly evaluates the dependence of burst speed on morphology, and secondly examines the movement patterns of free-ranging undisturbed wall lizards ( Podarcis muralis ) engaged in several kinds of activity. Body size was the most important correlate of burst speed as performed at the optimal temperature for running in the laboratory. After removing size effects from performance and morphological traits, the length of some particular limb segments had positive influence on burst speed, but these effects were weak, each trait explaining less than 16% of variance in burst speed. Free-ranging P. muralis exhibited intermittent locomotion, with movement sequences interrupted by frequent short pauses. Field movement patterns greatly differed depending upon the kind of activity and were in most aspects independent of the size and sex of the animal. P. muralis involved in thermoregulation performed short and low-speed displacements; exploratory activities were characterized by frequent, slow and short movements. On the contrary, lizards involved in intraspecific pursuits and predator escape developed comparatively high speeds, although only exceptionally did they attain the size-specific burst speed predicted from the laboratory trials. Speed of escape increased with distance to the refuge and the animals are able to assess predation risks to modulate approach distance, speed and pauses, so maximum exertion is seldom required. The evolution of locomotor capacities exceeding routine needs is discussed in the context of the principle of 'excessive construction'.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 135–146.  相似文献   

When sexually selected traits diverge because of different local selective environments, premating isolation might arise as a correlated response. However, sexually selected traits might also diverge by stochastic forces. Here, we show that odour-based mate preferences and scent composition have diverged between islet- and mainland populations of Skyros wall lizard, Podarcis gaigeae. We quantified the degree of scent-mediated premating isolation between populations. Islet lizards preferred scent from islet lizards, whereas the mainland populations were less discriminatory. The pheromone compositions differed more between islets than between islet- and mainland populations and did not differ significantly between mainland populations. There was a tendency for population divergence in pheromones to be positively correlated with neutral genetic divergence. This might indicate a role for genetic drift in evolutionary change in these signals and partial decoupling between signals and preferences. Our results suggest that chemical signals and associated mate preferences can diverge through stochastic and selective forces and influence premating isolation.  相似文献   

During tail regeneration in lizards, the epidermis forms new scales comprising a hard beta‐layer and a softer alpha‐layer. Regenerated scales derive from a controlled folding process of the wound epidermis that gives rise to epidermal pegs where keratinocytes do not invade the dermis. Basal keratinocytes of pegs give rise to suprabasal cells that initially differentiate into a corneous wound epidermis and later in corneous layers of the regenerated scales. The immunodetection of a putative p53/63 protein in the regenerating tail of lizards shows that immunoreactivity is present in the nuclei of basal cells of the epidermis but becomes mainly cytoplasmic in suprabasal and in differentiating keratinocytes. Sparse labelled cells are present in the regenerating blastema, muscles, cartilage, ependyma and nerves of the growing tail. Ultrastructural observations on basal and suprabasal keratinocytes show that the labelling is mainly present in the euchromatin and nucleolus while labelling is more diffuse in the cytoplasm. These observations indicate that the nuclear protein in basal keratinocytes might control their proliferation avoiding an uncontrolled spreading into other tissues of the regenerating tail but that in suprabasal keratinocytes the protein moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, a process that might be associated to keratinocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

By comparing newly available cDNA sequences of the human intermediate filament protein lamin B(2) with published sequences, we have identified an additional translation initiation codon 60 nucleotides upstream of the previously assumed translation start. In addition, corresponding sequences were identified in the chimpanzee, mouse, rat and bovine genes and cDNAs, respectively. Therefore, we generated antibodies against these potential 20 new amino acids of the human sequence. By immunoblot analysis and immunofluorescence microscopy we show that human lamin B(2) is indeed synthesized as a longer version than previously reported, because it contains these additional 20 amino acids. Notably, the sequence homology to mouse, rat and bovine lamin B(2) is significantly lower in this segment than in that between the second methionine codon and the start of the alpha-helical rod indicating that the tip of the "head" is engaged in more species-specific functions. Forced expression of the GFP-tagged authentic "long" and the 20 amino acid shorter version of lamin B(2) in human cultured SW-13 cells demonstrated that both the longer and the shorter version are properly integrated into the nuclear lamina, although the shorter version exhibited a tendency to disturb envelope architecture at higher expression levels.  相似文献   

The in vitro polymerization and tissue-specific expression patterns of the four essential intermediate filament (IF) proteins (A1, A2, A3, B1) and the non-essential IF protein A4 were analyzed. Recombinant B1, used as a probe in blot overlay assays of the 11 Caenorhabditis elegans IF proteins, reacted strongly with proteins A1 to A4, indicating a heterotypic interaction. Obligate heteropolymeric filament assembly in vitro was confirmed by electron microscopy. Protein B1 formed long IF when mixed with an equimolar amount of A1, A2 or A3. Developmentally regulated coexpression of B1 and one or more members of the A family was found with GFP-promoter reporters. This coexpression pattern argues for a heteropolymer system in vivo. One or both splice variants of the B1 gene are always coexpressed in a tissue-specific manner with at least one member of the A family in hypodermis, pharynx, pharyngeal-intestinal valve, excretory cells, uterus, vulva and rectum. Interestingly, while the intestine normally lacks a B1/A pair, the dauer larva shows intestinal B1 and A4. These results are in line with similar postembryonic phenotypes of the hypodermis induced by RNA interference (RNAi) of genes B1, A2 and A3. Similarly, defects of the pharynx and its A1-GFP containing tonofilaments observed in the postembryonic B1 RNAi phenotype are consistent with the coexpression of B1 and A1 in the marginal cells. Thus RNAi analyses provide independent evidence for the existence of the B1/A obligate heteropolymer system in vivo. Proteins A1 and B1 have a similar and rather slow turnover rate in photobleaching experiments of the pharynx tonofilaments.  相似文献   

The European common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) tolerates long periods at sub-zero temperatures, either in the supercooled or the frozen state. Both physiological conditions limit oxygen availability to tissues, compelling lizards to cope with potential oxidative stress during the transition from ischemic/anoxic conditions to reperfusion with aerated blood during recovery. To determine whether antioxidant defenses are implicated in the survival of lizards when facing sub-zero temperatures, we monitored the activities of antioxidant enzymes and oxidative stress either during supercooling or during freezing exposures (20 h at -2.5 degrees C) and 24 h after thawing in two organs of lizards--muscle and liver. Supercooling induced a significant increase in the total SOD and GPx activity in muscle (by 67 and 157%, respectively), but freezing had almost no effect on enzyme activity, either in muscle or in liver. By contrast, thawed lizards exhibited higher GPx activity in both organs (a 133% increase in muscle and 59% increase in liver) and a significant decrease in liver catalase activity (a 47% difference between control and thawed lizards). These data show that supercooling (but not freezing) triggers activation of the antioxidant system and this may be in anticipation of the overgeneration of oxyradicals when the temperature increases (while thawing or at the end of supercooling). Oxidative stress was assessed from the content of 8-oxodGuo and the different DNA adducts resulting from lipid peroxidation, but it was unaltered whatever the physiological state of the lizards, thus demonstrating the efficiency of the antioxidant system that has been developed by this species. Overall, antioxidant defenses appear to be part of the adaptive machinery for reptilian tolerance to sub-zero temperatures.  相似文献   

The murine genome is known to have two keratin 6 (K6) genes, mouse K6 (MK6)a and MK6b. These genes display a complex expression pattern with constitutive expression in the epithelia of oral mucosa, hair follicles, and nail beds. We generated mice deficient for both genes through embryonic stem cell technology. The majority of MK6a/b-/- mice die of starvation within the first two weeks of life. This is due to a localized disintegration of the dorsal tongue epithelium, which results in the build up of a plaque of cell debris that severely impairs feeding. However, approximately 25% of MK6a/b-/- mice survive to adulthood. Remarkably, the surviving MK6a/b-/- mice have normal hair and nails. To our surprise, we discovered MK6 staining both in the hair follicle and the nail bed of MK6a/b-/- mice, indicating the presence of a third MK6 gene. We cloned this previously unknown murine keratin gene and found it to be highly homologous to human K6hf, which is expressed in hair follicles. We therefore termed this gene MK6 hair follicle (MK6hf). The presence of MK6hf in the MK6a/b-/- follicles and nails offers an explanation for the absence of hair and nail defects in MK6a/b-/- animals.  相似文献   

The lizard genus Liolaemus is endemic to temperate South America and includes 190 species. Liolaemus bibronii has a large geographic distribution and inhabits a great diversity of habitats, including the Monte, Steppe, and high Andean grassland environments. Liolaemus gracilis has a similar body size and shape to L. bibronii; the two are parapatrically distributed, and L. gracilis is also widely distributed. Here we use the mtDNA cytb sequence data of these two species to investigate lizard phylogeographic patterns in southern South America. L. bibronii is paraphyletic with respect to L. gracilis, Liolaemus ramirezae, Liolaemus robertmertensi and Liolaemus saxatilis; it is composed of many genetically different allopatric haploclades, some of which are reciprocally monophyletic. We also found evidence for introgression between L. bibronii and L. gracilis in the same area that introgression was hypothesized in the Liolaemus darwinii complex. We discuss the distribution of the major haploclades with inferences of their population histories, the concordance of these clades' distributions and histories with other lizard complexes studied with the same markers and methods, and taxonomic implications of these results.  相似文献   

Combining different sources of information is essential for a complete understanding of the process of genetic differentiation between species. The Iberian and North African wall lizard ( Podarcis ) species complex has been the object of several studies regarding morphological and mitochondrial DNA variation but, so far, no large-scale survey of nuclear variation within this group has been accomplished. In this study, ten polymorphic allozyme loci were studied in 569 individuals collected across the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa. The obtained data were analysed using both conventional population genetic tools and recent Bayesian model-based clustering methods. Our results show that there are several well-differentiated entities corroborating the major splits observed in mtDNA analyses. These groups correspond not only to the fully recognized species Podarcis bocagei , Podarcis carbonelli , and Podarcis vaucheri but also to multiple forms within the polytypic Podarcis hispanica , all of which have a similar level of differentiation to that observed between the acknowledged species. However, relationships between forms are weakly supported both by population and individual clustering methods, suggesting a scenario of a rapid diversification that contrasts to the clear bifurcating model assumed from previous mtDNA analyses. Individual multilocus analyses report few individuals misassigned or apparently admixed, some of which are most likely explained by the persistence of high levels of ancestral polymorphism. Other admixed individuals, however, are probably the result of limited levels of gene flow between forms.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 121–133.  相似文献   

Cryptic species complexes represent groups that have been classified as a single species, because of the difficulty in distinguishing its members morphologically. Morphological investigation following the discovery of cryptic diversity is crucial for describing and conserving biodiversity. Here we present a detailed account of morphological variation in a group of Iberian and North African Podarcis wall lizards of the family Lacertidae, trying to elucidate the morphological patterns observed between known mitochondrial lineages. Our results reveal very high morphological variation within lineages, considering both biometric and pholidotic traits, but also indicate that lineages are significantly different from each other. The main sources of variation, both globally and between lineages, arise from body size, head dimensions, and limb length, possibly pointing to underlying ecological mechanisms. A combination of body size, body shape, and continuous pholidotic traits allows a relatively good discrimination between groups, especially when comparing one group with the rest or pairs of groups. However, ranges of variation greatly overlap between groups, thereby not allowing the establishment of diagnostic traits. The high morphological variation observed indicates that external morphology is not particularly useful for species delimitation in this group of lizards, as local adaptation seems to play a major role in within‐ and between‐group differentiation. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 173–193.  相似文献   

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