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Safe and efficient gene transfer systems are the basis of gene therapy applications. Non-integrating lentiviral (NIL) vectors are among the most promising candidates for gene transfer tools, because they exhibit high transfer efficiency in both dividing and non-dividing cells and do not present a risk of insertional mutagenesis. However, non-integrating lentiviral vectors cannot introduce stable exogenous gene expression to dividing cells, thereby limiting their application. Here, we report the design of a non-integrating lentiviral vector that contains the minimal scaffold/matrix attachment region (S/MAR) sequence (SNIL), and this SNIL vector is able to retain episomal transgene expression in dividing cells. Using SNIL vectors, we detected the expression of the eGFP gene for 61 days in SNIL-transduced stable CHO cells, either with selection or not. In the NIL group without the S/MAR sequence, however, the transduced cells died under selection for the transient expression of NIL vectors. Furthermore, Southern blot assays demonstrated that the SNIL vectors were retained extrachromosomally in the CHO cells. In conclusion, the minimal S/MAR sequence retained the non-integrating lentiviral vectors in dividing cells, which indicates that SNIL vectors have the potential for use as a gene transfer tool.  相似文献   

Episomal gene expression vectors offer a safe and attractive alternative to integrating vectors. Here we describe the development of a high capacity episomal vector system exploiting human episomal retention sequences to provide efficient vector maintenance and regulated gene expression through the delivery of a genomic DNA locus. The iBAC-S/MAR vector is capable of the infectious delivery and retention of large genomic DNA transgenes by exploiting the high transgene capacity of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and the episomal retention properties of the scaffold/matrix attachment region (S/MAR). The iBAC-S/MAR vector was used to deliver and maintain a 135kb genomic DNA insert carrying the human low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) genomic DNA locus at high efficiency in CHO ldlr/ a7 cells. Long-term studies on CHO ldlr/ a7 clonal cell lines carrying iBAC-S/MAR-LDLR demonstrated low copy episomal stability of the vector for >100 cell generations without selection. Expression studies demonstrated that iBAC-S/MAR-LDLR completely restored LDLR function in CHO ldlr/ a7 cells to physiological levels and that this expression can be repressed by ~70% by high sterol levels, recapitulating the same feedback regulation seen at the endogenous LDLR locus. This vector overcomes the major problems of vector integration and unregulated transgene expression.  相似文献   

A xylanase gene, xynAS27, was isolated from a genomic library of Streptomyces sp. S27. The full-length gene consists of 1,434 bp and encodes 477 amino acids, including a putative signal peptide of 41 residues at its N-terminus. The mature xylanase comprises two functional domains, a family 10 glycoside hydrolase, and a family 13 carbohydrate-binding module (CBM), which were joined by a short Gly/Pro-rich linker region. The intact, the CBM-truncated and the CBM-linker-truncated versions of the mature proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3), purified to electrophoretic homogeneity and subsequently characterized. XynAS27 showed high pH stability over the pH range 2.2–12.0. XynAS27 may be a compelling tool for the food industry because it generates xylobiose (85% w/w) as the main product of xylan hydrolysis. The truncated versions showed less pH and thermal stability, and less affinity and hydrolytic activity to insoluble substrate than the intact one. These results indicate that the CBM of XynAS27 plays a key role in the hydrolysis of insoluble substrate, and the CBM and linker region are also important for the enzyme stability, and the linker region contributes more.  相似文献   

The Cdc25A phosphatase is an essential activator of CDK-cyclin complexes at all steps of the eukaryotic cell cycle. The activity of Cdc25A is itself regulated in part by positive and negative feedback regulatory loops performed by its CDK-cyclin substrates that occur in G1 as well as during the G1/S and G2/M transitions. However, the regulation of Cdc25A during G2 phase progression before mitotic entry has not been intensively characterized. Here, we identify by mass spectrometry analysis a new phosphorylation event of Cdc25A on Serine283. Phospho-specific antibodies revealed that the phosphorylation of this residue appears in late S/G2 phase of an unperturbed cell cycle and is performed by CDK-cyclin complexes. Overexpression studies of wild-type and non-phosphorylatable mutant forms of Cdc25A indicated that Ser283 phosphorylation increases the G2/M-promoting activity of the phosphatase without impacting its stability or subcellular localization. Our results therefore identify a new positive regulatory loop between Cdc25A and its CDK-cyclin substrates which contributes to accelerate entry into mitosis through the regulation of Cdc25A activity in G2.  相似文献   

It appears plausible that natural selection constrains, to some extent at least, the stability in many natural proteins. If, during protein evolution, stability fluctuates within a comparatively narrow range, then mutations are expected to be fixed with frequencies that reflect mutational effects on stability. Indeed, we recently reported a robust correlation between the effect of 27 conservative mutations on the thermodynamic stability (unfolding free energy) of Escherichia coli thioredoxin and the frequencies of residues occurrences in sequence alignments. We show here that this correlation likely implies a lower limit to thermodynamic stability of only a few kJ/mol below the unfolding free energy of the wild-type (WT) protein. We suggest, therefore, that the correlation does not reflect natural selection of thermodynamic stability by itself, but of some other factor which is linked to thermodynamic stability for the mutations under study. We propose that this other factor is the kinetic stability of thioredoxin in vivo, since( i) kinetic stability relates to irreversible denaturation, (ii) the rate of irreversible denaturation in a crowded cellular environment (or in a harsh extracellular environment) is probably determined by the rate of unfolding, and (iii) the half-life for unfolding changes in an exponential manner with activation free energy and, consequently, comparatively small free energy effects can have deleterious consequences for kinetic stability. This proposal is supported by the results of a kinetic study of the WT form and the 27 single-mutant variants of E. coli thioredoxin based on the global analyses of chevron plots and equilibrium unfolding profiles determined from double-jump unfolding assays. This kinetic study suggests, furthermore, one of the factors that may contribute to the high activation free energy for unfolding in thioredoxin (required for kinetic stability), namely the energetic optimization of native-state residue environments in regions, which become disrupted in the transition state for unfolding.  相似文献   

We have developed an episomal replicating expression vector in which the SV40 gene coding for the large T-antigen was replaced by chromosomal scaffold/matrix attached regions. Southern analysis as well as vector rescue experiments in CHO cells and in Escherichia coli demonstrate that the vector replicates episomally in CHO cells. It occurs in a very low copy number in the cells and is stably maintained over more than 100 generations without selection pressure.  相似文献   

Human Tear Lipocalin/von Ebner's gland protein (TL) is a member of the lipocalin superfamily. The protein is secreted by a number of serous glands and tissues and is overproduced under conditions of stress, infection and inflammation. In addition to its typical affinity for lipophilic ligands it was recently found to be able to inhibit cysteine proteinases [van't Hof et al., J. Biol. Chem. 272 (1997), 1837-1841], probably due to the presence of amino acid motifs resembling the papain binding domains of family 2 cystatins. In this work we have used a recombinant protein to confirm the results obtained with native TL. The inhibitory activity of the recombinant protein against papain was dependent on the ratio of papain and TL. At higher papain concentrations, the N-terminal sequence of TL was cleaved off by the protease, indicating that it can act in an inhibitor- or a substrate-like mode. This behaviour resembles that observed with certain chicken cystatin mutants. Using a recombinant TL mutant we found that the two Leu residues (Leu4-Leu5) contained within the first cystatin-like motif are absolutely essential for the inhibitory activity. These results were supported by experiments using a recombinant form of the corresponding pig von Ebner's gland protein (VEGp). This protein, which does not possess a fully conserved first cystatin-like motif, is unable to inhibit papain.  相似文献   

Recent studies have described the occurrence of chromosomal abnormalities and mitochondrial dysfunction in human stem/stromal cells (SCs), particularly after extensive passaging in vitro and/or expansion under low oxygen tensions. To deepen this knowledge we investigated the influence of hypoxia (2% O(2)) and prolonged passaging (>P10) of human bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) and adipose-derived stromal cells (ASCs) on the expression of genes involved in DNA repair and cell-cycle regulation pathways, as well as on the occurrence of microsatellite instability and changes in telomere length. Our results show that hypoxic conditions induce an immediate and concerted down-regulation of genes involved in DNA repair and damage response pathways (MLH1, RAD51, BRCA1, and Ku80), concomitantly with the occurrence of microsatellite instability while maintaining telomere length. We further searched for mutations occurring in the mitochondrial genome, and monitored changes in intracellular ATP content, membrane potential and mitochondrial DNA content. Hypoxia led to a simultaneous decrease in ATP content and in the number of mitochondrial genomes, whereas the opposite effect was observed after prolonged passaging. Moreover, we show that neither hypoxia nor prolonged passaging significantly affected the integrity of the mitochondrial genome. Ultimately, we present evidence on how hypoxia selectively impacts the cellular response of BMSCs and ASCs, thus pointing for the need to optimize oxygen tension according to the cell source.  相似文献   

Expression systems of human and silkworm lysozymes were constructed using the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris as a host. The leader sequence and its prepro peptide of alpha-factor (a peptide pheromone derived from yeast) and the native signal sequences of these lysozymes, were used as secretion signals. When the alpha-factor leader is used as the signal sequence, human lysozyme is secreted at a much higher level than is silkworm lysozyme. On the other hand, silkworm lysozyme, when its native signal is used, is secreted more efficiently than human lysozyme. Therefore, we expected that human lysozyme cDNA with a silkworm native signal would be secreted more efficiently than human lysozyme with its native signal. However, its level of expression was not increased. This result indicates that the native signal of silkworm lysozyme does not promote the secretion of the lysozyme, but rather alpha-factor leader inhibits the secretion. Silkworm lysozyme with the alpha-factor leader is so unstable that it could be easily attacked by some proteases and our findings suggest that the level of expression of heterologous protein with signal peptides and its stability are greatly affected by the selection of the appropriate secretion signal sequence.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding the rabies virus glycoprotein (RVGP) gene was cloned in expression plasmids under the control of the inductive metallothionein promoter. They were designed in order to bear or not a secretion signal (i) and a cDNA coding for the selection hygromycin. These vectors were transfected into S2 cells, cell populations selected and subpopulations were then obtained by reselection with hygromycin. Cell cultures were examined for kinetics of cell growth, detection of RVGP mRNA and expression of RVGP. All cell populations were shown to express the RVGP mRNA upon induction. S2MtRVGPHy cell population, transfected with one vector that contains RGPV gene and selection gene, was shown to express higher amounts of RVGP as evaluated by flow cytometry (52%) and ELISA (0.64 μg/107 cells at day 7). Subpopulation selection allowed a higher RVGP expression, specially for the S2MtRVGPHy+ (5.5 μg/107 cells at day 7). NaBu treatment leading to lower cell growth and higher RVGP expression allowed an even higher RVGP synthesis by S2MtRVGPHy+ (8.4 μg/107 cells at day 7). SF900II medium leading to a higher S2MtRVGPHy+cell growth allowed a higher final RVGP synthesis in this cell culture. RVGP synthesis may be optimized by the expression/selection vectors design, cell subpopulations selection, chromatin exposure and culture medium employed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within Tanaidacea were analyzed based on sequence data for the 18S rRNA gene. Our results strongly supported a monophyletic group composed of Neotanaidae, Tanaoidea, and Paratanaoidea, with the first two taxa forming a clade. These results contradict three previously suggested hypotheses of relationships. Based on the molecular results, and considering morphological similarities/differences between Neotanaidomorpha and Tanaidomorpha, we demoted Suborder Neotanaidomorpha to Superfamily Neotanaoidea within Tanaidomorpha; with this change, the classification of extant tanaidaceans becomes a two-suborder, four-superfamily system. This revision required revision of the diagnoses for Tanaidomorpha and its three super-families. The results for Apseudomorpha were ambiguous: this taxon was monophyletic in the maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses, but paraphyletic in the maximum parsimony and minimum evolution analyses.  相似文献   

We recently identified that DNA methylation of the G0S2 gene was significantly more frequent in squamous lung cancer than in non-squamous lung cancer. However, the significance of G0S2 methylation levels on cancer cells is not yet known. We investigated the effect of G0S2 methylation levels on cell growth, mRNA expression, and chromatin structure using squamous lung cancer cell lines and normal human bronchial epithelial cells. DNA methylation and mRNA expression of G0S2 were inversely correlated, and in one of the squamous lung cancer cell lines, LC-1 sq, G0S2 was completely methylated and suppressed. Overexpression of G0S2 in LC-1 sq did not show growth arrest or apoptosis. The G0S2 gene has been reported to be a target gene of all-trans retinoic acid and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonists. We treated LC-1 sq with 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine, Trichostatin A, all-trans retinoic acid, Wy 14643, or Pioglitazone either alone or in combination. Only 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine restored mRNA expression of G0S2. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that histone H3 lysine 9 was methylated regardless of DNA methylation or mRNA expression. In summary, mRNA expression of G0S2 was regulated mainly by DNA methylation in squamous lung cancer cell lines. When the G0S2 gene was methylated, nuclear receptor agonists could not restore mRNA expression of G0S2 and did not show any additive effect on mRNA expression of G0S2 even after the treatment with 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine.  相似文献   

Molecular markers including inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and 18S rDNA gene sequence markers were combined with a detailed morphological analysis to seek characters that discriminate four taxa of Portulaca oleracea s.l. These taxa were identified as the microspecies Portulaca nitida, Portulaca oleracea, Portulaca rausii and Portulaca granulatostellulata. Morphological characters did not provide a clear distinction among the four taxa of P. oleracea s.l. It was found that mixed populations of the taxa occur in several locations and morphological similarities between the microspecies were detected. ISSR analysis indicates that gene flow among populations of different taxa was high and most of the genetic variation (61.9%) occurs within population. These results are inconsistent with the general characteristics of P. oleracea as a self- or 5% cross-pollinated species. A close relationship between P. oleracea, P. rausii and P. granulatostellulata was supported by ISSR and 18S rDNA gene sequence. The ISSR and 18s data support the specific status of P. nitida as a recently evolved taxon. We conclude that P. oleracea exists as a polymorphic species and is not divisible into microspecies based on seed surface as the primary morphological trait, and inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and 18S rDNA gene sequence markers. We suggest that the taxa do not merit specific rank as morphological characters and absence of a breeding barrier fail to separate the different populations when they become sympatric.  相似文献   

目前,我国西施舌群体分子遗传差异研究结果存在争议。分析我国南北沿海(9个群体)、与广西北海毗邻的越南(1个群体)西施舌核DNA的内转录间隔区2(ITS2)和线粒体DNA的16S rRNA基因(16S)片段核苷酸序列及其二级结构,为解决争议问题提供分子生物学资料。扩增获得西施舌ITS2片段和16S序列,其长度分别为389-402 bp和306 bp,加之下载序列共147条;序列分析显示,74个ITS2序列共有17种基因型,73个16S序列有15种单倍型,其中,长乐(CL)群体独享9种ITS2基因型和5种16S单倍型,非长乐群体(nCL)多数为群体间交叉共享1种或几种基因(单倍)型;基因(单倍)型核苷酸变异位点占5.7%(ITS2)和11.8%(16S);基于ITS2和16S的CL群体和nCL群体间的遗传距离与群体内遗传距离之比分别为2.42和11.08,nCL群体间的平均遗传距离均为0.007;二级结构显示CL群体ITS2的9种基因型和16S的5种单倍型均区别于nCL群体,nCL的ITS2和16S二级结构分别相似;ITS2和16S基因的系统发育分析显示,CL西施舌形成支持率很高(98,96)的单系支,而nCL群体则交叉聚为另一支(98,96)。研究结果揭示,福建西施舌是腔蛤蜊属(Coelomactra)的一个新种。  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic shape, conformation, and thermal stability of ribosomal 23S RNA have been studied by sedimentation velocity analysis, circular dichroism, ultraviolet absorption, and thermal denaturation. The results show that magnesium ion is critically required for maintaining the structural integrity of ribosomal 23S RNA. Upon removal of magnesium ions, the sedimentation coefficient of 21.1 S for native 23 S RNA is reduced to approximately 8.5 S, indicative of a large unfolding of the RNA. A large increase in absorbance at 260 nm in UV spectra of 23S RNA and a decrease in ellipticity near the 265 nm peak which was followed by parallel changes in the 237 nm trough and the 208 nm trough. Furthermore, the melting temperature (Tm) of the 23S RNA is lowered to 50°C from 65°C with a concomitant decrease in the cooperativity of the melting curve of 23S RNA.  相似文献   

In the Adriatic Sea, the correlation between mucilage phenomena and the presence of Gonyaulax fragilis (Schütt) Kofoid (Dinophyta) has been recently demonstrated. The application of PCR-based methods and the development of species-specific molecular probes might represent powerful technologies for rapid and specific monitoring of microalgal species in seawater samples. Here, we report sequencing of the small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA) of G. fragilis and its comparative analysis within the Dinophyta. Total DNAs were extracted and amplified from cultured cells of G. fragilis, which were isolated from natural phytoplanktonic association in the northern Adriatic Sea. Total 18S rDNA gene was amplified using 16S1N and 16S2N primers and sequenced using ad hoc designed internal primers. The primers amplified a product of expected size (length 1700/1800 bp). The phylogenetic analysis carried out by comparing G. fragilis sequence to homologous sequences of Lingulodinium polyedrum (Stein) Dodge, Gonyaulax spinifera (Claparède et Lachmann) Diesing, Protoceratium reticulatum (Claparède et Lachmann) Bütschli revealed a great nucleotide divergence of G. fragilis SSU sequence. Therefore, the SSU sequence could be used as species-specific marker for the identification of this mucilage producer microalga. In addition, such sequence could be used as target to design oligonucleotide probes for the construction of DNA microchips as diagnostic tool for the routine monitoring of harmful algae in seawater. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Observations on living plants and herbarium specimens have convinced us that Synotis otophylla (Compositae–Senecioneae) from south Xizang (Tibet), China, must be merged with the Himalayan Parasenecio chenopodiifolius. However, is the plant a Synotis or a Parasenecio? We have examined floral micro‐morphological and cytological characters of P. chenopodiifolius, and performed molecular phylogenetic analyses based on ITS and ETS sequence data. The anther collar of this taxon is balusterform, and the endothecial tissue cell wall thickenings are radial. These conform to the floral micro‐characters of Synotis but differ from those of Parasenecio, which has subcylindrical anther collars, and polarized endothecial tissue cell wall thickenings. Chromosome counts indicate the taxon has 2n = 40, a number common in Synotis, whereas Parasenecio has 2n = 60. Our phylogenetic analyses based on ITS/ETS sequences also place P. chenopodiifolius in Synotis. We make the new combination S. chenopodiifolia and synonymize S. otophylla.  相似文献   

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