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Our previous study showed that hydroxyurea (Hu) could induce HEL cells to express humanβ-globin gene. However the molecular mechanisms by which the expression of β-globin gene is activated and regulated are poorly understood. Here we show that the binding patterns between the core DNA sequences (HS2 core sequence -10681- -10971 bp , HS3 core sequence -14991- -14716 bp and HS4 core sequence -18586- -18306 bp) of DNase I hypersensitive sites in the human β-globin LCR and nuclear matrix proteins isolated from Hu induced and uninduced HEL cells are quite different. Results demonstrated that nuclear matrix proteins might play important roles in regulating the expression of humanβ-like globin genes through their interaction with HSs (HS2,HS3 and HS4 core sequences) in the LCR. Moreover, the results obtained from the in vitro DNA-matrix binding assay showed that the core DNA sequences of DNase I hypersensitive sites (HS2, HS3 and HS4) were unable to bind to the nuclear matrix isolated from uninduced HEL cel  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae cytolysin/hemolysin (VCC) is a 65 kDa β-pore-forming toxin causing lysis and death of eukaryotic cells. Apart from the core cytolysin domain, VCC has two lectin domains with β-trefoil and β-prism folds. The β-prism domain binds to cell surface carbohydrate receptors; the role of the β-trefoil domain is unknown. Here, we show that the pro-VCC mutant without the β-trefoil domain formed aggregates highly susceptible to proteolysis, suggesting lack of a properly folded compact structure. The VCC variants with Trp532Ala or Trp534Ala mutation in the β-trefoil domain formed hemolytically inactive, protease-resistant, ring-shaped SDS-labile oligomers with diameters of ~19 nm. The Trp mutation induced a dramatic change in the global conformation of VCC, as indicated by: (a) the change in surface polarity from hydrophobic to hydrophilic; (b) movement of core Trp residues to the protein-water interface; and (c) decrease in reactivity to the anti-VCC antibody by >100-fold. In fact, the mutant VCC had little similarity to the wild toxin. However, the association constant for the carbohydrate-dependent interaction mediated by the β-prism domain decreased marginally from ~3×108 to ~5×107 M?1. We interpret the observations by proposing: (a) the β-trefoil domain is critical to the folding of the cytolysin domain to its active conformation; (b) the β-prism domain is an autonomous folding unit.  相似文献   

Summary DNA analysis of the - and -globin gene clusters has revealed substantial variability between individuals and populations. As well as restriction enzyme site and length polymorphisms, variation in gene copy number and type is observed. Because of this extensive polymorphism DNA analysis offers a highly informative method of studying genetic affinities between human populations. Haplotypes, consisting of a set of restriction enzyme polymorphisms distributed along the cluster, have been developed for both loci. Analysis of the molecular basis of numerous -thalassaemia alleles has revealed, in general, different sets of mutations in different populations, indicating that these postdate the racial divergence. Recent microepidemiological studies on the distribution of -thalassaemia support the hypothesis that this condition, like the {ie16-1}, has been selected because it confers protection against malaria. Population-specific DNA polymorphisms at these and other loci promise to be of considerable value to genetic anthropology.  相似文献   

The binding of nuclear proteins prepared from mouse erythroid tissue in different developmental stages to the 5'-flanking regulatory elements of human globin gene, two negative control regions(NCR1, -610 to -490 bp; NCR2,-338 to -233bp), was identified. Two stage specific protein factors corresponding to embryonic and fetal stages were found to be capable of binding to NCR2. These data provided evidence that the cis acting elements of the 5'-flanking region might be involved in the developmental control of globin gene and NCR2 might be responsible in part for the silence of globin gene in the embryonic and fetal stages.  相似文献   

Summary Northern blot analysis using probes specific for each of the human embryonic (), fetal (), and adult () globin genes indicates that the human lymphoblastoid F-265 cells express the embryonic and fetal globin genes. Unlike: the erythroid cell line K562, in which globin RNA levels increase during treatment with hemin in culture, globin RNA levels decrease in F-265 cells in the presence of hemin. This effect is reversible after passage of F-265 cells in fresh medium without hemin. Both the rates of globin RNA synthesis and the presence of DNase I-hypersensitive sites in hemin treated and untreated F-265 cells were investigated to identify the levels at which globin gene expression is controlled.  相似文献   

Three pairs of oligonucleotide primers based on partial DNA and amino acid sequences were used in a combination of PCR experiments to amplify the -globin gene of the bivalve mollusc Anadara trapezia. The sequence of 2,139 by presented contains the whole of the -globin gene with the exception of the 5 flanking sequence. This gene possesses the three-exon-and-two-intron gene structure typical of vertebrate globin genes but the lengths of the introns (762 by and 690 bp, respectively) are only approximately half the size of those present in a -variant gene previously characterized from this organism. The encoded amino acid sequence shows two changes when compared to the previously published amino acid sequence. Correspondence to: A.G. Mackinlay  相似文献   

The cellular response to DNA damage induced by γ-irradiation activates cell-cycle arrest to permit DNA repair and to prevent replication. Cyclin D1 is the key molecule for transition between the G1 and S phases of the cell-cycle, and amplification or overexpression of cyclin D1 plays pivotal roles in the development of several human cancers. To study the regulation of cyclin D1 in the DNA-damaged condition, we analyzed the proteolytic regulation of cyclin D1 expression upon γ-irradiation. Upon γ-irradiation, a rapid reduction in cyclin D1 levels was observed prior to p53 stabilization, indicating that the stability of cyclin D1 is controlled in a p53-independent manner. Further analysis revealed that irradiation facilitated ubiquitination of cyclin D1 and that a proteasome inhibitor blocked cyclin D1 degradation under the same conditions. Interestingly, after mutation of threonine residue 286 of cyclin D1, which is reported to be the GSK-3β phosphorylation site, the mutant protein showed resistance to irradiation-induced proteolysis although inhibitors of GSK-3β failed to prevent cyclin D1 degradation. Rather, ATM inhibition markedly prevented cyclin D1 degradation induced by γ-irradiation. Our data indicate that communication between ATM and cyclin D1 may be required for maintenance of genomic integrity achieved by rapid arrest of the cell-cycle, and that disruption of this crosstalk may increase susceptibility to cancer.  相似文献   

Calcification of soft tissue leads to serious diseases and has been associated with bacterial chronic infections. However, the origin and the molecular mechanisms of calcification remain unclear. Here we hypothesized that a human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa deposits extracellular calcium, a process requiring carbonic anhydrases (CAs). Transmission electron microscopy confirmed the formation of 0.1-0.2 μm deposits by P. aeruginosa PAO1 growing at 5 mM CaCl2, and X-ray elemental analysis confirmed they contain calcium. Quantitative analysis of deposited calcium showed that PAO1 deposits 0.35 and 0.75 mM calcium/mg protein when grown at 5 mM and 10 mM CaCl2, correspondingly. Fluorescent microscopy indicated that deposition initiates at the cell surface. We have previously characterized three PAO1 β-class CAs: psCA1, psCA2, and psCA3 that hydrate CO2 to HCO3, among which psCA1 showed the highest catalytic activity (Lotlikar et. al. 2013). According to immunoblot and RT-qPCR, growth at elevated calcium levels increases the expression of psCA1. Analyses of the deletion mutants lacking one, two or all three psCA genes, determined that psCA1 plays a major role in calcium deposition and contributes to the pathogen’s virulence. In-silico modeling of the PAO1 β-class CAs identified four amino acids that differ in psCA1 compared to psCA2, and psCA3 (T59, A61A, A101, and A108), and these differences may play a role in catalytic rate and thus calcium deposition. A series of inhibitors were tested against the recombinant psCA1, among which aminobenzene sulfonamide (ABS) and acetazolamide (AAZ), which inhibited psCA1 catalytic activity with KIs of 19 nM and 37 nM, correspondingly. The addition of ABS and AAZ to growing PAO1 reduced calcium deposition by 41 and 78, respectively. Hence, for the first time, we showed that the β-CA psCA1 in P. aeruginosa contributes to virulence likely by enabling calcium salt deposition, which can be partially controlled by inhibiting its catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Summary Mapping of the DNA from 14 Mediterranean subjects indicates a genetic variation in an Hinf I recognition site located 1 kilobase 5 to the -globin gene. This Hinf I site was found associated with eight -thalassemic genes and 11 normal genes, and hence is not specifically linked to -thalassemia.  相似文献   



Structural requirements for the β1 integrin functions in cell adhesion, spreading and signaling have been well documented mainly for fibroblasts. In this study, we examined the reason for the reduced surface expression of β1 integrin in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells compared to normal human breast epithelial (HBE) cells, both of which adhered to collagen type IV.  相似文献   

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